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APPENDIX to Chapter 4 i

the only use of the word ‘nitsdaq’ in

APPENDIX the entire OT. It comes from the

verbal form ‘tsadaq’. Chapter 4
(pages 46-51) and the Appendix to
Chapter 1 (pages xiv to xxv) provide
One theologian makes the following great detail on this subject. A very
observations in connection with Ch 4: special purpose is intended in Dan
The root tsadaq is very frequent in 8:14 otherwise the more common but
the OT (some 509 times) but not narrow ‘taher’ (to cleanse, purify)
once is it used in connection with would have been used. It is indeed a
the Levitical sacrificial rituals. It is non-cultic word, that is to say it was
not a sacrificial word. It is quite not used in the typical Day of
singular as you note, to have Atonement service to describe
“sanctuary” in Dan 8:14 as the cleansing of the typical sanctuary. A
direct object of this verb. Isn’t the much more cosmic meaning is
evidence for the Day of Atonement intended. Table 4 on page 50 and
in Dan 8:14 on rather shaky pages xiv to xxv of the Appendix to
ground given that nitsdaq is a non- Ch 1 bring into view that special
cultic word and “sanctuary” refers meaning which Daniel intended.
to the sanctuary in general and not Justification by faith of the righteous
the Most Holy place in particular? is intended. Vindication of the
Isn’t it better to base the judgment righteous by condemnation of the
theme in the text on the judicial wicked is intended. Acquittal in a
meaning of nitsdaq and the clear judgment setting is intended. The
parallel with Dan 7:9-11? word ‘taher’ could never convey
J. Justesen1 reports that the root such multilayered meaning.
appears 521 times in the Old
Testament, 41 times as a verb. These This meaning is inescapable from the
occurrences are listed in Table 2 on use of tsadaq in Isa 53:11 and its
page 48. It is correct that the word derivatives in Gen 15:6 and
‘tsadaq’ is never used in connection Habakkuk 2:4. Paul seals the
with the Levitical sacrificial rituals meaning by quoting the latter two OT
and never takes the sanctuary as its texts in Romans 1:17 and 4:3,
object. (See page 46). In three OT replacing the tsadaq word group with
occasions where cleansing followed the dikaios word group. Paul uses
defilement of the sanctuary the dikaios word group to amplify
(Ahaz/Hezekiah; Manasseh/Josiah; justification by faith. It is therefore
Eliashib/Nehemiah. the word ‘taher’ inescapable that the origin of
is used. See xxiv of App to Ch 1. It judgment in Dan 8:14 is the heavenly
is significant therefore that the word sanctuary (God’s throne) and its
‘nitsdaq’ is used in Dan 8:14 for a recipients are the righteous, not the
purported ‘cleansing’ of a sanctuary, horn power. This is confirmed by
Dan 7:22.
Jerome Justeson. “On The Meaning Of
Tsadaq”. Andrews University Seminary Studies
(1964) Vol 2 pp 52-61.
APPENDIX to Chapter 4 ii

In addition to chapter 4, consider the convey the higher meaning of

following tsadaq links to the cleansing and vindication by
sanctuary: combining legal and redemptive
imagery within a sanctuary setting.
A person who went to the sanctuary It all culminates in the resolution of
(temple) who had been loyal to the the sin problem. ‘Taher’ would
covenant was considered by God to never have been able to convey such
be righteous (Psalm 24:3-6. See also elevated meaning.
Deut 26:13-15). Those participating
in sanctuary services were required to The last part of the question suggests
be ‘tsaddiq’ (righteous). (Ps 15:1-2) that one should see a judicial
Righteousness is a gift from God meaning in ‘nitsdaq’ which is
(Ps 4:1; 17:1). The righteous one paralleled with the judgment scene in
(‘tsaddiq’) was a person whose sins Dan 7:9-11. This is correct. The
had been forgiven by the Lord (Ps word is rich in judgment meaning,
32:1, 5, 11). This righteousness was allowing not only a parallel with Dan
granted in the sanctuary (temple) 7:9-10 but also Lev 16. The link to
through a priestly declaration. Lev 16 is thus established without
(Ps 24:5). In the setting of the reliance on the KJV-translated word
sanctuary, a righteous person is a ‘cleansed’. But it would be quite
vindicated person (Ps 7:8-9. See also incorrect to suggest it is the little horn
35:24-25). In the Psalms, access to that is being judged in Dan 7:9-11
the sanctuary required righteousness and in Dan 8:14. Ch 4 delivers
(‘tsadaq’) and in Leviticus it required substantial argument which
cleanness (Lev 13:46; 14:1-20). To demonstrates that the verb ‘tsadaq’
declare a person clean is the same as has to do with the notion of restoring
declaring the person righteous. righteousness to those whose right to
(Isaiah 53:11). ‘Tsadaq’ played a regain it has been taken away. If
prominent role in the typical you are in Christ your sad sin record
sanctuary services; they literally wrongly accuses you of a crime
revolved around ‘tsadaq’. because you are already justified!
A worshipper entered the sanctuary This type of judgment cannot
through the gates of righteousness (Ps possibly apply to the little horn. (See
118:19) and brought a sacrifice of Tables 2, 3 and 4 in Ch 4). The
righteousness (Ps 4:5; 51:19). The wicked one served as the accuser in
priest clothed with righteousness (Ps court (Zech 3:1-4; Psalm 35:1).
118:19) interceded on the behalf of What we have in Dan 7:9-10 is
the penitent before the Lord of vindication of the righteous that
righteousness (Ps 11:7) and thus confirms the evil of the wicked. This
received in the sanctuary aligns with Psalm 7:8-9; 26:1-2
righteousness from God (Ps 24:5). where the verb ‘tsadaq’ is also used.
For all these reasons ‘tsadaq’ and In order to restore the righteous the
the sanctuary services are wicked that caused the disruption are
unmistakably connected and it is the condemned and removed. In Dan
only word Daniel could have used to 7:10-11 the righteous are vindicated
APPENDIX to Chapter 4 iii

by judgment and although the little The parallels in Job and Psalms do
horn is condemned, its judgment and not make tsadaq a sacrificial word.
its final destruction occur after the Clearly one can use in parallel
millennium (Rev 20). The words from diverse semantic
parallelism to the judgment scene in usages. I could say:
Dan 7:9-11 certainly reflects the “His wrath is a fire
judicial meaning of ‘nitsdaq’ but its His anger a storm”
redemptive meaning must not be But that does not make “fire” and
overlooked – something which must “storm” synonyms or even from
of necessity exclude the little horn as the same semantic fields.
the object of judgment in both Dan
7:10-11 and Dan 8:14. The parallels are not meant to make
‘tsadaq’ a sacrificial word but rather
If this point is still unclear to teach us more about ‘tsadaq’ by
I encourage you to scrutinize Ch 4 the company it keeps. Table 3 on
and the Appendix to Ch 1 again, to page 49 only seeks to establish that
gain a fulsome understanding of the there is a close association between
word ‘tsadaq’. It is inescapable that ‘tsadaq’ and other Hebrew words that
the little horn simply cannot be the have as their primary meaning
object of judgment in Dan 8:14, “clean”, “justified”, “pure” and
unless the horn exercises faith in “blameless”. This is elucidated by
Christ leading to justification. pages xxvii-xxviii of App to Ch 1.
That the word ‘tsadaq’ boils down to
Chapter 7 and the Appendix to meaning ‘justification of the
chapter 7 (pages iii-iv) present righteous ’ has been demonstrated in
compelling evidence that the Ch 4 without reliance on
heavenly sanctuary depicted in the synonymous parallelisms which is
book of Hebrews is indeed a supplementary evidence that just
“sanctuary” and not any specific happens to align with “justification of
apartment. This must be as the the righteous’.
heavenly sanctuary is veil-less2.
There has been discussion amongst Hebrew parallelisms are not novel in
SDA scholars about ‘geo-spatial’ this manuscript just to make a case.
properties in the heavenly sanctuary Jerome Justeson3 identified their
but the dominant theme in Hebrews is legitimacy in 1964 as did John
a heavenly sanctuary as a whole in Anderson in 20034.
which Christ ministers on our behalf.
(See Ch 7 Table 4). If the theologian’s example of ‘fire’
and storm’ appear as often in
Another comment has been made Scripture as the examples listed in
with respect to Table 3 on page 49: Table 3 (p.49) then one must be

2 3
This is confirmed by EG White in ‘Youth’s 1964 AUSS Vol 2: 52-61.
Instructor’ June 21, 1900. (Quoted in SDABC JT Anderson ‘Investigating the Judgment’
Vol 5:1109). See also COL p.386. R&H pages 50-53.
APPENDIX to Chapter 4 iv

forgiven for seeing ‘fire’ and ‘storm’ 3. Paul parallels dikaios

as synonymous terms if there is derivatives with tsadaq
substantial evidence elsewhere in derivatives to explain how
Scripture. This is how Ch 4 treats the God justifies sinners
synonymous parallelisms, secondary (worshippers). See page xxv
evidence, not primary. of App to Ch 1. Paul reserves
justification language strictly
Criticism that Adventists erroneously for the penitent worshipper.
rely on Dan 8:14 to translate as
“cleansed” fails against these 4. The purpose of the ‘daily’ in
parallelisms, fails against the material the type was that the
presented to the previous question worshipper as an individual
and absolutely fails against all the may be justified. The purpose
material presented in Ch 4. It is an of the Day of Atonement in
old argument and with respect, its the type was that worshippers
proponents would do well to catch as a congregation may be
up. clean, to justify them by faith
as they rested from their
Can worshippers also be the works. (Lev 16:30).
object of ‘cleansed’ in Dan 8:14?
Dan 8:14 makes the sanctuary (the From 1857 onwards the SDA
‘qodesh’) the object of nitsdaq. On Pioneers did not include
what grounds can the worshipper also justification of the worshipper in
be included? the investigative judgment
doctrine as justification by faith
1. scholars on each side of the was given belated attention in
debate agree the judgment 1888.
scene of Dan 7:9-10 parallels
the sanctuary scene of Dan The gospel of righteousness by
8:14. Judgment originates faith is endemic in the typical
from the heavenly sanctuary, sanctuary services and extends to
God’s throne (Dan 8:14) but the final consummation of the
its recipients are God’s people Second Advent. That includes us,
(Dan 7:9-10, 22). here today. Cross examination of
the investigative judgment has
2. OT usage of tsadaq (the verb) indeed taken us to the foot of the
often makes the penitent the cross where we may receive the
recipient. See pages xix to xxi assurance we are ‘tsadiqq’ before
of App to Ch 1. Conversely God – but only because Christ’s
nowhere except in Dan 8:14 is righteous robe fully covers our
the sanctuary made the object shabby righteousness, by faith.
of nitsdaq. The worshipper For us the outcome of the
must also be included. judgment is foregone conclusion –
we are acquitted!

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