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Chapter 10 124

9:24, so there is no basis to apply

22 Points the principle in these instances).
See Chapter 2 in its entirety.

3. That these 2300 years begin

Dr Ford lists 22 points as centuries before the “little horn”
representative of a prolonged series began his attack on the sanctuary.
of assumptions and inferences that (Though in the context, the 2300
provide “perilous dependence” for has been understood by many as
the Adventist position on the applying to the length of time the
sanctuary interpretation of 1844 and little horn is trampling the
the investigative judgment. sanctuary underfoot and
suspending its daily offerings).
For those who do not have the time to See page 33 point 3 and chapter 3 in
read Dr Ford’s “Dan 8:14 The Day of its entirety.
Atonement and The Investigative
Judgment” it is fair to say that his 22 4. That the 2300 years begin at
points summarise the entirety of the the same time as the seventy weeks.
publication. (Though there is no Scripture to
say so. The Hebrew chatak means
Let us list each one and refer the “cut” or “decree” and there is no
reader to the specific pages in this way of proving that the cutting off
work that deals with it: of the 490 from 2300 is intended).
See pages 57-58; 82-83.
1 That Dan 8:14 speaks of
2300 days. (While Dan 12 5. That it is possible to be
repeatedly uses the Hebrew word certain of the exact year that the
for days, it is not to be found in seventy weeks begin. (Though
8:14. Instead we have the exegetes have never been agreed on
ambiguous “evening morning” this point. Is the decree like that of
which most apply to the evening 9:23, a heavenly one from God or
morning burnt offerings. Thus from an earthly king?)
instead of 2300 days, if these See Chap 5.
exegetes are correct, only 1150 days
are in view). 6. That the decree of
See Chap 2, espec p.33 (points 1, 2). Aratxerxes recorded in Ezra 7 has
to do with the restoring and
2. That these 2300 “days” building of Jerusalem. (Though
equal 2300 years. (Though it is there is nothing in Ezra 7 that says
quite impossible to prove that the this. The context says that this
Year-day principle is a Biblical decree, like those of Cyrus and
datum, and even if we could, days Darius, had to do with the temple.
are not mentioned in either 8:14 or The magistrates were to enforce
the temple laws. See Ezra 6:14

Chapter 10 125

which places this decree among the of the Annointed One in AD 27 /

temple decrees). AD28.
See pages 62-72.
10. That AD 31 was the date of
7. That the decree of Ezra 7 the crucifixion. (Almost all
“went forth” in 457 BC when Ezra scholars hold to other years, not
had arrived in Jerusalem and set to this one. Evidence from Grace
work. (Though Ezra never says Amadon’s researches, often used
this and the decree had been by SDAs, is based on doubtful
announced at least six months assumptions, as admitted in our
earlier. There is nothing in Daniel own commentary).
to say that this decree should be If the starting date of 457 BC is
dated from the time of its accepted and the Year-day principle
implementation rather than its is accepted and the links between
enunciation). Dan 9:24 and 8:14 are recognized,
See pages 62-72. then it follows that the prophecy
foretold the death of the Annointed
8. That we can show 408 BC to One in the midst of the last week of
be the time when the restoration of the seventy sevens period.
the city was completed. (Admitted
by Adventist scholars to be an 11. That AD 34 was the date of
impossible task). the gospel going to the Gentiles.
This is indeed an impossible task. (Though there is no way of proving
If the starting date of 457 BC is that AD 34 was the time of the
accepted and the Year-day principle stoning of Stephen, and Acts 13:46
is accepted and the links between presents the turning to the Gentiles
Dan 9:24 and 8:14 are recognized, at a much later date).
then it follows that the prophecy “By the stoning of Stephen
foretold a 49 year period to rebuild (Acts 7:54) the Jews sealed
the city. That is all we need to know. their final rejection of the
gospel. The disciples who
9. That we can show that AD were scattered abroad by
27 was the date of Christ’s persecution “went everywhere
baptism. (A similarly difficult feat). preaching the word” (Acts 8:4)
Luke 3:1 records that Jesus’ baptism and shortly after, Saul the
occurred in the 15th year of Tiberius persecutor was converted and
Caesar (Tiberius Claudius Nero). His became Paul the apostle to the
first regnal year was AD 14 making Gentiles”. (PK 699).
his 15th year AD 28. If the starting
date of 457 BC is accepted and the Acts 13:46 in the KJV can read as
Year-day principle is accepted and confirmation of the earlier-decided
the links between Dan 9:24 and 8:14 transition as it is not specific enough
are recognized, then it follows that to mark the transition.
the prophecy foretold the appearance

Chapter 10 126

12. That the 2300 days end with See chapter 7 with Appendix.
the beginning of the antitypical
Day of Atonement. (Though the 15. That the sanctuary of Daniel
Day of Atonement revolved around 8:14 means the sanctuary in
the sacrifice for sin, an event we heaven. (Though the context is
believe took place about 18 about the sanctuary on earth).
centuries earlier. The divesting of See pages 41-44.
His glorious robes by the high
priest prefigured the incarnation of 16. That “cleansed” is an
Christ which did not take place in accurate translation in Dan 8:14.
1844. The Book of Hebrews clearly (Though this is certainly not the
applies the Day of Atonement in case).
antitype to Christs’ priestly See pp 46-50 and App to Ch 1 and 4.
offering of Himself on Calvary,
though the Christian era is 17. That the sanctuary on the
included as we wait for our High Day of Atonement was cleansed
Priest to come out). from defilement occasioned by the
See chapter 7 (with Appendix) confession of sin and ministration
and chapter 8. of blood. (Though Numbers 19:13
etc indicate that the sanctuary was
13. That until this date was defiled when a person sinned,
reached, Christ was doing that regardless of whether confession
work prefigured by the first was made. In most cases blood
apartment outside the veil. never went into the sanctuary).
(Though Hebrews tells us that the See pp 46-50 and Appendix to Ch 4.
work of that apartment symbolized
the ineffectual offerings of the 18. That the cleansing of the
Levitical era when men had sanctuary in Dan 8:14 has to do
restricted access to God and with the sins of the professed
experienced outward ceremonial believers in Christ. (Though the
cleansing rather than perfection of context has to do with a defilement
the conscience), accomplished by Anti-Christ, not
See chapters 7 (with Appendix) the host of God’s people who are
and chapter 8. suffering, not sinning, in the
14. That the work symbolized by See pp 46-50 and App to Ch 1 and 4.
the second apartment of the
sanctuary was not to begin till over 19. That this cleansing of Dan
1800 years after the Cross. 8:14 is also found in Dan 7 in its
(Though Heb 9:8, 12, 24, 25; 10:19, judgment scene and that the latter
20; 6:19, 20 says Christ entered also has to do with investigation of
“within the veil” at His ascension). the sins of the saints. (Though
The sprinkling of the blood on the again in Dan 7 as in 8, it is a wicked
mercy seat took place immediately power which is the focus of the
after its shedding. judgment).
Chapter 10 127

See pp 46-50; 53-55; App Ch 1 & 4. antitypical Day of Atonement.

(Though Oct 22, 1844 was not the
20. That Rev 14:7 has to do with day observed by contemporary
the same investigative judgment of Jews, even the majority of
the sins of the saints. (Though Karaites. Neither is there evidence
John never uses the word krisis that the baptism of Christ or the
other than in a negative sense – for stoning of Stephen took place on
unbelievers, and though the very the Day of Atonement which would
next verse tells us that it is Babylon have been necessary if the 49 years,
which endures the judgment, as the the 434, 490 and 2300 years are
later chapters of Revelation also each precise in terminus. In
testify). contrast observe that Ellen White
John presents the krisis for could write; “I saw that God was in
unbelievers in Rev 20:12-15. It the proclamation of the time in
occurs after the millennium. The 1843… Ministers were convinced of
judgment of Rev 14:7 is indeed a the correctness of the positions
krisis for professed believers who do taken on the prophetic periods”
not rest in God ( pp 105-106). Dan 7 (SG 232). Observe she is talking
depicts a judgment scene before the about the 1843 terminus, not Oct
second advent which must be the 22, 1844, Furthermore she is
judgment of the righteous (pages 11- speaking of periods ending then,
12; see App to Ch 1 pp xiv-xxiv) as not just one period. Miller had
the wicked are judged after the over a dozen, including the 6000
millennium. Rev 14:7 depicts an years, the seven times, the 1335
announcement of fact the judgment days etc).
has come and the announcement is I do not hold to a particular day and
made before the second advent (vs month when considering 1844. Such
14). The interpretation that Rev 14:7 precision is unimportant. My view is
depicts a pre-advent announcement of that the terminus of the 2300 day
judgment that has arrived only makes period is 1844. I welcome direction
sense in the context of all that has on the value of dates specific to the
been written in this document. In day and month.
isolation the text can be interpreted in
a variety of ways. Good News
For Adventists
21. That verses like Acts 3:19
A publication entitled ‘Good News
point to the investigative judgment. for Adventists’ comprising 39 pages
(None of such verses studied in
was published by Good News
context yield any such conclusion).
Unlimited in 2000. It is a simple
I do not share that view but welcome
distillation of more scholarly work
direction if it does point to an
produced by Dr Ford in prior years
investigative judgment.
and is aimed at Adventist laity. I am
not so sure the title is appropriate
22. That much depends upon because it has an unsettling effect on
Oct 22, 1844 as the beginning of the
Chapter 10 128

those Adventists who are not well term used is not ‘days’ but
informed. The following is an honest ‘evening-mornings’. So the phrase
attempt to respond to residual literally refers to ‘2300 evening-
objections raised in the publication. mornings’ or as many modern
Objections are listed in bold and scholars recognize, perhaps 1150
answers to each are in plain typeface. total days. The KJV translation
has been proven inaccurate. What
Daniel 8:14 is linked to Leviticus 16 then is the meaning of ‘2300
by the word ‘cleansed’. From this evening-mornings’? Is it perhaps a
assumption comes the belief that reference to the evening-morning
Daniel 8:14 refers to the Day of sacrifices of the Jewish sanctuary?
Atonement. The word used for But here we see Adventism
‘cleansed’ in Daniel 8:14 is not the building a doctrine upon a Hebrew
word used for ‘cleansed’ in term not even found in its major
Leviticus 16. Thus there is no proof text and the translation of
legitimate way of leap-frogging that text is still debatable. (page 8)
from Daniel 8:14 back to the Day See Chapter 2. This objection also
of Atonement chapter in Leviticus implies that no doctrine should be
16”. (page 8) founded on a single Scriptural
See pp 46-52 and App to Ch 1 & 4. passage (particularly one which itself
The “nitsdaq/tsadaq” study in App requires interpretation) but must be
to Ch1 (xiv-xxiv) and Ch 4 built on the testimony of two or three
wholeheartedly supports that witnesses to establish it. It is correct
translation “cleansed”. The Greek the number 2300 appears but once in
word translated “purified” in Scripture. That such single
Hebrews 9:23 KJV (and translated appearance does not depreciate its
“cleansed” in the NAS and ASV) worth is evident from the number
comes from the same Greek word the ‘seventy sevens’ which also appears
Septuagint uses in Lev 16 and Dan but once, yet it points to the biggest
8:14 in reference to cleansing the event in human history. In both cases
sanctuary. Thus Heb 9:23 is making the date serves as a pointer to a
a direct reference to Dan 8:14. Two momentous event. Our purpose must
non-Adventist scholars also see a be to look past the date and to the
reference to the DA in the heavenly event itself. The doctrine is not the
sanctuary in Heb 9:23.1 date so objection to a solitary passage
for the date is a secondary one. There
Traditional Adventism teaches that is only one reference for the 2300 day
the word for ‘days’ in Daniel 8:14 time period but not so for the pre-
means just that – 2300 full twenty- advent investigative judgment. The
four hour days. But the Hebrew name ‘investigative judgment’ has
been criticized as it is never referred
Craig Koester “Hebrews” The Anchor Bible to as such in Scripture but this is also
Series (Doubleday New York, NY) 2001 p.247 true for the ‘pre-advent judgment’
and David De Silva “Perseverance in Gratitude”
(William B Eerdmanns Pub Company, Grand and ‘the millennium’. The English
Rapids, Michigan) 2000 pp 312-313 phrase 2300 ‘days’ does indeed
Chapter 10 129

derive from the Hebrew phrase 2300 exactly in 457 BC. Why? Because
‘evening morning’ which is also it is assumed that the decree to
found in Genesis 1. Chapter 2 deals restore and rebuild Jerusalem
with the objection. If unequivocal (Daniel 9:25) was fulfilled by King
clarity is the absolute prerequisite for Artaxerxes 1 in 457 BC. (Ezra
all statements of inspiration, 7:13-26). However the decree
theologians would quickly be out of a found in Ezra 7 deals with
job and the books of Daniel and restoring the temple, not the city.
Revelation would not have been Furthermore the Bible says that
closed until the time of the end. The Cyrus is the only king that will
messenger instructs us to “know and ‘rebuild my city’ (Isaiah 44:28) –
understand”. That instruction implies not Artaxerxes. A further point is
studious effort resistant to gnat- that most scholars flatly reject 457
straining while swallowing camels. BC and Artaxerxes 1 as the author
of the decree, as the date for Ezra’s
Traditional Adventism teaches that return to Jerusalem. (Page 8)
the ‘seventy weeks’ of Dan 9:24 are See Chapter 5.
the first part of the 2300 days of
Daniel 8:14. Why? It is felt that Traditional Adventism teaches that
the word ‘determined’ in Dan 9:24 Christ ascended to the first
should be translated ‘cut off’. So apartment of the heavenly
Adventism cuts off (subtracts) sanctuary (the holy place). This
seventy weeks from the 2300 days. ‘holy place’ phase of Christ’s
We feel such exegetical footwork is ministry, supposedly continued
unwarranted. Overwhelming until October 22, 1844. At that
evidence from every Hebrew time Christ moved into the second
lexicon reveals that ‘determined’ is apartment of the heavenly
the meaning of Daniel 9:24, not sanctuary (the most holy place) to
‘cut off’. In some non-Biblical begin a special work of
literature the Hebrew word can ‘investigative judgment’. In other
mean ‘cut off’. But such is not the words it was 1800 years after the
case in Daniel 9:24. (page 8) cross until Jesus finally began His
The chazon/mar’eh word study in ‘most holy place’ ministry. The
pages 57-58 and 82-83 Scriptural support for the above
wholeheartedly supports the position comes from a serious
connection. misunderstanding of Hebrews 9.
Hebrews 9 teaches that Christ
The word ‘tsadaq’ translated entered ‘within the veil’, that is
‘restored’ is translated less ‘the most holy place’ at His
accurately as ‘cleansed’ to allow ascension (Heb 6:19-20; 9:8, 12, 24,
erroneously linking of Daniel 8:14 25; 10:19-20). In fact, Hebrews
with Leviticus 16. tells us that the first apartment
See pp 46-52; App to Ch 1 xix-xxiv. phase of the sanctuary service,
Traditional Adventism asserts that symbolized the ineffectual and now
the 2300 days (and 70 weeks) begin obsolete offerings of the Levitical
Chapter 10 130

era (9:9-10). It was the Most Holy by Justinian as the means of uniting
Place ministry that truly typified all the churches in the East and West
the work of Christ (Heb 9:8, 24, under Justinian’s imperial
25). The News Testament knows of dominance. Thus began with
no double phase ministry of Christ Vigilius the process whereby the
in the heavenly sanctuary. Read popes became more and more men of
SDABC on Hebrews 9 whose the State as well as the church and
writers are only echoing what all often became rulers of the State.
other New Testament scholars have AD 538 is clearly a significant date
said for centuries. (page 9) for these reasons.
See Chapter 7 with Appendix.
(iii) 1798 is not particularly
The Papacy significant. Papal persecution
ceased long before that. The pope
(i) Was not supreme over Europe’s
was placed at the mercy of the French
monarchs from 538-1798. About
Revolutionary Government in 1798
three centuries is nearer the mark.
which advised him Roman religion
The prophetic time period contains
would become the irreconcilable
three stages of papal influence: rising
enemy of the French Republic. He
to dominance (538-1000), full
was taken prisoner by General
dominance (1000-1300) declining
Berthier who proclaimed the political
dominance (1300-1798). See (ii) and
rule of the papacy at an end. The
(iii) that follows:
pope died in exile. It is not the
pope’s death or captivity which is
(ii) The Ostrogoths were not
significant but the removal of his
uprooted in AD 538. The correct
political power. It should not escape
date is 554. Justinian’s decree of AD
our notice that AD 538 not only
533 legally recognized the pope’s
marked the beginning of the release
ecclesiastical supremacy but could
of the pope’s captivity giving him
not be put into effect while the Arian
freedom to exercise political rule and
Ostrogothic kingdom was in control
1798 marked the beginning of the
of Rome. It is correct that the
pope’s French captivity marking the
Ostrogothic nation was conquered
end of Rome’s church-state system.
many years after AD 538 but in that
Within that time span persecution
year Justinian landed another army in
could be levied and there is no
Italy and in March AD 538 the
expectation that it would promptly
Ostrogoths abandoned the siege of
begin in 538 and abruptly cease in
Rome. This marked the real end of
1798. See answer to (i).
Ostrogothic power (though not of
their nation) and it marked the release
(i) The judgment of Daniel 7 occurs
of pope Vigilius from Arian control
while antichrist is ‘wearing out’ the
allowing him freedom to exercise the
prerogatives of Justinian’s earlier
It is impossible to lock down the first
decree. Vigilius owed his office to
14 verses to specific time points
Empress Theodora and was regarded
because they cover a broad expanse
Chapter 10 131

from ancient Babylon to the Second judgment beginning and ending at

Advent. The same broad sweep is specific times will fail because the
evident in verses 25-26. The verse and context cover a broad
persecution referred to in the expanse.
objection is depicted in verses 8 and
25 and renewed persecution by the The little horn is judged in Daniel
little horn immediately prior to the 8, not God’s people. The judgment
Advent is depicted in verses 11 and verses in Daniel 7 speak of
26. judgment upon antichrist not
believers (Verses 10-11; 25-26).
(ii) Daniel 12:7 uses the same Daniel 7:22 says that the judgment
imagery saying that destruction of is ‘in favor of the saints’ (NASB)
antichrist comes when the not of the saints.
shattering of God’s people over ‘a See pp 53-54; App to Ch 1 xiv-xxiv.
time, times, and a half’ ceases. The little horn cannot be judged in
This is not the same historical point the sense of a vindicative judgment
as 2300 years after the decree to which is what is portrayed here but it
rebuild Jerusalem. SDAs believe is certainly condemned as a result of
papal persecution ceased in 1798, that judgment. The theme of Daniel
not in 1844. is vindication of God’s people who
have been oppressed by powers
The following quotation is Dr Ford’s contrary to God’s government. The
1978 response when he was verb tsadaq has to do with the notion
sympathetic to historicism: of restoring righteousness to those
whose right to regain it has been
“The answer given now to taken away. This type of judgment
Daniel is that the time of the cannot apply to the little horn.
unsealing of the book and the See Ps 7:8-9; 26:1-2 where the verb
increase of knowledge could tsadaq is used. The wicked one
not dawn until the long served as the accuser in court (Zech
centuries of papal supremacy 3:1-4; Ps 35:1). What we have in
were over. The message Dan 7:9-10 is vindication of the
concerning the opening of the righteous that confirms the evil of the
judgment and the beginning of wicked. In order to restore the
the eschatological work of righteous the wicked that caused the
vindication could not take disruption are condemned and
place before that period of removed. In Dan 7:10-11; 25-26 the
intense religious activity righteous are vindicated by judgment
succeeding the end of the time, and the little horn is condemned by
times and half a time when its destruction. A ‘must read’ is App
men turned their attention to to Ch 1 pp xiv-xxiv.
latter-day prophecies”. Investigative Judgment
As explained SDAs believe Cannot be understood unless
persecution ceased well before 1798. proficient in original languages,
Attempts to pinpoint persecution and
Chapter 10 132

calendar systems, arithmetic, saints are judged whose

Adventist history and astronomy. examination began in 1844.
I am not proficient in any of these It is understood that not every stick of
and hold no degree in religion. furniture in the earthly sanctuary
I have enjoyed researching the should find an equivalent in the
subject. It has considerably deepened heavenly. This is not the principle of
my understanding of the plan of type and anti-type which endeavors
salvation and justification by faith. to teach a principle. The sacrificial
I heartily recommend the study to any lamb is a type of Christ’s sacrifice
Christian. The extent of detail in my and no extraneous details about a
work was precipitated only by lamb should be exported to the Savior
voluminous scholarly argument other than innocence and compliance.
against the doctrine, otherwise it If you accept that the cleansing
would have been a much shorter read. depicted in Dan 8:14 echoes Day of
Atonement sanctuary language then it
Developed as face-saving device to is unavoidable that God’s people
deal with 1844 Disappointment. come into view in the judgment that
That is a matter of conjecture and is a occurred on that day. The scapegoat
subjective opinion. The pioneers Azazel was not judged on that day,
considered they were right about the only condemned. Similarly the little
date but not the event and subsequent horn is not judged in Dan 8 but
study led them to the answer. A good ultimately condemned.
model for all of us. That faces were
saved was a bonus but not the main Forgiven sins only provisionally
driver. It is incorrect to charge the forgiven.
pioneers with inventing the notion of Quite incorrect. See Chapters 8 and
“vindication” as that is the very 9.
meaning inherent in tsadaq. (See
pages 46-50). They were obviously Any forgiven sin not overcome
on the right track. remains against the believer.
This is incorrect. See ‘The Great
The doctrine robs believers of Controversy’ page 483 and read the
assurance now and vitiates efficacy first paragraph in the context of the
of Calvary. second which in essence says that
When understood in the light of the justification by faith results in not
cross the doctrine does the exact only a full pardon and a blotting out
opposite, considerably strengthening of records but more importantly they
the truth of justification by faith. are “accounted” worthy of eternal
This has been my precise experience life. This does not mean they must
in researching the subject. (See pages be worthy. They are accounted
54-55; 100-104). worthy. This is righteousness by
By relying on the principle “as in faith. See Chapters 8 and 9.
the type so in the antitype” the Hebrews does not teach Christ
doctrine teaches that only the entered the first apartment of

Chapter 10 133

heavenly sanctuary at His New Testament. (The doctrine of

ascension. 1844 and the Investigative
See Chapter 7 and Appendix. Judgment seeks to interpret the
See also SDA Sabbath School Lesson New in the light of the Old.)
Quarterly (July-Sept 2003) pages 71- Hebrews is the only book in the
75; 80-82; 84. Bible that examines the meaning of
the Day of Atonement ceremonies.
The Investigative Judgment is not The early verses of Hebrews 9 tell
to be found in Scripture except for us that the two apartments of the
inferences from debatable earthly sanctuary represent the two
passages. covenants and the two eras of the
It is sincerely hoped the whole of this Old Testament and the New.
work addresses that troubling Verses 8, 12, and 25 say that Christ
proposition. fulfilled the Day of Atonement type
by his death and resurrection
The parallels between Daniel 7 and atonement. Hebrews 9:23
8 equates the cleansing (restoring) (compare 1:3 where the Greek root
of the sanctuary in Daniel 8 with for ‘cleanse’ is the same) tells us
the judgment of Daniel 7 is correct the heavenly sanctuary was
but it is a cleansing from the work cleansed by the sacrifice of Christ
of the little horn (antichrist) not a on Calvary. The very heart of the
cleansing from the sins of the ancient Day of Atonement was the
saints. The question of Daniel 8:13 sacrifice. There was no sacrifice in
is about the little horn to which 1844. Let none think that when
verse 14 is the answer. Jesus cried, ‘It is finished!’ on the
See pp 46-52; 53-54; Append Ch 4. cross he really meant, ‘It is begun.’
Neither should any miss the
When the Investigative Judgment glorious truth that Hebrews clearly
doctrine was first taught, its teaches: Christ entered the
proponents said Christ’s heavenly Most Holy Place by virtue
atonement was not completed until of his death. (Scripture’s
1844. The doctrine has undergone symbolism says he entered the
many changes since than. If we are Most Holy Place through the veil,
saved the same way as the thief on or curtain, which is His body,
the cross, what contribution does 10:19.) Ever since Christ made His
1844 really make? grand entrance, the way into the
See pages 100-104; Append to Ch 6. presence of God has stood open for
the guilty. Christ has dealt with
The issue of 1844 and the sin, and reconciled the world.
Investigative Judgment are easily Salvation has been achieved for all.
resolved by reading Hebrews 9 in It is not our sins dragged up again
any accurate modern translation. in the Investigative Judgment that
It is a well-established Christian excludes us from salvation. Only
principle that the Old Testament is unbelief in the sacrifice of Christ
to be understood in the light of the can exclude us from God’s loving
Chapter 10 134

gift of perfect righteousness and 8:14. In response to such criticism

eternal glory (Rom 5:9-21; 2 Cor they have now linked the two (See
5:14-25; Heb 6:19; 10:11-14, 19- Chapters 3 and 4) and in so doing
22). expand support for Dan 8:14. Critics
See chapter 7 and Appendix and of the investigative judgment should
pages 100-104. ponder why need for a millennium to
judge the wicked “slain by the
You should meditate on whether it brightness of His coming” at the
is legitimate for you or anyone to Second Advent?’ Clearly their
make so much of the exegesis of a destiny is determined at the Second
single verse (i.e. Dan 8:14). No Advent but Rev 20 teaches a post-
doctrine of importance hangs on Advent investigative judgment.
one verse. Seven times the Similarly, destiny of the righteous is
Scripture says that in the mouth of set the moment they receive Christ
two or three witnesses shall every but there is also need for a ‘post-
word be established. 2 justification’ investigative judgment.
Dan 8:14 is an answer to the question
posed in Dan 8:13 which itself Daniel 8:14 is the only verse in
contains much detail. The Scripture depicting a time period
“chazon/mar’eh” word study in of 2300.
pages 25, 33, 34, 45, 50, 51, 57-58, I note the same critics see a
82, 83 is strong evidence that the Messianic fulfillment in Daniel 9:24,
question of Dan 8:13 is concerned the only Scriptural reference to
with the whole vision of Daniel 8 and “seventy sevens”. The same critics
not just the work of the little horn. add the words “years” which are not
Dan 8:14 is therefore built on the in the original language so the verse
whole of Daniel 8 and not just one reads “seventy sevens of years”. The
verse. A leading Australian same critics are quick to criticize
Adventist scholar at Avondale those who read “days” into Dan 8:14
College confirmed in a letter to me but they do exactly this by reading
on 14 December 2003 that Dan 8:14 “years” into Dan 9:24. Daniel 8:14 is
is paralleled in Daniel 7:9-11. That only important for depicting an event
being the case, Daniel 8:14 finds occurring at the terminus of a time
support in: period. Daniel 8:13 and the whole of
Daniel 8 coupled with the scene in
1. Daniel 8:13 Daniel 7:9-11 provide the details
2. the whole of Daniel 8 summarized in Dan 8:14.
3. Daniel 7:9-11.
Dr D. Ford “Dan 8:14 The Day of
Atonement & The Investigative
It cannot be said that the Investigative Judgment” (1980) Euangelion Press.
Judgment doctrine depends on the Pages 174-176
one solitary verse of Dan 8:14. 2
Adventists have been criticized in the Dr D. Ford. Email dated 5 January
2004 to the author.
past for ignoring the question of Dan
8:13 and only seeking to exegete Dan

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