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6 The Norse Code - January 2018 7

Chit-Chat Behind the Bigfork Talent

wi t h H a t
Bigfork High School’s win-
grow as an individual.”
Self confidence can be a tricky thing to deal with. In her free time, Ball likes to ride
Some days are easier than others, but on the days her horse and hike with her hus-
that are not as easy, I am here to help with some
simple things you can do to help boost your confi-
ter activity coaches share band and dogs.
Laird is the current coach of the

hopes for the season ahead

Bigfork High School wrestling
dence team. Laird wrestled at Southern
Oregon University after he began

and personal history

to wrestle his sophomore year

of high school. Laird’s first job
ress up. Do your hair, put on
coaching was a Little Guy wrestling
a nice outfit or even a casual
program while he was in college;
outfit, just something you feel good
he explained that was the job that
in, because when you feel comfort- BY AHNA FOX developed his passion for coaching.
able in what you are wearing, not attended college at Dickinson State

T oo often do individuals credit Laird’s goal for the season under-

only will it radiate off of you, but it and competed in football and track.
the success of a team to the way is to bring six BHS wrestlers to
will radiate from the inside. “I gain a deeper understanding for
most talented members. Over- the state tournament.
Get rid of those negative my players from coaching...many
looked are the coaches that train Laird said, “I wouldn’t be coach-
thoughts. Easier said than done, I of my former players become my
and push their players, swim- ing if I didn’t want to bring home a
know, but this one little change can friends after they graduate,” said
mers, wrestlers, and speechies to state championship.”
help tremendously. When we let Tudor.
become strong individuals that Support Bigfork High School’s
negative thoughts like, “I’m so bad In his free time, Tudor enjoys
achieve goals, titles, and even winter sports teams as their seasons
at this class,” or, “nothing is going collecting Star Wars action figures,
Finally, compare yourself to your- championships. The direction will soon come to an end. Speech,
my way,” cloud our minds, we hunting, and writing plays. Tudor
self, not others. Just be yourself. and character of a team depends debate, and drama will be compet-
become fixated on that and it then thanks his “beautiful wife Schuyler”
Yes, that sounds cliche, but take it greatly on the leadership a team ing at state in Huntley Project on
becomes a reality. Try changing for the success he has achieved at this Vikings head basketball coach Sam Tudor coaches his players in a time out against the Troy Trojans
to face value. When you stop try- is led under. Coaches Sam Tudor, January 26th and 27th. Swim will be
those thoughts into a positive one point in his life. on January 5th. Find out history and hopes of Bigfork High School’s winter activity coaches in the
ing to change yourself for others, Jami Grende, David Laird, Char- competing in Great Falls for their
like, “I will do better in this class,” Grende, the girls basketball head article below.
your true self will start to slowly lie Ball, and Charlie Appleby all state meet on the 8th and 9th of
or, “I am going to do my very best coach, has also coached four years of
appear. Plus, being yourself is the have high hopes of leading their coaching his 13th season at Bigfork. dents, the long days, bus rides that tended Northern Arizona Univer- February. Wrestlers will compete in
and that is enough.” basketball at Bigfork. Grende’s goal
best confidence boost you can get. teams to success this 2017/2018 Appleby’s goal for the current sea- go well into the night, and watching sity and Boise State University to the class B/C state tournament in
Put on your favorite tracks. A for the current season is to compete
good song can turn any bad situa- Remember, people like you for who season. son is to be able to compete against kids grow not in athletics, but as pursue teaching. Ball described her Billings on the 8th-10th of February.
in the state tournament. In past years,
tion into a good one. you are, not who you try to be. Tudor, the boys basketball head Loyola for the state championship. people.” Aunt Sally as one of the individuals Finally, boys and girls basketball
girls basketball has made two trips to
coach, has coached for four years In the past, speech, debate, and Ball, the swim team head coach, that has played a main role in her will be in Ronan on the 22nd and
state under Grende’s leadership. She
here at Bigfork. drama has won eight divisional brought the swim team into the success. 23rd of February to compete at their
has coached for six years overall; her
“Our goal is to improve so we speech titles, six drama divisional BHS athletic program and has “I would visit her every summer divisional tournaments. March
first head coaching job was at Tim-
will be operating at our best abil- titles, made the top three at state coached five successful seasons, and one of our daily activities was 8th-10th is boys and girls basketball
berline High School in Idaho.
ity when divisionals start,” said with seven titles between speech including the season in action. going to different pools in Califor- state tournaments in Missoula.
“I get the opportunity to work with
Tudor. “We want to earn a spot at and drama, and 22 individual state Ball’s goals for the current swim nia to lap swim,” Ball said. “She
some amazing is so reward-
state and we want to win state.” championships. In high school, season are to “have fun and inspire taught me a lot and helped me to
ing to watch them all develop as
In past years under Tudor’s Appleby partook in football, soccer, young ladies to learn indepen-
basketball players,” said Grende.
leadership, boys basketball has and track. He attended college at dence, try new things, and chal-
Grende attended Tekoa High
won second at 2015-2016 state, first the University of Michigan and the lenge themselves.”
School in Washington where she
at the 2015-2016 divisional tourna- University of Montana. In his free Ball said, “My favorite thing to
participated in volleyball and basket-
ment, and third at the 2016-2017 time, he enjoys to read and watch see is the change in confidence that
ball. She went on to attend college at
divisional tournament. the same Disney movie over and happens from the first practice to
Spokane Falls Community College
Tudor has coached for 15 years over again with his son. the state meet.”
and Eastern Washington University,
at schools including Cascade, Appleby shared what he gains Ball attended Santa Rita High
where she played basketball. In her
Havre, Hobson, Seeley Lake, and from coaching by saying, “Besides School in Tucson, Arizona, where
free time, Grende enjoys to spend
Bigfork. Tudor attended Cascade the thrill of winning and sense of she participated in two years of
time with family and friends.
High School and participated in accomplishment, [the best parts soccer, four years of swimming, and
Appleby, the speech, debate, and
basketball, football, and track. He are] the closeness with the stu- three years of tennis. She later at-
drama head coach, is currently

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