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FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Me ~1as 1 11111, -l1 1t. I J!.l't't'Jl --1111 I. I I lu, 11111 . I ~r H s r111f. l ii l 11I' l uu ,,f p 111 1 . dfld
l g t..,.ll rmir ,~1 l)hll t ~

Tomas selects one of the~ garm,::mts at random Let A be the event tha he selEcts a blue garm(!trt
and I ·1 B be t e vent !.hat t.e chooses a "tlrrt A. ==- s cLE'c... T t3 L... V iS :i::'i""-= ,v'l.....
Sf} I IZ.1
Which or the following --tatements are tnie?

'elPct alt iia appry

P { A I B ) - P( A ). the probab1I1ty that 'foma-c, selec s a bliie oar men iven that he hos cho,;,pn a
sh1rl ,s equal lo U1e probabi1,ty tneit Tomas. selects d blu!! ga,rnent

P(B I A) - P ( B ). me- p1obabilit.y that Tomes selel.ts a &l'i11t gJVen th I heh& chosen ob ue
garment Is equal o th probabthfy !hat Tomas selects a slw1
N •T ,""'~..,,? -=:.J?.;:-...J, - oN .e- :i::-, ,s-1-A ''- S e1-sc..-,e'. D
Events A ond B re 111dep ndent events.

Toe outcom(' o f ev~nts A and B me dependent on each other

P(A and B) P (.4) • P(B) . the prob.:lbihty that Tomas selects a blue garment th L1s a shnl 1s
equal o th;: probabrllty that Tomas s lects a blue garm~nt mulbplled by I.he prabab1lrty that h
selocts shf

P(A) = ->6 :::,- _L


-Plo) -= - -- 3
6 '
P(.A I Q) = -'>--
--n+-e- PIC. o l3 ,A. u, L- 1T 1 ,J-1 A-T H-F Pie....,~ A rv e. ,,J c;. µ,fl., G
P( q I AJ = -u I
H- € 1-1 AS Pie 1< A-- B LV € x:r&.N'\. · -n->£ e.F; ,...s
> H ,p...,- ov 1 c)F , H,,,~-c G" 1-...1
l""> L ,vC:::'
' - .:Z I e" M.~ .

..L. J_
A 3

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Probability & Sample Space

How many different 5 card hands can be dealt

from a deck of 52 cards?
~ a) 52!/47!
b) 2,598,960
:r.µ Pl-t-CS 11-J.+-r O{LC>ti<L-- M ~ \ f t ~
c) 52!/S! I>
o.., u~~ r->ee...MvTATto,-..JS
d) 12,994,800

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Compound Probability

A lottery draw consists of picking balls

numbered 1 through 60 from a rotating
drum. What is the probability of drawing the
#20 ball or an odd numbered ball during the
first draw?
a) 29/60
b) 1/60
c) 30/60
-> d) 31/60
\>(.l-) ~l\'"3.)
-#co GA.l-L 0 C> C> \°)A\.\.._.:>

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
Conditional Probability
Given the EIT exam has an 50% pass rate, and
5% of the people who take the exam have
previously failed. What is the probability of
passing the exam on the first go around, if the
probability of passing the exam for those who
have previously failed is 80%.
-=) a) about 48%
b) about 50%
c) about 60%
WHo Pl\>..S
d) about 54%
01"31 h i _J Tt+c P1~ot3{:,,. ~) L \ r7 0 F />.A.S.J, .A.JS

-,µ.~ c--Vi<l..,v'\... c,...J Tl-f€ rt I L ~ A-7Tc'Mi


(., 0

f(A)~ o.s--

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Independent Events
If a baseball player has a probability of 0.25
for hitting a pitched ball, what is the
approximate probability that the player will
miss three pitches in a row? (Probability of
missing the first pitch, second pitch, and the
third pitch)
a) 0.58 I- O.L~-
- ~ b) 0.42
c) 0.25
d) 0.75

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Discrete Distributions
Consider the following discrete probability

X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
P[X] 1/36 2/36 3/36 4/36 5/36 6/36 5/36 4/36
3/36 2/36 1/36
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
a) Sum of all P{X} = 1
b) P{2} = 1/36
c) P{7} + P{11} = 8/36
_ , d) P{5.5} = 1/4

1"> ( Z.) ~ t C.

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
Mean, Mode, Median
A medical study focusing on when people first develop heart
problems has recorded the following data:
M.;;(:>1,A,.J ; Mioµ'- -E I./Al..v€ , .; A
Age 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 70+
People 18 140 267 960 1200 1720 800 U~..,- .d ~ i-J V /v'\ C ~R-5

According to this study by what age do at least 50% of the people (V\Ct>-: .' VAl-VI: n-1A.,J C7Ccv~s
begin to experience heart problems
{',I. 05i" CJ F'TiC",.j

a) by the age of 65
b) by the age of 40
c) by the age of 60
~ d) by the age of 50

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Sample Mean
The following data was recorded from a laboratory
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~
Data 22 25 24 25 21 27

What is the sample mean of the recorded data?

-> a) 3.5
b) 6.0
c) 4.0
d) 4.8
Hp --s ~ E""..,..A""'~\L.. 1-..J'-'JN- ,~ E' rz-- \~o-J - ,-, o"' Ju~~ w1-17

~1"'-'L,;; THE f>/~0($,_.;;:.IIA.. I.!> -"'KIL1"'--'C.> 'Fo('L_

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Sum of RV
Four resistors from a batch of 100-watt resistors are
connected in series. The resistors have mean
resistance of 100 ohms with a standard deviation
of 1 ohm. What will be the standard deviation of
the series resistance of the four resistors?

a) 100 ohms
b) 4 ohms
- ) c) 2 ohms
d) 16 ohms
l bO St I o o..I\.. loo_f\_

I .fl

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Binomial Distribution
An auto dealer orders 50 new automobiles for
resale. If 1% of the automobiles produced are
shipped defective, what is the approximate
probability that the auto dealer wrll receive at
least one defective automobile?

a) 50%
b) 35%
-"> c) 30%
d) 25%

I S-i;:,-1
~o', 0/) ( o , '1 ci)
P(x) ~ • (0 ,
\ ~ ( ~o - I.) I,

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Normal Distribution

The results if the EIT exam had indicated a

mean score of 68 and standard deviation of
14. Assuming a normal distribution, what
percent of the people scored above 95 ?
.:: 1 b
a) around 7.5%
b) about 5%
c) a little more than 2.5%
_., d) a little less than 2.5%

S,AAJ c A.~~ 1?~\J tA-"i"t o.J ( a- J :- /L/

x :::: "'- ("' /-l- ot,1i-;v;;11.. 'f. =-- q 1:, rs/(_ ri20,">1.-cN\. s-rA-ru A-~uvs 9~

er-- -
X - /--"- -

Pl ,T\2. I \"J ,J-n O ,_) TA '5 Le C\2.i: FR:712..t.,._\C~ \'-(x) <:_(_),._UM u)

PLo, 7- - $CD \2-€' = X: ( c, >J -r.i:. ~ 1..~) -:: -- ·' 1-

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Normal Distribution
A printed circuit board manufacturer produces 1000
boards per day having a mean impedance value of
100 ohms. QA tests indicate 80% of the boards
produced have an impedance between 95 and 105
ohms. If the minimum acceptable impedance range
is from 90 ohms to 110 ohms, how many boards are
rejected per day? Assume a normal distribution of

a~ 1 ./,-'- ~ I l?O IL
- > b 10
c) 100
d) 11 0-- ::;- '5°"fL
So"(. l..J 1TH 1,.J L,1J"\•l ::>
z.;,z= rv 01 (.i0 f TH 1 ..J L\f-l1T~

q<A 101-.J\...
X-?- C,o - (bO
,- '
10a- °'-~ ::- > u.:,
r:s- :-;-JL
-Z"i~JL-= :- ; - J._
a.r-- C'

-~. -=- ,, - IC> u

z_.HOJ?.. = X • I& : 2..

X ::: 7 - ·sc:.011.::::::s.


FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Confidence Interval

Four resistors from a batch of 100-watt resistors are

connected in series. The resistors have mean
resistance of 100 ohms with a standard deviation
of 1 ohm. What is the 95% confidence limit for the
x =-- ,ooJL

total series resistance of the four resistors? .5 = I JL

-> a) 396.1 to 403.9

b) 398.2 to 402.8
c) 402.2 to 404.8
d) 396.0 to 404.0

P::i Lr~ VALut:::::. o-:r ZL -rA \3 L-?


vo '?-- Ct S-- i( co,--n::· ~ ,-J (. G:


i --z:=----
ti. - z; · '> S- 3
-=- I, I 7 7 ( rw D L '?~ )

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Conf Interval of Mean

During a routine physical exam of 100 of the 1500
employees at a hospital a mean weight of 175 lbs
and sample standard deviation of 15 lbs was
obtained. At a 95% confidence level, what would
Actual oa·t a
be the interval (range) of the mean weight of all the I
'o +1.96 Z Scores

employees? Uejection

~ ::;:: '\c,O
a) 172 to 178
--~ b) 170 to 180 x~ \t ~
c) 173 to 179
d) 171 to 179
s :- \ ~

'P'j q S- \..J>-.Lv~S ° F Z~ TAD\..-'=

Foe- c-, S:- 1/-> ,

x- - -z ~ . Fs .=
/r --
t.. v--1-
- 1
z~. .
..J 1/\.,

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

A deck of 52 cards contains 3 Jacks p(A 1 (3)=o o(c_ -r...Je> CA'l.. D~

3 Queens and 3 Kings. What is the
CA"-1A.JoT \S~ D !ZA "'-',....) A-,-
probability of drawing either a King
T>+ C TlvV'I. G;;" ~ A A.NO D
or a Queen from a tun deck? $ A /v'\f:

A e~ MU't v.A- ky £ )Cc. \....u 4a 1 v;;

p~ -S) LA'-v OF , ·oTAI_ ~1_20t3A ~IL 11 / 7

f'CAH'>) cc- P(A") t- P(13) - ~

6 -:: 0, \1::,-

A bag contains 4 green socks, 2 blue TOTAL Soc_ IL.S. = I/

socks and 5 red socks. Two socks are
removed. What is the probabiJity that the
first sock is red and the second green?

'P(6 l{LJ = ,% I 6 1'-JE'." Soc~(..J,...s,. \2.B°"M.O\JG"'D SD A- TOTAL- OF /0 c;,uc_/f._.J.

Ls U S. '5" I:'>

- >
- - I fl. L 1/,

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Five peopJe gather for a

dinner party. The
probability that no two
of them have the same
birthday is:

-- -

-' ":"" ----


PtZ.ol3AR,11....1-ry ,rr/A,- F 0 u R-T>-I f'~t'lr..>.,./ U-4.$ 1J..CJ(Z.JJ Fe.t=\Jlov.S: 3 pk-y.S -;"

f'ih=> \")All1L..117 THA-T° p..av,z.,TH P c-12>~ w-lt:':;;; ,-.Jt$\ UD~,J o,-) ~ r'?cVlt::n..1~ DA.Y ..s.

? C~) .:::c , _
p \l...D ~A \J' L, ry O "F r I F Tl+ PS' ,~9 0 -1 (3 o/2_..-J ~ ,.j fl?-~\Jtu'-'..t, l/ r.:,.A.y~ .,,,, _:j__
~ ~ s-
f' 'f'.-t,\S'"A;_B 1 \....-\, / o -p -:r-1 Flff f'~ So_) ~~ n,t.) ~j 0 ,-1 f'~~\JI l..)IJ~ 4 J>Ay >
res-)-= t- _:L. _ '7 '=-,

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

The annual rainfall in a city can be The probability that the

approximated as a Gaussian rainfall in any year is between
distribution. The mean rainfall is 18 and 20 inches is:
15 inches and the standard ->A, 6%
deviation is 2 inches. B. %
C. 10%
D. 'I_%

z. l~ :=- X-..A- I t-IC-
-· - -
· ---= /, ~- -= 0 . 0 bb ~ - C> , 0 c 6 'L = C:>. 0 b (

~ME f::,~Ol3A13'11...,1,)' THA1· IT W/l.i_

'2.0 - It;;- ,,,..-
- . -== 2. '::, fl>-,,-) ~ S"T We;~-.) ( <£s' II\ A-JD 2.0 IV\

The probability that the

rainfall in any year is
greater than 18 inches is:
p ~ ~(_1 ~ J = ('.) 0 b6~ -= b ' b 21 i
- ') . 7%
B. 9%
C. 11%
D. 13%

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
\:, b t E"" s.

A rare disease afflicts 1 in 1000 adults. If

a person has the d~sease, a test wi!II' show
A ?~~>c.> ....) c b .J 6 1r 1-h;- ~ 1-i Av;;:- ,1-t t::

positive 99% of the time. l:f a person does

(":>1 c;_~A ~6 o q_ ,-.\c:, ' \.

not have the disease, th.e reslllt wm show

positive 2.% of 1
the time. For a randomly
tested person that tests positive,, the A, ;c ::r,-_l P 1\J l l>vAL-- ~IAS 'PI s. ;;:-- A S.'G:.'"
probability that the individua[ has the
djsease is: AL.:;_- 1::-- ,-..J p' \I q::> VA\- \/Ot :.> 1'j oT ti A\J ~ DI 5 e;~ s. 5
A 0.001
B. Cl>-034 13 =- fb > 1T l v e -r--E'"~T iZ- t;;.~ u L\
--::>C- D.047
D. 0.990

Bayes Theorem: P,robabHity that event .B wrn

v-(n\A) ~ P( ,s ),P(A) 13:)
occur given that event A has already
occurred When A and B' are, dependent
"E P(A I\!)) . P( \3>)

P(A,_') -= \ - o , c., o 1 -:= o , 9 9 ~

P(G/A ) = 1 o .. °''1

p(r~ IJ\~) :- o. o'L

O. oy7 7-

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

The response time for a "pintt to travel back and forth over an
internet router ts nor:mally distributed with a standard deviation of 25
millisec_A new cable is installed with the same standard deviation.
The number of samp es that must be taken to ensure that the 95%
confidence intervaf of the true new mean ping time has a width of not
more than 10 mUlisec i:s :
A. 95
- " 7 B. 96
c_ 91
D. 98

z ,l -

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
ti A.~ t:> {3 A-<:. \(__ pA i>G=' e_ t).A c.. It...
In a univeraity bookstore if is observed that fec>D A- P,i I'-~\ t._, f' ¥--C \;J.. (?.i 1LIT'/
students buy either a hard back or paper back
version of a text book. 20% buy the hard back.
z. 0 ..r: ) -zor. :==

't,D /4
What is the probabifity mass function? Let

,v- ={o Ifbarcloock ASS! c__, ,...J '1fi..LvE:"5

I If paper back

J< 0) -=- P(x = D) = ?( \~~t.o ~M.,.\<- O<:n..1l)J./1) :; 0 'i....

JC1 ) -:-- PC. 'f-.. :-)) ~ r( fA?E:'2. '61¼-~ t3ou~HT) = o. i

The probabirity density function for

a random variable .:r is shown. The
probabiHty that x < 0. 5 is:
'P, ::: I
_ 0.50
--> 8- o_ "
C. 0. -
n_ o.9

y -=:- - ?.. y:,_ -t" ')___


H'; 2

JC--u~ z_) Ji- ~ -

'f--.-,_ ~ 'lx r: o. 7 :;

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

X = - 7

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

0 ,J TH·{;" CA ~I <::::,

'I (5"l\...\,;) W '5 \4 I ~-\ / +-{ \( ,7)

F' A./C> l.Je=il, /+Ti::-!> A.AG"A.....) ( X \A)

X --Z'iD!.6

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

Erv TG'\'- ?o, .,._,T .S \J ::> 1 ,._, ~ C... +-

'I 1 /S',-J""(--=='2-, X I ~+

\/ E l-\.....1.::J .___,j S t+ , ~1 L , \L ,

y:: M.X +lo

-y ~ l, 2f s:-7 X + y . 11.1 ~

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
Four fai,r di:ce are thrown. The
proba~iHty ofroHiing atl!east one sJx is
most nearly; ·

A.. 0.41:
B. 0.52
..... ,. . , ....

C. 0.63 •


~ r .
--- ---- '
b (.. b

-rHf;: pe,_o 13 A.1) IL; 117 c:--r (,) >I)( 0 ,-.J p-oJ \L. ~OLI.-.>

?l ~ r.o S) ~ )-
,-J b Oi-J l/ (2.0L.L 2.


FE Review-Probability & Statistics

.the ·number.orii•the chip .be
.. ·odd •or greatertoa1t SQ·? . . . ...
·. . ..... _: . : : .... , . .. . . ..

... A. 0~1
B, O.S •···
. . ·. . . · . . .. . .
~> C. . Cl.6 ... ... ···

--nl-F /7/i'-Ol~A ~IL )17 Tf/A T 7 ;-li= Cff) p <;£"1.€"'-.T& C> t.,..J I I_ L 1$ ~ C>PC> C> \L

Ge-EA-re1L.. . -rrlA ...J Bo o 1"t. r3 cr-r-H

A -= e> PC> C H-1 )~

f {A) - _I

D = CH I p~ (; t2 (;"".L::,,.,rs:- (L_ T~ -4-J ~ / zO CH- ( P.$ IN T t-1-t 13 ~~ A e..~

L-:)\'2 ~A.,~~ T"f14-_) ~


LP..t.v c:'.)~ 1 a 1 Al- P1t.o.CTAil1 L, 7

~ J. - J.. .. J_
J_ .s- ..2.. s- =- (J, b

_ T°r1e final scores on a test a.rn norm<1tly FE Review-Probability & Statistics
Distrtbuted wlth a mean of 72 and a ·- •·
) tandard deviation of 10..•What is most •.·_. •-· ·•
,J&arl:y the probability thata student's .·•.·····
~core win .bebetweeh 65 arid.78? .
. · ·•

A 0.4196
B. 0.4:8:37
C. 0.5161
D,.·0,6455 •-


77 g = >< -_,,,u_ 78'-?L

er- / C,

'2- 6 s- -- X -.,,,u.. -
(0 --
f (.)
::- - 0 , /

Y- = b.)

p := o. 7 2 S7 - e:>, 'Z 4 L 0

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
Fourfa:l:r coins are
. . . . a,t once.
.... ....
-·- · . . . . ...... . . e,,\+~tL c.,~TA~~ --1 i-\ ~,Cl,,._p.5 A..Jo OtJc
What ls the probabiHty of obtaining .
' " . . , ' "

three heads:and one tails? 1.A. l L OIL r-.l 0 1

---> A" 1/4 ..

•,a,, .318
C. 1/2
D. ,314 •

P Cx) V\ I

Y7 -=- ? IZ-o 8.A-Gl u-i-/ _I

6F c;..vu_i: ~
- A.
q, -= f::>to '3A ~ I L 1i)I OF ~A I l..1...J (2 r; - l-f' ~ J_
Vl -- , .h.J M. \") € tL. OF T\'2..l~ L-.S - l-/

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
II '/ p.,.-H-lt"~,_s T-e"S "i I .....J <,
When working properly, a factory produces an average of 500
circuit boards a day with a standard deviation of 15. To detennine
if the plant is operating properly, production was measured for 20
consecutive days during which the average number of circuit
boards produced was found to be. 490. Which of the following v'\ := 'LC> pAy~
statements is correct:
A- There is at least a 5~ probability that the plant is operating propt.>rly X = t.1 Cl. o n oA. ~ D,..S
a. Then: is al least 3 95 'o probahiljty that the plant is operating properly
C. There is al least a 5% probability that the plant is not operating properly
- -, D. There is at least a 95% probability ihat the plam is not operating properly r-J\J'-L l-\-'f t>~T\-tE5. ~ ~ :=: S-GO (14..)
AL, l{'/ f'oTlt~S I~ ,,,U. :/': _s.-u c ( H,)

r:- -/4 AL('l\~ S, ':!. STAiJ 0A-RD

DIS" \I l ....ilOJ-l.5 A,-0' AY

F /2.o M .MEAJ

CotJ F I P <:" rJ Ct
-::r: J...J 1 t 12.. VA- l - -

9q 0
~ 1_s: u o, ,+ cHoic;;, i .,._; .IAlfLTlf'cy
C..(-to I 4 A AJ S 1..,,1,/ -:t!. ~

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

o( _ 1 H-~ \712of~ A CT I l, i'/ b F

X - .,,/4A

-- -
z_c,c., -~oo

--- ~
- z' b '( b
-r-y f?t:
(UJO l..,J

l_f'" \Jo-t- ~F
C) ..J ~

e;·t2 l2. P~
$\!.ii-JI F

(). Ol.)

CA~ ,.J 0 -r- Pc",~('Z ,......, A..I ..-=:- w ~, c, Hr

(.....o >~ W •Tl-\- A 1., ~ r- L t'\./-='-- u F

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
1. \Vhat is the approximate probability that no people
i11 a group of seven have the same birthday?
(A) 0.056
(B) 0.43
(C) 0.92
-=, (D) 0.94

P(1') = ~
;> 6 S-
p \1, GJ>- I} I '- '1 ' / T If ,._T T ,t-.;;: {Z t MP.' ,J' NC, 5" A. <z i' E \I.~._,,\ \ (; ' ,>-•,'\ .._ )' f;::::: :, y1 ~>

pc'.\) == _L ?c;)-==- _L ? ( 01) = .l;_ i'( s-J = -1- P( <>') .,. J_ ?c,> ==- -1--
) c. s- ' 3t.'$"" I )'-'..> I ~lo)/ '345'"' f 3G.S-.

-pe.o 13A (?,l L,-.,,..~/ ii-IA-, ,He:° y ALL. $µA(2..S -rl+c'" >AMC P;,t/Z-TH P.Ay ·

- 1~

\/: ?(, )- ~h..) -?b) , Pt\.1), \? (>) . \) (i..) ?( 7 ) == ~~ _!-. j_ , ~ , _j_ • ~ ·+:-r-" ~ t 1, 'L ( t0)
}..,.-> 3 ~r J,.,
?c..:r- ~~r ~b> )

e(,1') :0 t- ~6r =
7 ,. {"'

~ b l
vCs) ,:: )- 3-;;.:.-:- ,.;.----
::> b~ ')6 :;-

?l t.') ;- I-


FE Review-Probability & Statistics

2 . A study gives the following results for a total sample

size of 12.

3·, 4, 4, 5, 8, 8, 8, 10, 11,15, 18, 20

'\i\That is most nearly the mean?

(A) 8.9
- ;> (B) 9.5
(C) 11
(D) 12 - - -- - ---------- ---- --

'-/~L\.-t> ~ S. '*' 'F,--I v

I \.

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

3. A study gives the following results for a total sample

size of 8.
LL.l=A\'2.. .
2, 3, 5, 8, 8, 10, 10, 12
5, eAJII\.S To Ge A:-S. 11..-1/\J c.., FL.:)\?_
The mean of the sample is 7.25. What is most nearly the
standard deviation? ~ f!.. M~ L~ $TA,J 1>...,_~5> \~\}t.,A...1/0 ~
(A) 2.5
(B) 2.9
(C) 3.3
-::, (D) 3.7

- f>o ~ \.J LJ>. T10.,J .$'rA~1>Ae..S)


FE Review-Probability & Statistics

4. A study gives the following results for a total sample

size of 6.
10, 12, 13, 14, 14; 15

The mean of the s,:1mple is 13., What is most nearly the

sample standa.rd deviation?
(A) 0.85
(B) 0.90
(C) 1.6
(D) 1.8

/ {\- -\ \ -z:.. (_ Y·-X-)<-


FE Review-Probability & Statistics

5. A study has a sample size of 5, a standard deviation

of 10.4, and a sample standard deviation of 11.6. What
is most nearly the variance?
(A) 46
(B) 52
-;:.> (C) 110
(D) 130

6. A study has a sa:rµple size of 9, a standard deviation

of 4.0, and a sample standard deviation of 4.2. What is
most nearly the sample variance?
(A) 16
-/ (B) 18
(C) 34
(D) 36

.:;;;,>"L.-- - CLI ,1,_) -:::.

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

7. A bag contains 100 balls numbered 1 to 100. One

hall is drawn from the bag. What is the probability that
the number on the ball selected will be odd or greater
than 80? -
{A) 0.1
(B) 0.5
- ; > (C) 0.6

(D) 0.7

- --:::.

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

8. Measurements of the water content of soil from a

Standard Normal Distribution
borrow site are normally distributed with a mean of
14.2% and a standard deviation of 2.3%. What is the 0.5

probability that a sample taken from the site will have a

water content above 16% or below 12%?
(A) 0.13 :E

(B) 0.25
µ =:"' /Lf, L % IC

-) (C) 0.37 er= 2.,3 %

(D) 0.42
y._ =- I '2.. "fo -4 -3 3 4
Sta r dard eviat ons
X =:lb(o

t 2....- ( 6.

Z:.16 -- y.. - _,,b...

I 6- I~ ,"2- -c,. 7)(2.~ '?-l x)
cs- =

--z_., 7..- - - - ----

'/.. -,.,k'- -
6"'"' -
\ ""2... - IY.'L.
-z '"'3
-= - o . cti:;:~b

~ { o. b ') :::= C> , Z. I I 1


FE Review-Probability & Statistics

9. What is the probg,bility that either exactly two heads

or ex!lctly three heads will be thrown if six fair coiris are
tossed at once?
(A) 0.35 E kC \-\ (_c,1,-j ,s T ~ Pe y.;;- .,.Jp ~JI

-> (B) 0.55

b C:t:.1 ...J.::, \ o, ~L--
(C) 0.59
DvT c. (,) M ~ S A \cl? MlllVA-LLj EXLv£ 1v~
(D) 0.63

£,E",...JT, "2..., ~>J~

1-h? ~ ~

b I G" ,....,T, 3 , 1Z r J \

y\71.-\.. b ~ .s HI fT, VIC If'

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

1 O. Which of the following properties of probability is

NOT valid?
(A) The probability of an event is always positive
and less than or equal to one.
(B) The probability of an event which cannot occur
in the population being examined is zero .
( C) If events A and B are mutually exclusive, then
the probability of either event occurring in the
same population is zero.
(D) The probability of two events, A ,and B,
both occurring is P(A + B) = P(A) + P(B) -
P(A, B).

c V-c.J-JT.S. THAT A~€ JV\.VTuALLy ~XC...\...Ut.l\J~, M~A,-J\...JC.J

;l+i:::: Y C.AAJ1'-loT ac_c_u l'L A, Tl'A e" f:..A/111.s -r1.MS 1 r:>o-=:.S.

1'...k:,T Mt:A~ ,-µ'C:"'/ C A rJ .....JDT o ·c:.c...utZ- ALo-\t/XrvPEPc='""r-lt>t:.....r,L.y ,

11. One fair die is used in a dice game. A player wins

$10 if he rolls either a 1 or a 6. He loses $5 if he rolls any
other number. What is the expected winning for one roll
of the die?
- ) (A) $0.00
(B) $3.30
(C) $5 .00
(D) $6.70


~ =- t:: [ X) Xt_· }CX1:.) = =i s . Li

=- L
$,te>. __b.
b -6

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

12. A simulation model for a transportation system is

run for 30 replications, and the mean percentage utiliza-
tion of the transporter used by the system is recorded for
each replication. Those 30 data points are then used to
form a confidence interval on mean transporter utiliza-
tion for the system. At a 95% confidence level, the
confidence interval is found to be 37.2% ± 3.4%.
Given this information, which of the following facts can
be definitively stated about the system?
hctual Data
(A) At 95% confidence, the sample mean of trans- 0 z Scores
porter utilization lies in the range 37.2% ± 3.4%. L
Hejection l\cceptance Rejection
reg i on region region
--:, (B) At 95% confidence, the population mean of
transporter utilization lies in the range
37.2% ± 3.4%.
(C) At 95% confidence, the population mean of
transporter utilization lies outside of the range
of 37.2% ± 3.4%.
(D) At 5% confidence, the population mean of trans-
porter utilization lies inside of the range of
37.2% ± 3.4% .


Ii- y -pc.,~~-.s.1~ ---rc:--c...,, .,.._J Cj

c..o ...J 1=, PE"A..ll...6 ~ A-,)TE=lt.. v.A-t...-.5..
es 1-( -s:- V AL\Jc..~ OF z 1:-,,__ ;A f1 L. c=

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

13. What is the approximate probability of exactly two

people in a group of seven having a birthday on
April 15?
(A) 1.2 X 10-lS
(B) 2.4 x 10- 17
(C) 7.4 X 10- 6
- ) (D) 1.6 X 10- 4

X= z_
PCx) =

Vl ! I° )(' t- v\ -)( -~
I, ~r-(ID)

FE Review-Probability & Statistics

14. What are the arithmetic mean .:tnd sample sta:ndard

deviation of the follmving 11umbers?

7L3, 74.0., 74.25, 78.54,80.6

(A) 74.3, 2. 7
(B) 74.3, 3.7
(C) 75.0, 2.7
-;;> (D) 75.7, 3.8

\jA,\...\J~ I ~~ •, ~

"/ R1...u ~ S. K I ~ y._ y X = 7 ~. 7 L/

'3>Lv~ s-1+1~ S 1 a"" 5-=~.,S-b

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
15. Four fair coins are tossed at once. What is the
probability of obtaining three heads and one t ail?
- :> (A) 1/4 (0.25)
OuTC 0/JI.. "G" .:> A\Z..~ rNr;,,~ t-:::>6" ~ 1> E"rJ't'
(B) 3/8 (0,37.5)
MU,\)~LL-Y c==x t...\.-u~ I \JG.
(C) 1/2 (0.50)
(D) 3/4 (0.75)

S.: u c. l. -=
->...) .=- !-ICA t> ~
F.A 11_ :::-- 'TA I (_~

'P( \"2.0LL \ JV½ it~l•,J>~) :::- ±

q, (~ 'KOLL1A..IC, l+~A-i:,i_) = )-;:..-:= ±.

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
16. Set A artd set B are subsets of set Q. The values
,vithin each set are shown. /1URi (Ut-J\0..J or A A.uo · r3)
A= (4, 7, 9) A fl 13 ( -r ,-..) ,~ 12..s.s-'-,, I::>~ b r A ri.. I\JO

B - (4i5,9, 10)
Q = {4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
~:j i\ ...k. - ~t=~!r-
What is the union of tJ:ie complement of set A and set B,
(A) (4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10)
(B) (4, 5, 7, 9, 10)
---;. (C) ( 4, 5, 6,.8, 9, 10)
(D) (5, 10}


MEArJ1...X.., 1 A G<>...JTA-1.JS:, ALL

EL-t'°Mi;;...J"TS. t ,-) lJ ,H~, A,z.~
I.JOT I ,_) A •

:r F"" A == cl1 , 7 , er )
Arv'O Q = ( 1.1 ' s, b' -, , 'o" , Ci , IO )
T /+£:N A ~ ( -:;- ' b I i I ( (_))

AV\~=(~lo ~ o\JU,r
, 1 , I Lj, S- ' q· I 10) -=-- (Li I
, , o~ , (c , ) U )
S 1b

FE Review-Probability & Statistics
17. Set A consistso f elements (L, 3; 6) ; a:nd set B coI1-
sists of elements (1, 2) 6, 7). Both sets come from the
universe of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). What is the intersection,
-::, (A) (2, 7) c u Mi? L' M ~ ,-.1, ( A) : A-LL i;- L rr~
E" .,..,-i E" .... t ..-l T +~
(B) (2, 3, 7)
V ,J I y ~ \ZS AL... ;,FT ( U) 11-1 A-T A R2
(G) (2, 4, 5, 7, 8) .
(D) (4, 5, 8)
t-..Jc>T I ,-J A .

Ar\ Q. ( s \.l A.v~ I))

v-=- ur-..>,vGe,<:,.>..1.... s.;-T
A -= s~r A

13:. S~T 13,

A -- rJD, S, 'ET A

X:F A~ (/,"3;6 }

A ,J O u :: ( I I L 3 ' LI / ~ b
I I I 7' ~')
T/l(N A=- ( 1-,Lt, ~I 7, &)


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