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Intro to Python

Input Output
What the user puts into a program Information sent out by a
Print Statements
Function that outputs a message

One way to communicate with the user

print “Hello world!”

Output: Hello world!

Something that stores a value

variable = 5
Name of the variable cannot: print(variable)
- Have spaces
- Start with a number

Declare a variable by stating its name Output: 5

and making it equal to something
Data Types
String - sequence of characters (ex: “Hello world!”), indicated by double
quotation marks

Integer - counting number (ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…)

Floating point numbers - numbers with decimals (ex: 1.0, 2.7, 5.9)

Booleans - only holds the value true or false


variableString = “Hello
print (variableString)
print (variableInt)
variableInt = 5
print (variableString)
variableFloat = 7.9
print (variableBool)
variableBool = true

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