2nd Araw NG Brgy. Parkway MC Script

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2nd Araw ng Brgy.


Introduction: My due respect to our municipal mayor, Hon.

Lamberto T. Llamera Jr together with his council men, to our
Brgy. Captain, Hon. Johnas Bermoy, Brgy. Councilors, Brgy
Health Workers, Peace Officers, Albor 2 NHS Faculty and staff,
steamed guests, locales of Brgy Parkway, good morning.
Ladies and gentlemen, the 2nd Araw ng Brgy. Parkway is now
in session. Everybody is reminded of the following houserules:
Kindly tone down your gadgets or mobile phones and refrain
from standing or making unnecessary noise while the
program is ongoing.
1. To begin with, Everybody is requested to rise for the singing
of the Philippine National Anthem, to be conducted by the
SST-I of Albor 2 NHS - Ms. Amabeth B. Felominos.
2. Please remain standing for an invocation via multimedia
3. At this juncture, let us call in the SST - I of Albor 2 NHS, Mr.
Emon B. Mijas for the welcome remarks. A round of applause
*Thank you sir.
4. We have invited a keynote speaker this morning and he will
be introduced by no less than Mr. Emon B. Mijas. Lets give him
a big hand!
*Talk of the Keynote Speaker
*Awarding of the Certificate
*Thank you sir for sharing us your experiences. We will never
forget the 3 things you shared. DREAM, EXPLORE AND
5. Let us lend our ears for another message from the father of
our Brgy, the indefatigable Brgy Captain, Honorable Emon B.
Mijas. An astounding applause everyone!
*Thank you cap.
6. To finally close the program, may we call in the Brg.
Councilor - Mrs. Amabeth B. Felominos. How about a
resounding clap.
Closing: We the whole Albor 2 NHS would like to thank all the
Brgy. Officials, GPTA officers, sponsors, technical team, event
organizers, guests, we also would like to acknowledge Jose
Palma for the lyrics and Julian Felipe for the music of Lupang
Hinirang and to all the contituents of Brgy. Parkway for
making this event a successful one. This is NORMAN C.
IGNACIO JR. Your master of ceremonies saying MABUHAY
BRGY PARKWAY! Once again, thank you and good
afternoon. See you later this evening for the Ms. Gay Brgy.


Thank you for that introduction sir. Good morning

everyone! We have reached a new milestone of success
once again as we celebrate the 2nd annual celebration of
the Araw ng Brgy. Parkway. And having been invited as the
keynote speaker this morning gives me gazillion of happiness
because I am truly a proud product of Brgy. Parkway.
Just like anyone else in this gymnasium I have also
experienced several ups and downs before reaching to
where I am at right now. But the most important things I
learned which I would also like to share to you are these 3
things: 1 - don’t be afraid to DREAM. 2 - once you have
determined your dream, EXPLORE. And lastly, after you have
explored, DISCOVER.
Before I end my speech, I am challenging each and
everyone of you here that “If I did it my own, why can’t you?”
remember that big things often have small beginnings. Thank

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