Vip 1999 Occlusal Trauma - Effect and Impact On The Periodontium

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Volume 4 • Number 1 • December 1999

Occlusal Trauma: Effect and Impact on the Periodontium

William W. Hallmon*

* Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas.

This focused review is limited to a number of investigations in

an attempt to specifically address the histological and clinical
effects of excessive occlusal forces on the teeth and periodon-
tium and to provide a basis of classification for this interaction.
This review does not include the effects of occlusal forces on
dental implants or dental prostheses/appliances. Ann Periodontol

1999;4:102-107. or many years the role of occlusion
KEY WORDS and its dynamic interactive impact
on the periodontium has been an
Occlusion, histology; occlusion, trauma.
issue of controversy and extensive
debate.1-37 Although a variety of occlusal
conditions have purportedly been related
to this interaction (e.g., bruxism, maloc-
clusion, abfraction, etc.), the central
focus has been on occlusal trauma (pri-
mary and secondary) resulting from
excessive force(s) applied to the peri-
odontium. Occlusal trauma is defined as
an injury of the attachment apparatus
or tooth as a result of excessive occlusal
forces.38 In an attempt to clarify and
better understand this condition, early
investigators used human necropsy spec-
imens7,12,15,19,39 and a variety of animal
models as a basis for clinical and histo-
logical studies.3-6,8-11,14,20-37 Findings
were often diverse and somewhat con-
tradictory. In the animal studies, factors
of concern included differences among
animals, forces applied, and lack of con-
trols.16 Retrospective descriptive obser-
vations of the effect of excessive forces on
the periodontium were derived from
human necropsy materials.7,12,15,19,39
The selection of study sites was based on
occlusal wear, patterns of pocket forma-
tion, and the presence of attachment loss,
leaving some question as to the presence
of ongoing occlusal trauma.40,41 Despite
the foregoing concerns, the majority of
these early studies agreed that occlusal
trauma, in and of itself, failed to result in
pocket formation or loss of connective
tissue attachment.16,40 It is apparent that

Ann Periodontol Hallmon

our understanding of the effects of excessive occlusal the periodontal ligament, bone remodeling (resorption/
force and the destructive, adaptive, and reparative repair), hyalinization-necrosis, increased cellularity,
response of the periodontium has been complicated by vascular dilatation/permeability, thrombosis, root
a relative lack of evidence based on well-controlled resorption, and cemental tears.2,11,12,39,48,50-53 Col-
prospective studies in human beings.40-42 lectively, these changes have been interpreted as an
This focused review is limited to a number of inves- attempt by the periodontium to adapt and undergo
tigations in an attempt to specifically address the his- repair in response to traumatogenic occlusion. Despite
tological and clinical effects of abnormal occlusal isolated reports of apical migration of the junctional
forces on the teeth and periodontium and to provide epithelium accompanying excessive occlusal forces,3,17
a basis of classification for this interaction. This review studies generally have failed to disclose associated
does not include the effects of occlusal forces on den- pocket formation while demonstrating remarkable sta-
tal implants or dental prostheses/appliances. bility of the Sharpey’s fibers and periodontal fibers
coronal to the alveolar bone.12,14,15,21 In the absence
SIGNIFICANCE OF OCCLUSAL of existing inflammation, it was noted that bony changes
TRAUMA TO INFLAMMATORY accompanying occlusal trauma may be reversed by
PERIODONTAL DISEASE discontinuing offending occlusal forces.13,30,54
Definitions A co-destructive theory55 was proposed based on
To facilitate orientation and understanding of this topic, a zone of irritation (marginal/interdental gingiva; gin-
the following definitions will apply to the review and dis- gival fibers) and zone of co-destruction (transsep-
cussion of the relationship between excessive occlusal tal/alveolar crest fibers, periodontal ligament, cemen-
forces and the periodontium. Occlusal trauma refers to tum, bone). This theory suggested that occlusal trauma
a response or effect and is defined as an injury to the in the presence of plaque-induced inflammation may
attachment or tooth as a result of excessive occlusal result in alteration of the normal pathway of inflam-
forces.38 Primary occlusal trauma is injury resulting mation, and development of angular bony defects
from excessive occlusal forces applied to a tooth or with intrabony pockets, but that occlusal trauma, in
teeth with normal support, while secondary occlusal and of itself, did not cause gingivitis and periodonti-
trauma is injury resulting from normal occlusal forces tis.7,8,55-58 Other studies questioned the role of occlusal
applied to a tooth or teeth with inadequate periodon- trauma on this process,14,15,54 and one particular inves-
tal support.38 Combined occlusal trauma refers to injury tigation identified the bacterial “plaque front” as the
resulting from abnormal occlusal forces applied to a agent responsible for the severity and sites of attach-
tooth or teeth with inadequate (abnormal) periodontal ment loss and associated bony defects.19
support.43 Traumatogenic occlusion refers to a cause Due to difficulties encountered in the design and
and is defined as any occlusion that produces forces implementation of prospective controlled human stud-
that cause an injury to the attachment apparatus.38 ies, alternative development and use of animal mod-
Primary, secondary, and combined occlusal trauma els for prospective clinical and histologic investiga-
were originally described in the periodontal literature tions to study the effects of traumatogenic occlusion
in 192844 and serve as a basis of discussion of the on the periodontium have been pursued.41 While such
sequellae of occlusal trauma.45,46 Despite continued studies may provide information and insight into the
acceptance and diagnostic use of these defined con- trauma-associated response, repair, and the accom-
ditions,38 this reviewer was unable to find specific sup- panying adaptive process,54 they do not duplicate the
port for these terms based on evidence derived from dynamics of human masticatory function or rule out
controlled studies. In an in vitro stress model study significant differences between animals and man.16
using finite element analysis to calculate periodontal Thus, such studies can serve only as a source of indi-
ligament stresses in primary and secondary occlusal rect evidence. The most widely recognized animal
trauma, stress values increased as bone support models used in recent times to study this topic include
decreased.47 This was especially notable after reduc- the beagle dog and squirrel monkey.23,49
ing the supporting bone 4 mm or more.47 In a series of studies,20-28 investigators used the
beagle dog model and the presence or absence of con-
Histological Studies tinuous excessive jiggling forces (cap splint; bar-spring
The histologic features of occlusal trauma have been device) in health and experimentally induced peri-
studied extensively in animals and human autopsy odontitis to study the effect of occlusal forces on the
materials.7,11,12,19,21,22,39,48,49 Alterations of the peri- periodontium. Clinical and histologic findings indicated
odontium that have been associated with occlusal that heavy occlusal forces in health and established
trauma will vary with the magnitude and direction of gingivitis resulted in tooth hypermobility, increasing
applied force, and location (pressure versus tension). vascularity, vascular dilatation, and bone resorption,
These changes may include widening/compression of but no apical migration of the junctional epithelium or

Occlusal Trauma: Effect and Impact on the Periodontium Volume 4 • Number 1 • December 1999

induction of or influence on tissue inflammation.20,21 its diagnosis. Proposed clinical indicators include mobil-
When induced-periodontitis was accompanied by ity, occlusal prematurities, thermal sensitivity, wear
excessive jiggling forces, continued vascular perme- facets, muscle tenderness, fractured teeth, and migra-
ability, osteoclastic activity, and polymorphonuclear tion of teeth. Radiographic indicators may include
leukocyte migration were noted, indicative of failure altered lamina dura, widened periodontal ligament
to adapt to the injurious force. Apical migration of the space, and evidence of root resorption and/or bone
junctional epithelium was more pronounced under loss16,43,61-63 (see Table 1).
these conditions when compared to periodontitis sites Although increased tooth mobility is one of the most
without excessive occlusal forces.21,23,25 When jiggling widely used indicators of occlusal trauma, it may result
trauma and tooth hypermobility were investigated in from bone loss independent of occlusal forces. It may
a reduced, non-inflamed periodontium that had also represent a self-limiting adaptive response of the
received periodontal therapy, no progressive marginal host periodontium to the sustained application of
destruction or apical migration of the junctional epithe- occlusal forces.11,64 Progressive mobility may be sug-
lium was observed.58 More recently, this model was gestive of on-going occlusal trauma, but assessments
used to investigate periodontal ligament tissue reac- and monitoring at differing points in time are neces-
tions to trauma (orthodontic elastics alternated buc- sary to make this determination.16 In a beagle dog
cally/lingually twice weekly) and ligature-induced gin- study,65 jiggling occlusal forces in a healthy peri-
gival inflammation.57 In teeth exhibiting increased odontium were associated with mobility, loss of mar-
mobility, the coronal periodontal ligament approach- ginal bone, and greater clinical probing depths, but
ing the inflammatory lesion showed an increased width, not with changes in the connective tissue attachment
increased volume of vascular structures and leuko- level. The increase in probing depth was attributed to
cytes, and a reduction in the percentage of collagen enlargement and alteration of the supracrestal con-
per tissue volume. There was also a decrease in the nective tissue compartment.
number of collagen fibers inserting into the alveolar Longitudinal and randomized controlled trials have
bone and cementum at these sites. Such changes were provided limited insight and evidence related to the
not observed adjacent to teeth with normal mobility.59 effects of occlusal forces on periodontitis. In studies
Other investigators used the squirrel monkey model investigating the association of occlusal trauma and
to study the effects of the presence or absence of jig- periodontitis, teeth in patients with occlusal dishar-
gling trauma (alternating orthodontic elastic wedging monies (centric relation-centric occlusion, balancing;
mesial and distal to septum) in health and induced peri- or protrusive contacts) did not demonstrate any greater
odontitis.29-37 The authors reported increased tooth
mobility and bone loss (widened periodontal ligament
Table 1.
spaces) with sustained jiggling forces, but observed lit-
tle or no associated attachment loss. Removal of these Clinical and Radiographic Indicators
forces did not reduce tooth mobility or result in bone of Occlusal Trauma
regeneration; however, with control of plaque-associ-
ated inflammation, tooth mobility decreased and Clinical indicators of occlusal trauma may include one or more of
affected bone became more dense. There was, however, the following:
no change in the attachment levels or alveolar bone
1. Mobility (progressive)
levels.31-36 Findings associated with these studies
resulted in decreased attention to occlusal factors and 2. Fremitus
focused increased therapeutic emphasis on the control
3. Occlusal prematurities
of plaque, and thus, inflammatory periodontal disease.30
Collectively, these studies suggest that occlusal 4.Wear facets in presence of other clinical indicators
trauma does not initiate gingivitis or periodontitis. The
5.Tooth migration
beagle dog studies demonstrated accelerated pro-
gression of pocket formation in the presence of on- 6. Fractured tooth (teeth)
going destructive periodontitis,60 while the squirrel
7.Thermal sensitivity
monkey model studies did not.49,54 Although the
importance of the role of bacterial plaque in periodontal Radiographic indicators of occlusal trauma may include one or
disease is undisputed, the influence of occlusal trauma more of the following:
on the attachment level remains controversial.
1.Widened PDL space
Clinical Studies 2. Bone loss (furcation; vertical; circumferential)
Since occlusal trauma is a histologic lesion, clinical
3. Root resorption
and radiographic indicators are necessary to assist in

Ann Periodontol Hallmon

severity of periodontitis when compared to teeth with- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

out such contacts.66,67 It is interesting to note how- A defined lesion and response of the attachment appa-
ever, that teeth demonstrating signs of occlusal trauma ratus has been demonstrated in association with exces-
(e.g., bidigital mobility, functional mobility, widened sive occlusal force(s), and has been termed occlusal
periodontal ligament spaces) had greater probing trauma. The majority of studies investigating this con-
depths, attachment loss, and less bone support.67,68 dition indicate that excessive occlusal forces do not
It has also been reported that individuals who received initiate plaque-induced gingival disease or connective
prophylactic occlusal adjustment as part of their treat- tissue attachment loss (periodontitis). The effect of
ment for periodontitis had a statistically significant gain traumatogenic occlusion on the progression of peri-
in mean probing attachment (0.42 mm) compared to odontitis has been an area of investigative disagree-
those with no occlusal adjustment (0.02 mm). How- ment, and may represent differences in study design,
ever, no reduction of tooth mobility was observed model selected for study, nature of the applied
between the groups.69 Data from a similar study which “occlusal” forces, and means of inducing periodontal
evaluated the influence of furcation involvement and disease. These studies also suggest that tooth mobil-
tooth mobility on periodontal attachment and tooth ity may be clinically associated with adverse effects on
(molar) loss indicated that teeth with furcation invasion the periodontium and affect long-term attachment
and mobility had greater attachment loss than molars response to therapy, but is not necessarily synony-
with furcation involvement and no mobility.70 mous with occlusal trauma.
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