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N Aight rt tterotthesiphabe,inerehanging vith otter gota, ag. 258) 23%, 25h) 95 3H, sete te A ofen miedo form seeond roots of vba "9, e box, Bes, fogs: posthei . g, S738, B19, AX sometimes inserted to replage a radio! af 8¥— 05, exp. in vende 5, a8 97 fr EM HP AX srogu, (in Tal. Y) aopped in the beginning of wort. MEANS; TEM, & fixed to the end of Ohald, nosns, corresponding to prefiod nin Hebrew (tat emyhations), e.g. 5 2 ‘Sas numeral eter, ona, as ‘® MR— FR AE one letter: Babb. 104%; afr. {Baitions and Mas vary, accords 4g to space, bebwoan the fall moral and the nameral Totter, for 4, PM; 3 for D3, BD, °F he.) BBW BN be. pros, 1 for the forma tion ‘of noms Ia Kal Pet, Atel (HA) ey © eh Ps, SRS, SERS ey 8) demonstrative he Ty RAE, AE eo) enphonio (prostht) SENeW: MMR. Eh be, en. before foreign words Tiong with bro cononant, 8g PESTA, SeneTey be “N prox (followed by Dagosh Forte)=} upon, over, ge NTE HP He; even before guttarals, e, g. ae PSN no of eR a J""DNN,, « aeuitoun word made up of cach third Iau ia foean pn oe Ba Dan Vy 29). Sh 3, (Cant tot, 4 a1 Dette the lnerion on the wll ores arranged as to form words composed of x oery A every eovnd and every third Tor rere TORS, ves, TDN, “AN pec of words of Greek origin anawer- ing toate ate g BSURRadeowATOG; oF toed, e petaaaerie ‘S DIST (Aaayes Abo, Sehr. ALT. 247) Aby the ‘tin ooth ofthe Jeviah calendar (of ciety dae) be- inning betwen tho sight of July and the seventh of ‘Kegan, and ending beeen the sixth of Angurt andthe Ath of eptember. Hy Hash, Jy, 58 39 for aie onasing the beginning of Ab msnagors aro eet tt, for he tke of the far Th 189 28 tho nth of Dy tonivoraty of Temple dato, Taan-1¥6 38 oe ‘ith thebegionng of Ab Th, 20 au Ro~S SETS Let ‘im try to Dorliovedof(thlaw-saiDin Ab, Meg. 39) a. ENT m. @. m5 Px, omp. BN), const 3 28 fom- ret], father, ancestor, progenitor; teacher; chief leader; author, originator. x. 8.48 ont 28 SN the educator ie tho ral father, Lev...) 7227 "8, the father ofall wisdom, «the father of prophets. Y. Ned. V, 8005 a, fron" FPS 58 (abbr, EN) president ‘of the Court (Groat Seohodsin), noxt in dignity to the Nasri, Tuan, U, 1 a, tr—afotaph, origi, caute, Narr Res, 10 (play on "S$, Prov. XXII, 29) " the cause of 00 (Gin)—Fosb> 2X (or Which also “F°3) ‘one of the chi labors forbidden on the Sabbath, opp. ‘but a labor the prohitition of which is based on the round off being a apocias of the formon, or derived from the former. Babb, VIL, 99. afr. —~ [¥-Sabb 1, 5% PB a, mab, MaNbS] Mawr SN one of the original or direct causes of lovitcal wncleannes, opp “Hr (child)reeondary cause, ‘Tob. 1, 85 a. fk—Pum Flo's 723 oreation of @ clas, e. © conclusion, by Analogy, from a cose explieily tated in tho BD lye on sl siilareatee not spaced in detail. fra introd.— Th, Kolm end, eb. 21 (re. to Lev, XX, 22) 8/3 rt tes nrren Sob this forme the rolo for all cases in ‘whlch the Bible uses the word dmchem bam (dat the Penalty is stoning to desth); af; also 38 F* ‘PLP, const, 1) fathers ancestor, patriarchs be, or. 20" prayers SUP‘ have been instinted by the Patriaroiey a fe—7O5 "TS TON, v. supe. Hage TY 2 Aix £5 a woman of nalle descent. Num. 213 ae Aleta, principal, eh? PENDS" y. supra. EEN Kal 1y1j ve aupra—7P9 (Ging. POT 58) the ebiet setioable injuries or damages, from which the mbord- Ine aro dedueed (OTST). 'B. Kam. Tt; a, 0m 2) Aboth, the first setion of the Prager of Boueditions (4 P9ER}, co called because it alludes to the Patriarch Ey 2 BR. Hash. TV, 55 a fr-3) Doth, name of a troatize of ‘he Minna, containing ssyingy of Talmudic authorities snd belonging to the fourth section, 7P™, of the 3sh- ‘ah collection (27202); alt styled "RED a, 8 REO. ‘Asimilrclleston of later dato iscontsined in Talmud | Babi editions, named srs 217 8 Aboth d Rabi Nathan. [¥. Yome VII, 444 top 2 INIT a, v, OPER) DN, 38 GIN) ow. (ny sa awetng, ep ing, whouse 1) the young shoots of a tas, op. 0 ths races growing dtecly from ihe tra.” B, a bo Soy dk (Ansa. Me Shy ys St, emp Ras Ej. [es Brad. ai* top Sw, ¥. Soe I 89¢T) =2) nT TEN Hate of growth, development. Hot. Se cacwla which Beoume.wovmty "oN during Ste ‘roth Th 127 igs we srk PENS daring devel pment. ¥, Sabb, VHF, 1" bok he ho peer olives FFAS Ktom whero thoy grow (before they ate ripe to te taken of, (Tove Masses 14 smars pa, V YM toad THN ye 3K] I. § hey der pose $9 Concerning the plantain their growing ate (oven pening (2) and Dlg (715 Yan TORO); | comp. Fe Oh we GAT. NENT DN cnn. ay tary Gon, xVIL «arg 0b SE, 4954 fore 8 (alo ner. hated) ‘ny father, So Mh, 2. Bc ath TS, 95a Boge 12> ‘me rower my fathers award 8 “SR my grand falbor. Ber. 10" Qot-Sah. 18" bots SN father ‘ja (ncasclf) ——> ra, “> Nan, Be, 188; ZB Mots IV, $8 opjetee sb Ma grandfather, ar A, Hath VI, 10, Yob. 210m origin, sours Sabb, ai¢ a7 probs ena the soos of al analogoon cases inthe Inw sboat blood (that you must cover it ‘om a tone of propriety) —Ph 78, NEES Tans ost, XXIV, 16, "arg, Fhe. 35 fe. Mon. 8 87S of tininguihed birth—Kid. a3; a. te—~Cee Trg. | Prov, XIX, 4. 3fn, read with, WiL aM} oth, od ‘wan com ace] RENTL TIEN (sy) mY) pe mm, AD, (Be, Vo), « tequent same. (Sometimes diiinguised ‘peitonago by thatnamnebeingoigatile(y-nextw) wile Shei eal natn are Sroppdy ¥. exp Ber 38° 303 want Apba Ge) The mot dining to 1) = we S3—3) REN ¥. REN 8) FERNS (SS 75) Abb or Abia (Ba), father of Samael, an Ata —d) 2 57 yt Bad, Mg 4 8) 8% cont NR Abe ‘Mori, a Assora—fax, MOSK, cont, ith into PE SPE Hein, Radbina, NENT, Abba ther, aide of scours ene than ‘Rabbi, an Abba Bau, A. Yodan, eto; emp. fore. NEN mn. (254) 1) thik, woods, grove. Me Kat 12% SoSUE A a forest in Slang, Keth. 70% vs MEE. Bal 39° (roy) 90° rma Gor) Sore PST (A Mat N23, ¥. Rabb, D. 8. 1 note) from the very” woods shall it go into the hatehet (as a handle to stike the ‘woods fri, INNIS, MIN, IIR, Maas, rT (oxdupie 3 3 35,3) v1 peop vein ease (emp. 2), ence’ diorder of the stomach, tomiting (spanms); os. in connection with Men, fever with vom iting. Gen. TB 19 did you ever heat, thy ass here that is devon ont resp reson robe an Ar (ed eorap. 39 gin mes Thy nny) hav fever, has vomiting (Gone)? Th a 63 SRE EN, Ve PNR. OMONDN, read ory NEPUNIN 6 cox ofence, diplesure, Tare. Koh. SH 3 SBN. nj 2%, emp. 2% 375 2 25 =P he, v 71 8. T1; tbe thick to be heamy, to press; to eure round; to twist; to be warm, glow ete. V, 2% S28, PES "oS, ESN, MN Ao) fo ethic, to el, break forth; DIN cn, same, to grow, ripen, Targ. Hon 1x, 10 sen ‘ot noble descent. beg; a fey (ide, TIL, to Ps, LEEON, Gaul, R, beg. STEAM, corr, nce). PL Yale Pe, 669 TIP WMD (read 8) he fe the son of nobler; Mide Ti. to Re, CV 1723373 (corr ae) comp. 2. TODAS (oad eye), REPENS mt (bre véocacon) most noble, Huth R,€0 1,2 Md Sau, eh. APOTRY, +, 2. "TON (ong Y'2% v-259) fo Be pred ge aren in dopa (. Prov. XXXF, 8; Deut. XXVE, 8). f0 be gion ‘up, rhenca 3) t0 Be lot, pia; tobe beyond rection Sng Dent Abo. to Dost XVI, 9) ORs A eab (ead 3b oF TE, Talk, Dents. SENS po JR Mu or. Abr 373) Dood went fo Aram with Zo hope but to pera (ow a aleve Ae). Oboe XVI, # etd “3p ot be Heated Kath, XI 7 217 FS the path to his Seld-canot be teed. Gen, of 35M rae wre Mave lst something) a fe?) fo fox, Id, JD yey ani we who, have lst (mom fon) 8 & te—Dark pam. Bln rere, perihing, dee Gayed. Kath, 100 "ar ona contin tbe ample which has Been lot on the roa. Shei, 1X, a0 top [mse ye PHONE they pith of shomseran (choy decry mater) mfr MY. 7aAy to be le perth, Kath 00% ate, sit Dats s0r Tae, vs epee Fi we 1) fo wut lose, forfeit, destroy. Nes 39° ‘ross ra he wasted hie moe, (cant Fell #9. oth, XII, 6 wrorrx "8 he forced his hin Ab. ae, 58°39 SaR9 OM shall we giv p ont honest del. ing? Ib, IV, 7 182 “aA shal He deseoy Hie world? oo ag. 9 350 MIR Erapst and you wanted to deprive me of &1 Th. & "aon MY obe who destroys Wat fn given to him.—rovb tts '% fo commit suicide wil- aly. Goo. Bes, 825 a f2-—8) to drop frm memory, to forget, Aboth V, 1258.6 “TON, TAN ch. to best arg. 1 Bam, 15; 8; 8 feSuh Hej a feW, Pon DK, 3 TaD iti 10 be looked apo ne lost Pas 2x to destroy, ‘Tag. 1 Kings, XI, 185 sf, Af, “a's, 728 1)=Po, Tang, Deut XXVE, 8) mf. id 1,648 bot. “8 om OMEN thew hast re ‘hin’ man’s (03) Me. Gen. Re a. 98 ast owt thy wits; a front) to belo, to go to ruin. Sarg Pa XLL 6; mY. Mag, H, 18 yr ala forthe lot (Qecetsd)! YM, Kat, beg. 80" PMY and dean. Tokyo." fo Be lost. Te. Bes. $4 TATE i they shouldbe lot arama Bes. a (Lain, Ry 10 1, 2 WD, read PERS, vO TDN m. perihale,inerceale,‘sb.72% 0 business which Eannot be postponed witout Sertrierabe lowe 6 Kats 11) «fe NTIS im. ce) destruction, ang. Prov. EVI £8, NAN pe mean vom. NOMEN, MONEY, vo xeree “OTS, v. ote. JPN (2.5759 perton fell, Kod. 0 8 DAPFIRE pe nm. teoxeg Ma TH, 4b rendre in TSS Goo. child. (ea. 2 NOY + net DUO TIN pen. m. vinnie) Bhdimos, Baden ¥. Roth, Be; monty abbey, ema, MEN Co Tope vor ek, “STON, anno rover mori, ‘the most prominent: Bb, of Zepphorls. Y. Ber. 1V, 8% aft {¥ Prankal Mebo, = ¥ Y. Oy, TOT n, NEN a. cries bs) 1) the’ ack of distinguishing; separation. Y. Ber, VIII, 1 fop308' real seamton 1) Habla, atom Of prover for the exit ofthe Bebbath Tay De Thid. beg. 114, Pos, 10%; a tr—PL nay. ¥. Ben, Vio bos n rea ese bees of dation atone tn be Maat, TIDS me nem Addon (conte, of $m 18), an ‘At of he nt goer. Yer IV, 1 to op. es, Ta 10, Dee Ss Wot prams a FADS, TISIN me. co. nga, H recin, destruc LUrtCS— os ° peor, see) NITY, vw TIBN pr. ns me Abbab; fathor of Srmue; vs TIAN pr. 2. m. ADbau, name of two Palsine Amira, on prob, of Soo fh gone. ¥. Bet ¥, 8 boty Blo I, 64 tap; the eoond a calerated diniple of 2. Yotiunta rsdlogin Oates, YBa Tl 4¥*op. Bee 48%; a fe-—babplonian Amora by that name. Sabb. {iol Ka. oo, father of Rabbah, w.rgre B. Kas, 10%, ontemp. of Ath, v, CIFTIN, OUVTIN y. Kit. uy, 31° Ar. (ea, coon nang one yet dipinng aot ims fr marl NOTRE pone ROWAN, v. secre! 88 C27N) pe nm Dh (Am, pris tirs of bs maioso wr Amore sche See ots Mea)” Bees 48 ah Par bog, Mom Bee 38, Sesh 8 bay Pon bya wm (oy mnme ofa by a DIDNT Nm. (mz, 3 fo be hollow; cmp, 20 reed ide; pipe, tbe. hak 3,3 op 30 e Feat Aas 75 8 Niven Rta Kol 8 Men 3 Srp Sem ar God. F) an om tab fr rout frin-—Foh x CVn maoa TAN) cep es une ofa plat patria) aed for medic ore Sanh XIV 3 1098 Ye XIV 0 posers SET, ABN, NQIDN ch. same, Yoma 20° (prov ‘crormb a dale is use to nobles—give it to we ses, hey Wl not event i (ool toe where mages die) Sues. 50°F SDN. Tare Sve, XLVI, 3858 TNTREN, MNAEN=Nnet toreg. 8 DORAEN pe Audi. Tht 3, TEN, yy, TIEN, vy. ROPPEN, REN pen, Abbayone, 0 sentlenamo (tferting fo Moat) Git, 17, NOPIN, OTES, + cies PINES, “PITTRN, + ges “PON m. (emp. PDH; 1X, Bophem, for bute tooks, extremity. Bia 58%; 9. FE i

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