Archons, Justicars, Alastors & The Imperator

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Rise of the Imperator

During the Nights of Turmoil, the Inner Circle created a new position – Imperator – responsible for
protecting the sect from mortals and leading the sect’s war against the Sabbat. A number of potent
vampires jockeyed for the position from across the world.
Clan Brujah proposed a surprising candidate. Germaine, a notorious Anarch criminal on the Red List,
sought clemency and removal from the roster of Anathema. As an Anarch returned to the fold,
Germaine’s return would have been a prize coup for the Brujah and the Camarilla. Surprisingly, Justicar
Guil did not object to his nomination, despite some quiet grumbling from the Toreador.
Karsh, then the Warlord, made a grim bid on the last night to claim the title of Imperator. He faced a
stalemate. Many Kindred were still angry that the Gangrel abandoned the Camarilla. Karsh promised that
one night soon the Gangrel would seek to return to the fold. The assembly, especially theAssamite
Justicar Tegyrius, protested Karsh’s proposal until a number of Ventrue elders turned their support to
Karsh, revealing a verified letter of support from Hardestadt himself.
Despite the Brujah’s determination to assist one of their own who had been unfairly treated by the
Camarilla, the Inner Circle named Karsh the Imperator, granting him significant authority to raise a
military for the sect’s protection. This political maneuver led to yet another period of tension between the
Ventrue and Brujah.
The Imperator’s first action was to convince a Nosferatu Prince, Stanford Warwick, to break with the
Nosferatu tradition of solidarity and discover the Sabbat’s plans. Warwick decided to sell out his antitribu
brethren in order to save a city filled with Camarilla vampires. The Inner Circle used Warwick’s
information to defend Cleveland and eradicate a number of Sabbat packs, which would have fed
dangerously on the populace.The Sword of Caine was forced to fall back.
Following that victory, the Camarilla pushed south to retake Atlanta and western Georgia, holding off
Sabbat packs in Birmingham and Montgomery. A demilitarized zone formed along the Alabama border,
which still stands in modern nights.

Imperator Duties

Faced with increasing threats from the Sabbat, hunters wielding True Faith, and their own internal strife,
the Camarilla’s Inner Circle recently decided to appoint a military commander to lead the militia of the
Camarilla. This commander is known as the Imperator.
The Imperator acts as the voice of the Inner Circle on matters of war, coordinating efforts between
Princes and the Justicars via his agents, known as the Myrmidons. The office has the authority to grant
clemency, for virtually all crimes, to warriors who fight on behalf of the Imperator. A number of Harpies
disapprove of this new policy, claiming that it distorts the order of society and weakens the power of the
Princes. Few have refused to acknowledge the Imperator’s authority. The Imperator can only be removed
from office by the will of the Inner Circle and is immune from prosecution from any lesser Camarilla

The Imperator’s authority includes:

• Raising and coordinating a militia to deal with a specific threat or enemy, when sanctioned by the Inner
• Granting clemency, even to those blood hunted or on the Red List, to those who fight on behalf of the
Imperator• Appointing Myrmidions
• Issuing edicts from the Inner Circle changing global policy of the sect, solely for the purpose of
• Calling and enforcing a global blood hunt on a sect member who refuses to lend aid
• Holding immunity from the authority of any lesser sect office
• Holding global status jurisdiction
(The Imperator gains the abiding status traits Ascendant, Authority, and Commander during his tenure in
office. When the Imperator expends a status to give an offending Kindred
the negative status Disgraced or Forsaken, this status can only be removed by the Inner Circle, or by a
Justicar during a Judicial Conclave of the sect. )

Myrmidions: the Imperator’s Scourges

According to the Iliad, Myrmidions were legendary warriors commanded by the infamous demigod
Achilles. The Founders of the Camarilla borrowed this mighty name for their own military commanders
during the Anarch Revolt, until the name Archon came into common service. The Imperator reclaimed
this name for the warriors who serve under his banner.
If Archons are the Sheriffs of the Justicars, then the Myrmidions are the Scourges of the Imperator.
Many of the Myrmidions are former criminals who were pressed into service to earn pardons. While their
slates have been technically washed clean, many elders remember the dark crimes committed by these
former miscreants and simply prefer them to be out in the wilds fighting for the Camarilla rather than
attending court or visiting Elysium.

(Myrmidions possess all of the authority of Archons, but instead of the abiding status Noble, they possess

A Potential Crack in the Ivory Tower

Some believe that the Imperator is a direct threat to the Inner Circle, and that he is raising an army to
seize complete control of the Camarilla. Thus far, political movements have been subtle, but surprisingly
Imperator Karsh has received a good deal of support from powerful Princes angry at the Justicars’ slow
power grab and political machinations to weaken the Princes’ position.


Elected by the Inner Circle to 13-year terms, the Justicars are the global Camarilla authorities empowered
to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Each of the pillar clans of the Ivory
Tower seats a single Justicar. Justicars enjoy immense power over Kindred society and the Camarilla. The
greatest authority that a Justicar possesses is the power to issue an edict, a formal judicial review that
clarifies how a Tradition shall henceforth be interpreted or introduces a new lesser law of the Camarilla.
These dangerous vampires serve not only as grim judges and agents of the Inner Circle, but also as
leaders and protectors of society, encouraging social discourse and alliances within
the sect. They sometimes call and manage conclaves for the purpose of encouraging Camarilla Kindred to
host salons, creating a place for chance meetings that might otherwise never occur. A right or wrong word
from a Justicar at the proper moment can be better coin than gold or status.
Justicars are regarded with awe and fear. No Kindred dares to refuse them, even if it aids in that
vampire’s own destruction. The Justicars stride the Camarilla like colossi, and the shadow they cast is
long indeed.
Empowered by the Inner Circle, the Justicars have the ability to ensure that an insane or criminally
despotic Prince is formally removed from power before she does too much damage to the Traditions, or
turns the tide of battle against the Camarilla. A Justicar can automatically strip a Prince of all abiding
status traits related to that office. In addition, a Justicar can announce a global blood hunt upon criminals
of the Camarilla. Such a global blood hunt can only be removed by sanction of the Inner Circle. Justicars
can also propose new additions to the Red List to the Inner Circle and offer bounties on behalf of their
A Justicar welds great power within the Camarilla during the term of her office, but she must leverage it
carefully, lest those she wronged seek revenge once she is released from service. Rarely will a Justicar
involve herself in domain affairs until the problem is so great that the Masquerade is truly in danger. If a
domain’s problems spill out beyond its borders to endanger other domains, an Archon may be sent to
investigate and resolve the matter.
Justicars can be formally removed from office by the will of the Inner Circle; they are immune from
prosecution from any lesser Camarilla office. Should a Justicar prove to be too autocratic
or incompetent, a clever opponent may humiliate her via a Motion to Censure at a Judicial or Grand
Conclave. A Justicar who has lost the favor of the assembly, despite her considerable
political advantages, is considered by the Inner Circle to be too weak to be a viable officer; they are
usually discharged. Such an event is rare; it has only occurred twice in the history of
the Camarilla, most recently to Brujah Justicar Pascek shortly before his murder at the hands of hunters in
A Justicar’s authority includes:

• Calling a Global, Judicial or Regional Conclave

• Issuing a writ to require the presence of any Accepted sect member
• Issuing an edict to alter the laws of the sect
• Removing the praxis of a Prince, stripping her abiding status
• Issuing blood hunts on criminals and enemies of the sect
• Holding immunity from prosecution from any lesser sect office
• Appointing Archons into her service
• Appointing the host of a Conclave to be Primus Inter Pares
• Holding global status jurisdiction

(A Justicar gains the abiding status traits Ascendant, Authority, and Commander during her tenure in
office. When a Justicar brands an offending Kindred with the negative status Disgraced or Forsaken, this
status can only be removed by the Inner Circle, the Imperator, or by a Justicar during a Judicial Conclave
of the sect. )

While the Inner Circle and Clan elders offer advisory support, the Justicars have absolute
authority to maintain the Red List in the manner that they see fit. For example, the Justicars may
decide to re-rank existing threats on the List to better reflect the activities of the Anathema. The
lower the number, the bigger the threat that Anathema represents. How they go about
maintaining, updating, and hunting the Red List varies widely and depends upon the Justicar
and the Clan they represent. While the Justicars’ methods aren’t consistent, they share common
roles and responsibilities and tend to operate in pairs.

In summary, the Justicars:

• Nominate Anathema and maintain the List

• Hunt Anathema
• Call conclaves
• Administer the Mark of the Trophy
• Name Alastors
• Choose Red Alastors
• Manage the Trophy Clans
• Hear grievances related to the Red List
• Help coordinate efforts between ranking Kindred

Current Justicars
Anastaz di Zagreb (Tremere)
Lucinde (Ventrue) Madame Guil (Toreador)
Tegyrius (Assamite)
Theo Bell (Brujah)
Stanford Warwick (Nosferatu)
Dona Manuela Bolívar, La Llorona (Malkavian)

Dona Manuela Bolívar, Malkavian Justicar

Allegedly, Dona Manuela Bolívar is a young elder born on the shores of Venezuela. Some believe that
she is related to the legendary revolutionary Doña Manuela Sáenz. Out of respect, members of the
Camarilla refer to her as “Libertadora del Libertador” or the Liberator of the Liberators, for driving the
Sabbat out of Camarilla territory. Bolívar is known to be soft-spoken and genteel, but frighteningly
insightful. It was quite the surprise when captured Sabbat infiltrators reacted with a hitherto-unknown
terror at her presence. Some questioned why these monsters link the Malkavian Justicar to the legend of
La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman. Some have speculated that Bolívar is much older than the Camarilla
has been led to believe and might have been the inspiration for the Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal.

Victory for the Camarilla in South America

The Sabbat and the Camarilla bitterly contested for control of South America for the entirety of 20 th
century. The sects engaged in fierce skirmishes using guerilla tactics. This provided a critical opening; in
a single day, an organized cabal of hunters, burning with righteous faith, struck down a number of the
packs in Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay,leaving an opening for the Ivory Tower to claim dominion over
these lands.
The tattered remains of the once-mighty Sabbat were driven into exile rather than face the new Malkavian
Justicar, Dona Manuela Bolivar. Captured Sabbat infiltrators, fearful of speaking her real name, would
only tremble at the thought of her and whisper the name “La Llorona” (“the Weeping Woman”).
Led by Alexandria, Prince of Buenos Aires, the Camarilla subtly influenced a rapid modernization project
in many of the cities, stimulating the economy by leveraging the rich natural resources and funneling the
profits into securing the countries for the Ivory Tower. It is rumored that the next Grand Conclave will be
hosted in South America.

Edicts of the Justicars

The Traditions are the source of all authority in the Camarilla. Princes have the right to enforce the
Traditions locally, but it is within the authority of the Justicars to review and interpret the Traditions on a
global scale. These edicts often signal an important change in Camarilla policy. For example, the Edict of
Succession heralded a new political conception of what it meant to hold praxis over a domain and a
willingness of the Camarilla to include independent and Anarch domains under its umbrella. An edict is
always vetted and approved by three or more Justicars before being announced at a Judicial Conclave.

“Sure, the Camarilla is pretty fucking far from perfect,
but it’s the only way to keep a society of supernatural
apex predators from tearing itself apart. That’s why I’m
willing to risk the Final Death to keep it going.”
— Jessica Kesch, Malkavian Archon

Archons are the empowered agents of a Justicar. They serve as the eyes and ears of the Camarilla,
representing the first line of the Ivory Tower’s global justice. Justicars send their Archons to investigate
troubling rumors and discover potential problems before there is a crisis. If an Archon finds only minor
trouble, she usually gives the local Prince or Sheriff advice on how to handle the situation and a warning
that it had better be cleaned up when she returns. If she
finds serious trouble, she takes care of it personally. While Archons may employ ghouls or younger
Kindred to handle drudge work, most Archons expect and are expected to be totally self-sufficient, only
contacting their patron Justicar when their investigations are complete or to present regular status reports.
An Archon is exempt from prosecution for violating the Fifth and Sixth Traditions in direct service to her
It is expected that an Archon shall ignore the Tradition of Hospitality if doing so would endanger the
completion of her task. Should she find cause, an Archon is allowed to kill with impunity in the name of
the Justicar she serves. If she finds exceptional problems, she escalates the situation to her Justicar,
possibly to the point of a Judicial Conclave.
Archons are not immune to the requirements of etiquette or the anger of the Harpies. Should an Archon
misstep socially or politically, she will punished just like any other officer. Such social punishment
implies that the Archon has overstepped her authority. Often, a Prince will punish an Archon to send a
message to a meddlesome Justicar whose work clearly impedes upon Prince’s prerogatives under the
Second Tradition.
An Archon can go for weeks without contacting her employer, especially when operating under cover.
This habit may have disastrous results if a Justicar fails to realize that something untoward has happened
to her Archon.

An Archon’s authority includes:

• Holding exemption from prosecution for violating the Fifth and Sixth Traditions while in service
• Holding immunity from blood hunts other than from Justicars, the Imperator, or the Inner Circle
• Appointing up to two Servires (permanent deputies) into her service
• Holding status jurisdiction directly related to her given task An Archon gains the abiding status traits
Commander Commander and Noble for her tenure in office.

Boiled down to its simplest form, an archon is any Kindred who serves a justicar . We have no
prerequisites, no fitness tests or Civil Service Exams . If a justicar thinks you're useful, and if
you're willing to serve her, you're an archon.
The justicars are rarely so casual about their selections, though . We're not merely a justicar's
eyes and ears, but her hands, her voice and her fangs as well . Since we're the Camarilla's
penultimate force of order, not to mention internal affairs and the closest available equivalent to
a standing army, an ineffective archon threatens not only his fellows and the justicar he serves,
but also the safety and sanctity of the entire sect . Not every one of us has to be a buffed
out, chaingun-toting combat warlord, but each archon must be eminently skilled at what he does
- whatever that might be . A hacker, a cat burglar, a mechanic or even (Caine forbid!) a lawyer
are all archon material, if they've the proper temperament and level of proficiency- and if that
happens to be what a justicar requires at the moment . Don't embarrass your boss and don't
bollix your assignments ;
everything else is negotiable .

Most archons never see the inside of a non-Camarilla city, and those who do are probably
involved in one of the Camarilla's few military-style offenses . Yes, some of us specialize in
warfare, and a few serve as intelligence agents and spies, but the majority are far too busy
dealing with internal Camarilla issues .
Standard police procedure in the United States maintains that local police handle local crimes .
Only if a case violates certain specific national laws, or crosses borders between jurisdictions,
are the government cops - the FBI - called in to deal with the situation .
As archons, we function in a similar manner, though you ought to be careful spreading that
around, since some of us don't appreciate being
compared to mortal agencies like that . A prince who runs crying to the Camarilla every time
something goes wrong in her city is going to find herself out of power - and quite possibly
working on an unseasonable tan - in short order . Cities are, in the eyes of the Camarilla, loosely
allied autonomous entities . If a prince can't handle her own affairs, she's not worthy to be prince
. Only in the most extreme cases is a justicar willing to dispatch archons to deal with a local
matter .

The unfortunate fallout of this method of operation is that many princes, terrified for losing
status in the eyes of their fellow Kindred, hesitate to call for help when the situation does
warrant it.

a desperate prince (or other local Kindred)calls for help is an issue, too . The justicars don't sit at
home in their stately manors waiting for a call on the Camarilla-phone .
Princes are not issued business cards with the a-mail and cell phone number of the nearest
justicar. Granted, a given prince probably has enough contacts in high places that he knows
someone who knows someone who can get in touch with a justicar, assuming he can't do so
himself. Even then, justicars are moving about constantly,dealing with this problem or
mediating that dispute, and are often out of contact for nights or weeks at a time . Some of us
are easier to reach than our bosses, but we rarely have the authority to act in a substantial
manner without at least a nod from above, unless the situation is clearly of such vital import that
the entire Camarilla is threatened if someone doesn't take action now .

This does not mean that we show up in units of 20, marching in lockstep and armed with M- 16s
and sabers . The greatest assistance an archon (or group of archons) can supply a beleaguered
prince comes in the form of tactics, resources and knowledge . One of us might impose night-to-
night "martial law" over the city's Kindred if she outmatches the prince in strategic planning
ability . Perhaps she has information from her justicar and knows precisely who leads the
current crusade, meaning she can that specific Cainite for extermination . Maybe she's there to
guard the prince himself, though such personal consideration is rare indeed . Yes, she will take
the field should the need arise - and quite effectively,more often than not - but that's not likely
her primary function .

In recent years, and in light of events that have rocked the Kindred community, the justicars
have made a few adjustments to the way their archons operate . Although most of us still serve
as roving troubleshooters, the justicars have identified several specific "problem areas ." To
these they have assigned a more-or-less permanent enclave of archons . These "fixed" coteries
are responsible for maintaining order (or, in the case of those assigned to the newly acquired
Sabbat territories on the East Coast, communicating intelligence) in their designated theater of
operation . The Brujah Justicar Jaroslav Pascek and the Tremere Justicar Anastasz di Zagreb - a
strange partnership, to be sure - have suggested that these localized cells be given full
autonomy, maintaining that they'd be far more effective if permitted to work with whichever
justicar is most geographically convenient . The other justicars have, to this point, opposed such
a radical notion .

Dealing With Rogue Elders

Sometimes the Kindred in the highest positions are the ones causing the problems . Some elders
have simply decided that the rules and regulations of the Camarilla no longer apply to them .
No, I'm not talking about minor infractions ; I mean schemes that can damage an entire domain,
or the Camarilla, or even the Masquerade itself . Some of these elders predate the sects entirely
and refuse to bow to what they view as arbitrary, newfangled notions . Others haven't been
stupid enough to turn away from the Camarilla, but their plots and schemes have reached the
point where they threaten local stability beyond acceptable levels . Such threats are often
outside the capabilities of even the mightiest prince to curtail .
What's he to do against an enemy of equal power,who knows the city as well as he does and has
just as much local clout? What if the troublemaker is, in fact, the prince himself? Such things
are hardly unheard of. The prince may interpret the Traditions in his own domain, but he's no
more above the Traditions than anyone else . An unstable
prince can destabilize a city or even an entire region, tying up resources, crippling other elders
and leaving the gates wide open for a Sabbat crusade, Giovanni expansion or Cathayan invasion
. Elders may plot against those who must remain sacrosanct : the justicars, or even the Inner
Circle itself . Those Methuselahs guilty of diablerie in their younger nights sometimes find that
the blood of kine no longer sustains them, and turn their hunger loose on the Kindred around
Archon involvement in these circumstances isn't always physical action.
If the rogue is the prince of a city who needs to be overthrown but not necessarily slain, we may
never make our presence known. The prince simply wakes one evening to find that her
influence in the city
government has been partially usurped by someone even more manipulative than she, or that her
chief rival for the princedom has somehow come up with a vast network of informants and
contacts he didn't have the night before.

A temporary designation, normally assigned for the duration of a particular operation, praetor is
the title bestowed on an archon who has attained a position of leadership over his fellows . The
Ventrue note that it is a distinction of their own elaborate system of honorifics, adapted for use
by the Camarilla as a whole . Although the "rank," such as it is, doesn't formally stick with the
recipient after the relevant endeavor is completed, some archons have indeed borne the
honorific long after it was first appended, at least in the minds of their contemporaries . Theo
Bell retains the title in the minds of many archons, though the taking of New York is still fresh
enough that the designation may or may not last . Others, including the Nosferatu Federico
DiPadua, the Brujah Anna Petrova and the Malkavian Rudiger
Kleiss also hold the title informally .
Because she has specifically been given command over an operation by a justicar, a praetor is
considered to outrank all other archons . Those who retain the title informally once the mission
has ended hold a slightly more ambiguous position . No formal tradition requires other archons
to submit to a praetor after his official stint in that position has ended, but serious social
consequences might result for those who refuse to do so . The rank of praetor means nothing to
anyone outside the archons, and grants the holder no special privilege when dealing with other
Kindred. Of course, a praetor of the Ventrue distinction might have something to say should a
Kindred choose not to afford her the respect she is due. . . .


This is the "standard" designation . It applies to any archon who does not specifically fall into a
different rank or category.


An informal title, a servire is simply an archon's archon. Just as the justicars require agents to go
where they cannot and handle tasks to which they can't devote their immediate attention, so too
do archons often feel the need for assistants . Servires can be anyone - Kindred, ghoul or even
mere kine, though this last is uncommon - and are chosen for a variety of skills and needs .
Ghouls serve frequently as servires, and are particularly useful due to the loyalty enforced by
the blood bond. An archon investigating the prince of an unfamiliar city might recruit a local
coterie as servires so that they can guide him around the area, pass along inside info and, if
necessary, watch his back in a firefight . A Nosferatu who is a talented hacker might be
"deputized" to assist the archon breaking into the local Giovanni's encrypted files .
Becoming a servire doesn't bestow any particular rights or privileges, though some degree of
status is implicit with the responsibility, and most servires serve only for the duration of a
specific endeavor . Some archons use the same servires regularly, however, building up a set of
skilled agents over the course of time . These servires are watched closely, by the archon herself
and, eventually, by her justicar superior. Many new archons are chosen from those who have
proven their value over the years as servires .


Easily the most renowned "branch" of the archons, alastors are those Kindred who hunt the Red
List: those criminals, called Anathema, who have made the Camarilla's Most Wanted . Calling
the alastors a subset of the archons is not entirely accurate, though the vast majority of alastors
are indeed taken from the ranks of the justicars' appointees.
Any Kindred who brings one of the Anathema down is automatically recruited as an alastor
(with or without her consent), and is expected to devote herself to continuing that practice .
Alastors answer personally to the Inner Circle, not to the justicars, and are rumored to serve
other purposes besides stalking Red List criminals . Alastors are technically above local princes'
interpretations of Traditions and, unlike archons, are given means to prove it: a blood-and-ink
tattoo on the right palm, called alternately the Trophy or the Mark of the Beast. This mark,
usually hidden beneath a pair of gloves, grants
the alastor certain benefits and immunities from local persecution .
The alastors are technically a secret organization, though the secret grows more and more open
as time passes . Even though only a select few - justicars, high-ranking archons and praetors, as
well as some princes - recognize the mark for what it is, no organization that uses a tattoo for
identification can remain entirely hidden . While most Kindred remain ignorant of the exact
nature and purpose of the alastors, the existence of a group of archons devoted to hunting
Anathema is now widely recognized .


Unique among the factions of archons, the Quaesitors are a single-clan (or at least very nearly
single-clan) group . Made up mostly of Tremere thaumaturges, the Quaesitors serve the
Camarilla as roving judges, mediators and tacticians in all matters magical . Their forte lies in
dealing with Sabbat koldun and Setite sorcerers, mortal mages
and even rogue Tremere within the Camarilla's own ranks . If any group of archons is less
trusted than the doppelgangers, it is the Quaesitors . Few among the Kindred believe that these
Warlocks have truly placed the good of the Camarilla above their own objectives and those of
their clan. Some vampires maintain that the Quaesitors' true purpose is to hunt down and
destroy all non-Tremere thaumaturges . Even the name "Quaesitor" comes from the Tremere,
having been both the name of a now-defunct secret society within the clan and that of a House
of Hermetic mages centuries before that.
As the Quaesitors often stand alone while holding the line against sorcerous threats, the justicars
are taking steps to make the group seem more trustworthy to other Kindred . Quaesitors only
rarely serve under the Tremere Anastasz di Zagreb, and the justicars require them to submit to
blood bonds more frequently than other archons . The justicars are also attempting to increase
the non-Tremere presence in the faction, but as a Quaesitor is required, by definition, to possess
a mastery of blood magic, these efforts have so far proven largely difficult.
Those few blood sorcerers in the Camarilla who aren't Tremere are unwilling to put their unlives
in the hands of companions who see them as little more than rivals.

The Josians
“And He said to Josiah, ‘Tear their kingdom down. For
they have forsaken me, and worshipped demons. They have
not walked in my ways, nor done what is right in my eyes.’”

Although the infernal has existed since before recorded history, the Sabbat did not establish an
Inquisition until the nineteenth century. It took the Camarilla nearly as long to accept the
genuine danger posed by diabolists.
Named for the biblical king Josiah, who put an end to the sacrificial worship of the god Moloch
in the Vale of Gehenna, the Josians are an order of archons that focus on rooting out the various
Gehenna cults and infernalists within the Camarilla. Their purpose is to excise heresy, defend
the Camarilla against demonic corruption, and to seize (and study) the texts and practices of
Gehenna lore in the slim circumstance that those cults are right.
In Ancient Days

The history of the Josian archons begins in a strange place, during the rise of the city of
Carthage. The Brujah speak of Carthage as glorious empire where mortals and vampires lived in
peace, and that is true, though they omit the darker sides of that tale. In fact, Carthage was
also home to a degenerate blood cult. Assamites resided there as well, serving as judges and
keeping the peace. Baal and other infernal entities were worshipped in temples sculpted of
obsidian and bathed in blood.
After the Second Punic War, the Malkavian seer, Tryphosa, had visions of infernalism and rot
in Carthage. She went to the Ventrue of Rome and demanded that the city be struck down
before the Baali evil spreadfurther. The Ventrue, fierce rivals of the Brujah, rose to the
challenge. In alliance with the Malkavians and the Toreador, the Ventrue forces assaulted the
city, fighting against united forces of the Brujah, Assamites, and Baali.
Since that day, a small coterie of elders of the three Clans — Ventrue, Malkavian, and Toreador
— have made it their business to seek out, track down, and destroy infernalism and demon-
worship wherever it is found.
These groups were first organized by the Ventrue Lysander, a Toreador Methusulah from Africa
named Adanaya, and the Malkavian Tryphosa (until her supposed destruction), along with
support from many others who were involved in the fall of Carthage. They chose this course not
out of a duty to holy faith, but out of their own motivations — personal vengeance, fear of
infernalists, and hatred of the Baali. Like all Elders of the time, they did not fight personally, but
worked secretly through their lineages and through other vampires bound to them by blood.
Since then, those who serve these powerful Elders have continued the eradication of diabolism
wherever it was discovered. As Princes rose and fell, through the Anarch Revolt and the
formation of the Camarilla, and into the Victorian and then the modern age, these lineages have
continued their efforts in secret. They have maintained contact with one another through the
centuries, working covertly to eradicate the corruption of the infernal.

Josian Through the Ages: Misfit Archons

In 1764, the Inner Circle of the Camarilla met for its twenty-second official gathering. The
Hellfire Clubs of London were extremely popular in mortal society, and decadent occult
fascination was influencing Kindred culture as well. The church’s control over Europe was
lapsing, and mysticism and superstition warred with faith. The Camarilla was plagued by
heretical doctrines, decadent coteries, and pseudo-religious cults. To counter this, the Inner
Circle founded a group of archons entrusted with the duty of rooting out cults and heresy.
It is whispered that it was the Tremere Meerlinda who coined the name “Josians” as a reference
to biblical myth, and tasked them with this secret purpose.
The ancient anti-Carthage coterie discovered the Josians and their covert mission and took an
interest, placing their servants and successors within this branch of archons so as to effectively
utilize the Camarilla’s resources toward their own goals. They sired childer or moved pawns
into service, quietly providing them with the education and abilities they would need to hunt the
infernal as well as reveal Gehenna cults within the Sect.
The Industrial Revolution marked several upheavals within the Camarilla. The world was
changing rapidly, and the stagnation of Elder vampires was becoming more and more apparent.
Although the Josians performed admirably, support from the Inner Council wavered, and
soon the Justicariate’s attention (and resources) moved to support other issues. As servants of
the infernal proved more and more difficult to find, the Josians lost focus and their numbers
dwindled. Their effectiveness was often hampered by politics and internal Camarilla strife.
For more than a century, the Josians worked on their own, following the leadership of an Elder
Ventrue, Archon Margause Devereaux, and her servire, Henri d’Acquitaine of Clan Malkavian.
Devereaux was appointed Provost of the Josian Order, and formally took charge of the division.
However, to keep the order’s task secret, their efforts were never lauded, and their successes are
kept hidden from the majority of the Sect.
By the year 1999, the Josians and their secretive mission within the Sect had been all but
forgotten, pushed aside by more pressing concerns. Those who were part of the order continued
to perform their duties, though they were largely unsupervised and unsupported. Those Princes
who even knew the term “Josians” considered them little more than misfit archons; crackpots
and eccentrics, given no real regard by prominent members of society. If it hadn’t been for
Archon Devereaux’s personal labors to keep the Josian Archons functional, the order might
have fallen apart and been utterly forgotten.

Modern Times: Josian Archons

The Josians were once an elite taskforce of Archons dedicated to uprooting Gehenna cults,
while also secretly investigating discovered lore for any evidence that Gehenna may be a real
danger. Once Tegyrius was elevated to the office of Justicar, he sought authority over the
Josians from the Inner Circle and was eventually approved. Tegyrius altered the group’s
original charter and, in addition to their existing duties, he gave them orders to hunt the infernal
within the Camarilla, using his authority as Justicar to support their actions.
The Josians are given a wide latitude, and they are trained in traditional Assamite fighting
styles, the better to face any Baali and diabolists that might be long-ingrained within the sect.
Many ancient vampires, revitalized by Tegyrius’s purpose (or compelled by boons to serve
him), have joined the Josians. A number of powerful elders have taken a personal interest in the
Josians, providing training, mystical aid, and political support. Many of these patrons include
Malkavians, Ventrue, and Toreador — the same alliance of clans that fought against the Baali at


Josian Archons work quietly and maintain their effectiveness as undercover operatives by
altering their identities from time to time. They always work in pairs; one Archon, and one
servire. Typically, both are trained in many different skills and work as jacks-of-all-trades.
Each Josian must be prepared to infiltrate, investigate, and defend himself with minimal backup
from his superiors or other archons. This may cause him to appear weaker than other Archons,
but his knowledge of lore is far superior to his fellows’.
Recruitment as a Josian demands no prerequisite set of skills, though most new members are
already familiar with a fair amount of Noddist and infernal lore. An individual discovered with
a great deal of information on demonology has two options: serve as a Josian, or die as a
heretic. Unfortunately, that decision is made by the Josian in charge of the investigation, and not
by the individual being scrutinized. They are united by purpose, rather than by ability. The
leaders of the Josians use the opportunity afforded by these operations to study the lore and the
practices of these cults, making Archon Devereaux one of the Camarilla’s foremost scholars on
the myths of Caine, Kindred lore, and occult theology. Josians are allowed to collect and
maintain personal knowledge of these heresies, though they are not to keep written records of
their activities nor personal libraries of such material. They are quietly authorized to work
with “agents of despicable quality” in their investigations (including non-vampires, as well as
Sabbat members and heretical Independents). During one such hunt for a Ventrue infernalist,
the Josians are even known to have coordinated with a Sabbat war pack who recognized the
magnitude of the creature’s threat.


Although the Camarilla Traditions do not explicitly forbid infernalism, the Inner Circle’s record
is clear. Humanist vampires detest these practices, and all acts related to demonology. Such
activities and investments are considered a breach of the Masquerade, and a threat to the
security of the Sect. Practitioners of infernalism, like cults dedicated to the lore and knowledge
of Gehenna,are to be eradicated with extreme prejudice. Princes found to have been harboring
either are usually destroyed.
In a standard investigation, the Josian and her Servire work as a team, usually with one
infiltrating and one maintaining a safehouse and support. When a cult is discovered or an
infernalist located, the Josian has the authority to destroy that individual — although the politics
of the Camarilla can make utilizing this authority somewhat complicated.
A Josian may, in these circumstances, request the local Prince’s assistance. If local forces are
inadequate or compromised, the Josian may call in more Archons (usually other Josians, but not
always). Technically, the tradition of Domain implies that a Prince is under no burden to assist
the Josian. However, most Princes are savvy enough to realize that if they are anything less
than immediately and enthusiastically compliant, they could be charged with sheltering heretics
— or with being heretics themselves.
A Josian nominally has the authority to put an entire domain in lockdown, though to do so
would certainly be pressing their luck. It is also within their authority to decree that all Kindred
within that domain are now Profane. Profane vampires may not hold status or position, are
stripped of all boons owed to them, and may be destroyed outside of the Traditions as though a
Blood Hunt had been called upon them. If any vampire with the Profane status immediately
presents themselves to the Justicars (or any Archon), they can be proven innocent, shrived, and
their status restored. However, no one knows of an instance when this authority was enacted,
and some Kindred even doubt the validity of such a heavy-handed policy. And yet, the Inner
Circle has never refuted the Josians’ claim to this level of authority.

The Inner Circle knows full well that the Camarilla could collapse from the bottom up if word
spread that the “myths” of Gehenna are discovered to be true. Although they must allow a
certain amount of agreement that the Third Generation existed (some of those Ancients are
their sires, after all), they maintain a tight control on the idea that the Antediluvians will awaken
and slaughter all vampires, or that there is any apocalyptic “End Time” approaching. They
support the Josians when these archons discover such information, and in their attempts to
destroy Gehenna cults. They also support eradication of infernalists, and knowledge on that
topic. However, if a Josian misuses their authority — or calls too much attention to their work
— the Inner Circle may decide that archon is, in the end, expendable.

Infernalists and Heretics

The Camarilla disdains Paths of Enlightenment as a threat to the Masquerade, though most are
implicitly tolerated. However, there are some ethical beliefs which are abhorrent enough to have
been declared heresy by the Inner Council. These include the Path of Night, the Path of Evil
Revelations, the Path of Caine, and the Path of Lilith. Those who deal with demons or other
infernal entities, or those who willingly allow themselves to be hosts for a spirit could also be
deemed heretical (a ruling that chafes the Giovanni).
Those who participate in Gehenna cults are clearly heretical. This absolutely includes the
Sabbat, as well as groups who seek to recreate Carthage, discover Enoch, or who believe in the
End Times (whether they are trying to stop Gehenna or to bring it about). Individuals who seek
Golconda, a state associated with the infamous infernalist Saulot, are also heretical, as is anyone
plotting to find or awaken a progenitor of one of the Clans (which often includes Setites).
Recently, the Josians have heard rumor of a strange text circulating through the hands of mortal
hunter groups. It’s called The Apostate Auguries, and there are claims it was written by a
powerful Malkavian Seer who fell victim to such hunters. The Josians are doing all they can to
track this volume down and determine what risk it represents to the Masquerade.

Josians and the Alastors: Kindred Policy

The infernalist-hunting Josian Archons share a lot in common with the Alastors, and the two
groups confer on multiple occasions. It is possible, however unlikely, that a Josian might also be
named an Alastor — simply because infernalists and Noddists do appear on the Red List from
time to time.
Most often, however, the Josians do not become an Alastor unless they take down one of the
Anathema and win the Trophy. So far, while the Josians have assisted throughout the years,
they haven’t been received the Mark of the Trophy and generally don’t have plans to. The
Josians, in general, tend to regard Alastors as their peers. That’s not to say that sentiment is
always returned, or that some Josians aren’t jealous of the acclaim that Alastors get —
especially since hunting infernalists tends to be a thankless job. Regardless, the Josians won’t
dare to air their true feelings for fear they’ll anger the wrong Kindred.
With rumors swirling around the current names on the Red List, however, the Josians are keen
on collaborating more with the Alastors to hunt Dylan Bruce, Valerius Maior, Francisca Santos
dos Rodrigues and Noddists like Ayisha Jocastian. Secretly, they wish the Alastors will allow
them to lead those initiatives given how many years they’ve spent studying and hunting
infernalists independently of them. Too, Josian Archons feel that taking down Dylan Bruce, in
particular, and unraveling the methods he used to subvert the Mark of the Trophy would elevate
their status within the Camarilla — a political maneuver most Josians agree might get them
enough attention to be afforded some of the same benefits Alastors enjoy. Why shouldn’t they,
too, receive a Trophy or be given boons for the thankless work they do?
To that end, though the Josians wish to be acknowledged they often don’t have time to worry
about politics. The Josian Archons have their hands full dealing with profane vampires who
operate independently of those on the Red List. And, thanks to infernalist Anathema, the
number of profane vampires are on the rise.


The Camarilla hasexisted for over five centuries, and has had archons- or some equivalent -
serving that entire time, yet the sect still has no satisfactory method of identifying those archons
How does an archon who has just arrived in town convince the prince and primogen that she is
who she says she is? How does she convince the scourge that she's not just some border-
dwelling autarkis, that it's only a cover identity, before she's either forced to kill him or fall
beneath his fangs? Most princes have the means of contacting the justicars - eventually. The
process takes nights, weeks or even longer, and in the interim the archon's ability to function is
crippled at best.
The alastors all bear the Mark of the Beast, but a tattoo is not a viable solution for the archons
en masse . For such a symbol to serve as identification, it would have to be widely known and
there goes any possibility of an archon successfully working undercover . Not to mention the
problems caused when every anarch from New York to Los Angeles decides it'd be a real boost
to get the same tattoo ; or when an archon retires, or is forced to retire, from service .
The Tremere are currently at work on developing a thaumaturgical mark, not entirely unlike the
one inflicted on their late antitribu. This mark would be visible only when the archon desired it,
and would be nigh impossible to forge by virtue of its magical nature . Unfortunately, the
Warlocks haven't yet succeeded in their efforts, and many archons would surely prove reluctant
to submit themselves to such a ritual in any case. Additionally, the Tremere would no doubt
create a "back door" to this secret brand, which would allow them to see it and potentially
expose an archon to any Tremere who saw her . Putting one's security in the hands of the
Tremere rarely works fully to the satisfaction of the party employing them .
At the moment, several safeguards are in place . The Inner Circle and the justicars have declared
impersonating an archon a crime punishable by staking, torpor and even Final Death. It is hoped
that the threat of a gruesome end will be sufficient to dissuade many Kindred from making the
attempt at all .


Although the size of an archon coterie is determined by a number of considerations, the rule of
thumb when dealing with internal investigations is to assign a group of three archons, each with
her own specific part to play in the operation.
The first functions as both scout and information-gatherer, and normally remains undercover for
the duration of the operation, even should the other two archons reveal themselves or be
exposed . This first archon enters the city nights or even weeks ahead of the others.
This is so she will already have intelligence to pass to the others when they arrive, but also to
distance her from the others in the minds of any observers who might have somehow detected
the archons' arrival . Her primary goal in the first nights of the operation is to develop a feel for
the city itself: who the important elders are, who holds the city's offices (assuming such
information wasn't provided before the mission began),where the Elysiums are and so forth .
This grants the other two archons a working knowledge of the city so that they don't
automatically give themselves away as outsiders .
The second member of the team is responsible for coordinating the coterie's activities . An
expert in the twisted ways of the game of prestation, his job is to ensure that the team doesn't
cause any more damage to the local power structure than is absolutely necessary . Every
Kindred the team interacts with is analyzed in terms of her position in the local arena and dealt
with accordingly. This member of the team is the one most likely to reveal himself to those
local authorities who have been deemed "safe," in order to arrange for support or information .
The last archon in the coterie is the team's muscle. Once the other two have determined who the
"problem Kindred" is (or are), it is the third archon's task to deal with the subject by whatever
means necessary . This doesn't mean that the other two archons aren't capable of holding their
own should violence erupt, simply that the third member of the team is the expert at such things
. Although hulking bruisers or other "ass-kickers" often fill this position, the smart coteries
prefer an enforcer who has as strong a grasp of the tactical aspects of combat as he does the
physical ones .

ALASTOR: The Red List Archon

An Alastor is an agent of the Inner Circle charged with hunting down the Anathema: vampires
who have been added to the Camarilla’s Red List and targeted for destruction by the entire sect.
Should a vampire who is not yet an Alastor manage to destroy one of the Anathema, she is
automatically press-ganged into service as an Alastor. While the Archons answer directly to the
Justicars, the Alastors answer only to the Camarilla’s Inner Circle. Any Kindred (even an
Alastor) who diablerizes an Anathema takes the victim’s place on the Red List.
Alastors have a mystical red tattoo (similar in appearance to the Ankh of the Camarilla) placed
on their right palm to denote their position.

An Alastor’s authority includes:

• Entering any domain in the search for Anathema
• Holding exemption from prosecution for violating the Fifth and Sixth Traditions while hunting
(An Alastor gains the abiding status trait Commander during her tenure in office.)

Role Of The Alastor

Up until very recently, most low-ranking Kindred did not necessarily distinguish between
Alastors and Archons, in part because the younger vampires either didn’t know Alastors existed
or, if they did, rarely came into contact with them.
For centuries, Alastors operated behind-the-scenes in the Camarilla both out of necessity and for
political reasons. The secrecy shrouding the Red List, combined with the challenges of the hunt,
isolated the Anathema’s hunters. Until the modern era, the Alastors tended to be separated from
the rest of the Kindred, which forced them to act or reveal themselves only when absolutely
necessary. Unfortunately, some Kindred are secretly jealous of the Alastors, for while their role
is treacherous, the rewards can be great. In many ways, the first Alastors shared a lot of the
same duties and responsibilities as the Archons did because they were Archons. Or, rather, they
were a subset of Archons assigned to the List shortly after its inception a few centuries ago.
The early Justicars understood that hunting the Anathema required their agents to take unusual
risks, bend Traditions, and act on the Camarilla’s behalf. When deciding who would be
trustworthy enough to hunt the Anathema, the Justicars realized they couldn’t entrust this task to
just any Kindred.
To them, the Alastors needed to be honorable and loyal — at least, as much as any vampire can
be. Who better than the Archons who had already proven their worth?
As the years passed, however, and the number of casualties began to rise, the Justicars expanded
the role of the Alastors by adjusting how they were managed, and who was appointed to hunt
the Anathema. History shows that many Justicars have conscripted or forced Kindred to become
Alastors out of necessity. Unfortunately, since vampires act out of self-interest, the Justicars
learned that a heavy-handed approach wasn’t as effective as working with willing volunteers.
As long as Alastors had a reason to fight the Anathema that benefits them in some way — like
fulfilling a personal vendetta, obtaining more status, increasing ties to the Trophy Clan, or
earning the Trophy — they will do the job required until the end of their long nights.
To protect and encourage Alastors to stay focused on the hunt, the Justicars often remind other
Kindred of what they do on their behalf to guard their way of life. Kindred may not always fear
or respect individual Alastors like they would an Archon, but they do think twice about how
they treat them.
Nobody wants to draw a Justicar’s ire, because those who do will feel the effects of their bad
judgment for decades to come. In recent years, the number of Alastors has risen considerably
because the Camarilla has globally stepped up its offense; the Camarilla actively seeks to shake
off its reputation as a passive organization that reacts only when situations are dire.
As a result, the Justicars, such as Lucinda and Juliet Parr, have named more Alastors with
greater frequency to hunt existing Anathema, identify new threats, and defend the Camarilla
and all its Kindred for the remainder of their unlives.

Leadership: Red Alastors

Unlike other Alastors, the Red Alastors are in a supervisory position and were initially created
to oversee all of the Alastors operating in a specific region. Red Alastors tend to remain in a
Camarilla-led city as opposed to going out on the hunt or travelling for weeks or months at a
time. Though they coordinate hunts and mull over facts from a distance, Red Alastors are fully
capable of tracking and engaging the Anathema themselves. They, too, bear the Mark of the
Trophy but operate more openly than their underlings do, and often wind up protecting those
who report to them. A Red Alastor’s greatest asset is her perspective, and she uses that insight
to help Alastors be more effective than they would without it.

Red Alastors don’t always hide in the shadows because they feel they’re required to make
different sacrifices than their charges. When in Elysium, for example, they step carefully
knowing other Kindred fear them. While no one questions whether or not they have earned their
rank, Red Alastors operate outside of the Prince’s jurisdiction and place greater emphasis on
larger threats than the day-to-day functions of the Camarilla. In truth, this is partly why Red
Alastors spend a considerable amount of time building ties to other Kindred, but it is not the
only reason. What better way to ferret out moles, keep an eye on Kindred who are acting
suspicious, and connect with other high-ranking members of the Camarilla? Red Alastors
understand, perhaps better than any other Kindred, that sometimes the best way to protect
the Camarilla is to work from within.
By far, Red Alastors face an increasing number of challenges in the modern era. With more
Alastors being named, their supervisors find it difficult to safely store information that’s needed
to discuss tactics and coordinate offensive maneuvers without causing a breach of the
Masquerade. Many feel that one solution is to better utilize ShreckNET and opt to strengthen
their ties to the Nosferatu, which isn’t always easy. Others suggest that the best way to hide and
convey messages is in plain sight by using ghouls or kine to deliver them.

Unlike Alastors, Red Alastors are promoted from their numbers by a pair of Justicars and are
afforded more oversight to hunt the Anathema. Cada membro dos Alastores Vermelhos trouxe
um dos Anátemas dentre os 5 primeiros da Lista Vermelha até um Justicar. Many Red Alastors
choose to remain in a Camarilla-held territory to oversee the Alastors and gather reports to plan
for combat, uncover havens, or defend against full-scale attacks from Anathema like Alex Swift.
Other Red Alastors, such as Lucinde before she became the Ventrue Justicar, operate more in
the political sphere and report to the Justicars on behalf of all Alastors, collaborate with other
Red Alastors, root out moles or fallen Alastors, or immerse themselves in local politics to
smooth over any misunderstandings with the local Prince.
In the past, the identity of the Red Alastors was secret to all but a precious few. Most Kindred
assume correctly that Red Alastors tend to be high-ranking Kindred: Archons, Sheriffs, and
a few Princes, representing the Camarilla’s elite. Now, Red Alastors reveal their role at their
discretion, since some have argued that anonymity is just as powerful as a frightening
Highly-capable, Red Alastors can fight alongside Alastors or choose remain behind to strategize
ways to take down their enemies until the final showdown. Like their charges, Red Alastors
never stop hunting the Anathema, even if they ascend to the rank of Justicar. Once a Kindred
becomes an Alastor, she will always be an Alastor even if her focus shifts to accommodate her
rank and role within the Camarilla.

Becoming An Alastor

There are two ways a Kindred become an Alastor. The first method is rare, but it can happen on
occasion. Any Kindred who successfully eliminates one of the Anathema will automatically be
named an Alastor — if he wasn’t one already. That Alastor is effectively tossed into the hunt
without more training because he’s already hunted and caught his prey. Thus, in the eyes of the
Justicars, that Kindred has proven to be a capable hunter and doesn’t require as much support as
those with no time in the field.
The second method to become an Alastor is for a single Justicar to appoint a specific Kindred to
that position. While they are capable of doing so, the Justicars don’t nominate Alastors by
themselves and often share notes with one another on potential candidates before calling for a
conclave. Collaborating in this fashion alleviates some of the Justicars’ concerns about storing,
transferring, and distributing information as well as worries about bad nominations. Thus, the
Justicars now team up in pairs to nominate a candidate and must agree before preparing the
Mark of the Trophy.
While the Justicars have widely differing opinions as to what innate qualities would work best,
there are a number of points that they tend to review when mulling over a candidate’s name.
This list is, by no means, exhaustive or addresses the personal reasons a Justicar might have for
naming an Alastor, but it does cover key aspects of a vampire’s character that are important in
the role.

• Generation: It may not be explicitly stated, but several Justicars tend to favor lower
generations than higher out of necessity. A Twelfth Generation vampire would have little
chance of survival in a face-to-face battle with Petaniqua, for example, and some Justicars
believe it doesn’t make sense to send incapable vampires to a slaughter without a good reason.
Other Justicars feel that higher Generation vampires have their uses and should be incorporated
in a more subtle way, especially against Anathema like Karen Anatos. Higher Generation
vampires may also be tasked with research and investigation, because they tend to be more
technologically savvy and aren’t usually perceived as a threat by their elders. For these reasons
and more, the higher generations tend to make great spies but still can, on occasion, be used to
draw threats out like Christopher Barrow into the open.

• Clan: Officially, any Kindred from any Clan may become an Alastor. The Justicars, however,
tend to nominate Alastors from Clans that are more loyal to the Camarilla than others, from
those who have a vested interest in protecting the organization. The Ventrue, Nosferatu, and
select Gangrel are often considered first. However, given that the Justicars frequently discuss in
secret which candidates they’re considering, it’s more than likely a Justicar will nominate one
from their own clan. While no one knows for sure, of course, it’s commonly thought that over
half of the Alastors are made up of Ventrue and Nosferatu.

• Sire: Most Alastors understand that their relationship with their sire can benefit them in many
ways. A Kindred’s sire doesn’t directly impact the Justicars’ decision, but could help influence
the nominations.
Sires may speak behind closed doors on their progeny’s behalf or, alternatively, might try to
prove loyalty to the Camarilla by “offering” their progeny to protect it. After their nomination,
Alastors may find that their sires can benefit them in other ways, too, serving as a resource for
gossip and information or offering advice on how to avoid political missteps.
• Rank: Though the Justicars don’t exclusively pick Archons to become Alastors any longer,
they tend to favor Kindred who hold this rank for the same reasons they did centuries ago. Now,
however, the Justicars don’t want to be limited by their choices and have expanded their scope
to include non-ranking Kindred as well as nominating a few Princes, Scourges, and Sheriffs,
too. Kindred that the Justicars review may also be considered and recommended for support
positions like the bellator or similar ranks like Josians.

• Region: Active Anathema, such as Kemintiri, often act erratically and move around a lot,
more so than vampires, like Karen Anatos, who are comfortable in their domain. Sometimes,
the details of an Anathema’s sighting may influence the Justicars’ decision to name new
Kindred in a specific region. They might decide to name more Alastors already in Atlanta, for
example, if reports can be confirmed that Alex Swift has been spotted nearby and plans on
launching an attack. However, since active Anathema tend to avoid staying in one location,
some Justicars prefer to nominate Kindred that are already comfortable drifting from place to

• Role or Task: Since the hunt for Anathema has shifted from a proactive, rather than reactive,
approach the Justicars have begun to strategize long-term. In the past, Alastors were named only
when necessary. Now that Alastors are being named more frequently, the Justicars may choose
appointees based on what they’ll be doing. Alastors might train new Alastors, analyze decades
of evidence, go deep undercover, team up with the Josians to share information, etc. In recent
years, Alastors have become more specialized than they have in the past, and utilize their skills
in a more tactical way using the knowledge they’ve gleaned from other, more experienced
Kindred. This coordinated effort has proved to be very effective, especially against Anathema
that are thought to be less threatening than Petaniqua.

While loyalty to the Camarilla is important, the Justicars also value any number of innate and
external qualities that Kindred may naturally express. Most Justicars start by reviewing how
well their candidates uphold the Traditions, like the protection of the Masquerade.
Valued traits include self-discipline, an exceptional memory, a strong sense of focus, as well as
the ability to correctly assess the threat level in tense situations, and remain level-headed in the
midst of chaos. Kindred who do not succumb to their Beast and have learned to keep It in check
are great candidates as well. A mastery of Disciplines, or the creative use of more commonly-
found Disciplines, is also referred but not required. Disciplines, which are outlined on p. 99, are
taken into consideration to ensure that an Alastor is capable of doing all that’s required of her.
Outside of Disciplines, allies and resources can be taken into account, too, especially since
Alastors will find it very difficult to travel and obtain what’s needed without being able to rely
on their herd, coterie, or a far-reaching network of allies to assist them in their travels.

Alastors’ Duties and Responsibilities

The rank of Alastor is a permanent appointment that does not end until the Kindred’s Final
Death. Kindred who are entrusted with this task hunt the Camarilla’s most feared enemies on its
To be named an Alastor is to be named the Camarilla’s most loyal servant, a sentiment that’s
ironic given the nature of a vampire. It is a role and title that’s taken so seriously, the Justicars
often point out that an Alastor’s actions reflect on his Clan, sire, coterie, and fellow Alastors as
well. This acts as a way of keeping the Alastors in line, because the punishments for running
afoul of the Camarilla after being named to this role are severe.
Becoming an Alastor carries with it any number of responsibilities, some more taxing than
others. These duties tend to be common across all Alastors, regardless of whether or not they’re
in a supervisory role as a Red Alastor or not.
How they split up and carry out these tasks, however, often varies widely and is up to that
individual Alastor and his coterie mates.

• Remaining Focused on the Hunt: Alastors, much like how the Josian Archons are ordered to
hunt infernalists, are tasked with a primary focus: the Red List. Any other matters pertaining to
politics, Clan responsibilities, their coterie, sire, domain, or ghoul, and other personal issues are
supposed to be secondary to the hunt. This does not mean, however, that Alastors are always on
the move searching vigilantly for the Anathema and their accomplices.
Unlike other Kindred, Alastors are more active, less resistant to change, and make good use of
their downtime between hunts. It’s very rare for an Alastor to disappear for years at a time or
remain too long in one place, but it can and does happen when that Alastor goes undercover,
into torpor, or is on a mission that’s one piece in a larger plan.

• Following the Chain of Command: Alastors tend to have at least one home base they operate
out of, if not more. A Red Alastor operating in their region provides them with guidance and a
centralized pointof-contact, while the Justicars issue edicts and speak on behalf of the Inner
Council. Because Alastors operate outside of the night-to-night activities of the Camarilla, they
don’t necessarily have to answer to other, high-ranking Kindred like Princes, Primogen, or
Sheriffs, but it is in their best interest to treat them with a modicum of respect. Vampires have
long memories, even in the Camarilla, and it’s not wise for Alastors to forget that the Anathema
are not the only threats they have to worry about.

• Evaluating the Traditions: The Traditions, while important, can be binding for Alastors —
especially since the destruction of the Anathema is their primary duty. Logistically, the
Traditions become cumbersome for Alastors who go undercover since non-Camarilla sects and
organizations do not share the Camarilla’s values and beliefs. Some Traditions, however, like
siring a progeny can and probably should be avoided for this act in particular raises more
questions than an Alastor may be prepared to answer. Others, like maintaining domain, may not
be as valuable to an Alastor who’s constantly on the move. Though this is true, some Alastors
— specifically Red Alastors — who remain for longer periods of time in a Camarilla-held
territory or city, tend to view themselves as model Kindred and feel they need to set an example
for others by upholding the Traditions to the letter of the law.

• Maintaining Domain: Though Alastors are afforded many benefits, it is still their
responsibility to maintain their domains and secure safe haven whenever necessary. This task, in
particular, can be very difficult for Alastors which is why the Trophy grants them temporary
benefits when traveling through another Camarilla-held city. The longer an Alastor has been on
the hunt, the more paranoid they tend to be, and the more havens they typically have. Some
veteran Alastors frequently rotate their havens, skip maintaining a domain altogether, and
leverage several false identities to throw followers off their scent. Others rely heavily on their
coterie mates to deal with everyday affairs.

• Cleaning Up Masquerade Breaches: Of all the Traditions, the Masquerade is still the most
important and one that the Justicars expect the Alastors will still uphold. How they go about
cleaning up a breach of the Masquerade, however, is often open to interpretation.
Some Alastors who are in hot pursuit of an Anathema simply notify the local Sheriff of any
issues or expect them to take care of their mess, while others feel that clean up is their
responsibility. This responsibility, in particular, tends to be highly controversial since some
Alastors feel the Masquerade distracts them from the hunt. To them, the Anathema use the
Masquerade as a weapon and Alastors lose valuable time if they have to stop trailing them to
deal with any witnesses.

• Finding Moles and Spies: The Justicars understand, especially after discovering years later,
of Kemintiri pretending to be Lady Merritt in Victorian London, that sometimes the worst
enemies can be found closer than most Kindred might think. One of the more difficult
responsibilities an Alastor has is to root out traitors within the Camarilla. Most Kindred are
suspicious of the named Alastors and don’t necessarily want to get too close to them for fear
they’ll be implicated in some fashion. Others seek them out in the hopes that the Alastors will
disclose more information about the hunt and whether or not they’re conducting any
investigations in their region.
Regardless, the Alastors have their work cut out for them — which is why some prefer to
remain focused on hunting active Anathema to avoid the political machine. Moles and spies
exist, and the Alastors know this, but to some extent they also trust that local matters will be
handled by the Prince. Though the Alastors can step in, they tend to confer with the Justicars
and Red Alastors before taking action in a Prince’s backyard.

• Collecting Evidence: Once an Anathema is named, the Alastors act on the assumption that
that enemy is guilty. That doesn’t mean, however, that the Alastors burst into action and
immediately go on the hunt unprepared. Often, they spend considerable effort learning as much
as they can about their target by gathering evidence. They might work the streets near the
Anathema’s last known location interviewing witnesses or tracking down known allies. They
might coordinate their efforts further by investigating existing eyewitness reports, tracing
financial data, or identifying possible havens and traveling routes.
Either way, it’s up to the Alastors to collate and share this data however they see fit before
engaging the Anathema on their own. Once the data is collected, however, it presents a security
risk regardless of whether or not it’s stored on a computer, since this data reveals insight into
what the Alastors know about the Camarilla’s enemies. Worse, now that the Alastors are
becoming increasingly paranoid, many of them have gone to extreme lengths to hide what
they find.

• Infiltrating Enemy Territories: As many Anathema belong to other Sects, like the Sabbat,
Alastors often need to travel into enemy territory to hunt them.
Sometimes, these hunts require the Alastors to be away for months or years at a time. Some
Alastors choose to go fully undercover by adopting a new identity in an enemy sect to avoid
attracting unwanted attention or dealing with opponents who aren’t on the Red List. This
decision isn’t taken lightly, because when an Alastor infiltrates an enemy territory they leave
everything behind — except the Mark. Many are forced to take actions that are out of character,
like torturing kine or diablerizing Kindred, to protect their cover or risk being killed themselves.
Most Alastors try to avoid going undercover near a profane vampire, however, because the risks
are far too great.
• Teaming up to Eliminate Key Threats: Many of the Anathema are so powerful a single
Alastor cannot hope to bring them down on his own. Others, like Francisca Santos dos
Rodrigues, are so enigmatic Alastors feel they need to proceed with caution. For these reasons,
Alastors often strategize with each other to discuss the best methods to eliminate the Anathema,
but also to identify the Anathema’s background, resources, allies, unwitting accomplices,
and rivals. In some cases, Alastors have been more successful bringing down an Anathema by
attacking her known associates and cutting off all support rather than forcing a direct

• Choking off an Anathema’s Support: Many Alastors find it difficult to deal with an
Anathema’s support network due to its complex nature. On an individual level, some
Anathemas use Disciplines and blood bonds to manipulate their allies, while others rely on
blackmail, threats, and bribes to force an accomplice’s hand. Other Anathema hide at the center
of a great web, like Christopher Barrow who draws a protective circle of associates around him
or Karen Anatos who builds a cult-like following. Tightly-woven groups can be challenging for
Alastors to deal with because they don’t trust outsiders and, if filled with mortals, may be harder
to crack without a serious breach of the Masquerade. However, bigger networks are just
as threatening, for while a vast web may be easy to infiltrate, it might be harder to escape

• Maintaining Contact: Though Alastors may go on the hunt or travel for long periods at a
time, it’s important for them to maintain contact with other Alastors, Red Alastors, and the
Justicars when possible. The specifics of how Alastors communicate and what crucial moments
trigger them to check in will vary widely. Some Alastors are more comfortable with new
technology, while others are not and prefer to use older methods of delivering messages.
Technology, however, is a tool that Alastors cannot ignore, especially since they cannot assume
the Anathema isn’t making good use of it. For this reason, the Nosferatu have begun teaching
any who are willing the features of the ShreckNet which has, in turn, built strong ties between
the Clan and the Alastors. Here, too, security can be a problem. A few Alastors have taken
to using encrypted cell phones, while others have experimented with Thaumaturgical

• Fulfilling the Trophy Clan’s Wishes: The Trophy Clan primarily interacts with the Alastors
in two, different ways. Alastors who have claimed the Trophy, by taking down the Anathema,
have a relationship with the Trophy Clan that often winds up being mutually beneficial. In some
ways, the Trophy Clan acts as a victorious Alastor’s sponsor, to help them continue going on
the hunt for the next target. While the Trophy Clan’s wishes may not be explicit, some Alastors
may favor hunting certain Anathema next over others as a show of gratitude. The second way
the Trophy Clan interacts with Alastors is more indirect, through the instructions they’ve given
the Justicars regarding the Anathema they’ve sponsored.
Taking down one of the Anathema is tricky enough, but bringing them in staked or proving
their Final Death can be a lot harder. The Trophy Clan may prefer that the Anathema is brought
back to the Camarilla in a specific manner, but the reality of the hunt is that these wishes may
be difficult to fulfill. Alastors would do well to remember that politics and social commerce will
help them overcome any issues they might have.

Like the Josians, Alastors only have purview over matters pertaining to what they were
originally assigned to oversee. In this case, the Alastors are hyperfocused on the Anathema and
the hunt. Their oversight only goes so far, and it doesn’t grant them unlimited power in the
sense that Alastors can do whatever they wish, however they see fit. The benefits that are
afforded to an Alastor cannot be used for personal gain or to settle grudges, nor can Alastors
break the Traditions whenever it suits them.
While it is more likely that Alastors may break the Traditions given their role, Alastors are also
not immune to reprimand or internal investigation — and that includes the possibility of being
investigated by the Josians if they give anyone reason to think they’ve turned to the profane.
Should an Alastor falter, her punishments may include:
branding, blood bond, loss of domain, forced torpor, or Final Death. Often, other Alastors will
volunteer to witness or carry out these punishments if one of their own falls. Regardless of
how a Justicar’s judgment is carried out, Alastors understand that straying from the path will not
be tolerated.
Though the Alastors are tasked with these heavy responsibilities, the Justicars don’t expect them
to shoulder that burden by themselves. Over time, the Alastors have developed policies and
procedures that help guide and protect them while on the hunt.

The Thaumaturgical Mark of The Trophy

The Mark of the Trophy is both an obligation and a fast track to status within the Camarilla. For
killing an Anathema, a Justicar will magically tattoo the hunter with a special Mark during a
conclave, representing her fearlessness in the face of certain death and loyalty to the Camarilla.
In short, there is no action that will earn a vampire more prestige in a shorter period of time than
this Mark. In return for the hunter’s great deed, the tattoo signifies her obligation to the Inner
Circle. Hunters who receive the Mark of the Trophy are permanently assigned to be an Alastor.
The only way to step down from that obligation is to remove the Mark of the Trophy, an act that
would be viewed as a crime against the Camarilla. Former Alastors who have dared to go rogue
have found themselves subject to a blood hunt and, in one case back in 1854 — on the Red
List. Some Alastors call the Mark of the Trophy by another name, the Mark of the Beast, to
reflect how Dylan Bruce, one of the Anathema, has manipulated this magical bond to use for his
own nefarious ends.
The Mark of the Trophy also guarantees the Alastor certain privileges when hunting and
traveling in Camarilla-led territories. When an Alastor arrives in a Camarilla city like
Luxemborg, he can call upon the aid of a Prince and other vampires when necessary, hunt
freely, and expect the Prince’s hospitality for a minimum of thirteen nights, more may be
offered at the Prince’s discretion.
The Mark of the Trophy is a thaumaturgical symbol of a crescent moon that was created by the
Tremere long ago. This Mark, which is applied by the Justicars during a ceremony, both
protects the Alastors and hinders them. The presence of the Mark grants an Alastor all the
political powers afforded to them as described above. However, this Mark can also doom an
Alastor, for if it’s spotted by an enemy who understands what the symbol represents — her
cover is instantly blown. Thanks to Dylan Bruce, several Alastors are now more paranoid than
ever. His ability to subvert the Mark of the Trophy has forced some Alastors to call it the “Mark
of the Beast.” Dylan Bruce is not the only topic of conversation among Alastors, however, for
the recent influx of new candidates has generated a lot of chatter.

Several unsubstantiated rumors about the Mark include:

• The Mark of the Trophy is no longer being applied to new Alastors. Some don’t have the
Mark, a tactical maneuver designed to help Alastors go deeper undercover and avoid an
infernalist’s touch.

• Dylan Bruce isn’t responsible for subverting the Mark, the Tremere are.
• Some Alastors have requested that the Mark be applied to the back of their necks or higher up
on their forearms, to give them the opportunity to hide it better.

• The Tremere are experimenting with the tone of the Mark, and are attempting to apply
different flesh-colored birthmarks to the next batch of Alastors.
• Alastors tasked with going deep undercover are tattooed with a sigil that’s meaningful to the
group they are permanently attempting to infiltrate. Kindred whisper that an Alastor was
recently tattooed with an upside-down ankh.

• The Mark can be removed, but the Justicars aren’t willing to call back every Alastor that’s out
in the field to do it.

In modern times, many Alastors feel that the Mark of the Trophy is outdated and shouldn’t be
applied. Though they won’t openly admit it, some think that Alastors have too many powers and
should be controlled centrally, either through the Red Alastors or the Justicars themselves. To
some, the Mark doesn’t mean the same thing now as it did in the 15th century.
Though that may be true, given recent events, even a small change — like altering the position
of the Mark or removing it entirely — is a bigger deal than most Kindred realize. In all
likelihood, the Justicars are spending their efforts trying to persuade the Tremere to unravel how
Bruce subverted the Mark and reveal certain thaumaturgical secrets, so they can undo the
damage he caused. Without the help of the Tremere, the Justicars might avoid naming new
Alastors altogether for the time being and, instead, pair good candidates with existing Alastors
or Red Alastors for training and support.

Allies and Coterie

An Alastor’s coterie is, first and foremost, more than just a collection of Kindred the Alastor
travels with. A good coterie can mean the difference between unlife or Final Death for any
Kindred, and this is especially true for Alastors. For this reason, many Alastors choose who they
surround themselves with very carefully, and those members vary widely. Some Alastors feel
they work best with other Alastors; others, with Josians, Archons, Scourges, or Sheriffs. Still
others opt to work with a mix of Kindred: some ranking, and some not.

Alastors who go deep undercover tend to operate differently than their peers. They are forced to
tread carefully because they understand what happens if the Mark is revealed or if they make
one too many missteps. Most Alastors do not expect to return from an undercover assignment,
and often make preparations assuming that they won’t. They may still try to find sympathetic
allies whenever possible, but in many cases it’s not easy to find a like-minded individual in the
midst of so many enemies.
Undercover Alastors can expect they’ll be subjected to intense scrutiny once they return due to
the subversion of the Mark. At this time, the Justicars have instructed the Red Alastors that any
decisions regarding the Alastors that are deep undercover are outside their purview. Due to the
severity of the breach, the Justicars have taken back the authority over this subset of Alastors
and expect total compliance — a decree that many Red Alastors aren’t happy with.

Auditors and Bellators

The members of an Alastor’s coterie that don’t hold a rank within the Camarilla are referred to
as auditors, and are thought to be Kindred who are hoping to one day become an Alastor
themselves. They are not as well regarded as Alastors are, but no one will dare to say that
publicly. Auditors can and do carry out tasks on behalf of Alastors, and most Kindred realize,
after a proper introduction, that the auditors speak and act when Alastors cannot.
Auditors also often operate in secret, helping out with a variety of tasks like: Masquerade clean
up, haven or domain maintenance, translating and encrypting messages, spying on the
Anathema or her network, etc. Those who do are hoping to gain something like the honor of
being named an Alastor, part of the Clan Trophy, or the attention of the Justicars for other
When Alastors need more muscle, however, they turn to the bellator. The bellator reflects
Kindred who are physically capable of holding their own in a fight, and may be called in to
assist any ranking member in exchange for a reward. In this case, the Alastors think of the
bellator as willing Kindred who are capable of backing them up — for a price. Alastors believe
that the bellator are akin to mercenaries who will fight to the bitter end provided they get paid.
For this reason, some Alastors think the bellator might not step aside when it came time to
deliver the killing blow.

Kindred Politics: Alastors and Camarilla Policy

Like Archons and the infernalist-hunting Josians, Alastors are not immune to the political
underpinnings of the Camarilla. Though they may be away from a Camarilla-held territory for
months at a time, Alastors are often whispered about — because most Kindred don’t know who
they are or what they’re doing night after night, and those secrets fuel the Harpies’ rumors.
While it’s true that the Justicars have made it clear the Alastors hunt the Anathema, many
low-ranking Kindred believe that the Red List is more urban legend than fact. Some think the
Alastors are another secret police who travel from city to city to rout out agitators. Others
go so far as to believe that the Alastors are living legends, for any Kindred tasked with bringing
down an infernalist Anathema like Dylan Bruce or Valerius Maior must be nightmarishly
In a way, the Justicars encourage the belief that Alastors are the “heroes” of the Camarilla,
hoping that Kindred will be eager to dedicate themselves to the cause and prove their worth.
The role of the Alastor does require Kindred to make many sacrifices, and that level of
selflessness does not come easy for anyone — especially vampires. However, the rewards
are equally unheard of, for the Trophy can instantly lift a vampire’s status for all time.
In particular, however, Alastors are most often influenced by their supervisors and collaborators
because they don’t have time to become embroiled in politics.

The View of The Justicars

Unless a Justicar is also an Alastor, like Lucinde, they tend to avoid favoring an individual
Alastor, because they’re overseeing the Red List on a grander scale. Usually, the Justicars
don’t concern themselves with the specifics of one Alastor’s actions unless a disciplinary matter
is brought to their attention. Justicars often think about the bigger picture, and sometimes
look past smaller transgressions provided the Alastor is still dedicated to the hunt. The Justicars,
as a whole, tend to take their roles very seriously and don’t tolerate major missteps from their
nominations like using resources for personal gain, violating the Traditions without just cause,
and forgoing the hunt.
To the Justicars, the Alastors are a highly-specialized weapon they can wield to defend the
Kindred’s way of life. Archons can and do, to some degree, hunt the Anathema, but the Alastors
spend their entire unlives trying to bring them down, just like the Josians are uniquely outfitted
to hunt infernalists. In this way, the three roles act in tandem with one another, whether they
realize it or not.
In addition to requiring focused agents to deal with the severity of the threats the Anathema
present, they also realize that the Alastors are a symbol of duty and loyalty for all Kindred.
What they ask of the Alastors is to carry out the execution or capture of the Anathema without
question, to have faith that the names on the List deserve their sentence.
The reality, however, is that Alastors aren’t mindless drones — they’re selfish vampires who
think and act for their own benefit. The Justicars don’t care what moral quandaries the Alastors
might find themselves in. In fact, they’re hoping the Alastors will be so busy hunting the
Anathema they won’t bother to stop and think about the hard decisions they’re often forced to
make to bring those enemies down.

The View of the Archons

In general, Archons have mixed feelings about Alastors, but will work with them when it’s
appropriate to do so. Some Archons view the Mark of the Trophy to be a punishment as
opposed to a boon, a trait that removes every ounce of free will and sets Alastors on a sure path.
Others feel that hunting the Anathema for all eternity isolates Alastors from the very thing
they’re tasked to protect, for while they operate in secret and often take on multiple identities,
Alastors often avoid ingraining themselves in politics or the day-today functions of the
Camarilla out of necessity.
Still, this doesn’t preclude Archons from wanting to become Alastors for the boost in status, the
honor of pro tecting the Camarilla, and the benefits afforded to them by the Justicars and the
Trophy Clan. When they petition for this role, however, they can become alienated from the
other Archons if they’re not careful, because they’ve now joined “that secret club.” Overall,
however, Archons tend to treat Alastors who’ve taken down one of the Anathema with more
respect than those who haven’t. While they won’t admit it, they’ll also prefer to become an
Alastor rather than a Josian, because the rewards are greater in their minds.

The View of The Josians

The infernalist-hunting Josian Archons share a lot in common with the Alastors, and the two
groups confer on multiple occasions. It is possible, however unlikely, that a Josian might also be
named an Alastor — simply because infernalists and Noddists do appear on the Red List from
time to time.
Most often, however, the Josians do not become an Alastor unless they take down one of the
Anathema and win the Trophy. So far, while the Josians have assisted throughout the years,
they haven’t been received the Mark of the Trophy and generally don’t have plans to. The
Josians, in general, tend to regard Alastors as their peers. That’s not to say that sentiment is
always returned, or that some Josians aren’t jealous of the acclaim that Alastors get —
especially since hunting infernalists tends to be a thankless job. Regardless, the Josians won’t
dare to air their true feelings for fear they’ll anger the wrong Kindred.
With rumors swirling around the current names on the Red List, however, the Josians are keen
on collaborating more with the Alastors to hunt Dylan Bruce, Valerius Maior, Francisca Santos
dos Rodrigues and Noddists like Ayisha Jocastian. Secretly, they wish the Alastors will allow
them to lead those initiatives given how many years they’ve spent studying and hunting
infernalists independently of them. Too, Josian Archons feel that taking down Dylan Bruce, in
particular, and unraveling the methods he used to subvert the Mark of the Trophy would elevate
their status within the Camarilla — a political maneuver most Josians agree might get them
enough attention to be afforded some of the same benefits Alastors enjoy. Why shouldn’t they,
too, receive a Trophy or be given boons for the thankless work they do?
To that end, though the Josians wish to be acknowledged they often don’t have time to worry
about politics. The Josian Archons have their hands full dealing with profane vampires who
operate independently of those on the Red List. And, thanks to infernalist Anathema, the
number of profane vampires are on the rise.

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