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time when multiple disputed tion found that past miscon- enough weight to the privacy
Brown to weigh body police incidents have led to duct by law enforcement offi- interests of officers and the
camera, internal protests in California and
cers who testify in court is
routinely kept hidden by Cali-
“We need to be more delib-
investigations bills The bills “open up some fornia’s privacy laws. erative about this and get it
transparency to help rebuild Supporters of SB 1421 hai- right,” Assemblyman Jay
BY LIAM DILLON that trust between law en- led the decision as a move Obernolte, R-Big Bear Lake,
forcement and communi- toward increased trust be- said during debate on the As-
SACRAMENTO ties,” said Sen. Nancy Skin- tween law enforcement and sembly floor.
Endorsing a dramatic de- ner, D-Berkeley, author of the the public. The backdrop of The passage of the body
parture from decades of se- open-records bill. “Public Black Lives Matter and other camera bill breaks a deadlock
crecy surrounding policing in safety requires the co- movements pushing for over the issue in the Legisla-
the state, California lawmak- operation and trust of a com- changes in the criminal jus- ture in the last four years.
ers have moved to undo some munity.” tice system helped move the Multiple attempts to pass
of the nation’s strictest rules Skinner’s measure, Sen- transparency measure for- measures to make the footage
keeping law enforcement re- ate Bill 1421, would begin to ward, they said. public or restrict access state-
cords confidential, particu- unwind a confidentiality law A separate bill that would wide had failed before Friday.
larly involving officer killings passed four decades ago by require police departments RICH PEDRONCELLI AP AB 748 makes a forceful
of civilians. opening records from investi- to make some body camera State Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, talks with move toward open access to
Legislators approved two gations of officer shootings footage public also advanced Sen. Joel Anderson, R-Alpine, Tuesday. Skinner’s body cameras, said Adam
landmark measures late Fri- and other major force inci- on Friday, the final day for transparency bill was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown. Marshall, an attorney track-
day, one that would give the dents, along with confirmed lawmakers to consider bills ing state legislation with Re-
public access to internal in- cases of sexual assault and ly- for the year. The body camera Police Department’s recently deploy body cameras and porters Committee for Free-
vestigations of police shoot- ing while on duty. measure would require de- implemented policy to re- record the footage,” said As- dom of the Press.
ings statewide, and another California’s existing rules partments to release footage lease videos within a similar semblyman Phil Ting, D-San “The bill represents one of
that would allow the release of protecting the confidentiality of most officer shootings and timeframe, adding that the Francisco. “This would pro- the strongest commitments
body camera footage of those of misconduct records not other serious uses of force increased public access also vide greater transparency.” to transparency for body
incidents. only prohibit the public from within 45 days unless doing so would improve relations be- Police groups argued that cameras among the legisla-
Supporters of the legisla- seeing them, but also deny would interfere with an on- tween law enforcement and the plan would override the tion that’s been passed in the
tion, which must be signed by prosecutors direct access — a going investigation. communities. ability of departments to set country,” Marshall said.
the governor to become law, standard that exists in no Supporters said the legis- “We have spent millions of their own rules for disclosure.
said it would boost confi- other state. lation, Assembly Bill 748, was dollars up and down the state Lawmakers also worried Dillon writes for the Los Angeles
dence in law enforcement at a A recent Times investiga- modeled on the Los Angeles in all our local jurisdictions to that the measure didn’t give Times.

BY JEFF MCDONALD managed by a panel of en-
ergy-industry insiders
For the third time in as and regulated by the U.S.
many years, California Federal Energy Regula-
lawmakers have rejected a tory Commission, which
plan pushed by Gov. Jerry has been accused of being
Brown that would have more friendly to utilities
expanded the state power than its California coun-
grid to as many as 14 west- terpart.
ern states. The Holden bill drew
The bill, authored by support from CAISO and
Democratic Assembly- some environmental
man Chris Holden of groups, who said it would
Pasadena, was denied a streamline grid opera-
vote on the Senate floor tions and allow California
before the gavel was to market its excess solar
brought down on the leg- and wind power to nearby
islative session for the states.
year late Friday night. Ralph Cavanagh, co-
The demise of the leg- director of the energy pro-
islation was a rare defeat gram at the Natural Re-
for Brown, who leaves of- sources Defense Council,
fice late this year after was a supporter of the bill.
serving 16 years over two “The Legislature just
terms as California gover- couldn’t get to ‘yes’ but
nor. the need for western grid
“Lawmakers missed an integration grows more
RICH PEDRONCELLI AP opportunity to further obvious each day,” he
Assembly Republican Leader Brian Dahle displays a map Friday showing the fire threat to California. open the market for solar, said. “And if California
wind and other forms of doesn’t lead the inevitable
renewable power, and to transition, others will.

MEASURE TO PASS ON WILDFIRE accelerate our movement

away from coal and other
dirty fossil fuels, in a way
California’s wind and so-
lar generation are grow-
ing faster than our ineffi-


that is affordable and reli- ciently managed electric
able for consumers,” said grid can put them to use.
Donald Furman, leader of We’re literally throwing
a group called Fix the away pollution-free elec-
Grid pushing for the mea- tricity during certain peri-
Legislation to push back school start times and limit animal testing also sent to governor sure. ods, and the problem will
“Despite today’s set- only get worse.”
BY JONATHAN J. October, the most expensive ment so it’s less likely to allow exceptions to comply back, California must CAISO projected sav-
COOPER & SOPHIA fire storm in state history. cause fires. with Food and Drug Admin- continue to lead on cli- ings to consumers of up to
BOLLAG “This is about protecting It would make it easier, in istration or foreign agency mate and clean energy $1.5 billion a year. A study
ratepayers, not helping util- some circumstances, to do requirements. policy, particularly in the from 2016 acknowledged
SACRAMENTO ities,” said Sen. Bill Dodd, a prescribed burns, clear dead “We don’t have to test on face of a hostile federal the change would likely
Lawmakers voted to give Napa Democrat who helped trees and brush, log trees and animals to make sure my administration.” lead to the loss of thou-
a reprieve to Pacific Gas & craft the legislation. “The build firebreaks. It includes mascara stays on all day,” The death of the legis- sands of construction
Electric Co. and push back fact of the matter is ratepay- $200 million a year for those said Democratic Assembly- lation signaled that legis- jobs.
school start times in the fren- ers would be hurt in a utility purposes. woman Lorena Gonzalez lative leadership was un- Consumer advocates
zied final hours of the two- bankruptcy.” The governor will also get Fletcher of San Diego. willing to cross potent po- and some environmental
year legislative session. The move has infuriated the final say on a bill that Afew things failed, includ- litical forces that opposed groups, meanwhile, wor-
The Assembly and Sen- ratepayer advocates, who would bar middle and high ing a proposal to link over- the bill, like organized la- ried that California was
ate adjourned for the year warned that the measure schools from starting before sight of California’s electric bor and public utilities, or wrongly ceding oversight
Friday shortly before mid- puts the utility on the hook 8:30 a.m., a response to re- grid with other Western do bidding for a governor of the grid to the coal-
night after passing one of the for damages that haven’t search showing later start states. not long for office. friendly Trump adminis-
most contentious bills law- even been gauged yet. times make children healthi- A last-minute effort to “AB 813 will not be tration. They also said it
makers confronted. “Without a doubt the cost er by letting them get more create more state oversight moved to the Senate floor would undermine plans to
They sent Gov. Jerry of our changing climate will sleep. More than 80 percent of a project by Cadiz Inc. to for a vote this year,” said generate most or all of the
Brown a measure allowing be a shared one,” said As- of California middle and high pump water from under the Senate President Pro Tem electricity consumed in
power companies to raise semblyman Marc Levine, D- schools start before 8:30 a.m. Mojave Desert died in a Sen- Toni Atkins, D-San Diego. California from renewable
electric bills to cover the cost San Rafael. “But the costs Rural schools would be ate committee. “We will continue this im- sources.
of lawsuits from last year’s we’re talking about here — exempt from the mandate. A plan to raise taxes to portant discussion next “California dodged a
deadly wildfires, even if the the costs of negligence — The measure passed nar- pay for modernizing the 911 year.” dangerous bullet that
utility is found to have be- should not fall primarily on rowly in both chambers fol- emergency dispatch system Among other things, would have subjected our
haved negligently. ratepayers.” lowing a debate that did not also fell one vote short in the Assembly Bill 813 would electricity market and
Even many of the law- The measure is part of a adhere to party lines. Senate when Republicans have eliminated much of grid to big-money, fossil-
makers who voted for it said wide-ranging plan to reduce Another proposal that refused to sign on to a tax in- California’s authority fuel interests who wanted
they had misgivings but be- the threat of wildfires, which passed Friday would impose crease. It would have over the transmission net- to break down the clean
lieved it was necessary to pre- have caused unprecedented the nation’s strictest laws on charged between 20 cents work by doing away with energy protections Cali-
vent financial ruin for PG&E. levels of death and property animal testing for cosmetics. and 80 cents per phone line, the governor’s ability to fornia has enacted over
The company is poten- damage in the past three The bill would make Cali- replacing an existing fee that appoint the board run- the past decade,” said Lo-
tially on the hook for billions years. The bill also would re- fornia the first state to outlaw generally charges more for ning the California Inde- retta Lynch, a former util-
of dollars if its equipment is quire investor-owned util- the sale of cosmetics tested landlines than cellphones. pendent System Op- ities commissioner and
ultimately blamed for wild- ities — including PG&E, on animals. The ban applies erator, or CAISO. opponent of the bill.
fires that destroyed thou- Southern California Edison to animal testing of a cos- Cooper and Bollag write for The Thousands of miles of
sands of homes in Northern and San Diego Gas & Elec- metic or its ingredients con- Associated Press. The Los Angeles transmission poles and jeff.mcdonald
California wine country last tric — to harden their equip- ducted after 2019, but would Times contributed to this report. wires would have been


Committee on Friday ahead attorney Bill Burck, who dential documents. A White cal to any president’s ability nominee’s record. Demo-
White House claims of Kavanaugh’s confirma- serves as Bush’s presi- House spokesman, Raj to carry out this core consti- crats have also pushed for
executive privilege in tion hearings. A Bush repre-
sentative who has led a
dential records representa-
tive, wrote to the committee.
Shah, said Saturday that he
will let the letter, first re-
tutional executive function.”
The battle over Ka-
records from Kavanaugh’s
three years as Bush’s staff
keeping them private team of attorneys reviewing Burck said in the letter ported by The Associated vanaugh’s documents has secretary, but Republicans
Kavanaugh’s papers con- that 101,921 pages are not Press, speak for itself. been a dominant storyline say that demand is exces-
THE WASHINGTON POST firmed that lawyers have fin- being given to the commit- “Judge Kavanaugh, an in the fight to replace the re- sive and that those papers
ished going through the re- tee because the White associate and senior associ- tired Justice Anthony Ken- are irrelevant to Ka-
WASHINGTON cords and have turned over House believes they are pro- ate White House counsel, nedy. Kavanaugh was nomi- vanaugh’s nomination.
President Donald about 415,000 pages to the tected by presidential privi- dealt with some of the most nated July 9, and his confir- President Barack
Trump will not release more committee, although about lege and, after discussions sensitive communications mation could tilt the bal- Obama did not claim privi-
than 100,000 pages of re- 147,000 of those pages are with the Justice Depart- of any White House official,” ance of the Supreme Court lege on any of the docu-
cords from Supreme Court being withheld from public ment, “has directed that we Burck wrote. The major for a generation. ments involving now-Jus-
nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s view. not provide these docu- portion of the documents Senate Democrats have tice Elena Kagan, the last
tenure in the George W. “President Bush directed ments for this reason.” withheld for privilege “re- been infuriated that Repub- Supreme Court nominee to
Bush White House, claiming us to proceed expeditiously The Presidential Re- flect deliberations and can- licans have requested docu- have served in a White
executive privilege. and to err as much as appro- cords Act allows both the did advice concerning the ments just from Ka- House, according to Chris-
The White House’s deci- priate on the side of trans- former administration and selection and nomination of vanaugh’s two years as asso- topher Kang, who was a
sion was disclosed in a letter parency and disclosure, and the current White House to judicial candidates, the con- ciate White House counsel deputy counsel under
sent to the Senate Judiciary we believe we have done so,” claim privilege on presi- fidentiality of which is criti- as the Senate reviews the Obama.

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