Hagi A Sophia: Consecrated in 537 AD, Hagia Sophia - Which Means Holy Wisdom - Was

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a Sophia
Consecrated in 537 AD, Hagia Sophia – which means Holy Wisdom – was

the largest building in the world, fireproof, with four immense pillars held

together with molten lead which supported four arches and lesser domes,

creating a space so overwhelming it seems to defy the laws of gravity. Indeed,

people were scared to enter it at first in case the dome collapsed. The designs

were drawn up by Anthemius of Tralles, a noted mathematician, and Isidorus of

Miletus, the last head of the Athens Academy. Colour was provided by stone

and marble brought from other parts of the Justinian empire : red from the

temple of Boalbek and green from Ephesus. At one time it was bright with

golden ornaments and chandeliers. With the Turkish conquest in 1453, it

became a mosque, with the addition of the corner minarets, and many of the

decorations were concealed with whitewash. These were gradually restored by

Thomas Whittemore, of the Byzantine Museum of America, after the building

became a museum on the instructions of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1933.

Teacher asks the students the cities they like in Turkey. After the students’ answers the
teacher asks the importance of Istanbul and its hiscorical places.

Teacher suggests students to learn some interesting informations about Hagia Sophia.Then
teacher gives handouts to the students and wants them to read the text and pay attention to the
underlined words.

Teacher asks the students whether they like the text or not and asks them which parts of the
text they liked.

After the students’ answers the teacher starts to elicit the unknown vocabulary items.

Vocabulary 1: To consecrate (v)

Teacher elicits usage by asking “Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? After giving the usage
teacher elicits the voc. item by using the demonstrating technique. And then T gives its meaning and
phonetic transcription. T asks students to repeat after him until they’ve no difficulties pronuncing it.
Then he asks concept questions to make “double check” . Lastly T gives a model sentence using the
word and wants students to write it down in their notebook and reminds them that he’ll check their
notebooks later.

Vocabulary 2: Fireproof (adj)

Teacher elicits usage by asking “Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? After giving the usage
teacher elicits the voc. item by using the visuals and word-building technique. And then T gives its
meaning and phonetic transcription. T asks students to repeat after him until they’ve no difficulties
pronuncing it. Then he asks concept questions to make “double check” . Lastly T gives a model
sentence using the word and wants students to write it down in their notebook and reminds them
that he’ll check their notebooks later.

Vocabulary 3: Pillar (n/c)

Teacher elicits usage by asking “Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? And is it countable or
uncountable? After giving the usage teacher elicits the voc. item by using the pictograms technique .
And then T gives its meaning and phonetic transcription. T asks students to repeat after him until
they’ve no difficulties pronuncing it. Then he asks concept questions to make “double check” . Lastly
T gives a model sentence using the word and wants students to write it down in their notebook and
reminds them that he’ll check their notebooks later.

Vocabulary 4: Temple (n/c)

Teacher elicits usage by asking “Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? And is it countable or
uncountable? After giving the usage teacher elicits the voc. item by using the examples technique .
And then T gives its meaning and phonetic transcription. T asks students to repeat after him until
they’ve no difficulties pronuncing it. Then he asks concept questions to make “double check” . Lastly
T gives a model sentence using the word and wants students to write it down in their notebook and
reminds them that he’ll check their notebooks later.
Vocabulary 5: Chandelier (n/c)

Teacher elicits usage by asking “Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? And is it countable or
uncountable? After giving the usage teacher elicits the voc. item by using the realia and visuals
technique . And then T gives its meaning and phonetic transcription. T asks students to repeat after
him until they’ve no difficulties pronuncing it. Then he asks concept questions to make “double
check” . Lastly T gives a model sentence using the word and wants students to write it down in their
notebook and reminds them that he’ll check their notebooks later.

Checking understanding

In exercise part T hands out papers and gives time to the Ss to do the exercises. Students try
to match the words with the correct pictures.. Matching definition step measures whether they know
the meaning or not and checks whether they recognize correctly the pictures of the words.

Production activity

T gives some words and want the students to make up a story with them so in this way
students will use their imagination and they will practice the new vocabularies they’ve just learned.it
will also develop their writing skill.
Aims What What learners Materials Grouping Timing
teacher do
-To introduce the topic T asks some Ss answer the Whole class 2
-To make Ss involve in the
topic by drawing their
questions . questions. -

-To contextualize T gives the Ss read the text Handouts Whole class 4
vocabulary reading text . and pay attention
-To practice reading. to the underlined

-To elicit the vocabulary T elicits the Ss discover the Handouts, flash cards, Whole class 10
-To learn their meanings. vocabulary meanings, pictures, pictograms,
-To learn the meaning , pronunciation and music.
pronunciation pronunciation their usages.
and usage.
-To check the -T hands out -Ss try to match the Handouts, individual 4
understanding of matching words with their
vocabulary items. activities pictures

-To make the Ss produce T gives some Ss try to make up a - Group -

a new way of vocabulary vocabularies story with given
to the Ss want words.
them to make
up a story with
them and
perform on
the stage for
the next class.

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