Restaurant Design - Unit 1

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

Grade 5 - Français
Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

Essential Questions
o What are some common writing techniques?
o What are the components that go into writing an invitation?
o What are the components that go into writing directions/instructions?
o What are some descriptive words used to provide detail within a written piece?
o How and what are some strongly opinionated words used to provide meaning within a written

Focusing Questions
o How can we improve our writing to make our pieces more interesting and clear to follow?

Unit Summary
Overview Taken from the Program of Studies:

Le domaine «production écrite» présente dans l’ensemble une perspective parallè le à celle retenue en
production orale. Cette perspective fait de l’élè ve un scripteur actif dans la construction du sens d’un
texte. Cette construction du sens s’effectue dans un contexte donné et elle est guidée par l’intention de
communication de l’élè ve.( The field "written production" generally presents a perspective
parallel to that adopted in oral production. – This perspective makes the student an active
writer in constructing the meaning of a text. This construction of meaning takes place in a given
context and is guided by the student's communication intention.)

Key Terms and Concepts

o Descriptive words – mots o View assignement details for
descriptifs specific descriptive, emotional &
o Instructions – instructions directive words
o Opinionated words – mots
o Directions - directions

Unit Rationale

This unit is focused on developing French writing skills. The students will understand and demonstrate
their ability to describe and elaborate on concepts, in French. Specifically, they will understand what
steps go into writing : an invitation(or short greeting), an instructional letter, a descriptive paragraph
and a boldy honest review as well as daily writing to practice basic concepts and techniques.

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

General and Specific Learner Outcomes

General Outcome

PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de rédiger des textes pour transmettre de l’information selon son
intention de communication. - The student will be able to write texts to convey information
according to his intention of communication.

*Although this is the main focus, the students will be covering a number of outcomes from
their Oral & Reading Components(which they have already gone into depth for earlier in the

Specific Outcomes Values and Attitudes

Students will: 

Primary Outcomes:

 rédiger un court texte dans lequel il annonce le sujet traité et en développe un

aspect. - write a short text in which he announces the subject and develops an

 rédiger de courts messages tels que des invitations, des cartes de vœux ou de
remerciement. - write short messages such as invitations, greeting cards or thank
you cards

 rédiger un texte dans lequel il annonce le sujet et développe les aspects à traiter. -
write a text in which he announces the subject and develops the aspects to be

 rédiger un texte dans lequel il donne des directives ou explique une procédure
simple. - write a text in which he gives instructions or explains a simple procedure

 rédiger un texte dans lequel chaque paragraphe présente une idée principale,
soutenue par des idées secondaires. - write a text in which each paragraph presents
a main idea, supported by secondary ideas

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

 rédiger un texte dans lequel il exprime ses sentiments, ses intérêts et ses opinions et
en donne les raisons. - write a text in which he expresses his feelings, interests and
opinions and gives the reasons.
Secondary Outcomes ( they all essentially relate to consulting a dictionary for support):
 consulter un dictionnaire jeunesse :

– pour vérifier l’orthographe d’un mot,

– pour vérifier le genre d’un mot à partir de la mention m ou f,

– pour vérifier la marque du pluriel;

 consulter une grammaire pour vérifier l’accord du verbe avec son sujet (pour vérifier les
terminaisons des verbes aux temps usuels)
 consulter un dictionnaire intermédiaire pour trouver un synonyme ou un antonyme
 consulter un référentiel grammatical pour vérifier les structures de phrases
 consulter un dictionnaire intermédiaire pour trouver les différents sens d’un mot à l’aide de
définitions et d’ exemples

Unit Assessment Plan and Daily Schedule

Lesson Learning Outcome Concept Time Activities & Teaching Assessment

Date (min) Strategies
#1 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing - 60 Daily writing Daily Writing –
Monday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Invitations min Reading through some Summative(5%)
Jan 7 de l’information selon son intention invitations – noticing Invitation -
de communication the unique features of Formative
SLO: them
rédiger de courts messages tels que des Understanding what are
invitations, des cartes de vœux ou de crucial details within a
remerciement invitation
Dictionary Outcomes Students will write an
invitation using the
template/format I
provide, but they will fill
In their personal details.

I will also give an exit

slip to see where they
are at in French
#2 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing – 60 Daily writing Daily Writing –
Tuesday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Emotional min How can we show Summative(5%)
Jan 8 de l’information selon son intention writing emotion in our writing?
de communication Emotions activity -
SLO: Class divided into 6

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

rédiger un texte dans lequel il exprime emotions and have to

ses sentiments, ses intérêts et ses write some sentences.
opinions et en donne les raisons The rest of the class will
Dictionary Outcomes try and guess their
emotion based on their
choice of words
Reference document “
Vocab to show emotion”
#3 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing – 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Wednesday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Directive min Game – We will play the Summative(5%)
Jan 9 de l’information selon son intention words game where people will Guiding Game –
de communication have to direct people to Formative
SLO: do something with their How to tie shoes –
rédiger un texte dans lequel il donne eyes closed.(make them Summative (5%)
des directives ou explique une walk to the board and
procédure simple have them draw a
Dictionary Outcomes smiley face on the
board, but without using
those words). The
students will have to
guide and direct their
partner who will be
wearing a blindfold.
This will show them
how descriptive they
have to be
We will then look at an
example of good
instructions being given
in a recipe. What are the
key components:
Materials needed,
numbered steps
They will then practice
writing out good
instructions themselves
– the example they will
have to write about is
how to tie a pair of
shoes. We will read
them out loud after to
see who’s is the best. I
will probably have to
give a template of some
#4 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing - 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Thursday rédiger des textes pour transmettre min Finishing off the Summative(5%)
Jan 10 de l’information selon son intention description of tieing a
de communication pair of shoes
SLO: AND I will introduce the
rédiger un court texte dans lequel il project
annonce le sujet traité et en développe
un aspect

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

rédiger un texte dans lequel il donne Restaurant Project:

des directives ou explique une components they need
procédure simple to complete:
rédiger un texte dans lequel il exprime -what is the food
ses sentiments, ses intérêts et ses speciality
opinions et en donne les raisons -Picking a Name
rédiger un texte dans lequel il annonce -Writing a paragraph on
le sujet et développe les aspects à their restaurant details
traiter -Picking 5 main menu
rédiger un texte dans lequel chaque items(and their names)
paragraphe présente une idée -Writing a recipe for one
principale, soutenue par des idées of the menu items
secondaires -Writing a restaurant
Dictionary Outcomes review
I will tell them to start
thinking of a name &
type of restaurant they
want to do over the
Show some examples of
restaurant websites and
their menu descriptions.

#5 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Restaurant 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Monday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Design min TODAY: They will start Summative(5%)
Jan 14 de l’information selon son intention with picking a name, Restaurant Project
de communication what type of restaurant –
SLO: they want it to be, and Summative(40%)
Dictionary Outcomes starting to pick 5 items
that will be on their

#6 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing – 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Tuesday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Restaurant min TODAY: They will Summative(5%)
Jan 15 de l’information selon son intention design continue to pick 5 items
de communication that are on their menu
SLO: and writing mini
rédiger un court texte dans lequel il descriptions of what the
annonce le sujet traité et en développe food is.
un aspect I will demonstrate the
rédiger un texte dans lequel il annonce extent I expect for their
le sujet et développe les aspects à descriptions
Dictionary Outcomes

#7 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing – 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Wednesday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Restaurant min TODAY: They will write Summative(5%)
Jan 16 de l’information selon son intention Design : a paragraph describing
de communication Descriptive their restaurant. They
SLO: paragraphs will use descriptive
words . We will review

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

rédiger un court texte dans lequel il the words we learned

annonce le sujet traité et en développe about emotions(they
un aspect should be on the word
rédiger un texte dans lequel il annonce wall by now too). I will
le sujet et développe les aspects à show some examples of
traiter restaurants paragraphs
Dictionary Outcomes **If this is too
challenging, I will
change it to writing
Slogan Sentences***
#8 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing – 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Thursday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Restaurant min TODAY: They will Summative(5%)
Jan 17 de l’information selon son intention Design : continue to work on
de communication Descriptive their paragraphs
SLO Paragraphs
rédiger un court texte dans lequel il
annonce le sujet traité et en développe
un aspect
rédiger un texte dans lequel il annonce
le sujet et développe les aspects à
Dictionary Outcomes

#9 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing 60 Daily Writing: Daily Writing –
Monday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Restaurant min TODAY they will work Summative(5%)
Jan 21 de l’information selon son intention Design : on writing a recipe for
de communication Directions one of their food items
SLO: We will review the
rédiger un texte dans lequel il donne required pieces to write
des directives ou explique une a recipe: Materials list,
procédure simple ingredient list,
Dictionary Outcomes instructional steps

I will go over some

vocab that could be used
such as : pour, mix, add,
#10 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing – 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Tuesday rédiger des textes pour transmettre Restaurant min TODAY they will write a Summative(5%)
Jan 22 de l’information selon son intention Design: review for their
de communication Review restaurant.
SLO: I will review the
rédiger un texte dans lequel il exprime emotional words and
ses sentiments, ses intérêts et ses encourage them to
opinions et en donne les raisons choos either a positive
Dictionary Outcomes review or a bad one.
They just have to be
#11 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Wednesday rédiger des textes pour transmettre min TODAY is a catch up day Summative(5%)
Jan 23 de l’information selon son intention & editing day and
de communication

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

SLO: printing off their logo if

Dictionary Outcomes completed

#12 GLO: PÉ1. - L’élève sera capable de Writing 60 Daily Writing Daily Writing –
Thursday rédiger des textes pour transmettre min Students will walk Summative(5%)
Jan 24 de l’information selon son intention around the room and Restaurant Project
de communication talk to each other about Due(40%)
SLO: their restaurant and
Dictionary Outcomes show some of the work
they have done.
Ideally, I would like to
upload their work to
their website so that
students can just go on
each other website to
see, but if not, then we
can just have their
documents out for the
class to see.

Unit schedule
February to April

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 3 4
7 PE1 8 PE1 9 PE1 10 PE1 11 PE1
First day of the unit Daily Journal Daily Journal Daily Journal No Class
Invitations Writing with Emotion Writing Directions Writing Directions
Daily Journal cont.

14 PE1 15 PE1 16 PE1 17 PE1 18

Start Designing our Daily Journal Daily Journal Daily Journal No class
Daily Journal

21 PE1 22 PE1 23 PE1 24 PE1 25 Making a

Daily Journal Daily Journal Daily Journal – End of Unit logo for our
Restaurant showcase restaurant
Daily Journal

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

28 29 30 31


Restaurant Daily Invitation Tying Class

Design Writing Shoes Discussion
Formative  
Summative   
Weight 40% 60%( 5 5%
Type of Individual Individual Individual Individual Group &
work Individual

 Restaurant Design: Students will get to design their own restaurant.

They will get to pick the name and what type of restaurant it is. They will then write a mini
description of what their restaurant is like(what kind of food they service, if it is a fast food or
fancy restaurant…etc). They will then create 5 food items to put on their menu. They will then
pick 1 of those items and create a recipe as how to make it. The recipe doesn’t have to be
accurate, it just has to go through the process in step’s, that would allow the reader to recreate
it. The key is for the students to use descriptive words and to provide detailed directions. Once
they are done, we will work with our CTF unit to make a website and put them on it. They will
also have to write one “review” post of their restaurant from a guest. This review will express
either strong feelings of appreciation or hatred for the restaurant, and it will have to be
represented in the post.
I will provide an assignment booklet that will have all of their requirements listed along with
o rédiger un court texte dans lequel il annonce le sujet traité et en développe un
o rédiger un texte dans lequel il donne des directives ou explique une procédure simple
o rédiger un texte dans lequel il exprime ses sentiments, ses intérêts et ses opinions et en donne
les raisons
o rédiger un texte dans lequel il annonce le sujet et développe les aspects à traiter
o rédiger un texte dans lequel chaque paragraphe présente une idée principale, soutenue par des
idées secondaires
 Having them edit throughout &. Mini lessons throughout
 Daily Writing: This will continue throughout the whole 4 months. They will write approx. one
sentence a day in their journals. I will look through them at the end of the week to see how
they’ve done. The goal isn’t to write a perfect sentence, but instead to express what they want

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

to say in French and in turn develop their French writing skills. I will sometimes give them a
prompt to write about, or I will leave it up to them. It can be a sentence as simple as “
Yesterday, my family and I went out for dinner at Boston Pizza.” I will start them out with just
one sentence, and if I notice they are progressing well, I might increase the amount of writing,
or require them to use a dictionary and correct their writing to the best of their ability. I will look
through and correct their work every week so they can see how they are doing.
o I will write the daily writing theme I want them to follow(if one) on the board everyday
at the beginning of class and the students should and will get into the habit of just
taking out their books and writing their sentence.
o There are 54 lessons so therefore 54 opportunities to write a sentence. I will take into
consideration students missing days, so I will only mark for grades 50 of them.
**Tying in the readres theater and movie study**

Learning the words and difference between bon and bonne. If they see a Le or La, what changes have to
be made to the word after french.

Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

Projet : Création d’un Restaurant

Les détails:
Félicitations! Vous avez décidé d’ouvrir un restaurant! Voici les étapes à

1. Choisissez un nom pour votre restaurant.

a. Pick a name for your restaurant
2. Décider quelle sera sa spécialité. ( ex. l’Italien, le Sushi, le
a. Decide what type of restaurant it will be, and what it will serve
3. Écrivez une description de votre restaurant. ( 3-4 phrase)
a. Write a descriptive paragraph about your restaurant. This is
how you will explain your restaurant to your customers, so you
want to make it sound good!
4. Créer 5 éléments de menu et une phrase d’explication pour chaque.
a. Create 5 menu items and write a quick description of what it is.
For example : Hamburger & Fries – a beef patty in-between two
buns, with ketchup & mustard served with a side of our home-
made French Fries.
5. Écrire une recette pour un de vos éléments de menu. (It doit avoir
au moins 5 étapes)
a. Pick ONE of your menu items and write a detailed recipe. Your
recipe should have easy to follow instructions as well as the
required materials & ingredients.
b. Pick an item that is simple enough to make, because we will
eventually get to make it!
6. Écrire une invitation à votre “Grand Ouverture”
a. Write an invitation to your restaurants Grand Opening. This will
be sent to customers, to invite them to your restaurant. Ensure
to have all the required details within your invitation such as :
date, place, time, information, reason for the invitation…etc.
7. Écrire une critique comme si vous étiez un client.
a. Write a review as if you were a customer eating at your
restaurant. You may choose to either write a very good review,

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

or a very bad one. Make sure to pick vocabulary that makes your
emotions clear!
8. Éditer votre travail
a. Make sure to double check your writing & grammar!

1. Le nom de votre restaurant :


2. C’est quoi la spécialité?


3. Écrire une description de votre restaurant, pour que

les clientèles savent de qui tu et.

4. 5 éléments de menu avec une description :

1._______________________ :

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet


2._______________________ :

3._______________________ :

4._______________________ :

5._______________________ :

5. Écrire une recette pour une (1) de vos éléments de menu :

Ingrédients :
 

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

Matériaux :

 
 
 
 
 

Les étapes :

1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

5. ______________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________

6. Écrire une invitation à votre “Grand Ouverture”

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

7. Écrire un critique comme si tu étais un client :


Rubrique :
4 – Mastering 3 Progressing 2 Emerging 1 Beginning/
/Advancing Limited
3. Description Student has Most of the Student has Student has not
de restaurant done a great job written piece included some written 4
3-4 sentences, using descriptive was descriptive descriptive sentences that
making it sound words to and made the details but it are descriptive
appealing describe the restaurant sound doesn’t sound of the
restaurant in an somewhat appealing. restaurant
appealing way appealing.
6. Invitation: All of the Most of the Some of the Student has
Date, place with required required required included little to
address, time, elements of an elements of an elements of an none of the
reason, name of invitation are invitation are invitation are required
addressee & included. included included elements of an
addresser, invitation
details about
the event, what
to bring, contact
4. 5 menu The 5 menu Some of the A couple of the There are less
items: items match menu items menu items than 5 menu
5 items that with the theme match the theme provide clearly items and/or
match the of the of the written they don’t
theme of the restaurant, and restaurant, and descriptions. match the

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

restaurant, 1 the written have clear theme of the

sentence descriptions are descriptions restaurant and
description per simple and lack clear
menu item, clear. descriptions
simple and clear
5. Recipe: The recipe lists Student includes Student includes The recipe
Materials, all the required most of the some of the doesn’t list all
ingredients, materials, required required the required
detailed steps ingredients and materials & materials and/or materials and/or
detailed ingredients, and ingredients, and ingredients, nor
instructions. the steps are the steps are does it provide
Instructions are fairly easy to difficult to easy to follow
easy to follow, follow. follow/ unclear. instructions.
and make sense
7. Review: The review uses The opinion of It is unclear The text does
An opinion new vocabulary, the text is able to
what opinion is not
should be easily which be identified, but
trying to be demonstrate
identifiable demonstrates a it lacks some expressed, and any specific
strong opinion. detail/vocabularythe choice of emotion, or
words. vocabulary isn’t provides a mix
ideal. of emotions.
8.Grammar & Student had Student had Student had a Student’s work
Spelling very few some mistakes high number of was full of
mistakes and and spelling mistakes and mistakes and
spelling errors, errors, spelling errors, spelling errors,
demonstrating demonstrating demonstrating demonstrating
good editing some editing was little editing was no editing was
was done. done done done

Journal Quotidien
Chaque jour quand on commence le Français, vous devez écrire
une phrase. Parfois, je vais vous donner un sujet à écrire, ou
parfois je vais vous donner le choix de ce que vous voudriez
Je ne m’attends pas à ce que vos phrases soient parfaites. Au lieu
de cela, je veux que vous pratiquiez simplement l’écriture.
Chaque semaine je te donnerai des commentaires.

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Production Écrit – Restaurant Projet

-3 -2 -1
Bien fait! Les phrase sont Il faut écrire en phrase Incomplet
complète et il y a des complète, ou fournir plus
détails de détails

Lessons to cover :
La, la, les – masculin & femninem
Possession – mes, ma, mon
Common & proper nouns review -

Verb of the week

Aimer, manger, aller, etre…etc. ( groups, ir,er,re)

How to use a berscherlle

 French Language Arts Program of Studies

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