Hookworms 鉤蟲: Distribution between

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Hookworms 鉤蟲

Distribution between 45oN and 30oS

Approximately 9 billion people infected
Over 20 million showed clinical manifestations

Necator americanus 美洲鉤蟲

Ancylostoma duodenale 十二指腸鉤蟲

Ancylostoma caninum 犬鉤蟲

Ancylostoma braziliense 巴西鉤蟲
Ancylostoma ceylanicum 鍚蘭鉤蟲
Ancylostoma malayanium 馬來亞鉤蟲
Between 45oN and 30oS
A. duodenale 十二指腸鉤蟲 N. americanus 美洲鉤蟲
Middle East Far East
Mediterranean countries South Asia
North China Pacific Islands
Africa Tropical Africa
South-East Asia Central and South America
South America
Pacific Islands
N. americanus 美洲鉤蟲 A. duodenale 十二指腸鉤蟲

腹齒板 腹齒

Posterior end of N. americanus

雌美洲鉤蟲 7~9 x 0.3 mm


雄美洲鉤蟲 9~11 x 0.4 mm

Bursa 交尾囊
Copulatory bursa 交尾囊

ray 外背側枝 ventral ray
dorsal ray externo-lateral
背面枝 ray
latero ray Spicules
後側枝 medio-lateral 交尾刺
ray 內側枝

Active penetration of skin by infective filariform larvae (L3)

Ingesting of infective larvae in A. duodenale
Transmammary transmission of larvae in A. duodenale

filariform larvae (L3)
1 wk
Swallowed Attached to
Pharynx small intestine
2~3 wks

Circulation 4~6 wks

3 days MAN
Penetrates skin

Filariform larva (L3) 絲狀幼蟲 Egg in faeces

Infective EXTERNAL Diagnostic

stage ENVIRONMENT stage
感染期 診斷期
Rhabditiform larva
hatches (L1) 桿狀幼蟲

2nd stage
larva (L2) in soil
Clinical Pathology
Pentration of skin by F- form larvae (L3)

Gound itch
Skin reaction (uritcaria 蕁痲疹 )at the site of larval pentration
Stinging sensation followed by irration, erythea,
oedema and papulovesicular eruption

Creeping eruptions 匍行性疹

A. braziliense and A. caninum wandering through the
cutaneous layer (cutaneous larva migrans) cause
intense irritation and iflammaton.
Most of the larva die in the skin.
Clinical Pathology
Migration of F-form larvae (L3)

During invasion of the circulation: Usually no ill-effects

During migration through the lungs: Pneumonitis (肺炎) with
cough (咳嗽), wheeze (哮喘), fever (發燒 ), transient X-ray shadows
(Not as severe as Ascaris)

In lungs
Haemorrhages and leukocytic or
eosinophilic infiltrations
In respiratory tract
Coughing due to irritation of the
bronchial and
tracheal mucous membranes
Clinical Pathology
Established intestinal infection by adult worms
Epigastric duodenal-type pain, indigestion, loss of appetite or diarrhoea

Hookworm anaemia (HWA)

Losses of blood, iron and proteins
Occassionally associated with folate deficiency

Adult worms attach to duodenum and jejunum by

teeth or cutting plates (mechanical)
Worms move every 4-6 hours (blood leaking)
Worrms feed on blood from cut vessels and
mucosal tissue (chronic blood loss)
Clinical Pathology
Clubbed Fingers & Ascites
Laboratory Diagnosis

Direct smear for eggs

Egg culture for 1st stage larva (L1)

Colourless with a thin shell which appears as a black line aroung the ovum
Oval in shape, measuring about 65 x 40 µm
Contains an ovum which usually appears segmented
Larva may be seen inside in some specimen
Early stage Advanced stage

Gastrula stage Embryonated stage

Larva (L1)

Hookworm Filariform Larva (L3)

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