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Supported by
The 6th International Conference of the Indonesian Chemical Society 2017
Hotel Horison Ultima, Palembang, Indonesia
October 15 - 20, 2017

The 6th Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI) annual conference on Tue-Wed, 17-18
October 2017, is organized by South Sumatera Branch of HKI in collaboration with
Sriwijaya University (Unsri) and South Sumatera Province. South Sumatera was
selected as the location for 2017 HKI annual conference in HKI National Meeting
2014, 3 years ago, in Ambon, Maluku. This is a bilingual conference (Indonesian and
English), which means that the paper can be written in English or Indonesian
language (Bahasa Indonesia), and the presentation can be delivered in English or
Bahasa Indonesia.

Before, parallel to, or after the conference, there will be several satellite activities
(workshop, etc.), including a meeting of the Forum of Head of Chemistry Departments
in Indonesia (Temu Forum Ketua Jurusan/Prodi Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia se-
Indonesia 2017, Temu FKJKI-2017), contact: that will be
started in the evening (19.00) of 17 October 2017. Any chemistry-related
communities/institutions could register other satellite activities (one-day workshop,
symposium, training, etc.) to, to be offered to
conference attendees. Satellite activities could be held in any date between 3 October
to 31 October 2017.

One day before the conference, on Monday, 16 October 2017, HKI Congress will be
held to find the next President-Elect of HKI. The elected person will be the next
President-Elect of the Indonesian Chemical Society from 1 January 2018 to 31
December 2018, while Dr. Tatas Brotosudarmo will be the President of HKI.
Speach by Chairman

Assalamualaikum waromatullahi wabarakatu,

Dear Distinguished Guests and Participant,

We cordially welcome you to the 6th International Conference of Indonesian

Chemical Society in Palembang South Sumatera. This conference is organized by the
Indonesian Chemical Society (HKI) and Chemistry Department Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences Sriwijaya University (Unsri) supported by LPPM

I would like to inform some formal information related to this conference. The
conference’s theme is “Stimulating of Advanced Perspective and Current Concepts on
Chemistry field”. The goals of conference are to provide a vehicle the state of the art
in research results and trends in chemistry field, to offer interaction, discussion and
possible collaboration among chemist and the public about chemistry, to increase
awareness of policy makers and public on chemistry’s rule in national development.
This conference consists of 4 keynotes speakers from USA, Japan, Solomon Island, 8
invited speakers, and 229 participants who deliver as oral or poster presenters.
Accompanying this conference, there are some activities: Indonesia high level
meeting on chemical security by Sandia USA (15-16 October), Congress of PNHKI (16-
17 October), FKJKI meeting (18 October), and Palembang city tour (19 October).

We are sincerely grateful to welcome honorable keynote speakers, distinguished

invited speakers and excellent of participants for sharing their knowledge in this

The keynote speakers in this conference are :

1. Dr. Andrew W. Nielson (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
2. Prof. Hisao Yoshida (Kyoto University, Japan)
3. Prof. Dr. Basil Shelton Marasinghe (Solomon Island National University, PNG)
4. Drs. Muhammad Abdulkadir Martoprawiro, Ph.D (ITB, Indonesia)
The Invited Speakers are :
1. Prof. Dr. Subandi (UM, Indonesia)
2. Prof. Dr. Suyanta (UNY, Indonesia)
3. Prof. Aldes Lesbani, PhD (Unsri, Indonesia)
4. Dr. Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi (UI, Indonesia)
5. Dr.rer.nat. Didin Mujahidin (ITB, Indonesia)
6. Dr. Muktiningsih Nurjayadi (UNJ, Indonesia)
7. Dr. Sal Prima Yudha S. (Unib, Indonesia)
8. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Bachri Amran (ITB, Indonesia)
9. Dr.rer.nat. Ria Armunanto (UGM, Indonesia)

I would like also to express thanks and appreciation to the organizing committee for
their cooperative work and efforts to make our conference a success.

Finally, I would like to thank to all participants and their respective institutions that
have made this conference possible and I wish you all have a pleasant meeting.

Waalaikumsalam warohmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hermansyah, M.Si., Ph.D.

Chairman of Organizing Committee
The 6th International Conference of Indonesian Chemical Society
Forward by the Dean

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you to the 6th International Conferences of
Indonesian Chemical Society (ICIC) 2017 organized by the Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Sriwijaya in collaboration
with the Indonesian Chemical Society. The theme for this conference is “Stimulating
of Advanced Perspective and Current Concepts on Chemistry Field”.

I am very happy and grateful that many distinguished Academicians, Scientist,

Researchers and practitioners of Chemistry have come from both home and abroad
to share their knowledge and experience. On behalf of the Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences University of Sriwijaya, I would like to take this opportunity to
express our deep appreciation for all of national and international keynote speakers
as well as invited speakers for their willingness to come to Palembang and honoring
us a keynote speeches for this conference. I also wish to give special thanks to the
Sandia America that has hold a special workshop on the “Indonesia high level
meeting on chemical security” for the last two days. Last but not least, I would like to
extend our appreciation to the Indonesian Chemical Society, government, university
colleagues and companies for their continued and invaluable support to make this
meeting a success.

I sincerely wish you would have most productive days of interesting and stimulating
discussions. I believe that this conference is a great opportunity not only for sharing
knowledge and experience in chemical research, but also for starting a long and
fruitful cooperation and friendship among Academicians, Researchers and
practitioners of Chemistry.
Finally, I would like to thank and congratulate the organizing committee for their
dedication and tremendous efforts in organizing the conference. I wish you all an
enjoyable meeting and fruitful discussion.

Prof. Dr. Iskhaq Iskandar, M.Sc.

Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Sriwijaya
Speach by Rector of Sriwijaya University

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh,

In the name of Alllah SWT and all praise belongs to Him who is blessing us today to
come and attend this important conference.

In accordance with the university status as a research university, it is important for

the university to disseminate new research findings and discoveries in the
community, the nation and the world. I am pleased that Chemistry Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Sriwijaya University (Unsri)supported by
LPPM Unsri collaborate with the Indonesian Chemical Society (HKI) have organized
the sixth international conference of Indonesian chemical society (ICICS) in

With the theme of this conference, “Stimulating of Advanced Perspective and

Current Concepts on Chemistry field”. I believed that this conference served as
platform for the discussion and dissemination of research findings information on
research trends, and latest development in the area of chemistry. It is hoped that
this meeting of academicians, researchers,and professionals from universities,
government institutions, research institute, and private companies can lead to much
bigger things in the future.

Therefore, I sincerely expect this conference generate more cooperation in research

and education. Such cooperation can lead to progress in all areas of chemistry for the
welfare of mankind.

By this conference also I hope that it facilitates Indonesian chemists to publish their
research results in reputable journal/proceeding.
I am sincerely grateful to welcome honorable keynote speakers, distinguished invited
speakers and excellent of participants for sharing their knowledge in this conference.

This conference will be able to meet our goals and objectives and provide a
rewarding experience to all participants, from local and international. My
appreciation also goes to the organizing committee for making this conference a

I take this opportunity to thank and to appreciate the Sandia and CRDF United State
of America which have hold the workshop on ‘Indonesia high level meeting on
chemical security’ on October 15-16, 2017.

Congratulation also address to Indonesian chemical society and head of chemistry

department from Universities in Indonesia for their annual national meeting and
congress during this conference.

Finally, in anticipation of successful conference, in the name of Allah, the beneficient,

the merciful.


I hereby officially open the 6th International Conference of Indonesian Chemical

Society 2017”

Good luck, I wish you all an enjoyable meeting and fruitful discussion.

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi wabarakatuh.

Prof. Dr. Ir. AnisSaggaf, MSCE.

Rector of Sriwijaya University
Conference Activities

High Level University Meeting on

Sunday, 09.00–
Chemical Security
Oct 15, 2017 16.00
(Sandia Laboratory, USA)
High Level University Meeting on
Chemical Security
Monday, 16.00
(Sandia Laboratory, USA)
Oct 16, 2017
13.00 –
Indonesian Chemical Society Forum Meeting
ICICS Seminar
Tuesday, 16.00
Oct 17, 2017 19.00-
Indonesian Chemical Society Congress
ICICS Seminar
Wednesday, 16.00
Oct 18, 2017 08.00–
Department Chief of Chemistry Meeting
City/Musi Tour
Thurday, 16.00
Oct 19, 2017 13.00–
Computational Chemistry Workshop
Friday, 08.00–
Computational Chemistry Workshop
Oct 20, 2017 16.00

Address: Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 57, 20 Ilir I,

Ilir Timur I, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30151

Phone: +62 0711 388000

Musi River / City Tour
Programme Seminar
October 17 – 18, 2017


19.00 22.00 Pre-registration

Lobby, Hotel Horison, Palembang, Indonesia


07.30 - 08.00 REGISTRATION

Ground floor, Horizon Convention Centre (HCC), Palembang, Indonesia

08.00 - 09.30 OPENING CEREMONY

1. Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
2. Head of Indonesian Chemical Society
3. Rector of Sriwijaya University
4. Governor
First Floor, HCC

09.30 – 10.00 COFFEE BREAK

First Floor, HCC

10.00 – 10.40 1. Andrew Nelson, Ph.D, MPH – Sandia Lab., USA
Moderator : Prof. Mudasir, Ph.D.
10.00 – 11.20 2. Muhamad Abdulkadir Martoprawiro, Ph.D – ITB, Indonesia
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Subandi, M.Si

11.20 – 12.00 POSTER SESSION

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH, SHOLAT AND REST


15.00 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK



07.30 - 08.00 REGISTRATION

Ballroom 3th floor , Horison Cnvention Centre (HCC), Palembang, Indonesia

08.00 – 08.40 1. Prof. Dr. Basil Shelton Marasinghe
Moderator: Prof. Wega Trisunaryanti, MS, Ph.D. Eng.
08.40 – 09.20 2. Prof. Hisao Yoshida, Kyoto University, Japan
Moderator: Dr. Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi


10.00 – 10.30 COFFEE BREAK


12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH, SHOLAT AND REST


15.00 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK


15.00 – 16.30 CLOSING CEREMONY

1. Chairperson of the Organizing Committee
2. Head of Indonesian Chemical Society
3. Rector of Sriwijaya University
Paralel Class
Day 1 (Tuesday / 17th October 2017)

Room : Semeru 1
Moderator : Risfidian Mohadi

Time Name Title
13.00 - 13.15 IS 1 Didin Mujahidin (Invited The Utilization of Palm Oil as Renewable Block
Speaker) Building Source in Chemical Industry
13.15 - 13.30 IS 2 Muktiningsih Nurjayadi Immunogenicity Evaluation of Recombinant Fim-C
S. Typhi Protein as Typhoid Vaccine Candidate on
Wistar Rat to Increase the Quality of Urban Health
in Indonesia

13.30 – 13.45 OP 1 Margareta Novian Moisture Sorption Isotherm Characteristics of

Cahyanti Fermented Cassava Flour By Red Yeast Rice

13.45 – 14.00 OP 2 Masriani Masriani A New Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloid From The

Roots of Pycnarrhena Cauliflora With Cytotoxic

14.00 – 14.15 OP 3 Iqbal Musthapa Phytochemical Evaluation And Antioxidant Activity

of Piper Retrofractum

14.15 – 14.30 OP 4 Susilawati Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Fungi Isolated

from The Leaves of Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.)

14.30 – 14.45 OP 5 Wega Trisunaryanti Effect Of Hydrochloric Acid Concentration Toward

The Amount And Characteristics of Gelatin
Extracted From Cat Fish Bone

14.45-15.00 OP 6 Ani setyopratiwi The Effect Of Addition Black Cimun Seed Oil Extra
Virgin Coconut Oil On The Physical And Chemical

15.00 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK

15.15 – 15.30 OP 7 Eva Marliana Isoprenylated Flavanone Derivatives and Anticancer

Activity of Macaranga hosei King ex Hook.F.leaves

15.30 – 15.45 OP 8 Dede Sukandar Isolation And Structure Elucidation Of Terpenoid

Compound From Sten Bark Of Bintangur
(Calaphyllum bicolor)

15.45 – 16.00 OP 9 Muharni Maryadi Evaluation Of Antioxidant Actifity Of Supit Extract

(Tetracera Indica)

16.00 – 16.15 OP 10 Aliefman Hakim Isolatoin Of Ethyl p-methoxy Cinnamate

Compounda from kencur (kaempferia galanga L)

16.15 – 16.30 OP 11 Krisna Merdekawati Character Education On Chemisty Learning Models

16.30 – 16.45 OP 12 I Made Sudarma An Efficicient Method on Acetylatoin of Eugenol

With Acetic Anhydride Catalyzed by Sodium or
Pottassium Bicarbonates

16.45 - selesai OP 13 Nunuk Hariani Soekamto Dengue Antivirus Activity of Non Polar Extract From
Melochia Umbellata (Houtt) Stapf Var. Visenia

Room : Semeru 2
Moderator : Henny Yohandini

Time Name Title
13.00 - 13.15 IS 3 Sal Prima Biomolecules-Mediated Synthesis of Gold and Silver
Nanoparticles: Recent Developments

13.15 – 13.30 OP 14 Yessi Permana Ni-Catalyzed Isomerization of Phenylpropenoids

and Hydrogenation of Furfural

13.30 – 13.45 OP 15 Asdim Green Synthesis of Sno2 Nanoparticles Nn Aqueous

Leaves Extracts of Kalanchoe Pinnata By
Hydrothermal Method

13.45 – 14.00 OP 16 Eko Sri Kunarti Fe3O4/Sio2/Tio2 Nanocomposite as Photocatalyst for

Reduction of Au(III) Ions

14.00 – 14.15 OP 17 James Sibarani Characterization of Nanoemulsion Virgin Coconut

Oli in Water as Carrier of Protoporphyrin IX for
Photodyamic Therapy.

14.15 – 14.30 OP 18 Sri Hartini Determination of Yeast Co-Culture and Stirring

Ration for optimization of Bioethanol Content of
Garlic (Allium sativum) Peels and Com (Zea mays L.)

14.30 – 14.45 OP 19 La Ode Agus Salim Pumice stone coated with Mn-N TiO2 as
photocatalyst for linear Alkylbenzenesulfonate
degradation under visible light

14.45 – 15.00 OP 20 Tanto Budi Susilo Characterization, Dating 14C and Compotion of
Banjar’s boat Artifact From Around Candi Laras site,
Barito River-Kalimantan

15.15 – 15.30 OP 21 Pra Dian Mariadi Lead and Cadmium Mobilization from Anas moscha
and Cairina Moschata Tissue using Pineapple
extract as chelating agents

15.30 – 15.45 OP 22 Dikdik Mulyadi Synthesis Fe3O4@Sio2@NH2 as A Core Magnetic

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers

15.45 – 16.00 OP 23 Yeanchon Dulanlebit Design and Implementation Of Spectrophotometry

for Iodine Determination Based on Flow Injection

16.00 – 16.15 OP 24 Yayuk Andayani Analysis of the level of conceptual understanding

and critical thinking disposition in chemical students
that learn using problem based learning model

16.15 – 16.30 OP 25 Lia Cundari Batch Study, Kinetic and Equilibrium Isotherms
Studies of Dye Adsorption of Jumputan Wastewater
Onto Betel Nuts Adsorbent

16.30 – 16.45 OP 26 Zul Alfian Optimization of Methampetamine Condition in use

of Sabu sabu Hair using Optimalization of GC-MS

16.45 – Selesai OP 27 Jenus Sara' Bahari Succinic Chitosan-Hematit-Chitosan Composite

Coated TiO2 for Adsorption and Photodegradation
Detergent Waste

Room : Semeru 3
Moderator : Muhammad Said

Time Name Title
13.00 - 13.15 IS 4 Suyanta Electrocoagulation tebhnic for imporovement
quality of swimming pool water

13.15 - 13.30 OP 28 R. Arizal firmansyah Science Process Skills and Mastery of The Concept
(Ketua Jurusan) Acid Bases and Buffers Through POGIL (Process
Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning)

13.30 – 13.45 OP 29 Kasmudin Mustapa The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model Scramble
And Talking Stick to The College Students
Motivation and Learning Outcomes in Basic
Chemistry Subject on Chemistry Education Tadulako

13.45 – 14.00 OP 30 Lela mukmilah yuningsih The Effect of Activation Of Active Carbon from Corn
(Ketua Jurusan) Cobs and Coconout Shells on The Value of

14.00 – 14.30 OP 31 Hasnah Natsir In Vivo Study on Chitosan Nanoparticles And

Chitosan Effectivity In Reducing Total Cholesterol on
White Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
14.30 – 14.45 OP 32 Harlem Marpaung Identification and Determination of Radioactive
Elements in Vulcanic Ash of Mount Sinabung

14.45 – 15.00 OP 33 Nasruddin The Effect of Natural Based Oil As Plasticizer

towards Physics-Mechanical Properties of Nr-Sbr
Blending For Solid Tyre


15.15 – 15.30 OP 34 Retno Dwi Suyanti The Implementation of Project Based Learning
Model on Buffer solution

Synhesis Of n-Acetylpyrazoline Derivative from

15.30 – 15.45 OP 35 Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih Veratraldehyde and 5-Bromo-2-
Hydroxycetophenone and Its Cytotoxicity Test
Against some Cancer cells

15.45 – 16.00 OP 36 Bambang Piluharto Preparation of Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystals for

Protein Adsorption

16.00 – 16.15 OP 37 Bambang Purwono A Simple chalcone-vanillin as a colorimetric sensor

for chicken spoilage monitoring

16.15 – 16.30 OP 38 Yeslia Utubira Loading of KOH on Zirconia pillared bentonite as a

Heterogenous Catalyst for Transesterification of
Palm Oil

16.30 – 16.45 OP 39 Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih Synthesis of Hydroxyl Substituted N-Formyl-2-

Pyrazoline from P-Anisaldehyde and Its
Antibacterial Test

16.45 – 17.00 OP 40 Dwi Siswanta Adsorption of Pb(Ii) using Chitosan-Carrageenan

Macroporous Film

17.00 – 17.15 OP 41 Harno D Pranowo The Effect of Substituen on Semiconduktor

Properties of Zn(li)-Porphyrin Complexes Using
Dft/Td-Dft Method

17.15 – Selesai OP 42 Ahmad Suseno Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel doped

Zirconia-pillared Bentonite

Room : Leuser 1
Moderator : Bambang Yudono

Time Name Title
13.00 - 13.15 IS 6 Subandi Antibacterial and Xanthin Oxidase Inhibition Power
of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea l.) Peel Ethanol Extract
13.15 - 13.30 OP 43 Hendrawan Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)/Glutaraldehyde/Premna
Oblongifolia Merr Extract Hydrogel for Controlled-
Release and Water Absorption
13.30 – 13.45 OP 44 Suharti Crude Extract of Keratinase from A Newly Isolated
Pseudomonas Sp Exhibits Dehairing Activity of Goat

13.45 – 14.00 OP 45 Elok Kamilah Hayati Antimlaria Assay Activity And Identification of
(Ketua Jurusan) Marker Compound Extract Of Anting-Anting Herb
(Acalypha Indica L.

14.00 - 14.15 OP 46 I F Nurcahyo

Kinetics and Mechanism of Palm Oli
Transesterification Catalyzed by Ca(OH)2/KF In
Batch Reactor

14.15 – 14.30 OP 47 Familia Novita Developing Chemistry Affective Domain through

Simanjuntak (Ketua Socializations toward the Society

14.30 – 14.45 OP 48 Erin Ryantin Gunawan Optimization Of The Enzymatic Ammonolysis Of

Alkanolamide From Ketapang Seed Oil

14.45 – 15.00 OP 49 Purwantiningsih Sugita Characterization Active Compound and Cytotoxicity

of Fruit Extracts Sausage (Kigelia Africana) on Breast
Cancer Cells Mcf-7


15.15 – 15.30 OP 50 Herry Suwito Anticancer Compounds of Dihydropyrimidone

Derivatives anddd Its Molecular Docking on Eg5

15.30 – 15.45 OP 51 Pratiwi Pujiastuti Low Cost Production of Hard Shell Capsules from

15.45 – 16.00 OP 52 Dwi Marwati Siswanti Synthesis of Methyl Cinnamat Derivatives as

Anticancer Candidate

16.00 – 16.15 OP 53 Nanik Dwi Nurhayati Preparation And Effect of Adipic Acid on Local
Shellac Modification Based On Material Packaging

16.15 – 16.30 OP 54 Masruri Ultrasonication Assisted Green Synthesis of Zinc

Oxide Nanoparticle Using Water Extract from Cone
Flower Waste of Pinus Merkusii Jungh & De Vriese

16.30 – 16.45 OP 55 Chairil Anwar Synergy Effect of Ferulic Acid and Curcumin Analogs
Towards Α –Glucosidase
16.45 – 17.00 OP 56 Dedy Suhendra Extraction and Preconcentration Of Zinc(II) Ion By
Fatty Hydroxamic Acids Immobilized onto Zeolit

17.00 – Selesai OP 57 Roto Colorimetric Analysis of Hypochlorite Ion by Using

AG Nanoparticles

Room : Dempo
Moderator : Eliza

Time Name Title
13.00 - 13.15 IS 7 Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi Artificial Photosynthesis for Water Splitting: New
Device Type Based on Modified Dyes Sensitized
Solar Cell Having Catalysis Zone Extension.

13.15 - 13.30 OP 58 Mudazir Application of CTAB-Modofied natural zeolite in

reducing salinity of bracist water

Peer Tutor Method to Improve Student Activity in

13.30 – 13.45 OP 59 Dedeh Kurniasih
Course of Evaluation Process and Results of
Studying Chemistry

13.45 – 14.00 OP 60 Siti Mariyah Ulfa The Comparison Activity of Ni/Al2O3-Zro2 and
Cu/Al2O3-Zro2 on The Hydrogenation Of Phenol in
Water Solvent

Ni Nyoman Tri Construction And Characterization of a-L-

14.00 -14.15 OP 61 Puspaningsih Arabinofuranosidase Variant Into Escherichia Coli
Ekstracellular Secretion System

14.15 – 14.30 OP 62 Endang Tri Wahyuni Collectable Silica Based Adsorbent From Volcanic

14.30 – 14.45 OP 63 Sri Wardhani Effect of pH Phenol on The Ability of Thin Layer
Photocatalyst TiO2- Chitosan To Degrade Phenol
with UV Light

14.45 - 15.00 OP 64 Jaya Putra Utama Electrostatic Method For Separation of Glycerin
and Biodiesel

15.00 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK

15.15 – 15.30 OP 65 Adi Darmawan Aluminium Copper Pillared Clay Membrane:

Application for Dyestuff Filtration

15.30 – 15.45 OP 66 Yuni Krisyuningsih Synthesis and characterization of ZSM-5 Zeolite

from dealuminated and fragmentated Bayat-
Klaten natural zeolite
15.45 – 16.00 OP 67 Andi arif setiawan Review: Pollution Due to Coal Mining Activity And
Its Impact on Environment

16.00 – 16.15 OP 68 Randy Chandra Study of lignin effectiveness as a metal impurity

chelating agent from gradual leaching result of Tin
slag II to increase the concentration of Nb and Ta

16.15 – 16.30 OP 69 Tutik Dwi Synthesis and anticancer assay of n-hydrogen

Wahyuningsih pyrazoline from 2,4-dihydroxyacetophenone and

16.30 – 16.45 OP 70 Akbar Saputro Study of fabrication anodic aluminum oxide by

using two step anodization method

16.45 – 17.00 OP 71 Diana Widiastuti The Breast of Anticancer From Cassava(manihot

esculenta Crantz), Sao Pedro Varietie of Cell Line in

17.00 – selesai OP 72 Hermansyah Growth Retardation of Sassharomyces Cerevisiae

By Noni Fruit (Morinda Citrifolia) Extract Eccurred
in G1 To S Trasnsition of the cell Cycle

Room : Kerinci
Moderator : Poedji L.H

Time Name Title
13.00 - 13.15 IS 8 Aldes Lesbani Supramolecular Ionic Crystals Based on
Polyoxometalates-Organometallic Complexes

13.15 - 13.30 OP 73 Beta Achromi A Potential Colorimatric Sensor of Vanillin-

Nurohmah hydrazone Derivatives For Anime Detection of Food

13.30 – 13.45 OP 74 Paramita Jaya Ratri Structural study of the ordering processes of cold
drawn trans-1,4-polyisoprene samples in the
heating process on the basis of wide- and small-
angle X-ray scattering measurements

13.45 – 14.00 OP 75 Muliadi Spectroscopy and Thermogravimrtric Analysis of

Terbium and Europium Complexes

14.00 – 14.15 OP 76 Purkan Fikih Properties of mercury reductase enzyme from local
Bacillus sp. for bioremediat ion agent

14.15 – 14.30 OP 77 Sandra Hermanto Antihypertensive Bioactive Peptides From Soyghurt

(Ketua Jurusan) Hydrolysates

14.30 – 14.45 OP 78 Sri Agustini The Characterication og mango (Mangivera indica

L.) Powder at Various Drying Temperature

14.45 – 15.00 OP 79 Herlina Rasyid Molecular dynamic simulation of hydrogen bond

stability between N-1-

15.00 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK

15.15 – 15.30 OP 80 Lukman Hakim Anomalous negative thermal expansion of ice from
Gruneisen parameter

15.30 – 15.45 OP 81 Yuni Krisyuningsih Synthesis and characterization of zeolite NaY from
Krisnandi kaolin Bangka Belitung with variation of synthesis
composition and crystallization time

15.45 – 16.00 OP 82 Eddy Heraldy X-Ray Diffraction Analysis on Effect of Time

Reaction and Alkil Concentration in Merlinoite

16.00 – 16.15 OP 83 Dasril Basir Free Solvent Amidation of Ursolic and Oleanolic
Acids of Fragraean Fragrans Fruits; Their P-388
Antitumor Activity

16.15 – 16.30 OP 84 Yuni Krisyuningsih Cellulose conversion of delignified rice husk waste
Krisnandi to levulinic acid using hierarchical Mn 3O4/ZSM-5,
Mn3O4, and Mn2+ Catalysts

16.30 – 16.45 OP 85 Sabirin Matsjeh The synthesis of 7-dihydroxy-3 ', 4'-dimethoxy

isoflavone and its cytotoxicity assay against cervical
cancer cells (Hela Cell Line)

16.45 – 17.00 OP 86 Rinawati Preparation of activated carbon derived from rice

husk for adsorption of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons in aqueous SOLUTION

17.00 – 17.15 OP 87 Netri Elisma Green Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticle using

Uncaria Gambir Leaves Extract

17.15 – 17.30 OP 88 Rame Rame Catalytic Ozonation Based Advanced Oxidation

Process for Effective Treating Wastewater from
Hospital and Community Health Centre Facility by
Flash WWT Catalyst System in Indonesia
17.30 - Selesai OP 89 Dedi Rohendi, Addy
Rachmat Fabrication and Characterization of Fuel Cell
Electrode From Pt-Co/C Catalyst
Paralel Class
Day 2 (Wednesday / 18th October 2017)

Room : Semeru 1
Moderator : Nirwan Syarif

Time Name Title
10.30 – 10.45 OP 90 Rachmat T. Tjahjanto The Synthesis of graphene from natural graphite
using moditified Hummer method

10.45 – 11.00 OP 91 Nurcahyo Iman An investigation of insect ovipositing repellent

Prakoso activity of Acacia auriculiformis leaf extracts to
Batrocera carambolae

11.00 – 11.15 OP 92 Edi Suryanto Effect of cosolvent on antioxidant activity of

composite flour from banana, corn and sago

11.15 – 11.30 OP 93 Suheryanto Validation of Merthylmercury Determinatios in

Sediments Using GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass

11.30 – 11.45 OP 94 Masdania Zurairah Characterisation Carbon Nanotube from Rice Husk
Siregar Activated Carbon as Adsorbent to Reduce Peat

11.45 – 12.00 OP 95 Hawwin Thoriqul Docking and molecular dynamics evaluation of

cycloartenol anticancer activity through ERK2


13.00 – 13.15 OP 96 Manihar Stumorang Antimalarial activity of extract and fraction of Temu
mangga (Curcuma mangga) rhizomes

13.15 – 13.30 OP 97 Ahmad Hanapi Claisen-Schmidt Condensation from vanillin and

aceton using Grinding Technique

13.30 – 13.45 OP 98 Septianty Magdalena Study adsorption ion Lanthanum and Erbium using
Simanjuntak pectin from banana peel

13.45 – 14.00 OP 99 Rurini Retnowati, The Influence of Distillation Time on Component

Profile of Essential Oil of Key Lime (Citrus
aurantifolia (Christm.&Panz.) Swingle) Leaves and
Its Antibacterial Activity Against Staphylococcus

14.00 – 14.15 OP 100 Evi Maryani The Anti-Fungal Effect of Candida Albican Cause
“Candidiasis” in Various of liquid substances with
ZnO Nanoparticles and TiO2 Combination as Active

14.15 – 14.30 OP 101 Lalu Rudyat Telly eicosenoic Acids Derivatives as Novel Inhibitors for
Savalas Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Protein Tyrosine
Phosphatase B

14.30 – 14.45 OP 102 Tia Okseini Total Phenolic content, Total Flavonoid content and
Antioxidant Activity of the root, Stem Bark and
Leaves Elaeocarpus mastersii King.

14.45 – 15.00 OP 103 Widiantari Study Interaction of Catechin extract (Camellia

Nofriandani Sinensis ) with Tantalum and Niobium Gradual
Leaching Product of tin Slags II

OP 104 Hartati Mesoporous Hierarchically Amorphous

AluminoSilicates Pore Diameter Increment by
15.00 – 15.15
Multi- Stage Hydrothermal



Room : Semeru 2
Moderator : Eliza

Time Name Title
10.30 – 10.45 OP 106 Dilia Puspa Fatty Acids from Microalgae Botryococcus Braunii
for Raw Material of Biodiesel

10.45 – 11.00 OP 107 Sri Mulyani In vitro Analysis of PcpB Protein Function in
Pentachloropseudilin biosynthesis from
Actinoplanes Sp.

11.00 – 11.15 OP 108 Sofijan Hadi Increasing the production of the extracellular
thermophilic β-xylosidase by recombinan Bacillus
megaterium MS941

11.15-11.30 OP 109 Teguh Endah Surface modification of TiO2-carbon photocatalyst

Saraswati nanocomposite Prepared by submerged Arc
discharge in different Liquid Medium

11.30-11.45 OP 110 Muhammad Arba QSAR,Molecular Docking and Dynamics studies of

Benzamide Derivatives as Allosteric Inhibitor or
Mitogen Enhanced Kinase

11.45 – 12.00 OP 111 Ronaldo Irzon Rare Earth Elements Identification on Granitoid
from unggan,Sijunjung, West Sumatera


13.00 – 13.15 OP 112 Amir Awaluddin Catalytic degradation of organic dyes using
cryptomelane-type octahedral molecular sieve
manganese oxide catalyst prepared by reflux

13.15 – 13.30 OP 113 Deasy Liestianty Production of Spirulina Extract Microcapsulated by

Spray Drying

13.30 – 13.45 OP 114 Ghufira Activated Carbon From Palm Oil Waste as
Bioadsorbent on dyes Removal from Aqueoeous

13.45 – 14.00 OP 115 Kartini Afriani Synthesis Hyrogel Chitosan-Poly (N-Vynil-2-

Pyrolidone) (PVP) By IP (Interpenetrating Polymer
Network) Method and Ionic Crosslinker

14.00 – 14.30 OP 116 Irdhawati Irdhawati, Square Wave Anodic Stripping Voltammetry For
Liana Sari, Determination of Lead in Water Spinach From
Badung River Estuary

14.30 – 14.30 OP 117 Suherman Colorimetric And Electrochemical Methods For

Water Quality Test

14.30 – 14.45 OP 118 Agung Abadi Modification of Polyeugenol Derivate Contain

Kiswandono Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate (egdma) as a Carrier
for Phenol Transport

15.00 – 15.15 OP 119 Suherman Suherman, Colorimetric And Electrochemical Methods For
Kento Yajima, Kinichi Water Quality Test
Morita, Toshikazu

15.15 – 15.30 OP 120 Eka Febri Zulissetiana, The Efficacy of Methanol Extract of Morinda
Susilawati Citrofolia to brain Derived Neutrophic Factor
(BDNF) and Spatial Memory Ability on male Swiss
Webster Mice Induced by Immobilization Stress



Room : Semeru 3
Moderator : Ferlinahayati

Time Name Title
10.30- 10.45 OP121 Daniel tarigan Synthesis of oleic chitosan as film coating by
interesterification and amidation reactions from
unsaturated fatty acid

10.45 – 11.00 OP 122 Pepi Helza Yanti Preparation of hydroxyapatite using Geloina
coaxans shell in various solvents
11.00 – 11.15 OP 123 Nurhasanah husin Characterization of Lack Signal Peptida Lipase
From Compost Metagenome

11.15 – 11.30 OP 124 Aliya Nur Hasanah Synthesis and characterization of molecular
imprinted polymer for recognition of atenolol in
biological fluids

11.30-11.45 OP 125 Agus Martono Hadi Shell of Land Keong Emas and Kijing as a Mild
Putranto Concrete for Earthquake Resistant

11.45-12.00 OP 126 Muhammad Amin Simultaneous determination of inorganic anions

(particularly thiocyanate) and cations in human
physiological fluids samples by column Switching
Ion chromatography

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH, SHOLAT DAN REST

13.00 – 13.15 OP 127 ST Fauziah The Adsorptions Capacity and Selectivity of Mip
to b-Sitosterol

13.15 – 13.30 OP 128 Anna Safitri XANES Spectroscopy for Characterizing Cr(III)-
Binding Low-Molecular-Weight (LMW) Serum
Fractions using 3D Approuch And Chemometric

13.30-13.45 OP 129 Henie Purwandar Need Analysis of Chemical Supplement Book

Asmaningrum Based on Asmat Papua Local WIsdom

13.45 – 14.00 OP 130 Tjitjk Srie Tjahjandarie Melimoluccanin, A new isoprenylated quinolone
alkaloid from the leaves of Melicope moluccana
T.G. Hartley

14.00 – 14.15 OP 131 Muhammad Arba QSAR, Molecular Docking and Dynamics Studies
of Pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridine Derivatives as Bruton’s
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

14.15 – 14.30 OP 132 Mochamad Zakki Fahmi Cellulose-based graphene nanostructure for
comprehensive treatment of cancer disease

14.30 - 14.45 OP 133 Martha Aznury Production Biomethane from Palm Oil Mill
Effluent (POME) with Trucated Pyramid Digester
in Fed Batch System

14.45 - 15.00 OP 134 Erly Grizca Boelan Abilities of Co-Cultures of White-Rot Fungus
Ganoderma linghzi and Bacillus subtilis on
Biodegradation of DDT

15.00 – 15.15 OP 135 Bambang Yudono Oil recovery tests by using bio surfactant of
indigenous Pseudomonas peli and Burkholderia
glumae bacteria from South Sumatera at various
temperature conditions
15.15 – 15.30 OP 136 Noviany Sutopo Hadi Isolation and Structure Elucidation of A New
Naturally Isolated Compound from Sesbania

15.30 – 15.45 OP 137 Adri Huda Methylene Blue Removal using Tin oxide based

15.45 – 16.00 COFFEE BREAK


Room : Leuser
Moderator : Addy Rachmat

Time Name Title
10.30 – 10.45 OP 138 Susila Arita Rahman High Conversion and Yield of Biodiesel using
Electrolysis Method

10.45 – 11.00 OP 139 Adil Ginting Glyceryl Monoleate Incoporation with Cinnamon
Bark Essential Oil as The Plastizer on Gelatin
Edible Film

11.00 – 11.15 OP 140 Muhammad Arif Synthesis of Sorbitan Oleate from Sorbitol as
Darmawan Iron Adsorbent and Comparative Capacity of
Adsorption on Pectin

11.15 – 11.30 OP 141 Muliadi Application of compost and charcoal on

phytoremediation cadmium-contaminated soils
by soybean

11.30 – 11.45 OP 142 Sisnayati Sisnayati River Water Treatment by Application of

Ceramic Membrane from Activated Carbon
Made from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and Iron

11.45 – 12.00 OP 143 Lukman Atmaja Medium Scale Conversion of Fishermsn Shrimp
Waste Industry to Chitosan

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH, SHOLAT, AND REST

13.00 – 13.15 OP 144 Teja Dwi Sutanto The Effect of Cocopeat Grain Size to Mechanic
Properties of Particle Board

13.15 – 13.30 OP 145 Raedhita Arya Kanigoro Synthesis of Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters as Ligand
for Zn2+ and Pb2+ Metal Ions in Industrial Sludge
from Tegal

13.30 – 13.45 OP 146 Harry Agusnar Green Composites of natural fiber

bamboo/pineapple leaf/coconut husk as Hybrid
13.45 – 14.00 OP 147 Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie Cytotoxic activity of quinolinone Alkaloids and
acylphloroglucinol from the leaves of Melicope

14.00 – 14.15 OP 148 Prima Endang Susilowati Effect Of Selected Ragi On The Reduction Of
Antinutrient Levels During Solid Substrate
Fermentation Of Cocoa Pod Husk and

14.15 – 14.30 OP 149 Sri Sumarsih, Sofijan Production and Partial Purification of Lipase of
Hadi Micrococcus sp. Isolated from Palm Oil Mill
Effluent-Contaminated Soil

14.30 – 14.45 OP 150 Masruri Size Distribution of The Silver Nanoparticles

Synthesized using Water Extract of Pinus
merkusii Jungh & De Vriese Cone Flower

OP 151 Sri Pertiwi Estuningsih Phytoremediation of Coal Mining Water Acid in

14.45 – 15.00 PT. Bukit Asam tanjung Enim South Sumatera

15.00 – 15.15 OP 152 Nanik dwi nurhayati Fabrication and investigation of chemical
properties shellac

15.15 – 15.30 OP 153 Alfa Akustia W TiO2 – SiO2 Thin Film for self claning coating on

15.30 – 16.00 COFFE BREAK


Room : Dempo
Moderator : Henni Yohandini

Time Name Title
10.30 – 10.45 OP 154 Uswatun Hasanah Characterization of Coconut Shell Pyrolysis Tar
as Renewable Fuel

10.45 – 11.00 OP 155 Fitria Rahmawati Internal gas reforming SOFC with a small flow
bioethanol as fuel

11.00 – 11.15 OP 156 Akmal Lutfi Effect of Molecular Oxygen on Methane

Activation in Partial Oxidation of Methane
over NiOx/ Hierarchical ZSM-5 Catalyst

11.15 – 11.30 OP 157 Leily nurul komariah Biodiesel Effects on Fuel Filter; assessment of
clogging characteristics

11.30 – 11.45 OP 158 Ismarti Distribution of heavy metals in sediment and

water from coast Batam, Riau Islands,
11.45 – 12.00 OP 159 Miratul Khasanah Development of nanoporous carbon
paste/imprinted zeolite electrode as
potentiometric sensor for creatinine analysis

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH, SHOLAT DAN REST

13.00 – 13.15 OP 160 Ahmad Mudzakir Preparation of Cellulose Nanocrystals from
Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Fatty Acid Based
Ionic Liquid: A Preliminary Study

13.15 – 13.30 OP 161 Emi Yuliarita Utilization of Natural Coumpounds (Chlorofil

and Caroten Extract)

13.30 – 13.45 OP 162 Boni Junita Lupid Extraction Method from Microalgae
Botryococcus Braunii as Raw Material to Make
Biodiesel with Soxhlet Extraction

13.45 – 14.00 OP 163 Yuli Filindity Application of Modified Free Inquiry on Acid,
Base and Salt Concept to Results Studying
Student Class VII SMP Negeri I Banda

14.00 – 14.15 OP 164 Chanel Tri Handoko Silver Deposition on titanium ocide by using
Liquid Impregnation Method

14.15 – 14.30 OP 165 Muhammad Taufik Determination of Morphine in White Rats

Blood (Rattus Norvegicus ) Using GCMS

14.30 – 14.45 OP 166 Fuji Lestari Synthesis of Cholesteryl Acrylate Polymer with
UV Curing Method Using Mercury Lights

14.45 – 15.15 OP 167 Risfidian Mohadi Isolation of B- Kitosan From Squid Bone as
Raw Material to Synthesize of hybrid
Photocatalists TiO2-kitosan

15.15 – 15.30 OP 168 Muliadi Muliadi, Suminar Spectrophotometric Determination of Boron

Pratapa, Indah Raya, Alfian in Food Products by Ester Borate Distillation
Noor into Curcumin Using Sulfuric Acid Catalyst

OP 169 Ahmad Fatoni Synthesis and Characterization of Schiff Base

4,4 Diaminodiphenyl Ether- Vanilin possessed
15.30 - 15.45
of Free Primary Amine

15.45 – 16.00 COFFEE BREAK



Code Name Title

P1 Wiyogo Prio Electrochemical Behavior of Different Palladium Shell Thickness of Gold-

Wicaksono Palladium Core-Shell Nanoparticles (Au@Pd CSNPs) on Boron-Doped
Diamond Electrode

P2 Eliza The Cytotoxicity and IsolationTriterpenoid Acid from Bark of Sandoricum


P3 Widinda Normalia Student’s Profile About Analysis Questions Cognitive Level Based on Bloom
Arlianty Taxonomy Version Kreathwohl

P4 Argo Khoirul Anas The Effect of Purification Process on Electrical Conductivity of Multiwall-
Carbon-Nanotubes/Natural-Rubber-Latex Nanocomposite

P5 Putri Amanda New Supramolecular Metallo-Terpyridine Pectin Derivatives With

Fluorescent Properties

P6 Ade Heri Mulyati Pendugaan Umur Simpan Tepung Biji Durian Lokal (Durio Zibhetinuss l)
dengan Metode Akselerasi Pendekatan Kadar Air Kritis

P7 Habibi Hidayat Isolation and Identification of Probiotics Bacteria as a Producer of Protease

Enzyme From Fermentation of Papaya Seeds

P8 Beta Wulan Febriana Analysis of Problem Based Learning in Hidrokarbon Compound Material in
Vocational School

P9 Siti Warnasih Utilization of Cempedak Seeds Waste As Alternative Raw Material for Wheat
Flaur To Produce Oyster Mushroom Meatballs

P10 Artina diniaty VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) Learning Model to Improve Life Skills

P11 Lina Fauziah Cyclization Reaction of 4-Nitro-3'-4'-Dimethoxychalcone and


P12 Tatang Shabur Julianto The Effect of Mole Comparison of Acetone As Co-Solvent to Methanol in
Transesterification Reaction of Waste Cooking Oil

P13 Baharuddin Hamzah Effects of Copper(II) and Cadmium(II) on Mercury(II) Extraction Percentage
Using Liquid Membrane Emulsion of W/O type with Double Surfactant and
Benzoyl Acetone As Cation Carrier

P14 Muliadi Ramli Biosynthesized of Magnesium Oxide (Mgo) Nanoparticles and Its Application
as An Inorganic Antimicrobial

P15 I Nengah Wirajana The Activity of Thermostable a-L-Arabinofuranosidase from Saccharomyces

Cerevisiae BJ1824 Recombinant on the Coconut Leaves (Cocos Nucifera)

P16 Dhina Fitriastuti Antimalarial Activity Of Extract and Fraction of Temu Mangga (Curcuma
Mangga) Rhizomes

P17 Siti Wafiroh Synthesis of Membrane Photocatalytic from Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
Leaf Fiber Cellulose Diacetate and TiO2 to Degrade Congo Red
P18 Usreg Sri Handajani Development of Carbon Paste Electrode Modified MIP With Methacrylic Acid
as Monomer to Analyze Creatine by Potentiometry

P19 Noor Fitri Sequential Extraction of Yttrium in Lateritic Soil Weathered From Granitic
Rock in Mamasa, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
P20 Emma Zaidar Nasution The Effect of Natural Feed, Factory and Oils nn The Gurami Fish Weight
(Osphronemus gouramy Lac.)

P21 Fahma Riyanti Effect of NaOH Concentration and Temperature On The Synthesis MnFe2O4
by Co-Precipitation Method

P22 Suharti Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Gene Encoded Thioesterase From
Domas Hot Spring

P23 Rumondang Nasution Toxicity Assay of Methanol Extract Leaves Parasite Coffe With Method Brine
Shrimp Lethality

P24 Nyimas Febrika Functionality Analysis of Carbon Nanosheet, Oxidized Carbon Nanosheet and
Sya'baniah Reduced Carbon Nanosheet Oxide by Using Fourier Transform Infra Red (FT-
IR) and Boehm Titration Method

P25 Saputri Ariyanti Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Aquatic Plant: Ludwigia leptocarpa

P26 Hermansyah Bioethanol Production from Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Peel Using Yeast
Isolated from Durian (Durio zhibetinus)

P27 Anna Muawanah Physicochemical, Organoleptic and Prebiotic Properties of Yoghurt Added
With Fermented Breadfruit Flour by Laktobacillus Plantarum

P28 Neza R Palapa Adsorption of Cobalt (II) on Layered Double Hydroxides (Mg/Al and Ca/Al) in
Aqueous Medium : Kinetic and Thermodynamic Aspect

P29 Irfan Gustian Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Based on
Sulfonated Polystyrene

P30 Rizki Triana Sari Study of Phytic Acid Effectivity as Chelating Agent of Unwanted Metal from
Tin Slag 2 Leaching to Increase Purification of Tantalum and Niobium Oxide
P31 Setyo Nurwaini Formulation of Clove Oil Toothpaste (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. &

P32 Ika Natalia Mauliza How to Improve Quality of the Colouring Silk using Monascus Dyed Derived
from Cassava Peel Flour Fermentation

P33 Widia Purwaningrum Immobilized Chitosan and Its Application on Fe(III) Adsorption in Peat Water

P34 Cut Fatimah Zuhra Characterization of Starch Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) and Chitosan Edible

P35 Dina Asnawati The Effect Concentration of Lignin Extract Inhibitor From Coconut Fiber
Waste to Iron Corrosion Rate

P36 Jannatin 'Ardhuha Characterization and Partial Purification of Lipase from Cocos nucifera

P37 Mashuni Mashuni Characterization of Total Phenolic Content and Components of Chemical
Pallawagau Compounds by GC-MS from Pyrolisis of Coconut Shell

P38 Nur samsiar In Silico Study of Aglycone Curculigoside a and Its Derivatives With Various
Cancer Receptors
P39 Ida musfiroh Synthesis of Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose (Na-CMC) from Water
Hyacinth with Mixed Solvent Using Succinic Acid as Crosslinker
P40 Destri Muliastri Nickel Slag Coated by Titanium Dioxide for Degradation of Methylene Blue in
Water Environment

P41 Muhammad Said Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Optimization of Palm Oil Mill Effluent
(POME) Treatment using Reverse Osmosis Membrane

P42 Mudasir Linear QSPR Model for Prediction of HPLC Retention Times of Polyaromatic

P43 Parsaoran Siahaan Probing of Interaction Mode Between Cyclic Peptide ADTC3 (Ac-CAD TPC-
NH2) with E-Cadherin Protein using the Molecular Docking Method
P44 Idin Sahidin Secondary Metabolites from Indonesian’s Sponges Xestospongia sp.:
Chemotaxonomy Significance and Antibacterial Properties

P45 Fahmiati Synthesis and Characterization of Diethylenetriamine-Functionalized Silica

Coated on Magnetic Material of Iron Sand

P46 Muhdarina Sulphuric Acid Activated Clay (SAACC) as Catalyst for Esterification of Crude
Palm Oil (CPO) to Biodiesel

P47 Anam Khairul Determination of FTIR Spectrum Profile For Quality Assurance of Avicennia
Marina Exudate Extract as Antihyperurisemic Herbal Medicine
P48 Dwiarso Rubiyanto Fruit Fly Attractancy Activity of Ruku-Ruku (Ocimum Sanctum, L.) and Selasih
Ungu (Ocimum Canum, Sims.) Essential Oil Formulated With Virgin Coconut
Oil (VCO)

P49 Iriyani Textile Dyes Removal by ZSM-5 from Bangka Kaolin

P50 Tagor M Siregar Antioxidant Activity of Roasted Ginger Oleoresin (Zingiber Officinale) That
Occurred Reduction Reaction Using Roots as Biocatalyst

P51 Eva Marliana The Antioxidant and Antiplasmodial Activities of Methanol Extract From
Macaranga Beccariana Merr. Leaves

P52 Winni Astuti Screening and Characterization of Raw Starch Degradation Amylase from
Bacteria Dondang Hot Spring Kutai Kartanegara

P53 Desnelli Effect of UV Light Irradiation on Plasticized PVC using Epoxidized Palm Oil

P54 Ady Mara Effect of Calcination Time, OH / Al Ratio, And Keggin / G Suspension on
Natural Bentonite

P55 Muryati Synthesis Alumina-Activated Carbon Composite Using Sol-Gel Method as

Adsorption For Methylene Blue

P56 Miksusanti. Incorporation Lactobascillus Bulgaricus in Edible Coating of Sago Starch and
Analysis of It’s Antibacterial and Organic Acid.

P57 Poedji Loekitowati Effect of temperature and calcination time on hydroxyapatite preparation
Hariani from shells of anadara granosa by hydrothermal method

P58 Gani Purwiandono Analysis Of Heavy Metals In The Sludge Sample Of Bengawan Solo River
P59 Tuty Emilia Agustina Aplication of Fenton-Base Methods for the Treatment of Traditional Fabric
keynote SPEAKERS

Prof. Hisao Yoshida, Andrew W. Nelson, Ph.D, MPH

Kyoto University, Japan Sandia Lab, USA

Prof. Dr. Basil Shelton Marasinghe, Drs. Muhamad Abdul Kadir Martoprawiro, PhD
Solomon Islands National University, PNG Chemical Society, Indonesia
invited SPEAKERS

Prof. Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi, Ph.D. Prof. Aldes Lesbani, Ph.D.

Universitas Indonesia Universitas Sriwijaya

Dr. rer.nat. Didin Mujahidin Dr. Muktiningsih Nurjayadi

Institut Teknologi Bandung Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dr. Salprima Yudha S. Dr. Suyanta Prof. Dr. Subandi
Universitas Bengkulu Univ. Negeri Yogyakarta Univ. Negeri Malang

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Bachri Amran Dr.rer.nat. Ria Armunanto.

Institut Teknologi Bandung Universitas Gadjah Mada
keynote SPEAKS Advancing Chemical Sciences in
Indonesia by Attracting More
Students to Chemistry
Photocatalysis in various chemical
reactions Basil Marasinghe*

Hisao Yoshida* Solomon Islands National University, Honiara, Solomon

Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN *email or
In order to advance chemical sciences in any country, it is
Photocatalyst can catalyze various chemical reactions by important to get best students to study chemistry. To
using photoenergy. When the semiconductor achieve this object, chemistry has to be made very
photocatalyst absorbs a photon, an excited electron and a attractive to students. 10-15 years ago, chemistry was not
hole are generated at the conduction band and the an attractive subject among undergraduates in Papua
valence band, which can promote reduction reaction and
New Guinea. 12 years ago the author set about
oxidation reaction, respectively, at the surface. This
mechanism is quite different from that of the introducing several measures to make chemistry more
conventional catalysis, that is, the adsorption of the popular among undergraduates. They included the use of
molecule makes the molecule be active. The application information technology, introduction of weekly industrial
of photocatalysis can be classified into three: utilization visits and work experience programs in chemical
for environmental application, energy conversion, and industries, moving away from tests and examination being
unique chemical reactions. The first is nowadays quite memory based to those based on understanding concepts
popular in literature: the photocatalysts can promote
and processing of knowledge, making learning more
degradation of many kinds of organic compounds even in
aqueous solutions, in air, or on the surface of materials to students centred than teacher centred, discussions on
keep them pure and clean. This will contribute to the ethnochemistry and last but not least, addition of some
comfortable environment of our life. The second is the humour to chemistry. This paper details some of these
solar energy conversion to chemical potential, e.g., measures which most probably have led to a significant
hydrogen production via water splitting, carbon dioxide turnaround in students’ attitude to the subject and its
conversion to useful chemicals and so on. This class is increased popularity among them.
quite important for utilization of the sustainable solar
energy and contribute to solving the energy and
Keywords: ethnochemistry, ethnomedicine
environmental issues. The last is also attractive:
photocatalyst can realize new types of catalytic reactions
that cannot proceed in the conventional methods. These
kinds of photocatalyses will open a new field of chemistry.
In the lecture, I will introduce several unique
photocatalytic reactions by using some kinds of
photocatalysts that we have developed so far, such as
methane conversion, reduction of carbon dioxide, and
organic synthesis.

Keywords: hydrogen, splitting, semiconductor, energy,

The Evolution of Chemical Risk

Andrew W. Nelson

International Biological and Chemical Treat Reduction

Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA

Abstract / presentation could be downloaded from:

If requested, fill in user: icics password: 2017

Computational Chemistry in

Muhamad Abdul Kadir Martoprawiro*

Department of Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Abstract / presentation could be downloaded from:

If requested, fill in user: icics password: 2017

catalysis zone eventually reduce proton (water) in its
adjacent to generate hydrogen. The deficit electron in CdS
semiconductor (valence band) will be compensate by

invited SPEAKS electrolyte in the DSSC zone, which will have uptake
electron from the counter electrode in catalysis zone. So
in the catalysis zone there will be reduction reaction of
water (proton) to produce hydrogen (acceptor electron
Artificial Photosynthesis for Water from the DSSC zone) and oxidation reaction of water to
Splitting: New Device Type Based on produce molecular oxygen or hydroxyl radical (donor
electron to the DSSC zone). As long as light strike the DSSC
Modified Dyes Sensitized Solar Cell zone the catalysis zone will eventually produce hydrogen.
The above modified DSSC which employing CdS/HOTN
Having Catalysis Zone Extension.
absorb visible light and convert it to energy which induce
a chemical reaction in the catalysis zone to produce
Jarnuzi Gunlazuardi hydrogen from water. In our typical modified DSSC, when
the active counter electrode (semiconductor) was being
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universitas employed, the system can split water to hydrogen and
Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia molecular oxygen, by solely visible light, thus a kind of
artificial photosynthesis. The proof of concept and
Water splitting induced by visible light is one of the features for further development will be discussed.
interesting tasks to produce hydrogen (fuel). However to
split water in to hydrogen and molecular oxygen by visible Keywords: Water Splitting; Hydrogen; Titania nanotubes;
light induction is a difficult task. Titania (TiO2 crystal) was Cadmium Sulfide; Artificial photosynthesis
reported being able to split water), but need light with
wave length less than 410 nm. Fortunately, titania can be
composited with other small band gap semiconductor but
has a conduction band level slightly higher (e.g. CdS). The
visible light excites electron of CdS to its conduction band,
that will flow down to the titania’s conduction band.
Supramolecular Ionic Crystals Based
Hence the CdS/Titania system is considered as visible light
active semiconductor composite. Having this system along on Polyoxometalates-Organometallic
with ability to morphologically control of highly ordered
titania nanotubes array film), we developed a system that
have a potential to produce hydrogen from water under
induction of visible light. A Highly Ordered Titania Aldes Lesbani*
Nanotubes (HOTN) arrays have been successfully
prepared by electrochemical oxidation of titanium metal Department of Chemistry
sheet in a viscous electrolyte. The electrolyte comprises of Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences
ethylene glycol and water containing fluoride ion. By Universitas Sriwijaya. Kampus Indralaya 30662 Sumatera
varying anodization voltage and time, at certain Selatan, Indonesia
electrolyte composition, a typical tube length (2 - 7 μm) ,
inner tube diameter (40 – 80 nm), and thickness of the *email:
tube’s wall (10 – 27 nm) can be controlled. The prepared
HOTN then was sensitized by CdS nano particle by a SILAR Polyoxometalates are early transition metal oxygen anions
(successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction) method6). clusters, which have various properties such as acid bases,
The resulting CdS/HOTN showed excellent response redox potentials, shapes and structures, and solubility
toward visible light. The obtained CdS/HOTN then was depending on counter ions. The researches of
employed to construct a modified dyes sensitized solar polyoxometalates are rapidly growing in this decade due
cell (DSSC) having catalysis zone extension. To assembly to application not only in laboratory but also in industrial
the modified DSSC, the HOTN sheet was prepared scales such as supramolecular building blocks, catalysis,
carefully, in which half part of HOTN was sensitized by CdS membranes, adsorbents, and also sensors. In this report,
(hence CdS/HOTN), dedicated as DSSC zone and another polyoxometalates are used as anions in reaction with
half part was leave it uncovered, managed as catalysis organometallic complexes as cations to form
zone. The DSSC zone is a sandwich of CdS/HOTN, supramolecular ionic crystals. Several kinds of
electrolyte (Na2S/S; KCL in methanol water), and Pt/SnO2-F polyoxometalates and organometallic complexes are used
Glass. Upon absorbing light, the CdS in the DSSC produce in order to know the structural effect for formation of
exited electron that flow to titania and subsequently supramolecular ionic crystals. The applications of these
migrate to the catalysis zone. The “hot” electron in the
supramolecular ionic crystals are also addressed especially Immunogenicity Evaluation of
for separation and catalysis.
Recombinant Fim-C S. Typhi Protein
Keywords: ionic crystal, polyoxometalate, organometallic as Typhoid Vaccine Candidate on
Wistar Rat to Increase the Quality of
Urban Health in Indonesia

The Utilization of Palm Oil as Muktiningsih Nurjayadi1*, Irma Ratna Kartika1, Fera
Kurniadewi1, Nurasiah1, Dwi Arieastuti1 Delia Ayu Wiguna1,
Renewable Block Building Source in Anis Marsella1, Asri Sulfianti 2, Kurnia Agustini2
Chemical Industry 1
Department of Chemistry, Mathematics and Science
Faculty, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Didin Mujahidin K.H. Hasyim Asjhari Building the 6 Floor, Rawamangun
13220, Jakarta, Indonesia
Division of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and LABTIAP BPPT-Serpong
Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa
10, Bandung 40132 *email:

*email: Typhoid fever is a world health problem and often occurs
in developing countries, including Indonesia. The cause of
Palm oil is one of the important national commodity and typhoid fever in humans is Salmonella typhi bacteria.
contributes significantly to the national income in Transmission of the disease is generally through a pattern
Indonesia. Modern chemical reaction can modify the palm of life that is less healthy and hygienic. In a previous study,
oil components into fatty acid derived high economic the UNJ Salmonella team had successfully isolated,
value materials, in addition to the palm oil utilization in cloned, expressed, and purified recombinant protein Fim-
food industry, traditional oleochemicals and fuels. Oleic C S. typhi inclusion bodies sized 31 Kilo Dalton (KDa).
acid is the major components in palm oil with a content of Furthermore, these proteins have been used as antigen in
ca. 40%. Ethenolysis of methyl oleate successfully immunogenicity test with ddY mice as test animals and
furnished methyl 9-decenoate and 1-decene via cross give excellent results. This study aims to determine the
olefin metathesis reaction in the presents of Grubbs II immune response of rodent test animals with higher
catalyst. Valorization of methyl 9-decenoat as a new levels against recombinant protein Fim-C S. typhi inclusion
building block have an important role as renewable bodies as antigen. Immunogenicity test was performed
building block on further transformation to produce many using male Wistar rats. That were divided into five test
high-value chemicals. In this presentation, we will show groups: Normal group (control, without injection), Control
the transformation of methyl 9-decenoate in the synthesis Group 1 (injected with PBS), Control Group 2 (injected
of several potential monomers and the synthesis of with Adjuvant FCA/FIA), Samples Group 1 (injected with
civeton. The well-defined strategy on a target-oriented Fim-C Inclusion Bodies S. typhi protein), Samples Group 2
transformation could be a great contribution of organic (Injected with Fim-C Inclusion Bodies S. typhi plus
chemical synthesis in improving the economic value of Adjuvant FCA/FIA protein). The results of the ELISA
palm oil. (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) analysis showed
an increase in antibody titers produced by Wistar rats
Keywords: palm oil, oleic acid, olefin metathesis, after subcutaneous injection with Fim-C protein
renewable building block. emulsified adjuvant or without adjuvant. The result of
analysis by Western Blot method showed the specific
interaction between Fim-C S. typhi antigen with anti-Fim-C
S. typhi antibodies. Data obtained from both methods
confirm that the antigen has a high immunogenicity. It can
be concluded that recombinant protein Fim-C S. typhi
inclusion bodies can be used as a potential vaccine
candidate for typhoid disease. These results are expected
to be an alternative in the discovery of new vaccines that
can improve the quality of life of Indonesian society.

Keywords : Typhoid Fever, Fim-C S. Typhi, Recombinant

Protein, immunogenicity test, Wistar Rat
the optimum condition electrocoagulation efficiency to
remove of Ca2+ metal ions, pH and TDS in the FIK’s
swimming pool water, Yogyakarta State University.
Biomolecules-Mediated Synthesis of
Optimization of the electrical voltage was done on
Gold and Silver Nanoparticles: Recent variation 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 volts and optimization of the
Developments time electrocoagulation process was done on variations of
2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 hours. Parameters used are
Salprima Yudha S* concentration of Ca2+ in the water, TDS and pH.
Effectiveness of the electrocoagulation based on the
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and graph, the separation efficiency of Ca2+ metal ion, TDS and
Natural Sciences, pH values. The samples were analyzed using Atomic
Universitas Bengkulu
Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), TDS meter and pH meters.
W.R, Supratman Street, Kandang Limun, Kota Bengkulu,
Indonesia The results showed the optimum potential is 10 volt and
the optimum time of electrocoagulation process is 24
*email:; hours. The quality of the water pool based on the pH
parameter after electrocoagulation process according to
An environmentally-friendly approach was developed to Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation No. 416 /
synthesize gold and silver nanoparticles using
Menkes / Per / IX / 1990 is well as water quality standard
biomolecules. The biomolecules were extracted using
demineralized water and the extracts were used to reduce swimming pool is pH 6.7 and TDS 231,3.
silver or gold cations to form silver and/or nanoparticles.
In general, the reactions were carried out under open air Keywords: electrocoagulation, swimming pool water.
condition at room tempeature (without any elevated
temperature). Their characterizations along with some
applicationshave also been discussed.
Exploration of Herbal Anti Gout Drug:
A Case Study on Xanthin Oxydase
Electrocoagulation Technic for Inhibitor
Improvement Quality of Swimming Subandi
Pool Water
Department of Chemistry, FMIPA, State University of
1* 1 1 1 Malang (UM)
Suyanta , Sunarto , Siti Marwati , Fifian Arizona P. , Ilyas Jl Semarang 5 Malang, East Java
Md Isa2
Deparment of Chemistry Education, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State The gout prevalence was increase sharply in recent
University, Indonesia. decade. On other hand, as a mega-biodiversity country,
Nanotechnology Research Centre, Faculty of Science and Indonesia is a home to 11 percent of the world’s flowering
Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 plant species and potencial as resource of many bioactive
Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia. metabolites, including herbal antigout drug. Therefore,
the herbal antigout exploration by biochemical studies is
email: important to do. In this paper we presented some results
of our preliminary exploration on herbal juice and extract
This study aims to improvement quality swimming pool that have activity as xanthin oxydase inhibitor, so they
water by electrocoagulation process. The condition have potency as anti gout drug. Among them are seed
electrocoagulation are find to make good process and peel extract of: melinjo (Gnetum gnemon), mangoosten
determine the quality of the water pool based on the (Garcinia mangostana), peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.),
extract of soursop (Annona muricata) and sugar apple
parameters of Ca2+ concentration, pH, and TDS, after
(Annona reticulata) fruit.
electrocoagulation process is carried out according to
Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation No. 416 / Keywords: :xanthine oxidase inhibitor, herbal anti gout,
Menkes / Per / IX / 1990. The object of this research was soursop, sugar apple
Structural and Dynamical Properties
of Solvated Be(II) Ion in liquid
ammonia: A Quantum Mechanical
Charge Field Molecular Dynamics
Simulation Study

Priyagung Dhemi Widiakongko, Bambang Setiaji and Ria


Austrian-Indonesia Centre (AIC) for Computational

Chemistry, Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science, Gadjah Mada
University, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.

*email :

A quantum mechanical charge field molecular dynamics

simulation study of structural and dynamical properties of
solvated Be(II) ion in liquid ammonia using was carried
out. The first and second solvation shell were treated by
quantum mechanics at Hartree-Fock level of theory, and
the outer region of the system was described using
coulombic potential. The structure was evaluated in terms
of radial and angular distribution functions and
coordination number distributions. Ligand exchange
processes between coordination shells have been
investigated and evaluated. A rigid structure was observed
for the first solvation shell showing a tetrahedral
coordinated Be(NH3)42+ complex with a Be-N averaged
distance of 1.745 Å. The second solvation shell shows a
labile structure with large number of successful ligand ex-
change. The simulation result has a good agreement with
the experiments.
oral PRESENTATION 904- The characterization of Mango
(Mangivera indica L.) Powder at
Various Drying Temperature
902- Free Solvent Amidation of
Ursolic And Oleanolic Acids of Sri Agustini1*
Fragraea Fragrans Fruits; Their P-
Palembang Institute for Industrial Research and
388 Antitumor Activity Standardization, Ministry of Industry

Dasril Basir1*, M. Hanafi2, Julinar1, Adi Saputra1, and Tiara *email:
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, The The research was intended to characterize mango
University of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia, powder which produced by small industries. Research
Research Center for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of using randomized complete design with drying
Science, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Tangerang, temperature (50oC,60oC,70oC) as the treatment
Indonesia with 3 replication. Mango used in this research
were varieties mangga harum manis and fillers used were
*email: sugar at concentration of 20%. The physicochemical
properties of powders produced obsereved were water
This is an our laboratory effort in developing major content, ascorbic acid, color, higroscopicity, flowability,
compounds of F. Fragrans Roxb, Loganiaceae by free index solubility and and total plate count were
solvent reactions between ursolic acid (UA) and its isomer investigated by using the gravimetric method,
oleanolic acid (OA) with n-buthylamine and phenylamine titrimetric, and plate count respectively. While for color
have been conducted by using thionyl chloride as a were ivestigated by using Munsell color system consist
chlorination reagent to make their halide acids of value/lightness, hue angle, and chroma. The results
respectively. In this reaction, the secondary hydroxyl showed that oven drying succesfully produced mango
group at C-3 position was preferably converted to be powder which have water content ranged 2.366 ± 0.576%
olefinic while the carboxyl group at C-28 position was up to 2.938±0.691%, and total plate count 1.65-1.76 log
normally amidated to give N-buthyl-urs-2,12-dien-28- cfu. The highest ascorbic acid content was obtained
amide [N-buthyl-olean-2,12-dien-28-amide] with yield from treatment at 50oC namely 0.146±0.018%. Test on the
45.5% % and N-phenyl-urs-2,12-dien-28-amide [N-phenyl- color showed that mango powder which was dried at
olean-2,12-dien-28-amide] with yield 39%. Cytotoxic 50oC have highest lightness of 75±1.54, chroma of
activity of amidation products toward P-388 murine 41.73±0.23 and hue of 82.27±0.08. The flowability of all
leukemia cells was decreasing about half fold compared to powder indicated fair flow properties (angle of repose
starting material ursolic acid [oleanolic acid]. The IC50 36.95-38.24),higroscopicity of 24.32-25.43%, degree of
values of N-butyl-urs-2,12-dien-28-amide [N-butyl-olean- caking was and index solubility were 97.73%-98.90%.
2,12-dien-28-amide] and N-phenyl-urs-2,12-dien-28-
amide [N-phenyl-olean-2,12-dien-28-amide] were 81, 4 Keywords; mango powder, drying temperature,
μg/mL and 83.6 μg/mL respectively, whereas the IC50 physicochemical properties
value of ursolic acid [oleanolic acid] was 53.4 µg/mL.

Keywords ; Fragraea fragrans, tembesu fruits,

oleanamide, ursolamide, P-388 marine leukemia cells

905- The Effect of Natural Based Oil 907- Identifikasi Geokimia Sumber
as Plasticizer Towards Physics- Daya Unsur Tanah Jarang di Unggan,
Mechanical Properties of Nr-Sbr Sijunjung, Provinsi Sumatera Barat
Blending for Solid Tyre
Ronaldo Irzon*
1* 1
Nasruddin , Tri Susanto 1
Pusat Survei Geologi (Centre for Geological Survey)
Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang,
Ministry of Industry Jl. Perindustrian II KM 9, Sukarami, Unsur tanah jarang merupakan sumber daya yang banyak
Palembang, South Sumatera dibahas oleh para peneliti kebumian terkait nilai
ekonomisnya. Studi ini mengungkap indikasi geokimia
*email: kandungan unsur tanah jarang yang cukup besar pada
contoh granit di wilayah Unggan, Kabupaten Sijunjung,
Petroleum derivatives oil has been used dominantly as a Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Jumlah total unsur tanah jarang
primary plasticizer in rubber compounding in tyre pada lokasi yang berada di bagian utara Peta Geologi
industries. Despite its harmful effect to the environment, Lembar Solok ini melebihi 1.300 ppm. XRF dan ICP-MS
it is also a nonrenewable resources that need to be milik Pusat Survei Geologi dimanfaatkan untuk
replaced. Therefore, this research would study the effect mengetahui kadar oksida utama, unsur jarang, dan
of natural based oil such as castor oil, palm oil, Fried - seluruh unsur tanah jarang pada contoh terpilih. Secara
palm oil as an alternative plasticizer to replace petroleum megaskopis, contoh batuan merupakan granit dengan
based oil like white oil and minarex oil in Natural Rubber warna coklat kemerahan, berbutir sangat kasar, dengan
and Styrene Butadiene Rubber (NR-SBR) compounding kuarsa dan feldspar sebagai mineral utama. Contoh
process for solid tire manufacturing. The rubber batuan sebagai granit yang masih cukup segar
compounding used the same amount of each plasticizers dikonfirmasi oleh kandungan SiO2 dan LOI 68% dan 1,05%
which was 8,75 phr in NR-SBR compounding filled by 64 secara berurutan. Indikasi granit peralumina tersebut
phr Carbon Black N330 and 34 phr CaCO3. Physic sebagai tipe A ditunjukkan oleh kandungan Ga, Nb, dan Y
mechanical properties of 5 formulas were examined, the yang tinggi. Bila dibandingkan dengan granit kemerahan
hardness value of 5 formulas range from 68 - 74 ShoreA; lain pada sabuk granit Asia Tenggara, kandungan UTJ pada
tensile strength 118 - 136 kg/cm2, modulus 200% 19,25 – batuan ini tergolong tinggi. Contoh terpilih tergolong pada
31,16; specific gravity 1,22 - 1,29 g/cm3, abrasion seri shoshonitik dengan lanthanum dan niobium sebagai
resistance 102,37 - 135,64 mm3, compression set (tested UTJ utama. Anomali negatif Ce dan anomali negatif Eu
in 25% defl, 70 OC, 22 hours) range from 65,44 to 72,35; merupakan sifat geokimia lain pada batuan plotonik asam
and there were no crack for ozone resistance (tested in 50 dari Provinsi Sumatera Barat ini. Tipe granitoid seperti ini
pphm, 20% strain, 24 hours, 40 OC). In comparison with dianggap layak diteliti lebih jauh untuk dapat
the solid tyre standard requirements, those formulas in menghasilkan nilai ekonomis bagi pendapatan negara dari
this work were complied the standards. To sum up, it is segi sumber daya unsur tanah jarang.
indicated that there is no significant difference in physical
mechanical properties resulted from using either natural Kata Kunci; geochemistry, rare earth elements, granite,
or petroleum based oil as plasticizers. Unggan

Keywords; natural based plasticizers, petroleum based

plasticizer, NR-SBR blending, solid tyre

911- Synthesis and Characterization 912- Isoprenylated flavanone
of Molecular Imprinted Polymer for derivatives and anticancer activity of
Recognition of Atenolol in Biological Macaranga hosei King ex
Eva Marliana1*, Winni Astuti1, Khemasili Kosala2, Rita
Aliya Nur Hasanah*, Shendi Suryana, Driyanti Rahayu,
Hairani1, Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie3, Mulyadi Tanjung3
Sandra Megantara, Retna Fauzia, Mutakin
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Pharmaceutical Analysis And Medicinal Chemistry
Natural Science, Mulawarman University
Department, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Universitas 2
Padjadjaran, Jl Raya Bandung Sumedang Km 21, Pharmacology Research Group, Faculty of Medicine,
Mulawarman University
Jatinangor, 40611 3
Natural Product Chermistry Research Group, Organic
Chemistry Division, Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science, Airlangga University
Atenolol is one of the β-blocker agents as first-line therapy
Four isoprenylated flavanones,named 4’-O-methyl-8-
for hypertension. Long term used of atenolol was
isoprenyleriodiktiol (1), 4’-O-methyl-8-isoprenylnaringenin
reported to increase morbidity and mortality in
(2), lonchocarpol A (3) and 6-isoprenyleriodiktyol (4) have
hypertension patients compared to other drugs. β-Blocker
been isolated from the leaves of Macaranga hosei King ex
are use for heart dysfunction. However, due to the
Hook.f. The structures of four compounds have been
missused possibility, consumption of this drug is strictly
elucidated based on their spectroscopic data, including
regulated in a whole world. Drugs with strict regulation
UV, 1D and 2D NMR, and HREISMS spectra. Compounds
usually exist in complex matrices such as biological fluids.
1–3 displayed anticancer activity toward HeLa cell lines
Regarding that, selective extraction and sensitive
that were evaluated by MTT assay with IC50 values of 6.39,
analytical method are needed to detect and quantify
21.46, 5.62 µM, respectively (compound 4 was not
drugs in such condition. Molecular Imprinted Polymer in
tested). These result indicate that M. hosei has a great
solid phase extraction form can extract and
potential source as anticancer agents.
preconcentrate analyte selectively from the blood. Here,
we wish to report on the development of imprinted
Keywords; Macaranga hosei, anticancer, MTT assay,
polymers using methacrylic acid as receptor monomers.
flavanones, isoprenylated
These compounds have shown an affinity for atenolol in
solution and having a hydrophobic interaction based on
computational approach. The resulting polymers were
capable of selective recovery of >95% of atenolol from
blood and >99% krom urine compared to other drugs that
could exist in the blood.

Keywords; -

915- Synthesis and Characterization 916- Pemanfaatan Gliserol Monooleat
of Schiff Base 4,4 Diaminodiphenyl sebagai Plasticizer pada Edible Film
Ether-Vanillin Possessed of Free Gelatin yang Diinkorporasi dengan
Minyak Atsiri Kulit Kayu Manis
Primary Amine
(Cinnamomum Burmanii) sebagai
Ahmad Fatoni1,*, Poedji Loekitowati Hariani2 ,
Hermansyah2 and Aldes Lesbani2,
Adil Ginting1*, Tonel Barus2, Jamaran Kaban3, Yunazar
The High School of Pharmacy Science, Bhakti Pertiwi Manjang4
Jl. Ariodillah 3 No. 22 Palembang 30128 South Sumatera,
Indonesia Dept.Kimia,FMIPA USU MEDAN,
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and .Dept.Kimia UNAND,Padang
Natural Sciences,
Sriwijaya University, *email:
Jl. Palembang-Prabumulih Km. 32 Indralaya Ogan Ilir
South Sumatera, Indonesia Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pembuatan edible
film gelatin yang diinkorporasi dengan minyak atsiri kulit
*email: kayu manis dengan plasticizer gliseril monooleat. Film
dibuat dengan campuran10 g. gelatin dan gliseril
The synthesis and characterization of Schiff base 4,4 monooleat 2.5 g. dan 1g. minyak atsiri kulit kayumanis
diaminodiphenyl ether-vanillin possesed of free primary dalam 100 ml. air setelah dipanaskan , dituang sebanyak
amine has been done. The aims of this research were 45 ml. ke plat kaca ukuran 15 X 15 cm. Aktivitas dari film
synthesis Schiff base 4,4 diaminodiphenyl ether-vanillin diuji terhadap bakteri Escneria coli dan Salmonella sp
possesed of free primary amine from reaction between 1 menunjukkan hasil yang positip. Selanjutnya sifat anti
mol of 4,4 diaminodiphenyl ether and 1 mol of vanillin bakteri film diaplikasikan terhadap ikan tongkol,
which affected by temperature of synthesis and its menunjukkan bahwa daya tahan ikan makin tinggi.
characterization using FTIR spectroscopy and X Ray
Diffraction analysis. The result showed that all product of Kata Kunci; edible film, gelatin, plasticizer, minyak atsiri
Schiff base 4,4 diaminodiphenyl ether-vanillin possesed of kulit kayu manis, antimik
free primary amine. The functional group of –C=N in this
Schiff base compound appeared at wave number 1597
cm-1. The wave number between 3387-3441 cm-1 was
stretching vibration of primary amine (N-H) and stretching
vibration of –C-N from aromatic amine (NH2-aromatic) can 919-Colorimetric and
be found at wave number between 1280-1288 cm-1. Electrochemical Methods for Water
Diffractogram of 4,4 diaminodiphenyl ether, vanillin and
Schiff base 4,4 diaminodiphenyl ether,-vanillin were Quality Test
11.910 - 50.390, 13.130 and 39.990 and 10.130 - 50.60
Suherman Suherman1*, Kento Yajima2, Kinichi Morita3,
Toshikazu Kawaguchi2
Keywords; Schiff base, 4,4 diaminodiphenyl ether, vanillin
Department of Chemistry Universitas Gadjah Mada
Hokkaido University Japan
Ushio Inc. Japan

Water quality is the crucial issue as water is basic need for

human life and activities. Yogyakarta is the region in the
Java Island-Indonesia with the population around 4 million
in 2016. The actual growing of the city demand for water
safety and monitoring continuously. Three main water
sources (tap water from local company provider-PDAM,
private well, and local wastewater treatment plant) were
investigated in heavy metals, phosphate and nitrate
contents, respectively. Electrochemical method using three hydrogen bonding between ligand and EGFR protein
mini-potentiostat was used for heavy metals in ASP160, Met98, and Thr95 amino acid residue. When
determination, while colorimetric method using picoscope simulation time reached at 875 ps there was a subtitution
instrumentation (Ushio) was applied to check the interaction between atom H16 of ligand-ASP160 became
existences of phosphate and nitrate in various water H16-Glu67. The most stable hydrogen bond was between
samples from the experimental results, it was concluded Met98 and atom N3 of ligand.
that heavy metals (Pb and Cr) were found in tap water,
private well and wastewater treatment plant in 100 ppb-
10 ppm in concentration ranges. While, the concentration
of phosphate and nitrate were measured at the region of
1-10 ppm and 1-50 ppm, respectively. Considering the 923- A Potential Colorimetric Sensor
permissible limit of heavy metals, phosphate and nitrate of Vanillin-hydrazone Derivatives for
which were mentioned in the Indonesian Government
rule (PP. No. 21 Tahun 2001), the water treatment is Amine Detection of Food Spoilage
urgently required to improve the quality of water
Beta Achromi Nurohmah*, Suharman Suharman, Bambang
Keywords; Water quality, Yogyakarta-Indonesia, Heavy
metals, Phosphate, Nitrate
Department Chemistry, Faculty of MIPA, Universitas
Gadjah Mada

Food spoilage monitoring is challenging in order to

922- Molecular Dynamic Simulation maintain the quality and freshness of meat and fish-based
foodstuff. Smell is one of the freshness indicators beside
of Hydrogen Bond Stability between the appearance, texture, and also color. The odor of the
N1-(5-ethoxy-2,3-dihydro- spoilage food product has been attributed to volatile
amines, as it known as total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN),
[1,4]dioxino[2,3-f]quinazolin-10-yl)- such as trimethylamine (TMA), dimethylamine (DMA) and
ammonia (NH3). Two simple hydrazone compounds (1-2)
3-(trifluoromethyl)benzene-1,4- have been synthesized from the condensation reaction of
diamine with EGFR Protein in Water vanillin with phenyl hydrazine and 2,4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine in the presence of glacial acetic
as EGFR Inhibitor acid (GAA/AcOH) under reflux condition for 2-4 hours in
ethanol. The structure of the synthesized compounds
Herlina Rasyid1*, Bambang Purwono2, Ria Armunanto1 were confirmed by spectroscopic methods (FT-IR, GC-MS,
1H and 13C-NMR). Their properties for colorimetric
Austrian-Indonesian Centre (AIC) for Computational recognition of amine were determined by naked eye and
Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah UV-vis spectra. The prepared hydrazone 1 was afforded in
Mada the white crystal (yield of 70.25%) while sensor 2 in red
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Department of solid (yield of 30%). Their properties as amine indicator
Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada were investigated toward primary amine: butylamine
(BA); secondary amine: dimethylamine (DMA),
*email: diethylamine (DEA); tertiary amine: triethylamine (TEA),
and also ammonia (NH3). The studies revealed that sensor
Analysis of hydrogen bond stability of N1- (5-ethoxy-2, 3- 1 in DMSO (colorless) showed no significant color changes
dihydro- [1,4] dioxino [2,3-f] quinazolin- 10- yl)- 3 after addition of amines solution. Meanwhile, sensor 2
(trifluoromethyl) benzene-1,4-diamine (Compound 1) showed difference colorimetric responses to the tested
with EGFR protein in water has been performed using amines that can be easily recognized by naked-eye. Sensor
molecular dynamic simulation. Conformation of 2 (5×10-5 M in DMSO) showed color changes from yellow
Compound 1-EGFR complex was determined by molecular to violet after addition of DEA and BA, to reddish violet for
docking in previous study. The best conformation was DMA, to reddish orange for NH3 and to orange after
used in molecular dynamic simulation to study the addition of TEA solutions. This study also revealed the
stability of interaction between ligand compound 1 and lower response of 1-2 to the tertiary amine (TEA) than
EGFR protein. The result reveal that during 1 ns simulation other amines which approved by the UV-vis spectra. The
time showed certain substitution in hydrogen bonding presence of nitro (NO2) functional group attached to the
interaction. In the beginning simulation time, there were
compound 2 has been proven to significantly increase the
naked-eye colorimetric properties of the sensor.

Keywords; vanillin-hydrazone; colorimetric; sensor; 926- Collectable Silica Based

amines; food spoilage Adsorbent from Volcanic Ash

Endang Tri Wahyuni*

924-A Simple Chalcone-Vanillin as a
Colorimetric Sensor for Chicken Chemistry Department Faculty of Mathematic and Natural
Sciences, Gadjah Mada University
Spoilage Monitoring
For improving the economy value of the volcanic ash, and
Bambang Purwono*, Beta Achromi Nurohmah to provide a novel adsorbent, as well as to overcome the
pollution problems created by hazardous heavy metals,
Chemistry Department, Faculty of MIPA, Universitas preparation of Fe3O4@SiO2-CTA+ adsorbent by using
Gadjah Mada silica from Kelud’s volcanic ash, and its characterization
and activity study for Cr(VI) anionic removal have been
Biogenic amines have been produced from microbiological performed. The preparation of Fe3O4@SiO2 adsorbent
degradation of amino acids. Non-destructive methods and was carried out by interacting Fe(II)/ Fe(III) in the solution
sensors for chicken spoilage monitoring are interesting to with sodium silicate solution resulted from the reaction of
develop. We investigated the use of simple chalcone- Kelud’s volcanic ash with NaOH. The solid of Fe3O4@SiO2
vanillin as a colorimetric sensor in array for colorimetric then was interacted with cetyl tri-amine bromide (CTAB)
detection of typical spoilage compounds (triethylamine with various concentrations to form Fe3O4@SiO2-CTA+.
(TEA), dimethylamine (DMA), diethylamine (DEA), Characterization by means of FTIR, XRD, TEM, and SEM
butylamine (BA), and ammonia (NH3)). A simple chalcone- instruments were conducted. The adsorption capacity and
vanillin, (3-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-prop- collectability of the Fe3O4@SiO2-CTA+ were examined for
2-en-1-one), has been synthesized from vanillin with Cr(VI) anion removal from the solution. The research
acetophenone via Claisen Schmidt condensation in the results indicated that Fe3O4@SiO2 – CTA+ has been
presence of a base catalyst (NaOH). The colorimetric successfully prepared, in which SiO2-CTA+ core was
amine sensor was studied through naked eye and UV-vis surrounded by magnetic Fe3O4 cell. The increase of CTAB
spectra after addition of BA, DMA, DEA, TEA, and NH3. concentration, gave higher ability of Cr(VI) adsorption, but
Ratiometric amine sensor of the chalcone-vanillin further increase lead to an adsorption decreased, due to
compound was performed in DMSO within addition of the alteration of the surface charges. It was also observed
various concentration (equivalent mole) of BA, DEA, and that the adsorbent can be separated and collected
TEA. Generally, sensor 1 (5×10-5 M) in DMSO (light practically by contacting it with the magnetic rode and
yellow/colorless) turn to pinkish orange after addition of leaved the clear solution.
BA, DEA, and NH3, while changed to light orange for DMA
and no significant color change after adding of TEA. A Keywords; collectible adsorbent, silica, volcanic ash,
paper based test was conducted using filter paper which anionic Cr(VI)
contains of sensor 1 (1×10-3 M) to the breast chicken at
26-28 °C (room temperature) and 4 °C storage conditions.
The result showed color changes from yellow to reddish
yellow after exposing to the breast chicken on day 1 of
room temperature storage condition and turn to orange
on day 2 of storage. Meanwhile, there were no significant
color changes for refrigerated-storage breast chicken even
after 7 days of storage. This result indicates that sensor 1
relatively sensitive to be used in a colorimetric strip paper
test for biogenic amines as chicken spoilage indicator.

Keywords; chalcone-vanillin; colorimetric; sensor; amines;

chicken spoilage

928- Effect Of Hydrochloric Acid Results showed that the Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2 nanocomposite
presents optimum activity under UV irradiation for 150
Concentration Toward The Amount minutes. Generally, the photoreduction increased with
And Characteristics Of Gelatin the increase of irradiation time, meanwhile a slightly
decrease was observed for irradiation time more than 2.5
Extracted From Cat Fish Bone hours. Moreover, increasing pH enhanced the
photoreduction and pH that gives highest reduction was 5.
Wega Trisunaryanti*, Iip Izul Falah, Hesty Kusumastuti Kinetic study of its photoreduction shows that the
reaction followed the pseudo-second order with rate
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and constant of 0,0142 g mg-1 minutes-1. The Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2
Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University nanocomposite could reduce Au3+ to Au0 89% under UV
Effect of hydrochloric acid concentration toward the
amount and characteristics of gelatin extracted from cat Keywords; Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2, nanocomposite,
fish bone Have been evaluated. The cat fish bone was photocatalyst, reduction, Au(III)
pretreated using NaOH 0.1 M for 24 h followed by acid
pretreatment using HCl 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 M for 1 h to
remove any non-collagenous proteins. The gelatin was
produced by refluxing the pretreated-bone in
demineralized water for 5 h at 70 ℃ then analyzed by FTIR
and SDS-PAGE. The result of gelatin showed that the
pretreatment using HCl 1.5 M produced the highest
amount of gelatin of 13.87 wt.% yield. The SDS-PAGE data
showed that the gelatin had molecular weight range of 9- 938- Fabrication and
298 kDa.
Characterization of Fuel Cell
Keywords; cat fish bone, gelatin, hydrochloric acid, Electrode from Pt-Co/C Catalyst
molecular weight
Dedi Rohendi1, Addy Rachmat1
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya
931- Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2 Nanocomposite One of the most important components in fuel cell is
electrode which hold as center for electrochemical
as Photocatalyst for Reduction of reaction on converting fuel and oxygen into electricity.
Au(III) Ions Special attention hence must be given to this component
in order to achieve high performance especially on its
catalytic activity and durability. To obtain such
Eko Sri Kunarti*, Akhmad Syoufian, Indriana Kartini, Iis performance, some aspect must be take into
Setyo Budi consideration i.e. the content and type of catalyst as well
as preparation method. Impregnation-reduction and
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada electrodeposition method were evaluated on fabrication
of fuel cell electrode from Pt-Co/C catalyst using
Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2 nanocomposite has been evaluated as H2PtCl6.6H2O and CoCl2.6H2O in carbon Vulcan XC-72
photocatalyst for reduction of gold (III) ions. The substrate. Transition metal other than platinum as
nanocomposite was prepared by coating TiO2 on supporting catalyst was used not only to enhance catalytic
Fe3O4/SiO2 nanoparticle by using sol gel process followed activity but also to reduced cost and avoid poisoning
by microwave assisted synthesis. Characterization was which platinum suffers easily. Characterization of catalyst
performed by IR spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical
transmission electron microscopy methods. Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) confirmed that catalyst
Photoreactivity of the Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2 nanocomposite was made from Pt-Co/C using ratio Pt : Co = 2 : 8 has good
conducted under batch systems in the closed reactor catalytic activity for fuel cell application. XRD
equipped with UV light. The photoreduction yield was diffractogram showed result of Pt reduction at 2-theta =
represented as percentage (%) of reduced gold (III) which 39.76° (111) and 46.23° (200) while the present of Co is
was calculated by substraction of initial gold III) not clear at 2-theta = 44.51° and 51.85°. Co was not
concentration by the unreduced one. The unreduced gold detected due to it became an alloy with Pt and relatively
(III) was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry.
small concentration (20%). Pt-Co/C catalyst prepared by
impregnation-reduction and electrodeposition methods
can be used as catalyst support in fuel cell electrode
948- Probing of Interaction Mode
Keywords; impregnation-reduction; electrodeposition; Between Cyclic Peptide ADTC3 (Ac-
Pt-Co/C; fuel cell electrode
CAD TPC-NH2) with E-Cadherin
Protein using the Molecular Docking

941- An Investigation of Insect Parsaoran Siahaan1*, Vivitri Dewi Prasasty2, Atiatul

Ovipositing Repellent Activity of Manna1, Dwi Hudiyanti1
Acacia auriculiformis Leaf Extracts to 1
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
Batrocera carambolae Mathematics, Diponegoro University
Faculty of Biotechnology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of
Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso1*, Zahrah Nur Zakiyah1, Arida Indonesia
Liyanita1 and Suputa2
Chemistry Department, Islamic University of Indonesia,
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14.5,
Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia The ADTC3 peptide is known to increase the porosity of
Department of Pests and Plant Diseases, Gadjah Mada the tigh junction (TJ) in the BBB E-cadherin adherent
University, Bulaksumur, junction (AJ) so that the drug can enter the cells and can
Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta 55281, Indonesia speed up the treatment of brain diseases (such as
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and brain tumors). Although
*email: macroscopically in vitro E-cadherin peptide has shown
increasing TJ porosity, the molecular mechanism of
Batrocera carambolae was one of the major pests on interaction within cells is still not widely studied. The
several kinds of fruits, especially on starfruit. This pest hypothesis of interaction between ADTC3 with E-cadherin
attacks resulted damage quantitatively, with the fall of the molecularly the amino acid residues of ADTC3 is thought
young fruit and qualitatively, the fruit becomes rotten and to interact with amino acid residues of E-cadherin
containing maggots. This study was done to determine receptor to inhibit cadherin-cadherin interactions. In this
whether selected Acacia auriculiformis leaf extracts were research has been studied complex interaction of ADTC3
repellent activity to Batrocera carambolae. Initially, three with domain EC1 of E-cadherin computationally. The
extracts from maceration process were evaluated by structure of ADTC3 has been optimized with GROMACS.
putting extracts and flies together in the cage. Ethanol, The complex interaction of ADTC3 with domain EC1 of E-
ethyl acetate, and n-hexane Acacia auriculiformis leaf cadherin has been studied using docking method. Analysis
extracts were applied to fruits and the fruits were put into of ADTC3 structure was done with optimization molecular
a cage containing male and female flies. From dynamics for 120 ns (120,000 ps), and was selected
observation, n-hexane was the best extract and has the twenty the most stable structure models. The docking
potency to be used as a tool to protect starfruit from result of these twenty structure shows that each amino
Batrocera carambolae oviposition. Average number of acid of ADTC3 interacts with different types and amounts
arrivals of fruit flies in each extract with three times amino acid domain of EC1. The most stable interaction
repetition are 25 for ethanol extract, 5 for n-hexane among the twenty structure which interact with the
extract and 0 for ethyl acetic extract. preferer EC1 active side is the seventh model. The domain
of EC1 interacted are Asp1, Trp2, Ile4, Lys25, Ser26,
Keywords; Batrocera carambolae, Acacia auriculiformis, Asn27, and Met92 amino acids with binding energy of -
maceration, n-hexane, ovipositing, repellent, starfruit 33.10 kJ.mol-1 and Ki of 1.58 μM at the 79187 ps
conformation. The interaction that occurs is precisely on
the active side of domain EC1, so ADTC3 is potential as a
cadherin inhibitor. The results are reinforced by the
interaction of hydrogen bonds between the amino acid
Trp2(O)...Asp3(NH), Trp2(O)...Ala2(NH), and Lys25(O)...

Thr4(HG1) with their distance 2.115 Å, 1.931 Å, and 2.112 Model integrated with Lesson Study while 2nd class as
Å respectively. control class was taught by Conventional model. The
instrument test had been standardized with reliability
Keywords: ADTC3, domain EC1 of E-cadherin, GROMACS, 0.919. The data analysis resulted that the data is normal
Docking. distributed and samples are homogenous. The result data
showed that student’s achievement taught by Project
based learning with lesson study (0.69 ± 0.11) gave higher
significance different compared with student’s
achievement taught by conventional model (0.41±0.08).

949 - Electrooxidation Palm Oil Mill Keywords; Project Based Learning, Buffer Solution topic,
Effluents by Boron Doped Diamond Student’s Achievement


Salih Muharam*
953- Sintesis Polimer Kolesteril
Pascasarjana Kimia FMIPA Universitas Indonesia
In this work palmitic acid was used as a model compound
of palm oil mill effluent to study the oxidation reaction on Fuji Lestari*
boron doped diamond electrode in aqueous medium.
Experiments have been carried out in continuous
Mahasiswa Kimia Universitas Negeri Jakarta
electrolysis system using boron doped diamond anode
and cyclic voltammetry. The effect of the supporting
Cholesteryl acrylate (KA) is one type of liquid crystal
electrolyte, potential, time and the flow rate of oxidation
cholesteric that has interesting properties that can form a
was studied to removal of palmitic acid as measured as
helical spiral structure that can reflect light. The monomer
the removal of the chemical oxygen demand
phase of cholesteryl acrylate only appears at mesophase
consentration. The result shows that the degradation of
temperature, in order to maintain the helical structure of
palmitic acids by indirect electroxidation at high potential
the cholesterl acrylic compound is polymerized by the UV
in the area of oxygen evolution or the formation of
curing method. The initial stage of synthesis yields the
hydroxyl radicals and it was controlled by mass transfer.
acrylic precursor Acryoxy Butyloksi benzoate (ABB). In the
The degradation of palmitic acid by BDD anode reached
next step, the cholesterolyl acrylate polymer monomer is
then polymerized using UV light with 55 wt of wavelength
which has 365 nm wavelength as well as some advantages
Keywords; Palmitic acid, Palm oil mill effluent, Boron
that emit more efficient UV rays and faster curing time.
doped diamod, Electroxidation
The polymerization process produces a new functional
group formed by C-O esters at 1047 cm-1-1055 cm-1
waves. Further analyzed crystallinity using XRD at
Customs, at minute 10 emerging XRD diffraction pattern
951- The Implementation of Project at 2θ 7.5o and 15o-20o. The result of morphological
analysis using SEM in the lab of UNJ Mofologi Technique
Based Learning Model on Buffer that was produced at minute 20 was seen crosslinked
morphology structure.
Keywords; Polymerization, UV curing, Polymer Kolesteril
Retno Dwi Suyanti*, Yovy Ardianti Sinuraya Acrylate.

Department of Chemistry FMIPA Medan State University

This research has the purpose to know the student’s

learning outcome in Buffer Solution by implementing
Project Based Learning model. The samples are 2 classes
XIth grade chosen by purposive sampling method. 1st as
experiment class was taught by Project Based Learning

956- Lead and Cadmium Mobilization pada permukaan magnetik nanopartikel Fe3O4,
fungsionalisasi permukaan dengan APTES, Pembuatan
from Anas moscha and Cairina magnetik molecularly non imprinted polymer dengan
moschata Tissue using Pineapple mereaksikan EGDMA dan Fe3O4 termodifikasi dengan
inisator Benzoil peroksida. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
Extract ass Chelating Agents berdasarkan pengukuran dengan FTIR menunjukkan
Fe3O4 terbentuk dari hasil reaksi antara FeCl3.6H2O dan
Pra Dian Mariadi* FeSO4.7H2O, namun berdasarkan hasil SEM Fe3O4 masih
teraglomerisasi walaupun berukuran nanopartikel. Untuk
mengatasi hal ini diperlukan modifikasi dengan silika
[Institutional Affiliation(s)]
menggunakan TEOS. Berdasarkan pengukuran FTIR
menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi dengan silika berhasil
An assesment of dietary risk of heavy metal exposure to
dilakukan, Puncak vibrasi Si–O–Si (simetri), Si–OH dan Si–
humans is important since it is the main source of
O–Si (asimmetri) terlihat pada kisaran 800.46 cm−1, 972.14
exposure. This study aimed to messure the level of
and 1064.71 cm−1. Hasil SEM juga menunjukkan bahwa
contamination of heavy metal especially Lead (Pb) and
bentuk Fe3O4@SiO2 lebih teratur. Fe3O4@SiO2 yang telah
Cadmium (Cd) and the effort to reduce contamination Pb
terbentuk selanjutnya difungsionalisasi menggunakan
and Cd in Anas moscha and Ciarina moschata Tissue. The
APTES agar terbentuk reaksi dengan template dan
concentration of Pb and Cd in Anas moscha and Ciarina
EGDMA yang dapat menghasilkan magnetik molecularly
moschata Tissue lower than the maximum acceptable
imprinted polymer. Berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi
level for Pb and Cd respectively. (1 mg/Kg for Pb; 0,5
mengunakan FTIR menunjukkan bahwa Fe3O4@SiO2
mg/Kg for Cd, SNI 2009). The effort to reduce that heavy
berhasil difungsionalisasi hal ini terlihat dengan gugus NH2
metal using chelating agent citric acid from natural
terlihat jelas dengan adanya vibrasi bending 1570.06 cm−1
organic source using pineapple extract. The highest
dan puncak yang relatif kuat pada daerah 2800–3000 cm −1
decreasing of Pb and Cd level up to 90 % when samples
yang berhubungan dengan vibrasi ulur pita C-H gugus
were boiled in pineapple extract for 1 hour at 1000C. the
metil atau metilen dari APTES. Fe3O4 @SiO2@NH2 juga
study concludes that boiled samples in pineapple extract
dapat digunakan untuk membuat magnetik molecularly
has a potential to reduce the contamination of Pb and Cd.
non imprinted polymer. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya
gugus C=O pada daerah 1728,22 cm-1
Keywords: Pb, Cd, pineapple extract
Keyword: Magnetik molecularly Imprinted Polymer,
Fungsionalisasi, Template.

962- Sintesis Fe3O4@SiO2@NH2

Sebagai Inti Magnetik Molecularly
imprinted Polymer 964- Loading Of KOH on Zirconia
Pillared Bentonite as a Heterogenous
Dikdik Mulyadi*, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, M. Bachri Amran
Catalyst for Transesterification of
Laboratorium Kimia analitik Institut Teknologi Bandung Palm Oil
Saat ini pembuatan magnetik molecularly imprinted
polymer (MMIPs) sebagai adsorben dalam ekstraksi fasa Yeslia Utubira*
padat memiliki banyak keuntungan diantaranya memiliki Department of Chemistry Education, Pattimura University
luas permukaan yang besar, bentuk geometrinya bulat,
sehingga MMIPs dapat digunakan untuk sampel kompleks
dengan konsentrasi rendah, dan proses pemisahannya Synthesis KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite has been done and applied
hanya menggunakan medan magnet eksternal sehingga to the heterogeneous catalysis of palm oil
tidak memerlukan proses filtrasi dan sentrifugasi yang transesterification using microwave irradiation method.
dapat mengurangi jumlah analit. Penelitian ini bertujuan The KOH/ZrO2-Bentonite catalyst preparation was carried
untuk membuat Fe3O4 nanopartikel yang telah out by the wet impregnation method loading of KOH 25
dimodifikasi untuk digunakan sebagai inti molecularly wt% on pillared bentonite material, followed activation of
imprinted polymer. Tahapan yang dilakukan diantaranya catalyst using microwave irradiation 700W for 10 min. The
sintesis Fe3O4 dari FeCl3.6H2O dan FeSO4.7H2O dengan result of ZrO2-Bentonite characterization with XRD
permbandingan 2:1 dalam suasana basa, pelapisan silika showed an increase of basal spacing. With loading KOH

causing a decrease in specific surface area and increasing 970- Design and Implementation of
the mean pore volume. The transesterification of palm oils
produced 70% of methyl ester under reaction conditions Spectrophotometry for Iodine
700W for 10 min, ratio of mole oil:methanol 1:12 and Determination Based on Flow
weight of catalyst 3 wt%.
Injection Analysis
Keywords: Catalysis
Yeanchon Dulanlebit1*, Muhammad Amran2, Semuel
Unwakoly1, Gloria Bora1
Chemistry Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher
967- Isolation of Ethyl P-Methoxy Training, Pattimura University
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and
Cinnamate Compound from Kencur Natural Science, Bandung Institute of Technology
(Kaempferiagalanga L) Iodine is an element nonmetal and essential micronutrient
needed by human body in a trace amount, iodine
Aliefman Hakim* deficiency may cause brain damage, mental retardation,
cretinism and endemic goiter (GAKI). Analysis method of
Department of Chemistry, Mataram University detecting iodine has widely been used, where iodometry
Kencur (kaempferiagalanga L) is a tropical plant that grows and spectrophotometry analysis is a standard method to
in many areas in Indonesia known as medicinal plants and determine iodine content. The analytical performance of
herbal ingredients by the community. There are many iodine determination with a sensitive and selective flow
secondary metabolite compounds in kencur such as ethyl injection analysis had been developed and evaluated.
cinnamic, paraffin, borneol, karen, p-methoxystyrene and Iodate reacted with the excessive iodide in an acid
ethyl p-methoxycinnamate. The ethyl p- medium to form tri-iodide, which can be detected with
methoxycinnamate compound is known to be the major spectrophotometer at 352 nm. The result of analytical
compound in the kencur plant and is widely used in the performance evaluation of that developed method
cosmetic, asthma and anti-fungal industries. The many indicated a linearity of calibration curve at the range of
benefits of the ethyl p-methoxycinnamate compound 0,1-1,0 mg/L, with the R2 value approached one and
make the need for this compound constantly increasing detection limit is 0,01 mg/L. Through the flow injection
and the need for an isolation method that can produce analysis method, the precision of iodine determination
this compound in large quantities. The isolation method was evaluated, which was revealed as 0,08% variant
used in this research is the soxhletation method using coefficient for the concentration of 0,5 mg/L. This method
ethanol solvent and recrystallization using n-hexane has been successful developed for the iodine
solvent. Samples of kencur were used as much as 50 gram determination in iodized sample, with the recovery
and obtained Crystalline ethyl p-methoxycinnamate as percentage of 102,5%.
much as 0,49 gram with percentage of rendement as
much 0,98%. The resulting crystalline ethyl p- Keywords: iodate; iodine; flow injection analysis;
methoxycinnamate has been identified using UV-vis spectrophotometry; triiodate.
spectroscopy, IR and H-NMR.

Keywords: isolation, kencur (kaempferiagalanga L), ethyl

p-methoxycinnamate compound
972- The Adsorptions Capacity and
Selectivity of Mip to Β-Sitosterol
St Fauziah*
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Science, The University of Hasanuddin
The research on the synthesis of molecularly imprinted
polymers (MIP) has been conducted for use as a selective
adsorbent against β-sitosterol. Therefore, the research
purpose is capacity and the adsorption selectivity study of
MIP on b-sitosterol. The MIP was synthesized using bulk
polymerization method. The b-sitosterol concentration in 977- XANES Spectroscopy for
the adsorption-desorption test and MIP selectivity test
was analyzed by HPLC and UV-vis. The results showed that Characterizing Cr(III)-binding Low-
MIP has a high adsorption capacity (qe) with Freundlich molecular-weight (LMW) Serum
adsorption isothermal equation yielding qe value 1.24
mg/g. The percent return value of β-sitosterol from MIP Fractions using 3D Approach and
for desorption adsorption is 78.75%. The MIP is highly Chemometric Analysis
selective against β-sitosterol compared with cholesterol
because it is able to adsorb 100% of β-sitosterol while
cholesterol only 3 Anna Safitri*
Chemistry Department, Brawijaya University
Keywords: MIP, adsorption, selective, capacity, β-
sitosterol Previous research has showed that Cr(III) complexes used
as nutritional supplements are able to bind both high- and
low-molecular-weight components of blood serum, and
the distribution of Cr(III) within serum was time-
dependent.1 While the high-molecular-weight fractions
973- Effect of Cosolvent on associated with Cr(III) were albumin and transferrin, some
Antioxidant Activity of Composite of the most abundant proteins in serum, identification of
the low-molecular-weight fractions has proven to be a
Flour from Banana, Corn and Sago demanding task.1-2. In this work, the first systematic
study of Cr(III) speciation by using X-ray absorption near
edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy has been performed.
The work has demonstrated that the nature of low-
Edi Suryanto*, Lidya Irma Momuat molecular-weight (LMW) serum fractions containing Cr(III)
Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematics and from [Cr3O(OCOEt)6(OH2)3](NO3)3·3H2O, [Cr(pic)3]·H2O, and
Natural Sciences, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Na3[Cr(cit)2], depends on the isolation methods. These
findings confirm that it is challenging to isolate metals-
Banana, corn and sago are well recognized as an excellent biomolecules complexes from biological fluids without
source of macronutrients and phytochemicals. Third altering their coordination environments. Combined
material can be developed to become the composite flour results of three-dimensional plots of XANES spectral
that has high antioxidant and synergist effect on the features, principal component analysis (PCA), and multiple
activity of three plants. The objective of this study was to linear regression analysis-fitting of the XANES spectra
investigate antioxidant activity using different solvents using a library of model Cr(III) compounds have provided
such as methanol, ethanol and acetone in extraction of average coordination environments of LMW species. The
composite flour. The methanol, ethanol and acetone coordination environments of the LMW serum species
extracts, from composite flour were measured for from the reactions of Cr(III) with serum mostly consisted
phytochemicals and antioxidant activities using of amino acid residues (carboxylato and amine), with
spectroscopic techniques. Results showed that extraction some of the original ligands also remaining bound.
co-solvent mixtures had significant influence on
phytochemicals content and antioxidant activity. The Keywords: XANES, Cr(III), PCA, multiple-linear-regression
highest total phenolic content was found in 80% methanol analysis
and 80% ethanol for F1 and F2, whereas F3 was found in
80% acetone in composite flour. Besides, acetone 80% in
F3 showed the highest total carotenoid content followed
with F2 and F2. Conversely, 80% acetone in F2 showed the
highest free radical scavenging activity comparable that of
F1 and F3. The results also showed that 80% acetone in F3
were found highest total antioxidant capacity than F1 and
F3. The results suggest that 80% acetone to extract
phenolic phytochemicals in composite flour from banana,
corn and sago.

Keywords: composite flour, co-solvent, banana, corn,

sago, phytochemicals, antioxidant

982-Adsorption of Pb(Ii) using charcoal is 0.95–0.23 Scm-1 and corncob charcoal 0.85–
0.30 Scm-1. Charcoal from coconut shell and corn cobs
Chitosan-Carrageenan Macroporous produced are semiconductors, the increase of activator
Film concentration lowers the value of electrical conductivity.

Keywords: active carbon, carbonation, activation,

Dwi Siswanta*, Sofan Hadi, Agus Kuncaka adsorption potency, surface are
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
A chitosan-carrageenan macroporous film had been
synthesized and applied for adsorption of Pb(II). Chitosan-
carrageenan macroporous film was first prepared and
characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The
990- The Quality of Students’ Science
composition of chitosan-carrageenan, the amount of silica Process Skills and Mastery of the
as a porogen in the film, contact time, pH and initial
concentration of Pb(II) were varied to study the film
Acid-Base and Buffer Solution
adsorption. The desorption was investigated by a Concepts by POGIL (Process Oriented
sequential method using water, HNO3, KNO3, and EDTA.
The result showed the adsorption of Pb(II) onto the
Guided Inquiry Learning) in Teacher
macroporous film was following a pseudo-second order Centered Learning Classroom
reaction with the rate constant of 1.8 x 10-2 g mg-1 min-1.
The adsorption isotherm was agreed with Freundlich
isotherm and the adsorption capacity was 138.5 mg/g. R. Arizal Firmansyah*
The desorption result shows that the interaction of Pb(II) Chemistry Education, UIN Walisongo
and chitosan carrageenan macropores film is dominated
by trapped interaction, hydrogen bonding formation, and There are many researchers who suggested that students
complex formation. must be engaged in the invention of their understanding
to the chemistry concepts by Science Process Skills (SPS)
Keywords: chitosan, carrageenan, polyelectrolyte and inquiry learning. However, it will be challenge if SPS
complex, macroporous, SiO2, lead and inquiry learning are applied to the students who have
been accustomed learning in the teacher centered
classroom and they do not recognize the SPS and inquiry
learning yet. This research was carried out at MAN 1 Pati
to students in class of XI-IPA who studied by teacher
983- The Effect of Activation of Active center learning method. In this paper, we will discuss the
Carbon from Corn Cobs and Coconout quality of SPS through POGIL which has been
implemented in that class, the students’ understanding as
Shells on The Value of Conductivity the mastery aspect of the concepts and its relationship to
the SPS. We proposed that the quality of SPS will be
Lela Mukmilah Yuningsih* obtained by the mixed methods with embedded
concurrent design. Also, we collected the data by
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah observation, interview, and field notes. As the result, the
Sukabumi data shown that the students in the class of XI IPA at MAN
The need for energy is increasing more and more so that 1 Pati had a good enough of SPS with average percentage
research was conducted to characterize activated carbon 67.34. Moreover, their average and quality of observing
from coconut shells and corn cobs that have the potential was 85 (good), classifying was 77.12 (very good), handling
to be used as the basic material for making fuel cell laboratory equipment and chemicals was 55 (less), data
components which is one of the alternative energy interpretation was 66 (enough), and making a conclusion
sources that has begun to be developed to face the threat was 47.62 (less). In other words, the student’s ability to
of energy crisis. In this study, the carbonation process was measure and make a conclusion in this research by doing
carried out at 800°C for 2 hours, followed by the experiment of acid, base, and buffer concepts are not
activation process using KOH in the ratio of satisfied yet. Moreover, based on person product moment
water:carbon:KOH 1:1:4, and then physical activation at a calculation indicates that there is a positive relationship
temperature of 600°C for 4 hours. The results showed that between the students’ SPS with mastery of the concept of
the value of electrical conductivity of coconut shell acid, base, and buffer solution.

Keywords: science process skills, approach to learning, 993- Oil Recovery Tests by using Bio
the learning of chemistry
surfactant of Indigenous
Pseudomonas peli and Burkholderia
glumae Bacteria From South
Sumatera at various temperature
991- Spectrophotometric conditions
Determination of Boron in Food Bambang Yudono*
Products by Ester Borate Distillation Department of Chemistry FMIPA University of Sriwijaya
Into Curcumin using Sulfuric Acid
The isolates of indigenous Pseudomonas peli and
Catalyst Burkholderia glumae bacteria were obtained from Babat
Toman Village, Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatera which
have a potential as bio surfactant. The bacteria are
Risna Erni Yati Adu*, Roto Roto, Agus Kuncaka
thermophilic bacteria, and then they used to produce bio
Chemistry Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada surfactant by using molase as carbon source. The bio
surfactant were tested their ability to the oil recovery of
Spectrophotometric determination of boron in food soil contained oil 18.64%. The variables of treatments
products by ester borate distillation using sulfuric acid were temperatures from 400C to 800C. The results
catalyst was investigated. This study aims to overcome the showed that the optimal oil recovery by using
sensitivity of curcumin method by generating ester borate Pseudomonas peli and Burkholderia glumae were 2.20%
using sulfuric acid catalyst. Boron was separated by and 18.19% respectively. The results of optimal oil
distillation as triethyl borate and reacted with curcumin. recovery of each bacterium were analysed using gas
Esterification reaction was carried out in a Teflon vessel chromatography to determine the constituent
using ethanol as the solvent and H2SO4 2.5 % (w/w) as the components of petroleum that can be extracted by using
acid catalyst for esterification. Distillation system reached the bio surfactant. The bio surfactant of Burkholderia
optimum condition at temperature of 25 C for 24 hours, glumae dissolved hydrocarbons at a fraction of
pH 5-6, ethanol/boric acid ratio of 5:1. The boron- temperatures 133; 139; 155; 156.8; 165; 173; 190; 197.5
curcumin complex was measured at 555 nm after 10 and 206.3 0C with the total abundance of soluble oil
minutes of reaction. Separation of boron by distillation 25.22%, furthermore the bio surfactant of Pseudomonas
method complied with validation parameters. The peli dissolved hydrocarbons at a fraction of temperatures
standard curve was linier in the concentration range of 133.3; 134; 139; 140; 145 and 150 C with the total
1.2-4.8 ppm (R2=0.9995) and has molar extinction value abundance of soluble oil 16.94%.
(ε) 4.7 x 105 L mol-1 cm-1 for high sensitivity level which is
higher than the previous study, RSD 1.50 % and percent
Keywords: bio surfactant, temperature, oil recovery,
recovery in the range of 96.09-104.92 %. Limit of
Pseudomonas peli, Burkholderia glumae
detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were
0.348 and 1.056 mg/L respectively. Boron content in
sausage, meatball, crackers and tofu products was in the
range of 0.913-3.518; 1.406-3.589; 2.936-4.912 and 0.743-
1.085 mg/kg. Distillation method of ester borate into 995- QSAR, Molecular Docking and
curcumin using sulfuric acid catalyst is suitable for boron
analysis in food products because of its high sensitivity Dynamics Studies of Benzamide
level. Derivatives as Allosteric Inhibitor of
Keywords: - Mitogen Enhanced Kinase

Muhammad Arba*
Faculty of Pharmacy, Halu Oleo University
Mitogen Enhanced Kinase (MEK) is involved in
RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK signaling pathway, which is crucial in
driving cell proliferation. Targeting of the MEK with small
molecules is known to play a role in the inhibition of
tumors cell. The aims of this study were to develop a colonies in edible coating before and after covered the
model of Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship grape were 183 and 363 CFU/mL in respectively. The
(QSAR) of some benzamide suitable for prediction of optimum antibacterial activity of edible coating with
benzamide derivatives as potential allosteric inhibitor of probiotic 109 CFU/mL and inhibition zone was 263,76
Mitogen Enhanced Kinase (MEK). The small molecules mm2. Organoleptic test for grape fruit that has been
were divided into training and test set. The selection and covered with edible coating has no influence to panelist
calculation of suitable descriptors was performed by using estimation. Organic acid in edible coating were lactate
molecular operating environment (MOE 2009.10), while acid and acetate acid.
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) was used to generate
QSAR models. The QSAR models and their validation were Keywords: L. bulgaricius, incorporation, E. coli, probiotic,
performed by statistical application program. The results organic acids, Edible coating
revealed that the validated QSAR model is pIC50 = 14.229
− 0.00001 AM1_E − 0.043 ASA_H − 33.609 Glob + 0.648
Log S + 0.047 Vol. The model satisfies the statistical
criteria with correlation coefficient, leave-one-out
validation coefficient, fischer value, and external 999- Size Distribution of The Silver
validation of 0.931, 0,889, 51.581, and 0.826, respectively.
Using the validated QSAR model, novel compounds were Nanoparticles Synthesized using
proposed. Four new compounds which have lower IC50 Water Extract of Pinus merkusii
were docked into the active site of MEK, in which one of
them demonstrate higher affinity than that of the existing Jungh & De Vriese Cone Flower
benzamide derivative. To check stability of the new
compounds in the active site of MEK, a 30-ns molecular Masruri1*, Isna Noor Azkiya1, Moh. Farid Rahman1, Arie
dynamics simulation are being performed. Srihardyastutie1
Keywords: cancer, MEK, benzamide, QSAR, docking Chemistry Department, Brawijaya University, Malang
Silver nanoparticle has many functions in the field of
catalysis and medicine. Controlling the nanoparticle size
and synthesized using a green technique has also paid
attention, recently. The paper reveals recent application
997- Incorporation Lactobascillus of cone flower waste from Pinus merkusii Jung & De
Bulgaricus in Edible Coating of Sago Vriese for environmentally benign method for synthesis
silver nanoparticle. Phenolic groups composed the water
Starch and Analysis of it’s extract was predicted contribute to the reduction reaction
Antibacterial and Organic Acid of silver ion and masking it into nanoparticle. UV-Vis and
FTIR spectra confirmed the nanoparticle, and surface
plasmon resonance (SPR) maxima detected at 455 nm,
Miksusanti*, Dianti Putri, Hermansyah while transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed
Chemistry Department, University of Sriwijaya the particle size range in between 8 and 23 nm with
spherical in shape.
This research has purposes to analyze antibacterial activity
of edible coating containing probiotic against E. coli using Keywords: green synthesis, silver, nanoparticle, phenolic
well diffusion method. This research used edible coating
from sago starch and L. Bulgarius as probiotic with various
of concentrations (106, 107, 108, and 109 CFU/mL). The
physical characteristic of edible coating, such as color test,
level of water, and viscosity were tested and viability of
probiotic in edible coating before and after covering of
grape surface was calculated. The content of organic acid
in edible coating solution was measured using HPLC
method. Organoleptic testing were color and flavor with
scale A-H involve 30 respondents. Data were analyzed
used SPSS 21. The result of research showed that color of
edible coating change from white to yellow-brown, value
of water level and viscosity were changed from 12% (w/w)
to 22% (w/w) and 393,38 to 293,7 respectively. The
1000- Preparation and Effect of for nanoparticle. The phenolic compounds contained in
the water extract is predicted has contribution for this
Adipic Acid on Local Shellac green synthesis. The nanoparticle synthesized is
Modification Based on Material characterized by infrared and ultra violet-visible
spectrophotometry. In addition, the particle size is
Packaging determined by scanning electron microscopy-energy
dispersive x-ray (SEM-EDX) and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM). The result confirms that functional
Nanik Dwi Nurhayati*
group for vibration Zn-O is detected in around 400-600
Pendidikan MIPA, Kimia, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret 1/cm, meanwhile surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
maxima is detected at 221,5 nm. Moreover, zinc oxide
This research has aimed to preparation of local shellac nanoparticle is formed as a spherical structure with
local and study to effect of succinic anhydride to local particle size distribution in between 5 and 10 nm. This
shellac modification. Shellac is the purified product of the finding has led the way for further application
natural polymer shellac. It is resinous secretion of the nanoparticle as catalyst for oxidation of alpha-pinene as
insect Kerria lacca. Impurities on local shellac are removed well as for antibiotic composite material application.
by the method of extraction. Hydrolysis was done by
dissolving shellac into NaOH solution and acidification
Keywords: ultra-sonication, green synthesis, zinc oxide,
with HCl. Polyesterification was conducted by reacting
hydrolyzed shellac with adipic acid used solid state
reaction method. Than shellac was analyzed by intrinsic
viscosity, acid value and Fourier Transform Infrared. The
result showed with the extraction method will be
obtained shellac derived from local shellac.
1006- Distribution of heavy Metals in
Polyesterification through shellac with adipic acid solid
state reaction method, increase concentration of adipic Sediment and Water from coast
acid on shellac have decreased intrinsic viscosity and acid
value. Analysis Fourier Transform Infrared shows the
Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia
spectra on absorption of the C=O ester groups is stronger
indicated by absorption of C-O ester groups was stronger Suheryanto Suheryanto, 2,3Ismarti Ismarti
too and absorption of the O-H groups is weaker while
absorption of the C-H groups is relatively stable. Department of Chemistry, Faculty Math and Natural
Sciences, Sriwijaya University, 30662, Inderalaya, South
Keywords: preparation, modification, shellac, adipic acid, Sumatera, Indonesia; 2International Institute Halal
solid state reaction Research and Training, International Islamic University
Malaysia, Jl. Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Department of Mathematic, Faculty Teaching Training
and Education, Riau Kepulauan University, Batu Aji Baru
Street, 29438, Batam, Indonesia
1003- Ultrasonication Assisted Green
Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle
The contamination of the aquatic system with heavy
using Water Extract from Cone
metals from natural and anthropogenic source has
Flower Waste of Pinus merkusii become a global problem which poses threads to
ecosystems and natural communities. Heavy metals are
Jungh & De Vriese deemed serious pollutants due to their toxicity,
persistence and non degradability in the environment. The
Masruri1*, Pebri Ari Pangesti1, Moh. Farid Rahman1, Arie increasing pollution by heavy metals has a significant
Srihardyastutie1 adverse health effects for invertebrates, fishes and
humans. Cadmium and lead are toxic even at low levels,
Chemistry Department, Brawijaya University whereas copper toxicity requires high doses. This study
Ultra sonication has been studied in order to narrow and aiming to evaluate the environmental status of Coast
reduce a particle size of zinc oxide nanoparticle. Besides Batam, Riau Island, Indonesia based on levels of heavy
that, a cone flower waste of Pinus merkusii Jungh & De metals in seawater and sediment. Sediment and seawater
Vriese has been applied as a reducing and capping agent samples were collected from six sites along west side of
Batam Island. The samples were prepared based on
Indonesian National Standard (SNI) then analyzed by an placement of electrodes in separation container. In this
atomic absorption spectrometer (Shimadzu A7000). The study the authors aim to combine the method with
accuracy of the analysis was verified by BAT IM-12 and variation of voltage (1000V - 13000V), electrode distance
BAT IM-13 tracerability to US National Metrology (3 cm - 16 cm) to obtain a minimum separation
Institute. The results showed that cadmium was not percentage of 90% with time under 1 minute in biodiesel
detected in seawater while copper and lead were production process.
detected in seawater. The level of Cu and Pb in seawater
have exceeded environmental quality standard for biota Keywords: Biodiesel, Glycerin Separation, Electrostatic
set by Indonesia Ministry of Environment. The higher level
of heavy metals found in sediment. But the level of heavy
metals in sediment still meet with quality standard of
sediment set by United States EPA, except the level of Cu
in sediment from Sekupang. 1009- Modification of Polyeugenol
Derivate Contain Ethylene Glycol
Keywords: heavy metals, marine pollution, Batam Island, Dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as a Carrier
AAS. for Phenol Transport

Agung Abadi Kiswandono*

Department of Chemistry, University Lampung
1007- Electrostatic Method for
The ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) is
Separation of Glycerin and Biodiesel crosslinking agents which can be used to extend the
polymer chain and increase the active side. This paper
Jaya Utama Putra1*, Leila Kalsum2, Yohandri Bow3 describes the evaluation of Polymer Inclusion Membrane
(PIM) containing the derivatives of polyeugenol as carrier
Applied Master of Renewable Energy Engineering, with respect to the physical properties of carrier and the
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang 30139, Indonesia optimization of phenol transport. The polymerization
Renewable Energy Engineering Study Program, Politeknik results between eugenol and EGDMA is copoly(eugenol-
Negeri Sriwijaya, Palembang30139, Indonesia ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, co-EEGDMA).
Chemical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Subsequently the synthesized polymer is used as a carrier
Sriwijaya 30139, Indonesia for phenol transport using PIM method. The optimization
parameters performed are the effect of pH on the source
email: phase, the NaOH concentration in the receiving phase,
and the influence of transport time. The result was
The limited capacity of the fossil fuels to meet sustainable performed by looking at the physical properties of carrier
energy and environmentally friendly needs has led people including rendemen, melting point and solubility, then
to encourage to discover and develop new and renewable characterization of carrier and membrane were
alternative energy sources. One type of renewable energy performed using FT-IR and SEM. The result of analysis and
is biodiesel. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly characterization proves that copolymerization between
alternative fuel consisting of alkyl monoesters of fatty crosslinking agent and eugenol has resulted in new
acids from vegetable oils and animal fats. In the compound which is a polyeugenol derived compound.
development of biodiesel production technology, all the Furthermore, the results of transport optimization also
factors in the process are being tested and refined to prove that the polyeugenol derivative compound has the
obtain optimal biodiesel production. One of the step of ability as a carrier compound for transport of phenol. The
the process in the production of biodiesel is the PIM method in this study has successfully transported
separation of glycerin and biodiesel. Electrostatic method phenol at a pH of the source phase are 4.5 to 5.5 with a
has been shown to accelerate the saturation of glycerin, receiving phase concentration of between 0.25 M - 0.5 M
but in this method many aspects need to be taken into and the optimum co-EEGDMA transport time of 64 hours
account to get the production process of biodiesel with of 70.5%.
predetermined standard quality. There are two commonly
used methods based on the placement of electrodes in
Keywords: crosslink, EGDMA, PIM, Polyeugenol
the separation of glycerin and biodiesel. The first is
electrostatic method by placement of electrodes in
pipeline and the second electrostatic method by

students in experimental class were enthusiastic and
curious to learn Analytical Chemistry. The students
become familiar to search scientific documents to be used
to complete given tasks. The developed chemistry
learning material with multitask was also improved
student’s ability to write and organize their assignments.
1010- The Development of Innovative
Learning Material with Multitasks to Keywords: Innovative, Learning Material, Analytical
Improve Students Achievement on Chemistry, Anion Analysis, KKNI curriculum

the Teaching of Analytical Chemistry

Manihar Situmorang*
1011- Screening and
Department of Chemistry Eduation, Universitas Negeri Characterization of Raw Starch
Degradation Amylase from Bacteria
Implementation of Indonesian National Qualifications
Framework (KKNI) curriculum at Universitas Negeri Medan Dondang Hot Spring Kutai
bring the change in the teaching and learning style with Kartanegara
aimed to improve student’s competence to adjust with
technology development. The strategy has to be made to
improve students' competence through providing of Winni Astuti*, Rahmat Gunawan, Daniel Tarigan,
innovative learning resources to motivate students to Muhammad Nur Yasin, M. Taufik Asadullah A. Rida'i
learn. This research is aimed to provide an innovative
Department of Chemistry FMIPA UNMUL
chemistry learning material with multitasks to be used as
a learning media to improve students’ achievement on The objective of this research was to screening bacteria
Analytical Chemistry. Development steps are consisted of that produced raw starch degradation amylase from
enriching, innovating and standardizing of a learning Dondang Muara Jawa Kutai Kartanegara hot spring and
material followed by implementation of a developed characterize the amylase. bacteria screening was done by
learning material in the class. Innovation is conducted LB medium containing raw starch and tested with iodine
through integration of relevant contextual examples, solution, protein concentration was determined by
laboratory works, student activities, multimedia, and Bradford method, amylase activity was determined by
hyperlink to trust website onto a learning material. The DNS (Dinitrocalisylic acid) assay. The results showed that
instruction for multitask was also integrated into the the amylase-producing bacteria degrading raw starch was
learning package to guide the students to achieve learning Bacillus sp. The bacteria produced an extracellular
goal. The material was then designed in printed and amylase. The amylase had an optimum pH of 6 and
electronic bases. Research results have showed that good temperature of 50°C. Specific activity of the amylase is
quality learning material equipped with multimedia on the 2893.47 U/mg. The amylase has ability to hydrolyze raw
teaching of Anion Analysis that is suited to KKNI starch of sago, cassava, rice, and corn.
curriculum. Multitasks that are integrated in the KKNI
curriculum are consisted of six tasks, including routine Keywords: amylase, raw starch, Dondang hot spring,
task (RT), critical book report (CBR), critical Bacillus sp.
journal/research report (CJR), idea engineering (IE), mini
research (MR), and small project (PR) to which is relevant
with the Anion Analysis topic being taught.
Implementation of innovated learning material has
showed that the developed material was found to be 1012- Character Education on
effective to improve students’ competence on Analytical
Chemistry. Learning outcome in experimental class that Chemistry Learning Models
has been provided with innovated learning material is
found higher than that in control class with using ordinary Krisna Merdekawati*
textbook. The learning material is found be able to
facilitate the students to learn analytical chemistry easily. Prodi Pendidikan Kimia
Innovated learning material combined with multitask has
One of factor that causes multidimensional crisis in
bring the students moving from lecturer oriented to
Indonesia is the weakening of character. Character
students oriented to study Analytical Chemistry. The
education should be a solution in an effort to overcome leaf ash can be used repeatedly as methylene blue
the nation's problems. The implementation of character adsorbent with 100%, 99.5% and 98.5% adsorption
education is very important to be pursued. Character percentage.
education is actually not a new concept in education.
However, its application is minimal. Character education Keywords: Bamboo leaf Ash, SBA - 15, Adsorption,
cannot be separated from any learning material. Methylene blue.
Character education requires a commitment of educators
to be good examples and readiness to give the learning
experience loaded with character. Chemistry as part of
science has potential to develop character. Dimensions of
chemistry are including products, processes, attitudes, 1020- Review: Pollution Due to Coal
and applications. Chemistry learning that involves all
chemistry dimensions is an effective activity to develop Mining Activity and its Impact on
the character of students. There are many variations of Environment
learning models that can be applied in chemistry learning
to develop character. Through literature study, this paper
aims to examine the character content in chemical Andi Arif Setiawan*
learning models. F. MIPA, Universitas PGRI, Palembang Utilization of
natural resources in the form of coal mine has a positive
Keywords: character education, learning models, impact on economic and energy development, in addition
chemistry learning to coal mining activities have a negative impact on the
environment that result in environmental pollution in soil,
water and air. Pollution begins when clearing land, taking
1015- Bio-SBA-15 from bamboo leaf exploitation, transporting, stockpile and when the coal is
burned. When land clearing causes damage to forest
ash for methylene blue adsorption ecosystems. At the time of exploitation impact on air
pollution by coal dust particles, the erosion, siltation of
RR Dirgarini Julia Nurlianti Subagyono*, Anke Rienhar the river, the pollution of heavy metals and the formation
Saputra, Alimuddin Alimuddin of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The high acid conditions
cause the faster heavy metals such as Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu,
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Zn and Ni present in the coal dissolved and carried to the
Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University waters. Coal stockpile activity also causes pollution in the
air, soil, and water. At the time the coal is burned as an
A study on the synthesis and characterization of
energy source causes the emission of hazardous materials
mesoporous silica SBA-15 (Santa Barbara Acid 15) from
into the air of Hg, As, Se and CO2 gas, NOx, SO2. This
bamboo leaf ash and its application as methylene blue
condition has an impact on the environment and
adsorbent has been conducted. SBA-15 from bamboo leaf
ultimately on human health.
ash was synthesized by modification of the micro
emulsion template method. SBA-15 was characterized by Keywords: coal mining; energy; acid mine drainage; heavy
N2 adsorption/desorption analyzer, SAXS (Small Angel X- metal; emission
Ray Diffraction), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) and
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). N2vb
adsorption/desorption analyses showed that SBA-15 has
type IV isotherms, with H1 type hysteresis which was a
characteristic of mesoporous materials. SBA-15 from
bamboo leaf ash has surface area (calculated by BET
method) of 698 m2 / g, pore volume of 0.81 cm3 /g and
pore diameter of 4.66 nm. In the diffractogram appeared
3 typical peaks of SBA-15 between 0.5 - 5o 2θ with miller
indices (100), (110) and (200), respectively. The FTIR
spectrum showed peaks from siloxane (Si-O-Si) and
hydroxyl groups (-OH). The SEM pictures showed that the
morphology of SBA-15 was a combination of platelets and
spheres with the average particle size of 0.5 μm. For
application as methylene blue adsorbent it was found that
the maximum adsorption capacity obtained from the
Langmuir Type 2 equation was 333 mg/g. SBA-15 bamboo
1025- Sructural Study of the Ordering 1026- Pumice Stone Coated Mn-N-
Processes of Cold Drawn trans-1,4- TiO2 as Degradation the Linear
Polyisoprene Samples in the Heating Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS)
Process on the Basis of Wide- and
Detergent Waste under The Sunlight
Small-angle X-ray Scattering
Measurements La Ode Agus Salim*, Andi Isar Aliakbar Rafsanjani, Ilham
Ilham, Asep Saputra Taona, La Ode Ahmad
Paramita Jaya Ratri* and Kohji Tashiro*
Abstract Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Pertamina, Technology, Halu Ole University
Simprug, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Department of Future Industry-oriented Basic Science and Pumice stone has a porous surface that can be coated
Materials,Toyota Technological Institute, Tempaku, with a titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalyst doped with
Nagoya 468-8511, Japan mangan (Mn) and nitrogen (N) to improve the
photocatalytic performance of visible light. The purpose of
The regularization processes of the TPI glasses drawn at this study was to determine the time needed to degrade
the various low temperatures were investigated by LAS (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate) detergent waste
performing the temperature-dependent simultaneous contaminants by optimally using Mn-N-TiO2 coated stone,
measurements of the 2-dimensional wide-angle and small- and to know the percent degradation of the degraded LAS
angle X-ray scattering patterns. The glassy sample drawn detergent solution using Mn-N-TiO2 in the sun. The
below the cold crystallization temperature but above the method used in this study consisted of four stages, namely
glass transition temperature (-70oC) showed the pumice stone preparation, Mn-N-TiO2 sol gel
disordered  form, which was found to transform to the manufacture, pumice coating with Mn-N-TiO2 sol gel and
regular  form at aStround -30oC. On the contrary, when degradation process of pollutant detergent waste in the
we decreased the stretching temperature furthermore; sun. Mn-N-TiO2 coated pumice stone degradation process
for example -60 and -70oC, it gave the disordered  form. in the reactor presents data that LAS detergent waste can
This disordered form transforms to the regular  form by be degraded to 71% within four hours. These results have
heating to around 30oC. The small-angle X-ray scattering the potential to create aquatic environments that are free
patterns were found to change in parallel with the wide- from water pollution, especially laundry waste.
angle X-ray diffraction pattern changes, revealing a
correlation between the crystalline phase transition and Keywords: Pumice stone, Mn-N-TiO2, Photodegradation,
higher-order structure change in these regularization LAS, Sunlight
processes. These paracrystalline are packed in the smaller
crystal cell than the regular form.

Keywords: trans-1,4-Polyisoprene / strain induced

crystallization / disorder-to-order transition / X-ray 1028- Optimization of The Enzymatic
diffraction Ammonolysis of Alkanolamide from
Ketapang Seed Oil

Erin Ryantin Gunawan1*, Dedy Suhendra1, Trisnasari

Trisnasari1, Lely Kurniawati1
Department Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and
Sciences, University of Mataram
The enzymatic ammonolysis reaction of alkanolamide
using Terminalia cattapa L. (local language: Ketapang)
seed oil and etanolamine as substrates has been
conducted. It’s commonly synthesized from derivative of
petroleum and natural gas. In this research, the raw
material used was ketapang seed oil, the renewable and
non-edible oil. The effects of various reaction parameters
such as reaction time, temperature, amount of enzyme,
and molar ratio of substrates were investigated. The 1034- Determination of Yeast Co-
optimum reaction conditions obtained by a one-step
lipase catalyzed reaction were molar ratio of ketapang Culture and Stirring Ratio for
seed oil and etanolamine of 1 : 12.5, amount of lipase Optimization of Bioethanol Content
(Lipozyme) of 0.1 g, temperature at 40°C for 2 h, and
hexane as a solvent. The percentage yields of of Garlic (Allium sativum) Peels and
alkanolamide obtained at these optimum ammonolysis Corn (Zea mays L.) Cob
reaction conditions was 60.07 %.

Keywords: alkanolamide, ketapang seed oil, enzymatic Sri Hartini*

ammonol Chemistry Study Program, Universitas Kristen Satya
Bioethanol as a source of energy from biomass of garlic
peels and corn cob waste come into one alternative to
1033- Synthesis and Characterization reduce the dependence of fossil fuels and the increasingly
severe environmental damage. The aims of the research
of Zeolite NaY from Kaolin Bangka
were bioethanol producing with optimum level of garlic
Belitung with Variation of Synthesis peels and corn cob revealed from yeast co culture and
stirring ratio and interaction between both. Fermentation
Composition and Crystallization Time performed during 3 days with various yeast co culture of
yeast tape and bread yeast with stirring ratio and control
Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi*, Iska Yuni Parmanti, Rika Tri (without stirring. Data analyzed by the design of factorial
Yunarti treatment (4x2) and Randomized Block Design (RAK) with
4 repetitions. As the first factor is the ratio of yeast tape
Departemen of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia co-culture and bread yeast consisting of 4 levels, that is
Kaolin (Si/Al ratio~1) has a layered structure (Phylosilicate) 7.5%:7.5%; 10%:5%; 15%:5% and 20%:5%. As a second
that can be used as a raw material for synthesis of factor is done stirring and without stirring. The results of
zeolites, such as NaY zeolite, a faujasite zeolite with Si/Al garlic peels research showed that with the ratio of yeast
ratio of 2-4. In this study, using kaolin as a source of Si and tape 15% : yeast bread 5% with stirring resulting in
Al with the expectation of providing a more affordable optimum bioethanol content at room temperature of
source of Si and Al. Purification and fragmentation of 7.428 ± 0.072 %. While the content of bioethanol for
kaolin were conducted prior to the proses to obtain corncob most optimal is 8.19% at 10% yeast tape ratio and
fraction of silica and alumina source. Sub molten Salt bread yeast 5% with stirring treatment.
System using NaOH was employed with kaolin in which
the NaOH ratio was 2:1. Synthesis of zeolite was carried Keywords: bioethanol, garlic peels, corn cob, yeast,
out through hydrothermal method with a seeding stirring
technique by using mole ratio of (seed gel (5% of Al)):
10.67Na2O: Al2O3: 10SiO2: 180H2O), and variation of
crystallization time was performed at 16 and 24 hours
(labeled as NaY2116 and NaY2124). The results show that
the NaY Zeolite was obtained for NaY2124 with 1037- Komposit Kitosan Suksinat-
mesoporous pore 3.6 nm and Si/Al ratio 3.8. This is Hematit-Kitosan Terlapis TiO2 untuk
supported by the characterization of XRD who can saw the
peak of NaY zeolite, FTIR indicating that the top of the Adsorpsi dan Fotodegradasi Limbah
construction of the secondary peak builder units of double Deterjen
4 and 6 ring who indicated the structure of faujasite on
the wave number 600-500 cm-1 and has a value of 47.61
meq/100gr cation exchange capacity. The as-synthesized Jenus Sara' Bahari
NaY Zeolite could be applied as heterogeneous catalyst in
Department of Chemistry, Mathematics and Science
petroleum refining process.
Faculty, Halu Oleo University

Keywords: fragmentation; kaolin; zeolite; cation Study concerning synthesis and characterization of
exchange; NaY zeolite succinic chitosan-hematite-chitosan composite coated
TiO2 for adsorption and photodegradation detergent
waste was conducted. Composites were synthesized
through coprecipitation, self-assembly and dip-coating decreasing sulphate (SO42-) at 75% concentration of AMD
methods, where hematite (Fe2O3) was precipitated from as media for water plant but the ability of water plant to
leaching solution of iron sand by the addition of NaOH. decreased sulphate is same level. Interaction between
kinds of water plants with concentration of AMD effect
The aims of study were to know characteristics of the
the percentage of decreasing manganese (Mn), L. flava in
material, effects of concentration and contact time 75% concentration of AMD has the percentage of
toward adsorption and photodegradation detergent decreasing manganese which is high rather than E.
waste. The characterization was conducted by FT-IR, X-RD crassipes and N. olera cea in different concentration of
and SEM. FT-IR showed the existence of succinic chitosan, AMD. By considering its ability of growth in AMD, N.
hematite (Fe2O3), chitosan and TiO2 included functional oleracea has a better capability than E. crassipes and L.
groups of Fe-O, O-H, N-H, C=O, C-O, C-C aromatic and flava.
Ti-O. Analysis of XRD showed existence of hematite
Keywords: Phytoremediation, Water Plants, Acid Mine
(Fe2O3) at 2q = 33,35 and 2Ɵ = 25,27 for TiO2. Moreover,
Drainage, Coal
SEM showed the irregular morphology of composite after
coating with TiO2. The result study showed that the
optimum conditions was 40 minutes for adsorption and
degradation. According to adsorption process, adsorption
percentage up to 76% whereas photodegradation process,
degradation percentage up to 93%. 1040- Synthesis and Characterization
Keywords: Succinic Chitosan-Hematite-Chitosan, TiO2,
of ZSM-5 Zeolite from Dealuminated
adsorption, photodegradation, detergent and Fragmented Bayat-Klaten
Natural Zeolite

Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi*, Ira Mahmuda, Rika Tri

1039- Phytoremediation of Coal Yunarti
Mining Water Acid in Pt Bukit Asam Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia
Tanjung Enim South Sumatera Synthesis of ZSM-5 zeolite was conducted using natural
zeolite of Bayat-Klaten by employing fragmentation
Sri Pertiwi Estuningsih* method of sub molten system through breaking zeolite
framework into its monomer in alkaline condition at
Department of Biologi FMIPA University of Sriwijaya 250oC. Prior to fragmentation, one part the zeolite was
treated with dealumination, the other without
The using of some water plants to improve the quality of dealumination, labeled as ZSM-5_a and ZSM-5_wa,
waters which is polluted by acid mine drainage (AMD) respectively. Characterization with FTIR, XRD and EDX
containing sulphate (SO42-) and heavy metal (Fe and Mn) show that the fragmentation was successful, in which the
can be used as one of the ways of biological controls structure of zeolite was damaged and the infrared bands
which is environmental friendly, accurate, effective and due to AlO4 and SiO4 appeared. The synthesis of ZSM-5
efficient. Research about “The Ability Test Several Types was performed hydrothermally using
of Water Plants as the Agents Phytoremediation Acid tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) as a directing
Mine Drainage Coal PT Bukit Asam, Tanjung Enim, South agent of pore structure and addition of LUDOX (40% silica
Sumatera” aims to know the ability of Eichhornia suspension in water). The XRD characterization shows the
crassipes, Limnocharis flava, and Neptunia oleracea in as synthesized materials have the structure of ZSM-5
phytoremediation acid mine drainage coal at many zeolites with high crystallinity. Imaging with SEM shows
concentrations. This research use complete randomly the characteristic of hexagonal ZSM-5 crystals. The BET
plans (CRP) pattern factorial with two factors, they were surface area analysis showed a typical surface area of
water plants (Eichhornia crassipes, Limnocharis flava, and microporous zeolite, 278 m2/g, and pore diameter of
Neptunia oleracea) and concentration of acid mine 1.852 nm; indicating that the ZSM-5 zeolite obtained was
drainage coal (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), every micropore size. The Si/Al ratio of ZSM-5_a and ZSM-5_wa
combination was repeated twice. Based on the data from are 18 and 21, respectively. These results indicate that
the research, Eichhornia crassipes, Limnocharis flava, and Bayat-Klaten natural zeolite can be used as silica and
Neptunia oleracea are potentially as agent of alumina source for high crystalline ZSM-5 with medium
phytoremediation AMD. The high percentage of
Si/Al ratio and having good thermal stability. Thus, these
materials are potential to be tested as fluid hydrocracking
1042- Cellulose Conversion of
Keywords: dealumination; fragmentation; synthesis of Delignified Rice Husk Waste to
zeolites; ZSM-5; natural zeolite Bayat-Klaten
Levulinic Acid Using Hierarchical
Mn3O4/ZSM-5, Mn3O4, and Mn2+
1041-Effect of Molecular Oxygen on
Methane Activation in Partial Yuni Krisyuningsih Krisnandi*, Arnia Putri Pratama, Dyah
Utami Cahyaning Rahayu, Ralentri Pertiwi
Oxidation of Methane Over
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia
NiOx/Hierarchical ZSM-5 Catalyst
Delignified rice husk waste has been converted to levulinic
* acid using Mn-catalysts. Three types of manganese
Akmal Lutfi
compounds as catalysts, hierarchical Mn3O4/ZSM-5
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia zeolite, Mn3O4, and Mn(II) ion. Hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolite
was prepared through double template method, then
Methane is a gas that contributes most to the cause of the modified with Mn3O4 using impregnation method with
greenhouse effect. In this study, methane was catalytically Mn2+ solution follow by calcination at 550C. Prior used,
oxidized to methanol and its derivatives because of its rice husk was being dewaxed and delignified to enrich its
potential to be used as fine chemicals and additives in cellulose content. The reaction was carried out in 200 ml
gasoline. Hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolites modified with nickel three neck-round bottom flask at time variation of 100OC
oxide was used as catalyst. ZSM-5 z (Si/Al ≈ 35) was and 130OC with the rice husk and solution mixture of 40%
synthesized in a hydrothermal vessel by a double template (v/v) phosphoric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide (v/v). As
method in which TPAOH is used as the MFI structure result, hierarchical Mn3O4/ZSM-5 zeolite gave the highest
directing agent and PDDA-M is used as the secondary % yield of levulinic acid for both 130C and 100C (after 8-
template. Analysis with XRD indicates that ZSM-5 crystals hour reaction), 39.75% and 27.60%, respectively. These
have been formed with high crystallinity. SEM images results also are the highest compared to the results
showed the characteristic ZSM-5 crystals. Surface area coming from other two catalysts. To conclude, in this
analysis with BET measurement indicated the presence of reaction, hierarchical Mn3O4/ZSM-5 zeolite gave the
meso-sized pores, characterized by the presence of highest % yield of levulinic acid follow by Mn2+ and
hysteresis loops. Furthermore, impregnation of Ni metal Mn3O4, indicative of hierarchical ZSM-5 as support of
into pores was identified with decreasing surface area Mn3O4 catalyst has important role together with the
from 348.6 m2/g to 330.3 m2/g. Elemental analysis reaction temperature.
showed 2.7% of nickel was loaded in the ZSM-5
framework. The catalytic reaction was carried out in a
Keywords: rice husk; ZSM-5 zeolite; catalyst; conversion;
batch reactor of 200 ml stainless steel vessel at 150°C for
delignification; cellulose; levulinic acid
120 minutes with pressure ratio CH4: N2 or CH4: N2-O2
0.75 bar: 2 bar. Analysis with GC-FID showed that NiOx /
ZSM-5 tends to form a formic acid reaction product in the
presence of oxygen which 2.3% yield of formic acid was
obtained while ZSM-5 as catalyst tends to form methanol
1043- Characterization of Coconut
as the reaction product in the presence of oxygen 22.4%
yield of methanol. Shell Pyrolysis Tar as Renewable Fuel

Keywords: partial oxidation, hierarchical ZSM-5, methane Uswatun Hasanah*

conversion, methane, methanol, formic acid
Brawijaya University
Tar resulted from coconut shell pyrolysis is waste that
necessary to known composition and physical properties
as fuel for economically valuable product developing. Tar
sample consist of two immiscible organic fractions. Both

the fractions was determinated their physical properties 1045- Identification and
include: water content by ASTM D-95 method; ash
content by ASTM D-482 method; flash point C.O.C by Determination of Radioactive
ASTM D-92 method; kinematic viscosity ASTM D-445 Elements in Volcanic Ash of Mount
method and heating value by bomb calorimeter, whereas
tar composition by gas chromatography- spectrometer Sinabung
mass (GC-MS).The result of this research was that both
two fractions was categorized as light bio-oil and heavy
Harlem Marpaung*
bio-oil with each physical properties: specific gravity, 0,99
and 1,13; ash content 0,01 and 0,46 %; kinematic viscosity Departement of Chemistry, University of Sumatera utara
25,5 and 185 cSt; flash point < 27 and 134 C; pH 3 and 2,5;
heating value 10304 and 6210 kcal/kg. Result of analyze The identification and determination of radioactive
by GC-MS show that in the light bio-oil was detected 79 elements in volcanic ash of Mount Sinabung has been
compounds with highest component of phenol 16,4 %, carried out by measuring soil samples taken from several
hydrocarbon compounds of 12,4 %, phenolic of 27,6%, locations using Gamma Spectrometer with HPGe detector.
other oxygenate of 53,6 %, acetic acid of 3%, whereas The radioactive elements found are 232U, 226Ra and 40K
heavy bio-oil was detected 18 compounds with highest with activity concentration of 232U=58,62±2,34,
component of phenol 31,2 %, lauric acid 6,0 %, phenolic 226Ra=20,27±0,96 and 40K=480±12,90 Bq/kg,
of 27,6 % other oxygenat of 35,3 %. respectively. This study aims to evaluate the level of
radioactive elements in soil which useful to establish base
line data after eruption.
Keywords: tar of coconut shell pyrolisis, physical
properties of fuel, shell coconut pyrolysis Keywords: radioactive elements, actively concentration,
spectrometer gamma, volcanic ash, mount Sinabung

1044- Moisture Sorption Isotherm

Characteristics of Fermented Cassava 1047- Optimization of
Flour by Red Yeast Rice Methampetamine Condition in use of
Sabu Sabu Hair Using Optimalization
Margareta Novian Cahyanti* of Gc-Ms Equipment
Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika,
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Zul Alfian*

This study aims to study the characteristics of moisture Department of Chemistry, University of Sumatera Utara
sorption isotherm of fermented cassava flour by red yeast
In 2017 Indonesia is included in a state of emergency
rice at various fitting models and to determine the best
drug. The field of analytical chemistry contributes to the
fitting model. Samples were analyzed at 303K, 308K, and
determination of the level of narcotics in a fast and easy
313K and equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) from 10%-
to implement. This study aims to optimize the preparation
99% using gravimetric method. The experimental data
and extraction techniques on the determination of
were fitted into five equations e.g. Guggenheim-
methamphetamine levels in shabu-shabu user’s hair using
Anderson-de Boer (GAB), Henderson, Halsey, Oswin and
GCMS Technique and optimize the use of GCMS technique
Chen-Clayton model. The best fitting model was analyzed
on the determination of methamphetamine levels in the
using Mean Relative Determination (MRD) analysis. The
shabu-shabu. The equipment used includes equipment
results showed that GAB model was the best fitting model
commonly used in the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry,
for 303K and 308K with MRD coefficient 1.98% and 3.11%.
Henderson model was the best fitting model for 313K with Ultrasonic Bath, and Instrument GCMS. The materials
used are methanol, chloroform, and marquist reagents.
MRD coefficient 3.32%.
The sample used is the hair of narcotic users after 14 days
of usage. The optimization of the extraction process has
Keywords: moisture sorption isotherm, cassava flour, red been carried out and the optimal process obtained after
yeast rice the observation is the methanol-chloroform solvent (1: 1)
using the sonication technique. The qualitative test using
marquist reagents produced a brownish yellow sediment.
Based on the results of qualitative tests with 10 (ten) hair
samples produced brownish yellow deposits that have to 87.665 ppm, tantalum of 1.5% to 3.819 ppm, and
different intensities. And based on the temperature ratio niobium of 2,1% to 23,060 ppm.
of 40 °C, 50 °C, and 60 C there is a difference in
methamphetamine content. In the comparison of Keywords: tin slag II, Tantalum, Niobium, leaching,
Chloroform and Methanol (1: 1) solvents, the Catechin
methamphetamine content is most prevalent at 50 °C
from 10 samples of shabu-shabu user’s hair. While at 40
°C and 60 °C the methamphetamine content of all samples
has much the same. In the ratio of Chloroform and
Methanol solvents 1: 2 and 2: 1 have the same amount of 1051- Study of Fabrication Anodic
methamphetamine at 40 C, 50 C and 60 C. In this test a
modified column with a column length of 60 m is used. It Aluminum Oxide by Using Two Step
is also reinforced by GCMS data wherein obtained amount Anodization Method
of methamphetamine from user's hair ranges from 0.75 to
1.11 ng mg-1.
Akbar Saputro*
Keywords: examination, narcotics, cannabis, shabu-shabu, Chemistry Department, Universitas Indonesia
In this research, modification of aluminum surface by
considering the effect of temperature, electrolyte type,
and voltage using two step anodization method so that on
aluminum surface formed aluminum oxide layer. The
formation of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) used oxalic
acid electrolyte, sulfuric acid electrolyte and electrolyte
1049- Study Interaction of Catechin oxalic acid mixture with sulfuric acid. The optimum
Extract (Camellia sinensis) with conditions in the formation of AAO by using 0.3 M oxalic
acid mixed electrolyte with 0.1 M sulfuric acid obtained
Tantalum and Niobium Gradual pore diameter ± 76.32 nm and pore distance ± 33.56 nm.
Leaching Product of Tin Slags II Variations of voltage are performed to determine the
effect of voltage in pore formation. The use of 25 V
voltage with a concentration of 0.3 M sulfuric acid with a
Widiantari Nofriandani*, Agustino Zulys
pore of ± 57.72 nm and a pore spacing of ± 30.52 nm. The
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia use of 45 V voltage in oxalic acid 0.3 M obtained pore
diameter ± 97.37 nm and pore spacing ± 30.97 nm,
Tin slag II is a by-product of tin processing which contains whereas in 0.3 M oxalic acid mixed electrolyte with 0.1 M
iron oxide, calcium oxide, tantalum oxide, and niobium sulfuric acid was obtained by pore diameter ± 76.32 nm
oxide and the others. Tin slag II has tantalum oxide and and the distance between Pore ± 33.55 nm using only 25 V
niobium oxide levels of 0.33% and 0.64%, respectively. voltage. This shows the addition of sulfuric acid in oxalic
The extractions of Tantalum and Niobium from tin slag II acid gives effect to the voltage used to give effect in the
were performed using gradual leaching method with 6 M formation of anodic aluminum oxide.
sodium hydroxide followed by addition of 3.25 M
hydrochloric acid and the resultant mixtures was left for
Keywords: aluminum, two step anodization, and anodic
15 minutes at 50 C. Then, leaching was continued using aluminum oxide
fluoride acid with variated concentration, this resulted in
optimum concentration of fluoride at 4 M with
concentration of tantalum and niobium of 3.879 ppm and
23.109 ppm and most dominant impurities constituent
iron of 99.879 ppm which characterized using Microwave
Plasma -AES. The isolation of catechin from green tea leaf
Camellia sinensis was conducted as well. Isolated catechin
was used as a complexing agent for Tantalum and
Niobium so that the impurities in tin slag II can be more
easily extracted. However, it can be seen that the
catechins are more likely to bind to iron which is
impurities on tin slag II compared to Tantalum and
Niobium, based on decrease in iron concentration by 12%

5052- Extraction and and adsorption. Manufacture of additives based on US
Pat. 5.826.369. Where, chlorophyll and carotene extract is
Preconcentration of Zinc(II) Ion by mixed with Fame and solvent (xylene and gasoline) in a
Fatty Hydroxamic Acids Immobilized particular composition. The characterization of pigment
was performed using UV-Vis spectroscopy. In this study,
onto Zeolit there were 3 variations of additive with ratio of
chlorophyll and carotene extract are (0: 1), (3: 1) and (2: 3)
to be formulated in gasoline. Performance testing of
Dedy Suhendra*, Erin Ryantin Gunawan, Firman Ozaki
additives in gasoline include the physical-chemical
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and properties, octane number and exhaust emissions,
Science, University of Mataram including hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide. The results showed the addition of additives from
Mining in Indonesia contributes significantly to mineral chlorophyll and carotene extract into gasoline which can
supplies nationally, but illegal mining activities can cause give rise octane number of gasoline seen in additive with
natural destruction, habitat loss and loss of biodiversity. ratio (2: 3) with small increase (0,3%). However, the
This is because only the main metal, which is the gold results of the analysis of the hydrocarbons composition of
taken while the other metal is discharged into the drain as the formulated gasoline (paraffin, iso-paraffin, aromatic
waste. One of the metal ions to be waste is the zinc(II) ion. and olefin) showed that the additive with the ratio of
A method of zinc(II) ion extraction from other ions by chlorophyll and carotene (2: 3) gave the highest increase
using a column containing fatty hydroxamic acids – loaded in olefin content (22.9%). The results of emission test
zeolit (FHA-Zeo) is described. Several factors, which affect showed that the use of additives with a ratio of carotene
the extraction efficiency such as pH, sample volume, and greater than chlorophyll in gasoline can reduce
concentration of eluent and flow rate, have been Hydrocarbon emissions by 30.9%. These results indicate
investigated. The maximum sorption capacity of FHA-zeo that the use of additives with the ratio of chlorophyll and
obtained was 88.38 mgg-1. A quantitative recovery of carotene (2: 3) can improve the performance of gasoline
zinc(II) ion from FHA-zeo column was obtained using 10% fuel better than 2 other additives. The blending results of
HNO3 solutions as eluent with a preconcentration factor of all additives with gasoline, showed no significant change
60. A method for separation of zinc(II) from lead(II) is in physical-chemical properties.
proposed. A rapid sample throughput, a clean separation,
a high preconcentration factor and simplicity are the main Keywords: chlorophyll, carotene, gasoline, octane
advantages in these analytical procedures. booster, exhaust emission

Keywords: Fatty Hydroxamic Acids, Zeolit, FHA-Zeo,


1063- Characterization of Lack Signal

Peptida Lipase from Compost
1054- Utilization of Natural Metagenome
Compounds (Chlorofil and Caroten
Extract) Nurhasanah Husin1*, Fida Madayanti Warganegara2,
Akhmaloka Missana3
Emi Yuliarita1*, Hairrunisa1, Agustino Zulys2 Department Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Science, University of Lampung
1 2
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Minyak Department Chemistry FMIPA ITB
dan Gas Bumi ”LEMIGAS” Department Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Computer,
Departemen Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia Universitas Pertamina

Generally, octane booster additives of gasoline that have a Lipase is one hydrolase enzyme that has an important role
good effect increase come from organometallic in the biotechnology industries. This is due to its ability to
compounds such as TEL and MMT. Alternative substitutes catalyze multiple organic reactions such as hydrolysis,
of TEL and MMT as octane booster additives should be esterification, interesterification, transesterification and
sought for environmental considerations. In this study synthesis reactions. Research for inventing novel lipase
used vegetable materials are extracts of chlorophyll from with unique properties is still being carried out by using
water hyacinth (eceng gondok) and carotene extract from several approaches. One of the method is by
CPO. The methods used in the extraction are Maceration
metagenomics approach which is directly amplifying lipase (FTIR). The result revealed that equilibrium time is found
gene from natural resources. The lack signal peptide lipase to be 2 hours in the form of spherical shaped particles,
is a lipase from compost obtained by metagenome porous structure with cracks and crevices. Infrared
approach, encodes 280 amino acids with molecular mass spectral data supported the presence of functional group
at around 31 KDa. This lipase shows 97% identity at amino in activated carbon. The possible mechanism of
acid level with lipase from Pseudomonas stutzeri adsorption on these absorbents has also been included to
(AID66451.1) strain BK-AB12. Here we report, attempt providing the future perspective of low cost
characteristic of lack signal peptide lipase. The method adsorbents that effectively removes PAHs from aqueous
includes production of lack signal peptide lipase in environment.
Escherichia coli BL21 cells to obtain crude extract.
Characterization was performed on crude extracts Keywords: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, activated
including determination of optimum pH, temperature and carbon, rice husk
substrate specificity. The results showed that lack signal
peptide lipase has an optimum activity at pH 8,
temperature 90 ° C. This lipase showed activity at various
length of carbon chain with optimum activity to
paranitrophenil myristate (p-NPM) substrate.

Keywords: Lipase, Metagenome, Compost, 1070- Crude Extract of Keratinase

Characterization from a Newly Isolated Pseudomonas
Sp Exhibits Dehairing Activity of Goat
1067- Preparation of Activated
Suharti Suharti*, Laila Badriyah, Hizkia Putraasa, Surjani
Carbon Derived from Rice Husk for Wonorahardjo, Evi Susanti
Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic
Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Malang
Hydrocarbons in Aqueous Solution
An indigenous soil bacterium was isolated from
Indonesian soil. Base on its 16S rRNA gene sequence the
Rinawati* bacterium was identified as Pseudomonas sp. The isolate
showed capability of degrading 52.99 % mass of whole
Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematic and
chicken feather within 5 days under submerge
Natural Science University of Lampung
fermentation condition using 1% whole chickens feather
Water pollution due to organic contaminants such as as a sole carbon and nitrogen source. About 5 U/ml crude
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is a serious issue extract exhibits an effective dehairing of goat skin for 48
because of high toxicities, mutagenic and carcinogenic. h. The result indicated the bacterium as a potential
Among various water treatment methods, adsorption candidate for application in leather industry to avoid
could be a promising technique for removing organic pollution problems due to the use of chemicals.
pollutant from aqueous environment. Many agricultural
waste materials used include fruit wastes, sugar cane Keywords: keratinase, Pseudomonas sp, dehairing
bagasse, coconut shell, wood ash and rice husk have
prospective future to be utilized as bio sorbent due to
their cost effectiveness, abundant availability, high bio
sorption capacity and renewability. The main objectives of
this study were to prepare activated carbon derived from
rice husk, and to ascertain the potential of adsorbent for
removal PAHs in aqueous solution. The activated rice
husk activated carbon was activated by impregnating rice
husk with phosphate acid, and then was heated at
carbonizations temperature of 300 C. Effects of dose
adsorbent, pH, and contact time on adsorption of PAHs
have been examined. Physical characterization of the
activated carbon obtained was performed by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform Infrared

1071- Synthesis of Sorbitan Fatty 1073- The Anti-Fungal Effect of
Acid Esters as Ligand for Zn2+ and Candida Albican cause "Candidiasis"
Pb2+ Metal Ions in Industrial Sludge in Various of Liquid Substances with
from Tegal Zno Nanoparticles and TiO2
Combination as Active Ingredients
Raedhita Arya Kanigoro*, Agustino Zulys, Misri Gozan
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia Evi Maryanti*

Sorbitan fatty acid ester is a surfactant made from Department chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
esterification reaction of sorbitan and fatty acid. Sorbitan Natural Sciences, The University of Bengkulu
stearate and sorbitan oleate have a potential as metal
ligand due to their hydroxyl groups and because of their
A liquid soap formulation study was made from a
non-polar properties. In this research, synthesis of
combination of ZnO nanoparticles and TiO2 to overcome
sorbitan stearate and sorbitan oleate were carried out
Candida albicans fungus by varying ZnO nanoparticles and
using sorbitol and catalyzed by H2SO4 and NaOH. Synthesis
TiO2 at various concentrations. This study aims to see the
of both sorbitan esters were done in two steps, the first
anti-fungal effects of ZnO nanoparticles and TiO2 after
step was dehydration of sorbitol and then esterification.
formulated into liquid soap. Liquid soaps are made using
The products of the reaction were characterized using
TEA soap bases, stearic acid and glycerin. Antifungal test
FTIR and the acid values were also evaluated. Later on, the
of Candida albicans fungus with disc diffusion method.
sorbitan esters ability to bind with metal ions was studied
Evaluation of liquid soaps includes organoleptic test,
using AAS to analyze the concentration of metal ion
determination of density, viscosity examination, pH test,
solution. The complex formation study was done with
and anti-fungal effect test. The results showed that ZnO
Job’s Method using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. We also
nanoparticles and TiO2 were formulations in liquid soap
studied the use of sorbitan esters as ligand for metal ions
form and were physically stable. The anti-fungal effect
in solution of industrial sludge from Tegal. The sorbitan
test showed that F4 with ZnO concentration of 2.5% had
ester products has acid values of 25,45 mg/g and 65,9
strong anti-fungal activity with 12.4 mm inhibition
mg/g for sorbitan stearate and sorbitan oleate
respectively, with 14,94% and 33,19% free fatty acids.
Compared to sorbitan oleate and Span 80, the sorbitan
stearate product has the best potential to be use as Keywords: -
ligand, as it can bind up to 30,5% of Zn2+ ion and 42% of
Pb2+ ion from destruction solution of Tegal’s industrial
sludge with the optimum condition: contact time 2 s, pH
1, and metal : ligand volume ratio is 2 : 1.
1075- Green Synthesis of SnO2
Keywords: sorbitan esters, sorbitol, esterification, Nanoparticles in Aqueous Leaves
dehydration, ligand, Zn2+, Pb2+
Extracts of Kalanchoe Pinnata by
Hydrothermal Method

Asdim*, Evi Maryanti, Faisal Hadi

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu
The used of aqueous leaves extracts of Kalanchoe Pinnata
as medium in the synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles by
hydrothermal method has been carried out at moderate
conditions. SnO2 nanoparticles as synthesized were
characterized by an X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) and a
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). From the pattern of
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), all products yielded phase pure
SnO2 nanocrystals. All diffraction peaks indicated that no
impurity peaks can be observed which indicating the high
purity of the SnO2 nanocrystals. The Scanning Electron 1083- Synthesis of Sorbitan Oleate
Microscope (SEM) image observation showed the
different morphology of SnO2 nanoparticles synthesized from Sorbitol as Iron Adsorbent and
with and without extracts in the solution. Comparative Capacity of Adsorption
Keywords: nanoparticles, SnO2, kalanchoe pinnata, on Pectin

Muhammad Arif Darmawan1*, Agustino Zulys1, Misri

Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia
1080- The Breast of Anticancer From 2
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz),
Pollution of heavy metal such as iron is harmful to the
Sao Pedro Petro Varietie of Cell Line
environment and the health of living thigs. The method
In MCF 7 used in heavy metal adsorption was adsorbent such as
bio-sorbents and synthetic adsorbents. In this research,
sorbitan oleate was used as an iron (III) adsorbent which
Diana Widiastuti1*, Ade Heri Mulyati1, Unang Supratman2
aims to determine the adsorption capacity of iron(III) with
Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA, Universitas Pakuan sorbitan oleate and its ratio to pectin. The synthesis of
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Padjajaran sorbitan oleate is carried out in two stages: dehydration of
sorbitol into sorbitan and esterification of sorbitan with
oleic acid to form sorbitan oleate. Sorbitan and sorbitan
This research examines cytotoxic effect of cassava oleates can be distinguished by FTIR characterization. The
(manihot esculenta crantzs) to inhibit growth of MCF 7 greater the synthesis time, the acid number of sorbitan
breast cancer cell. The study using cassava (Manihot oleic synthesis is smaller and the FTIR spectrum closer to
esculenta Crantz) Sao Pedro Petro varietie. Cassava was commercial sorbitan oleate. Adsorption of iron (III) ions
first extracted by five different solvents including ethanol, with sorbitan oleate and pectin was carried out at
hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol and water to cytotoxic test temperature variations (20 °, 30 °, 40 °, 50 ° Celsius), time
by MTT (methyl tetrazolium test) assay. The results were (30-180 min), and pH (4, 5, 6, 8, 9). There was found an
indicated that butanol extract of cassava Sao Pedro Petro optimum condition for sorbitan oleate at 20 °C, 30
has Inhibition concentration (IC50) 1,07 g/L is potentially minutes, and pH 4; While for pectin at 20 °C, 90 min and
prevent the growth of MCF 7 breast cancer cell. The pH 5. Adsorption isotherms iron(III) with sorbitan oleate
author recommends to identify active compound to study and pectin both follow Freundlich adsorption isotherms
inhibition mechanism. with adsorption capacity of iron (III) with sorbitan oleate
and pectin respectively are 1.193 and 0.8304 The
Keywords: Cassava, Sao Pedro Petro varietie, Cytotoxic, interaction of iron (III) ions with sorbitan oleate has a
MCF 7 cell line, Breast Cancer stronger interaction than pectin. Complex Compound
between Fe (III) with sorbitan oleate is [Fe2(Sorbitan

Keywords: Iron; Sorbitan Oleate; Pectin; Freundlich

Isotherm, Job Method

1084- Synthesis of Methyl Cinnamat as variable of reaction. Several characterization
techniques of HAp were done to analyze the
Derivatives as Anticancer Candidate hydroxyapatite synthesized. The XRD pattern of
hydroxyapatite synthesized revealed that HAp can be
produced using both of the solvents. The specific peak of
Dwi Marwati Siswanti*
HAp appeared. The Schererr equation was used to
Chemistry Departement, Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar estimate the crystal size of HAp prepared, and the result
proved that nano-crystalline of HAp can be produced. The
Synthesis of methyl cinnamate derivatives have been functional group of hydroxyapatite compounds was also
performed to increase its biological activity in the search analyzed by FTIR instrument. The hydroxyapatite obtained
for anti-cancer agents. Synthesis begins with the reaction have characteristics band exhibited in sample spectra. For
of hydrolysis of methyl cinnamate to cinnamic acid to analyzing the morphology and specific surface area were
increase functional group reactivity. This reaction yields done by SEM-EDX respectively. The synthesized HAp can
70% yield. The resulting sinnamic acid will then be used be a potential material for several applications.
for further reactions. This second-stage reaction uses an
amidation method with p-toluensulfonic acid catalyst
Keywords: CaO, Geloina Coaxans shell, solvents
(pTSA) and aniline addition, yielding N, 3-diphenyl-3
(phenylamino) propanamide with 3.2% yield. Other
second-stage reactions use N, N dicyclohexyl carbodiimide
(DCC) and N, N4-dimethyl amino pyridine (DMC) catalysts
as activators to produce compounds that resemble
dimeric cinnamates (1E, 4E) 1.5 diphenylpenta-1,4-dien -
1088- Isolation of Β-Chitosan from
3-one with 7.8% yield. Toxicity test of methyl sinnamate, Squid Bone as Raw Material to
acetic acid, N, 3-diphenyl-3 (phenylamino) propanamide
and (1E, 4E) 1.5 diphenylpenta-1,4-dien-3-one using brine
Synthesize Hybrid Photocatalists
shrimp lethality test (BSLT) LC50 respectively 144.21; TiO2-Chitosan
169.82; 65,17; And 93.95 ppm. The result of cytotoxicity
test using MTL method on HeLa cell (ATCC CCL2) on N, 3-
diphenyl-3 (phenylamino) propanamide and (1E, 4E) 1.5 Risfidian Mohadi*, Nurlisa Hidayati, Aldes Lesbani
diphenylpenta-1,4-dien-3-one obtained IC50 133, 12 and Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
5.94 ppm. Methyl cinnamate derivatives have higher Science, Sriwijaya University, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera
activity with increasing lipophilic properties. 30622, INDONESIA

Keywords: methyl cinnamate Synthesis of hybrid photocatalyst of TiO2-chitosan has

been done. Chitosan as a raw material was chitosan-β
obtained from chitosan isolation from squid bone.
Chitosan from squid bone has a soft structure and very
little to contain minerals and other impurities so easily
obtained. Hybrid photocatalyst TiO2-chitosan was
1085- Preparation of Hydroxyapatite synthesized by a sol-gel method in which the
using Geloina Coaxans Shell in incorporation of chitosan as a supporting material and
TiO2 having a function as a photocatalytic agent was
Various Solvents dispersed on the β-chitosan surface. The hybrid of TiO2-
chitosan photocatalysts was characterized by FTIR and
Pepi Helza Yanti* SEM/EDX shows the functional groups and surface
morphologies of hybrid photocatalyst TiO2-chitosan
Department of Chemistry FMIPA - University of Riau covered by uniformly distributed TiO2 nanoparticles. The
Pekanbaru FTIR spectrum showed the O-Ti-O absorption bands at the
wavenumber of 678.98 cm-1 and the typical absorption of
A comparative study of synthesis hydroxyapatite (HAp) chitosan the -OH at the wavenumbers of 3425.58 cm-1,
from Geloina coaxans shell and KH2PO4 as precursors has 3834.49 cm-1, and 3873.06 cm-1, respectively.
been investigated. The major purpose of this work was to
learn the effect of solvents on synthesis hydroxyapatite.
The calcium oxide (CaO) was obtained after calcinating Keywords: chitosan-β, photocatalyst, TiO2, sol-gel
Geloina coaxans shell at 1000 C for 12 hours. method, nanoparticles
Hydroxyapatite has been prepared with ratio Ca/P= 1.67
and pH was adjusted at 10, the stirring time was selected

1089- Synthesis and Characterization 1093- A new bisbenzylisoquinoline
of Membrane Support from Al-Cu alkaloid from the roots of
Pillared Clay Pycnarrhena cauliflora with cytotoxic
Adi Darmawan*, Siti Shafalisa
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Sciences and Masriani Masriani*
Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Tembalang,
Chemistry Department, Universitas Tanjungpura
A new bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, 6-methoxy, 6’,7,12-
The manufacture of membrane support from the Al-Cu
trihidroxy berbamane was isolated from the roots of
pillared clay has been conducted. Al-Cu pillared clay was
Pycnarrhena cauliflora. The structure was established by
made by mixing Al-Cu pillared solution into clay
spectroscopic methods, including HR-ESI-MS, FT-IR, and
suspension. The molar ratio of Al and Cu was 8:2 whereas
NMR techniques. The compound exhibited potent
the molar ratio [OH]/[Cu+Al] = 2.2. The clay suspension
cytotoxic activities against five human cancer cell lines
was dried at 60°C for 5 hours and then calcined at 200°C,
(T47D, MCF-7, HeLa, Raji, and WiDr) with IC50 value less
300°C and 400°C for 4 hours with a ramp rate of 1°C/min.
than 4 μg/mL and high selectivity with SI more than 3.
The resulting pillared clay was then characterized by XRD
and GSA and molded into membrane support. Membrane
support was then tested for dye filtration. The X-Ray Keywords: Pycnarrhena cauliflora, bisbenzylisoquinoline
Diffraction (XRD) results showed that the natural clay had alkaloid, cytotoxic activity
a basal spacing (d001) of 15.08 Å. While the pillared clays
had basal spacing of 17.34 Å, 16.05 Å, 16.37 Å and 15.62 Å
for heating temperature of 60°C, 200°C, 300°C and 400°C
respectively. However, the diameter of the Al-Cu pillared
clay was (38 Å) which was greater than that of natural clay 1096- Antibacterial and Xanthin
(34 Å). Meanwhile, the surface area of membrane support Oxidase Inhibition Power of Peanut
was 50.48 m2/g that was almost the same as natural clay
of 52.45 m2/g. The methylene blue filtration process (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Peel Ethanol
showed the clear-color filtration results in all Extract
concentrations. Measurements using the UV-Vis
spectrophotometer produced a rejection value of up to
99.92% and increased as concentration enlarged. Subandi Subandi*
Meanwhile, the water flux value was up to 3.51 x10-6 Kg Chemistry Department, Faculty of Math and Science, State
min-1 and decreased with the increasing of concentration. Univ. of Malang
Based on this research, Al-Cu pillared clay could be used
as base material of membrane support especially for The aims of this study are to determine the types of
ultrafiltration and when applied as filter, it could get secondary metabolite compounds, antibacterial and
filtration purity up to 99.9%. xanthine oxidase inhibitory power of peanut skin extract.
Research subjects were epidermis and outer peel of
Keyword: - peanut seed. The research stages include peel preparation
and ethanol extraction, phytochemical test, antibacterial
and inhibition test. The results showed that peanut
epidermis extract contained tannins, polyphenols,
flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids, and peanut outer
peel has the same content, except tannins. At the
concentration of 100 ppm, the antibacterial activity of
peanut peel extracts was proportional to amoxicillin, while
the inhibitory power of epidermis and peanut outer peel
extracts of 100 ppm are equivalent to 12 and 14 ppm
allopurinol, respectively.

Keywords: Antibacterial, xanthine oxidase inhibitor,

peanut peel extract

1097- The Influence of Distillation 1100- Preparation and Effect of
Time on Component Profile of Adipic Acid on Local Shellac
Essential Oil of Key Lime (Citrus Modification Based on Material
aurantifolia (Christm.&Panz.) Packaging
Swingle) Leaves and Its Antibacterial Nanik Dwi Nurhayati1*, Karna Wijaya2, Triyono3, Eddy
Activity Against Staphylococcus Heraldy4

Aureus 1 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret

Rurini Retnowati1*2, Sutrisno Sutrisno1,2, Suratmo 2,3Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Gadjah
Suratmo1, Aulya Vidiana Ingeswari1 Mada University
4Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Sebelas
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Maret University
Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia Jln. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta
LCAMIA-Research Group, Brawijaya University, Malang,
Indonesia email:
The research aimed to isolate and characterize the
This research has aimed to preparation of local shellac
essential oil of Key Lime (Citrus aurantifolia
local and study to effect of succinic anhydride to local
(Christm.&Panz.) Swingle) leaves, to determine the
shellac modification. Shellac is the purified product of the
influence of steam-water distillation time to the yield and
natural polymer seedlac. It is resinous secretion of the
the main component of those essential oil, and to
insect Kerria lacca. Impurities on local shellac are removed
compare the component profiles. Isolation process was
by the method of extraction. Hydrolysis was done by
done by using steam-water distillation method for 3, 5, 7,
dissolving shellac into NaOH solution and acidification
and 9 hours. Characterization of physical properties of its
with HCl. Polyesterification was conducted by reacting
oil included color, refractive index, and density. The
hydrolized shellac with adipic acid used solid state
essential oil components were analyzed using Gas
reaction method. Than shellac were analyzed by intrinsic
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). The
viscosity, acid value and Fourier Tranform Infrared.The
antibacterial activity against S. aureus were carried out by
result showed with the extraction method will be
disc diffusion method. The results showed that the
obtained shellac derived from local seedlac.
essential oils yield obtained at each time distillation
Polyesterification throught shellac with adipic acid solid
respectively were 0.098, 0.090, 0.10 and 0.13 %. The Key
state reaction method, increase concentration of adipic
lime leaves essential oil are pale yellow with a refractive
acid on shellac have decreased instrinsic viscosity and acid
index of 1.473; 1.471; 1.468 and 1.474. The density of its
value. Analysis Fourier Tranform Infrared shows the
oils obtained at 0.87, 0.78, 0.76 and 0.78 g/mL.
spectra on absorption of the C=O ester groups is stronger
Characterization using GC-MS showed 16 -17 components
indicated by absorption of C-O ester groups was stronger
for each distillation time with limonene as the main
too and absorption of the O-H groups is weaker while
compound. In addition, the five components that change
absorption of the C-H groups is relatively stable.
the relative level are methyl heptenone, β-ocimene, neral,
geranial and geranyl acetate. The highest content of
Keywords: preparation, modification, shellac, adipic acid,
limonene (53.62 %) was obtained at the time distillation of
solid state reaction
7 hours. The antibacterial activity of its essential oil is
classified as susceptible category (25.98 mm). The
distillation time influences the yield, component profile,
and antibacterial activity of Key lime leaves essential oil.

Keywords: essential oil, steam-water, Citrus aurantifolia,

limonene, disc diffusion, Staphylococcus aureus

1102- QSAR, Molecular Docking and 1104- An Efficient Method on
Dynamics Studies of Pyrrolo[2,3- Acetylation of Eugenol with Acetic
b]pyridine Derivatives as Bruton’s Anhydride Catalyzed by Sodium or
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Potassium Bicarbonates

Muhammad Arba* I Made Sudarma*

Chemistry Department, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of
Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) is involved in multiple
signaling pathways downstream of the B cell receptor and The purpose of this study was to develop an efficient
Fc receptor, which is identified as an attractive drug target method to synthesize acetyl eugenol. Acetyl eugenol has
of cancer. The aims of this study were to develop a model been used in cosmetics as masking agent, in biscuit and
of Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) of vanilla flavors. Acetyl eugenol was prepared smoothly in
some pyrrolo(2,3-b)pyridine suitable for prediction of good yield by esterification of phenolic group of eugenol
pyrrolo(2,3-b)pyridine derivatives as potential inhibitor of with acetate anhydride in the presence of sodium or
Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK). The small molecules were potassium bicarbonates. A variety of bicarbonate catalysts
divided into training and test set. The selection and such as NaHCO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3 were investigated in
calculation of suitable descriptors was performed by using O-acetylation of eugenol to afford eugenil acetate (84%),
molecular operating environment (MOE 2009.10), while (72%), and (88%) respectively. Structures of all the
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)was used to generate products have been established by spectral and GC-MS
QSAR models. The QSAR models and their validation were analysis data.
performed by statistical application program. The results
revealed that the validated QSAR model is pIC50 = 19.402 Keywords: Acetylation, eugenol, eugenil acetate, sodium
+ 0.00006(AM1_E) + 3.019(AM1_HOMO) - 0,0423(Apol) - carbonates, potassium carbonate, acetic anhydride
0,0336(LogP) + 0.102(vol). The model satisfies the
statistical criteria with correlation coefficient, leave-one-
out validation coefficient, fischer value, and external
validation of 0.944, 0.740, 14.873, and 0.792, respectively.
Using the validated QSAR model, novel compounds were 1105- Green Composites of Natural
proposed. Six new compounds which have lower IC50
were docked into the active site of BTK, in which one of Fiber bamboo/Pineapple
them demonstrate higher affinity than the existing Leaf/Coconut Husk as Hybrid
pyrrolo(2,3-b) pyridine derivative. To check stability of the
new compounds in the active site of BTK, a 30-ns Materials
molecular dynamics simulation are being performed.
Harry Agusnar*
Keywords: Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase; pyrrolo(2,3-
b)pyridine; qsar; docking; molecular dynamics Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematic and
Natural Science (FMIPA) Universitas Sumatera Utara-
Medan 20155
Natural fiber reinforced polymer composite materials
have been investigated for mechanical properties using by
Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and structures of the
fractured surfaces through optical and electron
microscopy scanning with materials from natural fiber
synthesis are bamboo fiber, pineapple leaf and coconut
fiber mixed in polyester resin to be a hybrid composite
material to see the best characteristics of tensile test
properties. Mixing of natural fibers (filler) with polyester
(matrix) has been developed as a renewable material. The
results showed that the incorporation of bamboo-
pineapple leaf-husk fiber have optimum tensile strength
value 366 Mpa with flexural strength 0.302 Mpa. This is

due to the presence of bamboo fiber has a high content of 1107- X-Ray Diffraction Analysis on
cellulose that can to replace the failure in pineapple leafs
and coconut fiber and make the hybrid composites not Effect of Time Reaction and Alkali
only as a strong material but biodegradable too. Concentration in Merlinoite
Keywords: Flexural Strength, Hybrid Composite, Natural Eddy Heraldy*
Fiber, SEM, Tensile Strength
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

This research objective is to determine the effect of time

1106- Anomalous negative thermal reaction and alkali concentration on the synthesis of
expansion of ice from Gruneisen merlinoite. The synthesis of merlinoite was performed by
hydrothermal method with variation of reaction time in 8,
parameter 12, 24 hours and various concentration at 1, 3, 5M. The
quantitative X-Ray Diffraction (QXRD) was performed on
Lukman Hakim1*, Masakazu Matsumoto2, Hideki Tanaka2 product using Le Bail refinement method. Characterization
XRD shows the highest crystallinity of the product was
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Brawijaya obtained at 3M of alkali concentration in 8 hours’ reaction
University time. The refinement result revealed 3 other phase such
Research Inst. for Interdisciplinary Science., Okayama as quartz, mullite, and tobermorite.
University, Okayama, Japan
Keywords: Fly ash, Le Bail refinement, Merlinoite, X-ray
Regardless of its simple molecular structure, water Diffraction
exhibits many anomalous properties and rich crystalline
phases that consist of at least eighteen different
morphologies of crystals in its pure state. In this work, we
report the presence of anomalous negative thermal
expansion of low-density ice VI/2 as opposed to the 1108- Growth retardation of
absence of such properties in the high-density ice VI, using
only the evaluation of intermolecular interaction
Saccharomyces cerevisiae by noni
potentials. The thermal expansivity is quantified from fruit (Morinda citrifolia) extract
Helmholtz free energy which is the sum of potential
energy of the quenched structure, the harmonic free occurred in G1 to S transition of the
energy, and the residual entropy arising from the cell cycle
disordered nature of protons. The results show that the
negative characteristic arises from Gruneisen parameter Hermansyah1*, Susilawati2, Herlina3 and Minetaka
contribution from low-frequency normal modes which Sugiyama4
correspond to bending vibration.
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Sriwijaya
Keywords: Computational Chemistry; Theoretical 2
Medical Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya
Chemistry; Physical Chemistry 3
Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Sriwijaya
Division of Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of

We previously reported that methanolic extract of noni

fruit (Morinda citrifolia) can inhibit growth of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This finding suggested that
noni fruit has anti-proliferative effect. Previous data based
upon FACS (Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting) showed
that growth of S.cerevisiae inhibited in G1 to S transition
phase in the presence of 3% methanolic extract of noni
fruit. Further analysis to explore genes involved in this
slow transition step, we conducted real time PCR.
Expression some genes changed in especially in the
presence of 3% methanolic extract of noni fruit.
Transcriptional level of gene CDC28 (cyclin dependent
kinase-28), CLN2, CLN3, and SWI6 changed 2.25, 2.79,
4.87 and 7.21 folds, respectively. This data suggested that
over transcription of those gene inhibit cell cycle 1110- The comparison activity of
progression. CDC28 is master regulator of mitotic and Ni/Al2O3-ZrO2 and Cu/Al2O3-ZrO2 on
meiotic cell cycles, CLN2 and CLN3 are G1 cyclin which
play an important role in regulation of cell cycle, and SWI6 the hydrogenation of phenol in water
is transcription cofactor where forms complexes with solvent
SWI4 and MBP1 in regulation of transcription at G1 to S
phase transition.
Siti Mariyah Ulfa*
Keywords: Morinda citrifolia, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
G1 phase, Anti-proliferative Chemistry Department, Brawijaya University

Recently, biomass becomes promising renewable energy

source material since its content with cellulose,
hemicellulose, and lignin as a carbon source. Degradation
1109- Peer Tutor Method to improve of these carbohydrate polymers gives phenolic
compounds, such as alkylated-phenols, guaiacols,
Student Activity in Course of syringols etc. Due to the high oxygen contents, these
Evaluation Process and Results of compounds cannot be directly used as bio-derived oil.
Attempt to be made to deoxygenate oxygen and reduce
Studying Chemistry alkene moieties to get saturated hydrocarbon. Here, we
propose the hydrogenation reaction of phenol using
Dedeh Kurniasih* Ni/Al2O3-ZrO2 and Cu/Al2O3-ZrO2 into saturated alkane as
bio-oil precursors. The catalysts were prepared by
Departement of Chemistry Education, Muhammadiyah impregnated Ni(NO3)2.6H2O and Cu(NO3)2.3H2O into Al2O3-
Pontianak University ZrO2 metal oxide, calcined and reduced at 500C. The
activity of catalysts was then tested for hydrogenation of
The student learning outcomes in the course of evaluation phenol in a batch reaction using water solvent. The
process and results of studying chemistry are in enough reaction temperature varied from 150C, 180C, and
category. This is due to the method of learning that has
200C. Surprisingly, the reaction at 150C using Ni/Al2O3-
been used centered on lecturers so that student’s
ZrO2 gave 2-cyclohexene-1-one as sole products. However,
activeness during learning is low. This study aims to
by using Cu(NO3)2.3H2O the reaction at 180oC gave the
improve the learning process by applying peer tutor
similar compound in different ratio. Here we suggested
methods to improve student activity. This study is a
that partial hydrogenation of phenol selectively occurred
classroom action research and the subjects are students
in lower reaction temperature. The further investigation
who take courses evaluation process and results of
related to the variation of reaction time is under
studying chemistry. The data in this study were collected
using observation method. The results of the observations
were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The
Keywords: hydrogenation, phenol, catalyst, bio-fuels
results showed that there is an increase in student activity
in learning using peer tutor method. Therefore, it can be
concluded that peer tutor learning method can improve
student activity.

Keywords: student activities; evaluation process, peer

tutor methods

1113- Determination of Morphine in handle phenol waste is photocatalysis. This study aims to
examine the effect of pH and the duration of irradiation
White Rats Blood (Rattus Norvegicus) on the degradation of phenol compounds using TiO2-
Using Gcms Chitosan thin film photocatalysts. The synthesis of thin
layer photocatalysts was prepared by dip-coating method
on glass preparation media. TiO2 is characterized by XRD
Muhammad Taufik1*, Rid Wanto2, Harlem Marpaung3, Zul
and SEM. TiO2-Chitosan thin photocatalyst activity was
Alfian3, Hamlan Na'im1, Mariany Razali1
tested using 100 mg / L phenol solution with pH 4, 6, 8,
1 10, and 12 on UV irradiation. In the study of the effect of
Prodi Farmasi STIKes Nurliana (Stikna) Medan
2 radiation duration, the time used was 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Prodi Famasi UMN Al Wahliyah Medan
3 hours at the optimum phenol pH that is pH 8. Phenol
Pascasarjana Kimia USU Medan
concentration was determined by UV-Vis
spectrophotometer at wavelength 269.7 nm. The XRD
Morphine is an opioid analgesic that binds to the Central
characterization results show that TiO2 is used in anatase
Nervous System receptor that affects the perception and
structure. The SEM results show that TiO2 has a hollow
response to pain. According to RI Law no. 35 Year 2009,
surface structure. Based on statistical test results obtained
morphine belongs to the narcotic section of class II which
information that the optimum pH of phenol is pH 8, and
is commonly used in therapy and scientific development
duration of optimum irradiation obtained at the 5th hour
which has high potential to be misused and can cause
with degradation of 33.85%.
dependence. In 2017, Indonesia proclaimed as one of the
countries of emergency Drugs so it takes the help of
Keywords: degradation, photocatalyst, thin layer TiO2-
collaborative thinking in the field of Forensic Chemistry,
Chitosan, phenol, UV rays
especially for identification of drugs in the laboratory. This
study aims to determine morphine compounds contained
in the blood of male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) that
have been injected using GCMS. Descriptive method was
developed by extraction process using methanol and
chloroform solvent (1: 1) and experimental method was 1116- Colorimetric Analysis of
developed by performing treatment of morphine Hypochlorite Ion by Using Ag
concentration injected with concentration 0%, 1%, 2%,
3%, 4 % and 5%. Injection was performed subcutaneously Nanoparticles
and blood sampling after 3 (three) hours after injection.
The qualitative identification using the marquis reagents Roto* and Savytri I.D. Puspitasari
yields morphine at 0% is negative, at 1%, 2% and 3% are +
(slightly), and at 4% and 5% are ++ (moderate). Department of Chemistry Universitas Gadjah Mada
Identification using GCMS resulted in morphine levels Yogyakarta Indonesia
ranging from 0.20% to 0.42%.
Keywords: Determination, morphine, white rats blood,
GCMS Colorimetric analysis of OCl- ion in water has been
conducted by using Ag nanoparticles. AgNO3 solution was
reduced chemically by ascorbic acid in PVA solution as a
stabilizing agent, stirred for 1 hour at 80 oC. The structure,
shape, and size of the nanoparticles were confirmed with
1114- Effect of pH Phenol on The XRD and TEM. The resulting Ag nanoparticles have fcc
Ability of Thin Layer Photocatalyst crystal structure with a lattice parameter of 4.073Å. The
colloid of Ag nanoparticles shows UV-Vis absorption peak
TiO2-Chitosan to Degrade Phenol at 421-422 nm. The Ag nanoparticles synthesized at an
with UV Light initial concentration of 100 and 200 mg/L have an average
diameter of 41 and 46 nm, respectively. The addition of
0.001-10,000 µg/L OCl- caused the surface plasmon (SPR)
Sri Wardhani* absorbance of colloidal Ag nanoparticles to decrease
greatly but did not change the absorption peak. A
Kimia FMIPA UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA decrease in SPR absorbance is believed to be due to the
surface interaction between the nanoparticles and the
Phenol waste can cause problems if not processed. One anion added. This very sensitive detection method of
effect is environmental pollution. The method used to
could be very useful in the monitoring hypochlorite in
drinking water.

Keywords: Ag nanoparticles, SPR absorbance, colorimetry, 1118- Synthesis of Hydroxyl

hypochlorite Substituted N-Formyl-2-Pyrazoline
from P-Anisaldehyde and its
Antibacterial Test
1117- The Effect of Substituen on
Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih1*, a), Deni Pranowo1 and Pramita
Semiconductor Properties of Zn(Ii)- Siwi Rahma Arifani1
Porphyrin Complexes Using Dft/Td- 1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Dft Method Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara
BLS 21, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Harno D Pranowo*, Lea A Widyastuti, Hafiz A Aziz, Endang
Astuti *email:

Austrian-Indonesian Center for Computational Chemistry Synthesis of N-formyl-2-pyrazoline derivatives and its
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA antibacterial activity test have been carried out. The
synthesis of pyrazoline was performed via cycloaddition of
*email: 1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-propen-1-
on (chalcone) by reaction with hydrazine monohydrate in
Study of substituents effect and solvation on acidic condition. Chalcone was synthesized from p-
semiconductor properties of Zn(II)-Porphyrin complexes anisaldehyde by reaction with 2,4-dihydroxy
had been performed base on Density Functional acetophenone via Claisen Schmidt aldol condensation.
Theory/Time Dependent-Density Functional Theory Chalcone was synthesized from p-anisaldehyde using KOH
(DFT/TD-DFT) method. The aim of this research was to 40% (w/w) under stirring at room temperature for 48 h.
determine the substituen effect on band gap energy (Eg), Synthesis of 1-formyl-3-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-(4-
Density of States, and electronic absorption spectra with dimethoxyphenyl)-2-pyrazoline were performed by
IEFPCM solvation. Geometry optimization was performed refluxing chalcone with hydrazine monohydrate in formic
in order to obtain molecular structure, electronic acid for 6 h. All the synthesized compounds were
structure and energy profile using DFT/B3LYP/LANL2DZ characterized using FTIR, GC-MS and 1H-NMR
with water IEFPCM solvation. Optimized structures were spectrometers. All the pyrazolines were screened for their
then used as the input for the calculation of DOS and antibacterial activities by agar well-diffusion against Gram
electronic absorption spectra using TD-DFT method. positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus
Computational results showed that complexes substituted subtilis) and negative (Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri)
with electron donating or withdrawing groups have bacterial, tetracycline (100 ppm) as positive control and
relation on band gap energy, density of states and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO 99.9%) as a negative control.
electronic spectra. The Zn(II)P-NO2 was recommended to The result showed that chalcone had been successfully
semiconductor with band band gap energy 2.45 eV. synthesized in 38% yield, while the cycloaddition reaction
IEFPCM solvation give an effect on magnitude of EG yielded the pyrazoline in 88%. Pyrazoline showed
Zn(II)P-R and comparable to experimental result. The band antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and
gap energy and DOS abundance of occupied orbital Gram negative bacteria. The highest activity showed by its
however is decrease for the complexes with electron zone of inhibitions(mm)/concentration(ppm) against B.
donating group. cereus (5,75/1000) and Gram-negative E. coli (3,75/1000).

Keywords: semiconductor, Zn(II)-Porphyrin, substituent Keywords: N-formyl-2-pyrazoline, chalcone, anise seed oil,
effect, solvation p-anisaldehyde, antibacterial

1120- Synthesis of N-
Acetylpyrazoline Derivative from
1119- Isolation and Structure Veratraldehyde and 5-Bromo-2
Elucidation of A New Naturally Hydroxyacetophenone and its
Isolated Compound from Sesbania Cytotoxicity Test Against some
grandiflora Cancer Cells
Noviany Noviany1*, Sutopo Hadi1, Muhammad Aziz2
Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih1*, a), Endang Astuti1 and Islah
1 Muttaqiin1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, University of Lampung, Bandar 1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Lampung, 35145, Indonesia
Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara
Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152- BLS 21, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
8550, Japan
This study aimed to isolate and purify the secondary
metabolites from the ethylacetate extract of Sesbania Synthesis of N-acetylpyrazoline derivative from
grandiflora stembarks. In a previous study, we described a veratraldehyde and 5-bromo-2-hydroxy acetophenone
new naturally binaphtol compound which successfully and its cytotoxicity test have been carried out. The
isolated for the first time from the root of S. grandiflora. synthesis was performed in several steps, i.e.,
As a part of our continuing investigation, we now report bromination, aldol condensation, and cyclization
the isolation and identification another new phenolic reactions. The first step, 5-bromo-2-hydroxyacetophenone
obtained from the stembark of S. grandiflora. The was synthesized via green bromination of 2-hydroxy
structure elucidation of the purified compound was acetophenone using KBrO3, HBr 47% and glacial acetic
conducted by using one- and two-dimensional nuclear acid. The second step, aldol condensation of 5-bromo-2-
magnetic resonance, ultraviolet and infrared hydroxy acetophenone and veratraldehyde using NaOH
spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization time-of-flight 40% (w/v) under stirring for 48 h produced the related
mass spectrometry. To our knowledge, the isolated chalcone. Finally, synthesis of N-acetylpyrazoline was
compound was found as a new naturally occurrence of conducted by refluxing the chalcone and hydrazine
phenolic type from the Leguminosae plant for the first hydrate using glacial acetic acid in 24 h. The structure
time particularly from S. grandiflora. elucidation of all products was confirmed by FTIR, GC-MS,
Direct-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR Spectrometers. N-
Keywords: new naturally isolated, phenolic compound, acetylpyrazoline was evaluated for cytotoxicity against
Sesbania grandiflora, structure elucidation WiDr, HeLa, T47D, and MCF-7 cancer cell lines and also its
selectivity to Vero normal cell line by MTT assay. The
result showed that chalcone was produced as bright
orange solid in 83.98% yield and m.p of 166.50-167.80 ºC,
while N-acetylpyrazoline as green-brownish solid was
yielded in 66.67% with m.p of 151.50-153.80 ºC.
Cytotoxicity test showed that N-acetylpyrazoline had
moderate cytotoxicity against WiDr, HeLa, T47D and MCF-
7 cancer cell lines with IC50 values 50.95; 97.84; 52.40;
152.87 μg/mL, respectively. N-acetylpyrazoline is selective
against Vero normal cell line with the value of 267.84

Keywords: N-acetylpyrazoline, green bromination,

chalcone, cytotoxicity assay.

aqueous solution. The aims of the research are preparing
BNC and studying protein adsorption behaviors in various
pH and ionic strength. Preparation of BNC was carried out
1121- Synthesis and Anticancer Assay by acid hydrolysis method. Meanwhile, study of protein
of N-Hydrogen Pyrazoline from 2,4- adsorption used bath method with Bovine serum albumin
as the protein model. The result shows that BNC prepared
Dihydroxyacetophenone and P- well by acid hydrolysis method due to the increasing of its
Anisaldehyde conductivity. Calculation predicted around 312,0 mmole
Kg-1 sulfonat group introduced to the backbone of
Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih1*), Deni Pranowo1 and Niken bacterial cellulose (BC). XRD analyses showed that
Hastuti1 crystallinity of BNC was greater than BC. Application to
protein showed that BNC has higher adsorption than BC in
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and any various pH and ionic strength. The protein adsorption
Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara was decreased on both BNC and BC by increasing pH as
BLS 21, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia well as ionic strength.
Keywords: bacterial cellulose, nanocrystal, hydrolysis,
adsorption, ionic strength
Synthesis of N-hydrogen pyrazoline and its cytotoxicity
test towards cancer cells have been carried out, starting 1124- Phytochemical Analysis and
from materials 2,4-dihydroxy acetophenone and p-
anisaldehyde and catalyst KOH 40%. Chalcone has been
Cytotoxicity of Fruit Extracts Sausage
synthesized from those starting materials with (Kigelia Africana) Against Breast
sonochemistry method in 7 hours. Cyclocondesation
reaction of chalcone with hydrazine monohydrate gave N-
Cancer Cells (Mcf-7) in Vitro
hydrogen pyrazoline with sonochemistry method in 2.5
hours. Then, those products were characterized by TLC, Dwi Fitri Yani, Purwantiningsih Sugita, Gustini Syahbirin
TLC-scanner, direct inlet MS, FT-IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR.
Cytotoxicity assay of N-hydrogen pyrazoline was carried Department of Chemistry, Bogor Agricultural University
out by MTT method towards WiDr, MCF-7, T47D, and
HeLa cell lines. Synthesis of chalcone produced bright This study aimed to determine phytoconstituent, active
yellow solid in 45.53% yield with 86.45% purity and a compound of fruit extract of K. africana and evaluate its
melting point of 177.5-180.5 oC. N-hydrogen pyrazoline cytotoxicity on breast cancer cells (MCF-7) under in vitro
was obtained as brown white solid with yield 95.74% and conditions, which Indonesia has a serious problem in term
purity 95.05%. From the cytotoxicity test of the product, it of breast cancer. Fruits of K. africana were extracted with
was shown that the IC50 of N-hydrogen pyrazoline against methanol by maceration method. Separation and
WiDr, T47D, HeLa, and MCF-7 was 42.99; 66.06; 51.55 and purification were done by column and thin layer
74.05 µg/mL. It was concluded that N-hydrogen pyrazoline chromatography preparative method. Identification of the
has medium toxicity against WiDr, T47D, HeLa and MCF-7 isolated compound was analyzed by using liquid
cells and inhibits cancer cell’s proliferation effectively. chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Inhibition of
proliferation of breast cancer cells (MCF-7) was tested for
Keywords: Chalcone, N-hydrogen pyrazoline, p- the purified fraction using 3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazole-2-yl)-2,
anisaldehyde, sonochemistry, cytotoxicity assay 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The result
phytoconstituents such as terpenoids, flavonoids,
alkaloids, and phenolics were present in the K. africana
1122- Preparation of Bacterial extract. Purification of fruit extract of K. africana resulted
Cellulose Nanocrystals for Protein three fractions and indicated strong activity in inhibiting
the proliferation of breast cancer cells (MCF-7) with IC50
Adsorption value of 1.89; 1 x 10-2 and 3.2 x 10 -7 μg/mL for A, B2 and
C fractions, respectively. Identification of B2 resulted
Bambang Piluharto*, Ardi Budianto, Dwi Indarti predominant phenolic compounds ie 5,7-dimethoxy-4-
methyl coumarin (1), and 3',6-dimethyl flavone (2).
Department Chemistry, University of Jember
Keywords: Kigelia africana, phenolic compounds, 5,7-
Bacterial cellulose Nano-crystal (BCN) uses as protein dimethoxy-4-methyl coumarin, 3',6-dimethyl flavone, MTT
adsorbent due to its advance properties such as high assay, breast cancer cells MCF-7
surface area, high crystallinity, and dispersible well in
1125- Studi Efektivitas Lignin sebagai 1126- Development of Nanoporous
Pengkelat Logam Pengotor Hasil Carbon Paste/Imprinted Zeolite
Leaching Bertahap dari Terak Timah Electrode as Potentiometric Sensor
Ii untuk Meningkatkan Kadar Logam for Creatinine Analysis
Nb dan Ta
Miratul Khasanah, Muji Harsini, Usreg Sri Handajani, Alfa
* Akustia Widati, Putri Agnes Nyla Chandra
Randy Chandra , Agustino Zulys.
Chemistry Department, Science and Technologi Faculty,
Departmen Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu
Universitas Airlangga
Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424,
Kampus C, Jl. Ir. Soekarno, Surabaya 60115
Nanoporous carbon paste electrode modified imprinted
XRF characterization of tin slag II contains tantalum oxide,
zeolite has been developed as a sensor to analyze
niobium oxide, quartz, calcium oxide, rutile, aluminum
creatinine by potentiometry. Imprinted zeolite (IZ) was
oxide, hematite, and zirconium oxide. Tin slag II has Nb2O5
synthesized by mixing tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS),
and Ta2O5 which contains of 0.64% and 0.33% mass. In this
tetrabutyl orthotitanate (TBOT), tetrapropylammonium
research, a study of increased levels of Nb5+ and Ta5+ ions
hydroxide (TPAH), and water with a mole ratio of
from tin slag II using gradual leaching and chelating
1:0.017:0.24:21.1. Amount of creatinine was added to the
agents. After leaching 100,0370 grams of tin slag II for four
mixture up to the mole ratio of creatinine/Si was 0.306.
hours at 250°C using 194 mL NaOH 6 M, then adding 100
Then creatinine was extracted from zeolite structure to
hydrochloric acid 3.25 M and waiting for 15 minutes at
form a specific imprinted for creatinine. The synthesized
50°C - 70°C, the result obtained was 54.46 gram of the
zeolite was characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD) and
remaining tin slag II. The result of leaching I was added
fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer.
100 ml HF with concentration variation, green solution
Nanoporous carbon paste/IZ electrode was prepared by
was produced. The best measurements of ICP-OES
mixing nanoporous carbon, IZ, and paraffin with ratio of
resulted in the rest of the metal compositions of PLS 5.
45:20:35 by mass. The research showed the optimum pH
Lignin plays a role in bonding with metals, which has been
of creatinine was 6–7, the measurement range was 10-3–
characterized by FT-IR obtained at 750 nm peak. Final
10-7 M and the Nernst factor was 31.1 mV/decade. Limit of
measurements with MP-AES after the addition of ligands
detection of the potentiometry method to analyze
with volume comparison 4:1 to PLS 5 obtained the best
creatinine was 1.05x10-7 M. The presence of urea in the
resultt to increase the concentration of Nb and Ta. The
solution did not interfere to analysis of creatinine. The
decrease in Nb content was only 37.06%, while for Ta
accuracy and precision level of the method were 88–109%
increased the rate of 103.54%. For Ca, Fe, and Al has
and 97.44–99.04%, respectively. The developed electrode
decreased significantly, that is 67,34%, 82,51%, and
showed response time of 135–150 s and the life time of 6
66,62%. Lignin plays a significant role in increasing levels
of Nb and Ta.
Keywords: creatinine, imprinted zeolite, potentiometry,
nanoporous carbon electrode

1127- Properties of Mercury 1128- Low Cost Production of Hard
Reductase Enzyme from Local Shell Capsules from Seaweed-Starch
Bacillus Sp. for Bioremediation Agent
Pratiwi Pudjistuti1, Siti Wafiroh1 dan Esti Hendradi2
1* 1
Purkan Purkan , Yuliana Firdausi Nuzulla , and Sofijan 1
Departemen Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi,
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
Departemen Farmasetika. Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
Airlangga, Surabaya
Technology, Airlangga University
Corresposding author:
This research was expected to help provide solution to
Production of hard shell capsules from seaweed extract is
environmental problems cause by enviromental pollution, a new innovation to substitute gelatin hard shell capsules.
especially mercury around industries that use mercury. The specification of seaweed-starch 0-size of hard shell
Enzyme mercury reductase is the important enzyme as capsules were determined, such as length, thickness,
mercury bioremediation agent. This research aim to the weight, moisture content and disintegration time in
determinate resistance level of a local Bacillus isolates sp comparation with gelatin hard shell capsules. The number
of hard shell capsules from seaweed extracts could be
on the media which containing HgCl2, mercury reductase
produced 10,000 pcs/kg a day and the price of a piece of
enzyme activity and characteristics of mercury reductase
hard shell capsule and hard shell capsules combination
enzyme produced. Isolates of bacteria grown on the seaweed extract-starch are Rp. 39.5,-/pcs and Rp 17.5,-
Nutrient Broth media which containing the variety of the /pcs, respectively. The price of seaweed-starch is cheaper
level of HgCl2 to know the response of growth of Bacillus than seaweeds extract. The cost of production hard shell
sp bacteria against mercury which is done using the capsules from seaweeds to seaweed-starch was reduced,
method of Optical Density (OD) at λ 600 nm. Mercury Rp. 4.84 billion/month.
reductase enzyme activity was tested by using a solution
Keywords: hard shell capsules, seaweed-starch, low cost
of MRA (Mercury Reductase Assay) and is determined production
from the oxidation of NADPH by observing a decrease in
absorbance at λ340 nm. The result showed that local
isolate Bacillus sp. able to resist in mercury containing
media by concentration up to 80 µM. Mercury reductase
enzyme produced by Bacillus sp. had optimum growth
1129- Increasing the Production of
time of 16 hours with enzyme activuty of 0,574 Unit/µg. the Extracellular Thermophilic β-
Mercury reductase enzyme has optimumcondition at pH 6 xylosidase by Recombinan Bacillus
and temperature of 37°C.
Megaterium MS941
Keywords: Mercury, Bacillus sp, mercury-resistant (1*) (1)
Hadi S, Nyoman TP, and (2)Ariff, A.B*
bacteria, enzym mercuric reductase, bioremediation
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
Airlangga University.Surabaya East Jawa, Indonesia.
Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of
Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

β-xylosidase is urgent enzyme in xylanase industrial

production. Its applicable in pulp and paper processing
industries along with endoxylanase. β-xylosidase
production by recombinant Bacillus megaterium as an
economic alternative towards higher yield and easier
downstream purification. Production of extracellular β-
xylosidase by a recombinant Bacillus megaterium MS941
was studied in shake flask culture using complex and 1131- TiO2-SiO2 thin Film for Self
defined medium. The higher β-xylosidase activity reached
when the inducer xylose added at the early of the Cleaning Coating on Glass
cultivation both in complex and defined medium. The
mean value of the yield in the complex and defined media
Alfa Akustia Widati*, Piscenca Lathiefa Ramadhani
respectively were 3.968 and 29.645 UmL-1 β-xylosidase
activity, 0.838 and 4.400 U mg-1 cell-1 specific activity,
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
4.718 and 7.457 gL-1 maximum cell concentration and Technology, Universitas Airlangga
0.083 and 0.618 U mL-1 h-1 productivity. Production of β- Surabaya 60115 Indonesia
xylosidase in the defined medium higher than in the
complex medium. *email:
Keywords: Bacillus megaterium MS941, thermophilic β-
Herein, self cleaning glass have been prepared through
xylosidase, defined media. coating TiO2 and SiO2 onto the glass. The effect of SiO2 and
TiO2 were studied through variation of SiO2 and TiO2
concentration using ratio of 30:70, 50:50, and 70:30,
respectively. The prepared glass had hydrophilic
properties with water contact angle about 5-12°. It was
1130- Production and Partial lower than bare glass that have water contact angle 26°.
Purification of Lipase of Micrococcus The higher concentration of SiO2, the larger pore surface
of coated glass. The large pore able to increase the surface
Sp Isolated from Palm Oil Mill area, therefore it could be a good supporting material for
Effluent-Contaminated Soil TiO2 as photocatalyst. All of samples was tested the
photodegradation performance toward conge red
compound.The coated glass using TiO2:SiO2 was 50:50
Sri Sumarsih*, Sofijan Hadi, Ragil Tri Adhiningsih
exposed higher performance than others with the percent
of degradation about 77.34%.
Faculty of Sciences and Technology Universitas Airlangga
Kampus C Unair Jl. Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115
Keywords: TiO2-SiO2, congo red, degradation, hydrophilic

This research aimed to study the production and partial

purification of lipase from Micrococcus sp, isolated from 1133- Cellulose-based Graphene
palm oil mill effluent-contaminated soil. The enzyme was
produced in the medium containing different carbon Nanostructure for Comprehensive
sources olive oil and coconut oil in concentration of 5, 10, Treatment of Cancer Disease
and 15% (v/v). The enzyme was purified from culture
broth by ammonium sulphate precipitation. Lipase activity
Mochamad Zakki Fahmi1*, Abdul Haris1, and Ahmadi Jaya
was determined by spectrophotometric method toward p-
nitrophenyl palmitate as a substrate. The result of this
research showed that 10% olive oil and 5% coconut oil 1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
were good carbon sources for lipase production, got
Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115;
maximum lipase activity of 156.99 U/mL and 111.14 U/mL,
respectively. Precipitation of lipase from crude extract
using ammonium sulphate 40% could improve the specific
activity by 6.15 – 6.95 fold.
Background: Development of eco-friendly and non-toxic
nanomaterial was quite rapid following the massive
Keywords: Lipase, Micrococcus sp., olive oil, coconut oil,
investigation on nanotechnology since last two decades.
palm oil mill effluent.
Studyon carbon dots still remain challenges on pursuing
the effective and efficient ways on the
synthesis. Moreover, potential application of bamboo
leaves as precursor of carbon dots was also reported as
base material for cupper ion detection. However,
application waste bamboo leaves as cellulose source on
producing carbon dots for both cancer detection and
therapy were not improved yet. Objective: On this study, Sample 1 was treated at 40°C for 6 hours, 60°C for 6
improvement on synthesizing carbon dots from waste hours, and 80°C for 12 hours, and Sample 2 was heated at
bamboo leaves and its modification to make specific 40oC for 12 hours, 60oC for 12 hours, and 80oC for 12
targeting on HeLa cancer cell are main hours. As comparison, we prepared Sample 0 that
focus. Methods: Synthesis of carbon dots was done via synthesized with hydrothermal temperature at 80oC for 24
pyrolysis of bamboo leaves. As prepared carbon dots was hours. Diffraction pattern showed that all of sample
further attributed with folic acid and doxorubicin to presented the wide peak at 2θ about 23o. For the detail
improve selective targeting as well as drug delivery ability information, the peak of Sample 1 and 2 shifted at lower
on cancer cell, respectively. Several investigations, angle than Sample 0. It was attributed that Sample 1 and 2
including confocal microscopy and cytotoxicity assay, had amorphous structure. All of sample exposed the
were performed on prove the effectivity of synthesized absorption band at 980 cm-1 that attributed with
carbon dots to staining and treating both HeLa and MCF- asymmetric vibration of silanol group. Sample 1 and 2
7 cancer cells. Results: UV-vis and Photoluminescence presented the pore diameter about 6.75 nm and 10.73
spectra indicated systematic adsorption and emission on nm, respectively. Meanwhile, Sample 0 have smaller pore
resulted dots. Confocal spectroscopy showed that folic diameter about 3.06 nm. The mesopore and total surface
acid took good position to make the carbon dots area of Sample 1 and 2 were also higher than Sample 0.
specific and successfully carrying doxorubicin to cancer Based on the acidity, sample 1 showed the Bronsted and
cells. Conclusion: bamboo leaves as waste matter was Lewis acid was higher than sample 0, however sample 2
successfully changed to carbon dots that perform displayed the lower acidity than sample 0.
excellence result on staining and drug delivering of cancer
cell as good as minimum cytotoxicity effect Keywords: mesoporous aluminosilicate, pore diameter
increment, multi-stage hydrothermal
Keywords: Carbon dots, Bamboo leaves, Cancer cell, Folic
acid, Doxorubicine

1136- Design, Synthesis and

Molecular Docking on a series of
1135- Mesoporous Hierarchically Dihydropyrimidinone Derivatives as
Amorphous Aluminosilicate Pore Anticancer Agent.
Diameter Increment by Multi-Stage
Hydrothermal Dr. Hery Suwito*, M. Si. and Dr. Alfinda Novi Kristanti, DEA,

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and

Hartati(1)*, Afinda Novi Kristanti(1), Aning Purwaningsih(1), Technology, Airlangga University.
Fitri Rohmahdian(1),
Fikria Marfuatin Nur(1), Alfa Akustia Widati(1), Didik Cancer is one of the major health problems in the world.
Prasetyoko(2) This is because cases and deaths from cancer always
increase every year. Therefore the need of research to
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and invent ideal anticancer agent still necessary. One of the
Technology, Universitas Airlangga, potential anticancer compounds is dihydropyrimidone
Kampus C UNAIR, Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya, 60115, derivatives. Dihidropyrimidinone acts as an inhibitor of
Indonesia Eg5 protein, a potential target protein for cancer
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Matematic and chemotherapy. In this research, eight derivative
Natural Science, dihydropyrimidinone derivatives having different aromatic
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Keputih, Surabaya, ring substituent, DHPM 1-8, have been successfully
60115, Indonesia synthesized. Synthesis was performed using Biginelli
multicomponent reaction with two different catalysts,
*email: pTSA and TEAA. Synthesis using pTSA giving better yield
than TEAA which is 36,8%-74,9%. The structure of DHPM
In this work, amorphous mesoporous hierarchically 1-8 was determine by FT-IR, HR-ESI-MS, 1H and 13C NMR.
aluminosilcates with wider pore diameter have been Molecular docking analysis DHPM 1-8 with Eg5 protein
synthesized through stage hydrothermal. Two type of was also studied using AutoDock4. The results of docking
stage hydrothermal was introduced in this reaction. analysis show negative binding energy between target

molecule and Eg5 protein which means that the complex activity of crude enzyme was 8.191 U / mg, whereas pure
formation occurs spontaneously. Intramolecular α-L-arabinofuranosidase enzyme of purification with Ni-
interaction between target molecule and Eg5 protein NTA has a specific activity of 11.427 U / mg. The α-L-
occurs through hydrogen bond with amino acid residue, arabinofuranosidase showed optimum activity at 70 ° C
Glu116 or Gly117. In vitro anticancer activity was with the stability from 50 to 70 ° C and optimum pH was
determined by MTT assay toward breast cancer cell lines 8, while for pH stability of 4 to 7. α-L-arabinofuranosidase
T47D and cervix cancer cell lines HeLa. DHPM 4 showed extracellular of E. coli BL21 (DE3) / pBM5ABF) that have
the best anticancer activity against T47D cells with IC50 been generated in this study had optimum activity at pH 8
value of 32,105 μg/mL, while for HeLa cell, DHPM 5 and the activity decreased drastically at pH 9. Increasing
showed the best activity with IC50 value of 1,935 μg/mL. its pH was done by directed evolution using PCR-
errorprone. Screening α-L-arabinofuranosidase with MUA
Keywords: Dihydropyrimidinone deratives, Biginelli substrate produces positive variants that emit high-
reaction, anticancer, molecular docking. intensity blue fluorescence at pH 9, the second stage of
screening was then performed with pNPA substrate in
buffer NaOH-glycine at pH 9. The highest activity in
Variant A12 that is equal to 2.874223 U / ml, while for the
activity of the control (wildtype) of 0.754 U / ml. This
1137- onstruction and means that the activity of α-L-arabinofuranosidase
Characterization of α-L- enzyme variant with pNPA substrate in buffer at pH 9
increased 4-fold of the enzyme activity of α-L-
arabinofuranosidase Variant into arabinofuranosidase wildtype.
Escherichia Coli Extracellular Keywords: α-L-arabinofuranosidase variant, M5 plasmid
Secretion System system, directed evolution.

Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih1,2*, Laura Navika Yamani2,

Mohd. Anuar Jonet3, Afaf Baktir1, Rosli Md. Illias3,
1138- The Synthesis of 7-Dihydroxy-3
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, ', 4'-Dimethoxy Isoflavone and Its
Surabaya, East Java 60115, Indonesia. Cytotoxicity Assay Against Cervical
Proteomic Laboratory, Institute of Tropical Disease,
Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Cancer Cells (Hela Cell Line)
East Java 60115, Indonesia.
Department of Bioprocess Engineering, Faculty of Sabirin Matsjeh1*), Winarto Haryadi1, Eti Nurwening
Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Sholikhah2, Harno Dwi Pranowo1 and Hafidh Rifky
81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. Adiyatna1
* Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Jl.
Creating the gene expression by using heterologous Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta
secretory system into the growth medium is more
considered for screening of clones. Aims of this study Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine,
were design extracellular expressed by M5 plasmid system University of Gadjah Mada
in E. coli BL21 (DE3) and increasing the activity of α-L-
arabinofuranosidase through directed evolution. α-L-
arabinofuranosidase from Geobacillus thermoleovorans IT-
08 was successfully expressed and secreted in the M5 *email:
plasmid system (excretory expression system) with E. coli
Bl21 (DE3) as host. Optimum conditions for the expression The 3',4'-dimethoxy-7-hydroxy isoflavone has been
of α-L-arabnofuranosidase extracellular from E. coli BL21
synthesized and has been tested as an inhibitor activity on
(DE3) / pBM5ABF has done with the addition of 2,5 mM
HeLa cells (cervical cancer). This study begins with the
inducer IPTG and incubation time of 36 hours. In addition,
the α-L-arabinofuranosidase extracellular has also been synthesis of 3,4-dimethoxybenzyl-2',4'-
successfully purified by affinity chromatography system dihydroxyphenylketone by the reaction from resorcinol
with Ni-NTA column. The results showed the specific and 3,4- dimethoxybenzyl carboxylic acid through
acylation reaction of Friedel Craft with the Lewis acid Fatty acid composition was analyzed using GC-MS after
(BF3).Et2O as a catalyst. Then the result that occurred has derivatization by NaOH and methanol. After that, the
been reacted with a mixture of reagents samples were analyzed to determine the concentration
and activity of antioxidant using the spectrophotometric
(BF3).Et2O/DMF/POCl3. In this research, synthesis of 3',4'-
method. The peroxide value was analyzed at a various
dimethoxy-7-hydroxyisoflavone was carried out by two temperature as a function of time with iodometric
methods, namely two pot and one pot method. Both the titration method. The Induction period at this
method using the same materials. The molecular temperature can be determined based on the curve
structures of all products were analyzed using FTIR, MS peroxide value versus time. Finally, the effect of the
and 1H NMR spectrophotometers. Acylation reaction of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants concentration on
Friedel Craft from resorcinol and 3,4-dimethoxybenzyl induction period was determined. The analysis showed
that the peroxide value of oil for heating changed from
carboxylic acids produced 3,4-dimethoxybenzyl-2',4'-
low at the beginning of the oxidation reaction, then
dihydroxyphenyl ketone as white powder in 70.6% yield increased, and back down. Antioxidants concentration in
with a melting point of 171-172 °C. Cyclization reaction of the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil increased after mixed with
3,4-dimethoxybenzyl-2',4'- dihydroxyphenyl ketone with black cumin oil, i.e., from 5.16 × 10-2 to 1.11 × 10-1%. The
DMF in POCl3 yielded 3',4'-dimethoxy-7-hidroksiisoflavon concentration of unsaturated fatty acids Extra Virgin
in 51.54% through two-pot reaction and 34.6% through Coconut Oil also increased after mixing with black cumin
one pot reaction. The result of cytotoxicity test of 7- oil from 9.98 to 44.43%. The unsaturated fatty acids and
antioxidants concentration in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil,
hydroxy- 3',4'-dimethoxyisoflavone against HeLa cells
black cumin oil, and mixtures thereof interplay in
have the values of IC50 128.2726 mg/mL. This IC50 value is determining the induction period. Sequence induction
above 100 mg/mL so that the 7-hydroxy-3',4'- period is generally from long to short is black cumin oil,
dimethoxyisoflavone was inactive as an inhibitor of cell Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, then the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
proliferation HeLa. -cumin mixture.

Keywords: isoflavones, Friedel-Craft acylation, cyclization Keywords: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, black cumin oil,
antioxidants, induction period
of deoxybenzoin

1140- Antihypertensive Bioactive

1139- The Effect of Addition Black
Peptides from Soyghurt Hydrolysates
Cumin Seed Oil to Extra Virgin
Coconut Oil on the Physical and Sandra Hermanto*
Chemical Properties Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science and
Technology Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic
1,* 1
Ani Setyopratiwi and Nur Dini Endah Permatasari University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Soyghurt is a product of fermented soy milk which
Natural Sciences, beneficial nutrients and functional food. This study was
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Jl. Sekip Utara, conducted to isolate and characterize bioactive peptides
Yogyakarta from soyghurt protein hydrolysates which potential as
antihypertensive drugs. Soyghurt precipitated by the
*email: addition of HCl 1M and centrifuged. Pepsin as a
proteolytic enzyme was used to hydrolyzed soygurt at 37
The study of the effect of black cumin seed oil addition in °C and pH 4.5 with an interval of hydrolysis time 2, 4, 8
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) to its physical and and 16 hours. The quantity of protein hydrolysates and
chemical properties have been done. This research was the degree of hydrolysis determined by Lowry method
aimed to find out peroxide value change at a given and the peptide pattern analyzed by SDS-PAGE (sodium
temperature as a function of time and the effect of dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis).
unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants concentration on Antihypertensive activity of soyghurt hydrolysates
EVCO, black cumin oil, and their mixture induction period. determined by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitory assay. Protein hydrolysates with the highest
inhibition capacity purified by gel filtration column G-15. 1149- Fatty Acids from Microalgae
The results of this study show that soygurt hydrolysates
with the highest of ACE inhibition obtained from 16 hours’ Botryococcus braunii for Raw
hydrolysis time with the highest degree of hydrolysis Material of Biodiesel
(13.5%). The purification of soyghurt hydrolysates
obtained 4 fractions with highest antihypertensive activity
Dilia Puspa, Leila Kalsum, Rusdianasari
up to 90%. These hydrolysates could potentially be used
Renewable Energy Engineering Study Program, Politeknik
as natural antihypertensive agent.
Negeri Sriwijaya
Keywords: Antihypertensive, bioactive peptides, soygurt

An alternative source of renewable energy which can help

overcome the environmental and the fossil energy crisis at
1142- Sequential Extraction of today is microalgae. Microalgae contains fatty acids which
can be converted into biofuel, one of them is biodiesel.
Yttrium in Lateritic Soil Weathered
This experiment is a preliminary study conducted to
from Granitic Rock in Mamasa, West determine the amount of fatty acids contained in
microalgae and its potential to be converted into
Sulawesi, Indonesia biodiesel. Microalgae is used in this study is Botryococcus
braunii species. Botryococcus braunii were analyzed
Noor Fitri1*, Rama Prasetia Ridwan1, Arifudin Idrus2 directly in laboratory using an analysis instrument of gas
Chemistry Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia chromatography spectrophotometry mass (GC-MS), and
Geological Engineering Department, Universitas data obtained from that analysis would compared with
Gadjahmada literature studies in some journals of previous researchers
about fatty acids of Botryococcus braunii. Based on the
Sequential extraction and distribution study of yttrium (Y) results of research and literature study conducted
in lateritic soil samples taken from Aralle area, Mamasa obtained profile and fatty acid content in Botryococcus
district, West Sulawesi have been done. This study is braunii with oleic acid 15.65 – 35.47%, linoleic acid 4.32 –
aimed to single out the most effective method to extract 15.01% and palmitic acid 4.03 – 19.32 %. Profile and
yttrium. Three sequential extraction methods were content of fatty acids from this study can be one of
applied consisting of Leleyter et al. (1999), Magnus et al. decisive parameters in selecting microalgae species to be
(1999) and Mittermuller et al. (2016) methods. Yttrium converted to biodiesel and from the results of this study,
content in the fractions was analyzed using Inductively known that Botryococcus braunii has the best potential to
Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) be converted into biodiesel because the ratio of the
instrument. As a result, the method of Mittermuler et al. amount of saturated and unsaturated of fatty acids in this
(2016) shows the most effective one for extracting yttrium species have not much differences.
compared to the two other mentioned methods with the
highest yttrium concentration of 64.22 ppm. The Keywords: Fatty Acid; microalgae; biodiesel
weathering product of granitic rock in the study area
contains significant yttrium and (also) REE (rare earth
elements), which may economically be extracted in the
future. A most effective analytical method for the
elements is absolutely needed.
Keywords: Sequential extraction, yttrium, soil, granite.

1150- The Efficacy of Methanol 1152- Effect of Calcination Time, OH /
Extract of Morinda Citrofolia to Brain Al ratio, and Keggin / g Suspension on
Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Natural Bentonite
and Spatial Memory Ability on Male
Ady Mara Rachman*
Swiss Webster Mice Induced by
Immobilization Stress Department of Chemistry, Universitas Sriwijaya

Eka Febri Zulissetiana, Susilawati
Natural Bentonite activation has been carried out from
Medical Faculty of Sriwijaya University
klaten. Activation was carried out by refluxing natural
Bentonite using 2M sulfuric acid, then variation of
calcination time, OH / Al ratio and suspension of keegin / g
Aging process is associated with declines in certain
Bentonite. Calcination is done by using microwave oven
cognitive abilities such as learning and memory ability and
2.45 GHz. Determination of acidity is done by calculating
impact on high risk of dementia, physical disability and
the amount of ammonia and pyridine adsorbed, while
death. Oxidative stress is believed as basic mechanism of
porosity is done with SAA. Characterization of functional
aging process. Morinda citrofolia (Noni fruit) has long
groups, crystallinity and morphology were analyzed using
been used as a traditional plant in worldwide and was
FTIR, XRD, SEM, and TEM. It has been found that Al-pillar
proven empirically in traditional medicine as antioxidant.
bentonite catalyst was successfully prepared using a
The purpose of this study was to evaluate neurotrophic
microwave oven. The calcination time, the OH / Al ratio
effect of Morinda citrofolia extract on Male Swiss Webster
and the higher suspension concentration tend to increase
Mice Induced by Immobilization Stress. This research is
the acidity of bentonite, as well as the surface area, while
experimental study with post test only control group
the pore diameter, pore volume decreases. The
design. Male Swiss Webster Mice were induced by
optimization occurred at the concentration of 2 M sulfuric
immobilization stress and ramdomized into seven groups
acid and the calcination time of 20 min, the Keegin ratio of
(5 mice/groups). The first group was negative control
2.2 OH / Al and the suspension of 10 mmol / g with
group; Group 2,3,4,5 and 6 was given treatment with
adsorption of 11.76 mmol ammonia / gram and 2.44
varied concentrations of Morinda citrofolia (50, 100, 200,
mmol pyridine / gram, pore volume 0.13 cm³ / G, pore
400 and 800 mg/kgBW). Vitamin E (70 mg/kgBW),
diameter 3.38 nm and surface area 154.64m2 / g. The FTIR
standard antioxidant was used as positive control (Group
spectra show no fundamental structural changes in
7). Brain BDNF level of the white mice were measured by
natural bentonite, the XRD pattern slightly shifts to the
using ELISA method, while the spatial memory ability was
top with a lower angle, being due to the pillarization, the
assessed by using Morris Water Maze Test. Experiment
SEM and TEM images show an increase in space or plane
result showed that treatment with Morinda citrofolia
extract (50, 100, 200,400 mg/kgBW) and Vitamin E 70
Keywords: Natural Bentonite, Pillarization,
mg/kg BW showed a significant difference in BDNF level
compare with the negative control rats. There is no
significant differences between 200 mg/kgBW Metanol
Extract of Morinda citrofolia group and vitamin E
(p=0,301;p>0,05).Conclusion : Methanol Extract of
Morinda citrofolia can prevent the decrement of BDNF
level due to stress.

Keywords: Noni Fruit, Morinda Citrofolia, Oxidative

Stress, BDNF, Immobilization Stress

1154- Isolasi dan Elusidasi Struktur amount of the oxidizing agent as well as the reaction time.
The reduction of the resulting graphene oxide to the
Senyawa Turunan Terpenoid dari expected graphene was done with two metals, zinc and
Kulit Batang Bintangur (Calophyllum iron. From three different amounts of potassium
permanganate, 6, 8, and 10 grams for each batch, and two
Bicolor) different reaction time, 90 and 120 minutes, the 10-gram
oxidizing agent and 120-minute reaction time gave the
best result. The solubility of the resulting graphene
Dede Sukandar1*, Jamillah Abbas2 dan Nurfitriany
contrasts with that of the graphene oxide and this
property was utilized for the identification of the end
Department of Chemistry-Faculty of Science and product. It is found in this work that iron reduce the
Technology UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta graphene oxide into graphene more effectively than zinc.
Pusat Penelitian Kimia – LIPI Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong
Keywords: Hummer method, graphene oxide, graphene

Isolation and structure elucidation of terpenoid

compounds from the bintangur stem bark (Calophyllum
bicolor) has been performed. The compounds
characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, FTIR, LCMS, 1H-
NMR,13C-NMR, HMQC and HMBC; compound was 1159- Effect of Temperature and
extracted by maceration method with ethanol and
fractionation of bintangur stem bark ethanol extract using Calcination Time on Hydroxyapatite
n-hexane. The column chromatography of n-hexane Preparation from Shells of Anadara
fraction with mobile phase n-hexane : ethyl acetate (8:2)
separated isolate-1. Purification of isolate-1 carried out by Granosa by Hydrothermal Method
column chromatography with a mobile phase
dichloromethane: methanol (1:1) and UV detector at 254 1
Poedji Loekitowati Hariani, Fatma1*, Wina Nurulia
nm in order to obtain compound. Characterization results Kirandani1
of compound analyzed by spectroscopy 1H-NMR, 13C-
NMR, HMQC, HMBC and LCMS, also the number of double 1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and
bond equivalent (DBE) = 5, that compound be found Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University
predicted as triterpenoid compound with the molecular
formula (C27H46O) and mass molecule is 386 namely *email:
4,4,5,8,10 pentamethyl, methyl allyl terpenoid.
A study effect of the temperature and calcination time in
Keywords: isolation, elucidation, triterpenoid, bintangur
the preparation of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) by the
(Calophyllum bicolor)
hydrothermal method has been done. The hydroxyapatite
synthesis was performed with CaO extracted from the
shell of the anadara granosa and (NH4)2HPO4 under basic
conditions. The variables observed were temperature
(600, 700, 800 and 900C) and calcination time (1, 2, 3, 4
1156- The Synthesis of Graphene and 5 hours). The results showed that the percentage of
from Natural Graphite using Modified calcium in the shells of anadara granosa of 89.10%.
Characterization of the hydroxyapatite structure using
Hummer method XRD showed the highest of crystallinity at temperature
and calcination time at 900C and 1 hour, respectively.
Rachmat Triandi Tjahjanto*, I Wayan Adi Suarya, Endah Tri The morphology of hydroxyapatite shows a homogeneous
Wahyuni form and ratio of Ca/P of 1.72.

Department of Chemistry, Universitas Brawijaya Keywords: hydroxyapatite, temperature, calcination time


The synthesis of graphene from natural graphite has been

studied to maximize the yield. The graphite exfoliation
was done by Hummer method with a variation of the
1164- Phytochemical Evaluation and
Antioxidant activity of Piper
1163- Lipid Extraction Method from Retrofractum
Microalgae Botryococcus Braunii as
Raw Material to Make Biodiesel with Iqbal Musthapa
Soxhlet Extraction Chemistry Department*, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Boni Junita1*, Aida Syarif2, Leila Kalsum3
1 Many plant derived molecules have shown a promising
Applied Master of Renewable Energy Engineering,
effect in therapeutics. Among the plants investigated to
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
2 date, one showing enormous potential is the Piperaceae.
Energy Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri
In this study we reported the isolation of major secondary
3 metabolites and Free radical scavenging activity from fruit
Renewable Energy Engineering Study Program, Politeknik
of Piper retrofractum. The piperine and methyl piperate
Negeri Sriwijaya
compounds have been isolated from the n-hexane
*email: fraction of this plant. The structure of the two compounds
was determined by spectroscopic methods including FTIR
The use of microalgae as renewable energy is one of effort and NMR. Furthermore, free radical scavenging activity of
to save environment and to reduce conventional energy this extract was evaluated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-
dependence. Lipid contained in microalgae can be hydrazyl (DPPH) methods and showed weak free radical
converted into biodiesel that one of renewable alternative scavenging activity with this method. The IC50 of the n-
fuel which save the environment. This research is a hexane extracts was 689.8 µg/ml and that of ascorbic acid
preliminary study that aims to determine the amount of (as standard) was 8.9 µg/ml.
lipids from Botryococcus braunii microalgae through the
Keywords: Pipereine, methyl piperate, Piper retrofractum,
extraction process and the potential of microalgae into
free radical scavenging activity
biodiesel. In this research, the microalgae used is
Botryococcus braunii and n-hexane as solvents, then
conducted a study of literature for the extraction of lipids
from Botryococcus braunii microalgae with soxhlet
method as a comparison of the results of research 1165- Characterisation Carbon
conducted. In this research lipid extraction was performed
on a laboratory scale by using soxhlet method with 175 ml Nanotube From Rice Husk Activated
n-hexane. Botryococcus braunii microalgae were
cultivated for 10 days then carried out the drying process
Carbon As Adsorbent To Reduce Peat
and continued with soxhlet method which have result % Water
lipid yield is 24% with 45 cycles. The quantity of % lipid
yield is influenced by the number of solvent cycles during
Masdania Zurairah Siregar*
the extraction process. The extraction process runs
optimally as the number of solvent cycles that occurs Fakultas Teknik Universitas Al-Azhar Medan
more until there is no more lipid extract can be dissolved
by the solvents. Therefore, the best method of extraction *email:
is the soxhlet method because soxhlet method has a
principle of dissolution that occurs repeatedly. High Research about peat water is a source of water for the
amounts of lipid can make Botryococcus braunii people in village of Pintu Langit, sub district of Angkola
microalgae potentially convert to biodiesel. Julu Tapanulisa Selatan. Carbon nanotube (CNT) has been
done by using rice husk activated carbon active carbon as
Keywords: Botryococcus braunii, Lipid, Soxhlet the media support and its carbon source is methane gas.
Extraction, Biodiesel. The stages of making carbon nanotube are through the
forming of from rice husk activated carbon and
impregnated it with Fe catalyst. The result is characterized
with FT IR. The results carbon nanotube is used to adsorb
ions Fe and pH in peat water, and it is known that the CNT
rice husk activated carbon is best used as adsorbents to
absorb ions Fe from peat water because it absorbs metal
ions Fe up to 97% with a contact time of 25 minutes, flow
rate 5 mL / min, and room temperature (27 °C).
Keywords: carbon nanotube (CNT), impregnation, CVD, 1178- River Water Treatment by
Application of Ceramic Membrane
from Activated Carbon Made from Oil
Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and Iron
1171- The Cytotoxicity and Isolation Powder
of Triterpenoid Acid from Bark of
Sandoricum koetjape Sisnayati Sisnayati*
Chemical Engineering Department, Tamansiswa University
Eliza*, Ferlinahayati, Martin CP Manurung, Desnelli, Widia Palembang
Chemistry Department Sriwijaya University
The purpose of this study is to treat river water by
*email: application of ceramic membranes produced from
activated carbon made from oil palm empty fruit bunch
Kecapi (Sandoricum koetjape) is belong to Meliaceae (OPEFB), iron powder and clay mixture. The composition
family. Meliaceae have been known as a source of of clay, activated carbon from OPEFB and iron powder was
limonoid compound group which have some interesting applied of 87.5% : 10% : 2.5%. The characteristics of
biology activities such as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, ceramic membranes was determined such as average
anti-feedant and insecticidal. S. koetjape besides have pore diameter, porosity of the ceramic membrane, and
limonoid compounds also have a number of triterpenoid surface area. The ceramic membranes produced in this
acids. This paper will be reported isolation of triterpenoid study was characterized by microfiltration membranes
acid and evaluation the cytotoxic properties of methanol type. Water quality of Telang River, Banyuasin District,
extract, n-hexane and ethyl acetate fractions as well as South Sumatera Province were measured likes: pH, total
the isolated compound from bark of S.koetjape. The dissolved solid (TDS), electro conductivity (EC), turbidity,
cytotoxicity was evaluated using BSLT (brine shrimp hardness, iron, manganese and chloride content. The
lethality test) methods while characterization isolated results of ceramic membrane technology treatment
compound was identified based on spectroscopic data. By showed that pH increased from 3.7 to 6.85, TDS decreased
isolation and characterization process, a triterpenoid acid, of 14.2%, EC reduced of 9.3%, turbidity decreased of
3-oxo-12-oleane-en-29-oic acid has been isolated and 98.6%, iron content reduced of 90%, manganese content
identified which from n-hexane fraction. The result of decreased of 89.9%, chloride content decrease of 99.99%,
cytotoxic test using BSLT showed methanol extract, n- and hardness reduced up to 99.8%. The quality of the
hexane, ethyl acetate fractions and isolated compound treated river water is met to domestic clean water
are very active cytotoxic with LC50 24.55; 1.22; 0,42 and standard, except to TDS.
0.54 μg/mL. Based on their cytotoxic test results
S.koetjape have potential as sources anticancer agent and Keywords: river water, ceramic membrane, clay, activated
insecticidal. carbon from OPEFB, iron powder, domestic clean water

Keywords: Triterpenoid acid; 3-oxo-12-en-29-oic acid;

Sandoricum koetjape; cytotoxicity; BSLT

1179- Antibacterial Activity of has several utilities in the health field. Chitosan
nanoparticle is modified chitosan in the form of
Endophytic Fungi Isolated from the nanoparticle so that it can dissolve in water and will be
Leaves of Jambu Biji (Psidium more effective to be used in several fields. The objective
of this research is to determine the effectivity of chitosan
guajava L.) and nanoparticle chitosan obtained from crab shells of
rajungan to reduce the in vivo cholesterol total. The
research method was started by isolation chitin from crab
Susilawati*, Ella Amalia
shell powder by several methods such as
Kedokteran Umum Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas demineralization, de-colorization, and deproteinization.
Sriwijaya, Jl. Dr. Muh.Ali Kompleks RSUP Palembang Furthermore, chitin obtained was undergone the
30126, Indonesia acetylation reaction using deacetylase enzyme from
Bacillus licheniformis HSA3-1a for 2 h at a temperature of
*email: 500C to produce chitosan, and the product was then
characterized. In addition, the chitosan nanoparticle was
Antibacterial resistance has been a major health issue and synthesized through an ionic gelation method. The
still presents threat to health care system globally. particle size was determined by a particle size analyzer
Endophytic fungi, particularly those isolated from (PSA). Results showed that the produced chitosan had
medicinal plants for their potential as source of new characteristics as follows: water content was 5.47%, ash
antibiotics. Endophytic fungi were isolated from the level was 1.55%, N-total was 6.78% and the degree of
surface sterilized leaves of jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) acetylation was 78.4% with the powder color of white
using potato dextrose agar (PDA) and the isolates were yellowish. Based on the PSA analysis, the particle sizes of
identified through their morphological characteristics. The chitosans were 224.68 and 204.32 nm for NpC 0.1% and
antibacterial activities from ethyl acetate extracts of NpC 0.2% with the polydispertion index of 0.226 and
endophytic fungi were evaluated against Escherichia coli 0.261 (pdi<0.5), respectively. This indicated that particle
and Salmonella tiphi by Kirby Bauer method. Four sizes of the products were uniform. The effectivity test
endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves of jambu biji result of chitosan to reduce in vivo cholesterol using white
and identified as Aspergillus niger Van Tieghem, rats (Rattus norvegicus) showed that the reduction value
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus Fres, and of cholesterol was 1.87% and 2.14% for chitosan and
Aspergillus sp.(DJb4). The antibacterial activity of the nanoparticle chitosan, respectively at the cholesterol and
extracts is classified as moderate and strong catagory nanoparticle cholesterol concentrations of 10 mg for the
because it has inhibition zone in the range of 50-75% time duration of 14 days.
compared to standard antibiotics. Thus this extract has
the potential to be developed into an antibiotic drug. Keywords: Crabs; B. licheniformis; chitosan; chitosan
nanoparticles; cholesterol
Keywords: antibacterial activity, endophytic fungi, jambu
biji (Psidium guajava L.)

1180- In Vivo Study on Chitosan

Nanoparticles and Chitosan
Effectivity in Reducing Total
Cholesterol on White Rat (Rattus

Hasnah Natsir*, Seniwati Dali, Paulina Taba, Fatahu, Alfian

Nasir Maidin
Departemen of Chemistry, Hasanuddin University

Chitosan is a polymer of glucosamine (N-amino-2-deoxy-β-

D-glucopiranose) which is nontoxic, biodegradable and
1187- Application of Compost and proximate analysis. The result of research that indicated
Arabic gum better than dextrin and maltodextrin.
Charcoal on Phytoremediation
Keywords: micro capsulation, spirulina, spray drying,
Cadmium-Contaminated Soils by proximate

Muliadi1*, Nursiah La Nafie2, Irdhawati3, Andy Kurniawan1,

Yanny4 1192- Spectroscopy and
Chemical Education Study Program, Khairun University Thermogravimetric Analysis of
Department of Chemistry, Hasanuddin University
Department of Chemistry, Udayana University Terbium and Europium Complexes
Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara
Muliadi Muliadi1*, Suminar Pratapa2, Indah Raya3, Alfian
*email: Noor3

The effect both of compost and charcoal waste on 1

Chemical Education Study Program, Khairun University
phytoremediation cadmium-contaminated soil using 2
Department of Physic, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
soybean was conducted. The aims of research are to Technology
determine the effect of adding both of compost and 3
Department of Chemistry, Hasanuddin University
charcoal waste and examine the feasibility of soybean as
cadmium-hyper-accumulator plant. The analytical method *email:
use is voltammetry methods. The result of research that
indicated the concentration of cadmium on control pots, The study of lanthanides complexes has drawn the
addition both of compost and charcoal respectively attention of researcher due to their importance in the
360.46 mg/g, 216.68 mg/g and 323.09 mg/g. The addition photoluminescence material. The both of terbium and
both of compost and charcoal were capable inhibiting europium complexes with mix ligands of Diphenyl amine
cadmium into the plant. Soybean was categorized as and DM-Phenantroline were conducted. The research
cadmium-hyper-accumulator plant with translocation aims to propose of simple synthesis and analysis of
factor > 1. lanthanides complexes containing N-donor atom ligands.
Keywords: - The lanthandes complexes characterized on the basis UV-
visible infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric
analysis. The UV-visible spectrum of the complexes
showed some absorption peaks are used to study of
different metal ions to the absorption bands. The infrared
1188- Production of Spirulina Extract analysis is carried out to recognize the functional groups
in our complexes. The themogravimetric analysis revealed,
Micro Capsulated by Spray Drying there are two step decompose to produced stable phase
of complexes. Based on the analysis methods, terbium
Deasy Liestianty1*, Indah Rodianawati1, Rugayah Arafah2, and europium complexes with diphenyl amine and DM-
Asma Assa3, Patimah4, Muliadi1 Phenantroline ligands are produced.
Chemical Education Study Program, Khairun University Keywords: Terbium, Europium, Diphenyl amine, 2.9
Department of Chemistry, Hasanuddin University Dimethyl-1.10 Phenantroline
Balai Besar Industri Hasil Pertanian
Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar


Micro capsulation of phytoplankton extract of spirulina

was conducted. The study was used biopolymer coating
are Arabic gum, dextrin and maltodextrin. The study aims
were to examine the feasibility some of biopolymers
coating for the micro capsulation of spirulina extract by
the spray-drying method. Method analysis was used

1193- Production Biomethane from functional groups contained in liquid medium during arc
discharge process. The arc discharge method was
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) with performed using graphite electrodes and liquid medium
Trucated Pyramid Digester in Fed consisted of ethanol 50% with the various addition of
acetic acid, urea and ethylenediamine. Analysis of TiO2-
Batch System carbon nanocomposite characters using XRD, TEM, SEM,
FTIR and UV reflectance. Diffractogram pattern of all
nanocomposites showed peaks at 25.32˚; 26.61˚; and
Martha Aznury1*, Jaksen M. Amin1, Abu Hasan1, Arin Putri 36.14˚ which are the main characteristic peaks of TiO2, C
Dila 1 graphite, and titanium carbide. TEM analysis found that
Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri size of nanoparticles was in ten nanometers. SEM analysis
Sriwijaya, Palembang showed the structure of the nanocomposite had a
Jl. Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar,Palembang 30139, Indonesia spherical structure. Analysis using UV reflectance
spectroscopy the bandgap energy of TiO2/C was narrower
*Email : than the bandgap energy of TiO2. The successful surface
modification of TiO2/C was indicated by better dispersion
Palm oil mill effluent (POME) production in Indonesia is of nanocomposite in water and ethanol compared with
estimated around 63 million ton/year [1]. Therefore it is those prepared in ethanol only. Surface analysis using
a potential source of contamination when it directly Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) showed
discharged into river. Even though, POME will be as raw fabricated nanoparticles of TiO2/C in ethanol with addition
resource biogas production.The aims of this research acetic acid has the stretching vibration of Ti─O; C─H; C═O;
was to know the effect of fermentation time toward C─O; O─H; C═C in region of 450-550 cm-1; 2900-2880 cm-
biogas production in pyramid digester. The study was 1; 1690-1760 cm-1; 1050-1300 cm-1; 3400-3700 cm-1;
done in three combinations of feedstock with POME and ~1600 cm-1, respectively. Meanwhile, TiO2-carbon
concentrations of 90, 80, and 70% and activated sludge synthesized in liquid media ethanol with addition urea or
concentrations of 10, 20, and 30%. A mixture of POME ethylenediamine revealed C=O, N-H bend, C-N, C-O, and
and activated sludge at 6 L/minutes for 30 days were fed N-H stretching vibration shown at 1600-1700, 1500-1600,
into digester. The result showed the fermentation time 1100-1200, 1200-1300 and 3300-3400 cm-1 respectively.
gave significant effect toward biogas production in the Keywords: arc discharge; surface modification;
pyramid digester. All combinations showed the upward nanocomposite; photocatalyst; TiO2; Carbon
trend in the volume of biogas during fermentation. The
highest quantity of biomethane in biogas was 25% mol
that the active microbes were added to POME in the
ratio 1: 9 in a fed batch bioreactor.
1197- Study Adsorption Ion
Keywords: biomethane, fed batch, palm oil mill effluent
(POME), trucated pyramid digester. Lanthanum and Erbium Using Pectin
from Banana Peel

Septianty Magdalena Simanjuntak*, Agustino Zulys

1196- Surface modification of TiO2-
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Indonesia
Carbon Photocatalyst Nanocomposite
Prepared by Submerged Arc
Discharge in Different Liquid Medium In this era, waste treatments to other uses are being
aggressively implemented. Pectin can be isolated from
Teguh Endah Saraswati* banana peel waste using the extraction method with acid.
In this study, pectin had been extracted from waste
Department of Chemistry, Sebelas Maret University banana skin using hydrochloric acid (HCl). The results from
extraction then characterized qualitatively using Fourier
*email: Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and other
parameters such as yield pectin, equivalent weight, levels
TiO2/Carbon (TiO2/C) nanocomposite has been prepared of methoxyl, levels of galacturonate and also degree of
by submerged arc discharge in different liquid medium. esterification. From the analysis results, we obtained the
The nanocomposite surface was successfully modified by
optimum pectin is the variable extraction time of 90
minutes. Pectin from extraction results is used as an 1207- Methylene Blue Removal using
adsorbent of ion Lanthanum (III) and erbium (III).
Adsorption of ion La (III) and Er (III) has the different Tin oxide based Photocatalyst
optimum temperature and contact time. But from the
result of examination of adsorption isotherms, both ion La
Adri Huda*
(III) and Er (III) are following the Freundlich adsorption
isotherms with adsorption capacity of ion La (III) is 4,404 Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana,
much higher than ion Er (III) with the adsorption capacity Universitas Sriwijaya
around 1,5798
Keywords: pectin; extraction; adsorbent; adsorption
isotherm A photocatalyst based on tin oxide has been prepared,
characterized, and successfully applied for removal the
Methylene blue. The tin oxide was prepared by the
hydrothermal process in acidic condition using Tri-sodium
citrate (TSC) as stabilization agent. As prepared tin oxide
1203- Total Phenolic Content, Total was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and ultraviolet-visible light
Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant diffuse reflectance spectrophotometer (UV-Vis DRS). The
Activity of the Root, Stem Bark and XRD spectra showed that the TSC can trap the tin-oxide to
form the intermediate phase. Furthermore, it also
Leaves Elaeocarpus Mastersii King supported by UV-VIS DRS indicated that there was a
shifting of spectra from UV to visible spectra as the
Tia Okselni* forming of Sn3O4. The photocatalytic activity showed that
0.05 g as-prepared photocatalyst completely remove 40
Department of Chemistry, Andalas University ppm methylene blue in 100 ml solution within 30 min
under the LED cool white condition. The dye removing
*email: was conducted under the combination of the adsorption-
degradation process. The kinetics study showed that the
Elaeocarpus mastersii King (Elaeocarpaceae) is the photocatalyst had zero-order kinetics which exhibited the
endemic Riau plant. Its bark is used as folk medicine for high photocatalytic activity by increasing the initial
treatment of diabetic and hypertensive diseases. In this concentration.
research, total phenolic, flavonoid and antioxidant activity Keywords: preparation; photocatalyst; remediation; tin
of n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol fractions from oxide
the root, stem bark and leaves E. mastersii King was
determined by colorimetry method using Folin-Ciocalteu
reagent, Aluminum chloride reagent and DPPH assay,
respectively. Leaves of the Elaeocarpus mastersii King
have the highest number of total phenolic content and the 1208- Dengue antivirus activity of
strongest antioxidant activity from n-hexane and ethyl
acetate fractions with the phenolic values (7.48 ± 0.03, non polar extract from Melochia
37.65 ± 0.21 mg GAE/g DW) and the IC50 values (14.21 ± umbellata (Houtt) Stapf var. Visenia
0.05, 1.95 ± 0.01 µg/mL) respectively. The stem bark
exhibited the highest amount of the phenolic content
(28.27 ± 0.21, mg GAE/g DW) and the strongest Nunuk Hariani Soekamto*
antioxidant activity (IC50 2.75 ± 0.02 µg/mL) from the
Chemistry Department, Hasanuddin University
methanol fraction. Flavonoid contents of this plant have a
relatively low quantity with the highest value (4.40 ± 0.05, *email:
mg RE/g DW) was found in the leaves of methanol
fraction. These results demonstrate that the Elaeocarpus A study was conducted on the identification of the group
mastersii King extract have the strong antioxidant activity of compounds obtained from non-polar extract of bark of
and a great potential as a source of natural antioxidant. M. umbelatta (Houtt.) Stapf var. Vicenia and its activity
test against dengue antiviral causing dengue hemorrhagic
Keywords: Elaeocarpus mastersii King, phenolic content, fever (DHF). The extraction method was gradual
flavonoid content, antioxidant activity maceration using n-hexane followed by chloroform, to
stem bark powder of M. umbelatta (Houtt.) Stapf var.
Vicenia. The activity of both extracts against dengue virus
was tested. The phytochemical test was done in each developed method was successfully applied to the
extract to find out the group of compounds. Results simultaneous determination of inorganic anions and
showed that that the n- hexane extract contained cations in human physiological fluids samples. The fluids
terpenoid, steroids and alkaloids, while the chloroform were saliva and urine samples collected from non-,
extract contained steroids and alkaloids. From this study, passive, light, moderate, and heavy smokers.
it was found that n-hexane and chloroform extracts were
very active against dengue virus with IC50 values of 2.39 Keywords: Ion chromatography; column switching;
and 2.34μg/mL, respectively. Thus, n-hexane and inorganic anions; inorganic cations; physiological fluids
chloroform extracts contain compounds that can be useful
for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) disease.
Keywords: M. umbelatta (Houtt.) Stapf var. Vicenia,
dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), alkaloids 1214- Evaluation of antioxidant
activity of Supit extract (Tetracera
1213- Simultaneous Determination of
Muharni Maryadi1*, Heni Yohandini1, Julinar Sabar1, Riska
Inorganic Anions (particularly Adilah1
Thiocyanate) and Cations in Human
Department Chemistry, Universitas Sriwijaya
Physiological Fluids Samples by
Column Switching Ion
Chromatography The limited availability of available medicines has
prompted researchers to explore the potential of nature
to search for new bioactive compounds. Supit (Tetracera
Muhammad Amin1*, Budhi Oktavia2
indica) plants have been used traditionally for the
1 treatment of kidney stones but no chemical content and
Universitas Khairun
2 biological activity has been found. An antioxidant activity
Universitas Negeri Padang
was tested from supit plant extract (Tetracera indica). The
antioxidant activity was tested by DPPH method. with
concentration variations of 1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5 and
31.25 ppm and standard antioxidant ascorbic acid. The
A column switching ion chromatography (CSIC) method
results showed that ethanol extract showed higher
have been developed for the simultaneous determination
antioxidant activity than ethyl acetate and n-hexane
of inorganic anions (PO43−, Cl−, NO3−, and SCN−) and
extract with IC50 < 50 ppm ppm. TLC analysis showed that
cations (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+) using a single
ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts contained fluorinated
pump, a single eluent, and a single detector. The method
compounds. Base on the data obtained we concluded
is based on column switching means allows anions or
ethanol extract has the potential antioxidant compounds.
cations could be determined in a single chromatographic
system. While the anion-/cation-exchange column is being Keywords: Antioxidant; Tetracera indica; DPPH
operated, the cation-/anion-exchange column is being
conditioned, means the both columns are always ready
for analysis at any time. When the combination of 10 mM
tartaric acid was used as the eluent, and operated at
eluent flow rate of 0.5 mL/min, four anions and five
cations could be well separated and detected on the
anion-exchange column and the cation-exchange column,
respectively. The separation of anions was completed
within 40 min, whereas the separation of cations was
completed within 15 min. The detection limits were
calculated at S/N=3 were 16.20−88.11 ppb (µg/L) for the
analyte anions and 3.15−12.10 ppb for the analyte ca ons.
The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the all ions
were less than 3.27%, 2.31%, and 3.52% for peak height,
peak area, and retention time, respectively. The

1221- Characterization, Dating 14C 1223- Docking and Molecular
and Composition of Banjar’s Boat Dynamics Evaluation of Cycloartenol
Artifact from Around Candi Laras Anticancer Activity Through ERK2
Site, Barito River-Kalimantan Inhibition

Tanto Budi Susilo1*, Taufiqur Rohman1, Satrio, Amalinsih1 Hawwin Thoriqul Huda1*, Luthfan Irfana1*, Suminar Setiati
Program Study of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat University Department of Chemistry, Bogor Agricultural University
*email: *email:

The diaspora of Austronesian was the biggest in the world Cycloartenol-like compound has been reported to have
at prehistoric era. Currently, geopolitics of Indonesian was anticancer activity by inhibiting the proliferation of Hep
a part of territory of Austronesian that called a nation of G2 liver cancer cell lines. This study aims to evaluate this
seafaring or riverman. In South of Kalimantan, there are activity by computational approach. Steroids, like
12 sites of human settlement along of the Barito river, cinobufagin, are known to be active against liver cancer
including the site where the discovery Banjar’s boat cells by decreasing miR-494 expression. Cycloartenol rigid
(jukung sudur) artifacts was Candi Laras site. This study docking on various proteins which is known to decreases
improved a analysis of artifact archeological based on miR-494 expression showed the best affinity to ERK2
spectroscopy. The FTIR study more changes in chemistry although weaker than SCH772984 affinity. Flexible
of Banjar’s boat. The our data shown that IR spectrum is docking results showed that the cycloartenol may adopt a
not sharp band at 1735 (s) cm-1 as C=O stretching in lignin type I kinase inhibition but requires structural
and hemicelluloses, and at 894 (w) cm-1 as C-H glucose modification to match SCH772984 fit. Molecular dynamics
ring. There were a Fe-O on hematite that confirmed at simulations of cycloartenol-ERK2 complex also showed
532,35 (w) cm-1 band and a progressive decrease in that cycloartenol is still less able to sustain complex
holocellulose that a corresponding decrease in the conformations than cinobufagin and SCH77298.
intensities of lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses (at Computed pharmacokinetic properties indicates that
2931,80 (s), 1627,92 (s, b), 1512 (w), 1427,32 (w), 1365 cycloartenol has considerable absorption, permeability,
(w), 1265 (w) and 1056,99 (s) cm-1). The dating 14C, the and toxicity properties but the partition coefficient
age of was 2087 year ago and the Banjar’s boat artifact exhibits high lipophilicity that may possibly reduce the
was tangible culture. The XRF data are Mg ;Al ;Si; Fe; Ti; Cu molecular potential as a drug candidate. The
and Zn. Based on result, the suggested that there was computations for cycloartenol derivatives is in progress
Candi Laras site since prehistoric. The our human and will be presented in the full paper.
prehistoric indicated who have been skill as human
seafaring on Barito river. Keywords: in silico; docking; molecular dynamics;
cycloartenol; erk2; liver anticancer; mrna-494
Keywords: FTIR, dating 14C, XRF

1225- Silver Deposition on Titanium this work was synthesis of ionic liquids, preparation of
banana stem, and nanocrystalline cellulose isolation. The
Oxide by Using Liquid Impregnation spectroscopy (FTIR and 1H-NM) study results for synthesis
Method of ionic liquids shows that the cis-oleil imidazolinium
acetate ionic liquid in this research was successfully
synthesized. The infrared spectroscopy results of the
Chanel Tri Handoko1*, Adri Huda1, Muhammad Djoni cellulose after treatment shows that the cellulose type is
Bustan1, Bambang Yudono1, Fakhili Gulo1 II, which means the distribution of hydrogen bonding
interactions have regularly seen on O2(O Nr.2)-O6(O Nr.6)
Universitas Sriwijaya bond. The X-Ray diffraction study results of cellulose after
treatment shows the peak at 2θ=20.1, that indicates also
*email: of the nanocrystalline cellulose. The thermogravimetric-
differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA) study results shows
Silver nanoparticle was successfully deposited on TiO2 a decreasing in thermal stability of the cellulose after
surface by using liquid impregnation method. The silver treatment which indicates the increase of surface area
deposition onto TiO2 was conducted by mixing amount of and shows that filtrate cellulose after treatment are nano-
TiO2, AgNO3, and distilled water under 200C for 4 hours sized. The SEM results shows a change in the particles size
followed by calcining at 500C for 3 hours. XRD result of the cellulose after isolation step. The TEM results
reveals that the prepared materials adopt TiO2 anatase indicate the particles size of the cellulose with length ±330
structure. According to the UV-visible spectroscopy nm and diameter ±54 nm in optimum condition at 100W
method, the prepared Ag/TiO2 has an absorption in the for 30 minutes. The study found that the extraction of
visible light region compared to TiO2. The FTIR spectra of cellulose using fatty acid based ionic liquid is a simple,
Ag/TiO2 show an absorption peak at ̴ 380 cm-1 indicating inexpensive, and environmental friendly way for the
an interaction between Ag and TiO2. The morphology and production of nanocellulose.
particle size of the materials studied using SEM show the
porous, agglomerated, and rough morphology of Keywords: Nanocrystalline Cellulose, Banana Stem, Fatty
microparticles. The TEM images reveal the distribution of Acid based Ionic Liquids, and Fatty Imidazolinium
silver nanoparticle with a diameter size of ̴10 nm on the
TiO2 surface.

Keywords: Liquid impregnation; silver; deposition; TiO2.

1227- Synergy Effect of Ferulic Acid
and Curcumin Analogs Towards α –
1226- Preparation of Cellulose
Nanocrystals from Lignocellulosic Chairil Anwar1*, Wisnu Hascaryo1, Tutik Dwi
Biomass Using Fatty Acid Based Ionic
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Liquid: A Preliminary Study Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Ahmad Mudzakir*
Department of Chemistry Education, Indonesia University Ferulic acid (FA, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) is a
of Education phenolic acid and very recent studies reported that FA
interacts synergistically with the antidiabetic drugs
*email: metformin and thiazolidinedione. Curcumin analogs
namely monoketone curcumin can be prepared by
This research was aimed to obtain the nanocrystalline eliminating one keto group of natural curcumin to
cellulose from lignocellulosic biomass using fatty acid overcome its weaknesses to easily degradation and low
based ionic liquid as catalytic agent with a simple, bioavailibility. Monoketones curcumin had been
inexpensive, and environmental friendly methods. The synthesized by keto-aldol condensation of benzaldehyde
resources of lignocellulosic biomass in this research was derivatives with three ketones i.e. acetone, cylohexanone
banana stem gained from domestic waste. For the and cyclopentanone under basic as well as acid catalyst. In
catalytic agent, we used cis-oleil imidazolinium acetate as general, under basic catalyst the yield of products was
fatty acid based ionic liquids. The multistep methods for higher compare to under acid catalyst. Herewith we

reported that combination between FA and monoketone 1233- Ni-Catalyzed Isomerization of
curcumins showed synergistic activity against α-
glucosidase enzyme. Combination FA and (2E,5E)-2,5- Phenylpropenoids and
bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy)benzylidene)cyclopentanone Hydrogenation of Furfural
(AC1) showed highest inhibition activity at the mole ratio
of FA to AC1 2:1 while combination FA to (2E,6E)-2,6- Yessi Permana*
bis(3,4-dimethoxy)benzylidene)cyclohexanone (AC2)
showed the highest inhibition at ratio FA to AC2 1: 3. We Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Research Division,
could not concluded yet which substances gave stronger Institut Teknologi Bandung
role to synergism.
Keywords: Monoketone curcumin; ferulic acid;
antidiabetic; α –Glucosidase; synergism Stereoselective isomerizations of phenylpropenoids (i.e.,
eugenol, methyl eugenol, estragole, and allyl phenol) to
trans-isomerized products in a neat condition were
successfully catalyzed by in situ generated
1231- Eicosenoic Acids Derivatives as Ni(0)phosphine. The complex was prepared in situ from a
Novel Inhibitors for Mycobacterium simple Ni(II) salt, phosphine, Zn powder, and a nitrile with
Ni/phosphine/Zn/nitrile mol ratio as low as 1:2:1:1. The
tuberculosis Protein tyrosine catalytic system employed Ni(II) complex as low as 0.167
mol%. The trans-product was generated in high yield
phosphatase B
when nitrile as low as 1 mol eq. to the Ni complex (5 μL)
was added prior to the reaction, indicating a possible
Lalu Rudyat Telly Savalas* formation of Ni(0)nitrilephosphine complex as an active
catalyst. Elucidations of a nitrile role in such
Department of Chemistry, University of Mataram isomerizations were elaborated using eugenol and methyl
*email: eugenol substrates. High phenylpropenoids conversions
(>99%) and high selectivity to trans-products (³95%) were
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein tyrosine phosphatase observed within an hour. The isomerization of eugenol
B or PtpB is an attractive target for latent M. tuberculosis was in fact completed in 30 min at room temperature to
prevention. Secretion of PtpB by M. tuberculosis upon give trans-isoeugenol (>97%), with Ni turn over frequency
engulfment of this bacterium by phagosome leads to (TOF) up to 1,116 h-1. The complex was also evaluated in
latent M. tuberculosis state by inhibiting the fusion catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural to selectively
between bacteria-containing phagosome with lysosome. generate furfuril alcohol in the absence of hydrogen
The fusion will otherwise kill the bacteria since acidic pressure. It was observed that the in situ generated Ni(0)
environment of lysosome and tenth of it hydrolytic phosphine gave only 21% of the product when it was
enzymes are capable of degrading invading bacteria. employed in the reaction for 5 h at 80 °C in ethanol
Although the exact mechanism by which PtpB inhibits solution. However, higher yield was achieved by a sponge-
phagosome-lysosome fusion is not well understood, the like Ni(0), generated from dealuminated Ni-Al alloy. This
possibility to inhibit PtpB might be a strategy to prevent Ni(0) gave furfuril alcohol yield > 60% when employed in
latent M. tuberculosis infection. In this study, novel of the reaction at 150 °C for 4 h in the presence of formic
PtpB inhibitors of eicosenoic acids derivatives are acid and ethanol as a hydrogen source.
described. At low micromolar concentrations, cis-11- Keywords: Isomerizations; Hydrogenation; Nickel(II)
eicosenoic acid, trans-2-eicosenoic acid and cis-2- phosphine; Phenylpropenoids; Furfural
eicosenoic acid can inhibit PtpB activity by 75.23%, 73.57%
and 62.06%, respectively. This result suggests potential
application of eicosenoic acid derivatives as inhibitor of
PtpB in an attempt to prevent latent M. tuberculosis
Keywords: Protein tyrosine phosphatase B; eisocenoic
acid derivatives; latent M. tuberculosis infection

1235- Antimlaria Assay Activity and
Identification of Marker Compound Keywords: Anting-anting (Acalypha indica, L), herbs,
Extract of Anting-anting Herb Plasmodium falciparum, antimalarial assay,
(Acalypha indica l.) standardization

Elok Kamilah Hayati*

Jurusan Kimia, UIN Maliki Malang
1237- Validation of Methylmercury
*email: Determinations in Sediments Using
Antimalarial herbal drug discovery from natural materials GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass
are expected to provide potential new drugs and safe for Spectrometry)
humans. The aim of antimalarial assay by in vitro test was
done to know the most effective antimalarial parasite Suheryanto1*, Zainal Fanani2, Eva Astuti3
inhibition using IC50 values. The use of herbal remedies
can be made formally through the process of 1,2,3
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematic and
standardization. The standardization is done to determine
Natural Sciences
the value of specific and non-specific parameter of ethyl
Sriwijaya University
acetate extract from Acalypha indica Linn. based on BPOM
RI’s rule and regulation. The fraction of ethyl acetate and
rough alkaloids extract from Acalypha indica Linn.
antimalarial activity has identified by in vitro test. The
initial process is done through the extraction with 80% Methylmercury analysis in leachate pond sediments at
TPA Sukawinatan Palembang using GCMS has been
ethanol. The results of the extraction were divided into 2
parts for ethyl acetate fraction and rough extraction of investigated. The purpose of this study were to
alkaloids. Both samples tested phytochemical and determining methylmercury, validation parameters and
measurement uncertainty. Sediment samples were taken
identified using TLC to know the presence of alkaloid
compounds. TLC identification showed the spot value of from three locations, namely leachate treatment ponds 1,
2 and 3. Methylmercury levels in sediment of leachate
the alkaloid Rf 0.35. Antimalarial activity test was
performed on the parasite Plasmodium falciparum strain ponds 1, 2 and 3 were 0.10 µg g-1, 0.09 µg g-1 and 0.06
3D7. The next stage, namely the process of µg g-1, respectively. These data showed that the levels
of methylmercury were below of the quality standards
standardization of the ethyl acetate extract Acalypha
indica Linn. The standardization process was done by established USEPA (0.2 µg g-1). Methods of
means of extraction of Acalypha indica L. made in methylmercury analysis in sediments using GCMS proved
valid. The result of validation method were established :
maceration using ethyl acetate solvent, then performed a
test against specific and non-specific parameters. The test Limit of Detection 0,017 mgL-1, Limit of Quantitation 0,57
mgL-1 and recovery 86,48 %. The measurement
results obtained with IC50 values of antimalarial in ethyl
acetate fraction of coarse plant alkaloid extracts and uncertainty of the leachate pond were 0.10 ± 0.02 μg g-
earrings (Acalypha indica l.) in a row of 2.42 µ g/mL and , 0.09 ± 0.02 μg g-1 and 0.06 ± 0.01 μg g-1. The largest
contributor of uncertainty parameters at the analytical
3.06 µ g/mL. The results of the standardization on the
standardization of specific extract parameter testing concentration (Cx) of the calibration curve.
showed that water-soluble compounds and ethanol in
gravimetric analysis as much as ± 0.53 9.55%, and 79.62% Keywords: methylmercury, sediment, validation,
± 1.90. Testing the content of alkaloid using Dragendorff uncertainty
and Meyer reagent showed positive results.
Determination of total alkaloid levels in gravimetric
analysis as much as 68.26% ± 3.65. Determination of
marker compounds in berberin UPLC-MS identified in tR
15.76 minute levels as much as 30,17%. The results
indicate non-specific parameters moisture content and
ash in gravimetric analysis as much as 17.95% ± 0.66 and
1.98% ± 0.32, levels of residual solvents in distillation 0.99
± 0.01 Pb levels of impurities and metal in AAS of 4.46 µ

917-Synthesis of Sodium
Carboxymethyl Cellulose (Na-CMC)
poster PRESENTATIONS from Water Hyacinth with Mixed
Solvent Using Succinic Acid as
911- Synthesis and Characterization
of Molecular Imprinted Polymer for Ida Musfiroh1*
Recognition of Atenolol in Biological
Fluids 1
Departemen Analisis Farmasi dan Kimia Medisinal,
Fakultas Farmasi UNPAD
Aliya Nur Hasanah*, Shendi Suryana, Driyanti Rahayu,
Sandra Megantara, Retna Fauzia, Mutakin
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms.) is an
Pharmaceutical Analysis And Medicinal Chemistry aquatic weed which has high cellulose content so it could
Department, Faculty Of Pharmacy, Universitas potentially be used as raw material for Na-CMC synthesis.
Padjadjaran, Jl Raya Bandung Sumedang Km 21, This study aimed to determine the characteristics of Na-
Jatinangor, 40611 CMC synthesized by isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol,
and mixture solvent of isobutyl alcohol-isopropyl alcohol
*email: (1:4) and characteristics of Na-CMC crosslinked by succinic
acid. This study involved isolating α-cellulose, synthesis of
Atenolol is one of the β-blocker agents as first-line therapy Na-CMC through alkalization and carboxymethylation,
for hypertension. Long term used of atenolol was crosslinking Na-CMC by succinic acid and characterization
reported to increase morbidity and mortality in of Na-CMC based on Pharmacopoeia Indonesia, SNI and
hypertension patients compared to other drugs. β-Blocker JECFA. The results showed that Na-CMC synthesis product
are use for heart dysfunction. However, due to the has met all the requirements. Na-CMC with the best
missused possibility, consumption of this drug is strictly characteristics shown by Na-CMC synthesized by solvent
regulated in a whole world. Drugs with strict regulation mixture. However, Na-CMC crosslinked showed decrease
usually exist in complex matrices such as biological fluids. in degree of substitution (DS), sodium content, water
Regarding that, selective extraction and sensitive holding capacity (WHC), oil holding capacity (OHC), and
analytical method are needed to detect and quantify viscosity.
drugs in such condition. Molecular Imprinted Polymer in
solid phase extraction form can extract and Keywords; Water hyacinth, mixture solvent, Na-CMC,
preconcentrate analyte selectively from the blood. Here, succinic acid
we wish to report on the development of imprinted
polymers using methacrylic acid as receptor monomers.
These compounds have shown an affinity for atenolol in
solution and having a hydrophobic interaction based on
computational approach. The resulting polymers were
capable of selective recovery of >95% of atenolol from
blood and >99% krom urine compared to other drugs that
could exist in the blood.

Keywords; -

925- Nickel Slag Coated by Titanium
Dioxide for Degradation of Methylene
Blue 948- Probing of Interaction Mode
Between Cyclic Peptide ADTC3 (Ac-
Destri Muliastri1*, A B Widyartha1,Wasiara1, R. Saputra1, CAD TPC-NH2) with E-Cadherin
Muhammad Nurdin1, L O A N Ramadhan1*
Protein using the Molecular Docking
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Method
Natural Sciences, Universitas Halu Oleo, Kendari 93232 –
Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Parsaoran Siahaan1*, Vivitri Dewi Prasasty2, Atiatul
Manna1, Dwi Hudiyanti1
Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and
The utilization of nickel slag waste coated titanium dioxide
Mathematics, Diponegoro University
(TiO2) as material for organic contaminant degradation 2
Faculty of Biotechnology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of
was carried out. The aim of this study is to influence of
degradation time and nickel slag mass for contaminant
degradation in photolysis and photocatalysis system. TiO2
was synthesized by usingsol-gel method. Material
characterizations were performed using X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), and Optical Microscope.
The ADTC3 peptide is known to increase the porosity of
XRD Analysis of slag coated TiO2(Slag-TiO2) showed that
the tigh junction (TJ) in the BBB E-cadherin adherent
TiO2 in anatase phase at 2θ = 68.30° (230).XRF analysis
junction (AJ) so that the drug can enter the cells and can
showed that dominant compound in nickel slag was
speed up the treatment of brain diseases (such as
silicon. Furthermore, optical microscope analysis showed
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and brain tumors). Although
that surface morphology of nickel slag was porous and
macroscopically in vitro E-cadherin peptide has shown
solid. The result of research reveals that degradation test
increasing TJ porosity, the molecular mechanism of
of methylene blue was conducted in photolysis and
interaction within cells is still not widely studied. The
photocatalysis system for 4 hours irradiation with time
hypothesis of interaction between ADTC3 with E-cadherin
interval for 30 minutes.The percentage degradation of
molecularly the amino acid residues of ADTC3 is thought
photolysis and photocatalysis were 48% and 87.50%,
to interact with amino acid residues of E-cadherin
respectively. Meanwhile, a mass variety of slag used in
receptor to inhibit cadherin-cadherin interactions. In this
methylene blue degradation were 5.46 gram; 7.43 gram,
research has been studied complex interaction of ADTC3
and 9.32 gramfor photolysis and 5.49 gram; 8.02 gram,
with domain EC1 of E-cadherin computationally. The
and 10.02 gram for photocatalysis. Degradation
structure of ADTC3 has been optimized with GROMACS.
percentage was increased along with the increase of
The complex interaction of ADTC3 with domain EC1 of E-
nickel slag mass.
cadherin has been studied using docking method. Analysis
of ADTC3 structure was done with optimization molecular
Keywords; Nickel slag, TiO2, photocatalysis, photolysis, dynamics for 120 ns (120,000 ps), and was selected
methylene blue twenty the most stable structure models. The docking
result of these twenty structure shows that each amino
acid of ADTC3 interacts with different types and amounts
amino acid domain of EC1. The most stable interaction
among the twenty structure which interact with the
preferer EC1 active side is the seventh model. The domain
of EC1 interacted are Asp1, Trp2, Ile4, Lys25, Ser26,
Asn27, and Met92 amino acids with binding energy of -
33.10 kJ.mol-1 and Ki of 1.58 μM at the 79187 ps
conformation. The interaction that occurs is precisely on
the active side of domain EC1, so ADTC3 is potential as a
cadherin inhibitor. The results are reinforced by the
interaction of hydrogen bonds between the amino acid
Trp2(O)...Asp3(NH), Trp2(O)...Ala2(NH), and Lys25(O)...

Thr4(HG1) with their distance 2.115 Å, 1.931 Å, and 2.112 963- Synthesis and Characterization
Å respectively.
of Nickel doped Zirconia-pillared
Keywords: ADTC3, domain EC1 of E-cadherin, GROMACS, Bentonite

Ahmad Suseno1*, Karna Wijaya2, Wega Trisunaryanti2,


957- Secondary Metabolites from 1

Chemistry Department, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof
Indonesian’s Sponges Xestospongia Soedarto, SH Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry , Faculty of Mathematics and
Sp: Chemotaxonomy Significance and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Sekip Utara BLS
Antibacterial Properties 21, Bulaksumur, Jogjakarta, Indonesia

Zirconia-pillared bentonite was prepared and used as

Idin Sahidin* supports for nickel catalysts for the hydrocracking reaction
with cooking oil to biofuel. The structural, textural and
Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Halu Oleo surface acidity characteristics of supports and catalysts
were systematically examined by N2 adsorption/
Methanol extracts of Xestospongia sp. is an active extract desorption and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and FTIR
towards some bacteria i.e. Escherichia coli ATCC 35218, techniques. The catalytic performance and carbon
Salmonella typhi YCTC and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC deposition were investigated. It is found that Zirconia -
25923 [1]. Further study on methanol extracts of pillared bentonite are promising catalyst supports for
Xestospongia sp. produced four secondary metabolites. hydrocracking reaction. The pore structure and surface
Isolation were carried out by chromatography technique properties of such support significantly affect the catalytic
including Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), vacuum liquid behaviors of catalysts derived. Carbon deposition on
chromatography (VLC) and radial chromatography (RC) catalysts is also affected by the property and structure of
with silica gel as adsorbent and mixture of solvents as supports. The sintering and impregnation technique of
eluent. Structure of isolated compounds were determined nickel metal was another factor responsible for catalyst
by spectroscopy methods i.e. FTIR, 1H and 13C NMR. To deactivation.
support this findings, the data were matched to the
corresponding data from literatures. Biological activities of Keywords: zirconia-pillared bentonite; nickel catalysts;
isolated compounds evaluated against some bacteria carbon deposition
consist of Escherichia coli ATCC 35218, Salmonella typhi
YCTC, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Shigella dysentriae and
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Four
compounds which have been isolated and identified from
methanol extracts of Xestospongia sp are steroid group
that are (1) purchrasterol, (2), xestosterol, (3)
sarangosterol, (4) 5α,8α-epidioxy-24α-ethylcholest-6-en-
3β-ol. Chemotaxonomically, production of steroids
indicated that the sample is a sponge, and presence of 966- Synthesis and Characterization
xestosterol (2) lead the research sample to be classified as
Xestospongia type B together with X. testudinaria 2, X.
of Diethylenetriamine-Functionalized
testudinaria 3 and X. muta 2. Biological activities showed Silica Coated on Magnetic Material of
that the compounds are inactive towards E.coli ATCC
35218, S. typhi YCTC, B. subtilis ATCC 6633, S. dysentriae
Iron Sand
and MRSA.
Keywords: Secondary Metabolites Isolation
Department of Chemistry, Halu Oleo University

Diethylenetriamine-functionalized silica coated on

magnetic material of iron sand (MM@SiO2-DETA) has
been synthesized by sol-gel method for adsorption of
Au(III) in aqueous solution. Synthesis was carried out by 0.20 to 0.59 mmole/g. The maximum conversion of free
coating magnetic material of iron sand as the core with fatty acids under esterification process using the SAacC
diethylenetriamine-modified silica usingsodi um silicate treated by 0.3M sulphuric acid with a weight of 1 g and a
solution and N1-(3-trimethoxysylilpropyl) temperature of 65oC is 34.91 %. The followed process
diethylenetriamine (TMPSDETA) as silica and through transesterification has obtained 75.45 % of
diethylenetriamine group sources, respectively. biodiesel yield. Based on the the GC analysis of biodiesel
MM@SiO2-DETA was characterized with Fourier was obtained three main peaks having retention times of
transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer, X-ray 21.71, 24.05 and 35.69 minutes. Most of the characteristic
diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope with parameters of biodiesel produced have compliance with
energy dispersive spectroscope (SEM-EDX), vibrating the ISO, except the number of acid and carbon residue.
sample magnetometer (VSM) and thermal gravimetric
analysis (TGA). The characterization results indicated that Keywords: catalysis
SiO2 and DETA groups were successfully attached to the
surface of magnetic material to form MM@SiO2-DETA.
Characteristic bands of the vibration of propyl and (NH2)
amino groups derived from DETA; indicating that DETA
was successfully reacted with MM@SiO2. Coating of MM
with SiO2 exhibits the decrease in Ms up to 38.2 emu/g
and 23.5 emu/g after coating with SiO2-DETA. 996- Characterization of Total
Thermalgravimetric analysis indicate thermal stability of Phenolic Content and Components of
the resulted product of MM@SiO2-DETA (1:1) up to
350°C. Chemical Compounds by GC-MS from
Pyrolisis of Coconut Shell
Keywords: diethylenetriamine, silica, iron sand
Mashuni Pallawagau*
976- Sulphuric Acid Activated Clay
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
(Saacc) as Catalyst for Esterification Natural Science, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast
of Crude Palm Oil (Cpo) to Biodiesel Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The coconut shell liquid (CSL) is a natural phenolic source
Muhdarina* which can be obtained by pyrolysis. The class of phenolic
compounds can be used as a natural pesticide and in
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Riau
industry. The purposes of this study were to determine
Sulphuric acid activated clay (SAacC) was aimed to replace the total phenolic content (TPC) and to characterize
the use of sulphuric acid as a catalyst of esterification of component of chemical compound of bio oil from coconut
the crude palm oil (CPO) into biodiesel. The natural clay shell (CS) pyrolysis using gas chromatography mass
was activated by varying the sulphuric acid concentrations spectroscopy (GC-MS). Bio oil was produced by CS
(0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 M) and calcination at 500oC for 10 hours, pyrolysis at temperatures of 400, 500, 600 and 700 C,
sequentially. Types of minerals and surface acidity of solid respectively. TPC was determined using UV-Vis
catalysts was characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier spectrophotometric method with the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC)
Transformation Infra-Red (FTIR) and gravimetric methods. reagent. The total contents of phenols in a sample of the
The SAacC was used as a catalyst in the esterification CSL were 11.1669, 11.5315, 11.8034 and 11.1808 g/L,
reaction of CPO which is run on various conditions such respectively. Spectrogram of the GC-MS from pyrolysis of
as; weight of the catalyst (1, 3, 5 g) and temperature (60, coconut shell showed following chemical compounds:
65, 70 °C) for 3 hours and mole ratio of oil : methanol phenol, isothiazolone, acetic acid, maltol, hydrazine,
1:24, respectively. Followed this esterification step, and dihydroxyacetophenone, furanone, isothiazolone,
then the produced biodiesel was learned for acetaldehyde, butanone and silane.
transesterification reaction using CaO catalyst at the same
conditions, having the mole ratio of oil : methanol 1: 6, Keywords: total phenolic, coconut shell, bio oil, pyrolysis,
the weight of the catalyst 3 % ( w/w ), temperature 60 °C spectrogram
for 3 hours, successively. Biodiesel obtained of optimum
levels were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) and
characterized according to ISO 04-7182-2006. As an
activation result that the SAacC catalyst has contained
muscovite mineral with a Bronsted acid sites ranged from

Macaranga genus is one of Euphorbiaceae family which
produce phenolic compounds including flavonoid and
stilbenoid which are integrated with terpenoid types.
1004- Antioxidant Activity of Roasted Some species of Macaranga have been reported to show
Ginger Oleoresin (Zingiber the antioxidant and antiplasmodial properties. In this
research, methanol extract of Macaranga beccariana
Officinale) that Occurred Reduction Merr. leaves were investigated for its antioxidant property
Reaction using Roots as Biocatalyst using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and
antiplasmodial property against Plasmodium falciparum
strain 3D7. This extract displayed both activities with IC50
Tagor M Siregar* values of 124.85 and 1.43 μg/mL, respectively.
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Keywords: Macaranga beccariana Merr., antioxidant,
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is used worldwide as a cooking antiplasmodial, IC50.
spice, condiment and herbal remedy. The main
component in ginger is oleoresin with gingerol being the
major component. Ginger also contains shogaol that are
formed by dehydration of corresponding gingerols during
storage and thermal processing. Shogaol is a ketone group 1011- Screening and
which has a potential as a substrate for reduction of Characterization of Raw Starch
hydroxyl group. The utilization of natural sources food like
carrot (Daucus carota), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and Degradation Amylase from Bacteria
sweet potato jalar (Ipomoea batatas) as a biocatalyst can
Dondang Hot Spring Kutai
be used for asymmetric reduction of prochiral ketones in
ginger oleoresin. This research was designed to utilize Kartanegara
roots as biocatalyst for reduction of bioactive in roasted
ginger and to determine its antioxidant activity. Peeled
Winni Astuti*, Rahmat Gunawan, Daniel Tarigan,
ginger were roasted directly using charcoal fire for 2, 4, 6,
Muhammad Nur Yasin, M. Taufik Asadullah A. Rida'i
8 and 10 minutes. Roasted gingers were then extracted
using methanol by maceration method for 48 hours to get Department of Chemistry FMIPA UNMUL
roasted ginger oleoresin. Roasted ginger oleoresin with
the best roasted time would be reacted with biocatalyst The objective of this research was to screening bacteria
from various roots. Carrot, potato and sweet potato were that produced raw starch degradation amylase from
chosen as the biocatalyst. It was found that ginger Dondang Muara Jawa Kutai Kartanegara hot spring and
oleoresin 8 minutes gave the best effect if its antioxidant characterize the amylase. bacteria screening was done by
activity with IC50 value 45.573 ± 1.584 mg/L. The LB medium containing raw starch and tested with iodine
optimum reaction result was obtained using biocatalyst solution, protein concentration was determined by
from potato. The antioxidant activity was increased up to Bradford method, amylase activity was determined by
68.975 ± 1.193 %. DNS (Dinitrocalisylic acid) assay. The results showed that
the amylase-producing bacteria degrading raw starch was
Bacillus sp. The bacteria produced an extracellular
Keywords: -
amylase. The amylase had an optimum pH of 6 and
temperature of 50°C. Specific activity of the amylase is
2893.47 U/mg. The amylase has ability to hydrolyze raw
starch of sago, cassava, rice, and corn.
1005- The Antioxidant and
Keywords: amylase, raw starch, Dondang hot spring,
antiplasmodial activities of methanol Bacillus sp.
extract from Macaranga beccariana
Merr. Leaves

Chairul Saleh*, Eva Marliana, Djihan Ryn Pratiwi, Medi

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Universitas Mulawarman
This study aims to identify the ability of students in
working questions based on cognitive level of bloom’s
taxonomy kreathwohl version of the process evaluation
2023- Electrochemical Behavior of and learning outcomes. The subject of this research is 6th
Different Palladium Shell Thickness semester students, academic year 2014 of chemistry
education department, Islamic University of Indonesia.
of Gold-Palladium Core-Shell This research is a descriptive research. The study was
Nanoparticles (Au@Pd CSNPs) on conducted using the test instrument about the process
evaluation and learning outcomes based on indicator of
Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode bloom's taxonomy are Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS)
consisting of remembering, understanding and applying
then for the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) consisting
Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono*, Aushofin Hamidah
of analyzing, evaluating and creating. The test instrument
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and is essay about development and analysis of assessment
Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Indonesia instrument in process evaluation and learning outcomes.
The results show that based on the data obtained can be
Gold-palladium core-shell nanoparticles (Au@Pd CSNPs) described on the Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS), the
have been successfully synthesized through a seed- ability of students to working out questions at the level of
mediated growth method in several palladium (Pd) shell remembering reached 86.75%; at the level understanding
thickness. A 500 µL, 100 µL, and 20 µL of H2PdCl4 10 mM 82.50% and at the applying level of 70.00%. While the
were used to make three different Pd thickness. A strong students' ability in working out questions on High Order
absorbance UV-Visible spectrum at 285 nm was identified Thinking Skills (HOTS) at the level of analyzing level
for all of Au@Pd CSNPs formations. The identification 67.50%, at evaluating level reached 60.50% and at
showed that there was no significant different UV-Visible creating level reached 81.50%.
spectrum of the synthesized nanoparticles. The
electrochemical behavior was studied in phosphate buffer
Keywords: Cognitive level, bloom taxonomy, student’s
0.1 M pH 7 using cyclic voltammetry method with the
Boron-Doped Diamond (BDD), Ag/AgCl, and platinum wire
as working, reference, and counter electrode,
respectively. Three different oxidation peaks were
observed at 0.81 V, 1.11 V, and 1.33 V that were identified
as oxidation of gold in Au@Pd CSNPs with Pd thickness of
500 µL, 100 µL, and 20 µL, respectively. A highest 1038- The Effect of Purification
oxidation peak was achieved using 20 µL Pd thickness, Process on Electrical Conductivity of
while there was no reduction peak observed. The Au@Pd
CSNPs will be used to modify BDD electrode for formalin Multiwall-Carbon-
sensing application. Nanotubes/Natural-Rubber-Latex
Keywords: Gold-palladium core-shell nanoparticles; Nanocomposite
electrochemical behavior; palladium shell thickness;
Boron-Doped Diamond Argo Khoirul Anas1*, Azmi Mohamed2
Chemistry Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia
Chemistry Department, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The effect of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube purification
process on the electrical conductivity of Multiwall-Carbon-
1032- Student’s Profile About Nanotube/Natural-Rubber-Latex (MWCNT/NR-Latex)
nanocomposite has been investigated. The MWCNT were
Analysis Questions Cognitive Level treated with hydrochloric acid under reflux in water bath
Based On Bloom Taxonomy Version system. Then, the sample was neutralized with distilled
water followed by drying for overnight. The purity of the
Kreathwohl purified MWCNT is 93.47 wt.% which measured by
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), while its morphological
Widinda Normalia Arlianty* structure was observed by using Field Emission Scanning
Electron Microscope (FESEM). Importantly, the
Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Islam Indonesia purification of MWCNT generates in an increase on the

electrical conductivity of nanocomposite up to two orders
of magnitude, from 9.18 x 10-6 to 1.44 x 10-4 S cm-1,
measured by four-point probe instrument.
1058- Pendugaan Umur Simpan
Keywords: purification, multiwall carbon nanotube, Tepung Biji Durian Lokal (Durio
natural rubber latex, electrical conductivity,
nanocomposite Zibhetinuss L) dengan Metode
Akselerasi Pendekatan Kadar Air

Ade Heri Mulyati*, Diana Widiastuti

Chemistry Department, Universitas Pakuan
Indonesia is a tropical country which is rich in varieties of
fruits, the famous one is local varieties of durian (Durio
zibethinuss L). The content of starch in the kernels of
1048- New Supramolecular Metallo- durian is high enough so that it can be processed into
flour which have high economic value and potential
Terpyridine Pectin Derivatives With product diversification of wheat flour. Durian kernel flour
Fluorescent Properties has physical characteristic brownish white color with soft
texture and odorless. Chemical characteristic water
contains 10,78%, ash content 4,45%, protein content
Putri Amanda*, Agustino Zulys 8,97%, fat content 0,52% and carbohydrate 75,27%.
Departemen Kimia, FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia Microbiology characteristic total plate count 4,2 x 103
colony/gram, mold 10 colony/gram, Eschericia coli <3
Preparation of New metallo-supramolecular derivatives of APM/gram, and Bacillus cereus <100 colony /gram. For
Pectin with fluorescent properties by surface modification shelf life testing, moisture initial 0,1213% and moisture
of Pectin is presented. In a one-step procedure, Pectin critical 0,1607% with slope isotherm moisture sorption
was reacted with a complex of 4-p-aminophenyl-2,2';6'2' - curve 0,255. From BET (Brunaurer-Enmet-Teller) curve
terpyridine and lanthanide ions (Eu3+ and Dy3+) to moisture content which give maximum shelf life is 2,80%
generate the desired Pectin-LnIII-terpyridine derivative. water content. Shelf life durian seed powder in LDPE
The prepared Pectin-LnIII-terpyridine derivative were plastic packaging is 134 days, in HDPE plastic packaging is
characterized by elemental analysis, Fourier infrared 230 days, and PP plastic packaging 536 days.
transformation (FTIR), UV-Visible spectroscopy, and
fluorescence properties of Pectin-LnIII-terpyridine Keywords: Durian seed flour, ASLT, Shelf life, Isotherm
derivative were characterized using fluorescence Moisture Sorption
spectroscopy. The results showed that the carboxyl group
of Pectin reacts with the amine group in the lanthanide-
terpyridine complex, which form peptide bonds and
emission spectrum of this material showed that the
material may have potential as a new high fluorescent 1062- Analysis of Problem Based
material. In addition, the prepared derivative material
may have potential applications as a new fluorescent Learning in Hidrocarbon Compound
chemo sensor for metal ions in solution. Material in Vocational School
Keywords: pectin, 4-p-aminophenyl-2,2’;6’2’’-terpyridine,
Beta Wulan Febriana*
lanthanide, fluorescent chemo sensor
Department of Chemistry, Islamic University of Indonesia
Efforts to improve the quality of education in the era of
MEA are increasing the competitiveness of graduates,
governance arrangements and increasing the competence
of educators. Efforts are often done is to improve the
competence of graduates so that vocational school
graduates are able to compete with foreign graduates in
the workplace. The importance of theoretical ability to mushroom meatballs (B4) at room temperature (28-30 0C)
support the ability of practice needs to be mastered. One is 19 hours and in the refrigerator (2-8 0C) is 43 hours.
of the learning models that can improve students' ability is
Problem Based Learning. Problem Based Learning is able Keywords: Cempedak Wheat Seed, Oyster Mushrooms,
to improve students' cognitive and affective abilities on Meatballs, Shelf Life
Hydrocarbon Compound material. This research uses
quantitative descriptive method by using two different
vocational schools.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning (PBL), Student’s

Achievement, Hydrocarbon Compound

1074- VAK (Visual, Auditory,

Kinesthetic) Learning Model to
1065- Potensi Tepung Biji Cempedak Improve Life Skills
(Artocarpus Champeden) sebagai
Artina Diniaty*
Bahan Pengganti Tepung Terigu
Universitas Islam Indonesia
dalam Produk Bakso Jamur Tiram
This study aimed to determine the effect of applying VAK
(Pleurotus Ostreatus) learning model (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) on chemical
industry subjects to improve life skills. This research
Siti Warnasih*, Ade Heri Mulyati, Diana Widiastuti consists of three stages included planning,
implementation, and evaluation. The research subjects
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Pakuan consist of two classes, control class and experiment class.
The instrument of data collection used was life skills
Utilization of cempedak seed’s waste as flour can be used
observation sheet. The result showed that the application
as an alternative raw material sources of carbohydrates
of VAK learning model can improve life skills.
and to reduce dependence on wheat flour, tapioca and
corn. This study aims to determine the best formula
oyster mushroom meatballs which substituted with Keywords: chemistry learning; VAK learning model; life
cempedak wheat seeds, determine the physical and skills
chemical characterization of the chosen oyster mushroom
meatballs formula and determine the shelf life by using
ESS (Extended Storage Studies) storage in normal
everyday conditions. The research method begins with
making cempedak wheat seeds by local varieties 1077- Cyclization Reaction of 4-Nitro-
(Artocarpus champeden), then making oyster mushrooms 3'-4'-Dimethoxychalcone and
meatballs with the addition of cempedak wheat seeds of
0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%, after it was examined Phenylhydrazine
organoleptically by 20 untrained panelists to determine
the selected formula, and then do the physical Lina Fauziah1*, Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih2
characterization, chemical characterization,
microbiological characterization and shelf life prediction Department of Chemistry Education, Universitas Islam
using the ESS. Cempedak wheat seeds have water content Indonesia
8,6%, ash content 3,79%, protein content 9,48%, Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada
carbohydrate content 75,4%, dietary fiber content 18,46%
and total plate count (TPC) 1,7 x 104 colony/gram. Oyster Reaction of chalcone and hydrazine were performed by
mushroom meatballs B4 is a product selected by the refluxing them in glacial acetic acid for 6 h. The
starch composition of 40% and 60% cempedak wheat synthesized compound was characterized using FTIR, GC-
seeds that has water content 62,57%, ash content 2,20%, MS, and 1H-NMR spectrometers. The result showed that
protein content 4,35%, fat content 0,03%, carbohydrate cycloaddition reaction yielded red solid pyrazoline in
content 30,85 %, dietary fiber content 8,16%, and TPC 1 x 53.80%. 1H-NMR showed the formation of pyrazoline with
102 colony/gram. The shelf life of the selected oyster its characteristic that has geminal and vicinal protons in
upfield shift. Furthermore, the presence of a supposedly cerevisiae was cultivated in a non-selective medium for 3
proton peak of hydrazone showed that the reaction is days at 30°C incubation temperature. This enzyme was
predicted performed by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition isolated as an extracellular, intracellular and cell-
reaction. associated. The α-L-arabinofuranosidase activity was
measured at 70oC, pH 6 and 15 minutes’ enzyme reaction
Keywords: chalcone; cyclization reaction; pyrazoline time. The measurements of reducing sugars as the result
of enzymatic reaction were accomplished by the addition
of a DNS reagent at 540 nm wavelength with
1092- The Effect of Mole Comparison spectrophotometry UV/Vis. The activity of α-L-
of Acetone as Co-Solvent to Methanol arabinofuranosidase with hemicellulose substrate isolated
from the coconut leaves was the highest in the cell-
in Transesterification Reaction of associated (0,326 U/mL). Meanwhile, the activity of this
Waste Cooking Oil enzyme with coconut leaves powder without treatment of
hemicellulose isolation was also the highest in cell-
associated (0,170 U/mL).
Tatang Shabur Julianto1*, Rizqy Nurlestari1
Prodi Kimia FMIPA Universitas Islam Indonesia Keywords: α-L-Arabinofuranosidase, Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, hemicellulose, Cocos nucifera
The production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil by
transesterification reaction using acetone as co-solvent
has been carried out. This research studied the optimal
mole ratio of acetone as co-solvent to methanol in the
transesterification process using homogeneous alkaline
catalyst KOH 1% (w/w) of waste cooking oil in room
temperature for 15 minutes of reaction time. Mole ratio 1115- Antimalarial Activity of Extract
of used cooking oil to methanol is 1:12. Acetone was and Fraction of Temu Mangga
added as co-solvent in varied mole ratio to methanol are
1:4, 1:2, and 1:1, respectively. The results of methyl esters (Curcuma Mangga) Rhizomes
were analyzed using GC-MS instrument. The results
showed that the optimal ratio is 1:4 with 99,93% of Dhina Fitriastuti1*, a), Annisa Wahyu Nur Iman1, Dea Alvine
methyl esters yield. Lutfiani1,
Dian Yuliyanti2, and Rona Belisa Oktavany2
Keywords: waste cooking oil, transesterification, mole
ratio, acetone, co-solvent Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia

1103- The Activity of Thermostable *email:

Α-L-Arabinofuranosidase from Curcuma mangga, locally known as “temu mangga” or
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Bj1824 “kunyit mangga”, is a rhizomatous herb of the
Zingiberaceae family. The rhizomes of C. mangga are used
Recombinant on the Coconut Leaves in Java as a seasoning for food and treatment for stomach
(Cocos Nucifera) aches, fever and cancer-related diseases. In the present
paper, the antiplasmodial activity of extract and fraction
of C. mangga rhizome has been conducted. The rhizome
Nengah Wirajana* was extracted with ethanol by using soxhletation
Chemistry Department, Udayana University extraction. The ethanol extract was fractioned by using
Vacuum Liquid Chromatography (VLC) method with eluent
This study aimed to know of thermostable α-L- of n-hexane:ethyl acetate (2:1), ethyl acetate and ethanol.
arabinofuranosidase activity from the recombinant The extract and fraction were analyzed by using LC-MS.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with using hemicellulose From the LC-MS data, it is showed that the extract and
isolated from the coconut leaves (Cocos nucifera) and the fraction contained (E) -labda-8 (17), 12-dien-15,16-dial
coconut leaves directly as a substrate. The hemicellulose compound which is known have a good antimalarial
was isolated by using peroxide base method. The α-L- activity. This compound is high percentage contained in
arabinofuranosidase obtained from recombinant S. ethanol extract and n-hexane:ethyl acetate (2:1) fraction.
Thus, the antiplasmodial assay was tested in the both Keywords: Pineapple leaf fibers, cellulose diacetate,
samples. The result of antiplasmodial assay showed that membrane, TiO2, Congo red.
n-hexane:ethyl acetate (2:1) fraction could inhibit the
parasitemia growth in 10 µg/mL of dosage with the
average inhibition of 8.42% while the ethanol extract in 10
µg/mL of dosage could not inhibit the growth of
parasitemia. Ethanol extract and n-hexane:ethyl acetate
(2:1) fraction have IC50 values of 62.64 µg/mL and 46.17
µg/mL, respectively. Thus, the n-hexane:ethyl acetate
(2:1) fraction displayed better antimalarial activity than
ethanol extract. 1134- Development of Carbon Paste
Keywords: Isolation, Curcuma mangga, antiplasmodial, in
Electrode Modified MIP With
vitro Methacrylic Acid as Monomer to
Analyze Creatine by Potentiometry

1132- Synthesis of Membrane Usreg Sri Handajani*, Cahya Nurrahmi H.A., Miratul
Photocatalytic from Pineapple Khasanah
(Ananas comosus) Leaf Fiber
Chemistry Department, Science and Technology Faculty,
Cellulose Diacetate and TiO2 to
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
Degrade Congo Red
Siti Wafiroh1*, Nani Dian Sofiana1
In this research, carbon paste/MIP electrode has been
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and developed for creatine analysis potentiometrically.
Technology, Airlangga University, Surabaya 60115, Imprinting technique aims to form a mold in accordance
Indonesia with the active site of creatine in MIP. The developed
electrode was manufactured from a mixture of activated
*email): carbon, paraffin, and MIP with ratio of 11:7:2 parts. The
performance of carbon paste/MIP electrode is indicated
Congo Red is a chemical that has a potential hazard to the by Nernst factor values and measurement linearity of 27.2
health of the human body. One technology that can be mV/decade and 0,9915 respectively at concentration
used to degrade the Congo red is a photocatalytic range 10-6-10-2 M, detection limit was 1.1x10-6 M, accuracy
membrane technology. This study aims to create a 55-125, % and the coefficient variation of 0,27-0,60%.
photocatalytic membrane from pineapple leaf fibers of Electrodes still provide good performance untill 85 times
cellulose diacetate (Ananas comosus) and TiO2 which are usage. Selectivity test on electrode is done by using
applicable to degrade the Congo red. The initial phase is glucose matrix and showed that glucose at low and
cellulose insulation. Furthermore, cellulose is used for the normal concentration in blood did not interfere on
synthesis of cellulose diacetate. Preparation of membrane creatine analysis, but high concentration of glucose
is made by phase inversion method using a mixture of disrupted creatine analysis.
cellulose diacetate, formamide, acetone and TiO2. With
variation equal to 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1% (w/v) and Keywords: Carbon Paste Electrode, Creatine, MIP,
variation of solvent evaporation time 20, 25, 30 and 35 Potentiometric.
seconds. Membrane characterization performed includes
the thickness, mechanical properties, the performance
and the morphology. Membrane with optimum
mechanical and performance obtained on the
composition of the membrane with 1% TiO2 with
evaporation time of 30 seconds. The results of membrane
characterization are the optimum thickness of 0.047 mm,
flux 11251.1 and 95.34% rejection, stress 63.83
(N/cm2), strain 0.03 and Modulus Young 1926.45 (N/cm2)
and the ability to degrade Congo red equal to 83.23%.

1146- the Effect of Natural Feed, diffraction (XRD) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
(VSM). The results showed that the high of crystallinity
Factory and Oils on the Gurami Fish and magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 were synthesized
Weight (Osphronemus Gouramy Lac.) using 3 M NaOH solution at 900C. The measurement
results using the Transmission Electron Microscope show
that MnFe2O4 has a particle size of 10-30 nm.
Emma Zaidar Nasution*
Keywords: MnFe2O4, NaOH concentration, temperature
Departemen Kimia FMIPA USU


Research about giving effect of natural food, factory, and

artificial diets from fish powder, soybean dreg, leaves,
blood and tapioca weight of gourami (Osphronemus
gourami Lac.) has been done. Artificial diets were made
from mixing 25 g of fish powder, 25 g of soybean dreg
powder, 25 g of leaves powder, 20 g of blood powder and
5 g of tapioca powder with certain variations. The mixture
is processed and molded with ± 3 mm diameter cylindrical
then dried in an oven at a temperature of 60 °C, where 1153- Synthesisalumina-Activated
the obtained pellets can float on the water surface ± 10
minutes. Furthermore, these pellets were analyzed with Carbon Composite using Sol-Gel
the test protein content, water content, ash content, Method as Adsorption for Methylene
carbohydrates, fat and fiber content. Nutrient content in
the homemade feed include 32,655 % protein, 4,5 % Blue
water, 10 % ash, 46,22 % carbohydrate, 6,631 % fat and
crude fiber 4,453 %. As well as biological assay against Muryati1*, Poedji Loekitowati Hariani2, Fatma2
gourami for 42 days. effect of feeding fish diets to
gourami fish was produced fish weight increase from Magister Program of Chemistry Department, Sriwijaya
33,70 % to 96,62 % in 42 days. Results show that artificial University
feed fish food has fulfill standard food fish. Department of Chemistry, Sriwijaya University
Keywords: Feed, Gourami Fish, Pellets, Standard Food *email:
The research about synthesis alumina-activated carbon
composite using sol-gel method as adsorption for
methylene blue has been done. Activated carbon is made
from durian shell. The alumina-activated carbon
1151- Effect of NaOH concentration composite was characterized by FTIR (Fourier Transform
and Temperature on the Synthesis Infra-Red), SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy-
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy). pHPZC used to
MnFe2O4 by co-precipitation Method determine pH conditions in the adsorption process of
activated carbon and alumina-activated carbon
Fahma Riyanti1*, Widia purwaningrum1 and Poedji composite. The FTIR characterization for activated carbon
Loekitowati Hariani1 indicated that the functional groups O-H, C=C, C-H, and C-
O while the alumina-activated carbon composite has
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and increased of the functional group of Al-O. SEM analysis of
Natural Sains, Sriwijaya University the surface of alumina-activated carbon composite
*email: showed that alumina sticks to the activated carbon
surface. EDS results showed a decrease of the element C
Nano particles of MnFe2O4 have been synthesized using from 64.60% to 20.87% and the increase of Al from 0.86%
co-precipitation methods with variations of NaOH to 23.02%. The pHPZC of activated carbon was 7.10 while
concentrations (1, 3 and 5 M) and temperatures (50, 70 alumina-activated carbon composite was 4.02. The
and 900C). MnFe2O4 synthesized from reactions of optimum condition adsorption of methylene blue using
Fe(NO3)3.6H2O and Mn(NO3)2.4H2O. The crystal structure activated carbon obtained at an initial concentration of 25
and magnetic properties were observed using X Ray mg/L, contact time of 75 minutes and a temperature of

55°C, while the composite alumina-activated carbon Rumondang Nasution*
obtained at an initial concentration of 30 mg/L, contact
Departemen Kimia FMIPA-USU
time of 90 minutes and the temperature of 75C. The
ability of activated carbon and alumina-activated carbon *email:
composite for adsorption methylene blue were 10.7205
mg/g and 14.3662 mg/g, respectively.
Toxicity assay of methanol extract leaves parasite coffee
Keywords: activated carbon, alumina, composite, sol gel (Loranthus ferrugineus Roxb.) have been done using Brine
method, methylene blue Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Coffee parasite leaves
extracted by using methanol and the methanol extract
concentrated by vacuum evaporator. Phytochemical
screening test showed positive of flavonoid and terpenoid
compounds. The toxicity assay by using Brine Shrimp
Lethality Test methods using as 10 fish shrimp larva
Artemia salina Leach used with extract volume of 100 μl.
1166- Cloning and Characterization Extracts of leaves parasite coffee made in with variation of
of A Novel Gene Encoded concentration of 20; 40; 60; 80; and 100 ppm. The toxicity
assay methanol extracts the parasite coffee leaves using
Thioesterase from Domas Hot Spring Brine Shrimp Lethality Test showed that the methanol
extract coffee parasite leaves has LC50 values obtained at
Suharti Suharti* 58.88 ppm and had toxic activity characterized by LC50 <
1.000 μg/mL.
Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta Keywords: Toxicity, methanol extract, leaves parasite
coffee, Brine Shrimp Lethality

A novel gene has been cloned through metagenomics

approach from Domas Hot spring West Java, Indonesia.
This gene encoded a small protein with the sized at
1170- Functionality Analysis of
around 150 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed that
the gene has FadM, 4 HBT, and 4 HBT-2 on specific hits Carbon Nanosheet, Oxidized Carbon
and thio_ybgC, PRK10800 on nonspecific hits conserved
domains of thioesterase. All of the conserved domains
Nanosheet and Reduced Carbon
above are include on a Hotdog fold superfamily. Further Nanosheet Oxide by Using Fourier
analysis of amino acids sequence showed that the protein
was highly homolog to archaeal putative thioesterase
Transform Infra-Red (FT-IR) and
from uncultured Acidilobus sp. JCHS, with percent identity Boehm Titration Method
of 66%. Phylogenetic analysis of the protein showed that
the protein makes a different branch closed to putative
Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah1*, Nirwan Syarif1*
thioesterase of uncultured Acidilobus sp. JCHS.
Department of Chemistry, University of Sriwijaya
Keywords: cloning, thioesterase, novel gene,
metagenomics approach

Functionality analysis has been done for carbon

nanosheet (CNS), oxidized carbon nanosheet (O-CNS) and
reduced carbon nanosheet oxide (R-CNSO) by using
Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) and Boehm titration
method. The result showed that the differences of
functional group between CNS, O-CNS and R-CNSO are the
intensity value of IR transmitance. At which the CNS
1169- Toxicity Assay Of Methanol shows a wide peak in area 3400 cm-1 for hydroxyl group,
Extract Leaves Parasite Coffe with bond C=C vibration in area 1500 cm-1, epoxy and alkoxy in
area 1200-1100 cm-1. In the O-CNS showed the hydroxyl
Method Brine Shrimp Lethality group in around 3300 cm-1, the carboxylic acid shown in
2300 cm-1. At 1700 cm-1 showed C=C. Epoxy and alkoxy
shown in 1250 cm-1 and 1125 cm-1. The R-CNSO shows a
hydroxyl group in the 3441 cm-1. The hydroxy group is
highest intensity at R-CNSO. Carboxylic acid shown in 2337
cm-1. Moderate peak at 1627 cm-1 showed for C=C. Epoxy 1181- Bioethanol Production from
and alkoxy shown in 1172 cm-1 and 1056 cm-1. The Boehm Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Peel
titration method showed that three carbons have
differences amounts of functional groups, except for the Using Yeast Isolated from Durian
carboxylic and lactone groups. The CNS has functional (Durio zhibetinus)
group concentration of phenolic is 0.2 mmol g-1, lactonic
was 3.85 mmol g-1 and base is 0.24 mmol g-1. The O-CNS
have functional group concentration of fenolic is 0.5 mmol Hermansyah1*, Tounaly Xayasene2, Nguyen Huu Tho2*
g-1, have funtional group concentration of phenolic is 0.15 1
mmol g-1, lactonic is 3.2 mmol g-1, carboxylic is 0.15 mmol Department of Chemistry, Universitas Sriwijaya
g-1 and base is 0.25 mmol g-1. Environmental Science and Management, Thai Nguyen
University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam
Keywords: carbon nanosheet, oxidized carbon nanosheet, *email:
reduced carbon nanosheet oxide, ft-ir, boehm titration
This project work is based on the production of bioethanol
as an alternative source of fuel using cassava peels as raw
materials. The process of ethanol production generally
involves pretreatment, hydrolysis of lignocellulosic
1175- Cytotoxicity Evaluation of biomass to fermentable sugars followed by fermentation
Aquatic Plant: Ludwigia leptocarpa of such sugars to ethanol. Waste of the cassava peel
(Manihot esculenta) was hydrolysed by using sulphuric
acid. Yeast isolated from Durian fruit (Durio zhibetinus)
Saputri Ariyanti*, Faisal, Ferlinahayati, Eliza was used in the experiment for fermentation and the
Chemistry Department, Sriwijaya University concentration of sulphuric acid of hydrolysis process was
fermented by yeast for 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7; and 8 days. 50
*email: ml of Sodium Hydroxide was prepared to be added at this
step to adjust the pH of the slurry until 5 and the
Ludwigia leptocarpa is an aquatic plant belonging to the temperature was kept at 25. Nine samples were prepared
Onagraceae family used as medicinal plants. Some at different three hydrolysis times at 121 for 30 minutes,
chemical compounds from Onagraceae family are 45 minutes and 60 minutes. For glucose consumption and
reported to have significant cytotoxic activity. The study is ethanol product analysis, 2 ml of the sample were taken
concern to evaluate the cytotoxicity of n-hexane, ethyl out at every 2 days’ interval until 8 days. During this
acetate and n-butanol fraction of L. leptocarpa. Cytotoxic fermentation process, sugar consumption was measured
activity was determined by BSLT and MTT-assay methods by DNS method, while quantification of ethanol was
using P-388 cells. Ethyl acetate fraction of root, stem and analyzed by Gas Chromatography. The result of this study
leaves showed significant cytotoxic against BSLT with LC50 obtained that the best time of hydrolysis process was 45
were 33.65 and 18.63 mg/mL, while n-hexane fraction of minute, where the result of concentration of glucose was
all part of the plant was inactive. Meanwhile, the MTT- 11.189 %. By virtue of that, fermentation process was
assay on P-388 cells are being carried out. The BSLT results influenced by shaking incubator at 6 days. the optimum
showed that ethyl acetate fraction is a potential source for concentration of sulphuric acid of the hydrolysis process
bioactive cytotoxic compound. was 30 minute, and duration time of fermentation process
by shaking incubator was 8 days, while the concentration
Keywords: Ludwigia leptocarpa, cytotoxic, BSLT, P-388 of bioethanol for the highest of hydrolysis and
cells fermentation process was obtained 1.63 % ethanol.
Keywords: Bioethanol, Fermentation, Yeast, Durio

1182- Physicochemical, Organoleptic
and Prebiotic Properties of Yoghurt 1183- Adsorption of Cobalt (II) on
Added with Fermented Breadfruit Layered Double Hydroxides (Mg/Al
Flour by Laktobacillus Plantarum and Ca/Al) in Aqueous Medium :
Kinetic and Thermodynamic Aspect
Anna Muawanah, Nurul Amilia
Chemistry Department*, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State Neza Rahayu Palapa*, Risfidian Mohadi, Muhammad Said,
University Aldes Lesbani

*email: Department of Chemistry, Sriwijaya University

Yogurt is a fermented milk produced by lactic acid
bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria as an important role in
The synthesis of layered double hydroxides has been
maintaining physiological functions and human health.
conducted using M2+/M3+ metal cation in aqueous
The function of this bacteria will be more effective if
medium on high basicity, where M2+: Mg2+, Ca2+ and
combined with prebiotic. Some food sources of
M3+: Al3+. The materials Mg/Al and Ca/Al were
oligosaccharide known as potentially prebiotic, one of
characterized using FTIR and X-Ray powder analyses. The
them is breadfruit (Artocarpus communis). In this study
material layered double hydroxides (Mg/Al and Ca/Al)
the presence of oligosaccharides in the one of fermented
then was applied as adsorbent of cobalt (II) in aqueous
breadfruit flour by Lactobacillus Plantarum,
medium. Kinetics and Thermodynamic adsorption of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Rhizopus oryzae was
cobalt (II) were studied. The results of FTIR spectrum of
analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
layered double hydroxide Mg/Al and Ca/Al were showed
(HPLC). The purpose of this study is to determine the best
by unique vibration of layered material at wavenumber
type of yogurt with the addition of fermented breadfruit
500-1600 cm-1. The results of X-Ray powder analysis were
flour. The best type of yogurt selected based on
showed high crystallinity. Kinetically, Mg/Al layered
organoleptic, total starter bacteria and antibacterial test
double hydroxides is more reactive than Ca/Al to adsorb
against growth of pathogenic bacteria E. coli, to represent
cobalt (II) in aqueous medium. Thermodynamically,
the prebiotic properties. Physicochemical analysis of
adsorption of cobalt (II) on Mg/Al layered double
yogurt products includes measurement of pH, syneresis,
hydroxides is larger than Ca/Al layered double hydroxide.
fat content, total milk solids not fat, protein content, ash
content, acidity, metal contamination and minerals. Keywords: double layered hydroxides, cobalt (II),
Results showed that yogurt with the addition of adsorption.
fermented bread fruit flour by Lactobacillus Plantarum is
the best type yogurt as the most preferred type of
panelist, with total starter bacteria which contained 2.4 x
1010 colonies/g and antibacterial test against E.coli
showed inhibition zone diameter 4 mm. The best type of 1194- Preparation and
yoghurt has a pH value 4,26; Syneresis 7.60%; fat content
3.734% (w/w); total milk solids not fat 11,56% (w/w);
Characterization of Polymer
protein content 5.047% (w/w); ash content 1.171% (w/w); Electrolyte Membrane Based on
acidity 1.51% (w/w); metal contamination Pb 0.02 mg/kg;
metal contamination of Cu 5.23 mg/kg; mineral content Sulfonated Polystyrene
Ca 2474.17 mg/Kg and mineral content P 1523.75 mg/Kg.
The quality of this yogurt most are compliance with SNI Irfan Gustian*
2981-2009 about yogurt quality requirements.
Chemistry Department, Universitas Bengkulu
Keywords: yoghurt, breadfruit flour, fermentation,
Polystyrene sulfonated (sPS) have been synthesis from the
waste bowl of instant noodle (styrofoam) with a molecular
mass of polystyrene 134959.97 g/mol which used as a
proton conductor membrane. Sulfonated polystyrene and 931.858 ppm and after added phytic acid to 463.535
(sPS) obtained from sulfonation process of polystyrene ppm 640.165 ppm
(PS) by using TMSCS as sulfonation agent within 24 hours
at room temperature. The polymer was tested for degree Keywords: phytic acid, leaching, tantalum, niobium
of sulfonation (DS), identification of functional groups
using FTIR, degree of swelling, ion exchange membrane
(IEC), proton conductivity test, and the determination of
the glass transition temperature using DSC. Based on the
measurements, the sPS membrane characteristic for DS
1200- Formulation of Clove Oil
was 46%, FTIR analysis showed that sPS membrane have Toothpaste (Syzygium Aromaticum
stretching vibration absorption area O-H group at 3434
cm-1 with a broaden peak and stretching vibration
(L.) Merr. & Perry.)
intensity -SO3 group in the area from 1140 to 1200 cm-1
with sharp intensity. Degree of swelling was 2,97%, the Setyo Nurwaini*
value of IEC for 1.15mek/g, the maximum proton
conductivity was 325.057 x 10-4 Scm-1 at 30 °C and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muhammadiyah
minimum proton conductivity was 118,56 x 10-4 Scm-1 at Surakarta
80 °C which has an activation energy of 0,18 eV. Based on
data from DSC, there were a change in the temperature of *email:
glass transition temperature of 73.57 °C for PS and 84.18
°C for sPS. Dental caries is one of common oral and dental diseases
that are caused by Streptococcus mutans. Essential oil of
Keywords: styrofoam, sulfonated polystyrene, electrolyte
clove plays an important role as the basic material of
pharmaceutical industry manufacturing especially in
toothpaste. Glycerin is often used as humectant in
toothpaste formulation. Aim of this study was to
determine the effect of clove oil toothpaste formulas on
1999- Study of Phytic Acid Effectivity physical properties of toothpaste and the ability of each
clove oil toothpaste formula on inhibition of growth of
as Chelating Agent of Unwanted Metal Streptococcus mutans. Clove oil toothpastes were made in
from Tin Slag 2 Leaching to Increase five formulas with variation of concentration of glycerin
0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 40%, respectively. Toothpastes
Purification of Tantalum and were tested their organoleptic, pH, homogeneity,
viscosity, adhesivity, spreadibility and ability of bacterial
Niobium Oxide
inhibition. The data obtained were tested statistically. All
formulas of toothpaste are brownish white color, had
Rizki Triana Sari*, Agustino Zulys mint flavor and fragrant of cloves. All formulas were
homogeneous and pH that obtained from five formulas
Chemistry Department, Universitas Indonesia were 8. The results showed that different variations of
*email: glycerin concentration influenced the physical properties
and ability of bacterial inhibition. The higher glycerin
Tin Slag II is a by-product of tin processing, in tin slag II concentrations, the lower viscosity of toothpaste, but the
contained elements that can still be reused such as quartz, higher adhesivity and speadibility. Different
rutile, hematite, zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, concentrations of glycerin in five formulas showed no
tantalum oxide, and niobium oxide. Tantalum and effect on ability of inhibition of Streptococcus mutans
Niobium in the next few years will experience extinction, growth.
therefore in this research will be done tantalum and
niobium recovery from tin slag II. Tin slag II has tantalum Keywords: clove oil toothpaste, Streptococcus mutans,
and niobium oxide levels of 0.33% and 0.645. In this glycerin.
research will be extraction of tantalum and niobium metal
from tin slag II using Leaching method. Leaching is done
twice, the first by using HCl and Alkali (NaOH) and the
second by using HF and H2SO4 and characterization done
with ICP-OES instrument. Levels of tantalum and niobium
pentoxide before added phytic acid were 68.6465 ppm

1217- How to Improve Quality of the 1219- Immobilized Chitosan and Its
Coloring Silk using Monascus Dyed application on Fe(III) adsorption in
Derived from Cassava Peel Flour peat water
Widia Purwaningrum1*, Nova Yuliasari1, Ismi Anggraini1
Ika Natalia Mauliza*
Department Chemistry, Universitas Sriwijaya
Textile Chemistry Department, Politeknik STTT Bandung
Chitosan has been modified into immobilized chitosan
Limitations of textile natural dyes resources, lead the contained chitosan powder, dimethyl acetamide, N-
development of textile dyes production through the methyl pyrrolidone, lithium chloride and polyvinyl
biotechnological process. One of textile natural dyes from chloride. Immobilized chitosan was aimed to increase
biotechnological process well known as Monascus dyes. adsorption capacity than chitosan powder to adsorb Fe
Monascus has been industrialized using rice media, known (III) and its application in peat water. The parameter was
as red yeast rice. Currently alternatives of fermentation concentration variation (5,10,15,20,25 ppm), interaction
medium used to produce textile dyes is cassava peel flour. times (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 minutes), pH variations (3,
Monascus dyes have a distinctive color character and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and desorption process with hydrochloric
cannot be used in all types of fibers. In this study, acid, sodium EDTA and water. Measurement of Fe (III)
Monascus dyes from cassava peel flour fermentation was used atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Isotherm
applied to the silk fabric. Modification of appropriate adsorption analysis was based on the Langmuir and
dyeing techniques needs to produce silk fabrics that are Freundlich equation. The result of the research showed
not only colored, but have an adequate fastness. Dyes that the adsorption capacity of immobilized chitosan to Fe
developed through the process of fermentation of cassava (III) in 25 ppm, 120 minutes, pH 3,05 is 7.6029 mg. g-1.
peel flour by Monascus purpureus with 55% moisture While in the same condition, chitosan powder show
content for 14 days. Dyestuffs are then used to dye silk adsorption capacity is 6.6465 mg.g-1. In peat water,
through exhaust dyeing techniques at pH 3, 5, and 7 and immobilized chitosan can reduce Fe (III) 83.51%. Based on
with the addition of electrolytes to produce fabrics with the adsorption analysis, Fe (III) adsorption suitable
the highest color strength. Dyed fabrics were then Freundlich isotherm equation with adsorption capacity
compared to the fabrics dyed by red yeast rice. The result 27.77 mg.g-1 and interactions in adsorption Fe (III)
showed that yield of Monascus cassava peel flour had process was physical adsorption by Van der Walls style.
yield of 6 grams per 1000 gram of cassava flour, while red The characterization of used immobilized chitosan using
yeast rice was 10 grams per 1000 gram of rice. Decrease in SEM-EDS indicated Fe (III) has been contained in
pH of the dyeing process gives a significant influence on immobilized chitosan
the dyeing result using Monascus cassava peel flour and
red yeast rice. The lower the dyeing pH, the color strength
of the fabrics getting higher for both of dyestuffs.
Maximum color strength at pH 3. The addition of
electrolyte to the dye gives a better coloring result in 1230- Characterization of Starch
terms of color strength and color absorption than the
fabric processed without the addition of electrolyte. Color
Breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) and
fastness to washing, rubbing, and sweat gives excellent Chitosan Edible Film
results (grades 4-5 scale 1 to 5). This indicates that the
dyed fabrics are sufficient to be used as textile products.
Cut Fatimah Zuhra*
Keywords: cassava peel, dyeing, monascus, silk
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Edible films have been done from mixing starch breadfruit

(Artocarpus altilis) and chitosan with variations in the

amount of 1: 1; 1: 2; and 1: 3 with a total mixture of 4 g in
100 ml of solution using 1.2 ml glycerol as plasticizer, then
dried in an oven at 45 0C for 48 hours. Retrieved Edible
films that have the following characteristics: tensile 1236- Characterization and Partial
strength value obtained for the edible film 1: 1 = 7.7 MPa Purification of Lipase from Cocos
and Percentage of elongation is 10.06%; 1:2 = 3.2 MPa
and Percentage of elongation values is 14.22 % and 1: 3 = nucifera
2.3 MPa and Percentage of elongation values is 22.32%.
Thick of Edible Film was obtained from 0.12 to 0.15 mm.
Jannatin 'Ardhuha
Edible film surface morphology is less homogeneous. FT-IR
analysis showed that in the edible film occurs physical Department of Physic, University of Mataram
interaction only.
The increasing need of lipase has motivated new
Keywords: Edible Film, Bread Fruit Starch, Chitosan, exploration of lipase sources. Meat of germinating
Glycerol, Characterization coconut has been reported to be a good source for lipase.
In this study, we characterized coconut (Cocos nucifera)
lipase and did partial purification by ammonium sulfate
precipitation. It was revealed that 45-60% ammonium
sulfate fraction gave the highest specific lipase activity. It
1232- The Effect Concentration of was also shown by Native-PAGE that coconut lipase
Lignin Extract Inhibitor from Coconut consists of at least two complex proteins of around 110
kDa and 134 kDa. It was further more identified that the
Fiber Waste to Iron Corrosion Rate two complex protein consists of at least 5 different sub
units whose composition is yet to be determined.
Dina Asnawati* Keywords: lipase; Cocos nucifera; ammonium sulfate
Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathematic and
Natural Sciences University of Mataram

The problem that often arises in the field of industry is

corrosion. One way to inhibit corrosion rate is by using
inhibitors. Coconut fiber waste contains lignin which can
be used as corrosion inhibitor. This study aims to
determine the effect of inhibitor concentration of lignin
extract from coconut fiber waste to iron corrosion rate
and thermodynamic studies. The corrosive medium used
was HCl 1 M and iron corrosion inhibition was determined
by weight loss method. Iron is immersed in solution of
coconut fiber waste lignin extract inhibitor with
concentration 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 g/L at temperature
variation: 303, 323 and 333 K. Thermodynamic study was
conducted to know the process of inhibition of lignin
extract of coconut fiber waste. The results showed that
the corrosion rate decreased with the addition of lignin
concentration, but increased with temperature rise.
Optimum inhibition efficiency occurred at lignin
concentration 20 g/L and temperature 303 K that is equal
to 72.51%. Thermodynamic studies produce Ea, DH, DS
and DGoads values indicating that lignin extract from
coconut fiber waste can inhibit iron corrosion in acid
medium through physical adsorption, endothermic
reactions and spontaneous at temperature 303 and 323 K
but not spontaneously at temperature 333 K.
Keywords: inhibitor, corrosion, lignin, coconut fiber


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