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1 Research Design

Phenomenology is an order of thinking philosophically about the object under study

(Endraswara, 2003: 38). In the research literature, phenomenology does not encourage
kertelibatan purely subjective, but there is an attempt to enter the literary texts in accordance
consciousness researcher. Authority investigators as the giver of meaning has an important role
in the conduct of research. This then requires the disclosure of a symptom based on the
explanation and understanding of these symptoms. Catching the symptoms in this study seeks
to uncover the object of literary understanding which is based on the study of language, which
includes the study of the meaning of the observed phenomena, then sorted, filtered, and found
a picture of pure understanding. In accordance with the phenomenology of literature,
especially the flow of Geneva, the study of literature addressing a symptom that has objective
reality. Researchers as readers trying to describe the phenomenon through concretization in
relation to the understanding of literary works based on the literature itself. Such
understanding needs to be done, because the phenomenology of literature basically aimed at
addressing the literary text as the creator of processed products.

Based on the basic philosophical premise in phenomenology of literature, the researchers

developed a draft of this research using descriptive method in qualitative terms. According
Moleong (2007: 6) Qualitative research is research that aims to understand the phenomenon of
what is experienced by the subject of the study such as behavior, perception, motivation,
action, and others; holistically, and by way of description in the form of words and language, in
a specific context naturally and by using various natural methods. Qualitative research is used
to describe a social phenomenon that is contained in the subject of this study, which discusses
the personal experiences of individuals in a social environment which is reflected in a literary
work that is poetry. The subjects were popular poetry works Primadona Pontianak Radio
listeners, and the elements in the structure of poetry such as sound, rhythm, and word is the
object of the analysis that will be discussed in the research and discussion.

3.2 Research Approach

Works of literature, especially poetry is a sign system that has its own conventions.
According Pradopo (2003: 122) in analyzing the literature, researchers must analyze the system
and determine the sign conventions are what allow signs or structure of the signs in the literary
work has meaning. Thus, the approach used in this study is a semiotic approach. Semiotic
theory the researchers used as a reference in analyzing the data pertaining to the elements in
the structure of a poem that semiotic theory I.A. Richard uses trichotomy developed theory of
Saussure's theory and the theory of Barthes.
In theory Saussure, semiotics is divided into two parts (dichotomy) ie bookmarks
(signifier) and signified (signified). Markers seen from the shape / physical form that can be
known through the outward form, while the marker is seen as meaning that unfolds through
the concept, functions or values that are embodied in physical form. Saussure's existence is the
relationship between the signifier and sign by convention, commonly referred to significance.
Siginifikasi Semiotics is the study relation sign system sign elements in a system based on
certain rules or conventions. Social consensus needed to be able to interpret the signs.
Semiotics Barthes by Roland Barthes argued that in theory Barthes develops into 2 levels
pertandaan semiotics, namely the level of denotation and connotation. Denotation is
pertandaan level that explains the relationship signifier and signified in reality, generate
meanings explicit, direct, and certainly. While the connotation is pertandaan level that explains
the relationship signifier and signified within which operates the meaning which is not explicit,
indirect, and uncertain.

Then, based on the theory above, IA Richard put forward the theory of semiotics
trichotomy to develop Saussure's theory and the theory of Barthes, in which there is a
relationship signified (signified) with bookmarks (signifier), and then the marker is divided into
two devices (Actual Function / Object Properties) and bookmarks (signifier) itself. Marker is a
connotation of a marker, while the device is the denotation of the marker. In this theory
signified is the meaning, the concept, the idea, while the marker is a picture that describes the
device, the objects of physical description, and condition of the object / objects.

According Riffatterre (Pradopo, 2003: 134-135) to make sense of rhyme in semiotics, can be
done by reading heuristic and hermeneutic reading. The reading of the heuristic is the reading
based on the structure of language, while the hermeneutic readings are readings by literary
convention. Step work conducted by researchers to analyze data in the form of the elements in
the structure of popular poetry works Radio listeners belle of Pontianak views with respect to
the tagging system contained in the text, namely: 1) understand the sign within the meaning
conveyed (denotation), 2) interpret the sign connotations or in accordance with the context of
the sentence in it, and 3) interpret the signs to do the reading for mengiterpretasi semiotic
signs in the structure of the poem.

3.3 Data Sources and Data

3.3.1 Data Sources

Sources of data in this study is the poetry of broadcast radio listeners in the broadcast program
"Poetry and Literature" at Radio Primadona Pontianak edition February 2008. The poems which
became the source of the poems are documented in the form of radio listeners epistle
primadona Pontianak to show "Poetry and Literature", especially broadcasting edition February
14, 2008, which coincided with the celebration of Valentine's day or so-called day of love.
Therefore obtained 10 poems as follows: 1) Wish You, 2) Love, 3) Love Me, 4) My mother, My
World, 5) my night, 6) Guard Hearts, 7) Reality True Love, 8) Rindu, 9 ) Sepi, and 10) Thinking of

3.3.2 Data

As the data in this study are associated with sounds, words and rhythms found in the poems of
popular works broadcast radio listeners in the program "Poetry and Literature" at Radio
Primadona Pontianak February edition of 2008. The data are taken related the structure of the

3.4 Techniques and Tools Data Collectors

Techniques 3.4.1 Data Collectors

Techniques used in the collection of research data is an indirect technique, meaning that the
researchers gathered data through personal notes or the work of a person, this technique is
also known as documentary studies. This technique is used because researchers conducted the
study using a document, namely poetry popular works broadcast radio listeners in the program
"Poetry and Literature" at Radio Primadona Pontianak edition February 2008. For the data
collected more representative data collection is done on Considering that the poems that will
be analyzed are taken from poems documentation sent by mail, and read out in the
broadcasting program "Poetry and Literature" in February 2008. this is because some of the
following: 1) poems sent via sMS (short message service) and e-mail (electronic mail) its nature
is temporary because it can be removed from the storage system documents on computer
systems Radio Primadona after after the show aired every week, 2) the poems of February has
a characteristic that is tends to express the themes of love and affection as closely with
atmosphere of celebration Valentine's Day or the day of love, and 3) the themes of compassion
shown by the poem certainly can touch all people especially the youth who are the majority of
radio listeners Primadona Pontianak.

3.4.2 Tool Data Collectors

Data collection tool used is the researchers themselves as a key instrument. Researchers as
planners, implementers of data collection, data analysis, and ultimately into the reporting of
the results of research conducted. In this study, the researchers themselves or with the help of
others is the main data collection tool. Researcher (human) as instruments of primary data
gathering, because it is responsive and can adapt to the surrounding environment, stresses
integrity in developing imagination and creativity to the situations studied, basing itself on the
expansion of knowledge, attempt to process the data as soon as possible, to take advantage of
the opportunity to clarify and mengikhtisar when circumstances changed, and has the ability to
take advantage of the opportunity to seek a response that is unusual and idiosyncratic.

Another tool that is used to collect data logger card. Card recorder used to facilitate the work of
researchers to record sounds and words contained in each array poetry. The data collected in
the form of documentation of the poems of radio listeners on Radio Primadona Pontianak. The
data was obtained from the poems sent by mail by the listener to be broadcast in the program
"Poetry and Literature" at Radio Primadona Pontianak in February 2008 edition.

3.5 Test Validity of Data

The data have been collected will go through the process of testing the validity of such data.
Researchers used several techniques to test the validity of these data, namely the persistence
of observation, and triangulation.

3.5.1 Persistence Observations

Perseverance or constancy observation in testing the validity of data is done by consistently

seeking a review of the various ways in relation to the constant analysis process or tentative.
Perseverance observation aims at finding the characteristics and elements in situations that are
relevant to the issue under consideration and then concentrate on these matters in detail.
Overall the data that has been collected will be observed carefully and then identified in
accordance with the issues raised in this study.

3.5.2 Triangulation

Triangulation is a technique that utilizes data validity checking something else outside of the
data for the purpose of checking or as a comparison against the data. Triangulation technique
that will do that is by utilizing the researchers or other observers theoretically as supervisor (Dr.
Christanto Sham and Dra. Cecilia Seli, M Ed), and by practitioners as a poet, teacher field of
study Indonesian language and literature, and broadcaster who hosted charged literature
(poetry). This is done for the purpose of checking back in the degree of confidence of the data.
Utilization of other observers help reduce the occurrence of irregularities in data collection, so
that the validity of the data is more objective.
3.5.3 Discussions Friends BFFs

This technique is done by exposing the interim results atu final results obtained in the form of
discussions with colleagues. Coworkers selected researchers to confirm the results of the
analysis of this research is a fellow student of Indonesian Language and Literature (Abang
Mohd. Word, Utin Mutia, and Nuryani). Results analysis has been obtained by researchers
further confirmed by the peer's special about the rhythm in popular poetry.

3.6 Data Analysis Techniques

The steps performed in the process of analyzing the data in the form of poems by listeners of
Radio Primadona Pontianak February issue of 2008, as follows:

1) To analyze the sound in popular poetry works Primadona Radio listeners Pontianak February
edition of 2008 by identifying various sounds contained therein to know the meaning of the
poem is as follows:

a. vowel sounds, and

b. consonant sounds;

2) Analyzing the word in the text of poetry popular works Radio listeners Primadona Pontianak
February edition of 2008 by identifying the words seen from the choice of words, denotative
and connotative, imagery, and figurative language that is used, in an attempt to clarify the
meaning of which include a theme, a feeling and the attitude to poetry.

3) Analyze the rhythm of the poem means sound or looping noticed contradictions contained in
each of the words in the text of the poem. Conflicts of this sound include: tone (high-low),
pressure (hard-soft), tempo (fast-slow), which is playing regularly and repeatedly so that the
shape of beauty. To find this contention sounds like a poem text forming a rhythm needs to be
done as follows:

a. pressure on the array of words in poetry are marked with red color and intense pressure by a
dash (-), while the gentle pressure marked with (^),

b. tone on the words in poetry lines are marked in blue and the high notes are marked (-), while
the low tones marked with (^), and

c. tempo word in a poem lines marked with black and fast tempo marked (-), while slower
tempos marked with (^);
4) After the poem was analyzed based on sound, words, and rhythms, then to test the validity
of the data, the researchers triangulate, by the analysis available to the supervisor, so that the
results of data analysis to achieve a more objective; and

5) In the end, the researchers concluded in accordance with the results of data analysis
problems in this study.


NPM : 1610005530130


Program studi manajemen

Fakultas ekonomi

Universitas tamansiswa padang


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