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To Whom It May Concern

This is to confirm that ... (Nama Gelar dan Nama Lengkap) was working at ...(Dimana
tempat magangnya) As an Apprentice Nurse from June 13, 2016 to March 20, 2017.

During his/her apprenticeship, we found ... (Ns. Nama Panggilan) to be professional

and satisfactory in carrying out the job duties, his/ her responsibilities were to:

1. Practice standard professional nursing care to achieve expected patients outcomes

2. Obey the practice code of ethics for nurses as the foundation for nursing practice
3. Make decisions and takes actions on behalf of patients are determined in an ethical
manner and care is delivered in a nonjudgmental and nondiscriminatory manner that
is sensitive to patient diversity preserving patient autonomy dignity rights
4. Assists the patient & family in identifying & securing appropriate available services to
address health-related needs
5. Be cautious and prioritize the patient safety
6. Be able to collaborate with other health practitioners and patients thus the quality life
of patient achieved
7. Be on time.

She/He will surely prove an asset for the team which she/he joins. We wish her/him best
of luck for her/his future appointments.

Malang, January 3, 2018

(Rumah sakit apa / nama instansi)

Nama Direktur

To Whom It May Concern

I am pleased to verify that ... (Nama Gelar dan Nama Lengkap) has been worked as
an Apprentice Nurse for this hospital from June 13, 2016 to March 20, 2017. Her/his duties
included the maintenance of record of admission and discharge of patients, assessment of
patients’ medical data, especially conducting nursing care based on our hospital standard
practice. During her/his tenure here, her/his conduct has been exceptional. She/He is a
dedicated, hardworking, self-motivated and avid member of our team. She/He has in depth
knowledge and has proved that she/he can work under pressure in fast paced dynamic
Overall, Ns. Nama Panggilan performed her/his duties and responsibilities cheerfully
with attention to detail at all times. With her/his enthusiasm to work, learn and progress, I am
certain that he/she would make a great nurse. Please feel free to contact us if you have
specific questions regarding his/her employment.On behalf of the nama rs, I take this
opportunity to wish Ns. Nama Panggilan all the very best in his/her future career.

Malang, January 3, 2018

(Rumah sakit apa / nama instansi)

Nama Direktur

To Whom It May Concern

This is to verify that (Nama) has been employed to (nama RS) from June 13, 2016 to
March 20, 2017 as an Apprentice Nurse. During apprenticeship period, we found her/his
working is full with responsibily and has a depth knowledge and good quality nursing practice
towards patients and family as well.
We thank for her/his sincere service towards patient and for the well behaved during
apprenticeship in our hospital. We wish her/his success for the career and life.

Malang, January 3, 2018

(Rumah sakit apa / nama instansi)

Nama Direktur

To Whom So Ever It May Concern

This is to certify that (Gelar n Nama Lengkap) was working in our hospital
(nama RS) as an Apprentice Nurse since June 13, 2016 to March 20, 2017.
He/She has performed his/her duties well and has a depth knowledge in nursing
practice as well as has a very good organizational system’s knowledge.
We at (nama RS) wish him/her all the very best for his/her future endeavors.

Malang, January 3, 2018

(Rumah sakit apa / nama instansi)

Nama Direktur

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