Makerere University: Business School

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1. Using your internship organization as a reference, provide a detailed description of the
performance management process in that organization. Hint: Be specific and narrate
exactly what happens and how it is done- do not write notes.
2. Examine the key competencies that are measured and appraised and why.
3. Comment on the effectiveness of the performance management system presented in (i)
4. Suggest specific things that that organization can do in order to maximize the
performance of the individuals, teams and the organization at large.
5. Append an appraisal form/tool that organization uses in assessing its workers.
No1 Performance management is the ongoing process of communication between
supervisor and the employees that occur thought the year in order to achieve the
organizational goals.

With the reference of MOFA, performance management during the end of financial year on
the individuals basis and team assessment. Appraisal forms are given to different

Case: Ministry of Foreign affairs (MOFA)

At Ministry of Foreign affairs (MOFA) the performance management process is as follows;

Developing clear job descriptions: AT mofa Job description is the first step in selecting the
right person for the job, and setting that person up to succeed Job description provide a
framework the applicants and new employees understand the expectations for the

Selection: Jobs have different requirements. This is the process of matching the skills and
interests of a person to the requirements of a job. Finding a good job "fit" is exceptionally
important. Use of a selection process maximizes input from potential co-workers and the
person to whom the position will report.

Providing effective orientation, education, and training. AT MOFA Before a person can do
the best job, he or she must have the information necessary to perform. This includes job-
related, position-related, and company-related information; an excellent understanding of
product and process use and requirements; and complete knowledge about customer needs
and requirements.

Providing on-going coaching and feedback. People need ongoing, consistent feedback that
addresses both their strengths and the weaker areas of their performance. Effective
feedback focuses more intensely on helping people build on their strengths. Feedback is a
two-way process that encourages the employee to seek help

Conducting quarterly performance development discussions. If supervisors are giving
employees frequent feedback and coaching, performance reviews can change from
negative, evaluative, one-sided presentations to positive, planning meetings.

Designing effective compensation and recognition systems that reward people for their
contributions: The power of an effective compensation system is frequently overlooked and
downplayed in some employee motivation-related literature.

Providing promotional/career development opportunities for staff: The supervisor plays a

key role in helping staff develop their potential. Growth goals, changing and challenging job
assignments and responsibilities, and cross-training contribute to the development of a
more effective staff member.

Assisting with exit interviews to understand WHY valued employees leave the
organization: When a valued person leaves the company, it is necessary to understand why
the person is leaving. This feedback will help the company improve its work environment for
people. An improved work environment for people results in the retention of valued staff.


Key competencies
 Problem solving.
This is the process of finding solution to the challenge.
In some organization employees are appraised according to their behaves, on how they
behave in the organization.

 Time management
This is the process of exercising the employees the time to spend on certain
 Decision making. Ability to make good decisions is desirable for all employees,
Making and talking responsibility for and demonstrating commitment to appropriate
decisions. Ensuring that decisions are made based on policies, rules and solving the
emerging problems.
 Team work. Ability to work cooperatively in terms of collaboration, communication.
Team competencies need to be seen in context of what a team requires to perform
well and also a team can also assess its objectives and management allocation and
performance assessment.
 Integrity.

This is being honest and having strong moral principles.

 Leadership this ability to influence others. This

 Trustworthiness
 Responsibility

No3. Effectiveness of the performance management system

 It enables employee development and success for example when employees are
given reward this helps in satisfaction and reaching they needs and wants.
 Employee are motivated to improve the performance when managers and staff work
together to plan, monitor and review goals. They set goals with employee through
this employees can understand skill they need to develop.
 Helps employees understand their job responsibilities. This gives staff better
understanding of their daily tasks for example when employees receive constant and
high quality feedback, employees get aware of their behaviors.
 It encourages managers to set expectations, provide informal feedback on their
regular basis.
 It helps the administrative actions to be fair. For example promotions, performance
based wards, transfers are often fair.
 It helps HR team spend less time on paperwork and more time on individual work for
they time in the field with the employees then in the office.
 It leads to employee committed to their goals and values which help them in
minimizing employee misconduct.
 It reduces on labor turnover and this leads to increase on the productivity by the
employees and organization


How to maximize the performance of an individuals and organizational at large?

1. Monitor and evaluate job performance through twice or yearly provide workers with
reports to identify their weakness and what they can improve.
2. Hold regular meetings to track the status, make new assignments and encourage
brainstorming on existing problems hence communicating the expectations to the
3. Autonomy. This involves giving employees freedom to make independent decisions
by allowing them to make self-assessments.
4. Training. In order to maximize the performance of individuals and organization need
train the employee through teaching them.
5. Create and administer affair system. For notify and appreciate successful employees
without being biased with employees.

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