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Carla Speaking Part 1 CT tk iteration Revising expressions 2 For questions 1-6, decide which is the best thing to do in Speaking Part 4: A, B or C. 11 When you go into the room for the Speaking test, you should ‘A always use formal language and call the examiners ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ B be polite and friendly to the examiners and your partner. ignore everyone until the exam questions begin When the examiner asks you 2 question, you should A. just say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘maybe’. B answer with a speech you prepared earlier. give full answers, with reasons and examples. In Part 1 you should always reply to ‘A. the examiner who asks you the questions. B_ the other candidate. C the examiner who does not ask the questions. While the other candidate is speaking, you should A listen to what he or she says. B think about something else. C correct any mistakes he or she makes. If you don’t understand a question, you should A say nothing. B pretend you understand and talk about something else. C politely ask the examiner to repeat it. During the test, you A. can use words in your first language if you need to. B_ must talk only in English. may ask the examiner to translate certain words. If possible, work in pairs. Think of three expressions for: 1 asking for repetition Sorry, | didn't catch ¥ 2. adding information 3. giving a reason 4 giving an example. ‘Speaking Part 1. Test 2 Training | 99 Doe es cUMctc@y Speaking Part 1 CE ction pion If you have a partner, answer these questions in pairs. TipT” Don't spend too long thinking before you reply tothe examiner's questions. MRBRBNN) 2 minutes (2 minutes for groups of three) Interlocutor First, we'd like to know something about you. © What do you like about living in your home town? © What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? Why? * Which musical instrument would you like to play really well? Why? * What is your eartiest memory of your school days? * Which school subject do/did you most enjoy? Why? Fpl Think of a different way of saying something if you don’t know a particular word. Tipt Don’t worry about getting every factual etal corect (e.g. the exact year you started schoo). It's a language test, not 2a job interview! 100 | Test 2 Exam practice Speaking Part 4 ce deic iia Speaking Part 2 Esk intormation Revising expressions 1 Are statements 1-10 about Speaking Part 2 true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false statements. 1. Each candidate has to discuss two photos. 2. Each candidate has to speak for two minutes. 3 When you see the photos, you should plan what you're going to say. 4 You need to compare the photos and also answer the question about them. 5. You must describe everything you can see in both pictures. 6 You can correct yourself if you make a mistake when you're speaking. 7 You should check your watch to see when you have to stop. 8 You should listen to your partner without interrupting them. 9 You need to be ready to answer a question about your partner's photos. 10. At the end of your partner's turn, you can comment on what he/she has said. 2 If possible, work in pairs. Think of three expressions to: 1. say which picture you're talking about The picture on the left shows. compare the pictures contrast the pictures say what you think is possible in the pictures say which of two things you'd prefer to do. ween Speaking Part 2

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