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“Listen First: Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow
healthy and safe.”
January 22, 2019

1. This event is open to all students of Tuguegarao City Science High School.
2. BKD officers are not permitted to join any contest in the said event.
3. Participants must be at the venue 10 minutes before the allotted time of the contest,
otherwise there will be deduction of points in the overall score.
4. Time slots of contests are subject to change.
5. Every student is required to join at least one (1) contest.
6. Students are prohibited to stay in the classrooms during the program.
7. Students should clean their respective areas after the contest, otherwise there will be
deduction of points.
8. For the computation of the overall scores, the following shall be observed:
9. Every section will have an initial score of one hundred (100) points, which may
increase or decrease depending on the performance of the students comprising the

Place Minor events Major events

First 50 100
Second 35 75
Third 20 50
Participation 10 25

I. Major Events
1. Each class must have a group consisting of at least 15 members.
2. Each group should create their own jingle either in Tagalog, English, or mixed.
3. Participants are allowed to have their own melody or to adopt the tunes of existing
songs. The group is required to have their own background music, otherwise a twenty
(20) point demerit shall be given.
4. Participants shall be given 4-5 minutes, including the entrance and exit, to perform.
5. A green flag shall be raised to signal the contestants to start; a yellow flag to signal
that the contestants only have a minute left; and a red flag to signal the contestants
that their time is up.
6. The use of costumes and props are permitted.
7. The participants’ music shall be submitted to the officers a day before the contest.
8. The criteria for judging are as follows.

Content 40%
Stage Presence 25%
Creativity & Originality 20%
Audience Impact 15%
Total 100%


1. Each year level must have a team consisting of 10-15 members.
2. They are given 5-7 minutes to perform. A one (1) point deduction from the overall
score shall be made every 30 seconds of under or overtime.
3. The use of props is allowed except for confetti and glitters.
4. The music piece shall be based on our official theme.
5. The music shall be submitted a day before the contest, otherwise the team will be
6. The use of school/P.E. uniforms are strictly prohibited.
7. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Choreography and Coordination 40%

Costume and Music 25%
Creativity & Originality 25%
Audience Impact 10%
Total 100%


1. Each class must have two (2) groups composed of three (3) members each.
2. The coverage of the Quiz Bee are as follows: (1) History of Drugs (2) Current Events
(3) Classifications of Drugs (4) Health Issues (5) Words related to Drugs.
3. There will be separate questions for the JUNIOR DIVISION and SENIOR
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL will have the same set of questions with the SENIOR
4. The Quiz Bee is divided into three (3) levels: EASY, AVERAGE, and DIFFICULT,
which consists of fifteen (15), ten (10), and ten (7) points respectively. Every correct
answer shall merit a corresponding one (2), two (3), and three (5) points for the Easy,
Average, and Difficult levels, respectively.
5. Each question shall be read twice and after the quiz master says “GO”, only then shall
the contestants can write down their answers. Writing on the slates before the quiz
master says “GO” will warrant deductions from the overall score of the team.
6. Each team shall provide their own 1/8 illustration board, chalk, and eraser.
7. Any queries or corrections shall be raised before the quiz master proceeds to the next
item. Any question raised after the next question has been flashed will not be
entertained by the facilitators.
8. The top 3 highest scorers will be deemed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, respectively in Junior and
Senior Division.
9. In case of a tie, the involved teams shall undergo a Clincher Round with three (3)
questions, one from each round. The team who will get the highest points will be
declared as the winner.

1. Each class is required to have a pair (2) of participants.
2. The participants will make a logo for the BKD Club.
3. The participant should only use Adobe Photoshop CS6 and below as an editing
4. They have the freedom to use the different elements, shapes, and/or graphics that are
already in the software. Importing or using the internet to gather graphic materials is
strongly prohibited.
5. The use of ready-made format is an automatic disqualification for the contestants.
6. The participants are given two (2) hours to finish their output.
7. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Visual Impact 30%

Creativity 30%
Originality 20%
Style 20%
Total 100%
8. The output that has the highest percentage from the judges’ overall score will be chosen
as the official logo of the BKD Club 2018-2019.

1. Each grade level must have two (2) pairs. Each pair must consist of one (1) male and
one (1) female.
2. The contest consists of 3 categories:
1. PRODUCTION ATTIRE: Each contestant must wear any white top and
any outer garment that they prefer.
 In this round, the contestants (per pair) shall present their advocacies
based on the theme “Listen First: Listening to children and youth is
the first step to help them grow healthy and safe.”
2. CASUAL ATTIRE/OOTD: Each pair must have the same scheme as
decided by them.
3. FORMAL WEAR: The participants should wear their best formal attire to
represent their grade level.
 After this round, the judges shall choose four (4) pairs to proceed to the
final round which is the Question and Answer portion (Q&A). The
chosen pairs shall wear this attire in the Question and Answer portion

3. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Advocacy 35%
Posture and Aura 15%
Attire 20%
Wit and confidence 20%
Audience Impact 10%
Total 100%

II. Minor Events

1. Each class is required to have a pair (2) of participants.
2. The participants should create their masterpiece based on the topic given on the day of
the contest.
3. The participants are given 2 hours to finish their work. A deduction will be given if the
participants are unable to pass their output after the allotted time.
4. The medium can be Filipino or English but not Taglish.
5. Each pair should provide their own materials. Specifically: 1/8 illustration board and
any coloring materials that they prefer.
6. The criteria for judging are as follows:

Visual Impact 30%

Creativity 30%
Originality 20%
Style 20%
Total 100%


1. There shall only be one contestant for each class.
2. Contestants must bring their own writing materials. Sheets of bond paper will be
3. The poem is to revolve around the topic to be given on the day of the contest.
4. The medium can be Filipino or English but not Taglish.
5. Poems must have a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) stanzas.
6. The poem can be done in free form (no rhyming and line limitations).
7. The time limit for this contest is one (1) hour.
8. Works must be submitted with a title. No title is equivalent to no entry.
9. The criteria for judging are as follows:
Relevance to the Topic 35%
Overall Message 25%
Grammar 20%
Creativity & Originality 20%
Total 100%

1. Each class should make an informative video in accordance to the theme and to
promote awareness about drugs in our country in a creative way.
2. The video must be 3-5 minutes long, failure to meet the said time will receive a 10-
point demerit in their overall score.
3. The video must be submitted on January 21,2018 before 8pm, otherwise, the entry
would be disqualified.
4. The criteria for judging are as follows:
Relevance to the Topic 35%
Overall Message 25%
Cinematography and Editing 20%
Creativity & Originality 20%
Total 100%

January 22,2019


7:30-8:00 Opening Program Mini Gym
Drug Test Mini Gym/Classroom
Integrated Science
Logo Making Computer Laboratory
Tula Kontra Droga Classroom
Symposium Classroom
10:30-11:40 Jingle Mini Gym
Pageant Mini Gym
Pop Dance Mini Gym
Awarding and Closing
4:00-5:00 Mini Gym

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