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Engineering Department

Project Date : 18.01.2017

Title Cooling Water Pressure Loss

Pipe Size DN65, d 0.0681 m 76.1

Flow Rate, q 18.0000 m3/h
Equivalent Length, l 150.0000 m
Density, ρ 1000.0000 Kg/m3
Dynamic Viscosity, μ 0.0010 Ns/m2 at 20°C
Velocity, v 1.3734 m/s
Reynolds No., Re 93343.8 ρ*v*d/μ
Roughness, e 0.1500 mm
Relative Roughness, e/d 0.0022
Friction Coeff., f 0.0250 to be calculated From moody diagram

Head Loss, ΔP 5.2996 m (f*l*v*v)/(2*d*g)

Pressure Loss, ΔP 0.5194 Bar (f*l*ρ*v*v)/(2*d)
or 51.9358 kN/m2

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