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Assessing and Measusing Caring inN; ursing and Health Science Jean Watson, RN, PhD, HNC, FAAN Springer Publishing Company Copyright © 2002 by Springer Publishing Compe, Ine All rghts reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval ystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, eletronie, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, ‘widhout the prior permision of the publisher Springer Publishing Company, Ine. 536 Brondsvay [New York, NY 10012955 Acquisitions Editor: Ruth Chase Pradwcion Editor: Janne Libly (Cver dein by Susan Pauley 01 0205 08 05/5 4821 Library of Congress Catalogingin Publication Data ‘Wason, Jean, 100- ‘Awessing snd measuring caring in nursing and health science / Jean Watson, P. em. Includes bibliographical cefecences and index. ISBN 08261-28159 4. Nursing. 2. Caring. 1 Tide RTi2.W38 2002 61073—ae2t 001081127 ce Printed in the United States of America by Sheridan Books 18 Caring Professional Scale * eee (Swanson, 2000) “The Caring Professional Scale (CPS) was an investigator-developed (Swan- son, 2000) paperand-pencil questionnaire used in an NTH, NINR research grant (R29 01899) to study how consumers rate health care providers on theie practice relationship sty. It was developed as a means to evaluate both the nurse and as a way of evaluating the care received from the physician, midwife, and/or nurse at the time a woman was miscarrying a child. ‘The conceptual-heoretical basis of the scale emerged from Swanson's Caring Theory, an original middle range theory, which was developed over a series of clinical research studies in the area of women’s health (Swanson, 1991). The CPS consists of wo factor analytically derived subscales: Compas sionate Healer and Competent Practitioner. These items were derived from Swanson's original theory categories of: + Knowing + Being with + Doing for + Enabling + Maintaining belief ‘The definition of caring that is grounded in both theory and empirical findings is: Caring is “a nurturing way of relating to a valued other toward whom one feels personal sense of commitment and responsibility” (Swan- son, 1991). “The actual scale consists of 14 items constructed on a S-point Likert. type seale. Sample items include: Was the provider who just took care of 203

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