Hotel Management System 2

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1 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Project Proposal
This project “MAAN-SOOR HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” aims at automating all the
work being done manually in hotels at present. On completion this project would expedite the
work in all regards. Some of the features of this system would be:

Creating a system to automate the services offered by the hotel, this would be more flexible than
their earlier system. The features include:
1. Storing, editing and reporting details of all the rooms available in the hotel.
2. Managing details of Guests’ Checked-In & out of the hotel.
The present approach is given to the Information technology. I.T. is a new and fresh integrated
approach and a key to unlock all the intricate problems of our modern era. This technology tends
to cater all our needs. It is not only an ‘Integrated Approach’, but also job-oriented & concrete
device to aware us of the up-to-date skill and knowledge.

It has worked a magic wand in the spheres of industry, medicine, engineering, agriculture,
transportation, electronics & electrical devices. I.T has boosted progress beyond description. It
has given us the safest & the most concrete means of instruction i.e. computer, Internet, E-mail,
E-commerce, Website and a lifeline for most of our problems. I.T has to a larger extent, played a
role in bettering the global economy. Although there are many companies offering these services
but still quality work is always in demand.

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2 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

1.2 Background:

Maan-soor hotel was established wonderful fund; it was constructed by wages, since 1993 to
1997 was first hotel like it in Somaliland, because its building caused by opinion and nationalism
aspect when Somaliland was no place to rest.

Hargeisa and Berbera was two cities sources in Somaliland since separated Somalia, therefore
Hargeisa is the capital city of Somaliland where Maan-soor hotel is based, its issue behind its
building was when UN staffs come in hargeisa morning and afternoon they go to rest and sleep
Djibouti by flying an airplane which shames the Somaliland sovereignty and the dignity of
Somaliland this idea invented, sponsor and it’s the owner of the hotel Mr Abdikadir Hashi

Berbera is the city of region Sahil and its coastal towns so hot and hard their climates all the
year, At a period of time when owner of hotel seen how is eager to facilitate another branch in
Berbera when he seen what happen Somalilanders who their residence are lived, others tourists
to go diving (Somalilanders and non-Somalilanders like UN staffs and other come to research
and so on and so forth) and merchants which import goods and commodities sale their people to
buy and how they develop their country at their side. To facilitate everything of their needs to
buy citizens, while Berbera is the port of Somaliland and so strategic area.

All the above aspects was caused to open a another branch of Maan-soor-hotel berbera, this
branch was open by the most significant figure was Somaliland merchants, it was no place to rest
and even drink a beverage drinks when they tired and so much sweets and so other events saw
caused then that is a kind of nationalism by the owner to develop Somaliland development in the

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kind of eagerness of his country

If Allah says, the owner of the Maan-soor hotel shall make other benefitable branches in
Somaliland cities and so other improvements in his aspects
3 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.


Maan-soor Hotel, located on the outskirts of the city, welcomes it's valued guest and
while hoping a pleasant stay, guarantees satisfaction in service and relationship.

The Hotel is in Hargeisa, Somaliland about 5 km west of the centre of city and 11 km
from the international airport. All the United Nations Agencies and International
Organizations offices and residences are located near the hotel which is renowned for its
tranquillity and serene atmosphere. Most of the government offices are only 10 minutes’
drive from the hotel which makes it just the perfect place for business and pleasure.

1.3 Organizational Structure:


Maan-Soor Hotel has 3 different kinds of rooms and so many halls.

• 45 Double (King Size Beds) inside and 21 outside of the main building.
• 3 VIP Suites
• 16 Singles
• 15 Vilas

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Each room has a private bathroom, a TV and a telephone.
4 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Maan-Soor Hotel has two restaurants in which Hotel guests and customers can dine. We
provide lovely dishes (Cuisines) in which diners can choose from, all prepared by
qualified Chefs. We have exceptional waiters that will be at your service whenever you
need assistance.
Maan-Soor Halls:
Maan-Soor Hotel has 7 Halls in which meetings, seminars, weddings and other events
can be held. We provide over-head projectors, Flip-Chart Stand with Flip Chart paper.
Maan-Soor Hotel can provide food and beverages for the people participating but must be
arranged prior to the event.
Business Centre:
From 1st of July 2003 Maan-Soor Hotel has renovated its Business Center providing you
with new and powerful computers each connected to the Internet using a SATELLITE
connection (V-SAT system) making emailing and browsing a lot easier. The Business
Center has also other peripherals such as LaserJet printer, a scanner, headphones and
webcams to anybody who wishes to use them.
Visa Arrangements and Other Clearances:
Maan-Soor Hotel can arrange visas and other necessary paperwork requested by its
international customers in Hargeisa or abroad.
Flight Reservations and Other Bookings:
Maan-Soor Hotel can book airlines and any other necessary reservations for its customers
who wish to arrive or depart Somaliland.

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Car Rental Services:
The Hotel can arrange transportation (Car-Rental or Taxi) to anybody who requests it in
confident taxi-man who can guard our guests.
Renting Houses:
The Hotel Manager can provide information as well as rent houses near the Maan-Soor
Hotel compound to anybody who wishes to move closer to the hotel vicinity.
Press Conference:
5 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

The Hotel can make arrangements for anybody who wishes to have a press conference in
Maan-Soor Hotel.
Maan-Soor Hotel can provide catering services (including Chefs and Waiters) to anyone
who wishes to use it. The Hotel must be informed a day in advance.
Maan-Soor Hotel is renounced for its pastries. We bake all types of cakes and biscuits
with regardless of your choice.
Sports centre:

Maan-soor hotel is one of the hotels in hargeisa that survived his guests for sport services
like gym, football, tennis and basketball, in near future it wants to bring more and more
others benefits for his guests.

1.4 Organizational Chart

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6 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

1.5 Departments
A. Reception (Front Office):
It is the most important department of the hotel. The main function of this department is
to give warm welcome to the guest. It helps to create good image in front of the guest.
This is the first department where guest comes in contact with. It generates the
maximum revenue for the hotel as it sells room to the guests. This also includes sub
departments like reservation, Bell desk, and Information desk. It also provides some
facilities like concierge service to the guest.
B. Food and Beverage Service:
It is a department which serves food and beverage to the guest in a very attractive and
pleasing manner, which creates good impression on the guest. There are several kind of
food and beverage outlet like restaurants, Bars, Coffee shops, take away banquets etc. It
is second most revenue producing department of the hotel by selling different types of
food and beverage to the guest.
C. Housekeeping:
This department is responsible for cleaning and maintaining hotel premises which include
public area, guest rooms, lobby, swimming pool area etc. generally this department is not
visible to the guest. It works for guest satisfaction through keeping the environment clean
and hygiene. Horticulture is one of the most important features of housekeeping
department which deals with different types of flower arrangement and maintaining the
garden. This department works to give pleasant look of the hotel to the guest.
D. Food Production:

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It is a department with deals with the preparation of different types of food items. It is not
a visible department to the guest because it usually works in the back area. It makes the
food more delicious and attractive by different styles of cooking method. Different
cuisine has their own kitchen and specialized chef to work on it according to their skills.
Bakery departments comes under this which include preparation of desserts, breads etc.
E. Laundry services :
When considering a laundry service at Maan-soor Hotel, there are several things to think
about. In the case of guests who do not own washers and driers, Laundry services are
convenient, but they can also be small costly, and it may be a good idea to price out
7 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Maan-soor Hotel before committing to a laundry service. Turnaround time is also an

important consideration, as are the types of laundry which a service is willing to handle.
Finally, getting competing quotes from several laundry services is strongly
recommended, for guests who live in our hotel where more than one service is operating.

Guests who use laundry services are sometimes willing to offer advice and
recommendations. Asking around among friends and family members to see who uses a
service is a good idea, as these people may be able to provide advice about the best
service to use, and things to watch out for.

1.6 Goals & Objective of the Hotel

1.6.1 Goals
o Operate hotel properties, furnished and equipped to the top of the Somaliland best
classification standards, and maintain them at a first level.
o Build relationships with investors, secure hotel management contracts and
successfully manage the hotel investments, underpinning asset values.
o Further reinforce our position in the market place as a recognized and trusted
Hotel Management Company.
o Achieve levels of profit sufficient to provide for reinvestment and suitable.
o Within each hotel operation, provide complete satisfaction to clientele in terms of
facilities and service standards, food and beverage and related products, at a fair

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1.6.2 Objectives
o Maan-soor Hotel is a national Non-profitable association of private and public of
hargeisa Somaliland. Established in 1993 to 1997 and fully active since 1999 with
the support of the Somaliland sovereignty and dignity because its foundation was
to develop Somaliland hotels to competitor’s and maintain the same levels of the
standard of international hotels, Maan-soor is working to ensure a sustainable
future for the tourism and guests in hargeisa and berbera as much as possible we
8 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.


Maan-soor Hotel is the vision of achieving leadership within the group of hotels in the
same level. We have the vision to be the best hotel in our area, and as such position
ourselves as the choice for our tourists and guests. The quality of service is based on
years of experience acquired by the owners, partners and employees.


A Home: What the client feels comfortable, quiet and cocky(self-satisfied): Maan-soor
Hotel is to become the refuge of the traveller who comes to realize her dream of meeting
the wonderful Hotel in all over the world, or the traveller who wants to rest after
completing their activities and business.

1.9 Problem Statement

It is obvious that the manual approach has unlimited drawbacks, the most important are
list following
- Report generation: as we know when reporting generating the manual system it is
take more time and difficult to collect information the needs for the hotel as easy way.
- Data independent: when some transaction removing or deleting some files other file
still remain data. Example
- Lack of security: The manual system have no security that kept secret issues like
reservation, everyone can get your own data.

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This system is old system that already world pass, as we know the world become small
village that you can purchase everything you want, anywhere in the world through
internet or e-commerce.
All problem that we have listed caused the Hotel become low management system or an-
accept error that tolerate the Hotel Management.
9 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

1.10 Goals, Objectives & Scope of the Project.

1.10.1 Goals
o Initiate and facilitate international collaborative training and capacity
development programs;
o Provide quality management through continuous evaluations of client care
through review processes.
o Provide quality care by teaching and monitoring client’s response.
o Provide high quality Guest care services in a cost-effective manner.

1.10.2 Objectives
o The main objective of our project is to make reliable and efficient Hotel
management system i.e. a system which is user friendly and at the same time
powerful enough. It has the capability to keep the entire information of a Guest
and to print it the required throughout the project the focus has been on presenting
information and comments in an easy and intelligible manner.

1.10.3 Scope
o It can be used in any Hotel and reservation for maintaining Guest details and their
Check-in rooms.
o Allow for the creation of an application specification to the Hotel management
system that maintain the internal automation of the Guest’s reservation software
i.e. which contains the data related to the customer.

1.10.4 Scope of future application

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o This application fits into the current scenario, which is the information age.
Modern hotels, to increase their efficiency can use this application with some
modifications as per their customized needs.
10 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Literature Review
In literature review every hotel has topics and documentations were written the services or
products and system running that hotels does work and perform its daily workers. And there are
many topics in Hotel Management system. But unfortunately at Maan-soor Hotel have system
and that system doesn’t have any document but small application in the system they work so that
current system so accurate enough organization’s goals and objectives.

We are emphasize some applications were successfully worked and no redundancy but have
some good characteristics we shall refer for like Maan-soor Hotel so we shall divided the hotel
management system two categories like guest administration and booking administration that
perform good system performance is here to show in this figure (1) below.

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Figure (1) shows hotel Deep Sleep administration system and the hotel sub systems like guest administration and
booking administration

Hotel Deep Sleep system was established the Unified Process (UP) methodology the worked an
accurate. In this Hotel management system was simple and accurate like the above figure (1)
shows and snap the system overall overview and this maintenance and performed the two main
subsystem of the hotel management system the easily worked this organization and also guest
registration and create new guest did show the figure (2) below,
11 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Figure (1) shows hotel Deep Sleep guest administration and also other sub tasks like creating new guest, register
guest and editing the guest’s information and show guest data

Most Basic features that our project is:

- Guest reservation
- Change room
- Multiple account per room
- Guest report
- Other charges

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So our scope generalized, modified and add so other application so necessary we know like data
validation and so on, but some advertisement documentations we seen websites with the Maan-
soor Hotel was their services do they facilitate and so small others supported the hotels efforts
and services if facilitate.

Really we mentioned our documentations what amazing the manager of hotel that we present
was make deep in research and analysed with their hotel system at current time uses and do more
investigation and look of many sides to make documentation about Maan-soor Hotel
12 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Management like defects their system have and also some further information enough to their

They appreciate and pleasant our terms we did present like mission, vision statement, goals and
objectives of the hotel then they accepted and welcomed open hands and congratulates what we
done for documentations presents we are the first documentation of what we mentioned above .

In this small application does not have enough work about the hotel services, and other social
update like ZAAD services and eCASH debit to use the system for the development of the
environment, then we develop their so user-friendly and so times-saving of the user-working and
so other future scopes if we can we shall develop, if Allah say,

2.1 New System/Proposed System

The weakness of the existing system is that it is very difficult to retrieve data from case files. It is
difficult to handle of finger the whole system manually and it is less precise and to keep the data
in container files for future reference because it may get shattered. Redundancy of data may
occur and this may lead to the inconsistency. The manual system is so time-consuming.

The proposed (new) system is very easy to manage. Speed and accuracy are the main advantages
of proposed system. There is no redundancy of data. The data are stored in the computer’s
secondary memories like hard disk, compact disks, USB’s. It can be easily received and used at
any time. The proposed system will easily handle all the data and the work done by the existing

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systems. The proposed systems eliminate the disadvantages of the existing system to a huge
extent and it provides more security to data.
13 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

2.2. Feasibility Study

Depending on the result of the initial investigation the survey is now expanded to a more detailed
feasibility study.” FEASIBILITY STUDY” is a test of system proposal according to its
workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet needs and effective use of the resource. It
focuses on these major questions:
1. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system meets them?
2. What resources are available for given candidate system?
3. What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the organization
Whether it is worth to solve the problem
These are the five feasibility studies I considered:

Technical feasibility:-
A study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This
evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not.
1. Can the work for the project be done with current equipment existing software
technology & available personal?
2. Can the system be upgraded if developed?
3. If new technology is needed then what can be developed?
This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user
requirement. The technical needs of the system may include:

Front-end and back-end selection

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An important issue for the development of a project is the selection of suitable front-end and
back-end. When I decided to develop that I went through an extensive study to determine the
most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as well as helps in
development of the project.
Front-end selection:
1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists Receptionist that are not from it
2. Scalability and extensibility.
14 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3. Flexibility.
4. Robustness.
5. According to the organization requirement and the culture.
6. must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support
7. Platform independent.
8. Easy to debug and maintain.
9. Event driven programming facility.
10. front end must support some popular back end like Ms Access
According to the above stated features I selected Visual Basic.Net as the front end for
developing my project.
Back-end selection:
1. Multiple user support.
2. Efficient data handling
3. Provide inherent features for security.
4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance
5. Stored procedures.
6. Popularity
7. Operating system compatibility
8. Easy to install
9. Various drivers must be available.
10. Easy to implant with the front-end
According to the above stated features I selected Ms Access as the back-end.
The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It is

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essential that technical feasibility. It centres on the existing computer system (hardware, software
etc.) and what extent it can support the proposed system.

Economic feasibility:-
Economic justification is generally the “Bottom Line” consideration for most systems. Economic
justification includes a broad range of concerns that include cost benefit analysis. In this we
weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system and if it suits the basic
15 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

purpose of the organization i.e. profit making, the project is making to the analysis and design
The financial and the economic questions during the preliminary investigation are verified to
estimate the following:
 The cost to conduct a full system investigation
 The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being considered.
 The benefits in the form of reduced cost.
 The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the performance is
improved which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits.
 This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with the available funds. The
Hospital Management System does not require enormous amount of money to be developed.
This can be done economically if planned judicially, so it is economically feasible. the cost
of project depends upon the number of man-hours required

Operational feasibility:-
It is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. The points to be considered are:
 What changes will be brought to the system?
 What organizational structures are disturbed?
 What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not,
can they be trained in due course of time?
The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the end users to operate it. It only needs
basic information about windows platform.

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Schedule feasibility:-
Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of project. The time
schedule required for the developed of this project is very important since more development
time effect machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of other systems.
A reliable Hotel Management System can be developed in the considerable amount of time.
16 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

2.3 Resource Requirement

Any system or software to be developed requires a minimum set of resources for its
successful completion, and make it an excellent feature. These resources could be
classified into two main parts.
1. Human Resources
2. Technical Resources

1- Human Resources
Name Address Telephone E-Mail Nationality

Guled Abdikatir Ismail Hawl-wadaag village. 4486674

Ga’an libah district 898989 Somalilander

Adnan Sultan Hassan Jigjiga-yar village 4488065

koodbuur district. 811111 Somalilander

Technical Resources
Hardware Resources
 Personal Computers
 School Laptops
 Printers

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Memory stick.
Software Resources
 MS Office
 MS Visual Studio
 Databases
2.4 Short description of Partners’
Born in hargeisa, Guled Abdikatir Ismail has secondary education and finished GCSE at
Ga’an Libah Secondary School Hargeisa Somaliland and I am a candidate at Admas
University at hargeisa Somaliland with faculty of informatics the department of information
17 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

and communication technology at senior level means he graduate Insha Allah in this year of
academic year 2010/2011, he didn’t worked.

Born in Hargeisa, Adnan Sultan Hassan Nor has secondary education and finished GCSE at
Noradin Secondary School, has worked two year in DurDur Printing Press. And I am a
candidate at Admas University at hargeisa Somaliland with faculty of informatics the
department of information and communication technology at senior level means he graduate
Insha Allah in this year of academic year 2010/2011.

2.5 Individual Strength and Weaknesses

Name Strengths Weaknesses

Organized, Motivated, positive, good conceptual Perfectionist, Impatient, sometimes he

Guled Abdikatir skills, good resource investigator. Good in overworks himself when dealing with
programming, system development and business. problems.
Motivated, positive, very good in Programming, Lack of patience; get confused when he
Adnan Sultan Systems and compromising. is not seeing the solution.

2.6 Partners’ Strengths and Weaknesses

The entire Partners’ have good knowledge in programming (software construction) and are
able to come up with good solutions.
Some Partners’ tend to overlook software design, Lack of Meetings from each Partners’

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 Ahmed Nasser Hassan Haji

Peer Review Contact among the Partners’

The Partners’ has agreed with Study Partner number 1 to do Peer Review. This means
meeting from time to time and exchange ideas and give feedback on each other’s work.
18 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

2.7 Purpose and objectives

Learning objectives

The problem identified is to construct an IT system for Maan-soor Hotel. The Hotel also
includes a software guarantee, fitness center and restaurant. We will be able to learn more
practical skills in programming and software design.

Problem definition
Setting up a system for hotel management and booking. The Maan-soor Hotel requires an
IT System for guest registration and making bookings. The single user IT system will be
build using, UML (UP) and SQL platforms. Thus we will apply the knowledge
taught in class and literatures to help us set up the system. The two main subjects SW
Construction and SW design will form the basis of system development.

Partners’ Goals
Come up with a good IT system that can be implemented. Our focus is to achieve the best
mark possible (12).

2.8 Risk List

Risk Probability Consequence Total Risk Mitigation Fail Plan
Problems with 3 3 9 Study more Search in the UP
Design website.
2 2 4 Start early the Read more from
Problems with project. VB.NET and search
programming more from

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Partners’ are 1 2 2 Motivate Make Partners’ a
absent group meeting regularly

2.9 Project Plans

Project Plan - Activity Plan.

Phases, milestones, iterations + study project activities
Iteration Plan for Inception 1st iteration
19 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Project Start Inception Elaboration Construction

Partners’ contract (6 Domain model
Project Plan (2 Vision, Glossary, r
weeks) Supplementary
Use case model. r
Design model r
Evaluate Code, test… r
Key: r = refined

2.10 Process

Action Plans – Partners’ timetable

Group Members Daily week hours Weekend Total hours

Guled 3 hours 3 hours 18 hours
Adnan 3 hours 2 hours 17 hours

2.10 Project Organization (roles)

Responsibility – Iteration 1
The Partners’ agreed to divide the tasks into two. Then each task is assigned to One Partner.

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The other partner can the switch the results for checking.
NOTE: All entire Partners’ has knowledge enough to perform any task directly or indirectly,
therefore responsibilities will be revised and switched by the Partners’ after each iteration.
 Evaluation
 Decision Making
Place of Work
 School
20 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Partners’ are not allowed to miss three consecutive meetings without prior knowledge to
other Partner. Lateness is strongly also discouraged.

 Discuss the problem with the other Partner.
 Call the absent Partner for a discussion.
 Consult the lecturers concerning the matter.

2.11 Results

Study Project Report

Systems development documentation (UP artifacts)

2.12 Commitment

The above set of rules and roles has been decided and agreed upon in the Partners’. The
Partners’ Working Contract can only be changed in agreement of all entire Partners’ of the
Pairs or in special situations (in case of longer absence or nonparticipation) in agreement of
¾ Partner and in dialog with the project supervisor (Advisor).

2.13 Signature

With our signature we acknowledge the above rules and roles and will do the best to perform

Guled Adnan

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21 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Inception Phase
3.1 Vision
The purpose of vision document is to collect, analyze, and define the vision for Maan-soor Hotel
system based on the It strategy we analyzed and chose the guest administration. It focuses on the
stakeholders requests and needs and the end users and how the Maan-soor Hotel system fulfills
these needs are defined in the use-case and supplementary specifications.

The purpose of the Inception Phase is to define the requirements to the Maan-soor Hotel system.
The vision document applies to the Maan-soor Hotel system which include database and it will
be developed by the students who graduate Admas University from the 8nd and 9th (one of the
last semesters) semester.

3.2 User Requirement Capture.

Data collection techniques
The data collection instruments used to gather accurate information about the existing system
and the requirements for the new system were unstructured interviews with stakeholders,
questionnaires and observations. Interviews and questionnaires were administered to guests and
their reservations to allocate a room vacancy for the customers to collect user requirements.
Observation of the current existing system was done at the Reception Administration Office in
order to find out how the existing system functions, the problems encountered and how they can
be solved.

Problem domain Admas University College

The problem domain of this project is the computerization of a Maan-soor Hotel Guest’s for the
hotel management system with a windows-based booking facility.

Users’ problems on the current system

The stakeholders are guests and reception administrators and they encounter different problems
with the current system. The information collected from both users is as follows:
22 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

- Currently Guest register for accommodation at reception office only for manually of no
value at all. In case guests are in harry up situation for their purpose and suddenly wants
for their bill, where they cannot wait the manually reservation and calculating for the
hotel, Reception for accommodation becomes impossible and that is the problem.
- Paper-based application requires Guests to print, complete and submit the application
form at the Reception administration. It is difficult because it takes more than quarter
hour to reserve since there is always a long queue.
- Guests apply for accommodation and when they are come the receptionist to find which
room is vacancy at the Hotel, they are told to re-apply even though they applied before
and this confuses Guest and take much time.
- When the guests apply for rooms, there is confusion because some Guests are given the
type of the rooms which they did not apply for. This is because administration does not
always have updated records of vacant rooms and their types.
- There is no electronic complaint or suggestion box (anonymous).
The guests can not complain, or make suggestions or comments about the problem they face with
the system and also they cannot tell any information to the administrator.


- Allocation of same room to two different people.
- Users make a mistake of giving a single room to different students at the same time.
When guest makes booking, the system doesn’t show if the room is vacant or not.

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- Tedious capturing data and processing of the paper-based Guest applications.
When applying into the Reception database, sometime the Guests are not able to understand the
receptionist of the hotel and that causes them to battle a wrong behavior between them.

User expectations from a new computerized system

According to the investigations conducted, the following are receptionists‟ expectations from the
new system:
- The interface must be simple, easy to understand and use.
- The system must be secured.
23 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

- Remote access to the system of Guest’s information.

- The system must be able to inform the Guests whether the Checked-out or Checked-in.
Through telephone Guests should be able to receive their room numbers.
According to the survey, the administrators want the system to have the following features:
- The system must be secured
- The system must identify the occupied rooms as well as unoccupied ones.
- The system must be integrated/ linked to the hotel guests‟ database for easy retrieval of
guest’s information (name, address, tell number etc.),

3.3 Limitations to be encountered

- During system implementation, the designer will not have direct access to the Maan-soor
Hotel Management System guests‟ database for easy retrieval of guests information
(name, address, tell number, reservation status and billing records) because of the hotel
policy. However, a similar database will be created as to help the system developer to test
for the new system.
3.4 Requirement Analysis Capture.
Designer’s interpretation of the user’s requirements
- Students want remote access to the system of residence application. This means that the
system has to be web-based to enable them to apply from home.
- The system will need a database because it involves a lot of information which has to be
stored and retrieved later, for example information about types of room and their

High-level Constituents Parts Admas University College

The database will be managed by the administrator and it will have the following characteristics:
- The Database shall be accessible by the software.
- The Database shall allow users to store and search for data
- The Database shall allow users to modify stored data.
- The Database shall allow users to delete stored data.
24 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

- The software shall be accessible from Windows platforms.
- The software shall be able to interact with the database to retrieve and modify data.
- The software shall be able to add data to the database.
- The software shall be able to edit data in the database.
- The software shall be able to delete data from the database.
- The software shall be able to retrieve data from the database.
- The software shall be able to create reports based on information in the database.

3.5 Existing System

Currently the Hotel has a website where Customers find and visit but the website doesn’t
reserved any customer is just like an idle system. Some members of administration use the
database of Hotel Management System where information about Guests is found But only a
Booking of Restaurant and halls and some other criteria doesn’t concern Reservation and they
use 4 manually. This information is taken into consideration while processing the applications
made by Guests and some receptionists.

3.6 Alternative Technical Solutions

The whole system of application for Guests and Administration should be computerized and
preferably must be a Windows Application system.

3.7 Proposed Solution

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The proposed Desktop-based system for Hotel Management System is a solution which will
fulfill the user requirements. It will save the time of users, avoiding queuing of Guests and
providing booking facility to Guest Travellers at Maan-soor Hotel. This system will also enhance
the reporting system as well as the confirmation system by introducing notification by Billing
Guests and Reservation to Rooms.
25 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3.7 The Model to be used

In order to analyze the user requirements, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) will be used.
UML will help to model the exact activities of the new system, to help understand very well how
the system will work and to present a list of tasks to the user. Furthermore, UML will help to
break down the project to make it much easier to develop.

3.8 Technologies to be used

It is recommended to use a Windows-Application technology for the system (using MS VB.NET
& MS ACCESS with Windows OS). The advantage is that the system developed using this
technology is:
- Easy to use (with user-friendly interfaces)
- Free (doesn’t require any license)
- Cheaper
- Easy to manage and maintain.

3.9 Positioning Business Opportunity

This project will be used to upgrade the current guest administration system in Maan-soor Hotel.
The system will allow the staff to easily register and manage guests.

The new system will enable staff and administrator to connect to a network remotely. That is the
system can be accessed from the restaurant, the fitness center and other significant figures.

Admas University College

They system will be created in a state of art platform hence it will be fast, reliable, fast access to
the database and easy to use. It will improve the image of the hotel and therefore attracting more
guests and streamlining administrative function.
Problem Statement
The problem of Large manual guest registration process.
Affects Staff, hotel administration, guests.
The impact of which is Dissatisfied guests and hotel administration.
A successful solution would be Improving the image of the hotel and attract more guests. Staff
responsibilities will also be made easy.
26 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Product Position Statement

For Guests, staff and hotel administration
Who Register, update, administrate.
The (product name) is a tool
That Enable online guest registration system and generate guest statistics.
Unlike The current largely manual system.
Our product Provides up-to-date information and the guests and available rooms.

Stakeholder and User Descriptions

The system will have two types of users. The Staff, Guest and Administrators.
Stakeholder Summary
Name Represents Role
IT Executive IT Department and the Hotel. Responsible maintaining the system.
Receptionist Data entry and reservation. Ensure the system meets the needs.
Guest Online application Ensure the online usability

User Summary
Name Description Stakeholder

Administrator Manage the database of the guests. Self-represented.

Staff Registers guests Self-represented

Guest Online reservation Self-represented.

User Environment
The users are in general educated, own probably a computer at home and experience with

Admas University College

windows operating system that give them such ability to the hotel system.

Product Features
Manager, receptionist and administrator at the Maan-soor Hotel must hold an ID and
password to access the system and its features.
27 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

The system must display availability of the rooms under specific type before any entry. The
receptionist must be able to enter guest request and information and the system must accept the
information, also allow the user to make some changes if necessary.
The system must allow the user to cancel any booking of the guest.
Guest Billings
The system shall calculate the billing in the check-out including guest information and
service used by the guest.
Enter, update and show information
The system must accept entries show and update any information registered or requested
from the guest on the date entry and the information must be available.
The following constraints apply to Maan-soor system:
o The system must not require any hardware development.
o The guest information available is limited and supported by the database.

3.2 Supplementary Specification

The Supplementary Specification provides an overview of the Hotel system. It holds the
system requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use-case model.
The requirements include:
Usability, reliability, performance and supportability requirements.

Admas University College

The purpose of the supplementary specification in this project is to specify the user usability. The
user interacts with the system through a GUI interface, the engine communicates with the
database using VB.NET, executing the insert, update and delete registrations.

The interaction between users and system is made through a graphical interface GUI. The system
functionality must be accessible by mouse/keyboard and all users must be able to choose a
28 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

specific case from the system, execute it and receive the results back.
The requirement descriptions are:
 The functionality requirements that are common to more than one use case.
 System Error: All system errors must be included a text description of the error
 User interface is a graphical /GUI.
 The system is designed for high percentage of entries.
 The interface must be visible in what system is doing.
 Search or other action that results in deletion of a specific case should
automatically return and show the result in details.
Usability Requirement skills:
 The system is developed and designed to facilitate any pc user without special
 Windows experience is required to operate the system.

Availability – The system must be able to execute and respond the entries of the users’ request.
Incorrect entries must be validated without stopping the system. An error message will be
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) – Usually for a system repair we consider minimum of 4 hours
system off.

Admas University College

Bugs or defect rate – It must be sure that the system doesn’t have complete loss of data or
complete inability to use certain parts of the functionality of the system.
Reliability Requirement:
 Availability - Percentage of time availability: 99%
 Hours of use: 24 hours- 7 days a week
Response time for a transaction:
 Typical Searching: No more than 3 seconds.
29 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

 Response time of the system: No more than 3 seconds.

Degradation modes:
 Fully functional: Register, search, check in/out…, requires the system have all
Resource use: Minimum
Intel® Pentium processor
4GB memory (RAM)
160GB HDD disk
 The database must have a high entry number of guests, it can be also higher the
estimated, exceeding the expectations
The upgrade system will be available twice a year or by the hotel needing to improve the system
with features to cover our client 99%.
Supportability Requirement:
Operation System: Windows XP
Environment for application: VB.NET

Design Constraints
The hotel system is required to use programming language such as VB.NET for the GUI
interface; MS Access for the entire database queries management.
Purchased Components

Admas University College

Internet Provider, Operating System

User Interfaces
The user interface created will give the user access to the system through the 2 layer
design model that is the GUI and Database Model.
Hardware Interfaces
Servers, Database…
30 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Software Interfaces
Operating System, Windows Platform, MS Access, MS Visual Studio and Microsoft
Communications Interfaces
Wireless, Network Interface Card, Rooters
Licensing Requirements
SQL Server License
Microsoft office and Windows XP
Legal, Copyright and Other Notices
Partners reserve all the rights.

4.7 Use Cases Design

Use cases was elaborated in inception phase and according to the advisor feedback, the Time is
not named an actor in the hotel system therefore it had been removed in the use case diagram,
the changing was done and we have added one more use case in the diagram called Process
Reservation. The System Sequence Diagram (SSD) was refined and the Operation Contracts
started and analyzed in Elaboration Phase with next phase. According to UP they are the main
ways to describe the system behavior.

Identifier and Name Primary Actors

UC1: Search Room Receptionist
UC2: Register Guest Receptionist

Admas University College

UC3: Process check in Receptionist
UC4: Process check out Receptionist
UC5: Create Guest Statistic System ADM
UC6: Create Room Statistic System ADM
UC7: Create Reservation Statistic System ADM
UC8: Manage security System ADM
31 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

We have chosen four Use Cases according to the UP to look at the most critical in the inception
o UC1: Search Room
o UC2: Register Guest
o UC3: Process Check In
o UC4 : Process Check Out

4.10 Design Class Diagram

The perspective of our Design Class Diagram is to visualize the domain model. In the UP, all
DCD´s form part of the Design Model elaborated in the inception phase and refined in the next
phase. Here we show Class Model associated with association line; Operations assumed public
by the (+) sign and Attributes as private (-).

Admas University College

32 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3.10 Inception phase Conclusion

Activities finished:

We have reached the Milestone objectives. Most use cases were detailed the most important
ones and designed the Use Case Model. We have revised our project plan, the risk list and
elaborated the project plan for the next iteration and phase.

All it has done was according to the UP guide and respecting the process in the UP, following
step by step the iteration, phase and disciplines.

Problem Formulation:

The problems in inception phase we have faced in our project were the use case definition of
the critical use cases we have elaborated.

Problem Solution:

We have corrected the use cases scenarios, changed the use case diagram and the system
sequence diagrams for the critical ones.

Admas University College

33 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Elaboration Phase

4.1 Introduction
Here it starts the Elaboration phase E1 according to the Unified Process is the baseline of the
architecture providing more in elaboration E2.

4.2 Purpose
The purpose of the elaboration phase is to refine the requirements in the inception phase, analyze
the architecture, the design model and the plans for the elaboration phase.

During the elaboration phase requirements will be further analyzed, the risk list and use case will
be completed. The architectural will be developed to test the performance and feasibility of the

4.3 Elaboration Activities

Here we Plan the elaboration phase for doing the following activities.
o Details Uses cases
o Use cases analysis
o Use case Design
o Use case Diagrams

Admas University College

o Risk List
34 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3.5 Use Cases Definition

Here we detail the critical uses case and their respective system sequence diagrams.
We have chosen four Use Cases according to the UP to look at the most critical in the inception
phase. UC1: Search Room, UC2: Register Guest, UC3: Process Check In & UC4: Process
Check Out
Use Case 1: Search Room
Use Case: Search Room
Scope: Hotel Registration System
Level: User Goal
Primary Actor: Receptionist
Stakeholders and Interests:
Receptionist: Wants fast search of best possible room for a guest.
Guest: Wants to have a best possible room for his wishes.
Main Success Scenario
1. Receptionists starts a new search room
2. Receptionist enters the roomInfo(roomno, roomcost, status)
3. System presents rooms available.
4. Receptionist selects room.
5. Receptionist proceeds UC2: Register Guest.

Use Case 2: Register Guest

Use Case: Register Guest
Scope: Hotel Registration System
Level: User Goal
Primary Actor: Receptionist
Stakeholders and Interests:

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Receptionist: Wants fast, accurate registration of guest into the Hotel System.
Guest: Wants his information to be registered accurate.
System Admin: Wants quick update of guest registration and add into guest collection.
Company: Wants to accurately record guest information and satisfy the guests’ interests
Main Success Scenario
1. Receptionist starts a new register guest.
2. Receptionist enters guest information (guestNo, fname,mname,fname,age,Address ...)
3. System records guest information.
4. System presents Guest No.
5. Receptionist proceeds to UC3.
35 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Use Case 3: Process Check In

Use Case: Process Check In
Scope: Hotel Registration System
Primary Actor: Receptionist
Stakeholders and Interests:
Receptionist: Wants fast, accurate renting of a room to a guest.
Guest: Wants fast service and best possible room available.
System Admin: Wants to easily update the system and quickly generate guest statistics.
Company: Wants to accurately record renting transactions and satisfy the guests’ interests.
Main Success Scenario
1. Receptionist starts new process check In
2. Receptionist enters guest name.
3. System presents Reservation information.
4. System records check in line.
5. System presents Check In receipt.
6. System presents Reservation No.

Use Case 4: Process Check Out

Use Case: Process Check Out
Scope: Hotel Registration System
Level: User Goal
Primary Actor: Receptionist
Stakeholders and Interests:
Receptionist: Wants fast, accurate disassociation of room and guest.
Guest: Wants fast service.
System Admin: Wants to easily update the system and make room available.
Main Success Scenario

Admas University College

1. Receptionist starts new process check out.
2. Receptionist enters room No.
3. System presents Reservation information.
4. System records check out line.
5. System presents Check out receipt.
6. System prints out bill.
36 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3.4 Structure the Use Case Diagram

The use case diagram is displayed showing the interaction between the actors and use cases in
the hotel system. The overview is also demonstrated in a table.

Admas University College

The supporting actors provide service to the hotel system. The Accounting and Credit
Authorization Service is in the Use Case Diagram, here we show which use case the both
supporting actors give all necessary support.
37 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Use Case Contracts.

This is usually where the first iteration of the Elaboration phase ends (Elaboration check point)
A use case contracts is like any other contract: an agreement between the producer and consumer
- In this case, the producer is the use case, and the consumer is the actor using it
The contract outlines pre-conditions and post-conditions
- Pre-conditions: A description of the context prior to the execution of the use case
- Post-conditions: A description of the context after the execution of the use case

Use Case 1: Search Room

Use Case: Search Room
Pre-conditions: Receptionist is identified and authenticated.
Post conditions: Room is found.

Use Case 2: Register Guest

Use Case: Register Guest
Pre-conditions: Room is searched.
Post conditions: Registration of guest is saved.

Use Case 3: Process Check In

Use Case: Process Check In
Preconditions: Receptionist is identified and authenticated.
Post Conditions: Reservation is saved. Receipt is generated. Room keys handed to guest.

Use Case 4: Process Check Out

Admas University College

Use Case: Process Check Out
Preconditions: Receptionist is identified and authenticated.
Post Conditions: Reservation is checked-out. Guest gives back room keys.
38 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3.6 System Sequence Diagram

Here we have the system sequence diagrams for some critical use cases used in the system. The
SSD is a fast way to illustrate inputs and outputs events related to the Maan-soor Hotel System.

UC1: Register Guest

UC2: Search Room

Admas University College

39 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

UC3: Process Check In

UC4: Process check out

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40 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4.8 Operation Contracts

Here we show the Operation Contracts for the more significant Use Cases. The OC is considered
part of the UP Use Cases Model; the process of Use Case model is to find first the Use cases,
make the use case text and system sequence diagram in order to analyze the operation contract.
OC1: Enter Room
Operation: enterRoomInfo(category, type, date_F,date_T)
Cross-Reference: Use Cases: Search Room.
Preconditions: There is searching underway.
Post Condition: New Search was created
Search.category became category
Search.type became type
Search.dateF became dateF
Search.dateT became dateT
Search was associated with Reservation.

OC2: Enter Guest

Operation: enterGuestInfo(name,gender, address,..)
Cross-Reference: Use Cases: Register Guest.
Preconditions: There is registration underway.
Post Condition: New Guest was created
Guest. name became name.
Guest. name /Tell became GuestNo
Guest. address became address…
Guest was associated with Guest Table.

OC3: Make New Check in

Admas University College

Operation: makeNewCheckIn(guestNo,roomNo,checkOutDate)
Cross-Reference: Use Cases: Process CheckIn.
Preconditions: There is booking underway.
Post Condition: New reservatoion was created
reservatoion.guestNo became guestNo
reservatoion.roomNo became roomNo
reservatoion. checkOutDate became checkOutDate
reservatoion was associated with Guest Table.
reservatoion was associated with Room.
41 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4.9 Sequence Diagram

UML sequence diagrams are functional design tools because they present a dynamic view of
our system behavior which can be difficult to take out from static diagrams or specifications.
SD: Search Room

SD: Register Guest

Admas University College

42 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

SD: Process Check In

Sequence Diagram Modeling

Use Case Elaboration: The sequence diagram describes a way the hotel system may be used by
its actors, it’s used to details one or more use cases scenarios by illustrating visually; how the
system behaves by a particular main scenario.

Admas University College

Benefits of UML Sequence Diagram

They help us to find the architectural, interface and related problems before we shall start the
implementation the hotel system.
43 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

6.5 Relational Database Design

The purpose is to implement the design in a relational Database (RDB); the implementation must
pursue the following activities.

Relation Documentation


Relation List
In RDB design we use the following table to show form of documentation in relations/tables

Maan-soor Hotel Mgt No.1 Version 1.0 Date Initials

Sys 22.05.2011 <MCG 3>

Relation name Definition/Description Aliases Remarks/

Guest Person who can book at the hotel Guest Many
Receptionist Person who works at the hotel Receptionist Many
Reservation Reservation a room by the guest Many

Relationship /Association Documentation

One to One (1 - 1) structures:

There is no One to One structure in the database system.

One to Many (1 - *) structures:

Admas University College

There is one – many structures in Booking, Guest and Room, those associations are transformed
into relations. During this phase we insert foreign keys to the weaker of the relation. According
to the structure the connection is now represented by a foreign key (FK).

Many to Many (* - *) structures:

There are no Many to Many structure in the database system.

44 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Relationship List

Here we show the following form documentation of the list of relations relationship/associations
between relations that we described above:

Hotel System No. X Version 1.X Date Initials

2011-05-22 <NN>
Relation Multiplicity Association Multiplicity Relation Participation
Names in A Name Names in Mandatory
Alphabetic Alphabetic order Optional
order Primary order
Primary order
Guest 1..1 Has a Reservation 0..* Reservation O:M
Reservation 1..1 Consist of 0..* Room O:M
Room 1..1 Has a Reservation 0..* Reservation O:M
Receptionist 1..1 Is a receptionist 0..1 Receptionist O:M

Shorts used as follows:


M: Mandatory

O: Optional

Relation Attribute Overview

In our relational Database we develop the following structure for documentation of attributes.

Relation Attribute list

Hotel System No.X Version 1.X Date Initials

Admas University College

2011.05.22 <NN>
Relation name Attributes
Guest guestNo(PK), address, email, phone
Room roomNo(PK), roomcost, noofbeds.
Reservation ReservationNo(PK), guestNo(FK), roomNo(FK), Date_from, Date_To

* The Primary Keys are underlined

45 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Attribute Description
In RDB-design it is advantageous to utilize the following to document the attribute description:
Maan-soor Hotel System No.X Version 1.X Date Initials
2011-05-22 <NN>
Relation Attribute Key Description Default Allowed Composite
Value NULL
Names Names Alphabetic Mark Yes/No
Alphabetic order order PK
Primary order Second order FK
Guest guestNo PK,FK Refers to No No
name Guest No Yes (critical)
address No No
e-mail No No
phone Yes

Room roomNo FK Refers to No No

category Room No No
type No
state No
price No
Reservation ReservationNo PK Refers to guest No
roomNo FK / refers to No
guestNo FK room No
Date_From No
Date_To No
Attribute Domain
In RDB-design it is advantageous to utilize the following form for documentation of attribute
Hotel Mgt System No. Version Date Initials
2009-05-22 <NN>
Relation Attribute Data Type Set of Value Format
Guest guestNo Number 0-9 digits X
name Text Any XXXXXXXXX

Admas University College

gender Text Any none
Address Text Any none
e-mail Text Any none
phone Number 0-7 digits XXXXXXXXX
Room roomNo Number 0-9 digits None
roomcost Number Deluxe, Normal
status Text Single, Double, Family
Remark Text Available, Occupied
Booking ReservationNo Number 0-9 digits X
roomNo Number 0-9 digits X
guestNo Number 0-9 digits DDMMYYXXX
date_From DateTime X
date_To DateTime YYMMDD
46 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Database Model Diagram

Here we show the starting point of our database and based on the relations/relationship we can
now show the Database Model Diagram

– The Reservation and Room tables are in their 5th form. This is because there is only one
primary key in the tables and all the attributes are uniquely identified by the primary key.

In the normalization it always starts the tables in the 1st Normal Form (1NF) and it can consist of
more than one primary key. The 2nd Normal Form (2NF) the primary is only one attributes and
uniquely identifies the row. If no attributes determines other attributes the table is on the 3rd
Normal Form (3NF). In our database all the tables are on the 3rd Normal Form (3NF) because

Admas University College

there is only one primary key in the tables and all the attributes are uniquely identified by the
primary key.
Guest Table:

The Guest table is in 1st normal form:

Guest no Name Gender Age Address Phone no State

Here Guest no. is the primary key for Guest table which is automatically generated. We could
have one more attribute for candidate key. Address attribute in the Guest table includes
everything Address, city and Tell. We could have one separate table for address.
47 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Guest tables in 2nd normal form:

Guest no Name Address Phone no State


Address Post no. City


Here in 1st table guest no uniquely identifies the row. But name attribute in this table can also be
uniquely identifies. And in the 2nd table city attribute can be identifies by only post no.

Guest tables in 3rd normal form:

Guest no Name Address Phone no State


Guest no Address City Tell


But because of shortage of time and according to our lecturers we should continue with Guest
table which is in 1st normal form.

Room Table:

The Room Table is in already 3rd normal form:

Room no Roomcost status Remark


Here Room no. is the primary key for Room table and all the attributes of this table are uniquely

Admas University College

identifies by the primary key.

Reservation Table:

The Reservation Table is also in 3rd normal form:

ReservationNo Guest no Room no Date_From Date_To


Here Reservation no. is the primary key for Reservation table which is automatically generated.
And Guest no and room no are foreign keys from Guest and Room tables respectively.
48 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4.15 Risk List

The risk list has changed the probability and consequence of programming, we have decide that
the risk is lower than in inception phase from nine to four, the same it happened with absence as
the member are often in the school but some casual late. In the SW design the risk remains the
same for elaboration phase as we should be more far in the report.

The scale is still 1 to 5; it shows that from the total risk we are still in a safe zone as the number
is lower than 10, we don’t have a probability of reaching the total risk of 25 in this project.

Risk Probability Consequence Total Risk Mitigation Fail Plan

SW Design 3 3 9 Study more Seek help from
Programming 2 2 4 Start early the Seek help from
project. books.
Absence/ 2 3 6 Motivate group Talk to group
Cooperating members. member(s)

4.16 Project Plan

In the Inception Phase we have started creating important classes in java for the system
implementation that will be finalized in construction phase. The Database implementation will
take place in Elaboration phase; it will focus on establishing connection to a database via
OLEDB and its architecture design.

Admas University College

Phase Plan
A work schedule has been prepared for the next phases and iterations until project deadline.

Phase No. of Iterations Start End

Elaboration Phase 2 Week 18 Week 20
Construction Phase 1 Week 21 Week 21
49 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4.18 Elaboration Phase Conclusion

Activities Finished:
We have done the Business Modeling including the Design Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram
of critical use cases, operation contract; revised the project plan, risk list and plan for Elaboration

Problem Faced:
In Elaboration Phase as we had some difficulties with the use cases, we had to revise all we have
done in the design.

Problem Solutions:
We have revised our domain model and made some changes in the design class diagrams and
operation contract.

Admas University College

50 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4.12 Testing of Model Classes

The testing of the VB Forms are completed with the construction of the main method of the
guest form and do a simple form show using the public class form to call a Imports

Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data


The screenshots shows the guest Form output and the testing is done.

4.13 Plan Coding

We have designed nine Forms in total. That is five forms are Reservation, three forms are user

Admas University College

management and two forms are splash and main screen. The are Guest and Room with the
respective collection classes while the controller classes are GuestAdministration,
RoomAdministration and Booking Administration. The GUI classes are GuestAdministrationGUI,
BookingAdministrationGUI and HotelGUI. We decided not to have the RoomAdministrationGUI
because we thought it is not necessary. The rooms can be created directly in Database by the
System Administrator. This will avoid creation of rooms each time we are making a booking and
hence we will utilize the available rooms basing on their status (Available, Occupied).
51 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

The coding will be done from the lowest layer-model class. We will do the coding following the
use cases and class diagrams. The next step is to code the collection and controller classes.
Lastly we will link with the presentations classes then we will be ready to work on database.

4.14 Coding of Forms

All the GUI’s in our system knows the catalog and collections classes through the handler. We
also created one HotelGUI that knows the other GUI’s. On start up the HotelGUI is shown. We
can then choose a specific task to do. For example GuestAdministrationGUI which manages

GuestInfomationForm the GUI presentation Form has the main form and handling the Guest
Information. It offers the graphical interface to the user.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmGuestsInfo1
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("select* from Guests", cn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim listitem As ListViewItem
Dim dbind As New BindingSource
Dim maxrows As Integer

Private Sub btnsave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnsave.Click
If MsgBox("Are You Sure You Wish To Save This Record?", vbYesNo +
vbQuestion, "Maan-soor Hotel Mgt System") Then

Admas University College

Dim Str As String = "insert into Guests
ress,email,tellno,registeredby,registeredtelephone,Dateofcheckin) values ('"
& txtguestid.Text & "','" & txtfname.Text & "','" & txtmname.Text & "','" &
txtlname.Text & "','" & txtage.Text & "','" & cbogender.Text & "','" &
txtnationality.Text & "','" & cbocountry.Text & "','" & txtpassportno.Text &
"','" & txtcity.Text & "','" & txtaddress.Text & "','" & txtemail.Text &
"','" & txttel.Text & "','" & txtregby.Text & "','" & txtregtell.Text & "','"
& dtpofregestered.Text & "')"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(Str, cn)

cmd.CommandText = Str
cmd.Connection = cn
52 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.


MsgBox("The Record Was Saved Successfully!", vbInformation,

"Succesful Save Procedure")

MsgBox("No Modifications Have Taken Place!", vbInformation,
"No Modifications!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

ReservationForm the GUI presentation Form has the main method and handling the
Reservation Information. It offers the graphical interface to the user.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class FrmReservation
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data
Dim mycmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim myda As New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from rooms", cn)
Dim myda1 As New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from reservation", cn)
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim ds1 As New DataSet
Dim objitem As ListViewItem
Dim mydr As OleDbDataReader
Dim strsql As String
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader
'The following variables will be used to autogenerate the Outpatient_ID
Dim iNumOfRecords As Integer 'This variable holds the number of records
in the table

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Dim strCode As String 'This variable will eventually hold the Doctor
ID to be autogenerated

Private Sub btnupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnupdate.Click
'Dim dop As New SqlParameter("@dop", SqlDbType.DateTime)
'Making sure that the user wants to save the record
If MsgBox("Are You Sure To Save This Record?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo,
"Save This Record?") = vbYes Then
Dim fullname As String = ""
fullname = txtfirstname.Text + " " + txtsecondname.Text + " "
+ txtlastname.Text
53 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Dim sql As String = "update reservation set reservationno=" &

txtreservationno.Text & ",guestid=" & txtguestno.Text & ",fullname='" &
fullname & "',roomno=" & comroomno.Text & ",roomcost=" & txtroomcost.Text &
",fromdate='" & txtfromdate.Text & "',days=" & txtdays.Text & ",todate='" &
txttodate.Text & "',remarks='" & txtremarks.Text & "' where reservationno=" &
txtreservationno.Text & ""
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
'cmd.Parameters.Add("@dop", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value =
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.Connection = cn
MsgBox("Successfull Update")
MsgBox("No Modifications Have Taken Place!", vbInformation,
"No Modifications!")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Sub updaterooms2()
Dim fullname As String = ""
fullname = txtfirstname.Text + " " + txtsecondname.Text + " " +
Dim sql As String = "update rooms set status='Free' where
roomno=" & comroomno.Text & ""
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.Connection = cn
MsgBox("The room Ocupied")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

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We followed the above procedure in creating the other Forms we have.

5.14 Unit Testing

In the programming the testing is going all the time while it has been programming; which we
use a main method to test. The testing is made by a simple test of functionality and is working
54 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

– Testing of model classes

– Testing of catalogs
– Testing of Database connection

5.15 Risk List and Project Plan

The risk list in elaboration E2 is mostly the same risk in elaboration E1, concerning the illness
absence of one member for a short period but we are now all back to the project task.

The plan for the next iteration is related to the database connections and architectures.

5.16 Iteration Plan for Construction


 Revision on elaboration Phase.


 Relational Database Implementation

 Plan Coding
 Coding of Persistent Plan
 Unit Testing

 Revise the project plan

 Revise the risk list

Admas University College

55 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4.15 Risk List

The risk list has changed the probability and consequence of programming, we have decide that
the risk is lower than in inception phase from nine to four, the same it happened with absence
as the member are often in the school but some casual late. In the SW design the risk remains
the same for elaboration E1 as we should be more far in the report.

The scale is still 1 to 5; it shows that from the total risk we are still in a safe zone as the number
is lower than 10, we don’t have a probability of reaching the total risk of 25 in this project.

Risk Probability Consequence Total Risk Mitigation Fail Plan

SW Design 3 3 9 Study more Seek help from
Programming 2 2 4 Start early the Seek help from
project. books.
Absence/ 2 3 6 Motivate Talk to group
Cooperating group member(s)

4.16 Project Plan

In the Inception Phase we have started creating important classes in java for the system
implementation that will be finalized in construction phase. The Database implementation will
take place in Elaboration E2; it will focus on establishing connection to a database via OBDC and
its architecture design.

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Phase Plan

A work schedule has been prepared for the next phases and iterations until project deadline.

Phase No. of Iterations Start End

Elaboration Phase 2 Week 18 Week 20
Construction Phase 1 Week 21 Week 21

4.18 Elaboration Phase Conclusion

56 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Activities Finished:

We have done the Business Modeling including the Design Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram of
critical use cases, operation contract; revised the project plan, risk list and iteration plan for E2.

Problem Faced:

In Elaboration E1 as we had some difficulties with the use cases, we had to revise all we have
done in the design.

Problem Solutions:

We have revised our domain model and made some changes in the design class diagrams and
operation contract.

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57 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Implementation of Screen of GUIs

1. Loading Form

This is the first screen of Maan-soor hotel management system

2. Logging Form

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This is login form of showing the main form of the Maan-soor Hotel Management system, with valid
username and password.
58 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

3. Main Form

This is the main form when u gets a valid username and password, will show this form.

3. Guest Information Form

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This is the Guest registration will reserved a room.

59 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

4. Reservation Information Form

This is the Reservation Form is assigned room vacancies here with a combobox loaded a vacancy
rooms and will check in the here.

5. Payment Information Form

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This is the payment form of when a guest is checked out the hotel is recorded his/her payment
60 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

6. Rooms Form

This is the Room form registration and adds new rooms will build the hotel in the near future.

7. Manage Users Form

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This is the manage users account will create and update and also delete here for users login this sys.
61 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

8. Change Password Form

This is a change password form, a user will change his/her password here.

Admas University College

62 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Implementation Phase Screenshots of DB

1. Guest Table

2. Reservation Table

3. Checkout Table

4. Room Table

5. Users Table Admas University College

63 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Project Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
The Maan-soor Hotel project is the first software system development going all the way from
Unified Process as a group work until now, including report. The purpose of this project was to
develop a hotel system using the UP and achieving a lot of experience, research and knowledge
as a team work.
 Project Management
 System Development
 Group Work
7.2 Evaluating the project with Unified Process
The project was developed through phases and disciplines, using each of the iterations; each
gives us the right overview of what has to be done in our system.

Use Cases: The uses cases was very important UML in our project. It described the cases we
need to illustrate in the system and the actions and interaction between the actors and system.
Along the unified process we faced some problems specially in the use case main scenarios, the
issues was that it wasn’t detailed only between actors and system but the guest behavior in the
hotel system. The use cases in our project gave us a real experience through the Unified Process
in the inception phase and it is essential to any system development.

SSD: The System Sequence Diagram worked as an artifact to illustrate the input and output
events in the hotel system and it’s a picture of one particular scenario in the use case. It’s one
of the important UML designs in this project because its useful to know what are the external
input events and that they are part of the analysis of the system behavior. The system
sequence diagram in the critical use cases had small modification during the Elaboration Phase
duet to some use case issues in inception.

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Operation Contracts: We have decided to detail the operation contracts to the most complex
and understated system operations because it may be considered important part in the Unified
Process in this project. Using post and pre-conditions they describe the state of the object, we
had created the OC in the elaboration Phase E2 when most of the use cases are already written.

Sequence Diagrams: The sequence diagram in our system was an important tool to illustrate
interactions which the object is added to the right and clearly shows the messages. That’s was
created in elaboration E1 and E2 when we added to more SD to our report, it gives us an
overview how the object is created and in which instance of classes are operating, using the
lifeline boxes which shows one instance from a collection.
64 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

Domain Model: The domain model is the most important in OOA, we used in our project to
visualize the real situation objects in the hotel domain which described the concepts; which
includes associations, and attributes of our system. In inception phase we made a very small
diagram of the domain model to give an overview of which domain object it must be added to
it. In elaboration we finalized the domain model increasing new concepts and it shows more
detail of the system we were developing.

Design Class Diagram: the design class diagram is used in our project to visualize the domain
model. In our diagram we show one particular class called Video that it was not implemented in
the construction phase but it takes part of the future extensions the Construction phase.
7.3 Project Evaluation
The final project is a single user system used for administrating Payment and guest registrations
at the Hotel events; the system is able to search for room types, register guest’s information for
a reservation and check out. The boundary of the system is to create a reservation on a room at
the hotel. The user interface was developed to make it easy to use, called user friendly system.

The report we have written basically explains the step by step development of the Maan-soor
Hotel registration system. It consists of 4 parts namely: - Project establishment, Inception,
Elaboration and Construction phases. These chapters have been well documented as per the
requirement of UP and the guidelines provided during project establishment. Important parts
of our codes have been attached where necessary

Our system is a single platform hotel registration system. Actually we can say that it is a
prototype and can be modified in future to develop a real system. The system is capable of
registering a guest, check in, check out and finally calculate a Payment at the end of stay at the

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The system consists of VB.NET Forms, MS Access and Tables in the SQLQuery database. The
VB.NET Forms are Guest, Room and Reservation with their respective Look up (Search Forms).l

7.4 Evaluation Process

Group work

During our project development, all the partners’ members showed some interest in making up
the system. The partners’ started on a low-tone. Some of the members were a bit reluctant in
starting SW design. But after a few days we worked well. The partners’ was spilt into two
65 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

further smaller groups of 1 person each. One of the partners’ headed by Guled was responsible
for SW design techniques and writing the report as well as updating it whenever a new idea is
initiated. The other partners’ headed by Adnan was responsible for SW construction. Creating
of classes and writing the codes. We had one partners’ leader who was responsible for
harmonizing the partners’ performance. We as partners’ would have done much better if we
had worked much closer and put more commitment to the project.

Our partners’ chose Guled to be the project manager. He was responsible for coordinating
other partner activities. However each member was also assigned some responsibility as a
partners’ leader in a weekly basis. This was to ensure that each member participated actively in
the partners’. In future we could improve distribution of responsibilities and tasks among
partners’ members to facilitate partners’ performance.

Individual Evaluation
Guled Abdikatir
My Partner functioned well. I have actually learned many ideas from it.

I am now conversant with more VB.NET programming techniques like use of advanced data
structures. My design skills are also refreshed and this means I can make better graphical user
interface and detailed analysis of a business system using the analysis and design tools.

I also gained knowledge in OLEDB connectors which was the most interesting part of the system
development process. I faced some problems in identifying the tables in the database because
our design was sketchy. However I and the group members identified the problem and came up
with a lasting solution.

Nevertheless it was a great experience and opportunity to work with my Partner member

Adnan Sultan.

Admas University College

During this project period I have learned a lot of things and acquired valuable experience,
mainly academically and the interaction in a Partner with Same nationalities.

My level in the Software Design subject was basically low when we started, but the project
helped me to go through it; had to read DBMS Concept books, doing small researches with my
Partner member, and facing the project where I was able to apply what I had just learned and

In the beginning of the project I had to deal with little absents and lateness due to foreign
major reasons, even though the last 4 weeks I enrolled intensively into the Partner, working
66 Maan-soor Hotel Management System.

7.5 Future Extensions

The construction phase we had some issues regarding to the time to finish some features in
the hotel Mgt system; we decided to postpone the extensions for the construction iteration
2. The main future extensions are detailed bellow:
– The first issues we have to solve is to find solution for the room availability, in the
hotel system a room must be search by the status “Available” , we haven’t reached
due to some lack of time to research .
– The invoice is also part of the construction iteration 2, we need to refine more the
billing to calculate besides the reservation of a room also handle billings regarded to
the restaurant, fitness center, phone calls, video shop, It room and room items.
– Changes in the table guest in the database must also be applied; it needs more
specification of the guest information such as email, zip code, city and country.
– In future our program would be able to manage staff information. This means that
all the staff in the hotel will be provided with a login and password. It is from there
that any staff will be allowed to access the system and therefore perform the
intended tasks. There more classes will be created and the system is expected to
– Online Reservation is also part of the priorities cited above in our system, where
guests are able to book by choosing numbers of rooms, arrival and departure dates,
room types, number of nights and number of adults and children. The online system
will have a database which can be accessed anytime for these information and
stores future reservations.
– Another future idea is to create an internal mail system which allows the staff to
communicate remotely whenever they are logged in the system. This would reduce
calling costs within the hotel.
We wish to show our gratitude and thanks to our Lecturers Ahmed Nasser H.Haji, Ihsan

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Omer and Tesfalem R. who gave us advices and directions for a good project and report.
The design techniques you taught in class are evident in our report. We utilized most if not
all the designed tactics taught as well as following the UP design.

The programming part reflects what we have learned so far in class. We have also applied
our own knowledge in some parts of the program.

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