The Decameron

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education

Bayorbor National High School

Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives
1. Determine the tone, mood, technique and purpose of the author.
2. Read closely to get author’s purpose.
3. Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary
4. Participate actively in the class.

II. Subject Matter

Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)

III. Resources
Materials: Laptop and Television

IV. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Actively Students Activity
A. Daily Routine
Let us pray.
Let us put ourselves to the Holy Presence of
God. In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
B. Greetings and Classroom Management
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am.
Before you sit, kindly pick up those candy
wrappers under and check the alignment of
your chairs.
(The students will pick those pieces of papers
and arrange their chairs properly)
Please be seated.
C. Checking of Attendance
Yes Ma’am.
Is there any absent today?
None Ma’am.
Very Good!

Before we proceed to our proper discussion, we

will play a game entitled “Act and Guess”.

I will choose some students to pick a strip of

paper in this box. The student who I chose will
read the sentence by his/her own. The student
will act the sentence that he/she picked and
you will guess what he/she is pertaining to.
I am going to give you some clues. I will show
you the words or choices for you to easily find
out what the student is acting in front.

Are my instructions clear?

Yes Ma’am.
Falcon Plump
Bestow Sumptuous

1. A type of hawk that can fly very fast
and is sometimes trained to hunt.
2. To give something as a gift or honor.
3. Very expensive, rich or impressive.
4. To drop, sink or come in contact
suddenly or heavily.
5. To act of giving away money or the
quality of a person who gives away

Key to Correction:
1. Falcon
2. Bestow
3. Sumptuous
4. Plump
5. Largesse (The students do the task)
As you read our story for today, you will
encounter those words that’s why I conduct a
game for you to find the meaning of those

Kindly get your books and turn it to page 200.

(The students will turn their book on page 200)
What do you think is our topic for today?
The Decameron Ma’am.
Very Good! Our topic for today is all about the
literary text entitled “The Decameron”.

Before we proceed to our story, let me show

you a photo.

Do you know who this man is ?

No Ma’am.
Let me introduce to you the man behind the
story that we will discuss today.

This is Giovanni Boccaccio.

Let us have a short description about this man.

Kindly read.
Giovanni Boccaccio, an Italian poet and
Renaissance Humanist. Boccaccio wrote a
number of notable works, including The
Decameron and On Famous women. He wrote
his imaginative literature mostly in the Italian
vernacular, as well as other works in Latin, and
is particularly noted for his realistic dialogue
which differed from that of his contemporaries.
Thank You!

II. Analysis

Now class, let us read a one featured text from

the Decameron entitled “Federigo’s Falcon”.
While you are reading the text we will answer
questions that are written in the box.

1. What is Filomena’s purpose in telling

this story?
Filomena’s purpose in telling this story
Federigo’s Falcon in the book of Decameron is
to make women aware of exceptional beauties
effect on noble and powerful men. She told
this story to influence women to choose men
not for their fortune but for their character.
What is meant by largesse?
Largesse means generosity that manifested by
bestowing of money or gifts to other people in
generous amount or values.
2. From whom did the queen learn this
The queen learned this story from Coppo di
Borghese Domenichi, who once lived in their
Who are the main personalities in this story?
How are they related?
The main personalities in this story are
Florentine called as Federigo and a noble lady
whose name was Monna Giovanna.
3. What happened to Federigo?
Federigo lost his entire fortune and reduced
himself to poverty.
4. What befell Monna’s husband and son?
Monna’s husband happened to fall ill and he
realized that he was about to die. Her son also
happened to be taken ill.
What was the son’s request to his mother?
The son’s request to his mother is to have
Federigo’s falcon.
5. Where did Monna go one morning?
One morning, Monna went to Federigo’s little
6. What was the purpose of Monna’s visit
to Federigo?
The purpose of Monna’s visit to Federigo is to
seek for his falcon.
How did Federigo feel after knowing Monna’s
purpose for the visit?
When he heard what Monna wanted, he
realized he could not oblige her because he
had given her the falcon to eat, Federigo burst
into tears in her presence before being able to
utter a single word in reply.
7. How did Monna and Federigo feel
about the incident?
Federigo felt about the incident. Monna lost in
admiration for her magnanimity of spirit.
8. What happened to Monna’s son?
Monna’s child passed from his life.
What had become of Monna? of Federigo?
After a period of bitter mourning and
continued weeping, the lady was repeatedly
urged by her brothers to remarry.
Monna and Federigo got married.
Did you understand the story?
Yes Ma’am.
Who are the characters involved in the story?
Federigo and Monna.
What is the role of Federigo in the story?
He is the owner of the falcon that Monna is
requesting for her son.
How about Monna?
She is the beloved of Federigo and the mother
of a boy who wished for Federigo’s falcon.
Very Good!

Now class, let us proceed to the next part of

our discussion.

Who among you has an idea about Tone and

Tone refers to the attitude of the author
toward a subject.
Very Good! Tone refers to the attitude of the
author toward a subject.

How about the Mood?

Mood refers to the atmosphere of the story.
Very Good! Mood refers to the atmosphere of
the story. It is the feeling you get while reading
the story.

Now class, did you identify the tone and mood

in the story that you have read?

Yes Ma’am.

III. Abstraction

Kindly get your notebook and answer this chart.

You will fill in the graphic organizer with the
appropriate information about the story.

Copy some word/lines to Federigo’s

support your answer Falcon Mood

Sub Theme
Copy some word/lines to support
your answer

Main Theme: Unconditional love shown

through willingness to sacrifice and
magnanimity or noble generosity.

Sub-theme: Attributed to money or wealth.

Tone: The attitude of the author towards the

subject is being in love to the woman named

Mood: Loneliness and disappointment

IV. Application
On a ¼ sheet of paper, answer the following:

1. Where is Federigo’s Falcon from?

2. Who wrote the “The Decameron”?
3. Who is the beloved of Federigo?
4. What do you think is the cause of
Federigo’s poorness?
5. To whom Monna Giovanna marry after
her son’s death?

Key to Correction:
1. The Decameron
2. Giovanni Boccaccio
3. Monna Giovanna
4. He spent all of his money trying to woo
a woman.
5. Federigo

I will divide the class into five (5) groups (base on their strengths/intelligence). Then do the task
assigned to your group.

Musical-rhythmic and harmonic

 Look for a song that is related with the theme of the story. You may also compose your own
song. Sing it in class.
 Make an abstract drawing of the story’s theme. Explain your work in class.

 Create a short poem that explains the theme of the story and present it in class through
choral reading.

 Interview at least people (of different ages) in your community and ask them who among
them believe in true love. Graph the result of your survey.

 Present a 1 -minute dance routine that depicts true love.

Criteria Points
Teamwork 10
Creativity 10
Organization 5
Total 25


1. Search for the different text types and study them.

2. Read the “Frequently Used Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation” page 218.

Values Integration:

What moral or lesson did you gain from the story “Federigo’s Falcon”?

Prepared by: Noted by:

Joy A. Belina Carmela Dhone L. De Roxas
Cooperating Teacher

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