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Here we will try to summarize standard Fiori App implementation step by step.

SAP Fiori is a new user experience (UX) for SAP software and applications. It provides a set of
applications that are used in regular business functions like work approvals, financial apps,
calculation apps and various self-service apps.

SAP Fiori Apps can be accessed on desktops, Mobile or tablets. These are web-based
applications hosted on SAP-Fiori server (front-end system) and access business data from SAP-
ECC (back-end system).

Please note: In case of SAP-Hana server, Back-end/front-end system is same system.

There are two types of SAP-Fiori app implementations:

Standard Apps

Implementation of those business apps, which are released by SAP. These are categorized as
Transnational, Fact-sheets and Analytical apps etc.

Customized Apps

As per business requirement, a complete custom fiori app can be implemented.

Below blog can be referred for detailed step:

SAP Fiori – Custom App Implementation


SAP ECC Server (Back-end)

SAP Fiori Server (Front-end)

SAP Fiori Launchpad Url:


SAP Fiori Designer Url:


Important T-codes

SrNo T-code Description

1 SICF (Path: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/) UI5 Application Path

2 SICF (Path: /sap/opu/odata/sap/) Odata Service Path

3 /n/iwfnd/maintain_service Odata Service Registration

4 /n/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP Semantic objects by SAP

5 /n/iwfnd/error_log Error Log

6 LPD_CUST Launchpad Role


Standard SAP Fiori App implementation steps:

Source of App Implementation Details:

SAP provides a complete implementation information for each standard app, which details can
be found in below SAP-App Library link:

Each standard Fiori app consist of below components:

Software Components

Back-End Software Components

Front-End Software Components

Back-End Components

Odata Service

Back-End Authorization Role (PFCG)

Front-End Components

SAP UI5 Application

Odata Service Registration

Business Catalog


Target Mapping

Semantic Object

Launchpad Role

Business Group

Front-End Business Role (PFCG)

Relationship between Front-end components can be understood with help of below image:

Example: App Implementation: “Approve Purchase Order”

Lets take an example of standard App Implementation: “Approve Purchase Order”

Get Component details from below implementation link of app “Approve Purchase Order”‘F

or if older version required

As per older version reference, below objects found, which needs to be configured in respective

Component-Name Technical Name System

1 Front-End Software Cmp UIX01EAP 100 (0008 ) Front-end

2 Back-End Software Cmp GBAPP002 600 (0010 ) Back-end

3 SAP UI5 Application MM_PO_APV Front-end

4 OData Service GBAPP_POAPPROVAL Back-end

5 PFCG Role SAP_MM_PO_APV_APP Back-end

6 Business Catalog SAP_MM_BC_BUYER_X1 Front-end

7 Business Group SAP_MM_BCG_BUYER_X1 Front-end

Software Component installation

Get front-end/back-end software component details of app and take help of Basis team to install
in respective system

Post-installation cross check software component availability in respective system:

Go to SAP Logged in main page -> Menu ‘System’ -> ‘Status’ -> ‘SAP System Data’ -> ‘Product
Version’ click on button ‘Component’ -> Check Component

Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad

Front-End Server: Activate ICF Services

Activate SAP UI5 Application

T-code: SICF

Path: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/mm_po_apv

Activate Odata Service

T-code: SICF

Path: /sap/opu/odata/sap/gbapp_poapproval/

Go to respective paths -> right click -> Activate

Front-End Server: Register Odata Service

Pre-requisites: System Alias Maintainance

In SAP-Fiori (Front-End) System, configure ‘system alias‘ Alias for SAP-ECC (Back-End) System.

Go to T-code ‘SPRO’ -> ‘SAP Reference IMG’ -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> SAP
NetWeaver -> SAP Gateway -> OData Channel -> Configuration -> Connection Settings -> SAP
Gateway to SAP System -> Manage SAP System Aliases

Enter RFC-Destination and check boxes ‘Local GW’ & ‘For Local App’ should be unchecked

RFC-Destination should have enabled ‘Current-User’ logon settings

Odata Service registration:

T-Code: /n/iwfnd/maint_service

Steps to register:

Go to above t-code -> click on button ‘Add Service’ ->

in next window select Back-end system alias -> click on display button ‘Get Service’

To add service, select service row from grid -> click on button ‘Add Selected Service’

Next One pop-up comes, where select package as $TMP -> click ok

Once service gets registered, we can see it in registered service list of t-code
‘/n/iwfnd/maint_service’ havine zprefix in name as ‘ZGBAPP_POAPPROVAL’

Front-End Server: Fiori Designer object verification

Go to Fiori Desginer url


Checking Business Catalog, Tile and Target Mapping

Check availability of ‘Business Catalog and Tile ‘Approve Purchase Orders’

Click on Tile ”Approve Purchase Orders’,

next window has configured semantic object as ‘PurchaseOrder‘ with action ‘approve‘

‘Target Mapping’

click Tab icon ‘Target Mapping’ -> select entry with semantic object ‘PurchaseOrder‘ and action

Click on status bar button ‘Configure‘ to view configured details in selected target mapping

Here we can see configured Launchpad Role ‘UIX01MM’ having alias ‘ApprovePurchaseOrders’

Checking Launchpad Role

we can verify from SAP-Fiori’s t-code LPD_CUST

As we can seen UI5 Application path in abaove screen

Thus we can summarize, how objects linking as:

Business Catalog -> Tile -> Semantic Object -> Target Mapping -> Launchpad Role -> UI5

Checking Semantic Object

Semantic Object availability can be check in front-end server t-code ‘/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP ‘

Role assignment to user-id

Back-End Authorization Role

In sap-ecc assign role ‘SAP_MM_PO_APV_APP’ to user-id for e.g. ‘user1’

Front-End Authorization Role

Here user-id ‘user1’ will have access to two PFCG role, which are:

App’s Front-End Business Role ‘SAP_MM_BCR_BUYER_X1’

A custom PFCG Role named as ‘Common_FioriApp_Role’, which is required for FioriLauchpad

page accessibility, having below object access:







Some times, while accessing app, we got Odata Service error, which can be checked in t-code
‘/n/iwfnd/error_log’, if this case arises, then we need to create a pfcg role which will have TADIR
Service access of app “Approve Purchase Order”

To create a new PFCG role, Go to T-code PFCG -> Enter name -> Tab ‘Menu’ -> click on button
‘Transaction’ -> ‘Authorization Default’ –

-> in new pop-up window select ‘TADIR Service’ -> R3TR -> IWSG SAP Gateway: Service Groups
Metadata -> Service from F4 help

Apart from this, perform configuration tasks in the back-end system as mentioned in document

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