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• University of Liège

• Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Fracture mechanics, damage and fatigue

Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics: Energetic approach

Ludovic Noels

LTAS-Milieux Continus et Thermomécanique

Chemin des Chevreuils 1, B4000 Liège

Aerospace & Mechanical engineering

Asymptotic solution

• Summary in 2D
Mode I Mode II Mode III
(opening) (sliding) (shearing)

y x

– Principle of superposition holds as linear responses have been assumed

• Ki depends on
– The geometry and
– The loading
• u, σ can be added for
– ≠ modes: u = u mode I + u mode II, σ = σ mode I + σ mode II
– ≠ loadings u = u loading 1 + u loading 1, σ = σ loading 1 + σ loading 2
• Ki can be added
– For ≠ loadings of the same mode Ki = Kiloading 1 + Kiloading 2
• But since f and g depend on the mode K ≠ Kmode 1 + Kmode 2

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Energy of cracked bodies

• Relation with energy

– Tensile strength for materials
• Involve crack size and fracture energy K should be related to energy
• Virtual energy of body B
– Existence of (stress free) cracks
– Virtual displacement δu
• δu = 0 on
– Static assumption
– Virtual work obtained after integration by parts of the linear momentum

• In elasticity: stress derives from a potential

– Example: linear elasticity

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Energy of cracked bodies

• Prescribed loading
– Assuming a body under constant loads b and T
– The crack propagates & there is a displacement field δu
• Example: body subjected to Q constant
– As the crack grows, there is a displacement δu
• This formula is general if Q and δu are the Q
generalized load and displacement Q


– Energy release rate G for Q constant Q

• Energy increment required for a crack growth δA Q*

• The internal (elastic) energy is therefore function

of the loading and of the crack surface Eint

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Energy of cracked bodies

• Prescribed loading (2) Q

– Computation of the energy release rate G Q*

• Complementary energy u dQ

• Derivation
• Energy release Eint

– Can be measured by conducting experiments
• Body with crack surface A0 loaded up to Q*
• Crack growth dA at constant load the Q* Loading
A=A0 Crack growth
specimen becomes more flexible
displacement increment
• Unload to zero A=A0+dA
• The area between the 2 curves is then G dA

u* u*+δu

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Energy of cracked bodies

• Prescribed displacements
– Assuming a body with constant displacement field u
& subjected to loading b and T
– The crack propagates & the loads are then decreased
• Example: body subjected to u constant
– As the crack grows, the work of Q is constant
Q Q+δQ

– Energy release rate G for u constant

• Energy increment required for a crack growth δA
A’<A A
• The internal (elastic) energy is therefore function
of the displacement and of the crack surface



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Energy of cracked bodies

• Prescribed displacements (2) Q

– Computation of the energy release rate G Q*
• For a constant crack size, the internal energy Q du
depends on the loading
• We have &

• Derivation Eint
• Energy release u*

– Can be measured by conducting experiments Q

• Body with crack surface A0 loaded
up to a displacement u* Loading Crack
• Crack growth dA at constant displacement A=A0
Q*+δQ growth
the specimen becomes more flexible
so the load decreases by
• Unload to zero Unloading
• The area between the 2 curves is then - G dA A=A0+dA u

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Energy of cracked bodies

• General loading
– If ΠT = Eint - Qu is the potential energy of the specimen

• Which reduces to
– Prescribed displacements
– Prescribed loading
– Total energy has to be conserved
• Total energy E = ΠT + Γ
• Γ is the energy required to create a crack of surface A
• There is crack growth when
– Brittle materials
» γs is the surface energy, a crack creates 2 surfaces
– For other materials (ductile, composite, polymers, …) this energy depends
on the failure process (void coalescence, debonding, …)

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Energy of cracked bodies

• Linear case & compliance

– In linear elasticity, G analysis can be unified
• Linear response Q linear with u, & the compliance is defined by

• Energies &
– Prescribed displacements

• For the crack to grow, all the energy required comes from the elastic energy
• The internal energy decreases with the crack growth
– Prescribed loading

• Same expression, but

• For the crack to grow by dA, the external forces produce a work of 2G as the
internal energy is also increased by G
• The internal energy increases with the crack growth
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Applications of the compliance method

• Delamination of composite Q
– Assuming a >> h: Double Cantilever Beam
h Thickness t
• The parts on the left are 2 cantilever beams
• The right part is stress free a h
• Flexion of one cantilever beam

with displacement at loading

• Compliance

• Energy release rate

Paul Tihon, coexpair

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Applications of the compliance method

• Delamination of composite (2)

– As

– Experimental application: measure of Gc

• Gc mode I for composite

– Experimental application: crack length determination

• An existing crack will grow under cyclic loading
• If C(A) has been determined
– Analytically (as above for composite)
– Numerically or
– Experimentally
then the crack length can be determined by measuring the compliance
• Compliance is obtained by measuring load and load point displacement

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Crack closure integral

• Relation between the energy release rate and the SIFs

– G is a variation of the potential energy with respect of the crack size
– In linear elasticity, the stress state near crack tip is characterized by Kmode
– How can we relate both concepts?

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Crack closure integral

• 1957, Irwin, crack closure integral

– Consider a body B with a cavity of surface S
• The stress state is σ σ
• The displacement field is u (in B & on S) T S
– Constraint to u on
• The surface traction is T B
– Constraint to T on
– Constraint to 0 on S n
– The cavity grows to S+∆S
• The volume lost is ∆B
• The stress state becomes σ+∆σ
σ +∆σ
• The displacement field becomes u+∆u
– ∆u = 0 on ∆S
• The surface traction becomes T+∆T B-∆B
– ∆T = 0 on b
– Constraint to 0 on S+∆S n

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Crack closure integral

• In elasticity (linear or not) and if b assumed equal to 0

– Potential energy variation

– On the cavity surface S: t is defined as σ .n

σ +∆σ
• Be careful: S+∆S is stress free,
but only in the final configuration ∆S
– (σ+∆σ).n = 0 on S+∆S but, B-∆B
– σ(ε’) . n ≠ 0 on S+∆S
– For a hole tending to a crack, see annex 1, one has

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Crack closure integral

• Change of potential for a crack growth in elasticity (linear or not)

– General expression
• Physical explanation for mode I
– Let us assume a crack growing from a to a+∆a
y y
r θ
x θ x

a ∆a a ∆a
σyy = 0, σyy ≠ 0, σyy = 0, σyy = 0,
uy ≠ 0 uy = 0 uy ≠ 0 uy ≠ 0
– σyy produces a work on ∆a ti

• If the response is elastic AND linear

– t’ is decreasing linearly with u’
t .∆u/2
– The work is then t .∆u/2
ui ui+∆ui ui’
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Crack closure integral

• Change of potential for a crack growth in LINEAR elasticity

– Variation of potential in LINEAR elasticity ti’

t .∆u/2
• Where t is the tension before crack propagation 0
ui ui+∆ui ui’
• Where ∆u is the opening after crack propagation

– The surface created ∆S has actually two sides

• An upper side ∆A+

• A lower side ∆A-
∆A- ∆S

• With &

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Crack closure integral

• Change of potential for a crack growth in LINEAR elasticity (2)

– Variation of potential in linear elasticity

– Energy release rate

• The increment of fracture area ∆A corresponds to ∆A+

∆A- ∆S

• Valid for any linear elastic material before

• Valid for any direction of crack growth (mode I, II & III)
– Tensile mode I: G > 0 for a crack growth
• ΠT decreases crack growth requires energy
• G corresponds to the work needed
to close the crack by ∆a ∆a

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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate for LINEAR elasticity

• Can be simplified if crack grows straight ahead

y y
r θ
x θ x

a ∆a a ∆a
σyy = 0, σyy ≠ 0, σyy = 0, σyy = 0,
uy ≠ 0 uy = 0 uy ≠ 0 uy ≠ 0
– Increment of fracture area ∆A = t ∆a (t = thickness)
– As ∆A has been chosen equal to ∆A+: n = -Oy & ti = - σiy

Stress before crack Displacement jump

growth after crack growth

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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate in mode I (LEFM & crack growing straight ahead)
– Expression in 2D:

y x
• Mode I: only terms in i=y as

– Asymptotic solution

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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate in mode I (2)

– Asymptotic solution before crack growth
x θ

a ∆a
σyy = 0, σyy ≠ 0,
uy ≠ 0 uy = 0
– Asymptotic solution after crack growth y

r θ
x r’

a ∆a
σyy = 0, σyy = 0,
uy ≠ 0 uy ≠ 0
– Energy

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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate in mode I (3)

– After substitution

• Change of variable

• Plane σ & plane ε


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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate in mode II (LEFM & crack growing straight ahead)
– Asymptotic solution

– Proceeding as for mode I

• This time σxy(r’, 0) ux(∆a-r’, ±π) is the non zero term

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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate in mode III (LEFM & crack growing straight ahead)
– Expression in 2D:

– Asymptotic solution

• So &

• Energy release rate

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Crack that grows straight ahead

• Energy release rate (LEFM & crack growing straight ahead)

– Quadratic field superposition ?

– But when analyzing

• i = x : σxy(r’, 0) ≠ 0 & ux(∆a-r’, ±π) ≠ 0 only for mode II

• i = y : σyy(r’, 0) ≠ 0 & uy(∆a-r’, ±π) ≠ 0 only for mode I
• i = z : σyz(r’, 0) ≠ 0 & uz(∆a-r’, ±π) ≠ 0 only for mode III

Energies can be added:

– Some remarks
• This formula is valid for
– Elastic linear material ONLY
– Crack that grows straight ahead ONLY
• So usefulness is questionable in the general case as
– If more than one mode at work, the crack will not grow straight ahead
– What if material is not linear?

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Application of the crack closure integral

• Delamination of composites
– Energy release rate Q y

h Thickness t
a x
– Pure mode I since h

• uy(-y) = -uy(y) & ux(-y) = ux(y)

– Crack is growing straight ahead

• Plane σ

• Plane ε

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J integral

• The crack closure integral has some limitations

– Linear and elastic materials
– Useful only when crack grows straight ahead
• More general energy-related concept?

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J integral

• Rice (1968) proposed to compute the energy that flows to the crack tip
– Given an homogeneous uncracked body B y
• D is a subvolume of boundary ∂D
• The stress tensor derives from a potential U ∂D D
• On ∂D traction T is defined as σ .n

• Static assumption =0 x
• The J-integral is the vector defined by n


– Applying Gauss theorem leads to

=σkm=σmk =0 (balance eq.)

• The flow of energy through a closed surface is equal to zero

– What happens for an heterogeneous body or when the body is cracked ?

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J integral

• For heterogeneous materials

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J integral

• For homogeneous cracked materials (2D form)

– Of practical interest for the flow // crack tip B

with Γ + n-
Γ − n+
• Along Γ and Γ :
- + Γ2
– nx = 0 , ny = ±1 n
– Crack is stress free: Tα = σαy ny = 0 Γ1
» If there is no friction at the crack

– So one can compute the energy that flows toward the crack tip by

• It is path independent
• No assumption on linearity has been made (only existence of U)
• Does not depend on subsequent crack growth direction
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J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Although general σ +∆σ

– As long as an internal potential exists T S
• The J integral can be specialized B-∆B
– Back to crack closure integral
• For a material defined by an internal potential (linear response or not)

• If the crack growth straight ahead, one has (see annex 2)

– So G=J
• For materials defined by an internal potential (linear response or not)
• AND if the crack grows straight ahead

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J integral for linear elasticity

• Although general
– As long as an internal potential exists
• The J integral can be specialized for linear elasticity
– General expression B
y r
– Specialize the internal potential for linear elasticity
D θ
– Consider a circle as contour Γ

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J integral for linear elasticity

• Use the asymptotic solution

– J is path independent
r can be taken → 0
Use asymptotic solution
y r
D θ

– After substitution by Γ

J becomes

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• SIFs (KI, KII, KIII) define the asymptotic solution in linear elasticity
• Crack closure integral
– Energy required to close the crack by an infinitesimal da
– If an internal potential exists


• AND if linear elasticity

– AND if straight ahead growth

• J integral
– Energy that flows toward crack tip
– If an internal potential exists
• Is path independent if the contour Γ embeds a straight crack tip
• BUT no assumption on subsequent growth direction
• If crack grows straight ahead G=J

• If linear elasticity:

• Can be extended to plasticity if no unloading (see later)

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• Exercise 1: Fracture testing of elastomers ∆u/2 y

– Infinite strip with semi-infinite crack
– Plane σ (t << h)
h Thickness t
– Questions
• 1) Compute J integral x
– What are the assumptions? h
• 2) Compute G
– Why is it equal to J ? ∆u/2
• 3) When can we deduce the SIF from there?
– What is the value of KI ?

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• Exercise 2: Laminated composite

– 2 long thin strips of steel u/2, P
• E = 200 GPa
• h = 0.97 mm
• t = 10.1 mm
– Bonded with epoxy
2a h
• Gc = 300 Pa.m t
– Central crack 2a
– Questions u/2, P
• 1) Critical load for 2a = 60 mm
• 2) Apply same method for 2a = 70 and 80 mm
– Report on a P vs u graph the toughness locus
• 3) Determine the critical energy release rate from that graph

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• Lecture notes
– Lecture Notes on Fracture Mechanics, Alan T. Zehnder, Cornell University,
• Other references
– « on-line »
• Fracture Mechanics, Piet Schreurs, TUe,
– Book
• Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and applications, D. T. Anderson. CRC press,

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Exercise 1: Solution
∆u/2 y
• J integral
– Material defined by an internal Γ4
potential U Γ5 h Thickness t
Γ1 h Γ2
per unit thickness
• On Γ1 & Γ5: material unloaded no contribution

• On Γ2 & Γ4: nx = 0 and u,x = 0 no contribution

• On Γ3: nx = 1 and far away from the crack ux = 0 & σxy = 0, U constant

– If material is linear elastic:

• Far away from the crack

(Plane σ)

• J integral becomes

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Exercise 1: Solution
∆u/2 y
• Energy release rate G
– As long as an internal potential
h Thickness t
– Displacements are prescribed

• Far behind the crack: unloaded material Eint = 0
• Far ahead of the crack Eint = 2 U h is constant (energy per unit thickness)
• So, if the crack growth by ∆a the change of energy is -2 U h ∆a

– For linear elasticity

– G = J as the crack grows straight ahead (by symmetry)
• Stress intensity factor:
– In linear elasticity (plane σ):

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Exercise 2: Solution

• Compliance method
– Beam theory u/2, P

2a h
– Energy release rate
u/2, P

2 fronts

– Critical load for 2a = 60 mm

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Exercise 2: Solution

• Critical energy release rate Pc (N)

– Using same method Toughness locus

2a = 60 mm

2a = 70 mm

2a = 80 mm

– Assuming the graph is 20

deduced from experiments 10
u (mm)
• Critical energy release rate
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2

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Annex 1: Crack closure integral

• In elasticity (linear or not) and if b assumed equal to 0

– Potential energy variation

– Stress derives from a potential

• Since .σ = 0 (as b=0)

• Applying Gauss theorem

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Annex 1: Crack closure integral

• In elasticity (linear or not) and if b assumed equal to 0 (2)

– Study of term

• Traction is constant on & displacement is constant on

• On the cavity surface S: t is defined as σ .n

• Be careful: S+∆S is stress free, but only in the final configuration

– (σ+∆σ).n = 0 on S+∆S but,
– σ(ε’) .n ≠ 0 on S+∆S so the integral does not vanish
– However, S remains stress free during the whole process

– Eventually

• If instead of a cavity we have a crack, the change of volume is zero and the last
term disappears
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Annex 2: J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Back to crack closure integral σ +∆σ

– Material not necessarily linear T S

– For a crack (∆B = 0), and in 2D, the energy release rate becomes

• As the crack is stress free, as ∆u = 0 on ∂D B, and as ∆σ = 0 on ∂N B

• After using the equilibrium equation .(σ+∆σ) =0

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Annex 2: J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Referential O’x’y’ moving with the crack tip B

– Only if the crack grows straight ahead y y’
x x’

a ∆a

• Energy release rate

– Involves the whole body B

– However, as ∆a →0, the non vanishing contributions are around the crack tip
• The equation is then limited to the FIXED region D of boundary Γ

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Annex 2: J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Energy release rate (2) B

– In static in D y y’

x x’
– Since the crack is stress free
Gauss theorem leads to a ∆a

– Last term of energy release rate becomes

• Using limit definition and after changing frame

• Using momentum equilibrium equation and internal potential definition

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Annex 2: J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Energy release rate (3) B

– As D is fixed, let us define D* moving with y y’
the crack tip: D
– First part of energy release rate becomes ∆DR
x x’
∆a ∆a
a ∆a

Γ Γ*

• Since D* → D, this relation tends toward

• N.B.: Formally, one should use derivatives & limits of integrals with non-constant

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Annex 2: J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Energy release rate (4)

– First part of energy release rate becomes (2)
• Homogeneous materials (∂x’U =0)

• Considering the opened curve ΓL , at the limit

∆DL a ∆a
Γ* y D
• Considering the opened curve ΓR* , at the limit
a ∆a
∆a Γ R*

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Annex 2: J integral for crack growing straight ahead

• Energy release rate (5)

– First part of energy release rate becomes (3)
• As ΓL + ΓR* → Γ , it yields

– And as

• with

• The energy rate is rewritten

• So G=J
– For materials defined by an internal potential (linear response or not)
– AND if the crack grows straight ahead

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