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Philippines on LGBTQ+ culture

○ In a survey of 39 countries (only 17 of which had a majority accepting
homosexuality), the Philippines were the 10th most gay-friendly.[13] The
survey, "The Global Divide on Homosexuality" conducted by the US-
based Pew Research Center, showed that 73 percent of adult Filipinos
agreed that "homosexuality should be accepted by society" (up from 64
percent in 2002).
● - LGBT students being bullied
○ Survey for same-sex marriage.


1. How big would you say the LGBTQ community is in the Philippines? [ANSWER]
Would you say it’s taboo to talk about LGBTQ in the Philippines? [ANSWER]
How would people react to those conversations or PDA of LGBTQ couples?

2. How would you feel if someone in your family came out as LGBT? [ANSWER]
What would you initial reaction be? [ANSWER] Do you think you’d be able to
accept them? [ANSWER] Why or why not? [ANSWER]

3. So then, what percent of Filipinos do you think support LGBTQ+? [ANSWER]

4. We found that 73% of Filipinos accepts homosexuality to be part of their society.
Does that number surprise you? [ANSWER - surprisingly high?] What kind of
factors do you think have an effect on that number? [ANSWER - religion, belief
system, etc.]

5. While religion may have been used to traditionally put down the LGBT
community, a group of Christians gathered earlier this month at a pride parade in
Marikina to say “I’m sorry” to the LGBT community (show pictures of them at the
parade). Does this surprise you? [ANSWER] What do you think about the group’s
actions? [ANSWER]


6. Do you personally know anyone who is part of the LGBT community, or are you
yourself part of it? [ANSWER] From what you know, what were their experiences
like, as a LGBT? [ANSWER] What kind of hardships might they/you have faced?
[ANSWER - bullying, hate comments, etc.]

7. There are quite a few Filipino celebrities, both in the Philippines and overseas,
like Boy Abunda that are openly LGBT, but how are they perceived by the
Filipino public? [ANSWER - tolerated but not accepted] Has their public
openness changed the perception of people in any way? [ANSWER]

8. Are there any regulations specifically for LGBT people? [ANSWER] How is the
environment in schools? [ANSWER - some schools are against LGBT and
explicitly write it in their handbooks, bullying, etc.] Is anything being done to help
them? [ANSWER]
9. Do you receive any education about LGBT? [ANSWER] What kind of things are
you told? [ANSWER] When do you get this education? [ANSWER]

10. What would you like to see happen for the LGBT community in the Philippines?
[ANSWER] Do you think these changes will be able to happen in the near future?

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