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Unit 3 Grammar

10 The next generation use probably / will

will, be going to, present simple & probably use online health professionals.

present continuous
1 Match 1–8 with A–H.
1 a fixed plan A-3 I’m watching that new
space documentary
2 a prediction B-5Did you leave your
based on book in class? I’ll get it
beliefs for you.
C-4 That talk sounds
3 an intention interesting. I think I’ll
4 a spontaneous D- 6I’m going to talk to my
decision teacher about going
to university.
5 a spontaneous E-8 My phone battery is
offer 12% – it’s going to shut
down soon.
6 a scheduled F-1 Our Skype call with
our event grandparents starts at
8.00 tonight.
7 a refusal G-7 I will never go to a
robot doctor.
8 a prediction H-2 I don't think robots
based on evidence take over the world.

2 Choose the correct options.

I’ll study / I’m going to study technology at
1 I’m texting / I’ll text you when I leave the
2 I’m getting / I’ll get a VR headset for my
3 By 2100, mobile phones will be / are being old
4 I’m going / I’ll go to the library with Danny after
school today.
5 Look at the sky – it’ll rain / it’s going to rain.
6 Will you help / Are you helping me with my
7 The film will finish / finishes at 10.45 p.m.
8 This article is really interesting – I’m sending /
I’ll send you the link.
9 They are going to build / will build a smart
home that they can control from their phones.


Unit 3 Grammar
3 Complete the presentation with the verbs in the
’m going to talk goes is going to be ’ll be ’ll put
’ll wait ’m going to buy will be able to will want
Hi, my name’s Jared and today I’m going to talk to
you about a new gadget called the Opter Pose. The
Opter Pose looks like a necklace, but in fact it is a
wearable device that (1)will be able to count your
steps and track your sleep and your heart rate. It’s
smaller and more attractive than a wearable gadget
for your wrist. Based on online reviews, this (2) is
going to be the coolest gadget around next year.
The Opter Pose (3) ’ll put on sale on February 20th.
My advice to you is don't think ‘Oh, I’ll wait (4) and
buy one in a few months’ time – you’ll be (5) upset if
they’ve all gone. Order one right now.
I’m going to buy (6) one for all my family – because
I know everyone (7) will want
one. If you’re interested, let me know today and
I goes(8) your name on the list for one.

Future continuous
4 Write the words in the correct order to make
we’ll / tomorrow, / time / to / This / Tenerife. / be /
This time tomorrow, we’ll be flying to Tenerife.
1 / // / /
I won’t be going out this evening.
2 ./ ////
Next month, / we’ll be doing our exam.

3 ./////// //
In the near future, all we’ll be driving electric

4 //// /// /

In one hundred years’ time all we’ll be,

communicating brain-to-brain.
5 / / // / / / /. /

All my friends will be leaving to go to university

next September.


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