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Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology



Two or three domains: a new view of tree of life in the genomics era
Zhichao Zhou 1,2 & Yang Liu 1,3 & Meng Li 1 & Ji-Dong Gu 2

Received: 29 November 2017 / Revised: 30 January 2018 / Accepted: 1 February 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

The deep phylogenetic topology of tree of life is in the center of a long-time dispute. The Woeseian three-domain tree theory, with
the Eukarya evolving as a sister clade to Archaea, competes with the two-domain tree theory (the eocyte tree), with the Eukarya
branched within Archaea. Revealed by the ongoing debate over the last three decades, sophisticated and proper phylogenetic
methods should necessarily be paid with more emphasis, especially these are focusing on the compositional heterogeneity of sites
and lineages, and the heterotachy issue. The newly emerging archaeal lineages with numerous eukaryotic-like features, such as
membrane trafficking and cellular compartmentalization, are phylogenetically the closest to eukaryotes currently. These findings
highlight the evolutionary history from an ancient archaeon to a more complex archaeon with protoeukaryotic-like features and
complex cellular structures, thus providing clues to understand eukaryogenesis process. The increasing repertoire of precise
genomic contents provides great advantages on understanding the deep phylogeny of tree of life and ancient evolutionary events
on Eukarya branching process.

Keywords Tree of life . Eocyte tree . Woeseian tree . Asgard superphylum . Eukaryotic-like features

Introduction origin of eukaryotes (Archibald 2008; Bapteste and Brochier

2004; Cox et al. 2008; de Duve 2007; Guy and Ettema 2011;
The rRNA-based phylogeny divides the bacteria, archaea, and Hug et al. 2016; Lake 1990, 2015; Pace et al. 2012; Philippe and
eukaryotes into three district groups (Woese and Fox 1977). This Forterre 1999; Rochette et al. 2014; Williams et al. 2013; Yang
has been adopted as the paradigm for the universal tree of life in and Roberts 1995). The major controversial issues are rooted on
textbooks for years, but it has been always accompanied to the the methods and applications of phylogenetic reconstruction of
debate of the eocyte tree hypothesis (Heinz and Domman 2017; tree of life by conserved proteins among the three groups, and the
Lake 1988, 1990; Lake et al. 1984). The key argument concerns interpretation on the evolutionary history of ancient
the evolutionary positioning of these three biologically different eukaryogenesis process in a genetically and metabolically rea-
groups considering their vertically inherited core genetic compo- sonable manner (Eme et al. 2017; Foster 2004; van der Gulik
nents, and deciphering the process of eukaryogenesis and the et al. 2017; Williams and Embley 2014). The ancient phyloge-
netic signals could be obscured by few shared conservative pro-
Zhichao Zhou and Yang Liu contributed equally to this review and Yang teins between groups, inconsistent nucleotide mutation rate and
Liu is the co-first author. pattern among sites, lineages and evolving time, lateral gene
transfers, and gene duplications which blur evolutionary line.
* Meng Li Furthermore, improper application of evolutionary models will
also entangle the true topology of phylogenetic tree through
many ways, such as long branch attraction effect, artifact topol-
Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, ogy through unbalanced sampling and heterotachy issue, and so
Shenzhen 518060, People’s Republic of China
on (Archibald 2008; Foster 2004; Kolaczkowski and Thornton
Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology and Toxicology, School 2004; Lopez et al. 1999; Philippe and Forterre 1999). Together
of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam
Road, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
with the enhancement of phylogenetic reconstruction methods
and applications, many other ways of thinking are suggested to
Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry
of Education and Guangdong Province, College of Optoelectronic
overcome the “phylogenomic impasse” in the recent decades
Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, People’s (Albani et al. 2010; de Duve 2007; Forterre 2015; Poole and
Republic of China Neumann 2011; van der Gulik et al. 2017). Hypothetical
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

frameworks on the order of events of the eukaryogenesis process model to data via a posterior predictive simulation should be
have been proposed recently, with consensus agreed on the en- employed for phylogenetic model testing (Cox et al. 2008).
dosymbiosis origin hypothesis, but still encouraging new evi- The highly saturated scenario of mutational sites in the infor-
dence on addressing the detail information (Eme et al. 2017; mative protein alignments (e.g. the alignments of elongation
Roger et al. 2017). New insights accompany the advances of factors, ATPases, etc.) provides few ancient phylogenetic sig-
phylogenetic reconstruction approaches in the recent decades. nals, which might lead to the phylogeny highly sensitive to
Increasingly available genomic data and analysis methods have differences of evolutionary rates. Furthermore, if this scenario
been used to delineate the ancient divergence process and the also combined with the effects of gene duplication, loss, and
deep phylogenetic relationship. In the era of genomics, the appli- lateral gene transfer (LGT), it will haunt the reliability of deep
cation of using precise genomic contents reconstructed from gap- phylogeny topologies (Archibald 2008; Lopez et al. 1999;
bridging archaea lineages by advanced phylogenomic ap- Philippe and Forterre 1999).
proaches has just brought new visions to the topic of tree of life Current phylogenomic approaches that employ a heteroge-
(Ettema 2016; Li et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2018; Spang et al. 2015; neous compositional method can delay mutational saturation
Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al. 2017). This mini-review serves by calculating the among-site rate variation, thus facilitating the
as an up-to-date renewing summary in the era of genomics investigation of ancient phylogenetic events (Foster et al. 2009).
to this old but still ongoing and essential topic. We The rRNA genes are about to become saturated even when the
interpreted pros and cons of phylogenetic reconstruction heterogeneous compositional model is applied, explaining why,
applications and clarified the key points on both sides of formerly, each rRNA sequence had to be described by two com-
debate and ongoing evidences on addressing issues of tree position vectors for a better fitness of the model to data during
topology, genomic interpretation, and hypothesis of NDCH modeling to overcome the highly saturated scenario
eukaryogenesis. More importantly, this review also pro- (Cox et al. 2008; Foster et al. 2009). When combined with ad-
vides some perspectives on progressively addressing these vanced reconstruction methods, the concatenated gene or protein
issues according to the understanding on the current sequences increase the catalog of homologs across three domains
studies. and have become a realistic solution to root tree of life
(Archibald 2008; Bapteste and Brochier 2004; Cox et al. 2008;
Foster et al. 2009; Guy and Ettema 2011; Tourasse and Gouy
Disputes concerning the tree topology 1999). However, ancient LGT and reconstruction artifacts would
still blur the true phylogeny (Bapteste and Brochier 2004). The
Since 1970s, divergent opinions on the tree topology are based order of pairwise sequence alignments in the early time and the
on the alignment processing methods and phylogenetic recon- option to individually align single sequences before concatena-
struction approaches (Table 1). For instance, a comprehensive tion also dictate the final tree topologies (Ciccarelli et al. 2006;
phylogenetic analysis of 51 proteins, including ribosomal pro- Katoh et al. 2001; Lake 1991). A dataset of discrete orthologous
teins, elongation factors, and polymerases involved in the rep- protein sequence groups (DOGs) from archaeal lineages was
lication, transcription, and translation, revealed that individual analyzed using a substitution-model-independent method, and
protein-based analyses do not lead to a consistent tree topolo- this generated a consistent phylogenomic tree topology with
gy but, rather, suggest a trend favoring the three-domain tree; different heterogeneous composition models (Kelly et al.
on the other hand, the analysis of a concatenated set of these 2011). Subsequently, Bayesian and ML approaches using homo-
proteins and 16S–23S rRNA genes strongly supports the two- logs of DOGs in eukaryotic genomes placed the intersection of
domain tree when advanced maximum-likelihood (ML) and Eukarya and Archaea at the branching site of Thaumarchaeota
Bayesian phylogenetic modeling is used (Archibald 2008; from the euryarchaeotal line, which is supporting the two-
Cox et al. 2008). Opposite results were obtained when apply- domain tree (Kelly et al. 2011). A phylogenomic investigation
ing maximum parsimony or a compositional homogeneous of 28 vertically inherited last eukaryotic common ancestor
model on analyzing the alignments of LSU and small subunit (LECA) clades supported eukaryotes either branching deep
(SSU) rRNA, and 51 core proteins (Archibald 2008; Cox et al. within Archaea or close to the root of Archaea, but separate from
2008). Recent advances in sophisticated phylogenetic recon- Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota (Rochette et al. 2014).
struction method allow a reevaluation of phylogeny taking Addressing the elusive deep phylogeny of the origin of
into consideration of compositional heterogeneity and vari- Eukarya by molecular phylogenetic reconstruction is difficult,
able evolutionary rates for amino acids, nucleotide sites, and and it would constitute a “phylogenetic impasse” (Forterre
branches of a tree. Furthermore, these methods should also be 2015; Rochette et al. 2014). Several alternative approaches
introduced, to eliminate artificial tree topology, e.g., long have been suggested, to provide more evidence to approach
branch attraction effect (Foster 2004; Lake 1988, 1994; the ultimate truth, including the thinking of biological plausi-
Sidow and Wilson 1990; Tourasse and Gouy 1999; Yang bility, and comparative cell biology and fossil records (Albani
and Roberts 1995). Additionally, the validation of fitness of et al. 2010; de Duve 2007; Forterre 2015; Poole and Neumann
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Table 1 Primary comparison of the context, features, and pros and cons of the tree topology hypotheses

Three-domain theory Two-domain theory

Eukarya and Archaea are monophyletic, separated sister groups. Eukarya are contained within Archaea and share a common ancestor with
Bacteria form the roots of the tree of life. Crenarchaeota. Life is divided into two domains: Bacteria and Archaea.
Also called the “eocyte tree” theory.
Three-domain theory founder: Carl Woese (Woese and Fox 1977) Two-domain theory founder: James Lake (Lake et al. 1984) (Archaea,
(Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya) Bacteria)
Major points: Major points:
1. The living system comprises three aboriginal lines of descent 1. Eocytes (Crenarchaeota) and eukaryotes share a similar ribosome
(Woese and Fox 1977). structure (Lake et al. 1984).
2. The origin of life is on the bacterial line of descent (Woese 1987; 2. Evolutionary parsimony treeing algorithm places eocytes as a sister group
Woese and Fox 1977). of eukaryotes (Lake 1988).
3. Chloroplasts and mitochondria are of bacterial origin (Lang et al. 3. A tree based on a concatenated 53-gene alignment favors the eocyte tree
1999). topology (Cox et al. 2008).
4. The eukaryal nuclear line is primordial, not derived from Bacteria or 4. Eukarya might have originated from the ancestral Crenarchaeota or
Archaea (Woese et al. 1990). Thaumarchaeota (Kelly et al. 2011).
5. The essential apparatus of eukaryotic cell has originated from an archaeal
ancestor (Archibald 2008)
Pros: Pros:
1. Compositional statistics, an advanced method based on evolutionary 1. Specific operational genes of eukaryotes have bacterial origins, and this
parsimony, supports the three-domain tree based on the phylogeny may also be the case for the lipid biosynthesis machinery (Esser et al.
of DNA alignments of genes encoding the large subunit of RNA 2004; Rivera et al. 1998).
polymerase (Sidow and Wilson 1990). 2. Most informational genes involved in DNA replication, transcription, and
2. Protoeukaryotes before LECA might have evolved to acquire most translation in Archaea are related to their eukaryotic counterparts (Esser
features of the contemporary eukaryotic cell, including the et al. 2004; Rivera et al. 1998).
phagocytosis machinery, leading up to a subsequent mitochondrion 3. The components of the Crenarchaeal cell division machinery are
engulfment. The direct archaea-origin theory of LECA, which homologous to the components of the eukaryotic vesicle budding system
favors the eocyte tree, should need to explain the evolution and the (Lindås et al. 2008).
loss of a potential archaeal mechanism for engulfment (Poole and
Neumann 2011).
Cons: Cons:
1. Early time phylogenetic reconstruction of the three-domain tree is 1. Archaea have acquired glycerol-ether lipids, while bacteria and eukaryotes
based on parsimony and distance methods, which are unrealistic acquired glycerol-ester lipids. If, as posited by the eocyte hypothesis,
since they do not consider the compositional heterogeneity and protoeukaryotes are of an archaeal origin, they should have evolved to
variable evolutionary rate among sites (Lake 1994; Yang and replace their glycerol-ether lipids biosynthesizing pathway to a
Roberts 1995). bacterial-like pathway (Archibald 2008).
2. Evolutionary parsimony method, which reduces the long branch
attraction effect, supports the eocyte tree topology based on rRNA
alignments (Lake 1988).
3. Universal phylogenies of rRNA and RNA polymerase sequences are
affected by the variable rates of nucleotide and amino acid
substitution among sequences sites, resulting in long branch
attraction (Tourasse and Gouy 1999).
Common points
1. The ancestor of the mitochondrion is a proto-alphaproteobacterium, contributing many of the original bacterial genes to eukaryotes (Esser et al. 2004).
There is no evidence for the involvement of other bacterial lineages in the origin of Eukarya (Rochette et al. 2014).
2. LECA is necessarily a primordial ancestor that acquired the majority of the cellular biological features from extant eukaryotic cells (Poole and
Neumann 2011; Rochette et al. 2014).
3. Eukaryotic genome has archaea original, bacterial original, and eukaryote-specific gene clusters (Rochette et al. 2014).
4. Bacteria have diversified well before the eukaryogenesis, and all extant eukaryotes are derived from LECA, as they are monophyletic (López-García
and Moreira 2015).

2011). They are prone to support the Woeseian three-domain their selective loss during the development of the archaeal
tree topology hypothesis. With respect to the former, a dra- route leading to the modern archaea (de Duve 2007; Forterre
matic transformation after the diversification of Archaea 2015). The selective loss theory could also be applied to
evolving toward Eukarya seems highly unlikely (Table 1) Woeseian three-domain tree hypothesis, in which these fea-
(Archibald 2008; Forterre 2015). Furthermore, eukaryotic- tures presented in the last common ancestor of Archaea and
like features in the last archaeal common ancestor (LACA) Eukarya selectively lost in the streamlining process leading
were much more pronounced than in modern archaea, with the divergence of Eukarya and modern Archaea (Forterre
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

2015). With respect to the latter, the consensus on LECA to massive HGT events, explains the origin of non-
acquire essential cell machineries has been achieved clearly mitochondrial bacteria-related proteins and is also endorsed
(Forterre 2015; Poole and Neumann 2011). LECA could have by phylogenomic analysis (Ettema 2016; Lester et al. 2006;
originated well around three Gyr ago, supported by discover- Rochette et al. 2014). However, the exact order of
ing multicellular eukaryote fossil dating back to 2.1 billion eukaryogenesis events could not be delineated since extant
years ago (Albani et al. 2010; Forterre 2015). This also indi- eukaryotes have diversified following the emergence of
cates that the tempo of evolution of the central componentry LECA, with no intermediate forms existing in nature. In ad-
of molecular cell fabric decreased around three Gyr ago, prob- dition, neither early-mito nor late-mito hypotheses propose a
ably after the divergence of three domains (Forterre 2015). defined tree topology because the eukaryogenesis always oc-
curs on the eukaryotic stem from the ancestral archaea to
LECA under both two- or three-domain tree theories
Key hypotheses in the battle of the two (Fig. 1). By recovering protein clusters present in both
theories Archaea and Bacteria and with no interdomain LGT signals,
the predicted physiological features suggest that the last uni-
The origin of eukaryotes is crucial for placing the root of versal common ancestor (LUCA) was an anaerobic, H2-de-
Eukarya and disentangling the early evolutionary processes of pendent, thermophilic, diazotrophic autotroph with methyl
eukaryogenesis. Several hypotheses have been proposed, re- metabolism-centered Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, dwelling in
volving around the two ways of non-vertical gene flow, endo- a hydrothermal setting (Martin et al. 2016; Weiss et al.
symbiotic gene transfer (EGT) by mitochondrion engulfment, 2016). This finding links the geochemical processes with the
and other forms of horizontal gene transfer (HGT). According potential physiology of LUCA reasonably well and converges
to the hydrogen hypothesis, an early mitochondrion hypothesis, with the two-domain theory as Eukarya are not involved in the
eukaryotes arose through endosymbiosis between a respiratory origin of life (Martin et al. 2016; Weiss et al. 2016).
alphaproteobacteria and a hydrogenotrophic archaeon (Martin
and Muller 1998; Sousa et al. 2016). Consensus has been
achieved as to the endosymbiosis origin hypothesis; however, Revival of the two-domain tree and new
a key issue dictating the phylogenetic relationship between features introduced by gap-bridging archaea
Archaea and Eukarya concerns the determination of the receiv-
ing host. The mito-early hypothesis claims that mito- The increasing microbial genome data and advanced evolu-
endosymbiosis was the trigger driving eukaryogenesis, while tionary reconstruction methods have driven the revival of two-
the mito-late hypothesis supports a functionally fledged domain tree since the 1990s (Table 1). Since all the ancestor-
protoeukaryotic cell receiving the protomitochondrion late in finding efforts were necessarily based on the investigation of
the eukaryogenesis (Degli Esposti 2016; Pittis and Gabaldón extant organisms, disentanglement of the deep phylogeny re-
2016; Rochette et al. 2014). Recent phylogenomic tests re- quired data on the intermediate-stage life forms. Placing the
vealed shorter phylogenetic distances between LECA protein eukaryotes as the sister clade of the archaeal superphylum
clades of alphaproteobacterial ancestry and proteins with mito- TACK (including Thaum-, Aig-, Cren-, and Korarchaeota,
chondrial localization, than proteins of different prokaryotic and currently expanding with Bathy-, Verstraetearchaeota,
origins or cellular localization, supporting the mito-late hypoth- and YNPFFA group archaea) in the two-domain tree is sup-
esis (Ettema 2016; Pittis and Gabaldón 2016). Nevertheless, ported by an analysis of 26 universally conserved protein
subsequent doubts on the mis-assignment of mitochondrial clusters (Guy and Ettema 2011; He et al. 2016; Meng et al.
proteins to other bacterial origin have weakened the statistics- 2014; Vanwonterghem et al. 2016). Proteins with eukaryotic
based conclusions of the mito-late theory (Degli Esposti 2016). features (Eukaryotic-specific proteins, ESPs) are continually
The slow-drip hypothesis, supporting the notion that the discovered in the TACK superphylum; they play roles in ge-
early eukaryotic ancestors experienced several waves of netic information storage and processing, and mechanisms

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram on

two-domain and three-domain
tree. This comparison highlights
the different tree topologies and
positions of process of
eukaryogenesis in two hypotheses
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

including cytokinesis, membrane remodeling, cell shaping, et al. 2018). Thorarchaeota genomes encode several
division, and protein recycling (Ettema et al. 2011; Guy and orthologs of eukaryotic membrane trafficking machinery
Ettema 2011; Küper et al. 2010; Makarova et al. 2010). These components and putative eukaryotic-like coat proteins in-
results indicated their potential vertical inheritance from an volved in vesicle biogenesis (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al.
archaeal parent close to the TACK superphylum (Ettema 2017; Liu et al. 2018). These findings expand the repertoire
et al. 2011; Guy and Ettema 2011; Küper et al. 2010; of ESPs in archaea taxa, which are found especially abundant
Makarova et al. 2010). This conclusion is largely compatible in Asgard lineages, indicating that the protoeukaryote host cell
with current studies (Raymann et al. 2015; Williams et al. has already emerged some aspects of eukaryotic cellular com-
2013), as Rochette et al. claimed that eukaryotic stem is plexity before acquiring protomitochondrion (Eme et al.
deep-branched with current archaeal phyla (Rochette et al. 2017). Beyond genomics, the complex endomembrane sys-
2014). Nevertheless, two scenarios still exist for this tem in the Crenarchaeota Ignicoccus hospitalis discovered
branching relationship, since it is possible that the eukaryotic by micro-anatomy experiments also prompts this assumption
clade is either close to the archaeal phyla and shares a short of archaea-origin of eukaryotic endomembrane system
stem with protoarchaea (three-domain tree topology) or basal (Heimerl et al. 2017). It consists of cytoplasmic protrusions,
within archaeal phyla (two-domain tree topology) (Rochette and with secretory function, representing a primary
et al. 2014). It was also proposed that Eukarya is nested within endomembrane system that possesses selective features to its
the TACK superphylum, close to Korarchaeota or emerging eukaryotic counterpart (Heimerl et al. 2017). A recent analysis
as a sister group of the TACK superphylum (Williams et al. of gene family evolution patterns based on 31,236 archaeal
2012). Not all ESP features are necessarily observed in a sin- gene families places the archaeal root in the monophyletic
gle phylum but may be patchily distributed, which indicates DPANN superphylum (Diapherotrites, Parv-, Aenigm-,
that potential gene loss from the shared ancestor and HGT Nano-, and Nanohaloarchaeota) and other archaea
might have contributed to the formation of extant archaeal (Williams et al. 2017). The newly emerging archaeal lineages
and eukaryotic lineages (Forterre 2015; Guy and Ettema bridge the existing gap between extant archaeal and eukaryot-
2011; Williams et al. 2013). ic clades with respect to the complexity of cellular and phys-
The Asgard superphylum (including Loki-, Thor- Odin-, iological organization, and it is encouraging to explore geno-
and Heimdallarchaeota) discovered in the last 2 years is mic and functional properties of even closer archaeal lineages
phylogenomically closest to eukaryotes, based on conserved to protoeukaryotes, which will push forward the emerging
marker proteins and rRNA genes (Seitz et al. 2016; Spang time of the direct archaeal ancestor of protoeukaryote and
et al. 2015; Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al. 2017; Liu et al. probably reveal more eukaryotic specific features within it
2018). The majority of sophisticated Bayesian and ML phy- (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al. 2017). To the opposite,
logenetic analyses place eukaryotes in the closest sister branch Patrick Forterre group raised claims that chimeric features of
of Heimdallarchaeota, indicating a shared ancestry of the elongation factor EF2 and RNA polymerase A of
Asgard archaea and eukaryotes, and a clear two-domain tree Lokiarchaeota bins (from 2015 Loki castle) could lead to fault
topology (Fig. 2a) (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al. 2017). tree topologies in the concatenated protein alignments (Da
Many ESPs that are patchily distributed in the TACK Cunha et al. 2017). However, an updated response including
superphylum are encoded by the Lokiarchaeota genomes; more Asgard superphylum bins used sophisticated methods
many of these proteins play vital roles in cellular structure still holding that eukaryotes are branched within archaeal lin-
and compartmentalization, including membrane remodeling eage (Spang et al. 2017). It is still in hot debate on the
and vesicular trafficking (Fig. 2b) (Klinger et al. 2016; phylogenomic tree topology of these archaea and their inter-
Spang et al. 2015). This lends support to the late-mito hypoth- mediate role on the evolutionary path toward protoeukaryotes,
esis that the archaeal ancestor of eukaryotes had a rudimentary thus highlighting significant evolutionary meanings (Da
cellular structure and/or potential phagocytosis functions Cunha et al. 2017; Nasir et al. 2016; Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka
(Pittis and Gabaldón 2016; Roger et al. 2017; Spang et al. et al. 2017).
2015). The ESPs identified in Lokiarchaeota have been also
identified in other genomes of the Asgard superphylum mem-
bers, including an expanded set of GTPases, RLC7 dynein The new tree of life and ongoing debate
proteins, dynamic actin cytoskeleton proteins, ESCRT I-III
machineries, ubiquitin modifier system proteins, and The tree of life proposed by Hug et al. is the first comprehen-
oligosaccharyl transferase complex proteins. New features, sive phylogenomic tree since the advent of genome-resolved
not represented in Lokiarchaeota, have also been found in metagenomic sequencing and analysis methods (Hug et al.
the Asgard lineages, including cytoskeletal componentries, 2016). One representative high-quality or complete genome
epsilon DNA polymerase subunit, ribosomal protein per genus (3083 organisms, out of which 1011 organisms are
L28e/Mak16, etc. (Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka et al. 2017; Liu novel) was used for phylogenomic reconstruction of this tree
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

Fig. 2 Phylogenetic analyses of ta)

oa rch
Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. a r ote
K (P

Maximum likelihood A TA C
o ta

Ai ga rc ha

B a th
phylogenomic analysis of 55 ch


concatenated ribosomal proteins


le s

H a d e oc oc ca le s

M e th a n o p y ra le s
eo ta

ha ea

le s

le s

M e th a rc h a e a

te r ia

extracted from 227 genomes




M e th a n o c o c c
o ta



Th eio na rc



(Archaea 210, Bacteria 6,






p la


Th er m

Eukarya 11). b Maximum


tra Ko






e ra


Th tea rc es




likelihood phylogenomic analysis O ora rch hae al


ch I & M


He L di ae ot ro
im ki ar rch



a ic s
of 55 concatenated ribosomal

da arc ch ae ota



lla ha ae ota no lla

ha ce es
rc ea ot al

proteins extracted from 53 Wo
Eu hae ota a M
h an
ka ot et o sa
genomes (Archaea 36, Bacteria 6, Na
ry a
a M
h an
no a et
e M
Eukarya 11) accompanied with Pa
h a
rch eota
the corresponding overview of NN
ta le s
ig m te r ia
identified ESPs. Maximum Nan
o h a lo
H a lo
a rc h
likelihood phylogenies were D ia p h
a e o ta
e ro tr it lb a le
inferred using IQ-TREE with M ic ra rc
es N a tr ia
ha eo ta
mixture models (C60 + SR4),
ultrafast bootstrapping, and the
Shimodaira-Hasegawa-like Bacteria

Tree scale: 0.1


approximate likelihood-ratio test.

in ein

1 c HV

Pro−like II: E like prote prot
ein st

nju in
g E 3DV

rot clu
ESPs were predicted based on the

co oma

Rib 23/2 I: Vpin pr rotein

E2 RT T6− ain mily

orinke p 8−li in
TR 40− e ivatinOO*7

Eu in−re domain p ene

I rote ke
oph 4-li s2 ote

uitin d
ES 3/O domC7 fa
presence of IPR domains as stated

OS uitin R rote

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WDT3-lik −act VPD

Ac stin−domdillo

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ES gin− dom

Ub ryo ted
STiquitin QRI

e − a
in the recent study (Zaremba- Eukarya




n −


Lo lsolin
Niedzwiedzka et al. 2017). Trees


were both rooted by the Bacteria Heimdalarchaeota LC_2

clade. Unscored taxa in a Heimdalarchaeote AB_125

Heimdalarchaeota LC_3
Odinarchaeota LCB_4 
represented taxa with no pure Thorarchaeota AB_25 Asgard
Thorarchaeota SMTZ1−45
cultured archaeon reported. The Thorarchaeota SMTZ1−83 
nodes with bootstrap value within Lokiarchaeota CR_4
Hyperthermus butylicus DSM_5456 (Crenarchaeota 
the range of 80–100% were Ignicoccus hospitalis KIN4I (Crenarchaeota)
Caldisphaera lagunensis IC_154_DSM_15908 (Crenarchaeota)
labeled with black dots, and dot Acidianus hospitalis W1 (Crenarchaeota) 
sizes were scaled to the values (a). YNPFFA SCGC_AAA471_B05
Thermofilum pendens Hrk_5 (Crenarchaeota)
The gray squares indicated the Korarchaeum cryptofilum23) Korarchaeota
Verstraetearchaeota V2
presence of ESPs, and the empty Verstraetearchaeota V1
Verstraetearchaeota V3 TACK
white squares indicated the Verstraetearchaeota V5 (Proteoarchaeota)
Verstraetearchaeota V4
absence. The heatmap bar Nitrosopumilus koreensis Ar1 (Thaumarchaeota)
Cenarchaeum symbiosum A (Thaumarchaeota)
indicated the changing trend of Nitrososphaera viennensis En76 (Thaumarchaeota)
Bathyarchaeota B24
ESP numbers (b) Bathyarchaeota AD8-1
Bathyarchaeota BA1
Bathyarchaeota B26-2
Caldiarchaeum subterraneum (Aigarchaeota)
Aigarchaeota SCGC_AAA471_F17_GBS_N_001_13
Aigarchaeota JGI_0000106_J15_GBS_C_001_288
Nanoarchaeota SCGC_AAA011_L22_DUSEL4_1
Nanoarchaeota SCGC_AAA011_G17_DUSEL_001_198
Pacearchaeota RBG_13_36_9
Woesearchaeota AR3
Woesearchaeota AR15
Haloredivivus sp* Nanohaloarchaeota
Aenigmarchaeota AR5_gwa2
Micrarchaeum acidiphilum ARMAN2 (Parvarchaeota)
Diapherotrites SCGC_AAA011_E11_DUSEL_001_206
Diapherotrites AR10_gwc2
Pyrococcus furiosus'60B Euryarchaeota
Methanotorris igneus Kol_5  Euryarchaeota
Thermoplasmatales%51$ Euryarchaeota
Haladaptatus paucihalophilus'60B Euryarchaeota Euryarchaeota
Archaeoglobus fulgidus'60B Euryarchaeota
Methanopyrus kandleri$V19 Euryarchaeota
Methanobrevibacter smithii$TCC_35061 Euryarchaeota

(Hug et al. 2016). The SSU rRNA gene-based phylogeny 2016). This study highlights the expanding knowledge of di-
largely agrees with concatenated 16 ribosomal protein-based versity of life by genome-resolving approaches and the deep
phylogeny (the new tree of life by Hug et al.); however, the evolutionary history contained in the domain of bacteria (es-
former one shows a three-domain topology, while the latter pecially for the novel CPR) (Hug et al. 2016) and, neverthe-
one shows a two-domain topology, placing Eukarya sibling to less, does not offer conclusive opinions on deep tree topology.
Lokiarchaeota (Hug et al. 2016). In this tree, the proposed Once released, Norman Pace raised doubts about the foun-
Candidate Phyla Radiation (CPR) has symbiotic-like geno- dation of this tree, the methods used, and conclusions obtained
mic features with reduced metabolic capacity. The early emer- as follows (Pace 2016). First, Parametric evolutionary
gence of CPR and/or subjection to a symbiotic lifestyle could methods, including ML and Bayesian methods, compromise
potentially explain the high diversity and fast evolution of this the estimates of sites and lineages, simulating sequences by a
clade; however, the early emergence of CPR is only represent- homogeneous evolutionary process in general, ignoring the
ed by ribosomal proteins but not by SSU rRNA (Hug et al. heterotachy issue (evolutionary rates at specific sites change
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

non-identically over time), and leading to highly aberrant trees reconstruction methods and increasing the repertoire of pre-
(Kolaczkowski and Thornton 2004; Lopez et al. 2002; Pace cise genomic contents, a gradually clear prospect of the tree of
2016). Moreover, a concatenated gene tree produces substan- life is approaching in this era of genomics.
tial variation in single-gene histories, and when including ad- Future evolutionary modeling methods should include the
ditional concatenated gene sets, its topology changes consideration on the various evolutionary rates during the
(Kolaczkowski and Thornton 2004; Kubatko and Degnan evolving history besides the compositional heterogeneity is-
2007; Pace 2016). Secondly, because unbalanced sampling sue of mutations over different sites and lineages, thus
between the Bacteria and Eukarya/Archaea domains would avoiding tree topology artifacts. The posterior predictive sim-
cause the long branch attraction effect, the overloaded sam- ulation upon a model for testing its fitness for interpreting the
pling of Bacteria in the three-domain tree hampers the resolv- data should be included to enhance its reliability. Since that,
ing of relationship between Eukarya and Archaea, which will conservative proteins provide more stable phylogenetic sig-
exacerbate the heterotachy effect (Pace 2016). Thirdly, nals among selective lineages; when solving branch place-
masking uncertain gaps and unique places not shared by three ments within lower level trees, more shared sets of proteins
domains is required as suggested (Pace 2016). or makers could be acquired, by which, an overall structure of
Recently, researchers also suggested to set aside the phylo- clearer sub-lineage tree topology will be achieved and pave a
genetic approach and use the functional division as the first way to offer details and initiating points to make a “return” to
taxonomic division (van der Gulik et al. 2017). They full tree structure configuration (Eme et al. 2017).
contended that the cytosolic ribosome and mitoribosome of The micro-anatomy experiment provides direct cell structure
eukaryotes are different from their prokaryotic counterpart evidence proving the complex endomembrane system in selec-
from various aspects and argued that the eukaryotic cell is tive gap-bridging archaea (Heimerl et al. 2017); together with the
not simply the ancestral archaeal host with minor medications ongoing genomic evidence on archaeal ESPs for functions of
and the mitochondrion is not simply a reduced bacterium (van complex cellular structure and compartmentalization, now it be-
der Gulik et al. 2017). They also pointed out that the appear- comes an integrated working path to address the theory of ar-
ance of eukaryotic cells and their characteristics come out as a chaeal origin of eukaryotic endomembrane system. It is pointed
result of mutual adaptations of two prokaryotes, in which the out that Planctomycete endomembrane system might represent
framework of symbiogenesis is suitable for the general an analogous complex endomembrane structure which arises in
scheme and dictates a three-domain model (Martin and another evolutionary path (Heimerl et al. 2017). Planctomycete
Muller 1998; van der Gulik et al. 2017). is also an old bacterial lineage branching out from the other
Furthermore, recent genomic studies of giant viruses re- bacteria at ancient time. It will be intriguing to study and com-
vealed that giant viruses contain proteins characteristic for pare the evolutionary processes that build the convergent sys-
cellular life, hypothetically regarded as remnant components tems, which is essential to find out the mechanisms and details of
of a novel ancient cellular life, hence igniting the debate of the formation of endomembrane system. One specific species within
fourth origin of life (Abrahão et al. 2017; Forterre 2010; Heinz Planctomycete, Gemmata obscuriglobus, has developed a eu-
and Domman 2017; Koonin and Yutin 2010). However, karyotic nuclear-like membrane structure enveloping the nucle-
phylogenomic analysis of such proteins encoded by the re- oid, with primitive pores and other compartmentalized mem-
cently characterized Klosneuviruses genomes suggests that brane structures (Fuerst 2005). This, from another perspective,
their origin is similar to that of diverse eukaryotes, which is provides a clue for explaining nuclear formation in
contrary to the fourth domain hypothesis (Schulz et al. 2017). eukaryogenesis process that protoeukaryotic cell could have
Instead, giant viruses would derive from small viruses through evolved with a functionally fledged cell structure compartments
piecemeal acquisition of their host genes as proposed (Schulz before the endosymbiotic event.
et al. 2017). Overall, it seems that the release of the latest tree Endosymbiosis is a pivotal process and studies have come
of life in the genomics era does not close the debate; on the into convergence to agree with the endosymbiosis theory for
contrary, it instigates careful revisiting of the evolution and eukaryote origin as a proto-alphaproteobacterium engulfed
diversity of extant biological lineages by sophisticated into an archaeal host (Forterre 2015; Williams and Embley
methods and precise genomic contents. 2014). Endosymbiosis has also been proposed a paradigm to
address the origin of several organelles, e.g., plastid, mito-
chondria, and peroxisome (still in discussion) (Tabak et al.
Conclusions and perspectives 2006; Timmis et al. 2004). The anammox bacteria, which is
a distinct and deeply branching group within Planctomycete,
A consensus on the deep topology of the tree of life is still is now subjected to endosymbiosis theory for addressing the
lacking, and the origin of eukaryotes and precise stages of origin for its special anaerobic ammonium oxidation proto
eukaryogenesis remain elusive. However, by understanding “organelle” or single membrane-bounded compartment,
the constraints of and improvement of the phylogenomic anammoxsome (Hong et al. 2014). Anammoxsome is
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

associated with biochemical process of anaerobically oxidiz- Funding This project is supported by a postgraduate student fellowship
from HKU and Lorus J. & Margery J. Milne Scholarship from MBL to
ing ammonium with nitrite for ATP generation, which is spe-
Zhichao Zhou (ZZ) and The National Natural Science Foundation of
cifically the only identified prokaryote-hosted organelle China (No. 31622002, 41506163) to Meng Li (ML).
possessing the same function parallel to mitochondrion in eu-
karyotes (Hong et al. 2014). Its origin was proposed by a Compliance with ethical standards
plausible theory, in which an ancient archaeon capable for
anaerobically oxidizing archaea is engulfed into a bacterial Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
host for mutual advantages with interdependent metabolisms interest.
and stays stable through subsequently endosymbiotic fusion
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
(Hong et al. 2014). Genomic, cell biological, and metabolic
participants performed by any of the authors.
exploration on the endosymbiosis process of anammoxsome
in a bacterial host will service as a source of reference for
better understanding the endosymbiosis process forming
eukaryotes. References
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