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To raise people´s awareness about Be increasingly worried about

………………….would cease to exist To give off / release exhaust fumes

Sustainable development Destruction of rainforest

To remain indifferent Endangered species

Our ……………….run the risk of To cause frequent droughts

Be fiercely opposed to It´s a threat to

There should be a strict control Construction work / deforestation

High priority The cutting of trees / Cut down trees

Climate change An environmental issue

Rising sea levels The loss of natural resources

Green house effect To run out of resources

To disturb the ecological balance To kill off animals

The decrease in fish stocks in the Massive consumption

To tackle pollution Massive increase / decrease in

The burning of fossil fuels To conserve natural resources

To cause an irreparable damage CFCs : a gas used specially in aerosols

To deplete the ozone layer Ozone layer / soil pollution

To embrace green politics The Sun´s ultraviolet rays

Deprived regions Skin cancer

Devasting famine To breathe polluted air

World- wide problem Toxic waste from local factories

Severe shortage of Surface sewage

Selfish actions Sewage pumping stations

Waste disposal A source of energy

Water shortage To reduce pollution levels

A problem of major proportions Dumping of solid waste

To mountain a vigorous campaign to Acid rain / Industrial pollution

Eco-friendly environment Major concern

It´s high time we + past simple Earth´s resources

Exhaust fumes Renewable biomass

Wind power To satisfy our needs

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