Bocc 2019ba1

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‘Whitman County Commissioners [ART SWANAEK, Lamar, Osi eanvaMzeR, tuna, Oi miGHAEL LARGENT, Cola Ost cana camislneree0 wan a8 Marivetn Becker, CMC. Cit ofthe Boar ‘Emat: merbethbv@co 400 N. Main Stost + Colix, WA 9111 (608) 307-8240 (600) 297-0996 FAX wovawhtmancounty 079 Date: 01/18/19 10: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Maribeth Becker 2019 Budget Amendment: #1 Revisions needed to reflect recent changes to Fund 112. 112.010.000 Public Facilitic Beginning Fund Balance Increase $1,400,000 Transfer out to 310.300.023.397.00.01 $1,400,000 For Grandstands BUDGET AMENDMENT WORKSHEET 2019 1st Amendment Department Commissioners Fund Name: Public Faciities Fund Number Tz ‘Submitted by: Backer Date Submitted: —____TeJan 10 Revenue Requests ‘ind/Accourt Number “Recount Description: Oe] Increase! | Aduusted Budget | (Decrease) Budget Level zy F772,070,000,508,00 [Beginning Fund Balance [7,400,000] 7 400,000} fe oo re “Total Revenue IncreaselDecrease] OY '1,400,000[ 7,400,000} Sandy Jamison Whitman County Auditor February 2019 Budget Amendments Narrative * One of my staff members requested mileage reimbursement for most of the months during 2010-2018. She drove her own vehicle (almost daily) from the courthouse to Columbia Bank in Colfax, WA (to make our daily bank deposit) and then to the Post Office in Colfax, WA (to retrieve the Auditor's office mail), and then returned back to the court house. She only became aware in December of 2018 that she could submit this travel for reimbursement. During the first week of January 2019 she submitted the detailed reimbursement forms — they have been checked for detail and accuracy by the Auditor. The total expense for this item is $1144 and it was NOT included in the 2018 budget. ‘The Auditor, Prosecuting Attomey and the Director of Human Resources concur that these funds are due to her. + The new incoming Auditor, Sandy Jamison, needed some updated office equipment/supplies in order to effectively run the office. The amount for these items totaled SIJ6I1. This lot of items includes blinds for the Auditor’s office, an updated 10- Key machine, a split keyboard, a desk lamp, and a paper shredder. This amount was NOT included in the 2018 budget. + Eight days into this new year, our mos recently hired Financial Specialist resigned. After looking at the task duties of this position, and reviewing the entire departments needs, the Auditor has decided to rewrite and reclassify this position. Instead of the Financial Specialist position, it would be more useful to bring in a Program Representative position. ‘This type of classification lends itself to a variety of tasks within the department, especially independent project oriented tasks. The person in this position will be cross- trained in both the Payroll functions and the Accounts Payable functions, and will also be trained and perform necessary duties in the Elections Department. Right now, thete are only two FTEs allocated to the Elections Department, and only one of them is certified. While the other FTE, and the Auditor herself, are working toward certification, it will be at least a two year process. One of the current FTEs in this department (the one who is certified) will be retiring within the next two years and it is imperative that at least two people are employed in that department at all times. It makes sense to have at least a new- hire, part-time permanent position allocated to this department now, before the retirement occurs. Due to the reclassification of this position, the total inerease to the Auditor's, “Salaries-Office/Clerical” budget will b {this is inclusive of benefits). Tam aware that adhering to the county's operating budget is a key element in keeping the county fiscally sound. I want the Commissioners to know that I do not take budget amendment requests lightly. Tam trying to work well within my inherited budget, but I believe that the items listed 400 NORTH MAIN ST. COLFAX, WASHINGTON 99111 Phone: (309) 397-6270 Fax: (509) 397-6351 small: auditor@eo.whitman.waus Web Page:

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