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ELC 688: Teaching English to Young Learners

Class Observation Worksheet

I. Describe the profile of the class. Before you observe the class, meet with the instructor and
establish the class profile.

1. Grade/age(s) and proficiency level of class.

2. Number of students in class (male and female students)

3. Content and objectives of the lesson being observed

II. Describe the physical environment. Before the lesson begins, observe how the classroom is
set up.

4. Does the teacher have his/her own classroom? Or does s/he share the room with other teachers?

5. How are the chairs, desks, and other furniture arranged?

6. What do you see on the walls?

7. What other materials and objects are in the room?

ELC 688: Teaching English to Young Learners

English Language Center, UMBC
ELC 688: Teaching English to Young Learners
III. Describe the lesson. As you observe the class, take notes on what you see.

8. What are the lesson objectives? Do the objectives relate to language, content, or both?

9. How does the teacher begin the lesson?

10. How is new vocabulary introduced?

11. How are new language structures presented?

12. How do students practice new language?

13. Do students have the opportunity to listen? speak? read? write?

14. What techniques does the teacher use to make input comprehensible?

ELC 688: Teaching English to Young Learners

English Language Center, UMBC
ELC 688: Teaching English to Young Learners
15. Do students interact with the teacher? With other students?

16. How often do students participate? In what ways do they participate? Are all students actively
involved in the class?

17. How does the teacher assess student progress? How does the teacher assess achievement of

18. How does the teacher give students feedback? How does the teacher correct errors?

19. How does the teacher end the lesson?

20. Does the teacher assign homework or give other follow-up activities?

Assignment: Observation Report

Reflect on the observation and write a 2 page report on the following topics. What did you
learn from this observation experience? How did the teacher address the following aspects of
language teaching?
Classroom environment, sequencing of the lesson, student participation,
motivation and interest, teaching language in context, assessment
What could be improved? What would you like to incorporate into your own classroom?

ELC 688: Teaching English to Young Learners

English Language Center, UMBC

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