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Aoril, 2017 Chardon High School Learning Center Issue 19

How t o ef f ect ively com m u n icat e

w it h you r t each er s an d ot h er s
Blizzard bags. Online classes. 4. Casu al (In f or m al) Regist er : In the body of the message,
Deadlines. Unforeseen Talking with friends, slang (writing remember to use proper English.
circumstances. These are just drafts should allow casual before
some of the reasons students Your message should be
the formal draft because it ?gets
need to reach out to their teachers well-written and use correct
the information out? on the paper)
using email. And like everything grammar. You want to make a
else, there is a right way and an 5. In t im at e Regist er : Reserved for good impression, especially if you
incorrect way to do so. Learning to family members, husband and are asking for a favor.
do it correctly while in high school wife, siblings and parent and child. Be direct and to-the-point.
will serve students well once they Th e Un iver sal Ru le: A person can Teachers are busy people and
graduate. In college and at work go from one register to the next don't have time to read long
knowing how to communicate with register without any conflicts messages. Be respectful and keep
supervisors or professors is an whatsoever (casual to it short.
important soft skill to master. consultative? ); however, if a Finally, thank your teacher and
Lan gu age r egist er s person goes from one register to
another register, skipping a level or
end in a formal way. Use a
It's important to realize that complimentary close like "Thank
more, this is considered anti-social you," "Your student," or
languages have different registers, behavior (i.e. moving from frozen
or styles. Ranging from frozen to "Sincerely,".
to intimate, etc. marks a difference
intimate, there are 5 styles we use between a public voice and private Be patient while waiting for a
and we need to be aware of them voice). reply. Most teachers will respond
so we use the correct style in the quickly, but in case they are busy
right situation. Here they are: You w an t t o m ak e a and don't get back to you with an
answer be proactive. Try to figure
1. Fr ozen Regist er : This is good im pr ession , out what you need on your own.
language that remains fixed or especially if you ar e If that isn't possible, send a
unchanged. Some examples are
ask in g f or a f avor . follow-up email acknowledging
the Preamble to the Constitution,
the first email, and explaining
Pledge of Allegiance, Lord's Prayer.
why you need a response. As
2. For m al/ Academ ic Regist er : always, be brief and polite.
Interviews, academic language in
How t o em ail t each er s
When writing your teacher there It's a good idea to thank your
classroom (lectures,
are several things to keep in mind teacher for their help. Simply
instruction? mini-lessons), public
beginning with the subject line. writing "Thank you" will show
Teachers receive several emails a your teacher that you appreciate
3. Con su lt at ive Regist er : day. The subject line must be clear them and the help they gave you.
Instruction? mini-lessons), public
speaking Counselor (asking for
assistance). For instance:
and include information like the
name of the class, class period, and
title of the assignment. Next,
Communications between a
supervisor and subordinate, doctor
and patient, teacher and student.
address the teacher formally. Begin
with "Dear Mr. Smith", or "Hello Mr. Spring

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