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Research Paper Topics

By Anushka Saxena 3B

1. Climate responsive architecture

Climatology- passive techniques- wind tower analysis

This research is to understand and learn climate responsive architecture

to cover all concepts of effective ventilation. The major steps in
architectural climatology would be climatology-study of climatic elements
biology-study of human comfort level with respect to climatology
technology-creating of built environment architecture -the combination
of the above and the final product. To study in order to improve the
conditions of thermal comfort of the occupants through the use of
appropriate building strategies, which differs from place to place based
on the prevailing climate of that place. It is about climatic elements - how
they are behaving on us- how to be benefited by these climatic elements
how to protect ourselves from the adverse effect of climatic elements.
The study is done to learn how to incorporate and strategize passive
techniques to a building design to to provide ways to cope with the
extremes of the climate.
The study will have a major focus on wind towers . To learn the working
and implementation of wind towers and how they are designed . The
purpose of this study is to evaluate the development of wind tower
device and their integration into buildings, thus providing a
comprehensive review of current and potential wind tower development.
Study include the use of evaporative cooling device inside the tower to
improve its thermal performance, the use of solar chimneys, courtyards
and curved roofs to enhance the air movement inside the structure, and
the use of volume control dampers and ceiling diffuser to optimize the
fresh air flow rate and indoor conditions. The review would further
highlight the different cooling techniques which can be integrated with
wind tower systems to improve ventilation and thermal performance.
2. Building economics
Space-branding -corporate architecture - economic potential - consumerism -architecture as
an economic instrument

Architecture and space branding where the intentional designing of a

particular, imagined picture of any defined space starts to be a way to
impart it a new meaning. Architecture and tourism destination where
architecture can be utilized as a basic instrument to stimulate the tourism
development in particular regions. Consumerism where architecture
becomes a device of the behavioural economics. Corporate architecture
where architecture is used to distinguish companies’ image on the
concurrence background thus to enhance their economic position on the
market. Architecture as an integrating and holding together factor in local
We just partly exploit architecture in a process of enhancing the
economic potential of a particular space. This study recognize and explore
other qualities of architecture as a way of the innovative reality creation,
to value abilities of creating the atmosphere stimulating the consumers
behaviour leading to planned financial effects. Architecture – as a device
ample with the expression means - supports creating the competitive
this analysis also studies the economic implications of architectural
design decisions and impacts of these decisions. It includes:
Engineering economics
Real Estate Economics
Urban Economics
Energy Economics
Environmental economics

3. Urban design principles and techniques

The discipline of urban design to the approaches, techniques, and tools

of urban design necessary to structure the spatial and dimensional
relationships of the built environment with an emphasis on sustainable
urbanism. The morphology of the city – relationships of built form,
circulatory systems, and open space . To give form to an urban district
through the elaboration of street structures, block and building
morphologies, open space networks and typologies, and urban design
it will involve principles such as need to embrace density, diversity and
mix of uses, users, building types, and public spaces , prioritize walking as
the preferred mode of travel, and as a defining component of a healthy
quality of life , transit support, energy and resources on conserving,
enhancing, and creating strong, vibrant places, which are a significant
component of the neighbourhood’s structure and of the community’s
identity, needs of daily living, within walking distance, conserve and
enhance the health of natural systems (including climate) and areas of
environmental significance, and manage the impacts of climate change,
Integrated Technical and Industrial Systems, Local Sources, Engaged
Communities, Redundant and Durable Life Safety and Critical
Infrastructure Systems and develop building types and urban forms with
reduced servicing costs, and reduced environmental footprints.

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