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Category Testing method for Pumps

Type of the Pump LPV63 (63 cc/rev specification)
Stamping on the nameplate
Part No. of the Pump 708-1U-00140
Machine model installing WA380-6 WA430-6
these motors GALEO GALEO
Serial No. of the machines
#65001~ #65001~
installing these motors
Applications STEERING Pump

Issuance history


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• This document is organized into the following parts

1. Test Method ························································· Pages 3 - 10

2. Test Hydraulic Circuit Diagram ······························· Page 11
3. Performance Diagram and Standard Value Table ······· Pages 12 - 19

4. Names of Sections and Related Dimension ·············· Pages 20 - 22

5. Schematic Diagram of Test Jig (Reference) ·············· No indication

• This document mainly provides the test method using the KHT75-3 hydraulic test stand or equivalent.
 When adopting the standard value test, the specification is for high pressure. Therefore, use the facilities
and equipment and manufacture the jigs, etc, which can withstand pressure in excess of 41.2 MPa (420

• Applicable bench
1) Converted value test: Use the Komatsu general-purpose hydraulic test stand (KHT75-3) or its equivalent.
2) Standard value test: Hydraulic test stand having the same performance as the production plant hydraulic

test stand.
 Use Komatsu genuine engine oil T010-CD or equivalent. Discoloration of oil during test is managed
for Class NAS10.

• Scope

This document is adopted for quality verification testing of the remanufactured Steering pump, LPV63 (63
cc/rev specifications), which is installed on WA380-6 and WA430-6.

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1. Test Method
1-1) Since high revolutiion and high pressure is produced during this Seering pump test, great care should be

taken when selecting the equipment, device, test jigs and components. Also, great attention should be
given to the pump installation condition, the hydraulic circuit configuration, and the universal joint connec-
1-2) Test Specifications
See the following Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 List of Test Specifications

Pump type LPV63

Specifications Standard Conversion
Steering pump capacity (Min.) 6 +2

(cc/rev) (Max.) 63 ± 1
Direction of rotation (input shaft) Counterclockwise ←
Maximum revolution of input shaft
2180 1500
Maximum hydraulic pressure of pump 29.4

(MPa{kg/cm2}) {300}
Outer pilot pressure 2.94 ± 0.1

(MPa{kg/cm2}) {30 ± 1}
Pump suction pressure 0.98 ± 0.05

(MPa{kg/cm2}) {1.0 ± 0.5}
Pump drain pressure 0.98 or less

(MPa{kg/cm2}) {1.0}
Minimum flow ~ Maximum flow
13 ~ 140 13 ~ 96

1-3) Test Items

1) For test items and contents, see Table 1-2 below.

For converted value test, conduct tests as limited by the capacity of the KHT75-3 hydraulic test
The converted value test determines pass or fail after converting the results of measurements
into standard values.
The test standard values to be adopted are:
• Standard value test: Standard of performance standard value table
• Converted value test: Conversion of performance standard value table
Table 1-2 Test Item Legend: Conduct • ∆ Conduct, if possible. • × Don’t test
absence of abnormality

Performance check
Check for presence or


Items Flow check PQT control LS control



characteristics (MPa{kg/cm2})
Method 6.9 {70} 14.7{150}
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1-4) Test Basic Hydraulic Circuit Diagram

• See Appendix Figure 1 in “Section 2 Test Hydraulic Circuit Diagram”.

1-5) Functions and Conditions of Sample Sections
• See Appendix Table 1 in “Section 4 Names of Sections and Related Dimensions.”

1-6) Test Equipment, Device, and Jig

1) Equipment to be used: Have the equipment listed in Table 1-3 ready.

Table1-3 Pressure Gauge and Device

Part Number
Part Name Quantity Specifications Measuring Points and Application
(or Manufacturer’s Type)
Pump pressure checking port (CPA)
799-101-5120 Gauge 3 Control pressure checking port (Cen)
LS pressure input port (PLS)
0~0.4MPa Pump suction (PS) section
– Gauge 2
{4kg/cm2) Pump drain (PD) section
Differential 0~49MPa Between pump discharge port (PP1)
799-401-2700 pressure gauge 1 {500kg/cm2) and LS input port (PLS)
799-401-2810 (set) Power supply: 100VAC Power supply for differential pressure
Transformer unit
12VDC output gauge
Measurring flow:
0 ~ 50L/min
Flowmeter and 1 For measurement of drain flow
*– Working pressure:
display meter (set) at LS section
or more
Working pressure:
Stop valve For generating differential pressure at
*– 1 or more
(S1) LS
Maximum flow:
30(L/min) or more
Set pressure:
*– Relief valve 1 or more For safety valve
Maximum flow:
160(l/min) or more

For information as to how to install pressure gauges, see Test Hydraulic Circuit Diagram.
For the equipment marked with an asterisk (*),select the appropriate product that meets
Piston pump discharge port (P1) must be provided with a port for introducing LS pressure, the one
for introducing pump pressure, the one for removing the differential pressure gauge, and the one
installing the safety valve.

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2) Jigs and components to be used: Have jigs and components listed in Table 1-4 ready.
Table 1-4 Test Jigs
No. Part Number Part Name Quantity Specifications and Application
1 — Plate 1 For installing pump
2 — Coupling 1 For connecting input shaft
3 799-404-2910 Adapter 1 1.6 mm diameter fixed throttle valve
For information on manufacturing of jigs and components, see “Section 4 Names of Sections and
Related Dimensions.”
3) In addition to those listed in Table 1-4, have Fig.7-1 Installation Condition of Pump
components such as an adapter and hose
ready, which are required for configuring a test
hydraulic circuit.
For information on manufacturing of jigs and
components, see “Section 4 Names of Sec-
tions and Related Dimensions.”
4) Have a penetrant testing agent (e.g. developer
such as color check) ready.

1-7) Preparatory Steps for Test

Perform the following steps prior to this test. • Fig . 7-1

PA : Pump discharge port
1) Installing hydraulic test stand (see Fig. 7-1)
PD1: Pump case drain port
Install the test stand so that the sample air 1 :Searvo Valve assembly
bleeder (PDa) turns up. Fig.7-2 Pump Hydraulic Circuit Diagram
2) Installing universal joint
Since the universal joint rotates rapidly, install

it in a level position when connecting, and take

action not to cause run-out. Protect the
coupling from becoming detached from the

3) Configuring test hydraulic circuit (see Appen-
dix Figure 1)

i) Configure as per test hydraulic circuit

diagram in the Appendix Figure 1.
For the Steering pump hydraulic circuit
diagram, see Fig. 7-2.
ii) Install pressure gauges on hydraulic

detection ports.
For specifications of the pressure gauge
to be installed, see Appendix Figure 1.
For details of port and adjustment
sections, see Appendix Table 1.
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4) Filling the pump case with oil

Fig.7-3 Rotation Direction of Pump Input Shaft
Pour oil into the pump case (PS port), bleed
the air (PDa ), and fill the pump case with oil.
Be sure to perform this to prevent the
possibility of damage inside the pump.
Thghten air bleeder:
7.8 ~ 9.8 Nm {0.8 ~ 1 kgm}
5) Cleaning pump assembly

Clean the pump assembly to check for oil

leakage and apply penetrant testing agent to
each of valve, plug and input shaft oil seal.

6)Cheking the rotation direction.(see Fig. 7-3)

It shall rotate counterclokwise when viewed from
the input shaft(M2) of the sample.

1-8) Verification Test and Adjustment Methods

Prior to conducting a test, check connections of the
piping, hose and adapters.
For more information on conditions and standard
values during testing, see the “Performance
Standard Value Table” in Section 3.
1) Running-in

Check for abnormality (pressure, vibration,

sound, etc) and oil leakage while the pump is

2) Check of piston pump flow rate

(1) Check the maximum and minimum pump
flow rates under the specified conditions.

For measurement of minimum flow rate,

add the amount of drain at the LS pressur
Fig. 8-1 Flow Rate Adjustment Section(Ma,Mb)
port (amount of oil flowing when the stop
valve S1 is open =Q3)
QT = Q1 + Q3 (L/min)
(2) Adjusting Method of Maximum and Mini-
mum Flow Rate (See Table 8-1)

i) Adjust the maximum and minimum flow

rates using the adjustment pulg(Ma,Mb).
(See Fig.8-1)

• Ma: Maximum flow rate adjustment pulg

• Mb: ‚Minimum flow rate adjustment pulg
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ii) Flow Rate Adjsting Method Fig. 8-2 Detail of Maximum Flow Adjustment Sec-
tion (B-B)
The maximum and the minimumflow
rates are adjusted in the same way.
Symbols in ( ) are applied to the mini-
mum flow rates adjustment method.
Before the adjustment, measure the
distances L1 (L2) to the counter mark
and to screw head .
(See Table 8-1 and Fig . 8-2, 8-3)
(i) Loosen the locknut A. (B)

(ii) Adjust the plug Ma. (Mb) Fig. 8-3 Detail of minimum Flow Adjustment Sec-
tion (C-C)
(iii) After the adjustment, tighten the lock-
nut A (B) temporarily and measure the

flow rate.
(iv) whenthe measured flow rate is less loc-
knut A (B) permanently
Tightening locknur A (B) :
68.6 ~ 83.4 Nm {7.0 ~ 8.5 kgm}

Table 8-1 Procedure for Adjusting Maximum and Minimum Flow

Phenomenon Increase of Decrease of
adjustment reference reference
section flow rate flow rate
Maximum flow rate counter-
clockwise L1 = 3.0 mm
adjustment plug (Ma) clockwise
Minimum flow rate counter-
clockwise L2 = 2.8 mm
adjustment plug (Mb) clockwise

3) Testing and adjusting the PQT control characteristics Fig. 8-4 PQT control Characteristics diagram
(P-Q-T diagram)
(1) Testing PQT control characteristics test
(see Fig.8-4)
i) Measure flow rates caused by pressure fluctuation,

and make sure that the PC control characteristic

diagram(P-Q Diagram) and the Toque characteris-
tic(P-T Diagram) satisfy the standard value.
For more information on PQT control characte-
ristics (P-Q-T Diagram), see “Performance Dia-
gram and Standard Value Tables” in Section3.

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(i) PQT control characteristic test

Fig. 8-5 PC control plug(Mpc) position
• STD (sutandard) mode
(ii) Measure flow rates at pressure rising time and
at pressure dorpping time, and adopt the values

at pressur rising time.

Shut the stop valve (S1).
(2) PC control characteristics adjusting method
• See Fig. 8-5 for adjustment sections.
Check the position of the punch mark (Pm)
before adjustment (See Fig.8-6).
• Make adjustments in the following order .
(See Fig.8-5 and 8-6)
Make adjustment by loosening the eccentric
adjustment pluig (turning it counterclockwise)
within the range between 0 degree and 180
Reference: 0 degree = Temporary position for
assembly (See Fig.8-6).
(i) Loosen the locknut C
(ii) Adjust PC control characteristics using the

adjustment plug (Mpc). Fig. 8-6 Punch mark position of adjustment screw
φ= Out of the 0-180 degrees range.
• Lower than the sutandard
→ Tighten the plug (turn it clockwise)

• Higher than the sutandard

→ Loosen the plug (turn it counterclockwise)
(iii) After the adjustment, tighten lock nut C tempo-

rarily to measurethe flow rate.

(iv) When the measured value is within the stand-
dard range, tighten locknut C permanently with • Fig.8-5 and 8-6
1 : Valve assembly
the specified tightening torque.
2 : Lever
Tightening Lock nut C:
MPC : PC valve adjustment plug
27.4 ~ 34.3Nm (2.8 ~ 3.5 Kgm)
PDa : Bleeder mounting port
Pm : Punch mark
C : Locknut

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4) Testing and adjusting the LS control characteristics

Fig. 8-7 LS Adjustment Section (Valve Assembly)
(1) LS control characteristics test
While maintaining the control pressure (pump dis-

charge pressure) constant, measure fluctuations

in the flowr ate at varying levels of the LS differen-
tial pressure ∆P (= PA - PLS).

Then, plot the results on the LS control characteri-

stics diagram to determine the acceptability.
Control pressure (pump discharge pressure)
• STD mode : 6.9 MPa { 70 kg/cm2}
• STD mode : 14.7 MPa { 150 kg/cm2}
For the details on the LS control haracteristics
(LS diagram), see “Performance Standard Value
Tables’” figure 2 and 3 in Section 3.
i) Adopt the value st LS differential pressure increa-
sing time.
ii) Pump discharges (QT) shall be as fllows :

• QT = Q1 + Q3 (L/min)
Opening or closing of the stop valve (S1) must
be done slowly.
(2) LS control characteristic adjusting method.
• Fig.8-7
(See Fig. 8-7)
1 : Valve assembly
The adjustment is complemented in the following MLS : LS valve adjustment plug
procedure. MPC : PC valve adjustment plug
Prior to adjustment, measure the length (L3) to PLS : LS pressure input port
the head of the plug. D : Locknut

i) Loosen the locknut D.

ii) Adjust the plug (MLS).

(i) Lower than the standard → Tighten the plug

(turn it clockwise)
(ii) Higher than the standard → Loose the plug

(turn it couterclockwise)
(iii) After the adjustment, tighten locknut D.
(iv) When the measured value is within the stand-

dard range, tighten locknut D permanently with

the specified tightening torque.
Tightening Lock nut D:
27.4 ~ 34.3Nm (2.8 ~ 3.5 Kgm)

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5) Checking for Abnormality

Check the following items for abnormality during the test and after the test and determine pass/fail
(1) Oil leakage from the following sections

i) Input shaft oil seal

ii) Valve connections
iii) Plug connections

(2) Abnormal sound, vibration, or temperature

(3) Other abnormalities

6) Necessary procedures after test.

To remove the sample and restore to the original state, keep the following in mind.
1) Drain the residual oil out of the sample and check the oil for a foreign substance.

2) Remove all the jigs installed for testing.

3) Seal off all ports with nylon plugs or the like to prevent the ingress of dirt and dust.
4) Record the test results on appropriate report forms. (Retention period: 3 years)

Part Number: 708-1U-00140
Type of the pump: LPV63•Steering pump
Note 1: This circuit diagram shows the testing of Steering pump (LPV63 • 63 cc/rev specifications).
Note 2: The direction of rotation of the sample pump is counterclockwise as viewed from its input shaft.
Note 3: The gauge designations are as follows: 400K = 39.2 MPa (400kg/cm2),60K = 5.9 MPa (60kg/cm2) and 4K = 0.4 MPa (4kg/cm2).

2 : Steering pump test circuit diagram

(Appendix figure 1 : Basic circuit diagram)

Machine model: WA380-6
All tests

Test Items
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3. Performance Standard Value Table

1) This document contains the Table 1) Standard Value Table.

2) When conducting a test, select the applicable model from the following table.

Table 3-1) List of Standard Value Tables

Chart and Standard
Value Table No.
Fig. 1 PQT characteristics performance chart

Fig. 2 LS characteristics performance chart (Control pressure: 6.9MPa{ 70kg/cm2})

Fig. 3 LS characteristics performance chart (Control pressure: 14.7MPa{150kg/cm2})

Table 1 Running-in, Check of Max, and min flowrate

Table 2 PQT characteristics

Table 3 LS characteristics ([STD mode] • 6.9MPa{ 70kg/cm2})

Table 4 LS characteristics ([STD mode] • 14.7MPa{150kg/cm2})

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Fig. 1 Pump Assembly Performance Specification Chart
(Standard Value)
Model WA380/430-6 Test item: PQT characteristics
Test conditions

(application counter- Pump pressures (PA) See chart MPa{kg/cm2}

serial number) (# 65001~) Direction of rotation clockwise
Pump type LPV63 Number of Standard 2180 rpm LS differential pressure (∆P) 0 MPa{kg/cm2}
revolutions of 2
(Pump capacity) (63 cc/rev) input shaft Conversion *1500 rpm Outer pilot pressure (Pop) 2.94{30} MPa{kg/cm }
The area with in the range
Part number 708-1U-00140 Application of chart is applicable both when
increasing the pressure.
1. *Conduct the converted value test when feasible.
Others 2. [Reference] Specified hysteresis when the pressure is stepped down: Max. 1.96MPa{20kg/cm2}.
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Fig. 2 Pump Assembly Performance Specification Chart
(Standard Value)
Model WA380/430-6 Test item: LS characteristics [1/2]
Test conditions

(application counter- Pump pressures (PA) 6.9 {70} MPa{kg/cm2}

serial number) (# 65001~) Direction of rotation clockwise
Pump type LPV63 Number of Standard 2280rpm LS differential pressure (∆P) See chart MPa{kg/cm2}
revolutions of 2
(Pump capacity) (63 cc/rev) input shaft Conversion 1500rpm Outer pilot pressure (Pop) 2.94{30} MPa{kg/cm }
Within the range
Part number 708-1U-00140 Application of chart increase of LS
differential pressure.
[Reference] The value where LS differential pressure is decreased shall be 0.39 MPa{4kg/
Others cm2} and below at hysteresis LS differential pressure
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Fig. 3 Pump Assembly Performance Specification Chart
(Standard Value)
Model WA380/430-6 Test item: LS characteristics [2/2]
Test conditions

(application counter- Pump pressures (PA) 14.7 {150}MPa{kg/cm2}

serial number) (# 65001~) Direction of rotation clockwise
Pump type LPV63 Number of Standard 2280rpm LS differential pressure (∆P) See chart MPa{kg/cm2}
revolutions of 2
(Pump capacity) (63 cc/rev) input shaft Conversion 1500rpm Outer pilot pressure (Pop) 2.94{30} MPa{kg/cm }
Within the range
Part number 708-1U-00140 Application of chart increase of LS
differential pressure.
[Reference] The value where LS differential pressure is decreased shall be 0.39 MPa{4kg/
Others cm2} and below at hysteresis LS differential pressure
Part Number: 708-1U-00140
Type of the pump: LPV63•Steering pump
Swash plate

Test Items Run-in operation Continuous load leveling Max. or Min. flow check
Conditions and Allowable
change No load No load
standard value items Symbols Unit range 1 2 3 4 5 6 Full Partsial leveling maximum minimum
Speed (revolution) Full 500 ← 1000 1500 2000 2180 2180 2180 2180 ←
M2 rpm ±5
input shaft Partial 500 ← 1000 1500 1000 ← 1100 1500 1500 ←
Rotating direction, input shaft – – – Counter-clockwise ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

2.94 ↔ 29.4 2.94 ↔ 19.6

Test Conditions

±0.5 4.9 9.8 14.7 20.6 32.4 9.8 1.96 4.9

Pump discharge pressure PA No load
MPa {±1} {50} {100} {150} {210} {330} {30 ↔ 300} {30 ↔ 200} {100} {20} {50}

Table 1: Performance standard value table

Difference pressure {kg/cm2} ±0.1 0 ↔ 2.94 Min. 2.45
∆P 0 ← ← ← ← ← ← ← 0
(∆P=PA-PLS) {±1} {0 ↔ 30} {Min. 25}

Stop valve S1 S1 – – Closed ← ← ← ← ← ← ← Closed → Open Closed Open

(WA380/430-6 • [1/4])
Operating and measuring time – min, times – 1 min ← ← ← ← ← 10 times Min. 5 times Min. 3 times Min. 2 times ←

Lower to
Pump Full — — — — — — — — — 135 ~ 140 13 ~ 17
upper limits or
Standard Value

discharge Q L/min
Lower to less
amount Partial — — — — — — — — — 90 ~ 98 9 ~ 12
upper limits
Pump absorption
Refer- Nm
torque upper limit T (Max.) — — — — — — — — — — —
ence {kgm}
(Standard value test)

Pump discharge Full – — — — — — — — — —

Measurement Value

Partial —

amount L/min – — — — — — — — —
LS port drain amount Q3 – — — — — — — — — — — —
Pump absorption torque (Standard) T Nm{kgm} – — — — — — — — — — — —

Input shaft Revolution speed M2 rpm – — — — — — — — — — ( ) ( )

Oil leakage, abnormal noise,

and heat generation check – – OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG OK / NG — OK / NG

Determination ( )
Part Number: 708-1U-00140
Type of the pump: LPV63•Steering pump

Test Items PQT characteristics (pressure • flowrate • torque)

Conditions and Allowable
standard value items Symbols Unit range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speed (revolution) Full 2180 ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←
M2 rpm ±5
input shaft Partial 1500 ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

Rotating direction, input shaft – – – Counter-clockwise ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

Test Conditions

±0.5 4.9 9.8 14.7 19.1 21.1 21.7 23.5 25.5 29.0
Pump discharge pressure PA No load
MPa {±1} {50} {100} {150} {195} {215} {221} {240} {260} {295}

Table 2: Performance standard value table

Difference pressure {kg/cm } ±0.1
∆P 0 ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←
(∆P=PA-PLS) {±1}

Stop valve S1 S1 – – Closed ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

(WA380/430-6 • [2/4])
Operating and measuring time – min, times – Min. 2 times ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

Lower to 135 133 131 129 127 71 57 3 2 1

Pump Full
upper limits or ~ 140 ~ 140 ~ 140 ~ 140 ~ 140 ~ 140 ~ 133 ~ 72 ~ 17 ~ 17
Standard Value

discharge Q L/min
Lower to less 93 92 90 89 88 49 37 2 1 1
amount Partial
upper limits ~ 95 ~ 96 ~ 95 ~ 96 ~ 96 ~ 96 ~ 92 ~ 50 ~ 12 ~ 12
Pump absorption
Refer- Nm (75) (134) (194) (248) (248) (60)
torque upper limit T (Max.) — — — —
ence {kgm} ({7.6}) ({113.7}) ({19.8}) ({25.3}) ({25.3}) ({6.2})
(Standard value test)

Pump discharge Full –

Measurement Value

amount Partial L/min –

LS port drain amount Q3 – — — — — — — — — — —

Pump absorption torque (Standard) T Nm{kgm} – — — — —

Input shaft Revolution speed M2 rpm – ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Oil leakage, abnormal noise,

and heat generation check – – — — — — — — — — — OK / NG
Determination ({)
Part Number: 708-1U-00140
Type of the pump: LPV63•Steering pump

Test Items LS characteristics (load sensing characteristics • 1/2)

Conditions and Allowable
standard value items Symbols Unit range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Speed (revolution) Full 2180 ← ← ← ← ← ←

M2 rpm ±5
input shaft Partial 1500 ← ← ← ← ← ←
Rotating direction, input shaft – – – Counter-clockwise ← ← ← ← ← ←
Test Conditions

±0.5 6.9
Pump discharge pressure PA ← ← ← ← ← ←
MPa {±1} {70}

Table 3: Performance standard value table

Difference pressure {kg/cm2} ±0.1 0.98 1.08 1.27 1.39 1.96 2.45
∆P 0
(∆P=PA-PLS) {±1} {10} {11} {13} {14.2} {20} {25}

Stop valve S1 S1 – – Closed Closed → Open Open ← ← ← ←

WA380/430-6 • [3/4]
Operating and measuring time – min, times – Min. 2 times ← ← ← ← ← ←

Lower to
Pump Full 132 ~ 140 ← 79 ~ 140 0 ~ 86 0 ~ 17 ← ←
upper limits or
Standard Value

discharge Q L/min
Lower to less
amount Partial 91 ~ 96 ← 54 ~ 96 0 ~ 59 0 ~ 12 ← ←
upper limits
Pump absorption
Refer- Nm
torque upper limit T (Max.) — — — — — — —
ence {kgm}
(Standard value test)

Pump discharge Full –

Measurement Value

amount Partial L/min –

LS port drain amount Q3 – —
Pump absorption torque (Standard) T Nm{kgm} – — — — — — — —

Input shaft Revolution speed M2 rpm – ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Oil leakage, abnormal noise,

and heat generation check – – — — — — — — OK / NG
Determination ( )
Part Number: 708-1U-00140
Type of the pump: LPV63•Steering pump

Test Items LS characteristics (load sensing characteristics • 2/2)

Conditions and Allowable
standard value items Symbols Unit range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Speed (revolution) Full 2180 ← ← ← ← ← ←

M2 rpm ±5
input shaft Partial 1500 ← ← ← ← ← ←
Rotating direction, input shaft – – – Counter-clockwise ← ← ← ← ← ←
Test Conditions

±0.5 14.7
Pump discharge pressure PA ← ← ← ← ← ←
MPa {±1} {150}

Table 4: Performance standard value table

Difference pressure {kg/cm2} ±0.1 0.98 1.08 1.27 1.39 1.96 2.45
∆P 0
(∆P=PA-PLS) {±1} {10} {11} {13} {14.2} {20} {25}

Stop valve S1 S1 – – Closed Closed → Open Open ← ← ← ←

WA380/430-6 • [4/4]
Operating and measuring time – min, times – Min. 2 times ← ← ← ← ← ←

Lower to
Pump Full 127 ~ 140 ← 79 ~ 140 0 ~ 86 0 ~ 17 ← ←
upper limits or
Standard Value

discharge Q L/min
Lower to less
amount Partial 87 ~ 96 ← 54 ~ 96 0 ~ 59 0 ~ 12 ← ←
upper limits
Pump absorption
Refer- Nm
torque upper limit T (Max.) — — — — — — —
ence {kgm}
(Standard value test)

Pump discharge Full –

Measurement Value

amount Partial L/min –

LS port drain amount Q3 – —
Pump absorption torque (Standard) T Nm{kgm} – — — — — — — —

Input shaft Revolution speed M2 rpm – ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Oil leakage, abnormal noise,

and heat generation check – – — — — — — — OK / NG
Determination ( )
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4. Names of Components and Related Dimensions

Appendix Table 1 Names of Sample Components and Port Size

Applicable Models: WA380/430-6

1. Names of Components and Port Size (See Appendix Figure 1 and 2.)

Symbol repre- Presence or

senting port or Name of port and adjustment sections absence of Port size Remarks
section connection
M1 Mounting block Connected — See dimensional drawing
M2 Input axis Connected — See spline specifications

PA F pump discharge port Connected — See dimensional drawing

PS Pump suction port Connected — See dimensional drawing
PLS Load pressure input port (LS pressure) Connected M14 × 1.5

PD1 Pump case drain port Connected M24 × 1.5

PD2 Pump case drain port Closed M24 × 1.5 (With plug)
PP1 Pump pressure input port Connected M14 × 1.5

Pop Outer pilot pressure input port Connected M14 × 1.5

PDa Air bleeder Closed —

Installation of pressure
CPA Pump output pressure checking port Connected M10 × 1.25
gauge (with plug)
Installation of pressure
Cen Control pressure checking port onnected M10 × 1.25
gauge (with plug)
Ma F pump maximum flowrate controller Non-connected —

Mb R pump maximum flowrate controller Non-connected —

MPC PC valve adjusting section Non-connected —
MLS LS valve adjusting section Non-connected —

2. Details of spline (S)

14T - 12 / 24 involute spline shaft

Number of teeth 14
Pitch 12 / 24
Pressure angle 30°
Basic circle diameter 25.663
Pitch circle diameter 29.633
Over-pin dimension 35.697 -0.179

Diameter of a pin 4.064

(Reference) tooth pressure 3.061 ~ 3.095

EEN00066-00 21/22

Appendix Figure 1. Dimensions of Sample Sections

Applicable Models: WA380/430-6

3. Ports and Adjustment section

EEN00066-00 22/22

Appendix Figure 2. Dimensions of Sample Sections

Applicable Models: D65EX/PX-15

4. Details of Installed Position (M1)

5. Detail of valve assembly


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