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Hazardous material management

Keep an inventory of all hazardous materials that are brought Site Officer Immediately at Monthly Up-to-date inventory
on-site with accompanying Material Safety Data Sheets. start of project. available.

Task Responsibility When to Inspection Inspection Target

implement Frequenc
Infrequently used chemicals should be ordered just before Construction Immediately at Weekly No chemicals present for
they are needed. Manager start of project. long periods of time.

Remove all hazardous materials containers, when work Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly No hazardous materials
involving them is complete start of project. containers present for long
periods of time.
Ensure that all hazardous chemicals containers on site are Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly All hazardous chemicals
properly labeled with their contents and hazard start of project. containers properly labeled.
characteristics according to their MSDS requirements.

Use hazardous materials containers constructed of a material Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly All hazardous chemicals
that is compatible with the hazardous materials, is in sound start of project. properly stored.
condition, and is kept securely closed at all times except
during material transfer.
Maintain and secure all hazardous materials storage areas. Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly No visual evidence of
Select locations and methods to minimize exposure to start of project. contamination in river or on
rainfall, surface water, and ground surface or subsurface bare soil.
using enclosures, shelters, secondary containment, overflow
protection, and hard stand bases as needed.
Storage shall be in well-ventilated designated areas away Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly All hazardous chemicals
/protected from direct sunlight, moisture and heat sources. start of project. properly stored.
Task Responsibility When to Inspection Inspection Target
implement Frequency
Design hazardous materials storage areas to prevent vehicles Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly All hazardous chemicals
or fork-lifts puncturing tanks, and making units vandal start of project. properly stored.
No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in the hazardous Safety Officer Immediately at Daily No eating, drinking or
materials storage areas. start of project. smoking observed in the
hazardous materials storage
Train employees and contractors to use appropriate Safety Officer Immediately at When new All employees and
protective measures in the use, storage, and handling of start of project. employees contractors know how to
hazardous materials and when new and use, store, and handle
employees and contractors hazardous materials.
contractors join. join.
Segregate any incompatible chemicals. Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly All hazardous chemicals
start of project. properly stored.

Have available emergency spill response equipment (e.g. Safety Officer Immediately at Weekly Emergency spill response
secondary containment pallets, absorbent pads, and start of project. equipment presents in
absorbent booms) that is suitable and sufficient to control a hazardous materials storage
potential spill/release based on the inventory of oil and areas.
hazardous chemicals that will be brought on-site.
Task Responsibility When to Inspection Inspection Target
implement Frequency
Identify conveyances to the environment (e.g. sumps, stone/ Safety Officer Immediately at As List of up-to-date
floor drains, etc.) and minimize discharge or spill potential to start of project. required conveyances to the
these areas. environment.

Should a spill occur, have an emergency preparedness and HSE Manager & Immediately at As An emergency preparedness
response plan in place to deal with the clean-up. It should Environmental start of project. required and response plan present.
consider issues such as cleaning up spilled material on the Expert
site, containing and cleaning up spills which have entered
waterways, disposal or reuse of recovered residues, and
contacting key company and government agency personnel
to advise them of the emergency.

Do not transport hazardous materials via public or private Safety Officer Immediately at Daily All hazardous chemicals
roads in a manner that could result in an unsafe condition start of project. properly transported.
for personnel or the environment.

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