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Title of Abstract: Lamitan City’s ALAB ( Abante Lamitan, Atras Basura) Program

Presenting Author: Engr. Raquel M. Hibionada

Job Title, Organization: City Government Department Head I

City Government General Services Office (CGSO)
Address: Rizal Avenue, Lamitan City, Basilan Province

Email and Contact Number:,

Presentation Type: Oral Presentation


Lamitan City is a rapidly growing city with 45 barangays, 10 of which are Metro Barangays. The
City’s Integrated Solid Waste Management covers 10 Metro Barangays in the City. The total waste
generated in the whole City by different waste generators and sources is 35,357.14 kilograms per
day including the waste generated in collection areas. The total waste generated composed of 68
percent Biodegradable with 24,042.86 kilograms per day, 17 percent Recyclable with 6,010.71
kilograms per day, 13 percent Residual with 4,596.43 kilograms per day and 2 percent Special
wastes with 707.14 kilograms per day based on the Waste Analysis and Characterization Study
(WACS) conducted citywide in 2017-2018.

Management of the city’s solid waste is becoming difficult due to its varying quality and increasing
quantity. Thus, the ALAB (Abante Lamitan, Atras Basura) Program was conceptualized in 2008
and institutionalized through City Ordinance Number 2008-07 which prohibits littering, burning
of waste and improper disposal. Corresponding fines and penalties are imposed upon violators and
policing is done through the Bantay Basura (BBs) personnel assigned in different strategically
located areas. These BBs were deputized to issue citation tickets and apprehend violators.

Throughout the years, much has improved on the communities’ solid waste management practices.
With the help of active information education campaigns in different schools, public market,
barangays and household, and strict implementation of the City Ordinance on Integrated Solid
Waste Management, proper solid waste disposal at the household level were realized. Reduction
at source is also achieved since most biodegradable waste are already composted at each
household. Waste collected from households properly segregated into recyclables and residuals,
making it easy for our collecting personnel. Our Materials Recovery Facility at the Lamitan City
Public Market processes biodegradable waste generated from the Market. Biodegradable Waste
undergo Windrow Composting and Vermi Composting using African Night Crawlers and its
resulting compost are processed and packaged as organic fertilizer and sold in the market. These
organic fertilizers are also widely used by the our farmers in another project of the City
Government – the Roseville Organic Farm located at Little Cebu, Barangay Maganda, Lamitan
City which now slowly gains loyal patrons from among health conscious individuals in the city.
To address our growing generation of plastic waste, the City General Services Office has launched
the “Plastic Mo, School Supplies Ko” program as part of the annual Brigada Skwela of DepEd.
Everyone is encouraged to fill up plastic bottles with plastics and turn it over to the CGSO in
exchange for school supplies. Turned over plastics are transformed into plastic chairs for sale to
interested buyers and also for use in our public schools. The LGU has also entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement with Junk Shops for the other plastic wastes, proceeds of which goes
to the City’s income. This way, the remaining waste for final disposal is reduced.

The City is working towards the approval of its proposed Sanitary Landfill to be located in
Barangay Panansangan. Safe Closure and Rehabilitation Plan for the existing dumpsite has already
been approved. Our efforts towards a cleaner, safer and healthier environment has not gone
unnoticed since Lamitan City is already a Three (3) Time Seal of Good Local Governance
Awardee, essential criteria of which is Environmental Protection including Solid Waste
Management. Our ALAB Program is one of our best practices and we are committed to doing it
better towards a more sustainable future for Lamitan City.

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