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Evaluation of PURSLANE (scientific name) as Locally Processed Tea

Chapter I


A. Background of the Study

Health is multi-factorial and very complex. It is influenced by a number of things

including our age, family history illness, employment, education and living conditions.

Nowadays, people easily get sick because of their unhealthy lifestyle. A variety of lifestyle

or health related habits can have a major impact on a person’s health.

According to WHO, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life

are correlated to lifestyle. Millions of people follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Hence, they

encounter illness, disability, and even death. Problems like metabolic diseases, joint and

skeletal problems, cardio-vascular diseases, hypertension, overweight, violence and so on,

can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. The relationship of lifestyle and health should be

highly considered.

Today, wide changes have occurred in life of all people. Malnutrition, unhealthy

diet, smoking, alcohol consuming, drug abuse, stress and so on, are the presentation of

unhealthy lifestyle.

In 2016, Filipinos have among the worst health habits in Asia, according to a

research from Sun Life Financial Asia covering eight major markets in Asia Pacific. The

study showed that about half of Filipinos sleep less than six hours a day – the highest in

the. “Eighty percent (80%) of adults in the Philippines are not really satisfied with their
health,” Intuit Research director Thomas Isaac said about the survey conducted with 764

Filipinos. He added that while forty-four percent (44%) of adults were overweight due

mainly to insufficient exercise and poor food habits, there were only 25 percent (25%) who

would like to lose weight.

A number of scientific researchers have been investigating the possible health

benefits contained within tea. And now it appears there’s a growing body of evidence to

suggest that drinking tea could actually ward off some very serious conditions, including

cancer, obesity and dehydration. Studies have suggested that drinking three or more cups

of tea a day could actually be better for you than drinking the same amount of water, with

the antioxidants contained within tea boosting the body’s health, at the same time as

rehydrating it.

Purslane Grass also have anti-oxidant and is used as a medicinal herb, it has better

nutrirional quality than the major cultivated vegetables according to recent studies. Using

purslane grass as an alternative in making tea contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acid that helps

to prevent diseases and plays an important role in human growth and development, This study was conducted to produce an alternative and cheap tea

which will benefit the locales to maintain a healthy body and proper nutrition.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study entitled the “ Purslane Grass as an Alternative in Making Tea” (edit based
from the corrected title) aimed to answer the following question:

1. Is the Purslane Grass as an Alternative in Making Tea acceptable in terms of:

a. Odor?
b. Color?
c. Taste?

2. Consider a question about the cost effectiveness of the purslane as tea

C. Hypotheses


1. The Purslane Grass as an Alternative in Making Tea is not acceptable in terms of : a)

odor b) color and c) taste
2. The Purslane Tea as an Alternative in Making Tea is not practical in terms of (cost)

D. Significance of the Study

The success of this study may give benefit to the following:

1. Consumers

Consumers may be given a cheaper alternative in producing the quality of materials

through the use of tea.

2. Manufacturers

The manufacturers may find a more affordable approach in producing the products they

make. They may also promote the use of purslane grass in producing a good quality of said


3. Future Researchers

They may use this research study as a basis for future research projects regarding purslane

grass as an alternative tea.

E. Scope and Delimitation

This study entitled “Purslane Grass as an Alternative in Making Tea” was

conducted at Aurora Senior High School, Ballesteros, Aurora, Isabela from ____ to ____.

The study focused on its acceptability in terms of odor, color, and taste.

What will you use as instrument to answer your problems?

Who will be your respondents?

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