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White Why old brick buildings can collapse

Old brick buildings are among the deadliest structures in an earthquake. Saif Hussain, a structural engineer who Opioid
House maker
has helped write retrofit guidelines for Los Angeles and the American Society of Civil Engineers, explains why.

Before an earthquake
Strong brick, weak mortar
Decorative parapets are

floats limits
unbraced and can fall. Strong
Brick connections are
Mortar strongest when pressure

deal on
is applied vertically.


Mortar essentially
Individual crumbles apart during

floors are not shaking. Brick
properly connections easily fail
connected to and can topple when
the brick wall horizontal, bending and
and can torque pressure — which
A path to citizenship collapse. can happen during an
for ‘Dreamers’ would earthquake — are
Under pressure over
be paired with limits During an earthquake addiction crisis,
on legal immigration. Bricks in the building’s walls can start to topple from the top in an earthquake, especially when the brick wall doesn’t Purdue Pharma will
have a steel connection to the roof. no longer promote its
By Brian Bennett
Unconnected brick walls move away Unconnected brick walls painkillers to doctors.
from the direction of the quake’s shear off as bricks fall.
WASHINGTON — As shaking, leading to toppling.
the Senate prepares to begin By Ben Poston
a freewheeling debate over
immigration this week, The manufacturer of the
White House officials have powerful painkiller OxyCon-
begun floating a possible tin has announced that it
compromise idea — a pledge will stop promoting its opi-
to maintain legal immigra- oid drugs to doctors after
tion at current levels, about years of criticism and
1.1 million people a year, for mounting lawsuits, some
more than a decade. based in part on a Times in-
President Trump has vestigation.
proposed a series of mea- Connecticut-based Pur-
sures, including restrictions due Pharma informed its
on family unification, which employees that it was cut-
he calls “chain migration,” ting its sales force in half,
and an end to the visa lot- leaving about 200 repre-
tery, that critics say ulti- sentatives in the U.S., who
mately could cut legal immi- Bricks no longer will visit doctors’
gration to the U.S. by 40% or collapse offices to discuss the compa-
more. onto ny’s opioid products.
But a White House offi- sidewalk “We have restructured
cial said Saturday that the and street. and significantly reduced
administration is working our commercial operation
with allies in the Senate on a and will no longer be pro-
proposal that would create a moting opioids to prescrib-
path to citizenship for an es- Roof and ers,” the company said in a
timated 1.8 million people floors statement Friday. “Going
who were brought to the topple forward, questions and
country illegally as children down. requests for information
and that would clear the about our opioid products
backlog of nearly 4 million Direction of will be handled through di-
sponsored relatives who earthquake shaking rect communications with …
currently are waiting for our medical affairs depart-
green cards. ment.”
The combined effort, offi- The company is facing
cials said, would in effect Sources: Structural engineer Saif Hussain, Federal Emergency Management Agency R a oul R a ñ oa , R ong - G o n g L i n I I Los Angeles Times dozens of lawsuits from
make up for the cuts in other cities across the country

immigration categories for prompted in part by Times
about 13 years, the official reporting that revealed
said. After that, if Congress [See Purdue, A8]
takes no additional action to
add or expand visa catego-
ries, the total number of peo-

ple allowed to resettle in the
U.S. each year probably
would decline by hundreds
of thousands.
Despite decades of warnings, hundreds of Inland Empire
brick buildings remain vulnerable to a major earthquake
The outline began
emerging early last week
when John F. Kelly, the White
House chief of staff, and By Rosanna Xia, Rong-Gong Lin II and Raoul Rañoa

Kirstjen Nielsen, the secre-
tary of Homeland Security, In a fast-growing Inland Empire dren’s boutiques, bakeries and cafes than a dozen Inland Empire cities, in-
met with a half a dozen or so churning out new housing tracts, the serving gourmet waffle sandwiches cluding Riverside, Pomona and San
Latino Republicans at the city of Redlands is a throwback to an out of brick-lined alleys. Bernardino, have been marked as

White House and said the older, more regal era. But danger lurks amid the idyllic dangerous — but remain unretrofit-
administration was pre- The college town is graced by his- charm of these brick buildings: As ted despite decades of warnings, ac-
pared to ensure that overall toric mansions, old orange groves and many as 74 in the city are not retrofit- cording to a Times analysis of the lat-
immigration levels would re- a vintage downtown that stands in ted to withstand a major earthquake, est building and safety records.
main steady. deep contrast to the region’s big-box putting the public at risk should the These cities are far behind coastal
The shift shows the White shopping centers and drive-through bricks start to topple onto sidewalks, regions of California, which have
House is feeling out the con- eateries. The town center is defined by cars and pedestrians. retrofitted thousands of buildings The confrontation
[See Immigration, A12] century-old buildings filled with chil- As many as 640 buildings in more [See Buildings, A10]
threatens to escalate
regional tensions into
international combat.
2018 OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG By Noga Tarnopolsky
and Nabih Bulos

incursion into Israel early
Saturday spiraled into a ma-
jor confrontation that in-
cluded the downing of an Is-
raeli fighter jet and an exten-
sive attack on Iranian mili-
tary assets in Syria — the
first known time that Israel
has used force against Iran.
The attacks and counter-
attacks also mark the first
time since 1982 that Israel
and Syria have engaged in
Felipe Dana Associated Press
direct combat.
The chain of events
D I P LO MAT I C O P E NI NG threatened to escalate into
Emissaries for North Korean leader Kim Jong active combat between Syr-
ian government forces and
Un, including sister Kim Yo Jong, invite the Israel, which has remained
South for the first summit in 10 years. WORLD, A3 an outsider in the 7-year-old
David Ramos Getty Images Syrian civil war.
AFTER a gruesome injury, Shaun White looks to medal in the Olympics again. The first hint that any-
thing was amiss came at 4:15

Not ready for a White-out

Last immigrant USC loses its a.m. in Israel, as air raid
sign disappears third straight sirens wailed over the com-
The freeway warnings Arizona’s physicality munities of the Beit Shean
depicting a running proves too much as Valley in the lower Galilee.
family were common Trojans lose 81-67. An automatic warning
By David Wharton After the initial impact, his board dug in sights. CALIFORNIA, B2 SPORTS, D3 system was triggered by an
and whipped him forward, face-first, into Iranian drone — launched
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea — The the icy surface. Blood ran across the snow. Car service Weather from Syria — that pene-
first hit was bad enough. A helicopter was summoned. Mostly sunny, breezy. trated Israeli airspace in
Shaun White was snowboarding in New “All of a sudden,” he says, “I was in the
drivers imperiled L.A. Basin: 76/51. B6 what appeared to be an at-
Zealand when he took off a millisecond hospital.” A suicide puts the tempt to collect intelligence.
early on a double cork 1440 and came down It took 62 stitches to close a jagged gash spotlight on a troubled The Israeli army released
hard, smacking the lip of the halfpipe at an across his forehead and mend the tip of his but vital New York a video showing the incur-
awkward angle. tongue. It would take something more to occupation. NATION, A6 sion. The drone, which was
But that wasn’t the worst part. repair his confidence. [See White, A16] [See Israel, A4]
A2 S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. CO M


Border wall’s high hurdles

Path for Trump’s pet project to be long, hard, and wind through courts

By Jaclyn Cosgrove
cosmograph daytona
It’s not long — just two
pages — but a notice re-
cently issued by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers is
a reminder of the chal-
lenges, legal and otherwise,
facing President Trump’s
promised border wall.
The corps issued a notice
to contractors Friday saying
it might soon accept bids to
construct a 3-mile section of
border wall in south Texas,
with an estimated cost of
anywhere from $25 million
to $100 million — if the corps
gets the money.
The notice drew alarm
from environmentalists,
who say the wall will un-
doubtedly be built on the
Santa Ana National Wildlife Delcia Lopez Monitor
Refuge. The 2,088-acre OVER 600 people protested border wall plans at the Santa Ana National Wildlife
parcel in Texas has been Refuge in Texas last year. Environmentalists say a wall would harm wildlife.
dubbed by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service as “the jewel House wants $18 billion for can wolf populations, lead- built too close to the river in
of the National Wildlife 722 miles of new or replace- ing to a lack of genetic diver- case of flooding. One deli-
Refuge System.” ment wall over the next 10 sity and an increase in the cate issue: Some people own
“The Santa Ana National years, according to the chance of local extinction. land that abuts the river.
Wildlife Refuge proposal is Latin America think tank. “The wall would be a Some portions of a wall
truly an outrage,” said Brian Trump told reporters in tremendous disruption in would have to be built on
Segee, a senior attorney at July that there are enough the flow of wildlife through- private lands, prompting
the Center for Biological natural barriers along the out not only Texas but — many locals in Texas to
Diversity. “I don’t say that border that a 2,000-mile wall we’re talking about the oppose fencing not just on
rolex oyster perpetual, cosmograph lightly. It will effectively isn’t necessary. entire 2,000-mile border political grounds (the bor-
and daytona are ® trademarks.
destroy the refuge because “You have mountains. with Mexico,” Sierra said. der area is largely Demo-
the proposed border wall You have some rivers that cratic and Latino), but
will be built toward the are violent and vicious. You because barriers split their
What legal hurdles
northern part of the refuge have some areas that are so land. It’s possible that
does the wall face?

WA N T E D !
so it will cut off not only far away that you don’t someone could own land
wildlife, but also … have really have people crossing. One legal challenge that’s north of the Rio
ecological, economic and So you don’t need that,” argues that the Trump Grande, but south of the
cultural impacts.” Trump said. “You’ll need administration violated the border wall — cutting them
The debate over the anywhere from 700 to 900 law in its rush to build bor- off from their own property.
refuge as a proposed loca- miles.” der wall and prototype To the east in
tion for a 3-mile section of projects near San Diego. Brownsville, near where the
the wall is reminder of the Attorneys for environmen- Rio Grande meets the Gulf
How might it affect
various complexities that tal and wildlife advocacy of Mexico, the federal gov-
face an attempt to strength- the environment? groups say the federal gov- ernment seized land in 2009
en border security from San Border barriers have ernment cannot ignore to erect a stretch of fence on
Diego to Brownsville, Texas. been proposed on local, various environmental laws Eloisa Tamez’s ancestral
Here are some of the state and federal lands that in order to proceed with the home, a Spanish land grant
difficulties that come with have been protected from project. from 1767.
Trump’s “build the wall” development to ensure that A hearing on the case, Although she wants the
campaign promise: plant and animal popula- which consolidates three area secure, Tamez com-
tions thrive. The Santa Ana lawsuits, was held in San plained that she had no
National Wildlife Refuge Diego on Friday — coinci- input before the fence was
How many miles of was established in 1943 to dentally the same day the built and, in an interview
wall already exist? protect migratory birds. Army Corps issued the with The Times, called it “a
The U.S.-Mexico border, Now, 400 bird species, 450 notice about bids for wall monstrosity.”
which is about 2,000 miles, types of plants and half of all construction.
has barriers that block butterfly species in North Hearing the case is U.S.
What happens next
people and vehicles along America can be found there. District Judge Gonzalo
653 miles, according to the Overall, there’s concern Curiel. He asked the attor- in Washington?
think tank Washington over the impact a wall would neys for additional informa- Congress, having forged
Looking to Buy Chinese Office on Latin America. have on the wide range of tion, due Tuesday, and will a budget deal, is set to take
There’s no fencing on animals that live along the probably issue a written up immigration this week.
Art & Antiques about 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. For order this week. Among the issues still to be
border, but the Rio Grande example, jaguars and Curiel is a familiar face to addressed is the fate of the
• Immediate Payment forms a natural border ocelots have both been the president. He presided Obama-era program that
along a portion. The river, making somewhat of a over the lawsuit against allowed young people
• Private In-Home Consultation however, can be crossed comeback in recent years, Trump University and was brought to the U.S. as chil-
• Renowned Appraisers many ways — sometimes by but the wall would signifi- heavily criticized by then- dren to live and work here
boat, sometimes by floating cantly limit their range, candidate Donald Trump, legally. The Senate plans to
• Individual Items or a Collection on inner tubes. In places affecting their mating and who questioned whether have an open debate on an
where it runs shallow, mi- hunting habits, said Javier Curiel could act impartially immigration bill. A new
grants can wade across. Sierra, an associate commu- in the case because he was White House idea calls for
nications director at the “a member of a club or soci- maintaining legal immigra-
Sierra Club. ety very strongly pro-Mexi- tion levels at about 1.1 mil-
How much money is
The wall could keep can.” Curiel, who is of Mexi- lion a year — allowing a path
requested this year? Sonoran pronghorns and can descent, was born in to citizenship for some while
The White House has black bear from important Indiana. curtailing certain forms of
requested $1.6 billion to food and water sources, legal immigration.
build 74 miles of border wall especially during drought,
How about concerns
in 2018, with 60 miles con- according to the Wildlands jaclyn.cosgrove
over the location?
888.662.0023 structed in new areas. The
other 14 miles of wall would
replace or enhance existing
Network, a Seattle-based
conservation group. Addi-
tionally, a border wall could
Building near the Rio
Grande presents special
Kristina Davis with the San
Diego Union-Tribune
visit: orientalheritageinc.com barriers. And the White permanently divide Mexi- challenges. A wall can’t be contributed to this report.
email: info@orientalheritageinc.com

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L AT I ME S . CO M SS S U NDAY , F E B RUA RY 11, 2 018 A3

North Korea proposes a meeting
been predicted immediately
Kim Jong Un’s after Kim’s address, said
Bong Young-shik, a visiting
emissaries invite the research fellow at Yonsei
South for the first University in Seoul.
Bong, who doesn’t favor
summit in a decade. such a meeting, said it’s a
sign that the international
By Matt Stiles pressure placed on the
North forced it to act with di-
SEOUL — The diplo- plomacy. “He clearly stated
matic opening created for his intention to go all-out to
North and South Korea by engage South Korea,” he
the Winter Olympics wid- said of Kim Jong Un. “The
ened — and perhaps got economic sanctions are fi-
even more complicated — on nally beginning to really
Saturday as the totalitarian work. They have hit the
state’s leader proposed the North Korea leadership
first inter-Korean summit in where it hurts.”
a decade. Dialogue with the North
The invitation came dur- could be complicated for
ing a lunch meeting between Moon because of potential
North Korean leader Kim objections from Washington
Jong Un’s emissaries, in- and Tokyo, but also from his
cluding his sister, Kim Yo own citizens.
Jong, and South Korean South Koreans, espe-
President Moon Jae-in. cially older generations who
Moon, a progressive who still remember being sepa-
has sought to improve rela- rated from relatives, have for
tions with the North, espe- years felt an instinctive tug
cially ahead of the Games, toward unification.
seemed open to such a meet- But that sentiment is
ing after the two countries Yonhap changing as the population
“fulfill conditions” to ar- SOUTH KOREA’S unification minister, Cho Myoung-gyon, left, with Kim Yo Jong, sister of North Korean has grown more skeptical of
range it, his office said. leader Kim Jong Un, and Kim Yong Nam, who heads the North’s Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly. the North’s empty diplo-
The terms, timing and lo- matic overtures — and as
cation of any such meeting its efforts on nuclear arms national community and released by his office. “We vice president didn’t greet younger generations have
were unclear. The potential and missiles, the Associated Seoul to curb its ambitions. have a heavy responsibility.” them publicly or in private — emerged with fewer cultural
reaction from Washington, a Press reported. Pence, while After inviting the North’s The invitation comes as even as rumors swirled in ties to the totalitarian state.
key South Korean ally on se- aboard Air Force Two, said officials, including Kim Yo Pence visited Seoul in an ef- Seoul about that possibility. That divide is evident in
curity issues, which has he left Asia “encouraged Jong, to the opening cere- fort to keep the world — and, The North’s involvement the reaction to the Olympics
sought to maximize pres- that we will continue to work mony on Friday night, Moon perhaps, Moon — focused on in the Games only became deal, which included a joint
sure on the North to aban- very closely to continue and seemed to sense the oppor- the North’s provocative ac- possible in the last month af- march during the opening
don its pursuit of nuclear intensify the maximum tunity. He offered a toast to tions in 2017, which included ter Kim Jong Un delivered a ceremony and a combined
weapons and ballistic mis- pressure campaign” against open the lunch meeting at an underground nuclear conciliatory message, with women’s hockey team,
siles, also remained uncer- the North. the Blue House, the presi- detonation and the testing themes of Korean solidarity, which lost to Switzerland in
tain. If an inter-Korean sum- dential complex named for of three long-range missiles during a New Year’s Day ad- its first game on Saturday.
On Saturday, while re- mit does take place, it would its distinctly colored tile capable of striking the dress. That led Moon to pro- Protests and online peti-
turning to the U.S. from be the first such gathering roof. American mainland. pose talks, and the two sides tions have sprouted in the
South Korea, Vice President since 2007. During the ensu- “The world’s attention is Members of the North’s negotiated terms allowing month since the parties be-
Mike Pence said “there is no ing decade-long gap in com- on today’s meeting, and delegation sat just behind the entry of a large North Ko- gan their negotiations.
daylight” separating the munication, the North has there are high hopes for the Pence at the Olympic sta- rean delegation for the
U.S., the South and Japan on advanced as a nuclear state North and the South,” said dium for the festivities in Games. Stiles is a special
their view of the North and despite efforts by the inter- Moon, according to remarks Pyeongchang, though the The invitation could have correspondent.

A safer place
youths to be
with toilet paper, tooth-
A new center offers paste, soap and shampoo.
“I brought some dona-
shelter and other tions, so it was still worth the
help in Brazil, where trip,” he says with a smile.
Giusti thanks him and
violent deaths are up. gives him a hug.
Giusti sets the bag next
By Jill Langlois to his feet and looks back at
his computer. Even with the
SAO PAULO, Brazil — garage door open and two
Tuesday morning yoga is fans spinning at maximum
canceled. speed, the summer heat is
The call comes 15 min- stifling. He’s trying to access
utes before it was supposed Casa 1’s books to see what he
to start, leaving Iran Giusti has to work with this month,
no time to let students know but the internet is out in the
their teacher won’t make it whole neighborhood.
to the Casa 1 community “We run this place just
center in downtown Sao like any other Brazilian
Paulo for the 10 a.m. class. household: One month you
As he hangs up the pay the gas bill, the next you
phone, two students walk pay the lights,” he says with
into the large, high-ceilinged a laugh. “Then at least noth- Photographs by Jill Langlois For The Times
former garage where Giusti ing gets shut off.” “IT’S BEEN great so far,” Reinaldo da Silva Freitas Jr. says of his time at Casa 1 in Sao Paulo. “All I need now
is working, his laptop sitting The second floor of Casa is a job. Then I can save some money so I can rent a room and go to college one day. I want to study fashion.”
on a long wooden tabletop 1’s red brick building was
supported by trestle-style originally expected to house teacher to arrive. the other table and explains
legs. eight people, but Giusti had “How long have you been that today’s class will be
Casa 1, a home for to make room for 12 in its at Casa 1 now?” Ferrara about the theory of pattern-
LGBTQ youth kicked out by first week. Now, Casa 1 is asks. making.
their families because of home to up to 20 at a time. “Since the end of Novem- “I’m going to show you
their sexual orientation or The gender identity of resi- ber, so just over a month,” the hard way so that every-
gender identity, opened the dents tends to be split down Freitas says. thing else you do going for-
doors of its community cen- the middle: 50% transgen- Freitas is 19 and Casa 1 is ward will seem easy.”
ter in September, but the der, 50% cisgender (some- the fourth home in his tu- Scarano asks her stu-
original house, just up the one whose gender identity multuous life. His mother dents to take out the sheets
street and around the cor- matches their gender at died when he was a baby and of paper with the measure-
ner, celebrated its first anni- birth). In its first year, 78 his father sent him to live ments they took last week.
versary on Jan. 25. people between the ages of18 with family friends in a rural She circles the table to make
It was much needed. and 25 passed through its area of Mato Grosso do Sul sure everyone understands
While Sao Paulo is known for doors, staying for up to four state. When he was 7, his fa- how to do the math to make
having the largest Gay Pride months each. While there, ther returned to send him to the pattern.
Parade in the world and finding permanent housing Sao Paulo to live with a wom- “Anyone who has a body
same-sex marriage has been and employment, finishing an he was told was an aunt, with curves or who wants
legal in Brazil since 2013, vi- education, and taking care although he would later pleats at the waist, you can
olent deaths of LGBTQ peo- of both physical and mental learn she was not a relative. put them in now,” she says.
ple in the country hit an all- health are made priorities. Despite that, he came to re- “Unfortunately, when you
time high last year, when at Most of the volunteers at MAX MILLIANO MELO draws a pattern during gard her as his mother, look up patterns online,
least 445 Brazilians died be- Casa1are healthcare profes- sewing class at Casa 1’s nearby community center. someone he could trust to they’ll all be labeled as either
cause of violence related to sionals and educators who accept him when he told her male or female. Patterns
homophobia, according to help residents get back on first pick, the free activities roast beef, rice, beans and about his sexuality. Instead, without genders don’t exist
the watchdog Gay Group of track when they have no- are also open to the public, salad left over from an event she gave him two days to get yet.”
Bahia. Of that total, 387 were where else to go. and many of the center’s the day before. out of her house. As they continue to draw
homicides and 58 were sui- Below the residence on neighbors come to take A second wooden table “It’s been great so far,” he their patterns, a student
cides. the first floor are three classes in subjects as varied has been set up parallel to says to Ferrara and Melo of new to the class comments
“Sorry, there won’t be a spaces that are open to the as yoga, sewing, English and the first to make room for his time at Casa 1. “All I need that his father was a tailor
class today,” Giusti says to public: a library, a gallery computer basics. this afternoon’s sewing now is a job. Then I can save and he has French curves at
the young men coming in showcasing LGBTQ art, It’s just before 2 p.m. class. Two students are al- some money so I can rent a home they can use.
through the side door from and a clothing shop that do- when Reinaldo da Silva Fre- ready sitting across from room and go to college one “A tailor?” says Freitas.
the center’s main lobby area. nates the items it receives to itas Jr. walks into the space each other. Freitas pulls a day. I want to study fashion.” “So where are all your luxury
Giusti’s three dogs circle the people who are homeless. where the morning’s yoga white plastic chair from a Their sewing teacher, clothes?”
room, tails wagging as they Workshops and courses class was supposed to take stack in the corner and sits Nawira Scarano, comes “At home in my closet,”
walk out the open garage used to take place here, but place. He spent his morning next to Andrea Ferrara, who through the open garage he says, laughing. “Just like I
door to the front gate. the space was too small, handing out resumes and is talking to Max Milliano door. used to be.”
One of the students leading Giusti to open Casa walked from his home at Melo. “Sorry I’m late, every-
walks across the room and 1’s nearby community cen- Casa 1 to the community Other students trickle in one.” Langlois is a special
hands Giusti a bag filled ter. While residents are given center after having a lunch of as the three wait for their She puts her bag down on correspondent.
A4 S U N DAY , FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M ES . C O M

A drone incursion, a downed jet

[Israel, from A1]
shot down by Apache heli-
copters, was “an advanced,
low-signature model Israel
has never before captured,”
said Brig. Gen. Tomer Bar,
second in command of Isra-
el’s air force.
In retaliation for the in-
cursion, four Israeli F-16
fighter jets bombed the Ira-
nian drone control site in
Returning from that mis-
sion, one jet was downed
over Israeli territory by Syr-
ian antiaircraft missiles. The
Israeli army said the plane
did not suffer a direct hit but
was struck by shrapnel from
a missile that blew up next to
The pilots ejected and
were injured but survived.
The jet crashed next to a
high school in the Galilean
kibbutz community of
Hardouf. The school was
empty early on the weekend
Syrian state media re-
ported that the downing of
the aircraft was “a strategic
decision of Syria and the
axis of resistance to Israel.”
In retaliation, Israel
carried out what the army
called “a large-scale opera-
tion” into Syria targeting 12
Syrian and Iranian military
“Syria and Iran are
playing with fire,” said Israel
Defense Forces spokesman Ali Dia AFP/Getty Images
Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. A MISSILE’S remains sit in southern Lebanon, near the Syria border, after Israel carried out retaliatory attacks on 12 targets in Syria.
Syrian state television
described the attack as a A statement issued by the F-16 as a major turning
new “Israeli aggression” in the joint Syrian-Iranian op- point in its relationship with
the form of explosions close erations room said the Israel.
to the Syrian capital, Dam- drones had been “on a rou- “The Israeli entity is now
ascus. A community Face- tine mission” over eastern convinced it is unable to
book page that tracks at- Syria for operations against bear the consequences of a
tacks there reported strikes remaining Islamic State confrontation,” said Ghas-
on military sites near the pockets in the area when the san Mohammad, an analyst
suburbs of Kiswah and Di- Israeli warplanes struck the on the Syrian Ikhbariyah
mas. control center at the Tiyas news channel.
The Iranian Foreign Min- airport, a military air base Israeli Prime Minister
istry said the claim by Israel also known as T4, roughly 55 Benjamin Netanyahu has
that it intercepted a drone miles southeast of the Syr- long warned of the danger of
was “ridiculous.” ian city of Homs. Iran’s growing military pres-
“Reports of downing an “This action by the Zi- ence along Israel’s northern
Iranian drone flying over Is- onist entity is a condem- border.
rael and also Iran’s involve- nable terrorist attack … and In a video released by his
ment in attacking an Israeli any new aggression will face office Saturday, he said: “Is-
jet are so ridiculous.... Iran a harsh and serious re- rael holds Iran and its Syrian
only provides military ad- sponse,” it said. hosts responsible for today’s
vice to Syria,” Foreign Min- Meanwhile, commenta- aggression. We will continue
istry spokesman Bahram tors on news channels sup- to do whatever is necessary
Ghasemi was quoted as say- portive of the Syrian govern- to protect our sovereignty
ing on Iranian television. ment hailed the downing of and our security.”

Zuma Press

A U.N. OBSERVER is posted near the border between Israel and Syria. The last
time that Israeli and Syrian forces engaged in direct combat was in June 1982.

Russia, Syrian President sobering juncture in Netan- that mechanism holds se-
Bashar Assad’s most stal- yahu’s intense efforts to cure.”
wart ally, which has estab- avoid military entangle- In a statement Saturday,
lished several military bases ments with Russia through the Pentagon said that the
in Syria during the course of a “deconfliction mecha- U.S. did not participate in
the civil war, said in a state- nism.” the Israeli military opera-
ment issued by the Foreign At a Jan. 30 meeting with tion in Syria and that it fully
Ministry that it urged “all Russian President Vladimir supports “Israel’s inherent
sides to exercise restraint Putin in Moscow, Netanyahu right to defend itself against
and to avoid any actions that said: “The most important threats to its territory and
Thinking of selling your jewelry? could lead to an even greater thing I think is to make sure its people.”
complication of the situa- that we understand each It called for “greater
Contact the experts. tion. other and that we don’t international resolve in
“It is necessary to uncon- shoot down each other’s countering Iran’s malign ac-
ditionally respect the sover- planes. And we decided to do tivities.”
eignty and territorial integ- what is called in this awful In a separate statement,
rity of Syria and other coun- jargon deconfliction, which U.S. State Department
tries in the region.” means not shooting each spokeswoman Heather
The downing of the Isra- other. And we established a Nauert said, “Iran’s calcu-
eli jet by Syria represents a mechanism to do that, and [See Israel, A5]

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L AT I ME S . CO M S S U N DAY, FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 A5

Confrontation could
broaden Syria conflict
[Israel, from A4]
lated escalation of threat Homs
and its ambition to project MILITARY
its power and dominance,
places all the people of the Mediterranean
region — from Yemen to
Beirut SYRIA
Lebanon — at risk.”
“The U.S. continues to Damascus
push back on the totality of Israeli
Iran’s malign activities in F-16
the region and calls for an downed
end to Iranian behavior that Sea of
threatens peace and stabil- Galilee
ity,” the statement said. Hardouf BEIT SHEAN
Daniel Shapiro, a former VALLEY
U.S. ambassador to Israel,
said in an interview that the BANK
U.S. appears to be “ceding all Sunday Alamba Associated Press
the diplomacy to Russia” SOME OF the so-called Chibok girls who were freed in 2017. President Muham-
Jerusalem 50 MILES
and in doing so, was making madu Buhari on Saturday urged Nigeria’s army to step up efforts to free the rest.
a mistake. Sources: Mapzen, OpenStreetMap

13 hostages are released

“Thus far, the U.S. seems P au l D u gi n sk i Los Angeles Times
absent from the playing
field, which does not serve news, it was that the pilots
its own interests or that of
‘Thus far, the U.S. were not forced to eject over

after talks with Nigeria

its closest regional ally, Isra- Syrian territory, where they
“Normally, in a moment
seems absent from could have been captured by
Islamic State militias or the
of crisis or of potential esca- the playing field, Syrian army. Although the
lation, American diplomacy militants and the Syrian
coordinates very closely which does not army are fighting each other,
with Israel and is critical
for containing these situa- serve its own they share a common enemy
in Israel. Militant group Boko
spokesman Garba Shehu.
Some of their colleagues
meet the president before
being released to their fam-
tions and deterring Israeli
and U.S. enemies from act-
interests or that of On Feb. 3, a Russian
fighter jet was shot down in a Haram kidnapped were killed during the 2017
ilies if there are no security
issues, he said.
ing aggressively,” said Sha-
piro, currently a visiting fel-
... Israel.’ rebel-held area of northern
Syria. The pilot survived the
three academics and The 10 women were kid-
napped in a Boko Haram
Buhari also urged Ni-
geria’s army to intensify its
low at the Institute for Na- — Daniel Shapiro, initial attack by ejecting but 10 others last year. raid on a military and police efforts to bring home the re-
tional Security Studies in former U.S. ambassador was killed by militia fighters convoy last year near Maid- maining Chibok girls who
associated press
Tel Aviv. on the ground. uguri. are still being held by Boko
In an official statement, In a further indication of “Their release followed a Haram, Shehu said.
Hezbollah, the Lebanese- raeli air force general who regional volatility, Turkish YOLA, Nigeria — Boko series of negotiations as di- “We are so pleased that
based militia and a close Ira- once headed Israel’s mili- President Recep Tayyip Er- Haram extremists have rected by President Muham- these 13 people are free and
nian ally, announced that tary intelligence, said the dogan announced Saturday freed three university lectur- madu Buhari and was facili- will be able to see their fam-
the downing of the Israeli jet downing of the plane Sat- that one of his army’s heli- ers and 10 women the group tated by the International ilies again,” said Patrick
represents “the start of a urday in northern Israel copters was shot down in had kidnapped in separate Committee of the Red Youssef, ICRC deputy re-
new strategic era.” raised the possibility that Syria during a mission raids last year, Nigeria’s gov- Cross,” said Shehu, adding gional director for Africa.
The last time Israeli and “Syria may have used a long- against U.S.-backed Kurd- ernment said Saturday. that Buhari was pleased by “There are many people
Syrian forces engaged in di- range missile that Israel has ish forces. Turkey and the The academics were ab- the news. missing or being held
rect combat was in June been worried about.” United States are NATO al- ducted by the Nigeria-based All 13 are now in the cus- against their will…. We hope
1982, when Israel entered the In an interview, he added, lies. Islamic militants while con- tody of the Department of that these people, too, will
south of Lebanon to uproot “This means Israeli jets are ducting oil prospect evalu- State Security Services and get to return to their families
Palestinian guerrillas using exposed and vulnerable Special correspondents ations in the Lake Chad area are on their way to Abuja, soon.”
the area as a staging ground within Israeli borders.” Tarnopolsky reported from on behalf of Nigerian Na- the capital, he said. Doctors The ICRC said it acted
for attacks into Israel. Israeli observers noted Jerusalem and Bulos from tional Petroleum Corp. last and psychologists are ready only as a neutral intermedi-
Amos Yadlin, a former Is- that if there was any good Amman, Jordan. year, said presidential to help the victims, who may ary in the negotiations.

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A6 S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 SS L AT I M E S. C O M

Driven to desperation in New York
used to. the number for a suicide hot-
A chauffeur’s suicide “There’s no money in line.
driving anymore,” said John Danilo Corporan, 57, a
highlights financial McDonagh, 63, one of New for-hire driver in Harlem,
struggles of the city’s York’s best-known taxi driv- jumped off the roof of his
ers, who started out in 1977 apartment building in De-
many drivers-for-hire. and today performs a one- cember after facing the revo-
man off-Broadway play cation of his license for ac-
By Nina Agrawal about life behind the wheel. cepting illegal hails. The
Under a system that orig- charges were dropped, but
NEW YORK — Before inated during the Depres- Corporan didn’t know it
daybreak one morning this sion, the city caps the num- then.
week, 61-year-old Douglas ber of medallions — each At around the same time
Schifter posted a note on taxi is required to have one Schifter became increas-
Facebook in which he excori- — at 13,587. ingly desperate.
ated politicians and corpo- The city’s Taxi and Li- A lifelong bachelor and
rations for deregulating his mousine Commission issues Brooklyn native, he had
industry and destroying his licenses, sets fare rates and started out driving a yellow
ability to make a living as a other rules, and oversees the cab but eventually turned to
car service driver in New sale of medallions. In addi- luxury chauffeuring, accord-
York. tion to yellow cabs, it regu- ing to his brother George. In
“I will not be a slave work- lates private car services recent years, he had been liv-
ing for chump change,” he known as liveries; black cars; ing out of his vehicle on
wrote. “I would rather be luxury cars and limousines; weekdays, showering at
dead.” and green cabs, for street truck stops and gyms and al-
Then he drove his rented hails outside Manhattan. ternating dry-cleaned suits
gray Nissan sedan to the Being a hack has always to work as much as possible.
east gate of New York’s City required hustle. Cabbies When Schifter’s 2016
Hall, and minutes after the who don’t own medallions Mark Lennihan Associated Press Yukon Denali XL engine
sun came up, without leav- start out in the red, forking CAR SERVICE driver Douglas Schifter, 61, was found dead by suicide in this vehi- failed for the second time
ing his seat, shot himself in over as much as $132 each cle. On Facebook, he had written: “I will not be a slave working for chump change.” last October, he didn’t have
the head. day just to lease a yellow the money to fix it.
Schifter was at least the taxi. With gas and tolls, they poor English. Democrat, intervened to op- a year later. At first, he said, “That was the straw that
second New York driver-for- might have to earn $175 be- “When I started, the busi- pose the bill. he could work 40 or 50 hours broke the camel’s back,”
hire in recent months to fore breaking even, which ness was really good and we Today, there are more a week and make up to George said.
commit suicide, motivated, sometimes they don’t. The were making money — mon- than 100,000 for-hire vehicles $2,000 before expenses. His brother couldn’t
at least in part, by economic hours are long, and the job ey to feed family, pay your in New York, according to Then Uber started lower- work anymore, and stopped
desperation. His death on can take a toll on health and bills,” Sidibe said. the Taxi and Limousine ing its rates, and more and making payments on his
Monday has become a rally- family life. Now he’s looking for a Commission. That’s up from more drivers came on board, home in Thornhurst, Pa., a
ing cry for taxi and livery But up until just a few new job. The industry has just under 40,000 in 2011. Yel- limiting how much Lama Pocono Mountains retreat
drivers whose livelihoods years ago, drivers could still changed dramatically in re- low cab drivers now say could make. where Schifter liked to keep
have been swept away by the take home $150 or $200 after cent years, as mobile apps they’re lucky if they come off “This morning, I drove the cupboards stocked, fire
forces of the modern econo- a 12-hour shift. for private rides have prolif- a shift with $100 in their six hours,” Lama said on up the grill and make his
my. Those earnings offered a erated. pocket. Tuesday. “I only got one own ice cream.
In the days after the sui- way out of poverty for many Uber began operating in Neil Weiss, editor and fare.” He began spending more
cide, drivers have amplified immigrants, who make up New York in 2011. Though the publisher of Black Car News, His total earnings: $46.74. time in Florida, where two
their calls for government the vast majority of cab driv- company was the subject of said that not only are more Driver after driver said brothers and his mother live,
regulation aimed at reduc- ers in New York City. legal disputes, including drivers competing for pas- the money they can earn to- but he talked about ending
ing competition to boost “You say, ‘We’re going to whether its technology sengers, but the extra traffic day is not enough to live on. his life.
their wages. They held vigils make a better life.’ And it could be used to hail yellow means fewer trips a day. “What we have seen in the Schifter loved being a
and news conferences. Black used to work,” said Saibou cabs and its role in diminish- It’s not just yellow cab gig economy is the destruc- chauffeur because he en-
Car News, the trade publica- Sidibe, 47, who immigrated ing the value of taxi medal- drivers who have been af- tion of full-time work,” said joyed the independence and
tion for which Schifter had to the U.S. from Ivory Coast lions, it has largely prevailed. fected. Livery, black car and Bhairavi Desai, executive di- the chance to meet inter-
penned columns for several in 2000. “I’m telling you, peo- In 2015 Mayor Bill de Bla- luxury vehicle drivers are rector of the New York Taxi esting passengers, espe-
years, announced it would ple used to take care of their sio proposed a cap on Uber’s having a hard time too, as Workers Alliance, at a vigil cially musicians, actors and
dedicate its March issue to families and even try to in- growth, pending a study of are the drivers for mobile Tuesday for Schifter. politicians, according to
him. vest.” traffic patterns, but he apps. Desai said that about a George.
In New York, the city that Before becoming a yellow backed down after the com- Sonam Lama, 34, an im- year and a half ago she began “Douglas wanted to keep
made the yellow taxi a global cab driver in 2002, Sidibe pany blitzed local airwaves migrant from Nepal, started receiving phone calls from driving,” he said.
icon, being a cabbie simply struggled to find work that with ads and New York Gov. driving a yellow taxi in 2014 drivers who were depressed,
doesn’t offer the living it paid well, because he spoke Andrew Cuomo, his fellow but shifted to Uber less than and she started giving out nina.agrawal@latimes.com


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L AT I ME S . CO M S S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 A7

Tribal recognition
sows Native divide
An advisory committee, an executive order in De-
Long-sought goal which includes members of cember. State Sen. Jim Ma-
Native heritage, voted thias Jr., who has worked
leaves Maryland tribe against forwarding it to the with the Accohannock,
split and other Indian governor. called it a “proud day” for the
Tribal leaders tried again Eastern Shore. “Quite
groups resentful. last year, using a genealogy frankly the history, to me,
compiled using ances- was solid,” he said.
By Christina Tkacik try.com. Tyler says he traced Mathias says he looks
his family line back to the forward to working with the
CRISFIELD, Md. – When Occohannock nation in Vir- tribe to obtain whatever
he needed to clear his head ginia. state grants they might be Algerina Perna Baltimore Sun
as a boy, Clarence Lone Wolf This time, the committee eligible to receive. CLARENCE LONE WOLF TYLER is chief of the Accohannock, the third Native
Tyler would head to the agreed. Hinman hopes recogni- American tribe to be formally recognized by the state of Maryland.
western shore of Smith Is- “They had to fight to tion will enable the tribe to
land to look for Indian prove that this is their land,” receive additional money hannock has pursued recog- Pocomoke Indian Nation — Crisfield, Howard says,
arrowheads. said committee member Di- and support. He says the nition, Norris Howard has a tribe that has not sought meant being put in the back,
Tyler, a Native American ana Purnell, a Worcester tribe plans to apply for fed- fought to prevent it. state recognition. facing racism and feeling
of the Accohannock tribe, County commissioner who eral recognition. Like many members of He says his Native iden- powerless to fight it, being
learned the technique from is part Native American. The tribe’s critics con- the Accohannock tribe, tity was always known to reluctant to speak up for fear
his father: look in the clumps “And they did it. They abso- sider the state recognition Howard, 79, grew up in the those in Crisfield — and he of retribution.
of roots of the marsh reeds lutely did it.” an affront. Crisfield area. He is pa- experienced discrimination Those life experiences
after a high tide. The grass Gov. Larry Hogan signed For as long as the Acco- ramount chief of the because of it. Being Native in have become part of his her-
died off from exposure to itage.
saltwater, but the roots re- “It wasn’t ‘hidden in plain
mained intact. sight’ — which is the most ri-
For centuries, Tyler says, diculous thing I’ve ever
his people concealed their heard in my life,” he said.
Native identity in Maryland, Tyler insists the Acco-
hiding in plain sight from the hannock did conceal their
white man, to avoid dis- Native ties for generations, a
crimination. strategy he says was advo-
Tyler’s family took a crab cated by clan mothers, who
boat to secret Native meet- believed members should
ings, he says, where they in- intermarry with Europeans,
voked the creator and then allow their Native herit-
learned Native ways. age to reemerge at a later
Tyler, now the 64-year- time.
old chief of the Accohan- Howard is deeply skepti-
nock, says they are ready to cal.
emerge from the shadows. In “You couldn’t hide a
December, the 81-member mouse in Crisfield,” he said.
Accohannock became the On a recent weekday, a
third Native American tribe few Accohannock members
in Maryland to be recog- sat in Clarence Tyler’s living
nized by the state. room, each wearing subtle
“It didn’t sink in right emblems of their Indian cul-
away,” said Mike Hinman, ture: beaded earrings, suede
76, the tribe’s historian and moccasins.
chairman. “We’ve had so At what should be a time
many disappointments.” of celebration for the tribe,
But not everyone is cele- the group was downcast.
brating. Other Native Their future is now uncer-
Americans are questioning tain, they say, because the
the Accohannocks’ histori- state recognition has come
cal claims. with a rift among tribal lead-
It would have been im- ers.
possible, they say, for an en- Since recognition, Tyler
tire tribe to keep its identity says, Hinman, the tribe his-
secret in a town as small as
Crisfield, on the eastern heart to heart by torian, has made decisions
that should have been made
shore of the Chesapeake
Bay. Even if the members do THE KECK EFFECT by the full Native council.
Tyler says Hinman re-
have Native blood, they say, scinded the membership of a
the fact that they concealed clan the Accohannock had
their heritage means they adopted into its ranks, and

haven’t paid their dues — sold some tribal assets, in-
and shouldn’t be recognized cluding a van and a cook
by the state. wagon.
Norris Howard,
Pocomoke Indian, is an out-
spoken critic of Accohan-
LIVE WELL. EVERY DAY. “Once Mike realized we
were getting recognition, he
went rogue,” said tribal
nock recognition. member Diane Baldwin.
“When a group gets rec-
ognized, it’s going to be put
At Keck Medicine of USC, we believe life is best lived to the fullest. And we’ve made it Tyler says he hasn’t spo-
ken with Hinman since last
in textbooks, it’s going to be our mission to help patients get the most out of every moment. That’s what we call summer. He says he wasn’t
put in lesson plans for the invited to the Annapolis cer-
curriculum of the public
The Keck Effect. Our world-renowned physicians and personalized care can help emony announcing the state
schools,” he said. “To me, you feel your best — so you can enjoy everything life has to offer. recognition.
that’s a lie.” “They couldn’t have hurt
Reminders of the East- me no more if they’d take a
ern Shore’s Indian past Read patient stories and share yours at KeckMedicine.org/KeckEffect knife and cut my heart out,”
come in fragments: road he said.
signs bearing names such as Hinman acknowledges
Nanticoke and Pocomoke selling the cook wagon and
City, arrowheads in the For appointments, call (800) USC-CARE van. He says the tribe’s by-
marsh reeds. laws give him the authority
Ancient arrowheads cov- to do so.
er the shelves in Tyler’s As for critics of the Acco-
home in the town of Princess hannock’s history and the
Anne. Outside, a flag waves state recognition, he said:
with a Native American em- “We played by the book. We
blazoned on the Stars and got all the documentation.”
Stripes. Some of his neigh- He says Native Ameri-
bors don’t like it, Tyler says, cans have withstood cen-
but he’s quick to point out turies of cultural erasure —
the image doesn’t cover the and continue to face skepti-
stars. cism.
Unlike federal recogni- “We’re the only ethnic
tion, state recognition does group in the world that has
not bring specific benefits, to prove who we are,” Hin-
but might help win dona- man said.
tions and grants. It does not “Think about it. If you’re
confer rights to property, or Irish, no one questions it.”
to operate casinos. © 2018 Keck Medicine of USC
The Accohannock first Tkacik writes for the
sought recognition in 2010. Baltimore Sun.

Vegas shooter autopsy results reveal few clues

Paddock to be physically an bic. In that same report, his simulate automatic firing.
The unremarkable otherwise unremarkable 64- doctor said Paddock was Paddock fired more than
year-old man. He was bald- afraid to take medication 1,100 rounds from his room.
findings shed little ing. His teeth were in poor and may have been bipolar. Authorities also found ex-
light on Stephen condition. He suffered from He also described Paddock’s plosives and ammunition for
hemorrhoids. behavior as “odd” and said AR-15 and AR-10 rifles.
Paddock’s motive. The mystery of why he he last saw him a year before Four laptops were also
trained his guns on more the shooting. seized from the room, in-
By David Montero than 20,000 people attend- The doctor also noted the cluding one that contained
ing the Route 91 Harvest only ailment Paddock suf- hundreds of images of child
LAS VEGAS — Stephen country music festival Oct. 1 fered from was a muscle tear pornography. Last year one
Paddock was overweight, has been confounding. Clark that came from a slip-and- of his brothers, 58-year-old
had some anti-anxiety medi- County Sheriff Joe Lom- fall incident at a casino a few Bruce Paddock, was ar-
cation in his urine, and suf- bardo has said Paddock — a years earlier. rested in Los Angeles on
fered from the usual wear prolific high-stakes gambler The autopsy also in- charges of possessing child
and tear that comes with ag- with a particular affinity for cluded a short report from pornography.
ing. video poker — had been on a Stanford University, which Another brother, Eric
But the autopsy released losing streak in recent years, studied his brain to deter- Paddock, picked up the re-
Friday failed to help answer and he believes the losses mine whether there was any- mains of Stephen Paddock
why Paddock chose to perch might’ve been a factor. The thing unusual. John Raoux Associated Press last month from the Clark
himself in the window of his FBI has said it will release a It revealed what it called A SNAPSHOT shows Las Vegas shooter Stephen County coroner’s office.
32nd-floor hotel room and report later this year on their “the most striking abnor- Paddock, right, with his brother Eric. The coroner released re-
kill 58 people while wound- findings. mality” in the hippocampus, dacted autopsy reports for
ing hundreds in the worst In a preliminary inves- a part of the brain involving been released in the last few But in the following 11 the 58 victims last month,
mass shooting in modern tigative report issued by human learning and memo- weeks, but they only re- months, he bought more but it had delayed the re-
American history. He com- Lombardo last month, there ry. The report did not say vealed a man who had been than 55. lease of Paddock’s until it
mitted suicide by shooting was testimony from Pad- whether the abnormality on a gun-buying binge a year When police entered his was finalized.
himself in the mouth. No sui- dock’s girlfriend, Marilou might have affected his be- prior to the shooting. hotel room, they found
cide note or manifesto has Danley, that he had become havior. In the 34 years before about two dozen guns — david.montero
been found. emotionally distant. She Hundreds of pages of September 2016, Paddock some fitted with “bump @latimes.com
The autopsy showed also said he was germopho- search warrants have also had purchased 29 firearms. stocks,” devices used to Twitter: @davemontero
A8 S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 WST L AT I M E S. C O M

Purdue scales
back opioid
sales efforts
[Purdue, from A1] pharmaceutical manufac-
Purdue had extensive evi- turer,” Purdue’s lawyers
dence pointing to illegal traf- wrote in the case brought by
ficking of its pills but in Everett, a city of 100,000
many cases did not share it north of Seattle.
with local law enforcement In an attempt to stem the
agencies or cut off the flow of abuse of OxyContin, Purdue
the drugs. The plaintiffs are spent a decade and several
seeking to hold the company hundred million dollars de-
financially responsible for a veloping a version of the
raging opioid epidemic. painkiller that was more dif-
Brandeis University re- ficult to snort, smoke or in-
searcher Dr. Andrew Kol- ject. Since those “abuse-
odny, a longtime critic of the deterrent” pills debuted sev-
pharmaceutical industry’s en years ago, misuse of Oxy-
role in the opioid epidemic, Contin has fallen and the
welcomed Purdue’s an- company has touted them
nouncement but said, “It’s as proof of its efforts to end
pretty late in the game to the opioid epidemic.
have a major impact.” But a study released in
“The genie is already out January 2017 found that
of the bottle,” Kolodny said. rather than curtail deaths,
“Millions of Americans are the change in OxyContin
now opioid-addicted be- contributed heavily to a
cause the campaign that surge in heroin overdoses Ted S. Warren Associated Press
Purdue and other opioid across the country and that, STEPH GASPAR picks up needles in Everett, Wash., where a drug ring blanketed the region with OxyContin.
manufacturers used to in- as a result, there was “no net
crease prescribing worked reduction in overall over- perienced the largest in- thorization for competitors’ dependent company op- generations of the family
well. And as the prescribing dose deaths.” creases in heroin deaths,” drugs, Dasgupta said. erating in the U.S. and that now help oversee Purdue
went up, it led to a severe epi- Experts have long the authors wrote. “Doctors are not robots “the other companies op- and Mundipharma.
demic of opioid addiction.” blamed skyrocketing heroin Washington University — they are part of a system erate under different leader- The family is known for
One Los Angeles ring use on painkiller addicts School of Medicine profes- that influences their behav- ship structures, within dis- giving tens of millions of dol-
tracked by Purdue and high- transitioning to the cheaper, sor Theodore J. Cicero, who ior,” he said. “It’s those tinct regulatory environ- lars through its foundations
lighted by The Times’ inves- more easily available street separately has studied the structural incentives to pre- ments.” to such renowned arts insti-
tigation supplied large opioid. But the study by sci- role that OxyContin refor- scribe one drug over another A Mundipharma repre- tutions as the Victoria and
quantities of OxyContin to entists at the University of mulation played in heroin that are more arcane and sentative did not immedi- Albert Museum in London,
gang members and other Pennsylvania and Rand addiction, said he found the more hidden and don’t gen- ately respond to a request the Dia Art Foundation and
criminals who trafficked the Corp. was the first large- Penn-Rand study credible. erate the same level of public for comment Saturday. the Solomon R. Guggen-
drug to a Crips leader in Ev- scale research to tie the Though the marketing of alarm.” Kolodny said Mundi- heim Museum in New York.
erett, Wash., from 2008 to alarming growth in heroin opioids directly to doctors One remaining question pharma is using the same In the January edition of
2010. That dealer sold the deaths to Purdue’s introduc- has received a lot of atten- is whether other opioid mak- playbook abroad that Artforum magazine, pho-
highly addictive pills to low- tion of its new pills. tion, there are other ways ers will follow suit and cease Purdue used in this country tographer Nan Goldin wrote
level dealers who blanketed More than 7 million drugmakers influence which marketing the drugs to doc- to increase prescriptions. an essay about her addiction
the entire region. Americans are estimated to drugs get prescribed, said tors, said Kolodny, executive “If it takes off the way it to OxyContin, which she was
Many addicts later have abused OxyContin University of North Carolina director and co-founder of did in the United States, taking for a wrist injury. Now
switched to heroin, a since its 1996 debut. The researcher Nabarun Das- Physicians for Responsible these other countries will be clean, she wrote about the
cheaper opioid. researchers from Penn’s gupta, who has advised fed- Opioid Prescribing. dealing with the same prob- advocacy group, Prescrip-
Attorneys for Purdue Wharton School and Rand eral health authorities and “We would have more lem we are dealing with to- tion Addiction Intervention
have argued that plaintiffs analyzed levels of Oxy- the World Health Organiza- success in encouraging cau- day,” he said. Now, that she started in an
who have sued the company Contin abuse on a state-by- tion on prescription opioid tious prescribing if drug Purdue was a small New effort to press for the Sackler
suffer from a number of legal state basis in the years lead- abuse. companies stopped promot- York City pharmaceutical family and their drug com-
failings — including statute- ing up to the pill reformu- Pharmaceutical compa- ing aggressive prescribing,” firm when brothers Morti- pany to pay for treatment
of-limitations problems and lation and then looked at nies often conduct studies in he said. mer and Raymond Sackler, and education programs.
a failure to demonstrate a deaths from heroin in a the hopes they can convince It’s also unknown if both psychiatrists, bought it “The Sackler family and
close connection between three-year period after the a health insurance company Purdue will continue mar- in 1952. The spectacular suc- their private company,
the company’s conduct and change. They found that or Medicaid that their prod- keting the drug to doctors cess of OxyContin has gen- Purdue Pharma, built their
the criminal acts of drug heroin deaths more than uct is superior, he said. A outside the United States erated tens of billions of dol- empire with the lives of hun-
dealers and addicts. tripled — from 3,000 in 2010 drugmaker can negotiate through its international lars in revenue over the last dreds of thousands,” Goldin
“[T]here is no basis in law to 10,500 in 2014. And states with an insurer to give pref- arm, Mundipharma. two decades and made the wrote.
for a municipality to bring where OxyContin abuse erential reimbursement for Spokesman Bob Joseph- Sacklers one of the nation’s
such an action against a rates were the highest “ex- its drug but require prior au- son said that Purdue is an in- wealthiest families. Three ben.poston@latimes.com


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L AT I ME S . CO M S S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 A9

Trump calls for do-over on memo

Democrats’ effort to ‘The rationale for
refute GOP criticism releasing the
of FBI has sensitive Nunes memo,
information, he says.
By Brian Bennett
and Joseph Tanfani
vanishes when it
could show
dent Trump said Saturday
information that’s
that he wants Democratic
lawmakers to “re-do” a clas-
harmful to
sified memo about govern- [Trump].’
ment surveillance of a for-
mer Trump campaign advis- — Charles E.
or before it is released. Schumer,
Trump refused Friday to Senate Democratic leader,
approve the release of the 10- on Trump’s decision
page memo written by
Democratic minority mem-
bers of the House Intelli- information about Steele’s
gence Committee, saying Democratic connections
that it contains sensitive in- and did not reveal Steele’s
formation that would com- personal loathing of Trump.
promise national security. The president seized on
The document aims to re- the GOP memo to try to dis-
fute Republican claims that credit the special counsel in-
the FBI surveillance of Cart- vestigation led by former
er Page was politically FBI Director Robert S.
motivated, even though the Mueller III, claiming it “to-
counterintelligence war- tally vindicates” him. Other
rants were renewed three Republicans said the Nunes
times by different judges memo had little relevance to
over the course of a year. the inquiry, which has so far
The Democrats’ docu- produced two indictments
ment details concerns about and two guilty pleas, and in-
a four-page GOP memo al- cludes an examination of
leging FBI bias against whether Trump has tried to
Trump in the Russia investi- obstruct justice.
gation; the memo was Democrats say the GOP
drafted by the staff of House Olivier Douliery Pool Photo version of events omitted
Intelligence Committee PRESIDENT TRUMP was “inclined to declassify” the Democrats’ document, his White House counsel said, key details to paint a mis-
Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes but was holding back because FBI and Justice officials had requested that redactions be made first. leading picture. The Intelli-
(R-Tulare). gence Committee’s top De-
Trump allowed the est in transparency in these could endanger “protection standard when it comes to tions in obtaining a secret mocrat, Rep. Adam B. Schiff
Nunes memo to be released unprecedented circum- of intelligence sources and transparency is appalling,” Foreign Intelligence Surveil- of Burbank, said the Demo-
on Feb. 2 over objections stances,” the administra- methods, ongoing investiga- Schumer said in a state- lance Act court warrant on crats’ memo contained addi-
from the FBI and Justice De- tion said Justice Depart- tions and other similarly ment. “The rationale for re- Carter Page, a onetime tional facts “that were nec-
partment contending that it ment officials would consult sensitive information.” leasing the Nunes memo, Trump campaign advisor essary for the public to see
is inaccurate and compro- with the committee on re- The decision drew harsh transparency, vanishes and energy businessman that the FBI acted properly”
mises national security. leasing a new version, Mc- criticism from Democrats when it could show informa- with ties to Russian officials. in seeking the warrants on
Democrats say the Republi- Gahn wrote. and seems likely to exacer- tion that’s harmful to him. He has not been charged. Page. The committee voted
can version of events left out The decision came after bate a deepening partisan Millions of Americans are The warrants were re- Monday to release the
important details and was FBI Director Christopher A. divide on the House Intelli- asking one simple question: newed three times, at 90-day memo, pending the security
misleading. Wray and Deputy Atty. Gen. gence Committee over the what is he hiding?” intervals. The Nunes memo review.
In a letter sent Friday Rod Rosenstein sent a letter investigation into the Nunes and other Repub- said all four FISA court ap- Schiff said the Demo-
evening to the House Intelli- to the White House pointing Trump campaign’s possible licans on the Intelligence plications were flawed be- crats take the concerns of
gence Committee, White out specific parts of the cooperation with a Russian Committee have devoted cause they relied heavily on Justice Department officials
House Counsel Donald Mc- Democratic memo they said scheme to interfere in the much of their attention to intelligence gathered by seriously and hope to work
Gahn said Trump was “in- might compromise national 2016 election. questioning decisions made Christopher Steele, a former with them to get the docu-
clined to declassify” the security or intelligence The Senate’s senior De- by the FBI and Justice De- British spy then working for ment cleared for release.
Democrats’ document, but sources. mocrat, Charles E. Schumer partment in the course of an opposition research
was holding back because of The letter says they en- of New York, said Trump the Russia investigation. group under contract to law- brian.bennett@latimes.com
requested redactions from closed a version of the had no such security con- Despite the agencies’ ob- yers for Hillary Clinton’s Twitter: @ByBrianBennett
the Justice Department and memo, which was not re- cerns when he decided to re- jections, Republicans re- campaign. The GOP memo joseph.tanfani
the FBI. leased, marked to highlight lease the Republican memo. leased the Nunes memo that says FBI and Justice De- @latimes.com
“Given the public inter- information they thought “The President’s double criticized investigators’ ac- partment officials held back Twitter: @jtanfani


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A10 S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. C O M

Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times

REDLANDS, a college town graced by historic mansions and a vintage downtown, has up to 74 brick buildings that are not retrofitted to withstand a major quake.

[Buildings, from A1] He said he’s reached out to which sits directly on top of
after devastating earth- owners and is trying to find a the San Andreas, officials
quakes exposed how deadly Unretrofitted solution. acknowledged the implica-
they can be. brick buildings Others have thrown up tions and said it’s time to do
The risks are all the more their hands, pointing to the something about the risks.
concerning because the In- in the Inland Highland Ave. same challenges their cities Despite the challenges
land Empire is particularly Empire 210 faced decades ago that are posed by a five-year bank-
vulnerable to a major earth- still holding them back to- ruptcy, a weary working
quake. As many as 640 old brick day. community and spotty re-
Three of the state’s most buildings in more than a Baseline St. Forcing owners to retrofit cords on the oldest proper-
dangerous faults — the San dozen cities in San or demolish these buildings ties in town, building offi-
Andreas, the San Jacinto Bernardino and Riverside just doesn’t make sense in cials have tried to push
and the Cucamonga — inter- counties could collapse in San a predominantly working- ahead.
sect in this region east of an earthquake. The Times Bernardino class region like the Inland “It’s a daunting task. A lot
downtown Los Angeles. The obtained this information 66 Empire, some city officials of people don’t understand
San Andreas alone, an omi- through interviews and said. Many treasure the what a complicated issue it
nous battle line visible from records requested from 21 area’s historical character, is. People just think, ‘We’ve
Waterman Ave.

the foothills, is capable of local governments. and a city could be put at an known that these are high-
unleashing a devastating 215
economic disadvantage if risk buildings for 25 years,
magnitude 8. neighboring cities don’t en- why haven’t cities done any-
Any shaking would be force the same strict rules. thing?’ ” said Mark Persico,
brick building
amplified by the precarious “The jurisdiction that who took over the city’s
soil the region is built on — a does not require retrofit can building and safety staff in
E St.

basin of loose sediment that San Jacinto fault outcompete their neighbor 2014. “One of the issues that
would rock like a bowl of that does require retrofit we’ve had — because there’s
Jell-O. as fault
San Andreas 10 when attracting new busi- been a high turnover in staff
The Inland Empire is ness,” said Mike Gardner, a as a part of the bankruptcy
uniquely unprepared for a Other faults
lts Colton
Col ton councilman in Riverside, — is really coming up with a
major earthquake, in large where the historic Mission complete list of properties,
part because its economy Inn and some of its sur- because the city has started
has struggled in ways more- rounding brick buildings and stopped this process, I
affluent coastal California have been retrofitted. In all, think like many cities have,
has not. City officials and the city has as many as 160 since the early 1990s.”
residents say myriad issues URMs left, the most of any By April, Persico and his
weigh on their day-to-days city examined by The Times. team had whittled the list
and seismic safety rarely “There is also a risk,” down to 89 buildings still in
tops the list. Gardner said, “that build- need of retrofit. Many are
Antonio Canul, a long- Fontana Highland ings that have not been boarded up and vacant in
time restaurant owner in Upland retrofitted may be aban- the city’s downtown.
San Bernardino, shrugged Rialto doned by their owners Tucked in an otherwise
off the risks and said there in economically depressed desolate stretch of aging
was no point in saving the Ontario areas.” brick buildings, Canul’s cor-
city from an earthquake Pomona Colton Redlands Yucaipa Others shrug at the num- ner restaurant, along his-
when it was already in such 215
ber of unsafe buildings. They toric Route 66, is one colorful
economic shambles. In the 15
60 say many are only occupied hallmark to what a bustling
34 years that he’s lived in the Chino for a few hours each day and downtown could be. Steps
city, Canul said, he’s had question whether retrofit- were taken in the 1990s to
more pressing matters to ting such old buildings — retrofit the building when
worry about. which might save lives but the city had tried a manda-
“I’m just here to do busi- not necessarily the building tory retrofit law. Facing
ness, feed people and make a 215 after an earthquake strikes pushback and limited suc-
living,” said Canul, who — is even worth it. It makes cess, the city repealed the
cooks, cleans and serves more sense to wait for real ordinance in 1999, and it is
each day, starting at 6 a.m. in estate demand to kick in, unclear today whether the
an old brick building down- they said, when new owners restaurant retrofit was com-
town. “If you’re gonna die, decide it’s more cost-effec- pleted, according to city
Sources: USGS, local government records obtained through the California Public Records Act, Map Zen, OpenStreetMap
you’re gonna die. Maybe it’s Graphics reporting by Rong-Gong Lin II and Rosanna Xia tive to tear these buildings records and preliminary
cancer, maybe it’s an earth- Raoul Rañoa Los Angeles Times down and build anew. surveys by Persico and his
quake.” The city of Ontario at last team.
Then there are the other churches and shops. Some toric building. The roof had 1994, the retrofits proved life- count had 42 unretrofitted The current building
obstacles: Poor data up- 120 people died. These so- slid onto the sidewalk, tak- saving: Not a single person brick buildings. “That’s not owner on record could not be
keep. Building chiefs who called unreinforced ma- ing the clock tower with it. died in a brick building. a high number,” building of- reached for comment.
stick around for only a few sonry buildings, or URMs, (The city, which had a retro- The Times started sur- ficial Kevin Shear said. Inside on one recent
years. Little, if any, public are vulnerable because the fit law on the books, had giv- veying Inland cities in the Seismologist Lucy Jones, Wednesday, the lunch rush
pressure. mortar essentially crumbles en the owner until 2018 to wake of the 2014 Napa earth- whose work guided L.A. in was lively. More than a dozen
In dozens of interviews apart during shaking, complete the seismic quake, which once again ex- 2015 to enact the most ambi- tables, along with the bar,
and records requests, The bringing down the roof and strengthening.) posed the vulnerabilities of tious seismic safety laws in were crowded with parents,
Times found a trail of starts walls. “They are really danger- brick construction. Report- California history and is now children, police officers and
and stops by officials in each Cities across California ous.… Even with moderate ers, under the California helping dozens of smaller government workers. An
city to identify and update now ban this type of con- earthquakes, we see — all Public Records Act, re- cities do the same, said she outdoor patio offered more
lists of old brick buildings. struction. URMs that had al- the time — collapse of these quested URM data from 21 understands — but also seating along a painted
One list dated back 27 years; ready been built were mostly structures,” said UC San Di- jurisdictions. Following questions — these economic brick wall.
others were marked by hand left to fate. But as the state’s ego structural engineering these inquiries, a number of arguments. Canul, dismissing the
or indecipherable. history of destruction con- professor Benson Shing, city officials restarted their “If you’re going to use an seismic risks, said the city
While Los Angeles, San tinued — Sylmar in 1971, who has researched the sub- efforts to identify which economic argument, you needed to focus on more
Francisco and others have Loma Prieta in 1989 — a ject extensively. “There’s no buildings remain at risk to- have to ask: What’s the value important problems than
charged ahead on retrofit- number of cities found the spine. You can see the blocks day. of human life?” she said. telling owners what to do.
ting many types of vulnera- political will to compile a list just one on top of another. So “We have to deal with it “URMs are the reason you “Fix the economy first,”
ble buildings, many here still of addresses and force own- when you shake the struc- one way or the other, sooner have earthquakes in Iran he said. “Create more busi-
have not tackled what struc- ers to either demolish or add ture, it will just rock and col- or later,” said Ramon Her- that kill 60% of the popula- nesses around here. Create
tural engineers say is the reinforcement to their brick lapse.” nandez, who became Col- tion. Most of us don’t have an environment for more
most basic, most dangerous, buildings. In Los Angeles, after ton’s building official 18 them anymore. people to come. If they do,
most unsupported type of When a magnitude 6.5 three decades of chasing months ago and has been re- “And the idea that we do small businesses like this are
building. earthquake struck down- down the owners of 8,080 tracing the steps of his many know exactly which build- going to have money to
California learned the town Paso Robles in 2003, URMs, officials say there are predecessors. Hernandez ings are the most dangerous rebuild these old buildings.”
dangers of brick construc- the two people who died now only three left in the city drove around the city in De- and where the dangers will Persico has hosted a
tion when a major earth- were found crushed under that still need to be retrofit- cember and updated a be … what’s the implication number of community meet-
quake struck Long Beach an avalanche of bricks out- ted or demolished. When the building list from 1991 in re- of a decision to not retrofit?” ings to bridge this discon-
in 1933, crumbling schools, side an unretrofitted his- Northridge quake struck in sponse to a Times inquiry. In San Bernardino, [See Buildings, A11]
L AT I ME S . CO M WST S U N DAY, F E B RUA RY 11, 2 018 A11
[Buildings, from A10]
nect, broaching the idea of
reviving a mandatory retro-
Making buildings safer made a show of removing
the placard during a cere-
mony in 2007, recalled com-
Making old brick buildings safer can require more reinforcing material such as steel. Think of a wooden table — it’s more
fit ordinance. Forcing build- munity development direc-
likely to fall apart without long steel screws that keep it together when shaken, says structural engineer Saif Hussain.
ing owners — most of them tor Nick Liguori. “That was
mom-and-pop business op- a big deal to him — to get
erators — to spend tens of
Three ways to retrofit The retrofit’s overall impact that building retrofitted so
thousands of dollars to ret- Parapet The three retrofit methods combined give the brick building a steel he could take that placard
rofit was, and still is, unreal- Diagonal steel brace skeleton that has a better chance of staying together when shaken. off.”
istic, Persico said. Unlike in connects parapet to roof These placards were
Los Angeles, real estate val- Diagonal parapet bracing placed in accordance with a
ues are so low that even tak- Anchor decades-old state law that
ing out a commercial loan for requires owners to post
a retrofit would be difficult. warnings outside unsafe
Retrofitting a brick Diagonal brick buildings — but cities
building — which can involve brace are not required to enforce
using steel braces, rods and the law, and many in the In-
beams to hold up the bricks land Empire do not, accord-
in a way that keeps them ing to interviews and spot
from coming apart during checks by Times reporters of
shaking — could cost an a number of old brick build-
owner anywhere from Roof ings.
$30,000 to more than The lack of institutional
$100,000. memory in many of these
Within the next year, Per- cities is a major problem.
sico hopes to secure some Steel beams or diagonal Building officials tend to
form of grant to help owners braces installed along wall come and go, handing off old
pay for a percentage of the notes and addresses from
architectural or engineering Anchor Brick wall one to another like a baton,
cost of retrofitting. with no finish line. Yucaipa’s
A handful of neighboring building official currently is
cities — both wealthy and also the top building official
working-class — have over- for another city and the in-
come the economic push- terim chief for a third.
back. Following a magni- Back in Redlands, Corrie
tude 5.2 earthquake that Steel beams installed Bolts and rods Kates has been coming in
damaged numerous brick along brick wall join brick wall twice a week as the city’s
buildings, Claremont in 1991 to floors. latest building official. A
mandated all 33 of its URMs third-party contractor, he
retrofitted or demolished. Steel beams replaces the former full-time
Rancho Cucamonga en- anchored to building chief, who left last
acted a law that year forcing brick wall Connected brick walls can stay attached to the floors and roof, helping to year.
owners of URMs to retrofit resist collapse prevent catastrophic collapse in an earthquake. Some of the brick build-
or demolish within three Direction of wall ings downtown have been
years of notification. movement during retrofitted, Kates said, and
By 2006, the city was Brick any owner who wants to
wall earthquake
down to 22 unretrofitted make significant renova-
brick buildings. Today just tions would be required to
one — fenced off and red- include a seismic update.
tagged — remains. But the reason there remain
In Chino, building offi- Floor so many unretrofitted
cials in 1988 identified about buildings in the city is sim-
30 unsafe buildings and ple.
chipped away at the issue. “The owners don’t have
Using redevelopment mon- the money to retrofit them,
ey, the city purchased a and there’s no funding out
number of brick buildings in there to help,” he said. “If
its downtown, demolished Bolts and rods tightly there were public funds
them and turned the empty join brick wall to beams available, then cities would
lots into a community park go make an effort to promote
and a new senior living com- Bolts go through brick people to retrofit.”
plex. wall from the exterior Kates said it was useful
For the remaining un- and are anchored to floor for the city to have its list of
retrofitted brick buildings, beams on the interior. 74 addresses, last updated 13
city officials bolted large years ago, that are consid-
signs by each entrance, ered hazardous.
declaring in English and Floor If the alarm bells start
Spanish: “In the event of an beam ringing and the ground
earthquake, this building starts shaking, he said, fire
could be subject to structur- Steel Direction of and rescue officials will
al damage that could cause bracket earthquake shaking know where to check first.
death or injury to its occu-
pants and/or persons near Brick rosanna.xia@latimes.com
Other ways of retrofitting include adding steel-reinforced concrete or
the building exterior.” Twitter: @RosannaXia
layers of glass or carbon fiber to the walls and adding plywood to the
One owner, hoping to at- ron.lin@latimes.com
floors and roof.
tract more high-end retail Twitter: @ronlin
tenants, took all the steps to Sources: Structural engineer Saif Hussain, Federal Emergency Management Agency raoul.ranoa@latimes.com
retrofit his building and Raoul Rañoa, Rong-Gong Lin II Los Angeles Times Twitter: @ranoa

A12 S U N DAY, FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 WST L AT I M E S. CO M

Exploring a deal on immigration

[Immigration, from A1]
tours of a possible compro-
mise as lawmakers prepare
for marathon immigration
debates on the Senate floor
this week over how to pro-
tect from deportation — and
possibly provide legal status
for — the estimated 1.8 mil-
lion people brought to the
country illegally as children.
About 800,000 of them
were given protection from
deportation by the Obama
administration under the
Deferred Action for Child-
hood Arrivals program,
known as DACA. But the
Trump administration
abruptly ended the program
in September and set a six-
month cutoff date for renew-
al applications.
A federal judge has sus-
pended that March 5 dead-
line, but the White House
has used the so-called
Dreamers as a bargaining
chip in Congress for its own
immigration priorities, in-
cluding cuts to legal immi-
Democratic demands to
protect the Dreamers led to
a three-day government
shutdown during the con-
gressional budget show-
down last month, and an
epic eight-hour speech on
the House floor last week by
Minority Leader Nancy Pel-
osi. Both efforts failed to get
Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times
DACA in the spending pack-
ages. PROTESTERS in San Gabriel demonstrate on behalf of immigrants last week. A rare open debate on the topic is set in the Senate.
On Saturday, Trump ac-
cused the Democrats of try- security purposes. panic Christian Leadership the framework or to talk to “We don’t want to see ar- Senate Majority Leader
ing to politicize the Dream- The hardest sell for Conference, said he’s been Republicans,” Aguilar said. bitrary cuts to legal immi- Mitch McConnell plans to
ers’ plight ahead of the Democratic lawmakers and assured repeatedly by the “Both sides are going to have gration,” Garza said. take a House bill, strip its
midterm election in Novem- immigration advocates has White House that overall le- to accept things they don’t Critics already are lining contents, and in a step not
ber. been Trump’s insistence on gal immigration levels would like.” up. Mark Krikorian, execu- seen in modern times, open
“Republicans want to fix limiting the types of family not be cut under Trump’s Aguilar said he left the tive director of the Center for the floor for amendments to
DACA far more than the members that U.S. citizens plan. meeting believing the White Immigration Studies, a fill the bill. The White House
Democrats do,” he tweeted. and permanent residents “That number is not be- House would support ways group that advocates re- is working with senators to
Democrats “only want to use can help resettle in the coun- ing played with at all what- to speed up approvals of the stricting immigration, said craft an amendment that
it as a campaign issue.” try, and what happens to soever,” said Rodriguez, one nearly 4 million parents, sib- he would oppose a White addresses all Trump’s re-
Democratic leaders, in- those who already have ap- of the Latino conservatives lings and other relatives who House deal to keep legal im- quirements.
cluding Senate Minority plied. who attended the hourlong have applied for permanent migration at current levels “It will be an opportunity
Leader Charles E. Schumer Deriding the program as meeting Tuesday with Kelly residency and are in long for more than a decade, call- for 1,000 flowers to bloom,”
(D-N.Y.), have signaled pri- “chain migration,” Trump and Nielsen. backlogs. ing it “a reversal” of Trump’s McConnell (R-Ky.) told re-
vately to the White House says only sponsors’ spouses Alfonso Aguilar, presi- Another Latino in the previous proposals. porters last week, oddly
they are willing to negotiate and non-adult children dent of the Latino Partner- meeting, Daniel Garza, exe- “This argument that our echoing the phrase Chinese
Trump’s demand for $25 bil- should be admitted. People ship for Conservative Princi- cutive director of the Libre economy and our success re- leader Mao Tse-tung used in
lion as part of a broader im- now can sponsor parents ples, also attended the meet- Initiative, a free-market quires mass immigration is 1956 to encourage criticism
migration package that and, in some cases, siblings ing in the Roosevelt Room. group aimed at Latinos and absurd,” Krikorian said. of the Communist Party be-
would include help for the and adult children. He said the White House ap- bankrolled by the conserva- In Congress, bipartisan fore he violently purged the
Dreamers. However, the Rev. Samu- peared to be making a “seri- tive billionaire Koch broth- groups are seeking to devel- critics who stepped forward.
The money would go into el Rodriguez, an evangelical ous effort” to find common ers, said he was reassured by op legislation as the Senate The debate will be “fair to
a “trust fund” for walls or Christian pastor based in ground on immigration. the meeting and felt the prepares for a rare open de- everyone,” McConnell said.
fences on the southern bor- Sacramento who is presi- “Democrats are fabricat- White House was open to ne- bate on immigration this “And in the Senate, on those
der, as well as other border dent of the National His- ing reasons not to address gotiating. week. [See Immigration, A13]

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L AT I ME S . CO M S S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 A13

Hundreds rally for immigration activist

policies are racist. contending that he was just
associated press
“Am I a national security an employee doing his job,
problem?” Ragbir said. “Am unaware of any fraudulent
NEW YORK — Hundreds I colluding with Russia? ... activity.
of people rallied Saturday in We know that there is a ICE officials have said re-
support of an immigration movement to remove people peatedly that Ragbir and
activist from Trinidad and of color, to learn that there is the other activists were be-
Tobago who’s fighting de- an ethnic cleansing being ing deported because of seri-
portation, accusing author- created by this administra- ous criminal records, not be-
ities of targeting him for tion. And it’s very hard cause of their politics.
speaking out. words, but let’s be real about At the rally, other speak-
Ravi Ragbir had been fac- what we are seeing.” ers praised the decision to
ing removal from the United Ragbir was detained last grant Ragbir a temporary
States on Saturday. But a month during a check-in stay and called on lawmak-
judge in Newark, N.J., ruled with U.S. Immigration and ers to preserve the Deferred
Friday that he could stay in Customs Enforcement over Action for Childhood Ar-
the country while a lawsuit a 2001 conviction for a mort- rivals protections for un-
filed on his behalf is argued. gage fraud scheme. He was documented immigrants
Ragbir, 53, still had to released this month by a fed- brought to the U.S. as chil-
check in Saturday with im- eral judge who expressed dren. President Trump has
migration officials at a fed- “grave concerns” about his moved to end the Obama-
eral office in Lower Manhat- treatment. era DACA program.
tan. That is where the New The government had said “Traditionally America
Sanctuary Coalition of New he should be deported be- has been a country that wel-
York City, comprising 150 cause of the conviction in- comed people that were
faith-based, pro-immigrant volving a New Jersey mort- poor and oppressed,” said
groups, staged the rally. gage company where Ragbir Debbie Mullins, 64, who at-
Beforehand, Ragbir led worked that was caught up tended the rally in support
demonstrators on a march in the fraud. He’s fighting to of Ragbir. “You just have to Kena Betancur AFP/Getty Images
and told them he believes vacate the conviction in fed- read what’s written on the DEMONSTRATORS in New York offer support for Ravi Ragbir, who is fighting
the country’s immigration eral court in New Jersey, Statue of Liberty.” deportation. He has used his case to denounce U.S. immigration policies.

For starters, an open debate Forced Public Auction

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thors of the Dream Act, a bi- hole countries” in Africa and vote in the House. warehouse in D.C.
partisan bill that would cre- elsewhere, several Demo- House Speaker Paul D.
ate a path to legal status cratic lawmakers, including Ryan (R-Wis.) promised
for Dreamers. Democrats the Congressional Black Thursday to allow an immi-
essentially want Trump to Caucus, balked at ending gration bill come to a vote
accept that legislation, the lottery completely. this time.
which could be introduced Lawmakers are looking “To anyone who doubts
for an up-or-down vote this at other ways to keep legal my intention to solve this
week. immigration steady, includ- problem and bring up a
To get debate started, ing increasing skills-based DACA and immigration re-
McConnell may allow the in- immigration categories. form bill, do not,” Ryan said.
troduction of a narrow One possibility would be “We will bring a solution to
amendment that extends to resurrect a proposal the floor, one that the presi-
the DACA program by three
years, and see how many
made by Sen. Orrin G.
Hatch (R-Utah) during an
dent will sign.”
votes that can get.
The future also is uncer-
immigration reform push in
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A14 S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 WST L AT I M ES . C O M

Family seeks pardon for boxing hero

said in a statement to the ing himself.”
White jury found him Associated Press. “John- Haywood has pressed to
son’s imprisonment forced have Johnson pardoned
guilty of ‘immorality’ him into the shadows of big- since President George W.
with a white woman otry and prejudice, and con- Bush was in office a decade
tinues to stand as a stain on ago.
after he defeated a our national honor.” Posthumous pardons are
series of white rivals. Johnson, the son of for- rare, but not unprecedent-
mer slaves, defeated Tommy ed. President Clinton par-
Burns for the heavyweight doned Henry O. Flipper, the
By Kareem Copland title in 1908, a time when first African American offi-
blacks and whites rarely en- cer to lead the Buffalo Sol-
In Jim Crow America, it’s tered the same ring. He then diers of the 10th Cavalry Re-
no wonder that Jack John- mowed down a series of giment during the Civil War;
son was the most despised “great white hopes,” culmi- he was framed for embezzle-
African American of his gen- nating in 1910 with the unde- ment. In 2008 Bush par-
eration. feated former champion doned Charles Winters, an
The first black boxing James J. Jeffries. American volunteer in the
heavyweight champion of “He is one of the craftiest, Arab-Israeli War convicted
the world, Johnson humili- cunningest boxers that ever of violating the U.S. Neutral-
ated white fighters and stepped into the ring,” leg- ity Acts in 1949.
flaunted his affection for endary boxer John L. Sulli- Haywood wanted Presi-
white women, even fleeing van said after the Jeffries dent Obama, the nation’s
the country after an all- bout, which was called “the first black president, to
white jury convicted him of fight of the century.” pardon Johnson, but Justice
“immorality” for one of his But Johnson also refused Department policy says
relationships. to adhere to societal norms, that “processing post-
Now, more than 100 years living lavishly and brazenly humous pardon petitions is
later, Johnson’s great-great and dating outside his race grounded in the belief that
niece wants President in a time when whites often the time of the officials in-
Trump to clear the champi- killed African Americans Associated Press volved in the clemency proc-
on’s name with a post- without fear of legal reper- JACK JOHNSON, pictured in 1932, was the first black world heavyweight cham- ess is better spent on the
humous pardon. And she cussions. In 1913, he was con- pion. In and out of the ring, he refused to stick to society’s expectations for blacks. pardon and commutation
has the backing of Sen. John victed of violating the Mann requests of living persons.”
McCain (R-Ariz.), who has Act, which made it illegal to on and was released in 1921. Jack Johnson,” Ali once told from the audience. He said, The Justice Department
supported a Johnson par- transport women across He died in 1946 in an auto broadcaster Howard Cosell. ‘Well, just shoot my black so- makes decisions on poten-
don since 2004. state lines for “immoral” crash. “They had lynchings and and-so because I’m-a knock tial pardons through an
“Jack Johnson was a box- purposes. Muhammad Ali often rapings and burnings, and him out.’” application process and
ing legend and pioneer After seven years as a fu- praised Johnson and his every time he’d fight they’d The stain on Johnson’s typically makes recom-
whose career and reputa- gitive, Johnson eventually courage. lynch Negroes and burn reputation led some family mendations to the presi-
tion were ruined by a racially returned to the U.S. and “They say I’m controver- houses. This man was told if members to live in shame of dent. The general policy is to
charged conviction more turned himself in. He served sial and they say I’m bold, you beat this white man his legacy — the exact oppo- not accept applications for
than a century ago,” McCain about a year in federal pris- but I wasn’t nothing like we’re going to shoot you site of how Johnson led his posthumous pardons for
life. federal convictions, accord-
Family “didn’t talk about ing to the department’s web-
it because they were site.
ashamed of him, that he “In terms of Jack John-
went to prison,” Linda E. son, I think the Department

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A16 S U N DAY, FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. C O M

He’s eager to regain his touch

[White, from A1]
The previous few years
had not gone well for the
most successful snowboard-
er in history, the superstar
with the flaming red hair
who, for better or worse, had
dragged his renegade sport
into the mainstream and
earned millions upon mil-
lions of dollars in the proc-
After dominating the
halfpipe for the better part of
a decade, winning back-to-
back Olympic gold in Turin,
Italy, and Vancouver, Cana-
da, White had come up short
at the 2014 Winter Games in
Sochi, Russia.
People quietly wondered
if a brazen new generation of
riders had passed him by. Af-
ter his training crash in Oc-
tober, the whispers grew
Lying in a hospital bed,
the 31-year-old had doubts of
his own.
“It really threw me for a
loop,” he recalls. “I was, like,
do I really want to do this?”


The last few months have

seen a remarkable string of
performances in men’s half-
Top dogs such as Scotty
James of Australia and
Ayumu Hirano of Japan
have one-upped each other
Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times
with new tricks or combina-
tions in one contest after an- SHAUN WHITE dominated the halfpipe for the better part of a decade, winning gold in Turin and Vancouver, but he fell short in Sochi.
Which makes it all the downslope, can be like tum-
more startling that White, bling out of a fourth-story
barely four months removed window.
from his gruesome crash, “There are falls that rat-
ranks among the favorites at tle you physically and falls
the 2018 Winter Olympics. that rattle you mentally,”
“I feel more like I know Richards says. “The fall that
who I am,” he says. “And I Shaun took? I mean, there
know my riding.” are a lot of people who would
His words slur the slight- have said, ‘I’m done with
est bit because of a few this.’ ”
stitches remaining in his But walking away wasn’t
tongue. That doesn’t stop that easy.
him from answering a flurry Nowhere else could White
of questions from the report- find the satisfaction of mas-
ers who crowd around. tering a trick. Nowhere else
They want to know about could he take what he had
his final run — a perfect 100 learned and transform it
— at the recent Toyota U.S. into the adrenaline rush of
Grand Prix in Colorado. gold.
Tears filled his eyes that day. So those initial doubts in
“It was, obviously, one of the hospital soon dissi-
the highlights of my career,” pated.
he says. “I set my goals and
White needed the 100 to worked on my runs,” he says.
edge James, who had put to- At the U.S. Grand Prix,
gether a dazzling run of his when James landed a switch
own moments earlier. At the backside double cork 1260 —
X Games a week later, with perhaps the sport’s most
White laid up by a cold, technical trick — it would
James and Hirano traded take something extraordi-
haymakers before the Japa- nary to win. Standing at
nese rider prevailed. David Ramos Getty Images the starting gate, White
So the stage is set for a WHITE practices at Phoenix Snow Park in Pyeongchang. “Shaun likes to have his back against the wall,” says changed on the fly.
showdown on the sport’s Todd Richards, a former top snowboarder who now serves as an NBC analyst. “This is his redemption.” His impromptu run in-
biggest, brightest stage. cluded a Double McTwist
Cold, dry weather should Maybe the need for some- train take a dirt road.” he suggests. “You know what contest will be held. White 1260 and a frontside double
make for a perfectly shaped thing new, a spark, prompt- Some riders had runs I’m saying?” had clawed his way back to cork 1440. Reaching the base
halfpipe, icy and fast, in ed an ambitious plan head- that could be adapted; Then comes a big laugh the upper echelon and the of the hill, he thrust his arms
Pyeongchang. There will be ing into Sochi as White de- White did not. He finished as he rocks backward. other riders noticed. into the air, then grabbed his
pressure to go bigger and cided to enter both the half- fourth. “It’s a bit deep, guys.” “I have a lot of respect for helmet as if he could not be-
better, to outdo the next guy. pipe and the new slopestyle “It was one of the most In the end, it made the the guy,” James says. “He lieve what had happened.
And that might just favor event. frustrating things for me,” most sense to do things has been a pioneer in the The score might have
a rider known for generating “The same things that he said afterward. “If I land that made him immediately sport for a long time.” raised a few eyebrows —
big air, an athlete who has got me motivated weren’t my run and I’m beat, I’m OK happy. He went on tour with Everything seemed to be James wasn’t happy — but
scores of X Games medals really working anymore,” he with that. But I definitely his rock band, Bad Things, moving in the right direction that didn’t matter.
and is eager to regain his says. didn’t get that chance.” and worked on business as the Winter Games drew “I feel stronger than I’ve
touch for coming through in But any thoughts of Sochi was an eye-opener. projects. Also, he says, “I got near. Then came the train- ever felt,” White says.
the clutch. a double gold in Sochi After a lifetime in the sport, a dog.” ing session in New Zealand. Something about his de-
“Shaun likes to have his ended quickly. A treacher- call it burnout or simply As for snowboarding, his meanor seems different now,
back against the wall,” says ous slopestyle course led to growing older. Back home, focus returned to his first :: easier, more assured.
Todd Richards, a former top multiple riders crashing in White took some time to love — the halfpipe — and he There is still the weight of
snowboarder who now practice, and White with- think about his life and what began working with a new Snowboarders know expectation, still a slight fear
serves as an NBC analyst. drew after tweaking his wrist he really wanted. coach, J.J. Thomas, who their sport can be danger- of failure, especially as he ap-
“This is his redemption.” in a fall. Nothing was above ex- years earlier had beaten him ous. proaches what could be the
“The potential risk of amination, maybe not even out for the final spot on the Over the years, the half- toughest halfpipe competi-
:: injury is a bit too much for the sport that had been the 2002 Olympic team. pipe has grown steadily, to tion in Olympic history.
me to gamble my other center of his life since boy- “He can read me,” White the point where the walls But there is also certi-
Looking back, it seems Olympics goals on,” he said hood. says. “He’s the one taking now stand 22 feet high. As tude, as if he has landed ex-
obvious why things went then. Trying to describe this my ups and downs and riders become stronger and actly where he needs to be.
wrong in 2014. The sport had Conditions at the half- struggle to the reporters, he straightening them out.” more skilled, perhaps more “That’s the simplest an-
been chasing White for so pipe weren’t much better, settles on a comparison. The work began to pay off audacious, they twist and swer,” he says. “It just feels
long, other riders were with walls that needed ad- “It’s like if you’ve ever last season with a World Cup flip an additional 20 or more right.”
bound to catch up, and stay- justing and then a sugary, been in a relationship and gold in Mammoth and a sil- feet in the air.
ing hungry was a problem. bumpy base. Richards says someone loves you and ver at Phoenix Snow Park, So a “deck check,” when a david.wharton
“Win after winning after that, with White’s speed, it you’re like, I wish I could flip the venue in Pyeongchang rider hits the rim of the pipe @latimes.com
winning,” he calls it. was “like having a bullet a switch and love you back,” where this week’s Olympic instead of landing on the Twitter: @LAtimesWharton

2 Ohio cops shot dead

responding to 911 call
Morbitzer said, struggling tweeted: “My thoughts and
associated press
to keep his emotions in prayers are with the two po-
check. lice officers, their families,
WESTERVILLE, Ohio — He called the officers and everybody at the
Two Ohio police officers re- “true American heroes.” @WestervillePD.”
sponding to a 911 hang-up Police provided no de- Joering was a 17-year po-
call were fatally shot on Sat- tails about the suspect dur- lice veteran, and Morelli was
urday after entering an ing a brief news conference. a 30-year veteran.
apartment in a Columbus The Columbus Dispatch re- “These were two of the
suburb, and a suspect was ported that the suspect was best we have,” Morbitzer
taken into custody, author- wounded and treated at a said. “This was their calling.”
ities said. hospital. He added that they “both
Westerville Police Chief Republican Gov. John gave their life for the protec-
Joe Morbitzer said Officer Kasich, who lives with his tion of others, and that’s
Eric Joering, 39, died at the family in a nearby township, what they lived and breath-
scene and his colleague tweeted that he was “very ed.”
Tony Morelli, 54, died at a lo- saddened to learn of the Westerville, on the north-
cal hospital. He said the offi- deaths of two of my home- east side of Columbus, is a
cers were responding to a town police officers.” He suburb of about 39,000 with
“potential domestic situa- asked Ohio residents to join a per capita income well
tion.” him in “lifting up these offi- above the rest of Ohio’s. It Tom Dodge Columbus Dispatch
“The officers gave their cers’ families in prayer.” regularly tops lists of the INVESTIGATORS check the scene after the shooting deaths of two officers in
lives in defense of others,” President Trump country’s best suburbs. Westerville, Ohio. An unnamed suspect was wounded and treated at a hospital.
A16 S U N DAY, FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. C O M

He’s eager to regain his touch

[White, from A1]
The previous few years
had not gone well for the
most successful snowboard-
er in history, the superstar
with the flaming red hair
who, for better or worse, had
dragged his renegade sport
into the mainstream and
earned millions upon mil-
lions of dollars in the proc-
After dominating the
halfpipe for the better part of
a decade, winning back-to-
back Olympic gold in Turin,
Italy, and Vancouver, Cana-
da, White had come up short
at the 2014 Winter Games in
Sochi, Russia.
People quietly wondered
if a brazen new generation of
riders had passed him by. Af-
ter his training crash in Oc-
tober, the whispers grew
Lying in a hospital bed,
the 31-year-old had doubts of
his own.
“It really threw me for a
loop,” he recalls. “I was, like,
do I really want to do this?”


The last few months have

seen a remarkable string of
performances in men’s half-
Top dogs such as Scotty
James of Australia and
Ayumu Hirano of Japan
have one-upped each other
Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times
with new tricks or combina-
tions in one contest after an- SHAUN WHITE dominated the halfpipe for the better part of a decade, winning gold in Turin and Vancouver, but he fell short in Sochi.
Which makes it all the downslope, can be like tum-
more startling that White, bling out of a fourth-story
barely four months removed window.
from his gruesome crash, “There are falls that rat-
ranks among the favorites at tle you physically and falls
the 2018 Winter Olympics. that rattle you mentally,”
“I feel more like I know Richards says. “The fall that
who I am,” he says. “And I Shaun took? I mean, there
know my riding.” are a lot of people who would
His words slur the slight- have said, ‘I’m done with
est bit because of a few this.’ ”
stitches remaining in his But walking away wasn’t
tongue. That doesn’t stop that easy.
him from answering a flurry Nowhere else could White
of questions from the report- find the satisfaction of mas-
ers who crowd around. tering a trick. Nowhere else
They want to know about could he take what he had
his final run — a perfect 100 learned and transform it
— at the recent Toyota U.S. into the adrenaline rush of
Grand Prix in Colorado. gold.
Tears filled his eyes that day. So those initial doubts in
“It was, obviously, one of the hospital soon dissi-
the highlights of my career,” pated.
he says. “I set my goals and
White needed the 100 to worked on my runs,” he says.
edge James, who had put to- At the U.S. Grand Prix,
gether a dazzling run of his when James landed a switch
own moments earlier. At the backside double cork 1260 —
X Games a week later, with perhaps the sport’s most
White laid up by a cold, technical trick — it would
James and Hirano traded take something extraordi-
haymakers before the Japa- nary to win. Standing at
nese rider prevailed. David Ramos Getty Images the starting gate, White
So the stage is set for a WHITE practices at Phoenix Snow Park in Pyeongchang. “Shaun likes to have his back against the wall,” says changed on the fly.
showdown on the sport’s Todd Richards, a former top snowboarder who now serves as an NBC analyst. “This is his redemption.” His impromptu run in-
biggest, brightest stage. cluded a Double McTwist
Cold, dry weather should Maybe the need for some- train take a dirt road.” he suggests. “You know what contest will be held. White 1260 and a frontside double
make for a perfectly shaped thing new, a spark, prompt- Some riders had runs I’m saying?” had clawed his way back to cork 1440. Reaching the base
halfpipe, icy and fast, in ed an ambitious plan head- that could be adapted; Then comes a big laugh the upper echelon and the of the hill, he thrust his arms
Pyeongchang. There will be ing into Sochi as White de- White did not. He finished as he rocks backward. other riders noticed. into the air, then grabbed his
pressure to go bigger and cided to enter both the half- fourth. “It’s a bit deep, guys.” “I have a lot of respect for helmet as if he could not be-
better, to outdo the next guy. pipe and the new slopestyle “It was one of the most In the end, it made the the guy,” James says. “He lieve what had happened.
And that might just favor event. frustrating things for me,” most sense to do things has been a pioneer in the The score might have
a rider known for generating “The same things that he said afterward. “If I land that made him immediately sport for a long time.” raised a few eyebrows —
big air, an athlete who has got me motivated weren’t my run and I’m beat, I’m OK happy. He went on tour with Everything seemed to be James wasn’t happy — but
scores of X Games medals really working anymore,” he with that. But I definitely his rock band, Bad Things, moving in the right direction that didn’t matter.
and is eager to regain his says. didn’t get that chance.” and worked on business as the Winter Games drew “I feel stronger than I’ve
touch for coming through in But any thoughts of Sochi was an eye-opener. projects. Also, he says, “I got near. Then came the train- ever felt,” White says.
the clutch. a double gold in Sochi After a lifetime in the sport, a dog.” ing session in New Zealand. Something about his de-
“Shaun likes to have his ended quickly. A treacher- call it burnout or simply As for snowboarding, his meanor seems different now,
back against the wall,” says ous slopestyle course led to growing older. Back home, focus returned to his first :: easier, more assured.
Todd Richards, a former top multiple riders crashing in White took some time to love — the halfpipe — and he There is still the weight of
snowboarder who now practice, and White with- think about his life and what began working with a new Snowboarders know expectation, still a slight fear
serves as an NBC analyst. drew after tweaking his wrist he really wanted. coach, J.J. Thomas, who their sport can be danger- of failure, especially as he ap-
“This is his redemption.” in a fall. Nothing was above ex- years earlier had beaten him ous. proaches what could be the
“The potential risk of amination, maybe not even out for the final spot on the Over the years, the half- toughest halfpipe competi-
:: injury is a bit too much for the sport that had been the 2002 Olympic team. pipe has grown steadily, to tion in Olympic history.
me to gamble my other center of his life since boy- “He can read me,” White the point where the walls But there is also certi-
Looking back, it seems Olympics goals on,” he said hood. says. “He’s the one taking now stand 22 feet high. As tude, as if he has landed ex-
obvious why things went then. Trying to describe this my ups and downs and riders become stronger and actly where he needs to be.
wrong in 2014. The sport had Conditions at the half- struggle to the reporters, he straightening them out.” more skilled, perhaps more “That’s the simplest an-
been chasing White for so pipe weren’t much better, settles on a comparison. The work began to pay off audacious, they twist and swer,” he says. “It just feels
long, other riders were with walls that needed ad- “It’s like if you’ve ever last season with a World Cup flip an additional 20 or more right.”
bound to catch up, and stay- justing and then a sugary, been in a relationship and gold in Mammoth and a sil- feet in the air.
ing hungry was a problem. bumpy base. Richards says someone loves you and ver at Phoenix Snow Park, So a “deck check,” when a david.wharton
“Win after winning after that, with White’s speed, it you’re like, I wish I could flip the venue in Pyeongchang rider hits the rim of the pipe @latimes.com
winning,” he calls it. was “like having a bullet a switch and love you back,” where this week’s Olympic instead of landing on the Twitter: @LAtimesWharton

2 Ohio cops shot dead

responding to 911 call
Morbitzer said, struggling tweeted: “My thoughts and
associated press
to keep his emotions in prayers are with the two po-
check. lice officers, their families,
WESTERVILLE, Ohio — He called the officers and everybody at the
Two Ohio police officers re- “true American heroes.” @WestervillePD.”
sponding to a 911 hang-up Police provided no de- Joering was a 17-year po-
call were fatally shot on Sat- tails about the suspect dur- lice veteran, and Morelli was
urday after entering an ing a brief news conference. a 30-year veteran.
apartment in a Columbus The Columbus Dispatch re- “These were two of the
suburb, and a suspect was ported that the suspect was best we have,” Morbitzer
taken into custody, author- wounded and treated at a said. “This was their calling.”
ities said. hospital. He added that they “both
Westerville Police Chief Republican Gov. John gave their life for the protec-
Joe Morbitzer said Officer Kasich, who lives with his tion of others, and that’s
Eric Joering, 39, died at the family in a nearby township, what they lived and breath-
scene and his colleague tweeted that he was “very ed.”
Tony Morelli, 54, died at a lo- saddened to learn of the Westerville, on the north-
cal hospital. He said the offi- deaths of two of my home- east side of Columbus, is a
cers were responding to a town police officers.” He suburb of about 39,000 with
“potential domestic situa- asked Ohio residents to join a per capita income well
tion.” him in “lifting up these offi- above the rest of Ohio’s. It Tom Dodge Columbus Dispatch
“The officers gave their cers’ families in prayer.” regularly tops lists of the INVESTIGATORS check the scene after the shooting deaths of two officers in
lives in defense of others,” President Trump country’s best suburbs. Westerville, Ohio. An unnamed suspect was wounded and treated at a hospital.
A18 S U N DAY, FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. C O M


Burning through money at Time Inc.

By Karl Taro Greenfeld younger writers hired by Manag- The disastrous merger with me a beautiful flat on Barker ecosystem because what we ex-

ing Editor Walter Isaacson to AOL was still a couple of years Road, near the Peak — a company celled at, besides overspending,
started as a writer at Time infuse the magazine with a youth- away. The legendary drink carts car, club memberships, a generous was mimicking news gathering.
Magazine on a Monday in ful sensibility. I was assigned to the were gone, but we took a livery car cost of living allowance and tax I would return from Hong Kong
1998. I turned up that morn- business section, where instead of home every night if we wanted and equalization. I flew business class. to edit and write at Sports Illus-
ing to find the 23rd floor of infusing, I started mimicking, we had unlimited expense ac- I never knew our budget. I just trated, helping to launch Sports
the Time-Life building, the seeking to make my stories as counts. And I mean unlimited: I hired staffers and spent freely on Illustrated China before the Bei-
editorial offices, deserted. Nobody indistinguishable as possible from remember turning in monthly freelancers, assuming that, at jing Olympics. By then, ESPN had
at Time went in to work on Mon- those that came before and after, T&E’s exceeding $25,000, and one some point, if I was overspending, already changed the sports land-
days. The magazine operated on a whether in that particular issue or editor supposedly ran up $880,000 someone would come to my office scape and no one needed a maga-
Tuesday through Friday schedule. chronologically since the founding in expenses in a single year. The and alert me. Nobody ever came. zine to keep them up to date with
That was the first of many quirks I of the magazine in 1922. I watched process of submitting expenses At the end of the year, Time man- scores or results. Sports Illus-
would enjoy at what was still an some of my peers fail, and was required calling a subcontracted aging editor Jim Kelly would give trated had and still has great
immensely profitable enterprise. jealous when some — hello, Joel company and then manually me a $100,000 bonus. And it all felt sports writers. And there is an
Time, that year following the Stein! — seemed to become favor- inputting each item using the normal. audience that wants to read litera-
death of Princess Diana and pre- ites of Isaacson and his successor, phone keypad. We all complained It turned out we were over- ry sports writing.
ceding the death of John F. Ken- Jim Kelly. about the laborious process but spending. Horrendously. That’s That audience, though, is not
nedy Jr., was a cash cow. Those Isaacson would later insist that nobody ever complained about the what we were best at. large enough to sustain the Time
celebrity death covers sold so well they never instructed us by design, ridiculous amounts we were We wrote some good pieces and Inc. infrastructure. The expense
that Time published second-week so they could ascertain who was a charging to the company. I certainly learned a great deal accounts. The black cars. The
covers on the same celebrity self-starter. We competed to be the We had corporate matching for about writing, but Time had al- generous bonuses. You need circu-
deaths. best at mimicking the magazine, our 401ks, profit sharing, stock ready lost whatever scrappiness or lations in the mid-seven figures
Now Time Inc., Time’s parent which meant we were essentially options and stock awards. It felt journalistic hustle it had once had, and dozens of pages of advertising
company, has joined the ranks of mimicking each other, as gradu- like we were getting paid six differ- if, indeed, it had ever had any. to fuel all that.
the celebrity dead: It was acquired ally, once the less successful im- ent ways. The magazine that Henry Luce When circulations contracted,
recently by Meredith Inc., a Des personators were weeded out, we In my first year I sensed I was and Briton Hadden founded had advertisers moved on to the web.
Moines-based publisher, and became the writers relied upon to going to make it at Time; by the always been a clip job, a digest of We all know the story.
officially ceased to exist on Feb. 1. fill the book each week. second, year, Time Inc. Editor in the week’s news. It didn’t break But here’s some perspective as
Time Inc. signage no longer The late 1990s turned out to be Chief Norman Pearlstine had stories, it broke them down so that to how flush it all was. Scripted
adorns corporate headquarters in the last lush years at Time Maga- somehow deduced from my mim- Middle America could easily di- television is a booming industry
Manhattan, a symbolic coup de zine, when almost all of the Time icry that I was management mate- gest them. The internet obviated and I’m in my second season as a
grace. But the company’s decline Inc. titles — Sports Illustrated, rial, and began offering me all that function and the AOL deal, writer on a popular show. Without
was long in the making, steady and Fortune, Entertainment Weekly, sorts of jobs. To Time Inc.’s credit, finalized in 2000, was both vision- adjusting for inflation, I made
unremitting. And in retrospect, People — made money, lots and the higher-ups were always look- ary and tragic in that CEO Gerald more money as a writer at Time
the cracks in the foundation were lots of it. They gave me an organi- ing to promote writers and editors Levin saw the future coming, but Magazine in 1999.
present even during the boom zation chart, that first week, that of color. totally misread how to play it. You can’t blame us for enjoying
years. included everything Time-Warner I was eventually made the We became a magazine com- it while it lasted, even if our enjoy-
At Time Inc.’s flagship maga- owned. There were TV networks, editor of Time Asia, based in Hong pany attached to a dial-up com- ment is why it couldn’t last.
zine, there was no orientation, no news channels, a movie studio, Kong, with a circulation of 450,000, pany as the whole world was get-
instruction, no one to welcome me sports franchises, record labels, a staff of a few hundred, and bu- ting wired for high-speed internet. Karl Taro Greenfeld is a writer
to the empty offices on my first book publishers, comic book pub- reaus all over Asia. I had a housing We didn’t have the reflexes to on “Ray Donovan.” His latest
day. I was one of a dozen or so lishers, even a wrestling league. allowance — the company rented survive in this new newsgathering novel, “True,” is due out in June.

George ‘Solastalgia’
North is strikes the
famous Winter Olympics
at last By Auden Schendler

t a cross-country ski
area outside of Carbon-
dale, Colo., the thin
track was recently re-
VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN freshed with a meager

two inches of snow. Yet people were
lagiarism is impossible out in droves, delighting in all man-
to avoid. Unless you ner of snow sliding. It was a hot
speak glossolalicly — “in January day, so blistering that a lo-
tongues”— your words, cal rancher called it beautiful “for
phrases and systems of April.”
metaphor are not your private Around one turn, some skiers
inventions. And if you’ve found had built two miniature snowmen.
yourself saying “cuck” or “double They had raisin eyes and stick Lars Baron Bongarts/Getty Images
down” or “take a knee” in the last Dennis Odom Knight Ridder Tribune arms, and they stood only 10 inches BODE MILLER , the most
year — as if they just suddenly high — scale replicas, really, an decorated American ski racer,
seemed right — you can be sure McCarthy says George North’s In a field of scholarship gener- homage to a past era of abundance. is outspoken about warming.
you inhaled those devilishly infec- work informed so much of Shake- ally thought to have been picked It didn’t matter. Give people even a
tious memes like second-hand speare’s that it seems the poet clean by critics and historians, little snow and they will find a way winter. One season doesn’t make a
smoke. leaned on it as a go-to resource. McCarthy’s discovery of this to celebrate being alive. trend, but even one dry year means
Some information analysts Unlike Thomas, though, George manuscript is a monumental It’s not much of a leap from hundreds of millions of dollars in
even believe that meme cam- never found fame. Better late contribution to both literary those two underweight snowmen losses.
paigns on social media, especially than never: McCarthy, with the studies and Shakespeare’s biog- to the Winter Olympics. Yes, the In a report that will be released
the tendentious ones circulated renowned Shakespeare scholar raphy. Michael Witmore, who Games are big business. But every after the Olympics, the nonprofit
by bots and trolls, compromise June Schlueter, published North’s directs the Folger Shakespeare Winter Olympian’s love of their Protect Our Winters finds that
our cognitive security, exploiting “A Brief Discourse of Rebellion Library in Washington, called it “a sport began with a childlike vision high-snow years in the U.S. pro-
mental vulnerabilities to false and and Rebels” on Friday. once-in-a-generation — or several of fun. That’s the real reason cli- duce, on average, an additional
dangerous narratives in the diso- How McCarthy found North’s generations — find.” mate change poses such a menac- $692.9 million in economic value
rientation of the Internet. quirky manuscript is a tale more At the same time, Ron Rosen- ing danger to winter sports: Rising and more than 11,750 additional
It’s well worth protecting Victorian than Elizabethan. The baum, the author of “The Shake- temperatures are threatening not jobs nationally. During low-snow
yourself against bombardments short version is that McCarthy, speare Wars,” cautions against just what we do, but who we are. years, snow country loses $1 billion
of propaganda. But have no who had developed an interest in making too much of Shake- There’s even a word for it: so- in value and more than 17,350 jobs
shame about being derivative. As Thomas North’s influence on speare’s influences. “I distrust the lastalgia. A climate scientist compared with an average season.
T.S. Eliot wrote, “Immature poets Shakespeare, saw a reference to tendency of source hunters to say friend, Elizabeth Burakowski, told Of course the numbers distract
imitate; mature poets steal; bad cousin George’s “A Brief Dis- the sources ‘explain’ Shake- me the term describes “the exist- from greater potential losses —
poets deface what they take, and course” online in an auction cata- speare,” Rosenbaum told me. ential distress caused by environ- afternoons of family sledding, the
good poets make it into some- log. A tantalizing note marked the “Sources are a distraction from mental change, the homesickness madness of skitching, the look of
thing better, or at least something work as potentially similar to the question raised by the plays felt when one is still at home. It is street lamps in a blizzard.
different.” Shakespeare. McCarthy called up themselves: what makes Shake- the unease one feels during those Olympic athletes are uniquely
On Thursday, literary clickbait Schlueter, and together they speare Shakespeare?” warm, snowless winters.” Today, positioned to sound alarms about
broke in the New York Times that enlisted a “manuscript detective,” Indeed, what makes any of us many lifelong winter athletes are climate change. Many of them al-
Shakespeare, a good poet, had a kind of Inspector Bucket of any of us if not our idiosyncratic familiar with solastalgia — and a ready do: Ski racing legends Ted
been caught red-handed in some libraries. The inspector finally interpretation of stock human lot of everyday Vermonters and Ligety and Steve Nyman; cross-
plagiaristic adventuring. (In dug up the treatise stashed under thoughts, words and deeds? Utahans and Californians are too. country skiers Kikkan Randall,
London, this was gossip hot a weird shelfmark at the British There’s a difference between The anxiety is justified. NASA Andy Newell and Simi Hamilton;
enough to hit the tabloids.) Using Library. The two fed North and making your own poetry from the scientists named 2017 the second- and snowboarders Jamie Ander-
software designed to nab kids Shakespeare into Wcopyfind — work of poets past, a sort of com- warmest on record, surpassed only son, Kelly Clark and Danny Davis.
who crib from SparkNotes, Den- the open-source catch-a-plagia- pliment, and property theft. by 2016. According to both NASA They represent a new breed of
nis McCarthy, a self-taught rist software — and voila. Recently, a journalist named Julie and the National Oceanic and At- competitor, focused almost as
Shakespearean, found that the Just one example of what they McDowall published a vivid piece mospheric Administration, 17 of much on the need to save their
language and ideas from an ob- found: North used the words in the Guardian about the dogs of the 18 hottest years have occurred craft as they are on the craft itself.
scure 1576 manuscript pervade “proportion,” “glass,” “feature,” Chernobyl, the site of the 1986 since 2001. Increasingly, their sponsors align.
some of Shakespeare’s most “fair,” “deformed,” “world,” “shad- nuclear catastrophe. She had Colder places and colder sea- Burton, the company that made
famous plays, including the “Now ow” and “nature” in a passage paid her own way for the trip, sons are changing faster than the U.S. snowboard team’s
is the winter of our discontent” about ugliness and beauty. A taken risks. Almost as soon as the warmer ones. NOAA has reported Olympic uniforms, is one of the
soliloquy, from “Richard III.” tidbit from North, with modern article appeared, the Daily Mail that since the turn of the 20th cen- most outspoken businesses about
Will’s finished! spellings: “To view our own pro- ripped it off, consigning McDow- tury, winter temperatures in the the perils of global warming.
JK, as the texters say; that’s portion in a glass, whose form and all’s name to a footnote. U.S. have increased at almost twice But we need more than leader-
short for infinite jest. feature, if we find fair and worthy, “I paid for my nuclear trip, and the rate of summer temperatures. ship from a few. The Olympics are
It’s well known that Shake- to frame our affections accord- the Guardian paid for the story.” Researchers at the University of an international stage from which
speare built every single one of his ingly, if otherwise she have by skill McDowall told me. “The Mail Waterloo predict that, by 2050, 9 athletes can demand action from
plays, except possibly “The Tem- or will deformed our outward have made no effort here. They're out of 21 former Winter Olympic the countries they represent and
pest,” from source material. “King appearance and left us odible to simply parasites.” sites will be too warm to host the mobilize their sponsors and fans.
Lear,” as Harvard English profes- the eye of the world.” That’s odible. But years ago, games. Pyeongchang, fortunately, This year, all the Olympians com-
sor Stephen Greenblatt and (Mental note: Use “odible” as my writing partner came across is one of the predictably cold ones, peting in Pyeongchang should be
others have shown, draws from a soon as possible.) this sentence in a magazine: though organizers still expect this vocal in some way — every last one.
1603 Montaigne essay about Then Shakespeare used the “Most plagiarees are secretly year’s games will require man- The Olympics are about
clingy old men. Shakespeare also same words in almost the same pleased.” Even as he knew that made snow. achievement and execution, about
took ideas from Chaucer, Spenser sequence in the opening to “Rich- wasn’t entirely true — most writ- The athletes grasp the full pushing the limits of human phys-
and, above all, Plutarch, whose ard III.” The difference between ers have been burned by a plagia- scope of global warming. Bode ical ability.
ideas Shakespeare filched from North and Shakespeare is that rist at least once — he trimmed Miller, the most decorated Ameri- Pyeongchang, more than any
an English translation by Sir North used the words to make a out the line, framed it and hung it can Olympic ski racer, recently told other winter games in the past, will
Thomas North. banal point about how homely over his desk. He liked the long “e” the Colorado Springs Gazette: also be about other limits: how
The difference this time is that people ought to cultivate inner sounds. But he also liked the idea “We’re dealing with a climate issue much humans will allow global
the source text is not by a lumi- beauty, whereas Shakespeare — someone else’s idea, which he that’s massive, and it’s going to temperatures to rise and the will-
nary such as Plutarch, but a used them to show that Richard, made his own. screw everything up. If you’re not ingness of elite athletes to use their
schmo courtier to Queen Eliza- who sees himself as exiled from There is little doubt that for- on the cutting edge of that, you’re power, money and global platform
beth named George North. Pay- beauty and pleasure, has doubled merly forgotten courtier George going to get toasted.” to save their livelihoods, and ours.
ing attention? Yes, George North down on villainy. North — now the biggest name in It’s fair to say that American ski
was likely a cousin to Thomas, the There’s more. “Macbeth,” Shakespeare news — is post- areas already are getting toasted. Auden Schendler is a senior vice
Plutarch translator, which is “King Lear,” “Henry V” and sev- humously pleased. Unseasonably warm temperatures president of Aspen Skiing Co. and
perhaps how Shakespeare found eral other Shakespeare plays and limited snow delayed resort a board member of Protect Our
George and vaped his words. show North’s influence. Twitter: @page88 openings across the country this Winters.
L AT I ME S . CO M S S U N DAY, F E B RUA RY 11, 2 018 A19


Associated Press

IMMIGRANTS wait in line at Ellis Island in this undated photograph. About 16 million people came to the United States through the facility between 1892 and 1924.

Missing from the debate: receipts

By Jennifer Mendelsohn tions: they worked 12 jobs and never 15 of the 43 cities studied, more than and courageous of the community

y friend Brian used
The current nativist took a penny of assistance from
anyone. They effortlessly adapted
half of the charity recipients were
from which he came,” bemoaned
the Atlantic 145 years later. “Today
to tell a charming furor is shrouded by a to American life, casting off all Surely none of their descen- the presumption is completely re-
story about the deri-
vation of his last
puzzling selective traces of their native countries and
burning the midnight oil to learn
dants could possibly be among
those now bashing immigrants for
versed.” Those words were pub-
lished, incidentally, before Presi-
name. His paternal amnesia. English as soon as possible. Oh, and not learning English and draining dent Trump’s Scottish mother and
grandfather had been born “Dam.” they walked to school uphill both the social services system, right? Vice President Pence’s Irish grand-
But upon arriving at Ellis Island, ways while carrying a hot potato. The current nativist furor is father had even been born in their
the first thing Grandpa Harry saw five years older than she let on and “Legal Italian immigrants didn’t shrouded by a puzzling selective respective countries.
was a fruit seller, so he changed his that Cousin Harold had a shotgun wave Italian flags coming into amnesia. The founding narrative of I’ve seen this particular trope
name on a whim to Fruchter, later wedding. We know that Uncle Mor- America,” reads one social media our country is an immigrant narra- play out in my own family: my
changed again to the more easily ris, who passed himself off as meme. “They didn’t riot and try to tive. “American culture” is an evolv- “greenhorn” grandfather, who ar-
spelled Frazer. British even to his children, was stop the election process. They ing amalgam — one built by eradi- rived in 1920, was belittled by his
At least that was the story until I born Jewish in Riga, Latvia. In ge- didn’t try to make Americans speak cating native cultures and exploit- American wife’s sisters, who
offered to help Brian with his family nealogy, we always have receipts. Italian. They learned English.” ing slave labor, to boot — so that the thought he was beneath them. One
tree a few years ago. I found his And it’s receipts that are sorely The objective truth that definition of “American” is always of those sisters was born in New
grandfather’s birth record from missing from the current debate emerges from census documents, going to be a subjective moving tar- York City in 1895, a mere four years
Navariya, a town in the former Aus- over immigration policy. I’ve naturalization papers, ships’ mani- get, at best. after her mother had stepped off
tro-Hungarian province of Galicia. watched in dismay as the rhetoric fests and the like is nuanced and Of course, nativism is nothing the boat from Ukraine. If that kind
Harry’s name at birth had in fact has become both increasingly messy. Besides, crowing about “le- new. Every generation of newly as- of entitlement can breed in just four
been Dam. But “Fruchter” was fraught and increasingly divorced gal” immigration from Europe prior similated Americans has looked years, imagine what can happen in
clearly listed on that 1904 document from reality, with policy positions to1924 is essentially meaningless, as down upon the next and considered 50 years. Or 100. Or 250.
as well: it was his mother’s maiden justified by little more than varia- there were almost no laws in place pulling up the ladder behind them; When Rep. Steve King of Iowa
name. And “Fruchter” was actually tions of urban legend-ish “fruit for immigrants to break. it’s practically a rite of passage. asks how we can restore “our” civili-
the surname printed on Harry’s seller” stories. Were our immigrant forebears Benjamin Franklin, for instance, zation with “somebody else’s ba-
Polish passport and the name he Contemporary immigrants are all model Americans? Spend any worried that the Germans in Penn- bies,” I say: “How do we define ‘our,’
had given when he boarded the S.S. demonized as bottom feeders living time perusing census records and sylvania would “shortly be so nu- exactly?” King’s grandmother was
Paris in Le Havre to come to the off “handouts,” uninterested in as- you’ll see that many early 20th cen- merous as to Germanize us instead once one of those very babies, arriv-
United States in 1930, before ever similation. They skulk their way tury immigrants never learned to of our Anglifying them, and will ne- ing steerage at Ellis Island from
setting foot on Ellis Island. It was all into the country through what the speak English, some of them even ver adopt our Language or Cus- Germany in1894 with her family. It’s
right there in black and white. right now calls “chain migration,” after living here for decades. In 1911, toms, any more than they can ac- all there on the ship’s manifest for
“Fruit seller” indeed. dragging unsavory associates a congressional commission pub- quire our Complexion.” “Shortly?” the SS New York, which indicates
Myths and secrets — some be- across the border with them. As lished the results of a comprehen- That was in 1751. (The reference to they were headed to the United
nign in the “fruit seller” vein, some Mara Liasson of National Public sive three-year study of immigra- complexion is hardly coincidental, States for a “protracted sojourn.” I
far more explosive — can burrow Radio put it, “The message is immi- tion. Of more than 246,000 immi- either, as racism plays an undeni- feel confident there wasn’t a fruit
themselves into family narratives grants are coming here to kill us.” grants working in mines and manu- ably troubling role in our immigra- seller in sight.
with surprising ferocity. But geneal- (For the record, those “migrants” facturing, for instance, only slightly tion history.)
ogists come along and unpack are people, and the “chain” they are more than half, 53.2%, were able to “Fifty, even thirty years ago, Jennifer Mendelsohn is a
them. We turn up the hidden arrest part of is more often called a family.) speak English. Didn’t take hand- there was a rightful presumption Baltimore-based writer and the
records and the never-discussed Immigrants of old, on the other outs? The same commission found regarding the average immigrant creator of #resistancegenealogy, a
babies who died in infancy. We know hand, are beatified with nostalgic that, nationwide, roughly 38% of that he was among the most enter- project that highlights the unifying
that Great-Aunt Sadie was really but grossly simplified generaliza- charity was given to immigrants. In prising, thrifty, alert, adventurous, nature of our immigrant past.

What students know that experts don’t

Ponder this: If a student wants to convince firms you’re worthy of em- ers find that only explains 20% of graduation. Yet parents, teachers,
School is all about study at Princeton, he doesn’t ployment, cheating has a slew of the workforce’s rising education. politicians and researchers urge
really need to apply or pay tuition. victims. The cheater who success- What explains the remaining 80%? you to finish, promising ample ca-
signaling, not skill-building He can simply show up and start fully impersonates a good student Employers’ expectations have ris- reer rewards for your efforts. De-
taking classes. As a professor, I as- doesn’t just rip off whoever hires en across the board. Waiter, bar- spite the many college graduates
By Bryan Caplan sure you that we make near-zero ef- him. He also taints the prospects of tender, cashier, security guard: who end up working as waiters, the

fort to stop unofficial education; in- all his peers who toiled for their de- These are now common jobs for experts are, on average, right: Di-
arents, teachers, politi- deed, the rare, earnestly curious grees. those with bachelor’s degrees. plomas pay well. What experts mis-
cians and researchers student touches our hearts. At the Researchers consistently find Despite all these tell-tale signs understand is why. Instead of scru-
tirelessly warn today’s end of four years at Princeton, that most of education’s payoff of signaling, many of my fellow re- tinizing what schools really teach,
youths about the unfor- though, the guerrilla student would comes from graduation, from searchers refuse to take the idea se- they rush to a just-so story in which
giving job market that lack one precious thing: a diploma. crossing the academic finish line. riously. Sure, signaling seems to fit schools transform low-skilled stu-
awaits them. If they want to suc- The fact that almost no one tries The last year of high school is worth our firsthand experience. Yet why dents into high-skilled graduates.
ceed in tomorrow’s economy, they this route — saving hundreds of more than the first three; the last would profit-seeking employers Students, much closer to the ac-
can’t just coast through school. thousands of dollars along the way year of college is worth more than base their decisions on mere cre- tion, see what’s going on: As long as
They have to soak up precious — is a strong sign that students double the first three. This is hard dentials instead of potential to per- they have good grades and finish
knowledge like a sponge. But even understand the value of certifica- to explain if employers are paying form well on the job? their degrees, employers care little
as adulthood approaches, students tion over actual learning. for acquired skills; do schools really To start, employers can’t readily about what they’ve learned.
rarely heed this advice. Most treat You can see the same priorities wait until senior year to impart use- judge your job performance until Does it matter why education
high school and college like a game, when students pick their classes. ful training? Or consider how differ- they actually hire you — and they pays? At the individual level,
not an opportunity to build lifelong Students notoriously seek out ently employers treat failing a class can only hire a tiny fraction of their barely. Excel in school, impress em-
skills. “easy A’s” — professors who give versus forgetting one. If you flunk a applicants. If they ignore less-cre- ployers, profit; the recipe works.
Is it possible that students are high grades in exchange for little class, plenty of employers will trash dentialed prospects, they may lose Socially speaking, though, the why
on to something? There is a mas- work. On the popular Rate My Pro- your application. But if you pass a few good workers but they save is all-important. If, as experts
sive gap between school and work, fessor website, students evaluate that same class, then forget every- tons of precious time. preach, students are building a
between learning and earning. classes’ “easiness” but not “useful- thing you learned, employers will And once they hire, it usually stockpile of precious skills, taxpay-
While the labor market rewards ness” or “relevance.” And when pro- shrug. makes sense to stand pat. Suppose ers are getting a solid return on
good grades and fancy degrees, fessors cancel lectures, students These behaviors make perfect a well-credentialed worker turns their money. But if students’ first-
most of the subjects schools re- don’t demand a refund, they cele- sense if — and only if — employers out to be mildly disappointing. hand experience tells the real story,
quire simply aren’t relevant on the brate. Because future employers are eager to detect workers who du- Summarily firing him would be bad taxpayers are mostly fueling a futile
job. Literacy and numeracy are vi- don’t monitor faculty attendance, tifully conform to social expecta- business, because replacement arms race. Generous government
tal, but few of us use history, poetry, every canceled lecture is a chance tions. In a society where parents, takes time, and time is money. A support has caused massive cre-
higher mathematics or foreign lan- to party in the present without teachers and peers glorify gradua- subpar worker may therefore profit dential inflation. Educational aus-
guages after graduation. The main hurting job prospects in the future. tion, failing classes and dropping from his credentials for years. In- terity is the simplest path back to
reason firms reward education is Academics and administrators out are deviant acts. deed, because few firms are run by an economy in which serious on-
because it certifies (or “signals”) also sense the importance of signal- One of the most glaring perver- unfeeling robots, even incompetent the-job learning starts during high
brains, work ethic and conformity. ing, even if they won’t admit it. Why sities of the modern labor market is workers often enjoy handsome school — not after college.
It’s therefore sensible, if un- else would they bother to combat credential inflation. While the edu- educational payoffs because their
seemly, for students to focus more cheating? If school were merely a cation workers need to do a job is employers are too squeamish to Bryan Caplan is professor of
on going through the motions than place for students to invest in their quite stable, the education they dismiss them. economics at George Mason
acquiring knowledge. skills, cheaters would literally “only need to get a job has skyrocketed Education is a weird industry. University and author of “The Case
Almost everyone pays lip serv- be cheating themselves,” spending since the 1940s. Sure, the average You study arcane subjects year af- Against Education: Why the
ice to the glories of education, but time and tuition for naught. If, how- job is more intellectually demand- ter year, knowing you’ll never use Education System Is a Waste of
actions speak louder than words. ever, school is primarily a place to ing than it once was, but research- most of what you learned after Time and Money.”

When we are united, together, we are at our best. But today our world,
our country, even our communities are as divided as they have ever been.

No one seems to have time or tolerance for anyone with an opinion

differing from their own. Turn on the news or flip through your phone
and it seems as though someone or something is trying to drive us apart.

Those forces will not succeed because you can’t break the human spirit,
which at its core is indivisible.

As a proud sponsor of Team USA and a company rooted in sport, we are

fortunate enough to see humanity at its best every single day … on fields,
rinks, courts, tracks, diamonds, gridirons, bleachers and in locker rooms.
Sport shows us that the similarities that bind us are infinitely stronger
than the differences that divide us. It is the diversity of race, religion and
gender that truly moves us forward, together.

For 17 days, as Team USA and the world compete in the 2018 Olympic
Winter Games, we will put our differences aside and simply play games.

We will play with excitement and pride. We will play by the rules.
And we will play with sportsmanship and respect for our opponents.

For 17 days, the world will be united by the joy and spirit of sport.

Sport has the power to bring us together as one community, one country
and one world. Sport has always been one of the great uniters.

The Olympic Winter Games will show those divisive forces that they are
fighting a losing battle. We will see how the human spirit can be lifted to
new heights. We will see that when we are united, we are at our best.

So let us remember the power sport has to unite us as one race ... the
human race, living together with respect, tolerance and love.
Not just for 17 days every two years, but always.


Edward W. Stack
Chairman & CEO
DICK’S Sporting Goods

CALIFORNIA S U N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 8 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

Inglewood’s waste-
collection contract
went to a firm that
hired mayor’s brother.
By Kim Christensen

When the Inglewood City

Council approved a $100-mil-
lion waste-collection con-
tract in 2012, the job went not
to the low bidder but to an-
other company with higher
fees — and a link to Mayor
James Butts Jr.
Consolidated Disposal
Services landed the 10-year
contract that June, about
three months after it hired
the mayor’s brother, Photographs by Al Seib Los Angeles Times
Michael Butts, as a $72,000- ALISON HARDEY, left, owner of Jeannine’s bakery and restaurant in Montecito, hugs Nancy Read, who has yet to return to her home.

In Montecito, a bakery
a-year operations manager.
The timing was no coinci-
dence, according to a previ-
ously undisclosed complaint
filed that year with the Los
Angeles County district at-
torney’s office. The com-

warms a shattered town

plaint alleged that “as a con-
dition for his support,” the
mayor asked bidders to hire
his unemployed brother.
One of the bidders con-
firmed that account.
“I don’t remember the ex-
act language, but the con-
text was, ‘It would be favor-
able for you if you could find
my brother a job,’ ” Gary For residents traumatized by fire and flood, Jeannine’s reopening is a sign of resilience
Clifford, executive vice presi-
dent at Athens Services, the STEVE LOPEZ There were hugs, tears and
[See Butts, B6] smiles too.
MONTECITO, Calif. Retirees Tom Konig and Bob
— Alison Hardey got Hirsch took an outdoor table, next
to work early Friday to the disaster-relief bulletin board

morning, about 6:30, and volunteer sign-up sheet, with
to prepare for the big their coffee and cinnamon rolls.
day. “The most important thing is
“People were that I’ve never seen a community

waiting outside,” she come together like this,” said
said, and when the Hirsch.
doors opened at 7 Across the street was the real
a.m., about 20 people stepped to estate office of 61-year-old Rebecca

seeks a
the counter to order breakfast. Riskin, who perished when a wall of
It wasn’t necessarily hunger mud crashed through her home.
that brought the locals back to “We both lost a dear friend,”
Jeannine’s bakery and restaurant, Konig said of Riskin. “Her husband

which had been closed since the was on the roof of their house and
silence was shattered and the got saved, but she got washed
illusion of safety buried under walls away.”
of mud, ash, boulders and debris in There will be no closure in Mon-
the early morning hours of Jan. 11. tecito, where people will never
It was the need to know that forget the thunderous violence of
something normal, familiar and the mudslides that killed 21 people
By Anna M. Phillips, comforting was possible again. The and ripped away homes.
Howard Blume reopening of Hardey’s family- “But I believe this is a fabulous
and Joy Resmovits owned restaurant was a sign of community, and it’ll come back,”
hope and resilience. said Hirsch.
Less than two years after Hardey placed spring flowers on Jaime Hernandez, a 39-year-old
members of the L.A. school the deck as a symbol of rebirth. HARDEY , right, visits with Julie McKinley and therapy dog waiter, came by to say hello to
board chose a superintend- Like a lotus coming up through the Jameson. She thinks about the way the disaster has been a hum- Konig, who stepped up as a donor
ent from the district’s ranks, mud, she said. bling equalizer, uniting one and all like never before. [See Lopez, B5]
they now find themselves in

Mudflow holds lessons for future

search of a new one — and
the task may be harder than
The nation’s second-larg-
est school system has a diz-
zying array of problems, but
the board is divided on how
to solve them. Meanwhile,
there aren’t many candi- Scientists analyze the path of last month’s destruction to better predict such disasters
dates considered qualified
for such a daunting job, and have been done to get people
those who are may be get- By Joseph Serna out of harm’s way before the
ting other offers. mud and debris inundated
The challenge of improv- A wall of sandstone boul- homes.
ing large urban school dis- ders, some the size of RVs, Santa Barbara County
tricts — and of keeping the barreled through Montecito, released conflicting evacua-
job for more than a year or followed by a growing tail of tion instructions that left
two — can be seen in the job water, mud and debris. the hardest-hit neighbor-
openings. New York City, the On its way to the ocean, hoods out of mandatory
nation’s largest school sys- the mudflow’s momentum evacuation zones. It did not
tem, also is searching for a shifted as it choked creeks send out Amber Alert-style
superintendent. So was Chi- and slammed into curbs, bulletins to cellphones until
cago, the third-largest dis- walls and buildings. the mudslides had begun.
trict, until a new leader re- Trying to make sense of By then, it was too late for
cently was hired. the flow’s path, which left residents to flee.
Being a superintendent more than 20 people dead On Thursday, Sheriff Bill
today is a “very different job and destroyed scores of Brown announced changes
than 10 or 20 years ago,” said homes Jan. 9, scientists sur- aimed at better preparing
Randi Weingarten, presi- veyed the area days after the residents for fires and
dent of the American Fed- slide. They noted that a pre- floods.
eration of Teachers. There dicted rainstorm’s unex- “Was what we did suffi-
are “lots of high expecta- pected ferocity combined cient on January the 8th? …
tions, few resources and very with the community’s un- Obviously, in retrospect, it
few people on the bench who usual geological makeup to was not,” Brown said.
really understand educa- maximize devastation. Beyond better prepara-
tion.” The work of the research- tions and evacuation plans,
Supt. Michelle King re- ers is part of a larger effort to scientists believe there are
cently announced that she better understand the dead- lessons in the flow of the
has cancer and will not re- liest flooding event in Cali- mud.
turn from medical leave. A fornia in several decades. Unlike other communi-
career district employee, her The death toll has sparked ties singed by fire and then
selection was considered an questions about why the U.S. Geological Survey visited by rain, the hills
attempt by board members mudslides were so intense USGS scientist Dennis Staley studies the aftermath of the deadly Jan. 9 mud- above Montecito are almost
[See LAUSD, B5] and whether more could slides. Montecito’s unique geology compounded the effects of a massive storm. [See Mudflows, B5]
B2 S U N DAY , FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. CO M


It’s no longer a sign for the times

The “immigrant cross- what investing in border
Last of the iconic ing” signs have become security can do, he said.
obsolete, said Cathryne “I grew up in Los Ange-
freeway placards Bruce-Johnson, a spokes- les, and I remember those
warning to watch for woman for the California signs as a kid coming down
Department of Transporta- here,” Wilson said. “What it
immigrants is gone. tion. The department symbolizes to me is how out
stopped replacing the signs of control things were before
years ago because it con- we put in the infrastructure
structed fences along medi- with Operation Gatekeep-
While politicians are ans to deter people from er.”
embroiled in a polarized running across highways. Operation Gatekeeper, a
national debate over immi- The last sign, which ramped-up enforcement
gration, an iconic road sign stood on the side of the 5 strategy implemented along
cautioning drivers near the Freeway near the San the San Diego border in the
San Diego border to watch Ysidro border crossing, mid-’90s, shifted migrant
for migrants running across vanished in September. routes east over mountains
the freeway has quietly “It’s gone,” Bruce-John- and through deserts.
disappeared. son said. “Caltrans crews Pedro Rios, director of
did not remove it, so it’s the U.S.-Mexico Border
assumed stolen.” Program for the American
Signs are more often Friends Service Committee,
damaged or vandalized advocates for migrant
Lottery results than stolen, Bruce-Johnson rights and opposes Trump’s
For Friday, Feb. 9, 2018 said, but when they are immigration policies.
Mega Millions taken, there isn’t much John Gastaldo San Diego Union-Tribune Rios said he remem-
Mega number is bold Caltrans can do to get them THE LAST “immigrant crossing” sign stood next to the 5 Freeway near the San bered clearly when the signs
28-34-41-46-47—Mega 14 back. Ysidro border crossing. The signs became obsolete, a Caltrans spokeswoman said. were installed and the
Jackpot: $136 million California Highway deaths that were happening
California winners per category: Patrol Sgt. Dan Kyle said The yellow sign’s image struggle for a lot of things — “Some people see that along the border.
No. of Amount that officers who worked has been the source of con- for opportunities, for free- sign and think, ‘My God, “If there are no more
winners of prize(s) during the years before the troversy, with some seeing it dom.” this is a sign that represents Caltrans immigrant cross-
5 + Mega 0 — fences were added recalled as an offensive caricature of Caltrans installed 10 how our immigration policy ing signs left, I think it will
5 0 — responding weekly to fatal Mexican immigrants. signs, focusing on areas has just failed, and we’ve reflect a reality about immi-
4 + Mega 1 $18,217 collisions between cars and Justin Akers Chacón, a such as San Ysidro and the put people in this vulnera- gration that overzealous
4 38 $539 immigrants on the freeway professor of Chicano studies San Clemente checkpoint, ble position such that we politicians fail to acknowl-
3 + Mega 114 $204 in San Ysidro. at San Diego City College, where migrants were known have to have a road sign so edge when advocating for
3 2,568 $10 Fewer people have tried said critics of the sign’s to cross the interstate on people don’t run them over increasing border enforce-
2 + Mega 2,399 $10 to sneak into the U.S. over imagery felt that it dehu- foot frequently. on the highway,’ ” Meade ment measures — that
1 + Mega 18,372 $4
the last two decades, fur- manized migrants by lik- The silhouette of a man said. migration into the United
Mega only 44,702 $2
ther decreasing the need for ening them to animals. with a mustache and a Others take it as a sign of States has been at a decline
Winning jackpot ticket(s) sold in other the crossing signs. Critics also were bo- woman in a dress running an out-of-control border, since at least the year 2000,
states: None
Both in San Diego and thered by the way the sign’s with their young daughter, Meade said, and that per- and perhaps longer than
For Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 across the Southwest bor- message fit into the immi- her hair in pigtails flying ception contributed to that,” Rios said.
SuperLotto Plus der, the number of people gration enforcement sys- behind her, has been repur- support for movements He pointed out that
Mega number is bold caught crossing into the tem. “The deaths of migrant posed by different sides of such as California’s Pro- Operation Gatekeeper
27-32-33-41-42—Mega 7 U.S. has dropped dramati- crossers was treated as an the immigration debate position 187, which barred didn’t mean that fewer
Jackpot: $8 million cally in the 21st century. The acceptable consequence of over the years. immigrants here illegally migrants were dying trying
federal government esti- the enforcement model, not Those on the restriction- from the public education to cross the border. The
Powerball mates the number of people a reflection of the failure of ist side use the image to system and from public number of border crossing
Powerball number is bold
trying to cross into the U.S. the model,” Akers Chacón symbolize an unruly border, health services, except for deaths increased signifi-
1-13-27-41-59—Powerball 20 based on the number of said. adding guns or nuclear emergency care required by cantly, but they were away
Jackpot: $184 million people caught entering An early version of the bombs to political cartoons federal law. A federal judge from major cities and out of
Fantasy Five: 9-11-12-24-35 illegally, so fewer apprehen- sign was entirely text: “Cau- of the sign. blocked the proposition public view.
sions means that fewer tion watch for people cross- Those who advocate for from taking effect. “Ironically, as Operation
Daily Four: 6-1-9-9 people are trying to slip in. ing road.” Motorists weren’t migrants have reworked the Even the sign’s disap- Gatekeeper pushed mi-
Daily Three (midday): 1-4-0 In San Diego, Border able to read and process sign as a family of pilgrims pearance caused split reac- grants into less-populated
Patrol agents apprehended that sign quickly enough, so or college graduates. tions among those in the desert and mountainous
Daily Three (evening): 2-2-0
26,086 people in fiscal 2017, Caltrans asked artist John “There’s only a handful of political debate. areas, fewer migrants died
Daily Derby: an 83% drop from the 151,681 Hood to design an image to really iconic images that Joshua Wilson, vice crossing in the San Diego
(8) Gorgeous George people caught in fiscal 2000. convey the message. have been successfully president of the San Diego region, but this meant more
(9) Winning Spirit Across the Southwest, “It doesn’t just mean mobilized for the purposes chapter of the National migrants were in peril in the
(5) California Classic the Border Patrol appre- they are running across the of immigration politics,” Border Patrol Council, has less-visible treacherous
Race time: 1:46.03 hended 1.6 million people in freeway,” Hood told the said Everard Meade, direc- supported President crossing routes,” Rios said.
Results on the internet: fiscal 2000, according to Union-Tribune in 2005, tor of the Trans Border Trump’s restrictionist
www.latimes.com/lottery data from the agency. describing his choice of Institute at the University of immigration policies. kate.morrissey
General information: In fiscal 2017, agents imagery. “It means they are San Diego. “The thing with Wilson said he sees not @sduniontribune.com
(800) 568-8379 apprehended 303,916 people, running from something these symbols is that the needing the signs anymore Morrissey writes for the San
(Results not available at this number) an 82% decrease. else as well. I think it’s a response is 50-50. as a positive thing. It shows Diego Union-Tribune.
L AT I ME S . CO M S S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 B3


Months later,
high court still
lacks 7th judge

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown’s answer to a re-

porter’s question during a January news conference was
both evasive and, by the end, unflinchingly honest. The
topic was his search for a new California Supreme Court
“It’s going very well,” Brown said cagily. “I’m searching
my mind very carefully.”
Moments later came the bottom line: “I’ve appointed
three. The fourth could be very decisive.”
It’s now been almost six months since former Justice
Kathryn Werdegar retired after more than 23 years, one of
the longest runs in state history. And it wasn’t as though
she quit suddenly, having given Brown more than five
months’ notice. But summer turned to fall and now win-
ter, and the governor has still not appointed someone to
take Werdegar’s place, leaving the court with six of its sev-
en members. There is no deadline for Brown to make his
This kind of cautious approach — on a decision that Randall Benton Sacramento Bee
will profoundly affect California’s highest court — is per- REP. TOM McCLINTOCK , center, is escorted from an event last year. The Elk Grove lawmaker is among the
haps one of the most significant changes between Brown California Republicans being targeted by Democrats who are hoping to regain control of the U.S. House.

GOP incumbents far

1.0, the man who governed from 1975 to 1983, and Brown
2.0, who’s been on the job since 2011.
In his first tour of duty, Brown appointed seven jus-
tices, one shy of the record held jointly by his father, the
late Gov. Edmund “Pat” Brown, and Gov. George Deuk-
mejian. But it was the 1977 selection of a chief justice who
had never been a judge, Rose Bird, that left a lingering im-

behind in fundraising
pression about the man who selected her. Criticized for
relying on her personal beliefs as much as the law on top-
ics like the death penalty, Bird was removed by voters in
1986. Two other Brown appointees also were dismissed in
that election.
Brown, who also served as California’s attorney gen-
eral from 2007 to 2010, has appeared more deliberate in his
choices this time around: Justices Goodwin Liu, Mari-
ano-Florentino Cuéllar and Leondra Kruger. The gover- crowded primaries, but it’s For the first time this even stretches to Republi-
nor again has selected men and women who had not pre- Challengers gather also likely that many of the election cycle, three Repub- can strongholds where
viously served as judges. And the three justices he’s al- ads, mailers and campaign licans reported having less Democrats aren’t expected
ready chosen have the kind of legal resumes that seem to historic amounts of messages will focus instead money in the bank than to make inroads in 2018,
align with Brown’s cerebral approach to the law and gov- campaign cash in bids on the already-vulnerable some of their challengers, a including Rep. Doug
erning. Republicans they are trying sign of trouble because in- LaMalfa’s district along the
While voters must agree to retain California Supreme to unseat Republicans. to unseat. Donors who are cumbents have the advan- state’s northern border and
Court justices at least every 12 years, Brown’s current ap- getting engaged early also tage of carrying over money Rep. Paul Cook’s district
pointees are in their 40s and poised to serve long enough could consolidate behind a they’ve socked away in pre- along the southern Nevada
to become one of his greatest legacies. By Christine Mai-Duc single Democratic candi- vious elections. Rep. Dana state line.
A number of items on the 2018 docket for the high court and Sarah D. Wire date once the field dwindles. Rohrabacher, who hasn’t
pose fascinating questions about life and work in the built up much of a war chest, $4,050,672
Golden State. From cases on the rules regarding over- WASHINGTON — If $22.5 million ended 2017 with a bank ac- How much money the
time pay to local taxation to potential liabilities in the Democrats are going to re- The total that the Demo- count balance that was Democratic challengers
world of online advertising, the six justices could no doubt gain control of the U.S. cratic challengers in the key $120,000 less than his closest gave or loaned their own
use some help. House and return Nancy races raised in 2017. That’s competitor, Harley Rouda. campaigns in the last three
And then there are a handful of cases involving public Pelosi to the speakership, nearly double the $13.9 mil- Rep. Duncan Hunter’s months of 2017.
employee pensions, cases that have sparked great inter- they must forge a path lion raised last year by GOP fundraising last quarter was There are more than a
est in California’s political world. The justices will be through California. incumbents who are sup- particularly anemic. Hunter few millionaires seeking to
asked to rule on the core premise of the state’s long- A close look at the latest posed to benefit from clout raised just $50,000 in the last unseat Republicans this cy-
standing principle that pension promises made on the money picture in the com- and name recognition that three months of 2017 (with cle, most of them in Orange
day a public sector worker is hired can’t be taken back, petitive congressional races often allows them to raise just a single contribution County, In total, 23 of 53
even if that employee won’t retire until years later. shows Democratic candi- large amounts from political from someone living in his Democrats running in the 10
In one of the cases, Brown has filed his own brief to de- dates already are raising his- action committees and district). That’s less than most competitive districts
fend a 2012 law he signed that eliminated a pension perk toric amounts of money, wealthy donors. what two Democrats and pumped their own money
boosting retirement benefits. The person he’s soon to se- even in unexpected districts. We’ll say that again in even a Republican challeng- into their campaigns last
lect could be a key vote on that very case. Here are a few major case it didn’t sink in: Califor- er raised over the same time. quarter.
Which gets us back to what the governor said about takeaways by the numbers, nia Democrats have raised Granted, the FBI is inves-
this next state Supreme Court pick being decisive. “I want which suggest a Democratic nearly two times as much tigating whether Hunter $5 million
to understand how that decisiveness should work,” wave could indeed be on the money as the Republicans misused campaign funds. How much Democratic
Brown told reporters. So, too, do a lot of other Califor- horizon: they are trying to oust. He also spent more than candidates raised from indi-
nians. It’s anyone’s guess when the governor will come to The reports cover fund- three times what he raised in vidual donors in three
that understanding. 18 raising through Dec. 31, be- the fourth quarter on legal months.
The number of Demo- fore Reps. Darrell Issa of fees. That’s nearly three times
john.myers@latimes.com cratic challengers who Vista and Ed Royce of Ful- Democrats whose dis- the $1.7 million that Republi-
raised more than $500,000 by lerton said they wouldn’t tricts have been identified as can incumbents raised from
the end of 2017. seek reelection. Their cash is top priorities for the GOP to individual donors in the
GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN That’s a staggering num- included in the total, which flip are not having the same same time period. Even the
ber of candidates compared means the Republicans problems, maintaining heal- $1.4 million the Republicans

Republican puts $1M with previous years. Just

four challengers in the 10
jumping into these races will
have to raise funds at a
thy cash leads as of Dec. 31.

raised from political action
committees and other

more of own cash in race

GOP-held seats we’re cur- breakneck pace to catch up groups was dwarfed by the
rently watching raised that to the Democrats by the The number of districts money challengers raised
much in the entire 2016 elec- June 5 primary. with surprisingly strong from donors.
Republican John Cox told supporters he is putting an- tion cycle. None of them had Democratic fundraising. Why does that matter?
other $1 million of his own money into his campaign, add- raised $500,000 by the end of 9 Democratic candidates Ask Bernie Sanders and his
ing to his financial advantage over his GOP rivals. the first year. The number of Califor- from Rohrabacher’s coastal army of small donors that
The move brings the businessman’s total investment By raising such substan- nia’s 14 Republican incum- Orange County turf, Hunt- had pundits talking about a
into his bid to $4 million — $1 million more than Republi- tial sums so early, these can- bents who were out-raised er’s inland San Diego revolution in the 2016 presi-
can Neel Kashkari spent on in the 2014 governor’s race. didates have passed a key by their opponents. County constituency and dential election. People will-
Despite Cox’s financial domination of his GOP rivals, test for demonstrating via- It’s no secret Democrats McClintock’s suburban- ing to give any amount to a
he is many millions behind the three top Democrats in the bility: amassing enough have put seven of these heavy Sacramento district campaign are more likely to
race, who also lead in the polls. Still, he is the first candi- money to run a competitive members of Congress on are all seeing surges in fund- knock on doors, put a sign in
date to buy radio and television ads. campaign and get their mes- lists of seats they are aiming ing despite Republican their yard and encourage
— Seema Mehta sages out to voters. to flip this fall. The numbers voter registration advan- others to vote.
Republican strategists suggest most of them either tages of at least 10 percent-
argue that Democrats are aren’t prepared for a poten- age points. sarah.wire@latimes.com
going to spend a lot of this tial wave or don’t seem to be The trend of challengers christine.maiduc
#METOO MOVEMENT money fighting each other in taking it seriously. out-raising incumbents @latimes.com

Harassment news in state

politics is closely watched ESSENTIALS

Nearly 60% of likely voters are closely following harass-

ment and misconduct allegations in Sacramento, accord- Minutes House Minority
ing to a new survey by the Public Policy Institute of Cali- Leader Nancy Pelosi spoke
fornia. By contrast, only around a third of likely voters say on the U.S. House floor
they’re closely tracking news in the governor’s race. Wednesday in a filibuster
PPIC’s poll found that 38% of adults approve of how over immigration
the matter has been handled; 36% disapprove. Demo-
crats are more likely to give legislative leaders high marks
— 52% said they approved of their actions — while just18%
of Republicans and 28% of independents felt that way. ‘Having yielded
—Melanie Mason
one minute to
the leader is the
>>> Right-wing blogger Mike Cernovich one minute
considers congressional run in California probably in the
history of this
>>> Voters divided over proposed measure institution.’
to repeal increase in gas tax, survey finds Bill Clark CQ Roll Call

—Rep. Maxine
R E C OR D- S ET T E R Waters,
>>> Feb. 6 to become Ronald Reagan Day, describing the parliamentary
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi leaves the chamber floor Wednesday
Gov. Jerry Brown declares after delivering a speech about immigration and “Dreamers” that lasted eight
maneuver used to allow Pelosi to
dominate the floor
Find these stories on our minute-by-minute newsfeed and hours and seven minutes. It was the longest speech ever given on the House
subscribe to the newsletter at latimes.com/essentialpoliticsemail floor. Go to latimes.com/essentialpolitics to find out what she ate afterward.
B4 S U N DAY, FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M ES . C O M


at CSU
Black first-generation
students struggle most
with food and housing
insecurity, report says.
By Teresa Watanabe

Cal State students who

are African American and
the first in their families to
attend college struggle most
with food and housing inse-
curity, including homeless-
ness, according to a new sur-
vey by the nation’s largest
public university system.
Researchers surveyed a
sample of the population at
all 23 Cal State campuses
and interviewed selected
Damian Dovarganes Associated Press students to explore their ex-
L.A. MAYOR Eric Garcetti and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hit the trail after a news conference at Griffith Observatory. periences in the two areas.

A neighborly morning stroll

The resulting report, re-
leased at a Cal State
conference in Sacramento
last week, found that about 2
in 10 African Americans who
were the first in their fam-
ilies to attend college at
times lacked a fixed, regular

In shorts and T-shirts, Canada’s Trudeau and L.A.’s Garcetti take a hike at Griffith Park and adequate place to stay
at night, which is among the
federal definitions of home-
degrees. be able to be successful — is way toward the Mt. Holly- The officer was treated lessness. That number was 1
By Brittny Mejia Garcetti thanked integral to keeping a strong wood hiking trail, starstruck for moderate injuries at a in 10 for surveyed students
Trudeau for the time he system,” Trudeau said. “So hikers and residents hospital. Trudeau and overall.
On his last stop in a spent connecting with key that’s continuing to be my snapped photos. Garcetti told reporters Sat- First-generation black
three-day visit to California, industries in California, em- message on immigration, Monica Santino, along urday that the officer was students also reported the
Canadian Prime Minister phasizing that the friend- that we are are an open and with Ron Basical and his doing well. highest rate of food insecuri-
Justin Trudeau met with ship with Canada is “criti- welcoming country, because wife, Kira, were outside the The mayor said the offi- ty. Nearly two-thirds of those
Los Angeles Mayor Eric cally important to us.” it’s our strength.” observatory when Trudeau cer suffered a broken clavi- surveyed said they lacked a
Garcetti on Saturday for an “This is the largest collec- “Amen,” Garcetti re- greeted them with a wave cle, “but he’s going to heal, consistent source of nutri-
early morning hike at Grif- tion of Canadians outside of sponded. and a hello. he’s going to be OK.” tious and varied food, com-
fith Park. Canada here in Southern Trudeau emphasized “He was super-friendly,” On Friday, Trudeau met pared with about 4 in 10 stu-
The two men, wearing California and we’re very that there has always been a said Santino, a Pasadena privately with Gov. Jerry dents across races.
shorts and T-shirts, met proud of that,” Garcetti said. strong relationship between resident. “He seems very Brown and Lt. Gov. Gavin Students said their
briefly with reporters at “It shows why these relation- Canada and the U.S. personable and very unas- Newsom in San Francisco to struggles to find adequate
Griffith Observatory. ships are so important at a “I continue to engage suming.” discuss economic, health- food and housing negatively
Garcetti noted that Canada time when we need to have regularly and constructively Nicholas Rachowicz, a care and environmental is- affected their academic per-
was a major trading partner more bridges and more con- with President Trump,” St. Louis resident, saw the sues. The day before, the formance and mental and
with the city. nections and not more divi- Trudeau said. “There’s prime minister on the trail. prime minister lobbied Sili- physical health, according to
“Mr. Prime Minister, it’s sions.” things we don’t agree on, but “He’s a real charismatic con Valley tech companies to the study by Rashida
such an honor to receive you Trudeau, alternating be- there’s a lot we do agree on leader,” he said, “someone invest more in Canada. Crutchfield of Cal State
here in Los Angeles,” tween French and English, as well, and looking for com- really to look up to. We need On the hike, Trudeau and Long Beach and Jennifer
Garcetti said, amid overcast answered a few questions mon ground and trying to more of that today.” Garcetti got a good workout Maguire of Humboldt State.
skies and cool temperatures. from reporters. At one point build shared prosperity here On Friday night, and learned that they had a The study marked the
“We brought a little Canadi- he touched on immigration, in North America is some- Trudeau spoke at the Ron- lot in common, Garcetti second phase of a sys-
an weather to make you feel calling it a “source of thing we agree very much ald Reagan Presidential Li- said. The mayor also man- temwide effort launched by
right at home.” strength.” on.” brary in Simi Valley. A Cali- aged to snag an invitation to Cal State Chancellor Timo-
“This isn’t Canadian “Canadians know that Afterward, Trudeau fornia Highway Patrol visit Trudeau in Canada. thy P. White in 2015 to ad-
weather,” Trudeau said with having a strong [immigra- joined Garcetti for the week- motorcycle officer accompa- “I might just take him up dress food and housing inse-
a laugh, not bothering to tion] process — where we en- end hike the mayor usually nying his motorcade was in- on that,” Garcetti said. curity among students.
mention that the overnight sure security, ensure that takes with friends and fam- jured in a crash after White released a separate re-
low back in Ottawa was 16 people coming are going to ily. As the pair made their Trudeau left the library. brittny.mejia@latimes.com port last week detailing how
each campus is offering sup-
Each campus, for in-

Ex-Guatemalan official charged with visa fraud

stance, now operates a food
pantry or food distribution
program, and a majority
provide short-term emer-
gency housing.
The problem is growing
murder in his home country and sentenced to two 30- from his defense attorney Dos Erres that left more nationwide but is particu-
By Joseph Serna when he successfully ap- year sentences, but both was not immediately re- than 200 men, women and larly acute in California,
plied for a lawful permanent were overturned on appeal turned Friday afternoon. He children dead. where rents in many campus
A former Guatemalan resident card, commonly and sent back to trial court faces up to 10 years in prison Last year, another sus- communities have skyrock-
police chief is facing charges known as a green card, and for further proceedings in if convicted. pected participant in that eted.
that he failed to disclose on entered the United States. 1993, officials said. An arrest Valiente is not the first massacre, Jose Mardoqueo The University of Califor-
immigration documents Valiente, 77, who lives in warrant was issued for Va- person federal authorities Ortiz Morales, was arrested nia also has launched a sys-
that he was facing kidnap- Fontana, was chief of the Na- liente in Guatemala that have dealt with in the U.S. by agents from Homeland temwide initiative to ad-
ping and murder charges tional Police in Guatemala’s year. who apparently fled Guate- Security Investigations’ Bal- dress students’ lack of stable
back home when he entered second-largest city, Quetzal- Prosecutors said he en- mala while facing serious timore office. housing and regular access
the U.S. in 2013, prosecutors tenango. In 1987 he was tered the United States with charges. Two other alleged partic- to nutritious food. UC Presi-
said Friday. charged with the kidnap- a green card in 2013 while the In 2016, Immigration and ipants in that massacre are dent Janet Napolitano has
In a one-count indict- ping and murder of two peo- warrant was still in effect. Customs Enforcement an- serving 10-year federal pris- given each campus $3 mil-
ment returned by a grand ple affiliated with the Agron- The warrant was ultimately nounced they had arrested on terms for naturalization lion to use for housing assist-
jury last week, prosecutors omy Department at the rescinded in 2015, and it’s not and deported Santos Lopez fraud — similar to what Va- ance.
say Catalino Esteban Va- Centro Universitario de Oc- clear what charges remain Alonzo, a former member of liente was charged with last
liente Alonzo failed to reveal cidente, according to prose- outstanding against him in the Guatemalan army who week. teresa.watanabe
that he had been arrested cutors. Guatemala, officials said. witnesses said participated @latimes.com
and tried for kidnapping and He was twice convicted A request for comment in the 1982 massacre at Las joseph.serna@latimes.com Twitter: @TeresaWatanabe

Huntington Beach police found deeply divided

“deep divisions” in the Police echoed by the Huntington rose 28% in 2017 compared
By Hannah Fry Department, with a lack of Beach Police Management with the year before. The
trust and negative employee Assn., which represents cap- presentation noted that
Team-building among relations. tains and lieutenants. overall crime was down 2.6%.
police staff, leadership de- As part of its $52,900 con- City officials said Friday Yasha Nikitin, vice presi-
velopment, infrastructure tract with the city, Manage- that Handy will take the lead dent of the Huntington
improvements and addi- ment Partners interviewed in addressing the issues in Beach Police Officers Assn.,
tional staffing are among 16 staff, met with union lead- the report and will work with said Friday that the Man-
recommendations made by ers, circulated a confidential his staff to implement the agement Partners report
an independent consulting employee survey and held recommendations. further shows why Handy
firm tasked with studying focus groups, according to “I am 100% committed to needs to be replaced.
operations at the Hunting- the group. improving my working re- “It’s sad that virtually the
ton Beach Police Depart- The report concludes lationships with HBPOA entire Police Department,
ment. that city leaders, police leadership and the manage- including his own manage-
City officials in Novem- management and employ- ment team,” Handy said in a ment staff, opposes Chief
ber hired Costa Mesa-based ees and the Huntington statement. “I also want to Handy’s failed management
Management Partners to Beach Police Officers Assn., ensure that every employee practices and policies,”
gather employee perspec- which represents the de- understands and embraces Nikitin said. “Violent crime
tives on the department’s partment’s rank-and-file, our vision for the future and is skyrocketing. Officers are
strengths and limitations will need to work together to has a voice in our plan to get being shot and attacked. It’s
amid mounting tension be- move the agency forward. there.” time that city leaders face
tween Chief Robert Handy The strain between the The rank-and-file officers the truth and replace Rob
and the city’s police unions. union and Handy culmi- union had renewed its call Handy.”
The city released the Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times nated last year in a no-confi- for Handy’s removal on
firm’s findings in a report THE UNION representing rank-and-file Hunting- dence vote among the rank- Monday, the day the City hannah.fry@latimes.com
Friday afternoon. ton Beach police renewed its call for Chief Robert and-file and a request for the Council heard that violent Fry writes for Times
The 65-page report notes Handy’s ouster. Above, officers monitor the pier. chief ’s ouster. That later was crime in Huntington Beach Community News.
L AT I ME S . CO M S S U N DAY , FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 B5

aims to
The familiar is possible again
[Lopez, from B1] Thomas fire that was still carry with them in a cup of coffee, a scone, a nerability, Hardey said. The

when Hardey asked for help. driven by wicked winds and Montecito. Delgado lives in willingness to listen. digging out will continue for
Her restaurant — like other scorched thousands of acres Carpinteria and said that “People came in and I’d months and the next rains
local businesses — took a in Ventura and Santa Bar- when the mudslides began, look in their eyes and say may bring more danger.

financial beating and she bara counties, engulfing he tried to drive to Mon- OK, I’ve only got a little bit, “But this place is worth
temporarily lowered wages homes and forcing massive tecito to check on a friend. but it’s something,” said fighting for,” she said, “and
so she could keep everyone evacuations. “I couldn’t go in because Hardey, whose offerings and maybe we can build some-
on the payroll. Konig was “I have neighbors whose the roads were blocked,” kindly presence were a form thing better.”
one of the locals who offered homes were damaged or said Delgado. of much-needed therapy. She took a seat at a table
to cover the wage gap. destroyed, or they’re dead,” His friend, Antonio Ben- “And then they would with Rick Lemmo, who
[Mudflows, from B1] “Thank you,” said Her- said Keyser, who once lived itez, lost his wife and 3-year- launch into these stories. A works for Rick Caruso prop-
exclusively made up of large nandez, who along with his in Thailand and has served old daughter. Antonio’s woman who rafted out on a erties, which made a huge
rocks or fine, sandy dirt wife, a housekeeper, strug- as a translator for the neigh- brother lost his wife and mattress with two boys but donation to Red Cross
without much in between, gled to pay the bills over the bor who lost four family 10-year-old son. had to leave the puppy. rescue operations. R. Peter
said U.S. Geological Survey last month. members, a Thai woman. Jeannine’s kept a door Someone who almost gave Jackson, who owns the
research hydrologist Jason Hernandez has a second “I’ve had to deliver death open during the weeks when up, until the firefighters nearby Coffee Bean & Tea
Kean. job, at a restaurant in Santa notices for three people. I’ve the restaurant was closed knocked through the door. Leaf, also pulled up a chair.
So when a once-in-200- Barbara, but with roads had to take missing-persons for business. Hardey, who All these stories kept pour- A red bin sat before her,
year storm cell dropped half closed, he had trouble mak- reports. I saw a mother also lives in Carpinteria, ing out of them.” and Hardey began going
an inch of rain in five min- ing it there from his home in push a button at a cremato- brought coffee and cookies She thought about the through a stack of envelopes
utes early that morning, it Carpinteria. Konig said he rium to burn her child.” from her Santa Barbara way the disaster had been a collected by 93108FUND.org,
created what Kean called “a was happy to help the wait- Keyser and Hardey restaurants so locals would humbling equalizer, indis- which was set up by resi-
moving dam.” The largest er, his wife and their three shared notes on a memorial have a place to gather, get criminately taking the lives dents to help cover the lost
parts of the mudflow — the kids. service for the Thai family the latest information on of the wealthy and the work- income of hourly wage earn-
boulders — naturally rolled As we spoke, Hardey planned for Sunday. As they rescue efforts and find out force, and uniting one and ers who were out of work for
to the front, creating a wall hugged a regular customer spoke, Keyser received a how they could help. all like never before. weeks.
that let the river behind it named Alan Keyser, who text message from his griev- As a young girl, Hardey “We live in one of the “Look at this,” Hardey
grow in height and force in- has spent the last month ing neighbor, thanking him said, she rode her yellow most beautiful places in the said, opening envelopes and
stead of dispersing its ener- volunteering in search-and- for helping her translate the Schwinn ten-speed through world and it has given us so finding checks for hundreds
gy wider across the land- rescue operations. Keyser speech she intended to the hills and along the coast, much, and it’s our turn to of dollars.
scape. teared up as he told me make at the memorial. never oblivious to how lucky give back, to build a better “I’m going to give you a
“It had really big tools to about a neighbor who lost Back inside the restau- she was to grow up in such a infrastructure, to build thousand dollars,” said
do destruction and a lot of her husband, stepfather rant, Hardey asked long- place. She went on to Stan- better waterways, to build a Jackson as customers filed
fine-grain material to keep and two children. Hardey time employee Juan Carlos ford in the 1980s as a tennis better alert system.… It was into Jeannine’s for coffee, or
them mobile,” Kean said. hustled back into the Delgado, a barista, how he star and psychology major. a woefully insufficient sys- food, or just to be a part of
“It’s definitely bad.” restaurant, grabbed a nap- was doing. When tragedy hit Monte- tem for getting information the next step in Montecito’s
When the storm and kin, and returned to dry his Delgado smiled and cito, Hardey thought back out to people.” recovery.
mudflow subsided, the de- eyes. thanked her, but his face on an altruism class in Everyone has been re-
struction was worse than “Since Dec. 4, it’s a blur,” betrayed the shock, sadness college, and she decided to minded that on mountain steve.lopez@latimes.com
anyone had predicted. said Keyser, referring to the and disbelief that people offer what little she could — slopes, there’s always vul- Twitter: @LATstevelopez
That’s something that Kean
and his colleagues at the
USGS, California Geo-

L.A. Unified on another tough search

logical Survey, California
Department of Forestry and
Fire Protection, and Santa
Barbara County Fire De-
partment want to change.
Current USGS maps show
only which hillsides are
prone to debris flows, but [LAUSD, from B1] While New York City’s healthcare costs are swal- demands from labor unions
not where those flows will go. to restore calm and focus af- public student population lowing an ever-greater por- and politicians, and outsize
Should something like ter years of tumult. It was has held steady at 1.1 million, tion of its funding. expectations. The job pays
this happen again — a very also a milestone: King was L.A. Unified has been losing “L.A. will wind up bank- well — L.A.’s superintendent
real possibility for at least the first African American students for more than a rupt if it does not put in place makes $350,000 a year — but
the next five years in areas woman to run the district. decade to charter schools, a system that looks at evi- is no match for private-
below the Thomas fire burn But during her brief ten- declining birth rates and dence in funding programs sector salaries.
area — scientists want to be ure, neither King nor the rising housing costs that that are successful,” said Ra- “You’re being pushed in
able to accurately predict school board ever developed have priced low-income fam- mon Cortines, who served every direction by every con-
debris flows’ paths. a detailed set of plans to im- ilies out of many neighbor- three stints as the district’s stituency that exists,” said
“Though a lot of sedi- prove the district’s schools. hoods. The district’s enroll- superintendent. “We’re past Jean-Claude Brizard, who
ment has been evacuated, Many wondered about the ment is directly linked to the the point where a modest was named chief executive of
there’s still a lot there,” Kean practically of her focus on amount of state funding it amount of tweaking will do Chicago’s public schools in
said. “It’s tough for residents “100% graduation” — her Al Seib Los Angeles Times receives, and it is tanking. As the job. It won’t work.” 2011. He resigned after 17
to hear, but there’s plenty of mantra while in office. MICHELLE KING, one district official put it, In addition to having to months.
ammunition left there.” This time around, the battling cancer, stepped L.A. Unified is losing the win over board members, su-
After measuring every- board could choose an in- down as superintendent. equivalent of a small school perintendents here, as in anna.phillips@latimes.com
thing they can about the de- sider again. If it doesn’t, the district each year. other large school districts, howard.blume
bris flow, scientists will try to pool of well-regarded super- superintendent who favors At the same time, the dis- face unending scrutiny from @latimes.com
recreate the event using intendents of other large, ur- aggressive changes, such as trict’s pension and retiree the media and the public, joy.resmovits@latimes.com
computer models. They will ban school districts is lim- increasing the number of
use the speed of the flow, its ited. charter schools and using
geological makeup, boulder Big-city superintend- standardized tests to evalu-
size and the trajectories that ents’ tenures tend to be ate teachers and principals.
occurred when it hit natural short — a 2014 study by the If Rodriguez were forced
and artificial barriers such Council of the Great City out of office, the board would
as hills and houses. Schools found they spend an have no clear majority, a pos-


“It’s tricky,” Kean said. average of just over three sibility that could lead its

“It’s computationally more years in the job — and it is members to opt for a more
demanding to model flows often difficult to determine moderate consensus pick.
downstream…. A small thing how effective they have been. “This board is looking for
like topography can really The constant churn long-term stability,” said
change where the flow goes.” makes certain people peren- Carl Cohn, a former superin-
But if scientists can suc- nial candidates. Some of the tendent of Long Beach Uni-
cessfully create formulas to same names are being fied and San Diego Unified
map out what happened in floated in both L.A. and New who now works with school
Montecito, or something York City. They include districts including L.A. Uni-
close to it, emergency plan- Rudolph Crew, who led New fied. “That involves naviga-
ners can better inform their York City’s schools in the ting the politics of a board of
communities of the risks late ’90s; Alberto Carvalho, education, successfully get-
they face before a storm. the superintendent of Mi- ting along with unions, and
Authorities in Montecito ami-Dade County Public strong stakeholder engage-
were criticized after last Schools since 2008; and An- ment in terms of direct con-
month’s storm for limiting dres Alonso, who was chief tact with parents and local
mandatory evacuations to executive for six years of Bal- advocacy and civil rights
an east-west zone above the timore City Public Schools groups.”
town’s main highway, even
though the area’s creeks run
before becoming a professor
at the Harvard Graduate
School of Education.
Candidates likely to ap-
peal to a politically divided
board can’t hold extreme
$2,000 Off
Up to

Closing Costs
Officials said the storm The two big school dis- views on charter schools,
they planned for was not the tricts’ selection processes said Pedro Noguera, a pro-
storm they received. A map and political dynamics are fessor at the Graduate
of potential debris flows markedly different. School of Education and In-
showing what could happen New York City’s 1,800 formation Studies at UCLA.
in 100- or 500-year storms public schools are under “As long as the person is on Your Loan
was provided by a private mayoral control, a system perceived to be neither char-
company before the Jan. 9 that gives Mayor Bill de ter-hostile or overly friendly,
storm and proved remarka- Blasio complete authority to they should not be ruled out
bly accurate. Kean said a choose the next chancellor. as a candidate,” Noguera
USGS model would offer ad- This virtually assures that wrote in an email. JUMBO 5/1 ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE – from $636,100 to $1,000,000
ditional scenarios. candidates there will reflect According to multiple
The model could show de Blasio’s political leanings, sources who requested ano- START MAXIMUM
different scales of a potential favoring public-sector un- nymity to discuss a secretive RATE RATE
disaster zone, depending ions and more traditional process, some names being
not only on the level of rain- approaches over market- discussed for L.A. include Logix 3.25% 4.09% 0 60 8.25%
fall, but on what stands in based education reform ide- Miguel Santana, L.A.’s for- Citibank 3.75% 4.31% 0 60 9.75%
the path of a debris flow. The as. They must also be con- mer chief administrative of-
group plans to compare tent to finish out the remain- ficer, who has advised the US Bank 3.62% 4.28% 0 60 9.62%
what was in place in Mon- ing years of de Blasio’s sec- school board on financial
tecito with Carpinteria, ond term, knowing that the matters; Joan Sullivan, chief Wells Fargo 4.12% 4.43% 0 60 10.12%
where a mudflow also oc- next mayor will probably ap- executive officer of the Part- On a $750,000 loan for a 30-year term, payments at 3.25% (4.09% APR) for the first 60 months are estimated at $3,213 per month, and
curred but was successfully point someone new. nership for L.A. Schools, a beginning the 61st month at 4.50% (which represents the current index and margin, rounded to the nearest 1/8 of 1 percent) are estimated
contained in large catch L.A. Unified’s seven- nonprofit that oversees 18 at $3,800 per month. Estimated payments reflect principal and interest only and not other costs such as taxes and insurance; your actual
basins. member board makes the district schools; and Matt payment obligation will be greater. The APR and payment may increase after consummation. See additional information below.*
“One thing we learned choice, which makes it more Hill, superintendent of the
from this event is that struc- complicated, both politi- Burbank Unified School APPLY TODAY!
tures, especially bridges and cally and practically. Last District.
culverts, played a big role in
determining where the flows
year’s elections upended
the school board’s balance
Candidates within the
district include Chief Aca-
Call (888) 975.6449
went,” Kean said. “Our hope of power, weakening the demic Officer Frances Gip- www.lfcu.com
is to have maps that show unions’ influence and em- son and Acting Supt. Vivian
the broad-scale potential for powering a four-person ma- Ekchian.
inundation and reasonably jority elected with the back- There is recent prece-
reflect where the flow could ing of wealthy charter school dent for picking a home-
be substantially diverted by supporters. Charter-school grown leader. In Chicago,
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saster zones because of its ber Ref Rodriguez, who is ac- uel’s chief of staff. Newbury Park • (877) 944.5328 Simi-Cochran St • (888) 738.5328 Valencia Bouquet Cyn • (855) 564.4919
high frequency of fires fol- cused of laundering cam- In December, the mayor *The Jumbo 5/1 ARM is an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. The advertised Jumbo 5/1 ARM Start Rate and APR is available on owner-occupied property
lowed by rain, the region’s paign money and is under in- named Janice Jackson, one purchases and no-cash-out refinances with a maximum 60% loan-to-value (LTV), and is dependent upon the applicant’s creditworthiness and
steep terrain and dense vestigation for separate con- of the district’s top adminis- other underwriting factors. Your Start Rate, APR, Maximum Rate, and payments may be higher. See APR and estimated payments information
population centers. flict-of-interest allegations. trators and a graduate of the above. PMI is required on loans with an LTV greater than 80%. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate accurate as of 2/8/18 and is subject to change.
The study results are ex- Rodriguez has pleaded not city’s schools, as acting chief Rate comparison by Informa Research Services, Inc.
pected to be published later guilty to the charges and he executive officer. Up to $2,000 Off Closing Costs Offer - Logix will pay your closing costs up to $2,000 on purchase and refinanced 1st trust deed mortgage loans.
this year. remains a voting member of One factor that is likely to The Up to $2,000 Off Closing Costs Offer applies to application, document preparation, processing, underwriting, appraisal, flood certificate, tax
the board, which has led to loom large in the selection of
registration, credit report, and notary fees as itemized on your Loan Estimate and Loan Closing Disclosure. This Offer does not apply to no-cost
joseph.serna@latimes.com speculation that the existing L.A.’s next superintendent
loans, subordinate-lien financing, or home equity lines and loans. This limited time Offer may be discontinued at any time without notice. Offer
Twitter: @JosephSerna majority could still choose a is the district’s budget woes.
valid for loan applications received on or after 2/24/17.
Logix membership required. NMLS ID 503781
B6 S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Mostly sunny, breezy: After clearing overnight marine low clouds and fog, offshore winds are expected Unsettled in the East: Rain, heavy at times, will fall from the Gulf
to diminish rapidly late this morning. Temperatures will climb into the mid-70s by afternoon. A trough Coast to portions of the Northeast region. Thunderstorms will
moving into Northern California late today and tonight will boost moist onshore flow and and bring develop in the Southeast. Snow, sleet and freezing rain are likely
dramatic cooling. Showers and thunderstorms are possible from Tuesday through Thursday. across the eastern Great Lakes.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
Today 76/51 72/47 73/50 52/17 76/50 Anchorage
Mostly sunny, warmer Diminishing winds Sunny, warmer Diminishing winds Mostly sunny 35/32
Monday Cooler 61/50 Cooler 61/45 Cooler 60/49 Clouds, sun 42/12 Some sun 69/49
Tuesday Showers 62/53 Showers 60/47 Showers 60/50 Showers 43/16 Showers 70/52
Wednesday Showers 68/54 T-storms 66/51 T-storms 66/54 Showers 46/25 Showers 72/59
Thursday T-storms 67/49 T-storms 66/45 T-storms 65/48 T-storms 43/13 T-storms 72/54
Los Angeles Basin: Warm sunny and warm with sunny and warm with cloudy tonight. Partly Seattle
with mostly sunny skies and diminishing winds. Partly diminishing winds. Partly cloudy and cooler Monday. 46/32
diminishing winds. Low cloudy early tonight with cloudy early tonight with Low desert: Sunny and
clouds and fog will form low clouds developing late. low clouds and fog forming cooler. Clear to partly
late tonight. Ventura/Santa Barbara: late. cloudy tonight.
Valleys/canyons: Mostly Mostly sunny and warm Local mountains: Mostly San Francisco Bay Area: New York
sunny with diminishing with winds gradually sunny and warmer. Partly Sunny early. Cooler with
Denver 53/43
winds. Partly cloudy early diminishing. Low clouds cloudy tonight. increasing clouds. Clear to
tonight with low clouds late. late tonight. 41/15
High desert: Mostly sunny, partly cloudy tonight.
Orange County: Mostly San Diego County: Mostly warm and breezy. Partly Los Angeles Las Vegas
61/45 Houston
50/39 Miami
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available 85/74
South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality


BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 72/44 Hesperia
Santa Ojai
72/42 LOS ANGELES CO. 64/41
Barbara 70/39 Simi Valley
67/45 72/47 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 72/48
68/47 73/47
79/47 67/45
Yucca Valley
U.S. cities
UCLA Fairplex 63/44 High 88 in Immokalee, Fla.
Oxnard San Bernardino
Westlake 76/51 LA Downtown 74/45 Ontario Low –36 in Chinook, Mont.
Village Woodland 76/51 74/49 72/47
Santa Barbara Co. Hills Whittier Saturday Today
71/45 Chino
73/46 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Height Period Direction Santa Monica Hills 76/48 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
1-3’ 13 sec WNW 73/50 78/50 Fullerton 72/43 Albuquerque 67 39 -- 48 30 Pc
Torrance 79/50 Amarillo 27 14 Tr 43 15 Cy
Ventura Co. 75/50 Santa Ana Anchorage 29 4 .01 35 32 Sn
Height Period Direction Long 77/52 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm Atlanta 64 51 .65 70 58 R
2-4’ 15 sec WSW Beach Newport Irvine 72/42 Springs Atlantic City 51 37 .25 56 45 R
79/51 Beach 76/52 76/50 Austin 63 57 .06 40 30 R Taken at 3 p.m. Saturday
Los Angeles Co. Mission Viejo Baltimore 47 29 .45 63 43 R
73/54 Temecula Billings 20 -10 -- 14 -2 Sn
Height Period Direction 71/52 Spokane 36 23 -- 37 18 Cy
Laguna 72/43 Birmingham 66 54 .49 71 45 R Springfield, Mo. 27 26 .09 31 15 Cy
2-4’ 13 sec WSW Beach San Boise 45 29 -- 48 29 Cy Tallahassee 71 55 -- 73 64 R
68/53 Clemente Boston 52 30 .03 43 40 R Tampa 84 69 -- 85 70 Cy
Surf and sea Orange Co. Brownsville 81 61 -- 78 47 Ts Tucson 80 48 -- 76 52 Su
Height Period Direction 66/50 SAN DIEGO CO. Buffalo 30 25 .41 36 19 I
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO Oceanside Tulsa 27 21 Tr 38 20 Cy
2-3’ 13 sec WSW Burlington, Vt. 39 22 .15 39 28 I Washington, D.C. 50 39 .94 66 45 R
Inner waters: Northeast winds 15-25 70/47 Casper 24 2 .06 36 8 Su
knots. Wind waves 1-4 feet with Wichita 21 15 .03 41 15 Pc
northwest and south swells of 2-3 feet.
San Diego Co. Charleston, S.C. 77 57 .19 77 63 Fg Yuma 83 53 -- 74 51 Su
Height Period Direction Escondido Ramona Charleston, W.Va. 55 36 .38 61 33 R
Surf zone: The potential for strong rip 2-3’ 13 sec SW 72/50 71/47 Charlotte
59 49 .09
22 15 .11
70 60
25 7
currents is moderate at beaches in Poway Acapulco 92 76 -- 86 73 Pc
Cincinnati 45 40 .06 39 23 R
Ventura and L.A. counties, and low Cleveland 30 29 .12 37 20 I
Amsterdam 43 32 .44 43 33 Sh
elsewhere. Tides UV index Colo. Springs 16 14 .20 36 16 Su
Athens 57 50 .79 60 47 Sh
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. Baghdad 76 52 -- 74 59 Cy
Minutes to burn for San Diego Columbia, S.C. 71 55 .09 76 65 Ts
Bangkok 90 73 -- 91 75 Pc
Station Time Wind Waves Temp Today 6:21a 5.1 Hi 12:10a 2.3 Lo sensitive people Columbus 42 35 .11 41 23 I
Barbados 84 76 .10 82 76 W
Las Vegas, 45
67/56 Concord, N.H. 43 20 .02 36 32 R
Morro Bay 4p W4 1/15 58/60 8:09p 3.6 Hi 1:36p -0.2 Lo Beijing 32 11 -- 31 17 Su
Los Angeles, 45 Dallas/Ft.Worth 44 43 .01 42 28 Cy
Santa Barbara 4p WSW4 1/13 60/65 Mon. 6:58a 5.3 Hi 12:50a 2.2 Lo Phoenix, 45 Berlin 36 27 .08 38 29 Cy
Denver 16 14 .27 41 15 Su
8:33p 3.8 Hi 2:06p -0.4 Lo San Francisco, 45 Buenos Aires 86 63 -- 77 49 Pc
Ventura 4p WNW4 1/15 60/63 Des Moines 14 6 .20 23 3 Su
Cabo San Lucas 82 64 -- 81 62 Pc
Zuma Beach 4p N8 2/13 60/64 Almanac Detroit
24 21 .20
14 -9 --
29 13
15 -8
Cairo 90 61 -- 74 60 Cy
Marina del Rey 4p WNW4 1/15 61/68
Hermosa Beach 4p W4 1/13 61/67
Saturday downtown readings Sun and moon El Paso 75 52 -- 60 37 Cy
83 76
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Eugene 48 32 -- 48 28 Pc
Cabrillo Beach 4p WNW4 1/13 61/70 Today’s rise/set New Moon Copenhagen 34 30 -- 39 34 Cy
High/low 65/56 66/57 62/54 Feb. 15 Fairbanks -5 -23 -- 11 7 Sn
Hunt’n. Beach 4p W4 1/13 62/71 High/low a year ago 65/58 66/57 64/58 Los Angeles County Dublin 50 36 .74 39 30 Sh
Fargo 10 -9 -- 13-15 Pc
Newport Beach 4p W4 1/7 61/69 Normal high/low for date 68/49 68/47 67/45 Sun 6:42a/5:33p Edinburgh 48 33 .32 39 31 Pc
Flagstaff 54 36 -- 47 26 Su
Dana Point 4p WNW4 1/14 61/62 Record high/date 88/2016 89/2016 83/1988 Moon 3:44a/2:10p First Quarter Frankfurt 38 30 .05 42 27 Sn
Grand Junction 43 35 .17 43 25 Su
San Clemente 4p SSW4 1/13 61/62 Record low/date 37/1890 37/2009 34/1965 Feb. 22 Geneva 39 32 .08 39 32 Sn
Grand Rapids 23 19 .06 26 11 Sn
Orange County Havana 86 70 -- 88 68 Su
Oceanside 4p SSW4 1/13 61/63 Precipitation Green Bay 20 -7 -- 23 2 Su
Sun 6:41a/5:32p Full Moon Ho Chi Minh City 88 73 -- 91 73 Pc
Solana Beach 4p SW4 1/13 62/64 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Hartford 44 27 .20 43 34 R
Moon 3:42a/2:09p March 1 Hong Kong 69 62 -- 66 53 Pc
Mission Beach 4p SW4 1/13 67/64 Season total (since Oct. 1) 1.89 1.21 1.40 Helena 14 -3 .05 15 -4 Sn
Istanbul 54 46 .19 55 39 R
Avalon 4p NW4 1/13 61/65 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 16.04 14.35 13.04 Ventura County Honolulu 79 65 -- 81 65 Pc
Jerusalem 75 51 -- 70 53 Cy
Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 8.41 7.90 9.68 Sun 6:46a/5:37p Last Quarter Houston 72 64 1.74 50 39 R
Johannesburg 80 61 .08 79 55 Pc
Wind speed in knots; wave heights in feet/intervals in seconds;
Humidity (high/low) 83/57 86/60 93/64 Moon 3:49a/2:13p March 9 Indianapolis 34 30 Tr 32 16 I
temperatures for sea/air Kabul 40 20 .08 37 31 Sn
Jacksonville, Fla. 82 61 -- 82 65 Fg
Kingston 86 72 .14 87 76 Pc
Kansas City 22 13 .03 32 12 Cy
California cities Las Vegas 78 55 -- 61 45 Su
45 32
59 40
Saturday Today Monday Saturday Today Monday Saturday Today Monday Little Rock 54 49 .45 44 26 Cy
Manila 86 76 -- 87 77 Pc
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Louisville 49 45 .13 42 26 R
Mecca 94 71 -- 99 69 Su
Medford 56 30 -- 47 31 Sh
Anaheim 70 54 -- 74 50 63 49 Laguna Beach 66 57 -- 68 53 60 50 Sacramento 66 42 -- 59 35 60 37 Mexico City 70 50 .05 71 48 Pc
Memphis 57 54 2.09 44 30 Cy
Avalon/Catalina 65 52 -- 63 50 55 48 Lancaster 72 60 -- 64 42 58 32 San Bernardino 63 48 -- 72 47 59 43 Montreal 23 16 .36 32 18 Sn
Miami 84 74 Tr 85 74 Pc
Bakersfield 75 50 -- 71 43 62 43 Long Beach 66 59 -- 79 51 65 50 San Clemente Pier 60 56 -- 66 50 59 47 Moscow 23 18 .06 24 13 Sn
Milwaukee 22 12 .09 27 8 Sn
Barstow 79 49 -- 64 42 65 39 Mammoth Lakes 58 30 -- 51 18 39 16 San Diego 64 58 -- 67 56 62 52 Mumbai 84 73 -- 85 70 Su
Minneapolis 14 2 -- 20 -2 Su
Beaumont 59 49 -- 67 41 56 36 Mission Viejo 63 51 -- 71 52 61 48 San Francisco 65 53 -- 59 47 60 46 New Delhi 77 48 -- 73 53 Cy
Nashville 58 50 2.39 55 32 R
Big Bear Lake 56 32 -- 52 17 42 12 Monrovia 64 53 -- 67 45 56 43 San Gabriel xx xx xx 78 49 62 48 Oslo 28 25 .45 30 28 Sn
New Orleans 77 66 .13 75 57 R
Bishop 72 30 -- 63 30 52 28 Monterey 62 50 -- 62 45 59 41 San Jose 71 48 -- 64 42 62 38 Paris 41 27 .12 44 29 Cy
New York 50 35 .29 53 43 R
Burbank 64 53 -- 79 47 62 46 Mt. Wilson 69 50 -- 59 36 48 32 San Luis Obispo 74 43 -- 71 41 63 41 Rio de Janeiro 97 79 -- 95 79 Cy
Oklahoma City 24 18 -- 38 19 Cy
Camarillo 65 57 -- 73 47 63 46 Needles 83 54 -- 71 50 70 52 Santa Ana 66 56 -- 77 52 63 49 Rome 57 34 -- 53 37 Su
Omaha 11 4 .13 23 2 Su
Chatsworth 66 53 -- 72 48 61 46 Newport Beach 61 57 -- 73 54 61 51 Santa Barbara 62 54 -- 67 45 63 38 Seoul 37 28 Tr 28 16 Sf
Orlando 86 62 -- 87 67 Pc
Chino 68 51 -- 76 48 64 46 Northridge 66 52 -- 73 47 62 44 Santa Clarita 64 46 -- 72 44 61 44 Stockholm 32 18 .10 33 29 Cy
Philadelphia 49 33 .39 60 45 R
Dana Point 62 55 -- 66 51 59 48 Oakland 69 45 -- 58 41 60 40 Santa Monica Pier 64 56 -- 73 50 60 49 Sydney 83 70 .03 87 70 Pc
Phoenix 78 54 -- 76 52 Su
Death Valley 82 48 -- 69 48 68 54 Oceanside 67 56 -- 70 47 62 42 Santa Paula 63 50 -- 72 42 61 43 Taipei 65 59 .51 56 50 Cy
Pittsburgh 49 33 .09 49 25 R
Del Mar 64 58 -- 68 57 62 50 Ojai 62 43 -- 70 39 59 41 Santa Rosa 71 42 -- 58 34 63 38 Tehran 55 38 -- 54 41 Su
Portland, Maine 41 24 .08 37 33 R
Escondido 64 53 -- 72 50 60 45 Ontario 64 52 -- 74 49 62 45 Simi Valley 66 44 -- 72 47 61 46 Tokyo 55 36 .30 55 36 Sh
Portland, Ore. 50 36 .01 49 31 Pc
Eureka 56 46 -- 52 41 57 35 Oxnard 63 55 -- 71 49 62 49 Tahoe Valley 48 27 -- 45 18 33 14 Toronto 26 21 .34 28 17 Sn
Providence 54 29 .10 49 42 R
Fallbrook 63 52 -- 70 45 59 40 Palm Springs 77 55 -- 76 50 69 49 Temecula 64 49 -- 72 43 58 39 Vancouver 41 28 -- 44 26 Su
Pueblo 19 15 .19 41 14 Su
Fillmore 66 51 -- 72 42 61 44 Pasadena 65 53 -- 71 49 60 47 Thousand Oaks 62 49 -- 71 46 61 45 Vienna 35 28 -- 39 32 Pc
Raleigh 62 43 .10 73 62 Ts
Fresno 74 49 -- 70 41 60 40 Paso Robles 77 37 -- 71 35 58 33 Torrance 65 57 -- 75 50 63 48 Winnipeg 9 -7 -- 8-19 Cy
Rapid City 8 -16 .03 24 -2 Su
Fullerton 66 57 -- 79 50 64 48 Pomona/Fairplex 67 52 -- 74 45 62 44 UCLA 64 55 -- 76 51 63 51 Zurich 36 28 .04 37 30 Cy
Reno 48 32 -- 55 25 Su
Hemet 62 44 -- 72 42 60 41 Poway 66 52 -- 71 54 62 49 Van Nuys 65 52 -- 74 48 62 45 Richmond 52 35 .38 71 54 Ts Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Hesperia 74 50 -- 64 41 56 36 Redding 64 39 -- 58 37 64 42 Ventura 62 54 -- 68 47 60 46 St. Louis 28 24 .08 29 15 Sn foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy
Huntington Beach 68 57 -- 76 53 62 50 Rialto 62 50 -- 71 47 59 44 Whittier Hills 67 57 -- 78 50 63 48 Salt Lake City 46 41 .14 52 38 Su Sh showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow;
Idyllwild 61 35 -- 58 38 48 32 Riverside 63 51 -- 72 43 59 37 Woodland Hills 66 49 -- 73 46 62 43 San Antonio 65 55 .06 43 34 R Sf snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy;
Irvine 68 57 -- 76 52 62 49 Wrightwood 60 49 -- 55 37 46 29 San Juan, P.R. 82 75 .13 82 72 Pc Tr trace. Notes: National extremes are for NWS
L.A. D’ntown/USC 65 56 -- 76 51 61 50 Forecasts provided by Yorba Linda 68 54 -- 74 49 62 47 Santa Fe 63 27 -- 44 21 Pc stations; excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
L.A. Int’l. Airport 64 57 -- 75 51 62 50 AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018 Yosemite Valley 63 34 -- 56 29 42 28 Seattle 46 33 .10 46 32 Cy Missing data indicated by “xx”.

D.A. probed Inglewood garbage contract

[Butts, from B1] ing their pockets or those of rity division in July 2012 by state. She could not be reac-
low bidder, said in an inter- their families,” said Ann Inglewood City Council hed for comment.
view. Ravel, former head of Cali- member Judy Dunlap, who Mayor Butts disputed
“Put it this way,” Clifford fornia’s Fair Political Prac- cast the lone no vote on the that Inglewood would have
said. “We didn’t hire his tices Commission. “It would contract. fared better with Athens.
brother, and we didn’t get be inappropriate for a mayor The complaint, a copy of “I personally did not be-
the contract. The company to even address the contrac- which was obtained by The lieve that their bid could be
that hired his brother got tors in that way and discuss Times, alleged that Butts relied upon,” he said. “Fur-
the contract. And they this with them.” had approached executives ther, Consolidated employ-
were $10 million more than Jessica Levinson, a Loyo- at two bidders with an offer ees were represented by a
us.” la Law School professor and of support in exchange for a union paying competitive
The deal was not only lu- government ethics special- job for his brother. wages while Athens was
crative for Consolidated ist, agreed. Clifford, from Athens not.”
Disposal Services, but con- “I think you could cer- Services, was one of the two It is unclear how aggres-
sequential for Inglewood tainly say that it’s a misuse of bidders named in the letter sively the D.A.’s public integ-
residents and businesses: office, that it is an improper and he told The Times that rity division, which investi-
Their refuse-collection rates action,” she said. Butts had made the offer to gates complaints of official
are tied to the agreement for Inglewood received three him in a face-to-face conver- corruption, pursued Dun-
a decade, with more than responsive bids for the con- sation at a waste-handling lap’s allegations.
four years to go. tract, city records show. facility. Several people contacted
Butts denied asking any Mayor Butts participated in The other, Doug Corco- by the The Times, including
of the bidders to hire his preliminary votes on the ran of Waste Management, Clifford, said they were in-
brother and abstained from contract, including approv- said the mayor did not come terviewed by district attor-
the final vote on the con- ing exclusive negotiations to him with such an offer. ney’s investigators about
tract. Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times with Consolidated. He ab- But he knew that Michael the contract. Clifford and
“There is nothing to INGLEWOOD Mayor James Butts Jr., shown at a stained from the final vote, Butts needed a job, he said, another potential witness
this.… I didn’t approach any- 2016 City Council meeting, denies he asked bidders on on June 5, 2012, in which the and he met with him to dis- said they also were visited
one,” he said, then abruptly a city waste-collection contract to hire his brother. council approved the con- cuss it. later by FBI agents.
ended a telephone interview. tract 3 to 1. “I became aware of it In response to The
In a subsequent email ex- James Castro, who han- Eldridge and the mayor. In his email to The Times, through somebody else,” Times’ public records re-
change, he said his brother’s dled the contract bid for Details of the brother’s Butts said he sat out the fi- said Corcoran, who inter- quest, the district attorney’s
employment by Consoli- Consolidated Disposal employment were included nal vote because his brother viewed Michael Butts but office confirmed that it re-
dated was unrelated to the Services, referred an inter- in his May 2013 bankruptcy worked for Consolidated. did not hire him. “We talked. ceived Dunlap’s complaint
company’s winning bid. view request to Jennifer El- protection filing, in which he “My brother was an em- We did not have a fit for him.” on July 31, 2012. But prose-
“My brother’s hiring had dridge, a spokeswoman for said that the company paid ployee of one of the bidders Dunlap’s complaint also cutors said they were unable
no bearing on the award of Republic Services, its par- him just under $6,000 a at the time of the vote to contended that Inglewood to find the case file and could
the contract,” Butts said. ent company. She acknowl- month. award, and I abstained be- residents would pay sub- provide only “limited infor-
Both the district attor- edged The Times’ emailed Without commenting cause of the optics of the sit- stantially more for Consoli- mation” on the investiga-
ney and the FBI investi- questions but did not re- specifically on Mayor Butts’ uation,” Butts said. dated’s trash services than tion, said Michele Gilmer,
gated the garbage contract, spond to them or to a subse- situation, two legal experts To avoid a conflict of in- Athens’. assistant head deputy dis-
said Clifford and another po- quent series of emails and told The Times that an terest in that situation, “These additional fees trict attorney.
tential witness, but no voice messages. elected official who solicited Levinson said, the mayor amount to approximately “The matter was investi-
charges were filed. The The mayor’s brother, a job for a close relative in ex- should have recused himself $25 [million] to $30 million gated and on March 6, 2013,
D.A.’s office confirmed the Michael Butts, still works for change for his support of a from all actions on the con- dollars extra over the life of closed,” Gilmer wrote in a
investigation, but said it Consolidated, in its Gar- contract bid would have a tract negotiations, not just the contract,” she wrote. letter to The Times.
could not locate its case file. dena office, according to a conflict of interest. the final vote. “This is unconscionable!”
A spokeswoman for the FBI company employee in Ingle- “Public officials are abso- Butts’ alleged conflict Dunlap, a 20-year mem- kim.christensen
said she could neither con- wood. He did not respond to lutely required to be in those was the subject of a com- ber of the council, lost her @latimes.com
firm nor deny an investiga- phone messages or to inter- jobs for the interest of the plaint letter sent to the dis- seat in a June 2013 election twitter:
tion. view requests made through public, not the interest of lin- trict attorney’s public integ- and has since moved out of kchristensenLAT
L AT I ME S . CO M S S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 B7

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Bevan, Constance Mae Gartner, Gabrielle Michel
ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS December 31, 1936 - January 13, 2018 September 22, 1904 - February 2, 2018
$995 I made my transition to an ethereal Gabrielle Michel Gartner, known to

Abuse/Nursing Home RNeglect
and blessed place with The Almighty her family as “Gogo” and to her friends
BANKRUPTCY* from $995
$79500 Elder and His Son Jesus Christ. I was
surrounded by my beautiful family and
as “Gaby,” died on February 2, 2018
at the age of 95. Born in Breslau,
LIVING TRUST from $79500 Bed Sores
Elder Abuse/Nursing Home Neglect
enveloped in their love. John Senior;
John Junior and René with Hayven and
Germany, in 1922, Gaby – together
with her mother, father and brother –
Heidi Hohler Attorney Sexual
Bed Sores Assault Hayley; Elizabeth and Otto; Douglas
and Teri. One could not ask for more.
fled Nazi persecution in 1932, moving
from Berlin to Prague, and ultimately
(818) 889-6444 MultipleFalls/Fractures/BrainInjury
Serious Personal Injury CONNIE to Los Angeles, where she met her
Carpenter, Fredericke DiNovi, Anthony Ferguson, Mary Anne future husband Bob Gartner. Gaby
*plus court filing fee
“Fred” p. August 13, 1947 - February 7, 2018 July 20, 1929 - January 11, 2018 and Bob were a handsome couple;
Butcher, Leslie t. March 17, 1938 - February 3, 2018 Anthony passed away in the early Mary Anne Pidgeon Ferguson was they loved to dance and always cut an
March 22, 1921 - January 11, 2018 hours of February 7, 2018, by natural born July 20, 1929, in Dublin, Ireland impressive figure on the dance floor.
Fredericke “Fred” Peter Carpenter, Bob ran a chain of retail fabric stores,
He was an uncomplicated self- 79, of Reno, Nevada, passed away on causes, peacefully in his sleep. He was and passed away January 11, 2018 in
reliant man who loved movies, tennis, 70. Pasadena, California. and Gaby raised their two children,
Saturday, February 3, 2018, after an helping out by keeping the business
India and his children. Escaping a honorable fight with cancer. Fred was Mary and her two sisters Joan and
Dickensian childhood in London, he He is survived by his wife Lucy, son Patricia, came to America in 1958. The organized. In her spare time, Gaby
born on St. Patrick’s Day in 1938 to Joe was an avid painter and leaves behind
taught himself drums and thereby and Patricia Carpenter, in Sacramento, De, older sister MaryAnn Hermansen sisters made their way to Los Angeles
traveled the world. He settled in Los and older brother Victor DiNovi. where jobs were waiting. Mary became quite a collection of canvasses signed
Calif. Fred was a standout student and “Gabrielle.” She and Bob traveled
Angeles, becoming a greensman, a athlete at Notre Dame High School in active in the San Fernando Valley
citizen and proud member of IATSE Anthony was born in Brooklyn Group of the Angeles Chapter, Sierra the world together, and she loved
Sherman Oaks, Calif., and was inducted planning their many trips. Bob and
44. His credits include Moonlighting, into the school’s Hall of Fame in 2012. and lived his early years in New York Club, backpacking and volunteering. In

Dukes of Hazzard and ET. He is survived and NewJersey. He was a decorated 1970, the Angeles Chapter, Sierra Club, Gaby retired to Rancho Mirage in
He signed with the New York Yankees 1994, where they enjoyed golf and a
by two children, Anitra Mansson and in 1956, and had a seven-year career veteran of the Vietnam War and served at that time functioning as a totally
jai Mansson; grandson Nigel Mansson; in the military from 1967-1969. This great social life. Upon Bob’s death in
We specialize in the following volunteer organization, selected Mary

in the Yankee organization, including 2004, Gaby volunteered her time at
and his loving companion, Jean an All Star season with Greensboro in experience formed his worldview to be their first paid employee. She
• Bed
Sores • Serious Personal
• Serious PersonalInjury
Injury Pearson. He succumbed to congestive and informed his lifelong progressive was to serve as office manager and the Tolerance Education Center, where
1960. During that time he served in the she often gave talks to school children
• Catastrophic
• Wrongful
• WrongfulDeath
Death heart failure at the age of 96. Special Services division of the Army as activism. assistant to the volunteer officers.
Soon after, noting Mary’s special about her experience surviving the
• Discrimination • Sexual
• Birth
Assault • Brain
Injuries • Truck
• Brain Injury
& Auto
• Truck & Auto
a medic and machine gunner. In 1963,
he married Ellen Marie Zalusky, and He joined with his wife Lucy gift of interacting with people, they Holocaust. The story of her journey
from Nazi Germany to the United
• Harassment over the next 20 years together, raised Chamberlain in Los Angeles in 1991,
and their son De Chamberlain DiNovi
decided to change her job description
to fundraising. Mary’s fundraising States was memorialized on video for
four children. In 1984, Ellen passed
• Wrongful Termination away from cancer. blessed their life in 2008. efforts were phenomenally successful. Stephen Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation.
Gaby leaves behind her greatest joys:
She knew how to find potential
• Retaliation • Disability Fred found love again with Nan Bush Anthony was a great, warm loving, donors and she knew how to explain her son and daughter-in-law, Ron
Gartner and Fran Heller; her daughter
husband to Lucy and he loved being
• Pregnancy Leave 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE
and they married in 1986. They semi-
retired to Reno, Nevada, and stayed De’s dad. Boy did he love being De’s
Sierra Club campaigns and why they
needed financial support. She worked and son-in-law, Victoria and Dennis
dad. He was fun, always laughing with to make each donor a personal friend, Robman; grandchildren Natalie
busy in insurance and real estate. Fred
and Nan became active members in friends and sharing all that he had.
Anthony was a great artistic talent
taking them to lunch and seeing to Friedman, Tony and Goldie Friedman,
and great-grandchildren, Andrew and
their personal comfort if they became
Call for FREE Consultation
CALL DIRECT 818.908.0509 the Reno Unity Center where they led
TOLL FREE 1.866.999.9085 and was passionate about so many ill. Mary became a living legend in Aidan Friedman. She was a unique

monthly groups to serve meals for and beautiful woman, who lived her
www.thepecklawgroup.com Cambern, Patricia Lee those in need at St. Vincent’s Dining things in his life. About acting and the Sierra Club. Sierra Club California
teaching acting. About music, playing created a new award in her honor, life her way and wanted the world to
Please visit our facebook page September 27, 1930 - February 3, 2018 Room.
We Will Help You be a more beautiful place. Donations

his saxophone with friends. About the


Baby Boomers and Elder Law Issues “The Mary Ferguson Award,” given
and ask for approval to join. Pat Cambern was born in Aberdeen, painting, his father was a painter and in her name should be made to the
South Dakota, and passed away Fred was passionate about sports annually to honor a deserving Sierra
he was a painter. And about writing, Club employee. Tolerance Education Center (www.
peacefully in her sleep in Burbank, and coached and supported his kids toleranceducationcenter.org), 35147
CHIMNEY REPAIR California, with her loving husband of through high school and college
sports. In his last decade of life, he
always pushing to complete his book
about his profound experiences as a US
She was fiercely political,
continually offering her beautiful Landy Lane, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270.
67 years, Donn by her side. Army soldier in Viet Nam.
A Celebration of Pat’s Life will be worked at the University of Nevada, home in Montecito Heights to hold
CHIMNEY SAFETY EXPERTS held at First United Methodist Church
of North Hollywood, 4832 Tujunga
Reno athletics department for the
football, basketball and baseball He lived life to its fullest as a true
fundraisers for deserving candidates
and to interview candidates seeking
artist of the highest order and it was
89 .00
FOR TRADITIONAL Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91601 at programs.
always, one day at a time.
Sierra Club endorsement. Well into her
retirement years Mary was still making
9255 Sunset Blvd. #411, LA 90069 BRICK CHIMNEYS
3PM, Sunday, February 18, 2018.
Fred is survived by Nan, his loving phone calls for her party, walking door
www.californialaborlawattorney.com Pat’s passing was preceded by her Anthony was loved deeply by all
wife; Maggie, his faithful dog; six to door, and even traveling to Las
INSPECTION OR CLEANING oldest son, Clay. She is survived by
children and 13 grandchildren: son of us. His glow has been left in each Vegas to“get out the vote.”
her husband Donn, her daughter of our hearts. He will be missed and
SPECIALTY & OUT OF AREA Mike (Carter) and his children Austin, Mary cherished her Irish roots and
Sharon, her son Wade, her grandson remembered often.
Taylor and Kendall; son John (Wendy) founded an organization called “Irish
FIREPLACES $129 .00 Ka’imi and Clay’s domestic partner,
Kevin Wilkerson. Donations in Pat’s and their children Daniel and Megan; Ethos” calling others of Irish heritage

to come together to discuss Irish
818-CHIMNEY (818.244.6639) honor can be made to Tierra del Sol
Foundation at www.tierradelsol.org.
stepson Ken (Dawn) and their children
Jack and Kaila, daughter Kristin (Jared To place issues, literature and music. Irish Ethos
Ogden) and their children Tobin and attracted an enthusiastic following for Goldman, Hon. Barry Roy
WWW.CHIMNEYSAFETYEXPERTS.COM Isabella; stepdaughter Kira (Derek an obituary ad many years. September 7, 1942 - February 3, 2018
To place Eggers) and their children Grant and Mary married Paul Ferguson in 1965,
who died in 1980. She is survived
HOME IMPROVEMENTS an obituary ad Dean; son Matthew (Melanie) and
their children Vincent and Madeleine. please go by a sister, Joan Fritz, of Altadena,
The Hon. Barry R. Goldman passed
away peacefully at home under
please go online to: California, long-time companion
Fred was predeceased by his first wife
Ellen (1984) and his brother Joseph online to: Ed Vaughan, two nephews, Brian
hospice care after a long illness. Judge
Goldman was born on September
latimes.com/placeobituary (1981). Beaubien (Heather) grandnephew, 7, 1942 in Trenton, New Jersey, to
Walter and grandniece Leah, and David his parents Abraham Goldman and
For information on a planned latimes.com/placeobituary Beaubien of Atlanta, Georgia, brothers Eleanor Goldman (Moskovitz). He
or call memorial for Fred, or on where to in law, Brian Ferguson of Mystic, was soon joined by his brother Mark
1-800-234-4444 make a donation in lieu of flowers, Ct. and Paul Ferguson and Asako of and his sister Iris Assuncao. The family
OF CALIFORNIA please go to this site: Decatur, Georgia and their children lived in Trenton until Barry’s father
https://tinyurl.com/FredCarpenter Liam, Mary Lou and Kieran and many acquired a meat business in Danbury,
$ friends and relatives in the U.S. and in
Scott Brickell, ESQ. COU
0 or call Ireland. Mary Ferguson passed away
Connecticut, when Barry was 9 years
• Auto Accidents • Wrongful Death COUPPOONN 1-800-234-4444 peacefully on January 11, 2018.
A Celebration of Life Mass will
Barry was a guard on his high
• Rear End Crashes school football team – he was the
be held on February 17, 2018 at fastest offensive lineman and his
• DUI Victims • Brain Injuries
• All Types of Cases • Se Habla Español REFINISHING OF: 11:00 a.m. at the Assumption of the team went undefeated his senior year.

TUBS • TILES • SINKS • FIBERGLASS Blessed Virgin Mary Church located This explains some of the toughness
• No Recovery, No Fees

at 2640 East Orange Grove Blvd, that Barry carried with himself later
BRICKELL MEZA Pasadena, California with a reception
immediately following at the Msgr.
Crean Hall located on the grounds
in life. He graduated from Danbury
High School in 1960 and went on
to get a degree in Political Science
behind the church. Lunch and
beverages will be served.
from the University of Connecticut in
1964. While trained as a butcher in
(310) 858-3555 Promo Code: LATPD Tub Only
his father’s business (Dad always said
one needed a trade to fall back on
Free Case Evaluation 1-800-882-5464 Marcelino Alberto Diaz
just in case), Barry decided to head to
California and visit his beloved aunt
www.bathtubkingsocal.com and uncle, Faye and the late Sam
HELPING VICTIMS Gordon. He was smitten by California

July 4, 1962 - January 21, 2018 weather and never moved back to
LICENSED CONTRACTOR Marcelino Alberto “Marc” Diaz was born in Danbury.
MAIN OFFICE BEVERLY HILLS Guanabacoa, Cuba, to Francisco Alberto Diaz and While in California, and thanks

to the influence of his Uncle Sam,
seriousinjurycases.com Harry W. “Hunk” Anderson Julia Valero. The family immigrated to the United

www.brickellmeza.com States in 1968, just after Mark’s 6th birthday. Barry found his calling with the law.
They settled in the San Fernando Valley, where He was hired by the County of Los
October 5, 1922 - February 7, 2018 Mark graduated from Bellermine-Jefferson High Angeles as a Detention Service Officer
School. He graduated from UCLA in 1984, where for the Department of Probation
Harry W. “Hunk” Anderson was born on October
WITHOUT CAUSE? 5, 1922 in Corning, NY. His father and mother
immigrated to the United States from Sweden
he majored in biology. While in college, he started
working at Spraylat Corporation as a chemist in the
where he served at Juvenile Hall for
ten years. During the last few years
TILE and Norway, respectively. After serving in the U.S. R&D of paints and coatings. Though he also earned while working for the County, Barry
Harassment Discrimina!on a law degree from Southwestern University, Mark went to law school at night and
FORMICA Army during World War II, Hunk enrolled at Hobart
remained in the paints and coatings business for graduated from the San Fernando
Retaliation Unpaid Wages College in Geneva, NY, where he played varsity Valley College of Law (now La Verne)
PORCELAIN tennis, fell in love with his wife Mary Margaret 36 years, including more than 12 years with Quaker
and was admitted to the State Bar as
Unemployment & Workplace Injuries Chemical Corporation and the past four years as

FIBERGLASS “Moo,” and co-founded Saga Corporation in 1948 an attorney in June 1970.
REG. TUB $325 with lifelong friends. Market Development Manager – Americas, with

Hexion, Inc. in Stafford, Texas. Barry practiced personal injury and
Based on disability, gender/sex, During his 30 years as co-CEO of the company,
workers’ compensation law in private
Mark was gifted in science and math and was practice for a few years and eventually
age, race, pregnancy, religion, Hunk lived by “The Saga Way” – to treat others as
awarded patents in his field. Mark had an innate became employed as a staff trial
whistleblowing you would like to be treated. This mentality was attorney for the State Compensation
shared by the thousands of employees, students, curiosity about everything. He joked that he was
full of little known facts little worth knowing. Mark Insurance Fund. He was a skilled trial
and customers that Saga served in universities, attorney, known for his quick wit and
Valid until
hospitals, retirement homes, and restaurants traveled frequently for his work and knew the
Valid until
layout and dining highlights of every major airport his hat collection. Barry met and
12A51 across the country. married his first wife, Robin Goldman
in the world. It was through his work and travels
PROFESSIONAL REGLAZING that he met his wife, Zandra Villareal of Monterrey, (Myers). Barry remained close to
After a transformative trip to the Louvre, Moo Robin’s three brothers and one sister
and Hunk began learning about art and collecting Mexico. Mark and Zandra married in 1997 and
www.TOPREFINISHING.com settled in Tustin, California, where their three and to his former in-laws Dr. Charlotte
“the best of the best” of post-war American works.
800 833-8060 In between visits to galleries and artists’ studios,
the couple raised their only daughter, Mary Patricia
children, Alexander, Isabella and Andrea were
born. His children were his great pride and joy. He
and Dr. Seymour Myers for years after
Robin’s untimely death from breast
Satisfaction Contractor Lic.
Lic Contractor FREE most especially enjoyed sharing his knowledge of cancer.
Guaranteed #978667 TES “Putter,” in the San Francisco Peninsula. In 1989, Barry was appointed as a
science and math, helping them with homework
and school projects even by Skype during his workers’ compensation judge and was
Hunk approached life with a can-do attitude and assigned to the Van Nuys district office
a big smile, especially when it was time for dessert travels, sharing information about the places
Adam Reisner, Esq. & Introducing the or a Hendrick’s gin martini. He often imparted he went, and enjoying board games and family where he served with distinction for
Tessa King, Esq. free Hot Property wisdom like “I didn’t know it couldn’t be done so I barbeques together. In 2014, when Mark started 22 years until his retirement in 2010.
at Hexion, the family moved to Katy, Texas, where Judge Goldman was a dedicated
newsletter. just went ahead and did it” and “keep your powder
they enjoyed the love and support of a wonderful jurist who took his job seriously and
“We will compassionately dry!” These Hunk-isms were especially meaningful
circle of friends and neighbors. enjoyed the decision-making process.
for his granddaughter Devin, who shared many
& aggressively fight

He was recruited to teach workers’

treasured moments with her “Poppi.” compensation law for mandated
Celebrity home sales and Mark passed away after a surprising and brief
for your rights” high-end real estate The Andersons always collected art with the battle with cancer, with his family at his side. He continuing legal education programs
transactions accompanied is survived by his wife of nearly 21 years, Zandra, for attorneys and he was a member of
intention to share, and significant gifts were made the State Bar Workers’ Compensation
by stunning photos. to the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and his children, Alex, Bella and Andy, his mother, Julia,
sister Maria (Brian) Hoye, niece and nephew, Pilar Law Section Executive Committee for
Call for free consulta!on San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. In 2014, three years.
Moo and Hunk celebrated the opening of the and Matthew Hoye, and a large extended family of
(818)981-0901 Sign up at
latimes.com/HotProp Anderson Collection at Stanford University—a free-
standing museum housing a gift of 121 artworks by
aunts, uncles, and cousins. Mark’s family would
like to thank their extended family, friends and
In 2000, Barry met the love of his
life, Shirley Alexander, a court reporter
www.terminatedwithoutcause.com neighbors, and Mark’s colleagues, for their help at theVan NuysWCAB office. Barry and
www.reisnerking.com 86 artists. Hunk considered it one of his greatest Shirley were married at Lake Tahoe
achievements and was immensely grateful to those and support during his illness. A rosary and funeral
mass were held in Texas on January 24. in 2003 and they maintained their
who helped make his dream a reality. residence in Chatsworth. Barry and
Shirley retired from their state jobs and
Hunk died of natural causes in his home – enjoyed their retirement with travel,
surrounded by his loving wife, daughter, and restaurants, plays at the Ahmanson
granddaughter – on February 7, 2018. We will miss Theater, Dodger games, and
him dearly but know that his legacy lives on. To place an obituary ad Hollywood Bowl summer programs.
Judge Goldman will be missed. He
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to
the Anderson Collection at Stanford University please go online to: was an honest and honorable man, a
dedicated and loving husband, fishing
online at http://giving.stanford.edu/goto/ buddy to some and best friend to
andersoncollectiongift many. Barry will be remembered for
Checks can also be made out to the Anderson latimes.com/placeobituary his humor, his fierceness in his beliefs
and his care for others, especially his
Collection at Stanford University; mail to Aimee family and friends. It is so comforting
Shapiro, Anderson Collection at Stanford University, to finally see him at peace.
314 Lomita Drive, Stanford, CA 94305. Services will be held at Groman Eden
Mortuary in Mission Hills at 3 pm on
The family plans to have a private burial but Tuesday, February 6, 2018.
looks forward to hosting a celebration of Hunk’s life
this spring. or call
Photo credit: L.A. Cicero
1-800-234-4444 Share a
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GuttinG, Fr. John Mallett, Richard P.
August 31, 1927 - January 28, 2018 1944 - February 4, 2018
GUTTING, Fr. John. August 31, Richard P. Mallett of Glendale died
1927 - January 28, 2018. Fr. John peacefully at home. He had many
Gutting was called home to The Lord friends and connections to Glendale
on January 28, 2018. He is survived and Maine. He was a great traveler.
by his brothers Clifford, Fallbrook CA Dick, we will miss you.
and Lawrence, Valley Center CA. Fr.
Gutting also leaves nieces, nephews,
grand nieces, grand nephews and
cousins. Fr. Gutting was ordained to
the priesthood on May 5, 1954 at St. KAPLAN, Scott
Vibianas Cathedral, Los Angeles. He August 10, 1963 - February 2, 2018
served in several parishes in southern Scott Kaplan of Claremont, CA passed
California over the last 63 years and away in his home due to complications
touched many lives. He was named with heart failure on February 2, 2018.
Pastor of St. Anthanasius parish, Long He was 54 years old. Scott is survived
Beach in 1977 where he served for 20 by his soul mate and wife Kelly (née
years. He retired as pastor emeritus in Moore); cherished father of Brett,
1997 and moved to Nazareth House Blake, Bradley; beloved stepfather of
where he enjoyed saying mass, visiting Alex, Austin; treasured son of Judy Mccaffery, Mary Margo
with the other residents and feeding
Ronald Lee Luebke the birds and squirrels. While living at
Sherwin, Stanley Kaplan (Raelie); September 29, 1938 - January 8, 2018 Nancy G. Mathisen
loving stepson of Maxine Elkun (née Mary Margo McCaffery, a pioneer in
Nazareth House, Fr. Gutting assisted Siegel); dear brother of Kimberly the care of people with pain, passed December 31, 1921 - February 3, 2018
August 22, 1932 - January 28, 2018 with masses at nearby St. Timothy’s. Axelrod (Joseph), Sean Kaplan, Kari away peacfully at the age of 79 in
He was loved by his family, friends Kaplan; buddy and brother-in-law of Born and raised in South Milwaukee, WI, an only
Our beloved husband, father, grandfather, and the many parishioners he served. Marina Del Ray, CA. Margo was born
great grandfather and hero, passed away Sunday Ron Moore (Michelle); former spouse and raised in Corsicana, Texas. She child, Nancy attended an all girl’s Catholic school.
He will be remembered for his love of of Karen Kaplan (née Kowalski); a She left WI to attend Western State Colorado
morning, January 28, surrounded by his family people, animals and his wonderful was preceded in death by her parents,
at his home in Newport Beach. Ron was born in loving uncle, cousin and nephew. He Marley William and Mary Katherine University where she earned a Bachelor’s
sense of humor. Vigil will be at St. was a most loyal (and to his family,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, delivered by a mid-wife at Timothy’s Church on February 15 at (Adams) Smith, her brother, Marley degree, and was a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha
his grandparent’s home during the depths of the unacceptable) fan of the Miami Donald Smith, her only child Melissa Sorority, becoming a National Officer years later.
9:30 am followed by the Funeral Mass Dolphins, Pittsburgh Pirates, Iowa
Great Depression. He grew up in a household at 11:00am. Internment at All Souls Ruth Mielke, and her husband, John After earning her BA, Nancy then enlisted in the
filled with an abundance of relatives and love. Hawkeyes and New York Rangers. As a Richard Brewer. Army during WWII. She was stationed 2 years
Cemetery, Long Beach at 2:30pm. In transformative leader, Scott cherished
Ron graduated with honors from Washington lieu of flowers, donations may be made in New Guinea and the Philippines, assigned to
High School in Milwaukee and achieved the rank his roles as mentor, colleague, partner Margo received a BS in Nursing from the Provost Marshal’s Office at the rank of S/Sgt.
to St. Anthanasius Church, Long Beach. and friend. He was an inspiration
of Eagle Scout. Ron then attended the University Baylor University in 1959 and a MS in Nancy returned to WSCU and earned a double
of Madison, Wisconsin, earning a degree in to many and held a deep love and Nursing from Vanderbilt University Master’s degree, then moved to CA and worked
Mechanical Engineering. While at the University, admiration for his community at Jones in 1961. She became an assistant at the LA Times where she met and married Alex
Ron founded the North Lake Yacht Club, serving Lang Lasalle (JLL) and CB Richard Ellis professor in pediatric nursing at UCLA O. Mathisen. Together, they raised 4 children and
as Director and Commodore. Ron was an active (CBRE). Scott was born on August 10, in 1965. In 1970, Margo became resided in Anaheim for 62 years where she was
member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. It was 1963 in Chicago. He graduated from self-employed as a consultant and heavily involved in her children’s school functions
at the KS Christmas Formal that he “pinned” a Glenbrook South High School in 1981 educator on the nursing care of and outside extra curricular activities. She was
golden haired beauty and love of his life, Bonnie on the Dean’s List, member of the patients with pain, until she retired always present and supported all of her children’s
Stephan, who was the reigning Miss Madison. After National Honors Society and catcher in 2011. Margo authored numerous activities.
graduation, Ron reported for duty to the U.S. Air for the Titans varsity baseball team. At articles, guidelines, videos, and five
Force at Moffet Field in Mountain View, California as the University of Iowa, Scott graduated books on pain. She became a Fellow of Nancy was a devoted, loving daughter, wife,
a Second Lieutenant. He was assigned to a special Summa Cum Laude/Phi Beta Kappa the American Academy of Nursing and mother and grandmother who had a deep Catholic
aeronautical research group at the NASA facility. with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, received numerous prestigious awards faith and when not involved in family functions, gave
While at Moffet, Ron and Bonnie became engaged and was a fraternity member of and appointments. her time to volunteering for over 30 years to the
and were married in 1956. He retired from the Air
HacHigian, gabriel Alpha Epsilon Pi. He went on to be Braille Institute, Martin Luther Hospital (Anaheim),
Force as Captain. Ron began his career as a Project August 23, 1927 - February 3, 2018 accepted to the University of Iowa Margo was a trailblazer in the field Anaheim Memorial Hospital and St Justin’s Martyr
Engineer with Murphy Diesel Co. in Milwaukee, and Gabriel Hachigian, 90, died February College of Law but instead returned to of pain management and inspired Church where she provided for and fed the needy.
then to Western Gear Corp. Bonnie’s longing for 3, 2018, at his home in Culver City. Chicagoland to partner with his uncle, generations of nurses and physicians.
the California sunshine convinced Ron to accept Born in Chicago Illinois on August 23, co-owning a chain of Hallmark stores. She was an impassioned advocate Preceded in death by husband, Alex, she leaves
an offer from Westinghouse in Sunnyvale. After 1927, Gabriel attended Crane Technical He was the first President of Crown for the relief of people suffering with behind her children, Tom, Terry, Ted and Monica;
only eight months, Ron was named Westinghouse High School where he graduated with Mac, Hallmark’s internal financing pain. She is best known for her 1968 3 grandchildren and a great-grandchild. She will
Man of the Year. While Ron’s career bloomed, the distinction. He entered the U.S Army division for its Gold Crown Store clinical definition of pain, embraced be forever missed as she is loved. The family is
Luebke family grew to seven, including Stephanie, in 1946 and was honorably discharged Network. He served on Hallmark’s first worldwide: “Pain is whatever the eternally grateful for the TLC from Mila and Rose
Debbie, Caroline, Melissa (baby Heavenly now in 1947. In 1948, across a crowded Gold Crown Advisory Board as the voice experiencing person says it is, existing who will forever be in our hearts. Funeral Services
in heaven), and Ron Jr. Ron’s final project at room, he met Jule Torosian of South of the Midwest. He went on to create whenever he says it does.” are February 13th at St Justin Martyr’s Church in
Westinghouse was as Project Engineer at the Milwaukee and they were married a a two-decade, distinguished career in Anaheim at 11:00 a.m.
radio telescope complex in Lonepine for Caltech. year later in February 1949. Gabriel, a commercial retail based in Southern Margo was a wonderful women
The success of the project earned Ron an offer lifelong Bruin, graduated from UCLA in California. Throughout his career, who lives on through her life’s work
from MAAG Gearwheel Company of Zurich. 1951 with a degree in Theater Arts and Scott has been involved in the sale and through those whose lives she has
As Ron set all time sales records for MAAG, he later earned a degree in Engineering and development of land along with touched. She will be forever loved and
founded his own company, American Machinery from USC. For nearly 40 years Gabriel the leasing of more than 25 million forever missed by those who knew her.
and Engineering Corp., representing MAAG and worked as an aerospace engineer for square feet of retail space nationwide
other heavy machinery lines. With the income Douglas Aircraft and Rockwell. As a for more than $4 billion in total real
generated through American Machinery, Ron lifelong liberal he enjoyed politics as estate value. Scott developed a stellar
and Bonnie were able to offer their children the well as running and bicycling. Gabriel reputation and track record helping
best life had to offer. In the 1980’s Ron and Ron is survived by his wife Jule, his sons to take major retail projects from a
Jr. partnered with the Van Mechelens of ADAPT Dorian and Gregory, and his brother vision to reality. Scott held several
Automation and began consulting to the fledgling Alexander. He is predeceased by his leadership positions within CBRE,
automotive airbag industry. Over the decades to parents Michael and Varvar. including Senior Managing Director
follow, the partnership never wavered and to date of Retail Services, Western Region
the company has delivered advanced automation and Senior Managing Director of the
to air bag manufacturers worldwide. Ron gave HoHman, Larry Inland Empire Region. He received the
generously of his time to numerous community August 15, 1937 - January 30, 2018 Larry Perrish“The Power of We”Award,
organizations. “Tiger”, as his fraternity brothers the highest honor bestowed within
In the early evening of January the company’s retail line of business.
knew him, raised $2 million in 1996 to refurbish the 30, 2018, William Lawrence “Larry” As Executive Vice President, Retail
beautiful Kappa Sigma fraternity house in Madison. Hohman died at his West Los Angeles Brokerage for JLL, Scott collaborated
For his effort, he was named KS Man of the Year, home in the loving embrace of family to create a best-in-class team with
elected to the KS Hall of Fame and received the and friends at the age of 80 years Erik Westedt, Blake Kaplan, and
coveted Distinguished Alumni Award. Being family young.
oriented, Ron did extensive genealogy research Holly Cauthron. Scott’s most recent Moore, Betty Ann
We will gather on Monday, February visionary work was dreaming about June 21, 1924 - January 29, 2018
and wrote a 500 page book entitled “The Ronald
Lee Luebke Family Outdoor Journal”. Leather
12, 2018 from 6-9pm at the Carousel/ the creation of future company wide
Betty Ann Moore, 93, a longtime
Thomas S. Maddock
Merry-Go-Round on the Santa Monica programs that would focus on the
bound copies were given to his children who refer Pier to share and say goodbye. Please mentorship of early career, all-star Malibu resident, passed away January
to it lovingly as “The Book”, a treasured gift that is 29, 2018 at a Santa Paula, Ca., nursing March 23, 1928 - February 3, 2018
come along to help us remember and brokers, exploring partnership with
read and referred to frequently. Ron loved model salute the rich life of the luckiest man a focus on vision, communication, home. Born June 21, 1924 in San Thomas S. Maddock passed away peacefully in
railroads. To his grandchildren’s delight, his trains on the face of the Earth. Bring a story gratitude and integrity. His family Bernardino, California, Betty was the Newport Beach, CA, on February 3, 2018. Thomas
ran through the whole house at Christmas time. from your heart and we will see you suggests donations be made in his daughter of Joe and Ethel Schmidt, was born to John Francis and Eileen Smothers
Ron and the Luebke clan were avid Green Bay there! Team Hohman natives of Lafayette, Indiana. Betty’s Maddock in Norfolk, VA, in 1928, where he also
Packer fans. After church, Sundays were spent with name to the University of Iowa Center brother, Charles, passed away in 2015. graduated from Maury High School. He later
the family cheering on the green and gold. Trips for Advancement, One West Park graduated at Virginia Tech with a BS degree in Civil
in the family motorhome were epic! The family Road, Iowa City, IA 52242, to support Betty was raised in South-Central Engineering and completed his graduate work at
enjoyed many cruises, exploring different parts of a mentorship fund in Scott’s name at Los Angeles, and was a graduate of MIT with a MS degree in Engineering. In the Korean
the world. Ron and Ron Jr. spent countless hours the University of Iowa John Pappajohn George Washington High School. In War, Thomas attended Navy Officer Candidate
on the ocean, sport fishing and sharing their love Entrepreneurial Center. 1944 she was married to Carl Eugene School in Newport, RI, and was commissioned
of the sea. His love of the outdoors, hunting, fishing Please join friends and family in Moore. Carl, a State Farm Insurance an Ensign in the Navy Civil Engineering Corps.
and adventure never waivered. Closer to home, he a Celebration of Scott’s life: Sunday, Agent in Santa Monica for 35 years, He was assigned to the Navy Seabees on the
took pleasure in his membership at Big Canyon February 11th, 3-6 PM at Nico Osteria, passed away in 2002. construction of Naval Air Station Cubi Point in the
Country Club. Ron remained a devout Catholic and 1015 N. Rush St., Chicago, IL 60611 and Philippine Islands. He was later stationed at Marine
made sure the whole family attended Mass EVERY Thursday, February 15th, 2-5 PM at the In 1962 Betty and Carl moved into Corps Air Station El Toro, CA.
Sunday! He served his beloved church through Balboa Yacht Club, 1801 Bayside Drive, their home in Malibu. Betty was a
the Legion of Mary. His faith in God guided him Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. homemaker who loved to cook and Thomas began his work career in 1957 with
through his lifetime. Ron was a true gentleman; spend time with family and friends. Boyle Engineering in Bakersfield, CA, where he
he was generous, compassionate and kind. He Carl was a member of the Santa Monica took on major state and worldwide water projects
was old school and raised his children accordingly. Kennedy, Rosalie Sunrise Optimist Club, and Betty often and became President and CEO in Orange County
A firm handshake and look in the eye were his October 5, 1925 - January 29, 2018 worked on the club’s annual scrap in 1975. He became Chairman in 1993, retired
trademarks, passed down to his children and At 92 years old, Rosalie (“Ro”) books. Betty and Carl led an active in 2001, and continued to work as a consulting
grandchildren. Ron’s family loves him beyond words IndermIll, mary Alice Kennedy passed away on January social life and loved to golf, party and engineer. Thomas was elected to the National
and misses him dearly. He gave us everything he February 21, 1929 - November 29, 2017 29, 2018 after a brief illness in Los travel with their many friends. Academy of Engineering in 1993 and later as
had, no sacrifice too big. We take solace in the Mary Alice Indermill was one of Angeles, CA. Ro was born in McAdoo, Honorary Member of the American Society of Civil
belief that he is in Heaven with our Lord and all only four women in the University Pennsylvania on October 5, 1925. Betty is survived by her son and Engineers (ASCE). He was a Distinguished Alumni
those who went before him. We have faith that we of Colorado at Boulder’s College of She met her husband, John (“Jack”) daughter-in-law, Tom and Mary Moore of Virginia Tech, School of Civil and Environmental
will be encircled in his loving arms in eternal life. Engineering in 1945. She married Burl Kennedy, in 1947, and they married of Malibu; grandchildren: Andrew Engineering, and served on numerous boards
Ron is survived by his loving wife Bonnie of 62 Indermill, a fellow engineering student shortly after in Bayonne, New Jersey. (Toby) Moore, Deborah Sanchez and and societies; he was a licensed professional
years; children, Stephanie Rados, Debbie Nelson, returned from WWII, in 1949. With Ro and Jack relocated to Los Angeles, her husband Steve, Jennifer Harris, engineer in 18 states. In 1993, the Governor
Ron Luebke Jr., Caroline Bryan, Melissa Misetich, children Janet, Eric, Bruce and Donald, CA; they were married for 59 years and Jason Harris. In addition, Betty appointed him to represent CA on the Western
their spouses, Steve Rados, Bill Bryan, and Chris the family settled in the San Fernando and raised 10 children together. had 5 great-grandchildren: Nicole States Water Council—part of the Western
Luebke; grandchildren, Bobby, Brittany, Brooke, Valley. Mary joined the Ralph M. Ro was known and loved by many. Kingsley and husband David, Steven Governors Association. Rear Admiral Maddock
Chase, Lauren, Riley, Michael, Clayton, Cole, Parsons Company as an architectural She is predeceased by her husband, Sanchez and his wife Griffin, Abby served on the Board of Trustees of the Navy CEC/
Christian, Bonnie, Aubrey and Angelina; and great and construction engineer, earned Jack, daughters Patricia Matthews Sanchez, Joshua Moore, and Dakota Seabee Historical Foundation, and a new US Navy
grandchild, Audrey. Ron was laid to rest at a private both a civil engineering certification & Kathleen Kennedy, & grandson Markow. She also had 4 great-great- Seabee Museum was built in 2010 at the Port
family Mass and burial. Details are pending for his and an MBA, and served as the Water Jonathan Freese. grandchildren: Marcus, Aurelia and Hueneme Naval Base. He was also instrumental
Celebration of Life. In lieu of flowers, donations Rates Manager for LADWP. She was Ro is survived by her other 8 children: Theo Kingsley, and Phoenix Sanchez. in the support of the Maturango Museum in
may be made in his memory to The Michael J Fox awarded Fellow by the Society of Mike (Estee) Kennedy, Sheila (Gary) They will all greatly miss their Ridgecrest, CA, where his wife Caroline donates
Foundation for Parkinson’s and Our Lady Queen of Women Engineers in 1993. Mary was Nemer, Tony (Katharyne) Kennedy, “Grandma Betty.” her archeological publications and artwork.
Angels, Newport Beach. an optimistic woman committed to Mary Anne Steward, Rosemary
education and equality. She is survived McAlary, Johnny Kennedy, Chris She is also survived by her sister- Thomas is survived by his wife Caroline
by her four children, six grandchildren, Kennedy, & Eileen Kennedy. She also in-law Evelyn “Joy” Schmidt, niece Jan Maddock of Newport Beach, daughters Victoria
and one great-grandchild. leaves behind her 12 grandchildren & Clifton and nephews Steve, Greg and Maddock and Kimberly Clark, granddaughter Lilian
Memorial February 24, 1:00 p.m. at 6 great grandchildren. Ro was always Jeff Schmidt. Clark, and many nieces and nephews. Thomas
the Valencia Summit HOA Clubhouse, happiest when surrounded by her was preceded in death by three brothers (John,
24600 W. Del Monte Drive. children and grandchildren. She will Betty will be cremated. The family Joseph, and James) and two sisters (Mary and
be greatly missed. Services will be and friends will soon gather for a Patricia). Thomas was an avid tennis player and
held at, St. Jerome Catholic Church, celebration of Betty’s life. enjoyed hiking in Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada
5570 Thornburn, LA, 90045: Rosary: mountains. He was a true patriot who loved serving
Thursday 2/15 at 7:30; funeral, Friday, his country, and he was a kind, intelligent and
2/16 at 10:00 AM. honorable man. He will be greatly missed by family

To place an obituary ad Pivovaroff, Daniel

and friends alike. In honor of Thomas’ wishes, no
service will be held, and any donations may be
made directly to Hoag Hospital Foundation.

please go online to:

Daniel William Pivovaroff, a long-
time resident of Southern California,
died on January 23, 2018. Dan was
born on June 27, 1938 to Jack William
Pivovaroff and Jennie Kashergen. He
graduated from Leuzinger High School
in Lawndale in 1956. He wed Jo Anne
latimes.com/placeobituary Hesser on July 11, 1959. They were
married for 27 years, and they had To place an obituary ad
two children, Jamie Lynn and Michael
James. please go online to:
Lamaoureux, antonia Dan worked as a mechanic, welder
“Toni” and machinist early in his career,
or call September 24, 1924 - January 28, 2018
Toni, 93, passed away peacefully
before opening his own metal
fabrication business in the early 1980s. latimes.com/placeobituary
He kept that business until he retired

in Arvada, Colorado. She is in 2000. He devoted much of his free
survived by her 2 children, Donald time to auto racing and working on
Lamoureux (Redondo Beach, CA) cars. He owned and operated Sprint
and Cathryn Reimanis (Golden, CO), Cars over two decades, and several of
and 6 grandchildren. She enjoyed his teams had great success, winning
gardening, traveling, dancing and main events at tracks across California, or call
singing songs of her generation. Toni Arizona and the mid-west.
loved her family deeply. She was In 2006, Dan moved to Oakland 1-800-234-4444
placed to rest adjacent to where she so his son and daughter-in-law
was born – in Santa Monica, CA. could help with his medical care.
He is survived by his sister Florance,
daughter Jamie and her three children,
and his son Michael. He is preceded in
Honor a life death by his brothers John, Jake, Harry
and David and his sister Diane. He was
go to latimes.com/placeobituary
interred on February 9 in a small family
ceremony at Mountain View Cemetery
in Oakland.

obituary NotiCES Place a paid Notice: latimes.com/placeobituary

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Potter, Vilma L. Wauke, ellen williams, wallace wade
January 3, 1924 - January 29, 2018 WAUKE, Ellen (94) Passed away Wallace Wade Williams passed away
Sic transit Gloria mundi peacefully on January 15, 2018. early on the morning of Saturday,
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Vilma She is survived by her loving family; Feb 3rd at his home in Reseda, Ca.
attended Brooklyn College at age children, Myrtle (Richard) Higa, Bruce from complications of Alzheimer’s
15 and thence Duke University for (Necy) and Eric (Leslie) Wauke, Wendy Disease, he was 82 years old. He was
graduate studies, the springboard to (Lloyd) Nicolay; grandchildren, Todd born June 28th, 1935 in Waverly, Fl
her university teaching career. She (Anna) Shiroma, Ashley Higa, Akemi to parents Talmadge and Ruby who
was an accomplished piano player and and Neil (Kelly) Wauke, Erin (Ryan) later moved the family to Jacksonville,
academic. Vilma was a professor of Miyamoto; (2) great-grandchildren; Fl. Mr. Williams enlisted in The U.S.
English at California State University, siblings, George Arakaki of HI, Yusei Marine Corps where he received a
Los Angeles, from 1961 to 1992. She Stewart, Janet M. (Akiko) Arakaki of CA, Betty (Richard) hardship discharge after the death
remained active with the university September 14, 1940 - December 5, 2017
Taira, Elaine Gushiken and Walter of his father. Shortly after that he
emeriti community and taught (Caroline) Arakaki all of HI; also many enlisted in The U.S. Army where
Janet M. Stewart passed away nieces, nephews and other relatives. he became a member of The 101st
poetry long after her retirement. December 5, 2017, at the age of 77.
Her several volumes of poetry while A private family service was held. Airborne and was stationed in Korea.
She grew up in Santa Monica, www.fukuimortuary.com Upon completing his enlistment he
dense, have been widely enjoyed. California, attending Santa Monica
She remained intellectually curious (213) 626-0441 returned to civilian life and enrolled
High School. She graduated from in Luther Rice Seminary where he was
well into her 90s and continued to California Western University, San
polish her Mozart until illness and later ordained as a Baptist Minister,
Diego. Jan is survived by her older he would later become the Asst.
old age swept her away. Throughout brothers, John Stewart and James Pastor and Pastor at several different
her life she was more interested in Charles Stewart. churches. After seminary he then James Theodore Bashor
critical thinking than in fitting-in
or joining-in. She encouraged her
She began her teaching career
for the Hermosa Beach City School To place joined The International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers as a apprentice August 25, 1931 - January 25, 2018
children, grandchildren, and great- District in 1965 and retired June 2010.
grandchildren to place a premium on She was a 2nd grade teacher for the an obituary ad electrician in The Inside Wireman
program, which would be his trade
James “Jim” Theodore Bashor, 86, was born August 25, 1931 in
scholarship. Vilma, a rock for many majority of her time here at Hermosa Covina, California, to the late Orin Paul Bashor and Edith M. Hay. Jim
who knew her, will be missed by all.
Wife of Bertram L. Potter (1917-
Schools. Many students, parents and please go skill for over 50 years. He is survived
by his wife of 25 years, Patty Williams
passed away Thursday, January 25, 2018, with his wife Dianne by his
side from complications related to COPD. He died peacefully and
friends are grieving the loss of this very
2008) and mother to Paul Potter
(1947-2016) (Esther), Vilma is
popular and special teacher. Jan had online to: along with her sons Jim, Chris and
Greg Harden. He is survived by siblings
without pain.
Having moved to San Diego, Jim graduated from Hoover High School. He later
a great impact on many young lives. Wanda Lord in NC and brother Robert
survived by her children Alexandra She always called her classes “The True joined the Army and was part of the Berlin Airlift. Jim’s commitment to the military
Watts (Donald) and Joshua Potter Williams in ID. Mr. Williams is also continued throughout his life. He actively supported the Military Day Parade and
Blue Crew.” latimes.com/placeobituary survived by his daughter Melody
(Dorothy); grandchildren Billie (Jason In her short period of retirement, the USS Midway. His lifelong patriotism culminated with one of San Diego Zoo’s
Melillo), Pablo (Jenny), Moira (Shawn Beigle in CA, daughter Kristina Brunt largest gifts providing support for the Zoo’s Wounded Warrior Project and free
Jan became an active volunteer with in PA, and sons Adrian and James
Thomas), Meghan (Mike Shea), the HB 50 Senior Center, the Hermosa admission in perpetuity for active members of the military and their families.
Fiona, Sara, and Amanda; and great- in FL. He also leaves behind a total After being honorably discharged from the military, Jim decided he needed
Garden Club and continued her of 21 Grandchildren and 16 Great
grandchildren Cameron, Audrey, Colin, volunteer activities with the Hermosa to earn his college degree. Having watched numerous football games at the
Spencer, Miette, Eleanor, and Kitty. Grandchildren. He was a devoted Los Angeles Coliseum, Jim decided to attend University of Southern California
Beach Historical Society. She also took
time to take a cruise to Alaska and or call Christian who struggled through
life’s adversities but always strived to
where he graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Administration. USC
also became one of Jim’s favorite charitable endeavors.
recently a trip to Paris.
A memorial and celebration will be
1-800-234-4444 stay on God’s path for him. There will Business career opportunities led Jim back to San Diego. At the same time,
be a graveside service at Oakwood Jim met the love of his life, Dianne, on a blind date. They married the following
held Sunday, February 18, 2018, from Memorial Park Cemetery, located at
2:00-4:00pm at the Hermosa Beach year and were married for 49 years.
22601 Lassen St, Chatsworth, CA. The Long known for his positive outlook, sense of humor and passion for living, Jim
Community Center in HB50 Senior services will be Tuesday, February 13th
Center and Hermosa Beach Museum, always included his friends in travel and sporting events. Having won a part in
at 1pm. the show “Mama Mia” on Broadway, Jim took several of his friends to New York
710 Pier Ave., Hermosa Beach, CA
90254. Donations in memory of Jan to watch his performance on Broadway. After watching the show, all agreed Jim
will be collected at the event to “The Cemetery Lots/Crypts should stick with his business endeavors in San Diego.
Jan Stewart memorial fund” for a Jim loved sports. If it was skiing in Aspen, attending USC football games or
Double plot for sale at Inglewood watching his horse win, each event brought great joy to Jim. One of his great
memorial bench. Donation can also Cemetery in Inglewood, CA for $7,500,
be made to the Peter Zippi Fund at thrills came in 2016 when his horse Danzing Candy led the Kentucky Derby for
valued at 10,500. Call 9492955084 most of the race.
Rosenblum, nellie may peterzippifund.org.
Jim will always be remembered as a loving husband, a man of honor and a
(nel) (nay) For reservations, please email:
kvint@hermosabch.org generous friend.
May 13, 1924 - February 4, 2018 A viewing will be held from 4:00PM to 8:00PM on Friday, February 16, 2018 at
Born to the late Nels and Nora Sten, Salli Lynn Chapel of Greenwood Mortuary, 4300 Imperial Ave., San Diego, CA.
Nay passed away at age 93 on February Jim’s funeral service will be at 1:30 PM on Saturday, February 17, 2018 at The
4, 2018 in Thousand Oaks, California Village Community Presbyterian Church, 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa
after a brief illness. Fe, CA, with his committal service to follow at Greenwood Memorial Park. ln lieu
A Canoga Park High School graduate of flowers, Dianne would be honored by a gift to UCLA Department of Head and
and U.C. Berkley alumni, she earned a Neck Surgery or Father Joe’s Villages.
bachelor’s degree and pursued a career
in teaching.
Nay was a musician, photographer,
crossword puzzle enthusiast, and avid
reader. Her thirst for knowledge and
sharp mind never waned. Nay enjoyed
humor; her distinctive laughter could sweeney, Jack e.
fill a room.
She is survived by daughters April 19, 1930 - January 30, 2018
Katharine (Richard) Ross, of New York; Jack E. Sweeney, 87, died peacefully
Nora Ross, of Minnesota; grandson in his sleep the morning of January
Stephen Gil, nephew, nieces and their 30th, 2018. Born in Los Angeles on
families. April 19th, 1930, to Jack J. Sweeney
Nay is predeceased by her sister and Helen Richter. He graduated from Mikio Matsubayashi
and brother-in-law Anna (Happy) and Cathedral High School in 1947; his
Vernon Bennett. father was in the first graduating class September 23, 1938 - February 2, 2018
in 1928. Jack was drafted into the Army Mikio Matsubayashi, born in Hiroshima, Japan,
in 1950. After serving our country on September 23, 1938, passed away on February
he received a degree in Advertising 2, 2018 in Torrance, California, at the age of 79.
from Woodbury College. In 1953 he Mikio was a dynamic, well-loved, and respected
married his high school sweetheart man who lived a full and accomplished life. A
Lee Gallagher and they settled in San loving husband, Miko is survived by his wife
Marino. Jack began working in radio Kimberley, her daughters September and Bridget,
sales for Golden West Broadcasting, 5 grandchildren, and his sister Midori. Dean Richard Kukuk (Dean Reynolds)
KMPC-710. He retired as General Sales He developed many lasting relationships and
Manager after 33 years in 1992. was highly respected in the sports marketing May 19, 1925 - January 29, 2018
In 1993 they moved to Niguel Shores industry. Mikio was a friend to everyone who knew
in Monarch Beach. Jack was President Dean Reynolds, born Dean Richard Kukuk, May 19, 1925 in Volga, South
him. Dakota. Shortly afterwards his parents took him, his four brothers and one sister
of the Men’s Club and Garden Club. He He had a passion for life and a positive outlook,
enjoyed golf, horse racing, traveling, to Sioux City, Iowa, where he grew up. He is a direct descendent of John Quincy
Soto, Julia A gardening, and cooking. He was
always with a smile on his face. He loved traveling Adams. As a small boy, Dean showed great interest in things artistic. In between
November 14, 1948 - February 3, 2018 the world and experiencing culture through art, three broken noses suffered by typical schoolboy rough-housing and flailing fists
an avid Angels and UCLA fan. Jack music, history, and dining. Mikio was very proud of
Julia Angie Soto passed away attended daily mass at St. Edward’s on the corner of the street, he enjoyed rearranging the furniture in his parents’
peacefully in Lancaster, CA at the age his Japanese heritage and loved to share it with his home and the homes of his buddies. Invariably the rooms looked much the better
and was an usher at the Saturday grandchildren. His sense of humor was present up
of 69. She is survived by her husband evening mass. because of his instinctive good taste, sense of color, and flair for the spectacular
of 48 years Arthur R Soto and her son to the very end. which keynotes his work portfolio.
Jack is survived by his wife of 64 Mikio was an undeniably impactful individual who
Arthur A Soto. She came from a family years Lee; his children Jack (Andrea), At the age of 14, Dean ran away from his home and hitchhiked to Los Angeles,
of 9 brothers & sisters and raised in the touched the lives of all who were fortunate enough traveling with a Chinese circus and ended up having to sleep under billboards on
Mark (Teri), Bob (Leslie), Tom to have known him. His legacy will live forever. A
San Fernando Valley. She was loved by (Shelley) and Kerry (Eric) Hinkelman; Wilshire Boulevard. He got a job as a porter in a restaurant near the Lockheed
all she encountered and will be sorely celebration of Mikio’s life will be scheduled for a Aircraft plant and spent a great deal of time riding buses and streetcars in the
his grandchildren, Jack, Patrick, later date.
missed by family and friends. Kevin, Cory, Troy, Robin, Danny, Ryan, residential sections of the city studying the homes he passed. He familiarized
Thomas, Bridget, Erin and Will; and himself with the myriad architectural styles which grace our streets. After a year
Julia’s memorial service will be held great grandchildren Olivia, Elle and and a half his parents persuaded him to return to Sioux City. The next year he
Monday Feb 12th at the following: Mikayla. spent living at the YMCA and attending Central High School.
San Fernando Mission Cemetery Funeral services will be held on Next Dean joined the Navy and as seaman first class spent the next two years
11160 Stranwood Ave, Thursday, February 15th at 11:00am in Farragut, Idaho. At the time of his honorable discharge, he was a Naval Air
Mission Hills, CA 91345 at St. Edward’s Catholic Church in Dana Cadet.
10am-12:45pm Public viewing Point. Back in civilian clothes he again was lured to California and the next year
1pm-2pm Mass service with burial O’Connor Mortuary (949) 581-4300 and a half worked as traffic manager for the west coast division of the Donut
to follow www.oconnormortuary.com Corporation of America in San Francisco, and time keeper at MGM Studios in
Reception to follow at Casa Torres on Hollywood. To supplement his income, he worked part time for the Red Cross
455 San Fernando Mission Blvd making donuts for the returning troops on ships crowding the harbor.
TabaTa, Sachiko In 1948, he returned to Los Angeles and had a whirl at being an actor. He
November 9, 1940 - January 27, 2018 studied under John Morley, was tested for the role of Terry in the “Terry and the
Pirates” picture which Sam Goldwyn made, but decided that acting was not his
Services to be held Feb. 17th at 10:00 first choice for a career.
am at Faith United Methodist Church, He rented an apartment and decorated it to suit him. One day a woman saw
2115 W. 182nd St., Torrance, CA 90504. the apartment and liked what she saw and commissioned Dean to redecorate
her home. This first successful venture cinched his deep underlying desire to
be a designer/decorator. In his first crucial step in this direction he became a
painting contractor for the famous Barbara Baroness MacLean. When one of
her associated decorators who was doing a client’s house became ill, Dean
stepped in and finished the job. His next decision was to open his own shop
on La Cienega Boulevard. For the next six years he successfully remodeled,
John Anders Svenson decorated, and redecorated the homes of many famous theatrical figures and
Starman, Peter E. society leaders. Then he moved his shop to Westwood Village and stayed there
December 9, 1942 - January 26, 2018 for two years. Another move toward success was to buy a business building on
September 25, 1968 - February 2, 2018 Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. He moved his shop to this location. To name
Peter E. Starman, 49, of South John Anders Svenson died January 26, 2018 at just a few of his many pleased clients, there are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hennessey,
Pasadena, passed away February 2, his home in Henderson, Nevada, of a heart attack Peggy Lee, Walter Pigeon, Olga San Juan, Diana Lynn and Hortimor Hall, Ben
2018, after a brief battle with cancer. at age 75. John was born on December 9, 1942 in Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Arrouge (Norma Shearer), Les Baxter, Al Mathis,
He was born to Judith L. Edwards and Warheit, Deborah (ashe) Worcester, Massachusetts, the son of the late Dr. John Frankenheimer, and Stephen Crane, Julie London, Bobby Troupe, and
the late Peter W. Starman, September January 18, 1941 - January 17, 2018 Sven O. Svenson and Edahjane C. Svenson. John good friends Jim and Peggy Schaefer who owned Schaefer Oil Company in
25, 1968, in Arcadia, California. Peter spent some of the World War II years in Austin, Bakersfield California.
grew up in Altadena and Rowland Debbie died peacefully watching TV Texas, living with his mother and his grandparents,
in her West L.A. apartment at almost Dean Reynolds’ name is synonymous with glamour, exquisite taste, daring
Heights and graduated from John Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Castner while his father innovation, and complete divorcement from the dull ware-worn conventional
Marshall High School, Los Angeles, in 77. She is survived by 2 daughters: served as a US Navy officer in the Pacific. After
Linda Cheung of Seattle and Evelyn paths of the decorating world. As he puts it: “Anyone can take a good house
1987. He earned a BA in Photography the war, John grew up in Worcester and graduated and put beautiful things into it, the real challenge of the designer-decorator is
from the Art Center College of Design Blackford of El Cerrito, CA, as well as from Worcester North High School. John was a
4 grandchildren. She was divorced in a problem house, its defects, etc., and turn it into a place of livable beauty.”
in 2000. Peter worked as a freelance proud graduate of Norwich University in Northfield, His brilliant and always spectacular exhibits at the yearly decorator shows were
photographer, starting out shooting 1985, after 21 years of marriage. Vermont. After graduation, he took some graduate
Debbie, a lifelong Dodger fan, always eagerly anticipated.
bands for the music industry and courses in biology before entering the business Dean attracted people from all walks of life. He studied braille just to be able
assignments for the Los Angeles Times. was born in 1941 to David & Lillian world as a management consultant with Wells
(Hurwitz) Ashe of Brooklyn, NY. She to communicate with afflicted friends including; Morris Broderson deaf mute
He transitioned to portrait work and Management in New York City. He later moved with known for paintings including; The ballad of Lizzy Borden who chopped up her
editorial features later in his career. earned a B.A. from Syracuse in 1962 Wells to Los Angeles where in 1984 he served as a
and an M.Ed. from N.Y.U. in 1963, papa in Massachusetts, a ballet by Nora Kaye, and listening to the flowers. He
In addition to photography Peter had senior officer with the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, was a shrewd businessman as well as an artist, a rare combination. Dean was
a second career as an online reseller. and was a primary teacher in NYC. working with major Olympic sports associations
Moving to San Francisco in 1970, then preceded in death by his parents Arthur Kukuk and Grace Reynolds Kukuk,
Peter’s passions were mountain and venues, as well as going to China to secure sister Verna Mae Aspleaf, and brothers Orel and Robert and Bruce Kukuk. He
biking, collecting and restoring West L.A. in 1973, Debbie raised her the first Chinese participation in recent Olympic
daughters while sharing her passion is survived by his partner of 52 years Robert Wilson (married November 8th,
vintage mountain bikes, spending Games. After the Olympics, John founded a 2008) and brother Don of Sun City, Arizona, niece Lisa Kukuk of Idaho, nephew
time outdoors, and his beloved kitty, for literature as a school aide and a sports consulting business working with various
bookseller. Craig Kukuk of Arizona, nieces Cathie Mahrt and Lori Anfinson of Sioux City,
Scion. In addition to his mother, sports groups and especially the world of golf, Iowa, nephews Robert Jr., Larry, Kirk, and Brad Kukuk (all of Sioux City Iowa),
Peter is survived by his partner of 16 A memorial gathering isn’t planned. a lifelong passion. This passion led him to work
To share your photos & memories of Cindy Blanchard of Sheridan, Wyoming, and Marty Kukuk of Lincoln, Nebraska,
years, Michelle Bal-Ut; his five sisters: and partner with Percise, Gripos and AME in the Candy Zook of Marian, Indiana, Dan Aspleaf of North Sioux City, South Dakota,
Kimberly Starman, of Seattle; Kristina Debbie, please mail to Linda Cheung, sports equipment business with particular focus on
P.O. Box 18594, Seattle, WA, 98118, or Kim Friesen of Windom, Minnesota, David and Bruce Kukuk of Mission Viejo,
Barker, of Chicago; Joeve Starman, precision grips for golf clubs, bicycles, motorcycles California, and Tein Roberts of Portland, Oregon.
Kerri Leonard and Erika Leon, of contact either daughter online. and other activities. When this company moved
A fitting tribute to Debbie would be On February 7th, 2018 a memorial service was held at Westwood Memorial
Apple Valley; and by his 4 nieces and from California to the Las Vegas area, John gardens where Dean’s ashes will be kept in the Garden of Serenity. The Service
3 nephews. donating a children’s book to a local became a resident of Henderson.
library or charity in her memory. was conducted in the chapel at Westwood Memorial Garden by All Saints
A memorial service will take place John never having children of his own, adored Episcopal Church of Beverly Hills.
at 2 PM on Saturday, February 24 in his nephews and nieces. He is survived by his
the Ross Chapel at Neighborhood brother Charles and wife Sally, of New York
Unitarian Universalist Church in To place City and their children, Alicia L. Svenson and
Pasadena. A reception will follow. an obituary ad husband Dr. Matthew B. Friese of Jamaica Plain,
Massachusetts, and Tait O. Svenson and wife
please go online to: Lindsay V. Svenson, and their sons Mason T.

Share a memory
Svenson and Porter O. Svenson of Walnut Creek,
Share a latimes.com/placeobituary California. John is also survived by his niece
Tracie S. McWade, of Milford Massachusetts, the
memory or call
daughter of John’ s late brother Orlin S. Svenson.
John is also survived by his legion of friends who
To sign a guest book enjoyed his love of life and spirit of joy. He will
please go to 1-800-234-4444 be missed by family, friends and all who knew or
latimes.com/guestbooks worked with him. A celebration of John’s life will be
held in Henderson, Nevada, on February 10, 2018. To sign a guest book please go to latimes.com/guestbooks



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BuSINESS S U N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 8 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S

Travel Briefcase: Airlines bump fewer passengers. 9


Dow Jones industrial average since President Trump’s election Dow Jones industrial average over the past
Daily close, Nov. 8, 2016 - Feb. 9 two weeks Hourly, Jan. 29-Feb. 9
30,000 30,000

Jan. 29-Feb. 9

Jan. 29, 6 a.m.

Jan. 26, 2018 26,582
Feb. 9, 1 p.m.

25,000 25,000

Feb. 9, 10 a.m.
Feb. 9, 2018 23,601

20,000 20,000

Nov. 8, 2016

15,000 15,000

Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 1/29 1/30 1/31 2/1 2/2 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9
2016 2017 2018

S&P 500 sector performance drops in 2018

% change in sector performance in 2017 and 2018*

1.5% -5%
Consumer discretionary Materials
21.2% 21.4%

-2.2% -6.1%
Healthcare Consumer staples
20% 10.5%

-2.7% -7.6%
Information technology Energy
36.9% -3.8%

-2.9% -7.8%
Financials Telecommunication services
20.3% -6%

-3.5% -9.9%
S&P 500 Utilities
19.4% 8.3%

-3.7% -10.8%
Industrials Real estate
18.5% 7.2%
*Jan. 1 - Feb. 8
Sources: FactSet, S&P Global Market Intelligence P ri y a K r i s hn a k um a r Los Angeles Times

What Wall Street’s roller-coaster ride of a week is telling investors
climbing to record levels, propelled by growing econo- the Dow capped its wild week with a 330.44-point gain
By James F. Peltz mies and corporate earnings worldwide, low inflation, Friday to finish at 24,190.90. But the Dow still lost 5.2%
subdued interest rates and, perhaps most important, for the week, its worst weekly decline in two years, to
Financial advisor Todd Morgan has plenty of rich relative calm in trading each day. leave it 9.1% below its record high.
clients in Southern California who needed to hear a The calm abruptly ended last week when the mar- The broader Standard & Poor’s 500 index, widely
soothing word about the stock market’s wild gyrations ket tanked — with the Dow Jones industrial average viewed as the market’s main gauge, and the
last week. plunging a record 1,175 points on Monday, after a 666- technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index were down
“This calls to mind my favorite saying, ‘The market point drop the prior Friday — and then swung sharply 8.8% and 8.4%, respectively, since they also reached all-
will do whatever it has to do to prove the most people up and down the rest of the week. time highs Jan. 26.
wrong,’ ” said Morgan, chairman of Bel Air Investment After the Dow plummeted an additional 1,033 Volatility and a sharp reversal in prices suddenly
Advisors in Century City, which caters to high-worth points Thursday, the average of 30 blue-chip stocks were back on Wall Street and on foreign markets, all in
customers. had officially endured what’s known as a “correction,” response to reignited fears among investors that U.S.
His point: Until this month, many investors had or a loss of 10% from its most recent high, which was inflation and interest rates are going up.
grown accustomed over the prior year to nearly opti- Jan. 26 when the Dow hit a record peak of 26,616.71. So what was the market telling us?
mum conditions in the stock market. Shares kept Technically the correction lasted all of one day, as [See Market, C8]

A risky bet for novice traders Complexities of

Lured by a quick buck,
shutting down the fund after
it dropped more than 90%.
“I think I’m smarter than
single-payer care
amateurs are getting other people,” said Evans,
burned by VIX trades. who works in the entertain- MICHAEL HILTZIK roar (including the threat of
ment industry in Los Ange- a recall effort), forcing him
les. “And then I get these re- California to create a special commit-
By Rob Urban alizations every now and Assembly tee to examine the possibil-
and Rachel Evans then that ‘No, you don’t Speaker ity of achieving universal
know what you’re talking Anthony health coverage in the state.
Jamie Evans jokes that about and you should prob- Rendon may On Monday and Wednes-
he might have a gambling ably just do what everybody have ex- day, the Select Committee
problem. else does.’ ” pected to on Health Care Delivery
When stocks slid last Whether junk bonds in torpedo the Systems and Universal
week with little discernible the 1980s, dot-coms in the idea of a Coverage held its final hear-
cause, the 37-year-old used a ’90s, subprime-mortgage statewide ings.
product mirroring the VIX bonds in the ’00s or volatility single-payer healthcare The panel ended up
volatility index to bet mar- plays now, Wall Street never system for the long term last where it started, with the
kets would return to their re- tires of selling small-time in- June, when he blocked a recognition that the project
cent calm. They didn’t. In- vestors on the next big thing. Senate bill on the issue from is hellishly complex and
stead, they went into free fall No matter how many times even receiving a hearing in politically daunting but still
and Evans faces the loss of money managers and in- his house. worthwhile — yet can’t
his entire $1,500 wager. Cred- vestment funds warn folks Scott Olson Getty Images He was wrong, of course. happen overnight. “I’m
it Suisse Group, the issuer of about the risks of arcane fi- E-TRADE will stop allowing investors to bet on vola- His shelving of the Senate anxious to see what it is that
his exchange-traded note, is [See Investors, C8] tility exchange-traded funds with borrowed money. bill created a political up- [See Hiltzik, C6]
C2 S U N DAY , FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. CO M / B U SI N E SS


‘Poor man’s trust’ may be poor plan

So-called transfer-on-
death accounts and
deeds can go wrong.
Get legal advice.
By Liz Weston

Dear Liz: I am 85 and my

wife is 76. We have a house
free of mortgage worth
about $1 million. We have
market investments above
$4 million and life insurance
of $1 million. We do not have
a trust, just a will. Our finan-
cial advisor says we do not
need a trust because we
named both of our grown
children as beneficiaries on
all our accounts and on the
house deed. Please advise
us if a trust is needed in our
situation or if we are fine the
way things are set up.

Answer: If your financial

advisor is an estate-plan-
ning attorney, he or she may
be correct. Otherwise, you’d
be smart to seek out a law-
yer experienced in these
matters to review what
you’ve done.
Naming beneficiaries on
financial accounts, and on
deeds in states that allow
that, can allow those assets
to pass to heirs without
going through probate.
So-called transfer-on-death
accounts and deeds are
sometimes called “the poor
man’s trust.” You’re far from Bob Chamberlin Los Angeles Times
poor, though, and a living A LIVING WILL may be a better option for distributing wealth than so-called transfer-on-death accounts and deeds.
trust may be a better option
for distributing your wealth an experienced estate- build the fund over time. claimed when you’ve fin- bureaus. If your accounts in full every month because
because there are many planning attorney soon. Adding an installment ished making the monthly don’t show up on your credit there’s no advantage to
ways the current arrange- loan can assist with building payments, typically after reports, they’re not helping carrying a balance.
ment could go wrong. credit as well, but a secured one year. That means you to build your scores.
Emergency fund
The surviving spouse, for loan may not be the best can keep the cash you al- In addition to making Liz Weston, certified
example, could change the trumps credit score option if money is tight. The ready have for emergencies. payments on time, you’ll financial planner, is a
beneficiaries. You both may Dear Liz: I am trying to cash you deposit with the Credit-builder loans are want to avoid using too personal finance columnist
be of sound mind now, but raise my credit scores, lender as collateral for the available from some credit much of the available credit for NerdWallet. Questions
there’s no guarantee you’ll which are very low. I have loan won’t be available unions and Self Lender, an on the card. There’s no may be sent to her at 3940
remain so. Fraud experts one negative mark on my again until you pay off the online company. bright line for how much to Laurel Canyon, No. 238,
can tell story after story of account from a paid collec- loan. Consider instead a You’ll want to make sure charge, but typically 30% or Studio City, CA 91604, or by
caregivers, relatives, tion and I just got my first credit-builder loan, in which both the credit card issuer less is good, 20% or less is using the “Contact” form at
friends, advisors and ro- secured credit card. I have a the money you borrow is and the installment loan better and 10% or less is asklizweston.com.
mantic interests persuading bit of extra money right now placed in a savings account lender are reporting your best. Use the card lightly Distributed by No More Red
a vulnerable older person to and I’m wondering what’s or certificate of deposit to be payments to the three credit but regularly and pay it off Inc.
change beneficiaries in favor the best way to use it to raise
of the interloper. A living my scores. Should I get
trust that bypasses probate another secured credit card

Keeping calm in a sell-off

can include language to from a different issuer, get a
prevent your children from secured 12-month loan
being completely disinher- through my financial insti-
ited. tution or something else?
Another potential prob-
lem: paying funeral costs Answer: People rebuilding
and the expenses of settling their credit often overlook
the estate. If everything the importance of an emer- change-traded funds, mutu-
does go to the kids at the gency fund. Having even a Market corrections al funds, bonds and individ-
survivor’s death, the execu- small amount of savings can ual stocks. In addition, se-
tor may have to go after keep a financial setback, are normal. And lect investments within
them to return some of the such as a decrease in in- panic can lead to bad those groups across a range
money. come or an unexpected of geographies, industries
This column isn’t long expense, from causing you investment moves. and company sizes.
enough to detail all the to miss a payment and
other ways transfer-on- undoing all your efforts to By Anna-Louise Look for
death arrangements can boost your scores. You can Jackson
misfire, so you’ll want to start with just a few hun- perspective
make an appointment with dred dollars and slowly Even with these declines,
A sell-off in the U.S. stock U.S. stocks still are in the
market that began Feb. 2 midst of history’s second-
worsened last week, as the longest bull market, with the
major indexes wiped out S&P 500 more than quadru-
their year-to-date gains. pling over that stretch.
What’s to blame? In- There have been 12 cor-
vestors are spooked about Spencer Platt Getty Images rections — losses of at least
signs of faster inflation, TRADERS work on the floor of the New York Stock 10% — since 1980, four of
which could lead the Federal Exchange on Thursday, a down day for markets. which happened during the
Reserve to raise interest current bull market cycle.
rates more times this year, won gains. They’re also est slump has you feeling When losses reach 20%, it’s a
thereby raising borrowing pretty common. Since the sick to your stomach, take a bear market. These are less
costs for companies and start of 2011, the Standard & deep breath. These declines common. There have been
consumers. Poor’s 500 index has experi- feel more severe because it’s only four since1980, the most
While Monday’s 1,100- enced six sell-offs ranging been such a long time since recent of which helped usher
point drop in the Dow Jones from 5% to 10% in magni- the market experienced this in the Great Recession at
industrial average was the tude, according to data com- type of volatility. the end of 2007.
biggest in years, followed by piled by Yardeni Research. While many investors Even if that worst-case
another 1,032-point drop on Painful as the prospect is, didn’t tune in every day as scenario happens, there’s a
Thursday, it’s important to fretting about a market stocks inched higher over a silver lining. Bear markets
put the recent losses in con- crash can lead you to invest prolonged period in 2017, the are generally shorter —
text. The percentage drops too conservatively, and out- market’s got their attention clocking in at 1.4 years on av-
are well below those seen in right panic could put you at now, says Kate Warne, an in- erage, versus nine years for
the 2008 financial crisis and risk of making disastrous, vestment strategist at finan- bull markets — and less se-
other market crashes. emotional investing deci- cial services firm Edward vere, with average cumula-
The U.S. stock market to- sions. And it’s best to avoid Jones. “The next time stocks tive losses of 41% compared
day is essentially at the same the inevitable debate raised are down 10%, emotions will with gains of 480% in bull
level it was a few months ago. when sell-offs do occur: Is run higher.” markets, according to First
That may be of little comfort the slump a harbinger of Even so, staying invested Trust Advisors.
as the value of your portfolio more drastic declines? is the key to long-term suc- Need more reassurance?
shrinks, but should the mar- You may need to redefine cess. And rather than sell- The market has bounced
ket plummet even more dra- what’s normal. After an un- ing, Warne says investors back from worse. Perhaps
matically at some point, this usually steep rise in stock should consider being op- you’re old enough to remem-
drop will serve as a trial run. prices in January — in which portunistic. “We continue to ber Oct. 19, 1987 — or “Black
And the good news is, the the S&P 500 rose more than see pullbacks as opportuni- Monday” — when the Dow
stock market is resilient, so 7% in less than four weeks — ties,” she says. plummeted more than 20%,
you’ll make it through this many professional investors Lower stock prices are an the worst single-day sell-off
sell-off — and future ones — see the current sell-off as underappreciated perk of in history.
with a little patience. long overdue. market sell-offs. If your in-
Staying invested for the “The straight-up rally we vestment thesis still stands
But wait, is the
long haul is the most pru- had been experiencing was — and you have money to in-
dent approach, especially not normal, nor healthy,” vest — now is a good time to worst over?
when it seems you should Matt Maley, managing di- consider adding to existing It’s anyone’s guess, but
run for the exits. Here are rector at capital markets positions or finding new people love to do exactly
three ways to cope with firm Miller Tabak & Co., ones. But prepare for some that. Pundits have predicted
those times. wrote in a recent note to cli- possible angst: You could an end to the current bull
ents. What is normal and buy assets only to watch market for years — and yet it
healthy? Declines in the their prices sink even lower. has endured. Only time will
Stay calm — this magnitude of 5% to 10%, he In addition, ensuring prove whether this sell-off
is a normal event said. your portfolio is well-diversi- will be the catalyst that fi-
No pussyfooting around fied will help you weather a nally ends it.
here: Sell-offs are painful. In market storm. You can
Don’t pull out of
a matter of days — or hours broaden your portfolio’s ex- Jackson writes for
— your portfolio’s value the stock market posure by investing in the NerdWallet, a personal
tumbles, wiping out hard- If the stock market’s lat- following products: ex- finance news website.
L AT I ME S . CO M / B U S IN E S S S S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 C3


How she built a $1-billion business

one, these days, is a little
It’s all about getting more concerned about
avoiding problem employ-
the right fit, founder ees, especially when it
of employment turns out they were poorly
agency Act 1 says. “When companies began
demanding that we screen
By Ronald D. White and do background checks
on the people we were send-
ing them, we felt, wow, this is
The gig: Janice Bryant a service to the community.
Howroyd, 65, is founder and It’s also really important for
chief executive of Act 1 us to get it right,” Howroyd
Group, an employment said, “so that’s how we got
agency that also provides into that business.”
consulting and business
services, including back- Hostile climate: “Many
ground checks and screen- young women have grown
ing. She’s the first African up with the perspective of
American woman to op- the denigration of women,”
erate a company that gener- Howroyd said, “by what
ates more than $1 billion in they heard in music, in
annual revenue, according social activity. So they
to Black Enterprise Maga- started to face this before
zine. Act 1, which includes they faced the reality of it in
other brands such as Agile 1, an employment relation-
A-Check Global and Ap- ship. While they can’t accept
pleOne, has contracts with that this is right, they can
17,000 clients in 19 countries. accept this as common and
“If you visit any of our believe then that they have a
offices,” Howroyd said, need to figure out how to
“you’ll see that we live by the navigate that.”
mantra that ‘the applicant
is the center of our universe.’ Advice: Howroyd suggests
It’s always been our belief that young people sample
that if you get that applicant potential careers and em-
in the right job, then they ployers through inter-
will be the best representa- nships. “Figure out not only
tion of who we are as a com- if you like the work but also
pany.” if you like the company,” she
Al Seib Los Angeles Times said. “Explore all of your
Early lessons: Growing up “MY PERSONAL business protocol, my life mantra: Never compromise who you are personally to become opportunities before you
in Tarboro, N.C., as one of 11 what you wish to be professionally,” said Janice Bryant Howroyd, 65, founder and CEO of Act 1 Group. dedicate yourself to one
children, Howroyd had early because you may surprise
lessons in team building. standing it.” “It still matters in busi- walk in better prepared and sionally.” yourself.”
Each sibling was assigned Brother-in-law Tom ness more what someone it’s more likely to be a very
an older one to act as a provided a temporary job at else says about you than good fit for your client.” Adding niches: There’s a Personal: Howroyd has
mentor. Billboard and saw entrepre- what you say about your- reason why it’s called the been married to her hus-
“My sister Sandy was my neurial talents in the way self,” Howroyd said. “You Standing up: Whether it Act 1 Group; the company band, Bernard, for nearly 40
appointed guardian angel,” Howroyd interacted with can have the best advertis- was dealing with racist kept adding new divisions to years. “He’s a fantastic
Howroyd said, “so it was up clients. Even when she was ing, but unless someone else students and teachers in her fill new employer needs, husband; make sure you
to her to see that I’d gotten ill at ease, “I would revert to certifies what they are say- youth or businesspeople sometimes unexpectedly. quote me on that,” she said.
my homework done, my hair what I do well, which is ing, you won’t last long. who uttered the most stun- Once a client called on They have two grown chil-
was done, and my thoughts strategize. I love to look at a Word of mouth has always ningly insensitive remarks, Howroyd and a small team dren, a son and a daughter.
and process were in line problem, break it apart, find been my best referral sys- Howroyd said there were to come and help with an Even now, there’s not a lot of
with what the family the better potential, know- tem.” times when she was forced emergency without even downtime. Howroyd re-
wanted. We were very organ- ing when to eliminate what to bite her tongue and mud- being able to explain it over mains a sought-after
ized.” doesn’t need to be there.” Standing out: Early on, dle through and other times the telephone. The com- speaker and a huge sup-
Howroyd employed a strate- when it was clear a stand pany then wanted to buy the porter of her alma mater.
Big move: After studying Word of mouth: Howroyd, gy that allowed her to com- had to be made, as frighten- technology that Act 1 devel- She also devotes consider-
humanities and English at who didn’t even own a fax pete against bigger compa- ing as that might clearly be. oped to solve the problem. able time to philanthropy.
North Carolina A&T, machine, opened Act 1 in a nies, preparing her prospec- “In order to be outstand- “My brother encouraged In 2017, for the second con-
Howroyd faced culture small office in Beverly Hills tive hires by training them ing, sometimes, you’re just me,” Howroyd said. “ ‘Don’t secutive year, Forbes maga-
shock when she moved to in 1978. She started out by in what their employers going to have to stand out” sell the technology. Sell zine listed her among the
Los Angeles in 1976 with just making full-time job place- were looking for in new and not hide, Howroyd said. them the service. Make nation’s wealthiest self-
$900. Her older sister again ments for companies needi- workers. “My personal business them keep you in it.’ That’s made women, with a family
provided welcome advice to ng workers, then shifting to “It always works best protocol, my life mantra: why you see the evolution of net worth of $420 million.
“settle myself into knowing temporary placements. when you can tailor a hire to Never compromise who you our different brands.”
who I was, learning the Pleased clients were her fit into a company’s philoso- are personally to become ronald.white@latimes.com
power of that and under- best advertisements. phy,” Howroyd said. “They what you wish to be profes- Security conscious: Every- Twitter: @RonWLATimes

Mother Nature gains RETIRED

popularity in offices
Has $$$$ to lend on
California Real Estate* BY ORDER OF THE LOS ANGELES
Residential, Commercial,
Industrial, Land 10:00 AM HOME IN CAMARILLO, 633 E. Loop Dr., 3 BD, 2.5 BA, Szabo Estate
12:00 PM HOME IN SUN VALLEY, 8943 Telfair Ave., 3 BD, 2 BA, Alexander Estate

why not make our time in the office buildings around the OVER 35 YEARS OF 1:00 PM HOME IN LA CRESCENTA, 3704 El Moreno St., 4 BD, 2 BA, Pool, Kott Estate
2:00 PM HOME IN ALTADENA, 261 W. Loma Alta Dr., 3 BD, 2 BA, Robinson Trust
A leafy, naturally lit sterile office as pleasant as world that qualify. FAST FUNDING 2:45 PM HOME IN DUARTE, 1636 Broadlawn Ave., 2 BD, 2 BA, Powell Estate
3:30 PM HOME IN GLENDORA, 1240 Swain St., 3 BD, 2 BA, Pool, Pfohman Estate
possible? Many offices haven’t
workplace that evokes Many people prefer day- gone full Well but have bor- Principal - Broker 4:15 PM DUPLEX IN ROSEMEAD, 3330 Eckhart Ave., Two Units, Draves Estate


(818) 248-0000
the outdoors is said to light and plants to darkness rowed elements of the heal- 10:00 AM HOME IN LARCHMONT, 429 N. Plymouth Blvd., 3 BD, 1 BA, Vdovitchenko Estate
and formica. “Every day I thy building lifestyle.
improve productivity. wish for a small meteorite to View Dynamic Glass win-
12:00 PM CONDO IN MARINA DEL REY, 4711 La Villa Marina #G, 2 BD, 2 BA, Mayorga Estate

crash through our building’s dows have been installed at www.viploan.com

By Rebecca Greenfield roof at night so we can get more than 400 companies,

The modern office is

some sunlight in,” said Mar-
tin Bate, an analyst at BNSF
including FedEx and Delta
Air Lines. Plant walls aren’t
*Sufficient equity required-
no consumer loans www.BIDKW.com
starting to look more like a Railway Co. Bate works in a an uncommon sight in of- CA-BRE #010411073, NMLS#339217 A $5,000 Cashier’s Check is required to bid. 50/50 Broker Cooperation.
Rainforest Cafe than a place converted factory with lim- fices these days. Some com- Private Party loans generally have higher 310.887.6225 CalBRE Lic. #00867471
of business. Amazon.com ited natural light. “We’re cer- panies have even adjusted interest rates, points & fees than conven-
Inc.’s new Seattle head- tainly not vampires, so why the air circulation in their tional documented loans
quarters has 40,000 plants. don’t we have windows?” workspaces to offset “vola-
Down the coast, every other Creating a nature-in- tile organic compounds” in ADVERTISEMENT
floor in Samsung’s fused workplace isn’t as sim- the air. Others have ex-
2 1⁄2-year-old San Jose office ple as buying a few thousand pressed interest in having an
space is a garden. ferns. (Amazon hired a full- on-site aviary, said NBBJ’s Deposit & Loan Guide LA Times
In a bid to keep workers time horticulturist for its hy- Mullenix. Int Chking Money 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 18 mo 24 mo 36 mo 60 mo
happy, productive and, most per-green space.) In its new Like many office design Acct Mkt Acct CD CD CD CD CD CD CD
Institution Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Phone / Website
important, in the office for as office, North Carolina-based trends, much of this is done
long as possible, companies insurance brokerage Jack- in the name of productivity. NA NA 0.75 1.41 1.87 NA 2.02 2.12 2.32
have flocked to all sorts of son Sumner & Associates in- Myriad studies point to the Community
NA NA 10,000 10,000 10,000 NA 10,000 10,000 10,000 909-625-7891
design trends over the years. stalled View Dynamic Glass, benefits of natural spaces. Commerce Bank
Member FDIC, Penalty for Early W/D, APY’s accurate as of 02-07-18 www.ccombank.com
Last decade it was kegs and a “smart” window that re- Plants make us more pro-
pingpong tables; now duces glare and heat from ductive, one international NA 1.05 NA NA 1.85 1.70 2.00 2.05 2.50
Mother Nature is in vogue. the sunlight. No matter how study found.
The trend, called bio- bright or hot the sunlight, Elementary school stu-
NA 0 NA NA 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 800-869-3813
Synchrony Bank Great Rates + Safety = Peace of Mind. Member FDIC. www.synchronybank.com
philia, is based on the idea the company can keep the dents scored 20 percentage
that humans have an innate windows unobscured to let points higher on tests when
Savings Update
connection to nature. in natural light all day. they sat in naturally lit class-
“We see it as returning to Healthy buildings have rooms. And studies have
what our bodies and our been on the rise for at least a linked stale office air to lower
How is a CD’s interest paid?
All certificates of deposit earn interest. But not all cal- Although the difference might seem small, it can
brains need,” said Ryan Mul- few years. In 2014 two former productivity. culate it the same, or pay it out on the same schedule. sometimes help you choose between two otherwise
lenix, a design partner at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Not all offices have to look Before locking into a new CD, it’s worth checking its equal CDs.
NBBJ, the architecture firm partners launched the Well like a jungle to have the in- interest terms.
The other aspect of CD interest to consider is the abil-
that worked on the new Am- Building Standard, a set of tended effects. Aaptiv, a New First look for how frequently the CD will compound. ity to tap interest before maturity. Most CD buyers will
azon office. guidelines for designing York City-based technology Compounding monthly means one month’s worth of keep their interest accumulating within the CD, grow-
Because the wilderness is buildings to make people company, has about 20 interest will be added to the balance each month. ing the balance and benefiting from compounding.
Then the next month, that new higher balance will be
our natural habitat, bio- happier, healthier and more plants scattered across its used for calculating interest. But some CDs allow you to siphon the interest into
philia advocates say, we feel productive. (Think LEED one-floor open office. a separate account each time the CD earns an in-
more at ease there than in a certification, but swap envi- “It makes it feel more Certificates generally compound daily, monthly, quar- terest payment. Here again, the terms of the CD will
terly or even annually. The more frequently, the better, stipulate how often that happens. Though a CD might
sterile office. Research has ronmentalism for health laid-back and a little more as it allows more chances to earn interest on accrued compound daily, most banks will apply interest pay-
found that offices outfitted and wellness.) peaceful,” said Jake Ludwig, interest. ments monthly or quarterly.
to look more like the natural Buildings that have clean a production coordinator in To see the impact of different compounding periods, If your goal is to earn the highest possible return over
world lead to happier, air, an emphasis on walka- the audio department at take the example of a five-year CD with a 2.50% APR the life of your CD, you’ll want to choose a certificate
healthier and more produc- bility and healthy food — Aaptiv. “It’s New York. It’s and an investment of $20,000. If compounding annu- that allows interest to accumulate and be compound-
ally, the CD would earn $2,628 over the five years, ed. But if instead you’d like to preserve your main in-
tive employees. and meet a series of other kind of gray. It’s nice to have while the same CD with daily compounding would vestment while collecting interest payouts along the
Another way to look at it: criteria in seven categories a lot more green around.” earn $2,663. way, check the terms to make sure periodic interest
If we have to be stuck inside — can achieve Well certifica- withdrawals are allowed.
all day without a minute to tion. The International Well Greenfield writes for Rate Criteria: Rates effective as of 2/7/18 and may change without notice. RateSeeker, LLC. does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing above or
go out and get some fresh air, Building Institute lists 545 Bloomberg. the availability of rates in this table. Banks, Thrifts and credit unions pay to advertise in this guide. N/A means rates are not available or not offered at the time rates
were surveyed. All institutions are FDIC or NCUA insured. Yields represent annual percentage yield (APY) paid by participating institutions. Rates may change after
the account is opened. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. To appear in this table, call 773-320-8492.

SALES EVENTS Business Other Countries Vocational Schools Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment
Auctions 2 Houses on 18 Holes Golf Course
2,325Sq Ft,4BD,4BA,457Sq PHLEBOTOMY Programmer Analyst II
ministrator (Systems Trade Compliance Ana- Architectural Designer - Business Development
Office Coffee Meter Corner Lot,
-- Los Angeles, CA. Dev. Analyst)TAP Worldwide, LLC lyst: Provide trade compli- L31 – CallisonRTKL Inc., Los Specialist:
Gated Guarded Private
Subdivision, 2nd house Allied Professional Institute
highly secure & scalable
WEB-based software apps
seeks a Cognos BI Adminis-
trator (Systems Analyst) at
ance analysis on import
and export activities. Req’d:
Angeles. Req B Arch (5 yr) or
foreign equiv + 2 yrs exp. Pls
Identify advertising needs
and work with advertising
SALE Route grossing over $70K,
1BD,1BA,Both 2 Story,
$500,000.417-942-1589 Or
using programming langs.
to given design specs. BS
in CS or related field. 2 yrs
our Compton HQ.
Responsible for Cognos-
based projects, creating
Bachelor’s in Int’l Bus., Econ.,
Bus. Admin. or related. Mail
Resume: Pacific Focus, Inc.
review addl reqmts & apply
online at http://www.crtkl.
com/careers. EOE
agencies to promote online
sales. Applicant must have
MA in Bus. Admin, Econ,
Thurs. February 15, 2018 We work together - you are
10am Inspect 8:30am. not alone. Concept proven Davao City Philippines exp software dev, incl. some and updating Cognos data- 13904 Equitable Rd., Cerri- Stats, or related. In alt, appli-
Cash Only! All Sales, As Is over 16 years.125% gross solid exp. & high level pro- bases & schemas, using SQL tos, CA 90703 cant must have a BA in Bus.
1015 N. Mansfield, LA profit on product sales! Easily ficiency in each: Windows; server management studio. TSAO FELLOW (CURATOR): Admin, Econ, Stats, or relat-
Hollywood Tow scale-able. $78K Linux; C++; PHP; JavaScript; Perform systems develop- Research & acquisition for ed and min. 5 yrs work exp.
323-466-5421 Contact Ed 949-413-6600 SQL; HTML/CSS; OOP; SVN/ ment, deploying models, Anim Research Editor 17th century Chinese paint- as Market Researcher, Busi-
Git; Memcached; Redis; packages, cubes, and data BA+1yr exp. SBI, 1700 Bur- ings. Reqs. MA Art History or ness Development Special-
Invest In Punch TV Studios $5 MongoDB. Cvr ltr, resume to sources from the back-end bank Blvd. Burbank 91506 rltd, incl adv Chinese art his- ist, or related. Mail resume to
per share Raya Karelin, Keck Medicine data tables into Cognos; tory, art rsrch & museum cu- OPES, Inc. at 2777 W. Olym-
Punch is a pre-IPO multi- Legal Notices Employment of USC, 1450 San Pablo St, reviews user requirements, rating. Must be authorized pic Blvd. Los Angeles, CA
media company Ste 4706, Los Angeles, CA and works with IT in identi- to work F/T without employ- 90006; Attn: Mr. Chung
We are raising $100 million $50,000 REWARD 90033 w/i 30 days, mention fying potential issues; cre- ANIMATION Lead Artists er sponsor. Send resume
dollars at $5 per share. NOTICE Accounting Manager: pre- Job #17212. ates stored procedures and in Glendale, CA. Assist in to HR (Ref: TF) Museum As- CARWASH MANAGER IN
pare tax returns and finan- creation of concepts & 2D &
Garage and min. investment $10K
PunchTVStudios.com /
The City of Los Angeles
cial statements; Inspect ac- ANALYST
schedules daily or weekly
jobs using SQL; data source 3D video game assets. Pro-
sociates dba LACMA, 5905 PRIME SAN FERNANDO VAL-
Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, LEY, SALARY + COMMISION.
offers a reward payable at
Yard Sales Joseph 909-486-4742 the discretion of the City
count books and systems for Management Analyst: Con- development, testing and vide dsgns for characters,
envrmnts, & user interface
CA 90036 CALL; (310) 863-4050.
efficiency; Bachelor’s degree duct organizational studies documentation. Analyzes
Council to one or more in Finance, Accounting or & evals to retain & expand thru digital & trad’l drawing
Long Bch Garage Sale Restaurant & Full Bar
Lake Arrowhead. Across persons in the sum or related field Req’d. Resume presence in the wholesale
different user report require-
ments; uses multiple tools in & painting. Reqs: Bachelor’s
Lead Compositor:
Whole apt! TVs/sm electron- sums up to an aggregate to Kernel University 3319 W & distribution of automo- + 4 yrs exp. Apply: Disney
ics/ALL house goods/linens/ from Lake & Village $165k. Cognos BI to create reports Create digital effects, graph- Communications Special-
Owner retiring. 760-564- maximum total sum of Lincoln Ave #201., Anaheim, tive collision replacement and dashboards; manages Online, Attn: E. Wintner, Job ic designs & title sequences ist (Los Angeles): Resp
clothes/purses. 679 Grand CA 92801 ID# LA68, P.O. Box 6992, Bur-
Ave, LB 90814. Sat & Sun 7a- 1845 or 760-408-9495 $50,000 for information & repair parts. Reg domes- and schedules reports on for high-profile projects, in- for media relations, outgo-
leading to the identifica- tic travel in So Cal and TX daily/weekly/monthly basis. bank, CA 91510-6992. clu. feature film productions, ing comm. & PR strategies
12p. Info:18gslb@gmail.com ACCOUNTING
Worlds gym for sale tion and apprehension of required. Please apply in
Core Assurance Manager writing to: Platinum Auto
Provides system administra-
tion, support, and resolves BI
commercials & TV programs.
Req: MFA in Animation &
for global immigration law
firm. REQ: Bach in Comm/Lit-
Moving! Garage Sale! Great loc. call for more info. the person or persons re- (Mult. Pos.), Pricewater- Trends, Inc., Attention:
Antiques, furniture, china, SIR, Rosemary 323 660-5885 sponsible for the DEATH tickets daily. Requires Bach- Architectural Designer - Visual Effects, or related & erature/PR/related + 6 mos.
houseCoopers LLP, Los An- Thomas Kwan (#MC122817), elor’s degree in Computer L32 – CallisonRTKL Inc., Los exp./knowledge to use Nuke exp. MAIL resumes: D’Alessio
crystal, kitchen, Christmas, OF JUAN CARLOS LUNA, geles, CA. Examine acctng 14434 Best Avenue Santa Fe
everything must go. We Take Companies Public Science/ Business Analytics/ Angeles. Req B Arch (5 yr) or Software, After Effects, and Law Group, Ref #864, 6420
in the City of Los Angeles. recs, docs & tangible equip. Springs, CA 90670. Business Administration foreign equiv + 2 yrs exp. Pls Maya. 40 hrs./wk. Job site: Wilshire Blvd., #1100, Los
5109 Strohm, NoHo 91601 Go Public To Raise Capital On Sunday, September of clients. Req. Bach’s deg.
Sun 8am-1pm 310-888-1870 tcc5.com or a similar technical field, review addl reqmts & apply Los Angeles, CA. Contact: Angeles, CA 90048.
17, 2017, at approximate- or foreign equiv. in Acctng, East West Bank seeks Finan- plus five years’ experience online at http://www.crtkl. Pixomondo at losangeles@
ly 8:10 a.m., the body of Bus Admin or rel. + 4 yrs cial Quant Analyst (Pasa- with Cognos development com/careers. EOE Sr. ETL Data Integration
SFV - Northridge 21-year old Juan Carlos post-bach’s progress. rel. dena, CA). Apply statistical (or a Master’s degree and
pixomondo.com. Principals
only. US work auth req’d if Developer for L.A. Care in
Moving! Need to downsize work exp. Must have US CPA or mathematical theories & two years of relevant experi- Los Angeles, CA to provide
18900 Romar Street 91324 Luna was discovered lay- or foreign equiv. Travel up to techniqs in finance, banking,
hired. EOE.
ing on the sidewalk in the ence). DATA WAREHOUSE ARCHI- operational support of Infor-
8am - 2pm No Early Birds. 40% req. Apply by mail, ref- portfolio mgmt, capital risk matica environment. Man-
Furniture, clothing, shoes, 1800 block of West Court erencing Job Code CA1600, mgmt, & financial forecast. TECT sought by City of Hope
Apply Online at National Medical Center in Administrative Assistant: age & administer system
soccer, kitchen, bikes, office! Street in Westlake. Mr. Attn: HR SSC/Talent Man- Must have MS in Finance, https://4wheelparts.com/ Perform admin assistant performance. Design/Devel-
Sale: February 17, 2018 Luna had been stabbed agement, 4040 W. Boy Scout Math or rel quant field. Must Duarte, CA. Coordinate with
jobs functions, answer calls & op/Implement complex ETL
Commercial Property multiple times, and was Blvd, Tampa, FL 33607. have exp, educ or traing in
vendors to elaborate tech-
nical proposes and Proof of provide info. Req’d: Bach- processes. Analyze/Create/
MOVING GARAGE SALE for Lease pronounced dead at the financial mathemaics such Concepts (POC) to test, eval- elor’s in Bus. Admin, Econ., Optimize complex SQL que-
Appliances, electronics, Pc’s, scene by Fire Department as Statistical techniqs, de- uate and define the feasibili- Poli. Econ. or related. Mail ties and stored procedures.
games, lawn mower, clothes, paramedics. During their Digital Solutions Analyst rivative pricing, Differential Resume: Won Jung Jeong, Req. Bachelor’s or foreign
Prime Creative Commercial Space (Los Angeles, CA): Anlyze cli- Equatns, probability theory, QA: Cornerstone OnDe- ties of the technical compo-
arts and much more! Sun., 4 Lease investigation, detectives mand, Inc. has opptys in nents of the Enterprise Data DDS, Inc. 936 S. Alvarado St. equiv. in CS, Math, Statistics,
2/11, 8-3pm at 23274 Hart- ents biz mdls & reqmts, rsrch Matlab & SAS. Pls. send re- Los Angeles, CA 90006 Bus. Systems or related &
Silverlake 1500-1800 sq ft. from the Police Depart- org hierarchy & intrnl ops sume to Attn: Shari Lin, East Santa Monica, CA for Lead Warehouse (EDW) in order
land St., West Hills, CA 91307 SIR 323 660-5885 ment discovered that QA Analysts. Mail resume to to estimate and optimize 5 yrs exp. as Programmer
& procdrs & dfne strngths West Bank, 135 N. Los Robles Analyst or Developer OR
Mr. Luna was a resident & wknsses in frthrance of Ave., 3rd Fl., Pasadena, CA Attn: HR, 1601 Cloverfield technical resources. Send re-
Special Occasions Commercial Lots/ of Glendale, and had dplying Dgtl Wrkplce pltfrm. 91101. Must ref job CPL-003. Blvd, Ste 600S, Santa Moni- sume to: Sherri Pattanakiat, QA: City National Bank has Master’s or foreign equiv. in
ca, CA 90404, Ref #SMHLA. City of Hope National Medi- an oppty in Los Angeles, CS, Math, Statistics, Bus. Sys-
Acreage last been seen leaving a
party in the Koreatown
Min Reqs: Bach deg in bus No calls/emails/faxes EOE.
admin or rltd + 5 yrs exp in Must be legally auth to work cal Center, 1500 E. Duarte CA for a QA Analyst. Mail tems or related & 3 yrs exp as
in the U.S. w/o spnsrshp. EOE Rd., Duarte, CA 91010. resume to Attn: HR, 555 S. Programmer Analyst or De-
neighborhood in the Dgtl Wrkplce sltns (will accpt Flower St, 18th Fl, Los Ange- veloper. CV to L.A. Care ATT:
Georgia 1/2 mile of early morning hours of 1 yr exp in a rltd pstn in lieu les, CA 90071, Ref# LAFEM. J. Torres, 1055 W. 7th St. 7th
of 1 yr of bach stdy). Exp w/
Riverfront September 17, 2017. De- Azure, Sharepoint & O365, & Financial Analyst (City of In- Senior Programmer Ana-
Must be legally auth to work Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017
on Chattahoochee 40 miles tectives are continuing in the U.S. w/o spnsrshp. EOE
cstmztion of Msft Dynmcs & dustry, CA) Conducting de- lyst for Hot Topic, Inc (City
West of Atlanta international to investigate this crime, Salesforce.com. Exp idntyf- tailed fundamental industry of Industry, CA). Supports
airport. 100 acres, $1 Million but have not been able to ing biz inefficiencies & crting analysis in professional se- Hot Topic’s essential busi- THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
Killorin Realty Inc. Virginia identify a suspect or sus- automation wrkflws to op- curity equipment and other ness functions by develop- by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Killorin Owner/ Broker tmze intrprability, cllbrtion relevant fields, especially by
404-261-5209 pects. Detectives believe ing & maintaining large,
that a reward may compel & cmmnction btwn dsprte modeling incomes based complex business informa- Unscramble these six
#JESSANDSUESAYIDO Real Estate Auctions members of the public to wrkfrces. Will to trvl dom on each company’s public tion systems according to Jumbles, one letter to
approx 12 trps/yr, 5 dys/trip. disclosure, Collaborating specifications & schedules each square, to form
Susana F. Huerta Canales provide information on six ordinary words.
and Jesse A. Santiago hap- Resumes: T DeJean, LiveTiles with local business partners while meeting quality re-
the identity of the person Corp., 137 W. 25th St., FL 6, to devise financial strate- quirements. Requirements:
pily announce their en-
gagement and forthcoming
or persons responsible
for this crime. The person
NY, NY 10001. gies to expand company’s
business in various regions
Bach deg in CompSci, Engi- OPTEKC
marriage. The bride-to-be is PROBATE AUCTION neering or related. 5 yrs exp
or persons responsible ANALYST around California; Collecting as a Programmer/Analyst
daughter of Cesar E. Huerta 11 PROPERTIES
Lopez and Sonia Canales Los Angeles, Larchmont, for this crime represent Financial Analyst Assist primary data from the com- or related. 5 yrs’ post bach-
pany, format it in acceptable ©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
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Quiroz de Huerta of Lima, Marina Del Rey, Rosemead, an ongoing threat to with the development of an- elor’s exp is reqd & must All Rights Reserved.
Peru. She is a graduate of Glendora, Duarte, Altadena, the safety of the people nual corporate financial plan accounting format and pro- include: Strong knowledge
and budgets to meet cor- jected costs, revenues and
Woodbury University School
of Architecture. She is em-
La Crescenta, Sun Valley, Ca-
marillo, Modoc County,
of Los Angeles. Unless
porate objectives. Analyze free cash flow for expansion
of industry standard IT best
practices such as change
withdrawn or paid by City financial performance; track projects, determine pro-
ployed by KCS West as a February 24th & 25th, 2018 Council action, this offer control, version control, &
project engineer. WWW.BIDKW.COM key performance indicators jected value of the intended the system development
of reward shall terminate including all areas of rev- business; Conducting fi- life cycle; developing Client
The groom-to-be- is the son 310.887.6225 on, and have no effect af- enue, cost of sales, expenses nancial research and com-
of Amador and Andrea San-
tiago of Lompoc, California.
CalBRE# 00867471 ter, AUGUST 11, 2018. and capital expenditures. petitive analysis, by utilizing
Server & ETL applications us-
He is a graduate of Wood- By Order of the LA Public The provisions of pay- Send resume to Director of SPSS and Data management shell scripting, JAVA, Oracle
bury University School of Ar- Administrator/Guardian ment and all other con- Financial Reporting: Natu- tools; Establishing financial Forms & reports, XML &
chitecture. He is employed siderations shall be gov- ral Health Trends Corp. 609 models of DeTech Security, OOPs methodology; & Or-
Deep Valley Dr., Suite 395, for the purpose of raising
by Jerry Sherman Architect
as an Associate. The couple
erned by Chapter 12 of
Division 19 of the LAAC Rolling Hills Estates, CA investment, specially from
acle Retail Merchandising
System, Oracle Retail Sales PLUARB
90274 China. Master’s degree in audit system. Must be able
is planning a Nov. 18 wed- FOR SALE Code, as amended by Or- Finance; 24 months experi-
ding in West Hills, California. to provide off-hours support
dinance Nos. 158157 and Mobile Programming LLC ence required; Send resume on a rotation basis. Also will
166666. This offer shall be in Agoura Hills, CA is seek- to Detech Security Corp
given upon the condition ing Programmer Analysts rock@savvytechsecurity.
accept a Master’s deg plus
2 yrs of exp as stated. Must DAWHOS
that all claimants provide to perform various tasks as- com have legal authority to work
HOMES FOR SALE continued cooperation sociated w/ analysis of proj. in the U.S. EEOE. Mail resume
& programming in Android.
SANTA BARBARA within the criminal jus-
No trvl; no telecomm. Job JY Rays, Inc. seeks Market
to: Johnny Sanchez, Recruit-

Bus Prof Svcs Directory COUNTY

tice system relative to
this case and is not avail- duties proj-based @ unan- Research Analyst. Respon-
sible for collecting and ana-
ing Manager, Hot Topic, Inc.,
18305 E. San Jose Ave., City GYMHIT Now arrange the circled letters
ticipated sites w/in US. Relo of Industry, CA 91748 to form the surprise answer, as
able to public officers or may be req’d at proj. end. lyzing consumer data, pre- suggested by the above cartoon.
Junk Removal SANTA BARBARA 48 Acres employees of the City, Mail resumes to: Mobile paring forecast reports, and
We Pick Up All Trash Gaviota, All Ocean View their families, persons in Programming LLC, ATTN: researching industry trends. PRINT YOUR ANSWER IN THE CIRCLES BELOW
714-987-8495 $2,495,000 law enforcement or per- HR, 30300 Agoura Rd., Suite Location: S El Monte. BA deg.
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that’s legitimate, short
term, low risk, high reward HOW TO PLACE AN AD your preferences are. They want to make sure that range, consider walking away and turning down
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complete required amount.
If interested, email scott. bump or incentives added to your offer package.
Self-service 24/7: The more you emphasize those qualities in the 5. Don’t panic. Once you’ve started negotiating,
latimes.com/placead negotiation process, the higher your chances of you may feel a little jumpy, like you overstepped
success. your bounds. That can lead to accepting a
counteroffer too quickly, just to get the process
Contact us by phone 24/7: 2. Be specific and realistic. This is where over with. If you’ve done your due diligence and
you should have a sense of what you’re worth. have your range in mind, you know what you
And I don’t mean that in a “my mom thinks I’m can realistically get. If the company indicates that
priceless” kind of way. I mean it in a “this is they’re standing firm, then it’s time to accept (or
ADVERTISING POLICIES what people at my level in this field can make” reject) and move on.
For Los Angeles Times advertising terms kind of way. Once you know what you can
and conditions go to: reasonably expect, you can come up with specific 6. Keep it civil. When you’re negotiating salary
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counteroffers, just for the sake of seeing what you good faith, with the goal of finding an employment
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Glassdoor or Salary.com can often give you a good demands, then you just may find the job offer
sense of what the market-level salary is for your rescinded anyway. Or if you’re negotiating a raise
To advertise your pets, log on to new or current job. Use that knowledge to come and threaten to quit if you don’t get your way, you
up with a realistic range for your salary. It’s okay risk doing irreparable damage to your relationship
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boxer Puppies. Pure bred. Parents on site. 8 weeks on Sat Bichon Frise AKC Puppies. 2 Males Champion Blood-
Feb 10. Fawn & brindle. Apple Valley CA $400 760-247-1181 lines. 12 weeks old $2200. 702-412-2785 you can negotiate for more than just salary, right? soon. Try not to sit on any offer for more than
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tee. mature to 30lbs, $1800. Contact Nancy at 916-243-9166 Apricot black mask, Fawn black mask. $2500 Text Sharon:
(213) 308-3278 or email Sharon@kmmmanagement. etc. Core benefits like insurance coverage and you get an offer, it’s fine to say, “I’d like to take
brussels Griffon The breed of the Starts..... this com retirement savings plans may be set in stone, a day to consider. Is it okay if I get back to you
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3 boys, 1 girl are ready to go to dendoodle. Very Smart, Hypo However, you might be able to negotiate additional Okay if I let you know on Monday?” That way, the
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ing, selected lines with Ch’s
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available. Born 12/22. $650.00.
price according to quality,
Text or Call. Leona Valley. 702- time. If the company seems pretty intractable on a you’re considering the next move.
inquiries promptly answered, salary bump, think about other ways you might be
videos and photos. call for more info. 9518450503
9518450503 able to negotiate a more appealing package. But — Kate Lopaze, The Job Network
Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment
Advisory Project Asso- Oracle Database Admin- Electrician/Foreman sought ENGINEERING - Connexity, S/W Engrs OpenX Technolo- International Logistics Executive Vice President, Night Manager, residen-
ciate 8 (Cyber Risk) for istrator. by Green Energy Building, Inc. accptg. resumes for Sr. gies, Inc. has opptys in Pasa- Regional Managers Manager: direct logistics Operations: Manage & tial facility, Manages and
Deloitte & Touche LLP in MS & 1 yr; or BS & 5 yr exp Residential and Commercial SEM Analyst in Santa Moni- dena, CA for S/W Engrs. Mail Health Care Talent Innova- activities, BA/BS in busi. ad- oversee the performance, directs residential care fa-
Los Angeles, CA to archi- reqd. Send resume & refer- Contractor/Solar and Stor- ca, CA. Analyze lg. data sets resume to Attn: HR, 888 E. tions. Master’s degree in min., acctng. or rltd; 40hrs/ policies, & overall direction cility for the elderly clients
tect, design, implement ence ODA to Oceanx, 100 N age and Power Services. and optimize growth within Walnut St, 2nd Fl, Pasadena, Public Health. Job Location: wk; Send resume to Friend- of the Supply Chain, Opera- performing the following
and support large scale, Sepulveda Blvd, 15th Fl, El Work Sites: Valencia, CA and our traffic acq.’n platform. CA 91101, Ref #PASSBA. 315 W. 9th St. Ste 1001, Los ship Transport, Inc. Attn: HR, tions, Engineering, & Busi- duties: Analyzes, organizes
global information security Segundo, CA 90245 travel throughout Los An- Mail resume: Connexity, Must be legally auth to work Angeles CA 90015 Mail Re- 370 Amapola Ave., Ste. 218, ness Development groups. and develops facility opera-
systems and integrations. geles and Ventura County. Staffing Dept., 2120 Colo- in the U.S. w/o spnsrshp. EOE sume to: COPE Health Solu- Torrance, CA 90501 *International or domestic tions and procedures, 2 yrs.
Requires: Bachelor’s degree 3 years exp. in same job, rado Ave. Ste. 400, Santa tions at 505 5th Ave, Floor travel required up to 50% exp. req. $62,629/yr. Send re-
(or higher) in comp sci/info Graphic Designer sought by same industry or, 3 yrs. exp. Monica, CA 90404. Must ref- 11, New York, NY 10017 of the time. Mail Resume to sume to City View Manor,Inc.
sys/math/comp engg/deci company actively engaged in same industry as a Fore- erence Ref. SSA-RB. Executive Director The iamplus, LLC, Attn. HR, 809 28215 Palos Verdes Drive
sci/risk mgmt/engg/info in making commercial & man or, General Manager LIVE-IN COOK * DRIVER * Associate Mgr of Strategy N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los An- East, Rancho Palos Verdes,
Santa Ana Watershed Associ- HOUSE CLEANING We are to facilitate new agricultural geles, CA 90038. Ref Job#
tech or related field (willing industrial custom neon and in a Solar and Storage envi- ation (SAWA), a 501(c)3 non- CA 90275. Attn: Neome
to accept foreign educa- plastic signs. Worksite: Van ronment. Mail resume Attn: looking for a single, mature biz dvlpmt incl product dv- ME010. Velasquez
Geotechnical Engineer profit corporation, is seeking individual to work in a home lpmt, acquisition screening,
tion equivalent) plus five Nuys, CA. 2 years exp. req. Project Manager. Green sought by Environmental to hire an Executive Direc-
years of Identity and Access in same job or, any other Convergence. 28490 West- in Beverly Hills. Candidate due diligence, & post-acqui-
Geotechnology Lab, Inc. in tor responsible for financial must be a US citizen and sition integrtn. Reqs: MBA
Management technology closely related. Must have inghouse Place, Valencia, CA Arcadia, CA. Prep geotech management and controls,
experience, including Single bilingual skills in Farsi & Eng-91355. speak English fluently. Du- + 4 yrs exp w/ agricultural SR. PROJECT MANAGER
invstgtn rpt; perform soil project management, day- ties are light cooking, house sys. Ed/Exp must incl: Pivot MANAGEMENT
Sign On, deployment and lish. Mail resume to: Behnam boring soil & groundwater sought by City of Hope Na-
to-day operations, human cleaning and driving on oc- Tables; Matrix Ops; Data Manager – Environmental tional Medical Center in Du-
infrastructure Application Kossari. Continental Neon obs & geotech anlys; perfm resources, marketing/public
production support. Posi- & Plastic Signs, Inc. 14839 ENGINEER Mechanical casion. Candidate will live in Tables; VBA; Tableau s/w; Business Development arte, CA. Manage multiple
diff’nt lab tests, like DS test; outreach, Board support and the guest house. Excel, Access & Power-point; and Engineering. Ameri-
tion requires 90% travel. Calvert Street, Van Nuys, CA Engr. Perform engr duties to use geotechnical sftwr like technical project assign-
produce precision forgings. regulatory reporting. Candi- Send your resume or ques- & Optimization Add-in Tools can Honda Motor Co., Inc., ments using Salesforce plat-
To apply, visit https://jobs2. 91411 GStable to perfm slope sta- dates must have a Bach-
deloitte.com/us/en/ and BS + 3 yrs exp. Resume: M. tions to Harvey.Bookstein@ incl Charting Tools & Solver. an auto parts manufacturer, form. Send resume to: Sherri
bility anlys & Liquefy 5 to elor’s degree in business armaninollp.com Requires domestic travel has a degreed/experienced
enter XSFH18FA0218LOS1 Johnson/Re: ME, Shultz Steel analyze liquefaction; use Au- Pattanakiat, City of Hope
Java Application Devel- Company, 5321 Firestone management, environmen- up to 30% of the time to position available for a National Medical Center,
in the “Search jobs” field. No toCAD to prep constr plans tal science with business
calls please.“Deloitte”means oper IV needed at Harbor Blvd., South Gate, CA 90280. Fresno County & Bakersfield Manager – Environmental 1500 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte,
Freight Tools USA, Inc.., & spcfctn rpt, drainage rpt, management, or a related County, CA. Worksite: Los Business Development &
Deloitte LLP and its sub- compaction rpt tech memo CA 91010.
26541 Agoura Road, Calaba- degree; Master’s degree pre- Angeles, CA. Mail resume Engineering in Torrance,
sidiaries. Please see www. & dzn docs. Follow CA State ferred. Experience leading
deloitte.com/us/about for a sas, CA 91302. Write, code, Engineer Positions Avail- to T Williams, The Wonder- CA. Mail resume to Ms. Bre-
test, and analyze software able (Los Angeles, CA): Per- Construction & Building a non-profit environmental ful Company LLC, 11444 W anna Robinson, American
detailed description of the Codes on soils, & to perform organization in combination
legal structure of Deloitte programs and applications. form structural design of Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, Honda Motor Co., Inc., 1919
Send resumes to Veronica building and transportation accurate computation. Req: with open space/species CA 90064. Principals only/ Torrance Blvd., Torrance, CA
LLP and its subsidiaries. De- Bach’s Deg in Civil Engg. Pro- management desired. Salary
loitte LLP & its subsidiaries Reamon at infrastructure projects with No calls/EOE 90501. Indicate RH-CA. EOE
VReamon@harborfreight. emphasis on performance ficient w/ AutoCAD, GStable, range: $84,000 to $120,000
are equal opportunity em- Liquefy 5. Mail CV to Hank DOE. Excellent benefits. See
ployers. com. based seismic design and
design workflow automa- Jong, 11819 Goldring Rd, the full position description Advertising Supplement
tion. Design and analyze Unit A, Arcadia, CA 91006. and application at: www.
COMPUTER sawatershed.org
Computer - Our Oracle S/W DVLPRS Compulink building structures which
EBS & ERP Cloud practice is Management Center, Inc. includes preparation of ENGINEERING
looking for the expertise of DBA Laserfiche has an oppty project documentation for Process Engineers II Tech-
talented and experienced in Long Beach, CA for a S/W approval by building au- nip USA, Inc. has openings Financial Analyst sought by
Oracle Application Consul- Engr. Knwldg of algorithms thority and for construction. for Process Engineer II posi- Koo, Chow & Company LLP
tants to deliver Oracle app reqd. Mail resume to Attn: Coordinate with architects tions in Claremont, CA. Re- to analyze corporate clients’
configurations for all sup- HR, 3545 Long Beach Blvd., and other engineering dis- sponsible for the delivery of financial documents, and
ported platforms including Long Beach, CA 90807, REF ciplines. Perform structural detailed technical process perform statistical & valua-
installation and support. #LBHNG. Must be legally analysis of global building engineering designs within tion analysis and financial
Multiple openings & posi- auth to work in the U.S. w/o models or details including proposals, studies, projects modeling, etc. Job site: Los
tion levels available at DAZ spnsrshp. EOE specialist non-linear seismic execution & operations on Angeles, CA. Resume to 767
Systems, Inc., in El Segundo analysis in LS-Dyna. Req’s assigned projects. Analyze N. Hill St. #500, Los Angeles,
CA & various locations in the Master’s degr plus 2 yrs exp project specifications & in- CA 90012. Attn. Yvette Yang
S/W Dvlprs - Cornerstone or Bachelor’s degr + 5 yrs of quiry requirements. Develop
US. Travel up to 75% of the OnDemand, Inc. has opptys exp. Please forward your re-
time to support clients. Ap- design parameters & meth-
in Santa Monica, CA for Prin- sume to Arup, HR, 77 Water odology accordingly under
ply online at https://www. cipal S/W Engrs. Mail resume St., New York, NY 10005. Jo- Tax Senior Manager
dazsi.com/careers/us-ca- the supervision & guidance
to Attn: HR, 1601 Cloverfield bRef# Y364ARLA. No phone of a senior engineer. (Global Indirect/VAT) for De-
reers/us-opportunities. Blvd, Ste 600S, Santa Moni- calls pls. An Equal Opportu- loitte Tax LLP in Los Angeles,
ca, CA 90404, Ref #SMHKA. nity Employer m/f/d/v. Requirements: Master’s de- CA to advise U.S. multina-
Must be legally auth to work gree (or foreign equivalent) tional companies on their
Computer/IT: SPINS Ven- global Indirect Tax (VAT)
tures LLC seeks Analytics in the U.S. w/o spnsrshp. EOE in Chemical Engineering and
ENGINEERING EcoSense 1 year of work experience. matters. Requires: Master’s
Software Engineers in Sher- degree in Acctng., Fin.,
man Oaks, CA. Create solu- Lighting accptg. resumes
S/W Dvlprs for Manufacturing Engineer CONTACT: To apply, mail Econ., Bus. Admin. or related
tions that cover the entire Cornerstone OnDemand, in Los Angeles, CA. Cntrbt’n. field (willing to accept for-
lifecycle of information resume to Technip USA, Inc.,
Inc. has opptys in Santa to & impt’n of best practices Attn: HR/Recruiting, 555 W. eign education equivalent)
utilization, from ideation Monica, CA for Sr S/W En- in mech. dsgn. & dcmnt’n. & 4 yrs. of exp. advising U.S.
through implementation. Arrow Highway, Claremont,
grs. Mail resume to Attn: Travel may be required in- CA 91711, and reference & multinational companies
Create user information HR, 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, ternationally & domestically, on indirect tax implications
solutions by developing, Ste 600S, Santa Monica, CA less than 20%. Mail resume:
the appropriate requisition
number Job # 1659.889. No of their international opera- Finding a job when you’re older requires a little honesty and a little
implementing, and main-
taining Java based compo-
90404, Ref #SMRJA. Must be EcoSense, Staffing Dept.,
legally auth to work in the 837 N. Spring St, Ste. 103.
Telephone Inquiries. EOE. tions with respect to value-
added tax (VAT). In the al- finesse.
nents and interfaces. Reqs: U.S. w/o spnsrshp. EOE ternative, the employer is
Must Ref. ME-ZEP.

Retiring from
Master’s degree in Sftwr willing to accept a Bachelor’s
Engg, Info Tech or rltd & 3 yrs ENGINEERING Mechani- degree & 6 yrs. of exp. as
rltd exp. To apply, visit http:// S/W Dvlprs The Rubicon cal Engineer. Design HVAC, Senior Embedded Controls stated above. Position re-
www.spins.com/about/ Project, Inc. has an oppty Plumbing, Fire Protection. & Simulation Engineer (San- quires approx. 30% travel. To
careers/ and apply to Job ID in Playa Vista, CA for a S/W Min 5 years. PE preferred. ta Fe Springs, CA) Maintain/ apply, visit https://jobs2.
SV01222018. Dvlpmt Engr. Knwldg of SQL Design and handle projects extend embedded produc- deloitte.com/us/en/ and
reqd. Mail resume to Attn: with min. supervision. Au- tion software for CLASS enter XSFH18FT0218LOS1
COMPUTER Director of HR, 12181 Bluff Creek Dr, toCAD a plus. Citizen. Tor- vehicle suspension system. in the “Search jobs” field. No
Customer Implementation 4th Fl, Playa Vista, CA 90094, rance. Benefits. Dvlp multi-physics vehicle calls please.“Deloitte”means
(Computer Solutions) Lead Ref #PVXQI. Must be legally Email jobs@jccainc.com simulations in AMESim to Deloitte LLP and its sub-

& oversee implmntn of s/w auth to work in the U.S. w/o validate control code, hy- sidiaries. Please see www.
to enhance clients’ e-com- spnsrshp. EOE draulics, electronics, safety deloitte.com/us/about for a
merce processes. Assess effi- Software Engineer In- & vehicle dynamics accord- detailed description of the
cacy of implmntd s/w & opti- terested candidates send ing to Federal Regs. Reqs legal structure of Deloitte
mize solutns. Reqs: Master’s Software Developer II De- resume to: Google LLC., PO a Bachelor’s Deg or foreign LLP and its subsidiaries. De-
in Comp Sci, Comp Eng, or sign, dvlp & deliver s/w & An- Box 26184 San Francisco, equiv in Engg Physics, Me- loitte LLP & its subsidiaries
Eng Mngmnt + 2 yrs exp in droid app solutions to meet CA 94126 Attn: A. Johnson. chanical Engg or rltd w/ are equal opportunity em-
job offrd or rltd pstn. Skills/ cmpny’s strategic & tchncl Please reference job # be- 2 yrs in the job offd or as a ployers.
knwldge in PHP, MySQL, objectives. Reqs: Bachelor’s low: Design Engr or rltd to incl
HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaS- in Comp Sci or Comp Info Software Engineer (Venice, vehicle suspension exp,
cript, REST API endpoints, Sys + 1 yr exp in job offrd or CA) Design, develop, modify, AMESim, MTS & ECU testing Dow Hydraulic Systems Inc
Magento, Shopify, Demand- rltd postn. Skills/knwldge in &/or test software needed eqpmt, & embedded control in La Verne, CA seeks Hone
and Lap Fitter. Requires High

Seniors go back to work for

ware-Salesforce, Mailchimp, dvlopmnt on Android plat- for various Google projects. software. Resumes to HR,
Exacttarget-Salesforce Mar- form, Java, C, C++, SQLite #1615. 29533 Exp Incl: C++ LiquidSpring Technologies, School Diploma. Mail re-
keting Cloud, Bronto & Fire- Database, Standard Tem- or Java; Python; Machine Inc., 104000 Pioneer Blvd, #1, sume to R. Dow, 1835 Wright
bug. 40hrs/wk. Job/Intvw plate Library, Google Mate- learning; data mining; info Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. St, La Verne, CA 91750.
Site: Los Angeles, CA. rial Design & PHP. 40hrs/ retrieval; natural lang pro-

money, benefits, interaction

Email Resume to Social An- wk. Job/Intvw Site: Venice, cessing; & distrib & parallel
nex, Inc. DBA Annex Cloud CA. Email Resume to Whis- computing. Senior Product Engineer
at jobs@annexcloud.com perText Inc. at aschwartz@ sought by Skyworks Solu- Graphic Designer
whisper.sh Structural Engineer (Ver- tions, Inc. in Newbury Park, Create company’s product

CONSULTANT CA based IT non, CA) needed to analyze CA: Responsible for Charac- brochure, update company’s
Company RJT Compuquest, based on latest building terization, ATE & probe data website, and manage e-
Inc. has multiple openings code to dsgn seismic & wind analysis. Dvlpg production & commerce websites
at various levels at its El force for ordinary retrofit, characterization test specifi- Applicant must have a BA in uth Witter says she used money. “That’s reality for me,” says
Segundo CA headquarter residential, commercial, & cations. Creating & manag- Graphic Design, Industrial
and unanticipated locations custom house. Must have a ing product documenta- Design, Fine Arts, or related. to wake up every morning Patricia Bruno, a retired hair stylist in
across the U.S. for : Software Master’s deg in Civil Engg; 1 Mail your resume to K TOO at
Developer. /Engr. to dev., yr exp in building structural
tion. Must have unrestricted
1635 E 22nd St., Los Angeles, with a knot in her stomach. Syracuse, N.Y. “I don’t have much of a
right to work in U.S. Mail all
create and modify computer dsgn as an engineer; profi- resumes to Angela Ho, Sky- CA 90011; Attn: Ms. Kim “For 20 years or so,” says retirement package, and I want to wait
applications software & cient in using Risa-3D, Ener- works, 5221 California Ave.,
specialized utility programs calc, Retain Pro., SAP & Auto Irvine, CA 92617. Must refer- the 67-year-old former until I’m 66 to collect social security.”
and customize software for CAD. Send resume to HR at ence job code CA1017CH.
clients Sys. Analyst,- analyze Optimum Seismic, Inc., 5508 social worker from Springfield, Ill. “Every Bruno can’t cut hair these days because
user requirements to au- S Santa Fe Ave., Vernon, CA day, I’d have to fight bureaucracy, I’d she says she has a hard time staying on
tomate & improve existing 90058. REF: HYCA2017
systems & computer sys- have to fight society. It was stress, stress, her feet for more than 30 minutes at a
tems capabilities ; analyze
commercially available soft- Advertising Supplement stress.” time. “I stood up my entire career, every
ware like SAP/Oracle; Project
She retired in 2012 at the age of 62. “As day, 10 hours a day or more,” she says.

Prepare your kids

Mng’r, Syst. Mn’gr.- Coordi-
nate, direct project activities
;Bus. Anlyst-analyze busi-
crazy as it sounds, I loved my job,” says “Now I take customer service calls for a
ness & other data processing Witter, who mainly worked with new and credit card company. I do it from home,
problems for application to
electronic data processing
systems; Sys. Engr.- ana-
lyze, design, develop & test
software apps. & test &de- Jobs for seniors

for career success

bug computer programs;
Mgm’t./Fin Anlyst- quantita-
tive analysis, of bus. & invest- If you’re 55 or older and looking for a few extra bucks but don’t feel like
ment information, work w/
financial information for bus
re-entering the rat race, here are some job options:
& economic forecasts. Travel
and/or relocate required to
unanticipated client sites/
Aide to social worker Seasonal sales help
locations throughout the Clerical assistant Security guard

U.S. with expenses paid by
employer. Bachelor’s degree f you’re a parent, chances are you they are truly interested in and passionate Consultant Substitute teacher
or equivalent is minimum
education required in Com- spend a great deal of time worried about and have found a way to make it a Dispatcher Retail greeter
Sci, MIS,CIS, Math, Engg or
related. Please send resume about your kids. You do your best significant part of their life — either as Floral arranger Retail sales
with position desired to: to ensure that they grow up happy and a profession or a hobby. Encourage your
Attn: HR, RJT Compuquest Medical technician Restaurant host
Inc., 222 N SEPULVEDA healthy, prepared for the world around children early on to explore the world
them, and well positioned to achieve around them and find something that Museum guide Tax preparation
GUNDO CA 90245.
fulfillment and success in life. truly excites them, and then support and Nurses assistant Teacher’s aide/assistant
The truth is, some of what will happen encourage them to follow their passions. Reading assistant Tutor
ORACLE APPLICATIONS: to your kids in their lives will be out of Seasonal delivery
El Segundo, CA: Research,
design, dev & test Oracle E- their control — and your control as well. Instill the value of lifelong
Business Suites & ERP Cloud/
Fusion apps/sys w/ in the That said, as a parent, there is plenty you friendships. Building strong social bonds
Supply Chain, Manufactur- can do to help set them up for their best early in life can be invaluable. Help your expectant mothers. “But the toll it took on sitting in a comfy chair. It’s not perfect,
ing & Distribution modules.
Dev proj plans, objectives, shot at success. Use the following tips child recognize the value of building and my psyche, my body. I just knew when I but it pays the bills.”
schedules & funding. Man- had the chance to retire, I’d take it.” Former social worker Witter
age app testing, user train- to help guide your kids along the right cultivating solid friendships early in life.
ing & transition to new app. path: It will help them recognize the importance And then she went back to work. acknowledges she’s not ready to give
Travel 50% of the time to
support clients. Some job of having a strong network of support — “Work. Not quite,” Witter practically up working just yet. “Luckily, I don’t
duties can be performed
from home. Send res to Daz Build a learning partnership. to find new opportunities, face obstacles, snorts. “My kids calls it my hobbies.” need the money that badly,” she says. “I
Systems, Inc., c/o Sylvia Fer-
rari, 880 Apollo Street, Suite When it comes to the job of educating overcome challenges, and make the most Since leaving her job with the state of use it to travel and to send gifts to my
201, El Segundo, CA 90245 your children, the truth is that it’s best out of life. Illinois, Witter has worked as a bookstore grandchildren. But I like interacting with
CUSTOMER envisioned as a collaboration — a cashier, a tutor, a restaurant hostess people. I did it for nearly 30 years. I’m not
Service partnership of sorts — between you and Dare to fail. Too often in life, we and a tour guide. And if something ready to give it up.”
Phone Agents your child’s teachers. Make time to work avoid trying something new — and “complicates” the job, she’s out. “As soon
Woodland Hills, CA
closely together with them to ensure potentially wonderful — for fear that we as something happens that causes me a Act your age
Caine & Weiner has open-
ings for energetic phone that your child’s needs are met and that won’t be good at it, or worse, that we’ll little stress, I quit,” Witter says. “I tell Finding a job when you’re older
agents to work PT or FT they are getting the most out of their completely fail at it. This can be a great them I’m an old broad. I don’t have time requires a little honesty and a little finesse.
in its Woodland Hills loca-
tion. All shifts available. educational experiences. Get involved way to completely miss out on success for the nonsense.” Here are a few tips:
Must have solid commu-
nication skills. Competi- and stay involved in their educational and happiness in life. Instead, teach your The U.S. Department of Labor estimates • Don’t run from your age. Embrace
tive wages and flexible that nearly 400,000 people 55 and older it. Employers who interview older adults
hours. development. children that it’s okay to fail, that life is a
Please contact HR learning process full of trial and error, and are looking for full-time work, while are looking for employees who are stable,
Department at Caine &
Weiner E-mail hr@caine- Make learning a lifelong pursuit. that the only way to know what they’re 180,000 are looking for part-time hours. dependable and mature. If you show up
weiner.com or call 818
251-1733 Learning should not begin and end in the truly capable of is to test their limits, step Witter is one of many former retirees who for an interview dressed in clothes from
classroom; it’s a lifelong journey, and outside of their comfort zones, and be all have headed back into the workforce for H&M and filled with stories of your
those who learn early in life that we are right with the notion of potential failure. a variety of reasons, although Witter’s weekend kayaking adventure, you’re
Store Service Supervisor in constantly surrounded by opportunities reason may be a bit unique. “My probably projecting the wrong image.
Los Angeles, CA: Please send husband’s also retired, but he’s an artist,”
resume to I Love Boba, Inc. to learn and grow are best positioned for Face the future. Many people are • Keep the resume or job application
1001 S. Vermont Ave., Los success. Create an environment in which really good at putting things off that they Witter says. “He uses our living room as brief. No one wants to read “War and
Angeles, CA 90006
your child can develop a love of learning don’t want to confront — sometimes until his studio. Ever try staying at home all Peace” when she’s looking for a store
Data Warehouse Engineer and a fascination with the world. it’s too late. Like it or not, the future is day with a man who thinks he’s the next greeter.
sought by TVG in Los An-
geles, CA to dsgn & implmt coming for all of us, and those who plan Edward Hopper? It’s no picnic.” • During the interview, discuss your
new AWS Redshift Data
Warehouse architecture &
Encourage their passions. The most for it as early as possible are most likely career as a whole. Use specifics when
migration roadmap. REQ: MS
Comp Sci, EE or clsly reltd
successful and fulfilled people in life to be prepared for a variety of outcomes Jobs with benefits discussing the last several years. Use
+ 3yrs.exp. Will accept BS + aren’t necessarily the ones who make the and develop a winning strategy for Many workers 60 and older will tell anecdotes and stories to illustrate your
5 yrs.exp. Full term of exp.
must incl: SSIS & SSRS; 2 yrs most money. Rather, they are often those success. you they work for the health insurance. ability to adapt to any situation. Highlight
exp. with SQL Server archi- who have discovered the things in life that — Eric Titner, The Job Network “You can find some places that will give your willingness to work as a member of
tecture & dvlpmt; Database
administration. To Apply: you a decent insurance package for 20 or a team.
go to http://app.jobvite.
com/m?3Cyfkjwx Although we can’t guarantee success for our 30 hours,” says Lauren Pileski, a Boston- • Suggest your maturity as a positive
based career consultant who specializes for the employer. Younger employees
Data Management Devel-
children, as parents we want to make our best in transitioning older workers into new will see someone who projects strength
MS & 1 yr; or BS & 5 yr exp
reqd. Send resume & refer- effort to help our children have successful fields. “A lot of people can’t afford a and wisdom and who, let’s face it, has no
ence DMD03 to Oceanx, 100 good health plan if they don’t qualify for interest in taking their job.
N Sepulveda Blvd, 15th Fl, El
Segundo, CA 90245. futures. Use the tips here to guide your kids as Medicare just yet, so they choose to work • Use younger references when
until they’re 65. It’s one of the major possible. It will illustrate your willingness
they learn, mature, and grow, and you’ll be setting reasons people go back to work.” to work with people younger than you and
them up well for achieving their goals in life. Other older workers simply need the will help boost your overall image.
C6 S U NDAY , F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 WST S L AT I M E S. C O M /B U S I NE S S

Many hurdles for single-payer healthcare

[Hiltzik, from C1] “The No. 1 experience miss- requirements that a portion
we can actually be working ing from the American of tax revenues be devoted
on this year,” committee healthcare system is peace to education. A California
Co-Chair Jim Wood (D- of mind. People are not universal coverage plan
Healdsburg) said toward afraid that what they have would require “a high de-
the end of Wednesday’s will be taken away, but that gree of collaboration be-
seven-hour session. “Some what they have will not be tween the federal govern-
of the logistics and the adequate for what they ment and the state,” Juliette
challenges we have to deal need.” Cubanski of the Kaiser
with are multiyear chal- In terms of funding, the Family Foundation told the
lenges.” idea is for the state to take committee Monday. Waivers
Little has changed since over the $370 billion to from Medicare and Medi-
last year, when a measure $400 billion a year already caid rules would have to be
sponsored by the California spent on healthcare in secured from the Depart-
Nurses Assn., SB 562, pas- California. (The higher ment of Health and Human
sed the Senate in June and estimate is from the state Services; redirecting Medi-
was killed by Rendon (D- Legislative Analyst’s Office, care funds to the state
Paramount) in the Assem- the lower from the nurses might require congressional
bly. The same bill, aimed at association.) That includes approval.
universal coverage for all $200 billion in federal funds, A federal law that preem-
residents of the state, in- chiefly Medicare, Medicaid, pts state regulation of em-
cluding undocumented and Obamacare subsidies; ployee health benefits might
immigrants, is the subject of and an additional $150 bil- limit how much California
the select committee’s lion to $200 billion in premi- could do to force employer
hearings and the template ums for employer and pri- plans into a state system.
for statewide reform. Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times vate plans and out-of- Obtaining the legal
Backers of the Healthy DEMONSTRATORS march May 19 in Sacramento in support of single-payer pocket spending by families. waivers needed from the
California program envi- healthcare. A special committee is examining universal coverage in the state. University of Massachu- federal government to give
sioned by the bill feel as if setts economist Robert the state access to federal
they’re in a race with federal single-state project for ably by offering them access never have difficult or costly Pollin, the nurses’ program funds would take two to
officials intent on disman- universal health coverage in to more than 39 million interactions with the consultant, estimates that three years “with a friendly
tling healthcare reforms the nation. That’s to be potential patients. healthcare system. Horror the program will be about administration,” Wood said.
attained with the Affordable expected, since the state’s Wood stressed that the stories of treatments denied 18% cheaper than existing “We don’t have a friendly
Care Act, and even those nation-leading population goal of reform is to lower and astronomical bills health plans, thanks to administration now.”
dating from the 1960s with (39 million) and gross do- healthcare prices, or at least charged are legion. But the administrative savings, Advocates of change are
enactment of Medicare and mestic product ($2.6 tril- to slow the rate of growth. truth is that annual health- lower fees for drugs, physi- understandably impatient
Medicaid. lion) provide the impetus to Yet that may mean focusing care spending is very heavily cians and hospitals, and a in the face of rising health-
In just the last few weeks, solve big social and econo- on the wrong challenge. concentrated among a step up in preventive serv- care costs and the federal
the U.S. Department of mic issues on its own. The mechanics of cost small number of people. ices and a step down in government’s hostility to
Health and Human Serv- The program would take reduction aren’t much of a The top 5% of spenders unnecessary treatments. reform. Gasps went up from
ices has approved adding a over responsibility for al- mystery. As several wit- account for half of all spend- That would leave about the hearing audience
work requirement to Medi- most all medical spending nesses at the latest hearings ing, the top 20% of spenders $106 billion a year, as of 2017, Wednesday when Wood
caid in Kentucky and begun in the state, including fed- observed, the key is reduc- for about 80%. The bottom needed to replace the em- casually remarked, “It is
considering a plan to place eral programs such as Medi- ing unit prices — lower 50% of spenders account for ployer and private spending absolutely imperative that
lifetime limits on Medicaid care and Medicaid, employ- prices per dose of drug, less than 10% of all spending. that would be eliminated. we slow this down.” Startled
benefits — profound er-sponsored health plans, lower reimbursements for (In one study based on 2009 Pollin suggests doing so by the reaction, he quickly
changes in a program tradi- and Affordable Care Act physicians and hospitals, all data, the spending figure for through an increase of 2.3% specified that he meant
tionally aimed at bringing plans. It would relieve em- of which are higher in the this group was less than in the sales tax and the “slow the costs down.”
healthcare to needy fam- ployers, their workers and U.S. than the average 3%.) addition of a 2.3% gross The desire to pursue the
ilies. buyers in the individual among industrialized coun- These are annual figures, receipts tax on businesses goal of universal coverage,
The Republican-con- market of premiums, de- tries. It will also help to so over a lifetime any person (or a 3.3% payroll tax, whether through a single-
trolled Congress effectively ductibles and co-pays, remove insurance industry may have more contacts shared by employers and payer model or a hybrid,
repealed the individual paying the costs out of a profit and overhead (an with the system. But that workers, instead of the gross plainly remains strong in
mandate in the Affordable state fund. estimated 15% of healthcare may explain why it’s hard to receipts tax). Each levy Sacramento, in the face of
Care Act. That is likely to All California residents spending), not to mention persuade Americans to would include exemptions the vacuum created by the
drive up premiums for un- would be eligible to obtain the expenses they impose abandon a system many for small businesses and Republican Congress and
subsidized middle-income treatment from any licensed on billing departments at consider to be just good low-income families. the Trump White House.
insurance buyers and has doctor in the state. Dental medical offices and hospi- enough for something en- Anyone with experience As Betsy Estudillo, a
prompted California and and vision care and pre- tals, from the system. tirely new, replete with in California tax politics senior policy manager for
other states to consider scription drugs would be The real challenge, how- possibilities that it could knows this is a potential the California Immigrant
implementing such a man- included. Insurance compa- ever, lies in the politics of turn out to be worse. brick wall. Taxes of this Policy Center, put it at
date on their own. (Idaho is nies would be barred from transitioning to a new The nurses association is magnitude will generate Wednesday’s hearing, “The
moving distinctly in the replicating any services healthcare system. Advo- pegging its reform cam- intense opposition, despite nation needs California’s
opposite direction from offered by the program. cates of reform often over- paign to the uncertainties the nurses’ argument that leadership, now more than
California, proposing to Doctors and hospitals look an important aspect of built into the existing sys- relief from premiums and ever.”
allow “state-based health would be paid rates roughly how Americans view the tem. “The experience of other charges means that
plans” that allow insurers to analogous to Medicare existing system. Although most Americans is that families and business will Keep up to date with
discriminate against appli- reimbursements, and the it’s roundly cursed in the they’re satisfied with what come out ahead. Michael Hiltzik. Follow
cants with preexisting con- program would be expected abstract, most people are they’re getting, but there’s a But that’s not the only @hiltzikm on Twitter, see
ditions.) to negotiate prices with reasonably satisfied with great deal of anxiety,” said obstacle. A workaround his Facebook page, or email
Healthy California would providers and pharmaceu- their coverage. Michael Lighty, the group’s would have to be found for michael.hiltzik
be the most far-reaching tical companies, presum- Most people seldom or director of public policy. California Constitution @latimes.com.

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L AT I ME S . CO M / B U S IN E S S S S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 C7

Craft scene’s second act: spirits?

use natural ingredients,”
Independent distillers said Ken Lee, Malahat’s co-
founder. “By bringing out
in San Diego hope to the real ingredients, the true
find success on a trail ingredients, it completely
changes the flavor.”
blazed by breweries.
Tasting rooms a hit
By Peter Rowe When the Distillers Guild
was founded, it had five
A basketful of ingredi- members. There are 13 today
ents provides the flavors of and more on the way.
Sunday Gin, the signature “By the end of the year,”
product of San Diego East Rogers predicted, “we
Village’s You & Yours distill- should have 20.”
ery: grapefruit, Valencia or- Local distilleries benefit
anges, kaffir limes, rose hips, from the nation’s growing
raspberry leaves, juniper thirst for hard liquor. Beer
berries, coriander and mint. remains more popular, with
While not in the bottle, 47% of the nation’s alcoholic
another ingredient provides beverage sales, but its share
the inspiration: beer. is slipping. Sales of spirits
San Diego County’s rose 4.5% last year, rising to a
emerging craft spirits indus- total share of 35.9%. (Wine
try is cribbing from the craft was in third place, at 17.1%.)
beer playbook. Like the San Changes in state and fed-
Diego Brewers Guild, the eral laws also fuel this boozy
San Diego Distillers Guild renaissance. Since Jan. 1,
stresses its status as inde- 2017, craft distilleries —
pendent, small-batch pro- again, like craft breweries —
ducers and has adopted have been allowed to operate
craft beer’s all-for-one ethos, tasting rooms.
focusing on collaboration “The tasting room here
rather than competition. pays our rent,” Rogers said.
“Craft distilling across Without its spacious
the country and here in San tasting room, You & Yours
Diego — probably even more may have been Dead &
so — is absolutely on the Done. “Distributors don’t
same trajectory as craft want to pick you up if you
beer,” said Laura Johnson, don’t have existing ac-
You & Yours’ founder and counts,” founder and distill-
distiller. er Laura Johnson said. “And
There are some key dif- you can’t get accounts if you
ferences between the two don’t have a distributor.”
groups, starting with their Photographs by K.C. Alfred San Diego Union-Tribune Within 10 months,
respective products’ po- STEVE GRELLA, left, is a distiller at Liberty Call Distilling Co. in Spring Valley, founded by Bill Rogers, though, her popular tasting
tency. right. “The tasting room here pays our rent,” said Rogers, who is president of the San Diego Distillers Guild. room landed her on Forbes’
“You can drink a lot of “30 Under 30” list for 2018. It
beer,” said Johnson, whose owner of Liberty Call Distill- this setback in stride. Al- also led distributors to her
Sunday Gin is 40 proof, or ing in Spring Valley. “We are ready planning to move to East Village doorstep. You &
80% alcohol. “You are not go- betting that people who like larger quarters, they had or- Yours gin and vodka now are
ing to drink spirits the same craft beer will want to drink dered a new, more capable found at stores like Lazy
way.” craft spirits.” still. They also were buoyed Acres and Bristol Farms and
This month marks the by their fellow Distillers at dozens of restaurants.
29th anniversary of the A community spirit Guild members. Congress’ recent tax plan
county’s oldest brewery. Early one morning last “Every single distillery in means that Washington now
Since the original Karl September, an electrical fire San Diego reached out and levies a per-bottle charge of
Strauss brewpub opened in erupted in the cramped, ga- was willing to help out in ev- 43.5 cents, down from $2.14.
1989, craft beer has become a rage-like Spring Valley of- ery way that we needed,” “That extra buck eighty a
runaway success — more fices of San Diego Distillery. Trent Tilton said. “Every bottle is helping people ex-
than 160 local breweries now Before it was extinguished, single one either texted or pand,” Rogers said.
provide more than 1 million the blaze had caused called and said, ‘Hey, if you Liberty Call is planning a
barrels of beer a year, with an $300,000 in damage and de- need anything don’t hesitate distillery, restaurant and
economic impact equal to stroyed the still. to reach out.’ ” bar, a major expansion
two San Diego Zoos. Co-owner Trent Tilton’s Established in 2014, the made possible in part by
San Diego’s craft distill- reaction? “No harm, no Distillers Guild was de- making whiskey for an Ohio
ers are trying to follow an foul,” he said. signed to assist all members, company that sells it under
equally profitable path. Tilton and his wife and in good times and bad. “Yus- the Freedom Bourbon label.
“The target audience is business partner, Maria eff Cherney put it together,” Among craft brewers, this is
similar,” said Bill Rogers, Tilton, could afford to take said Rogers, the guild’s cur- known as contract brewing.
rent president. “He was talk- At Liberty Call, it’s
ing about the Brewers Guild DISTILLERS benefit from the nation’s growing known as good business. “At
and how it helped the entire thirst for hard liquor, whose sales rose 4.5% last year. this point,” Rogers said, “we

Severity of
industry.” don’t have enough volume to
Cherney, a co-founder of distillery. The 50,000- other beers from large con- keep up.”
Ballast Point, opened a square-foot complex in- glomerates. In both craft San Diego’s craft distill-
small distillery at that brew- cludes bottling and canning beer and craft spirits, pro- ers owe all this success —

Equifax data
ery in 2008. While he had few lines, a copper bourbon still, prietors say that consumers well, some of it, at least — to
San Diego peers in spirits a stainless steel gin still, two will pay more for a high- beer.
then, liquor was already 6,000-gallon oak fermenta- quality, more flavorful prod- “We are fortunate to have,
flowing from out-of-town tion tanks, and a 260-seat uct. and grateful to have, the rich
breweries — San Francisco’s restaurant and bar. “We use food-grade corn foundation that craft beer

breach grows
Anchor, for instance, had At last September’s San and brewery’s barley,” Cher- established here in San Di-
been distilling since the Francisco World Spirits ney said. “Both are higher- ego,” You & Yours’ Johnson
1990s. Competition, Cutwater won end than usual.” said. “San Diegans love craft
In 2013, distilleries 17 medals, including gold for A bottle of Malahat’s Rye beer culture, they love local
opened at two more local its canned Bloody Mary with Whiskey costs more than products, they are very loyal
breweries, BNS and Twisted Fugu Vodka, as well as its twice as much as a bottle of — and this is a whole new
only the information that af- Manzanita, both in Santee. bottled Devil’s Share Single Bulleit Rye, more than triple frontier for those people.”
associated press
fected the greatest number After Constellation Brands Malt Whiskey and Barrel a bottle of Jim Beam Rye. Will anyone drink to
of consumers and wanted to bought Ballast Point in 2015, Rested Old Grove Gin. But that rye from Miramar’s that?
The Equifax data breach “act with the greatest clar- Cherney left the brewery to These command high Malahat took a gold medal
exposed more of consumers’ ity” in terms of the informa- launch a new, independent prices — 750ml of that single at the same San Francisco peter.rowe
personal information than tion provided the commit- distillery, Cutwater. malt will set you back $90 — competition where Cutwa- @sduniontribune.com
the company first disclosed tee, she said. Located in Miramar, Cut- just as craft beer costs more ter triumphed. Peter Rowe writes for the
last year, according to docu- Griffanti also said that al- water is the county’s largest than Budweiser, Coors and “We want to make sure we San Diego Union-Tribune.
ments given to lawmakers. though the list provided to
The credit-reporting the committee includes all of
company announced in Sep- the potential data points
tember that the personal in- that may have been access-
formation of 145.5 million ed by criminals, those el-

Love People?
consumers had been com- ements affected a minimal
promised in a data breach. It portion of consumers. And
originally said that the infor- some data — such as pass-
mation accessed included port numbers — were not
names, Social Security num- stolen. The company re-
bers, birth dates, addresses iterated that the total num-

Love Plants?
and — in some cases — driv- ber of consumers affected is
er’s license numbers and unchanged.
credit card numbers. It also “When you are making
said the personal informa- that kind of announcement,
tion from thousands of dis- where do you draw the line?
pute documents was access- If you saw the list we pro-

Come Work Outside

ed. vided the banking finance
However, Atlanta-based committee it was pretty ex-
Equifax Inc. recently dis- haustive,” Griffanti said.
closed in a document sub- “We wanted to show them
mitted to the Senate Bank- that no stone was un-
ing Committee, which was turned.” • Paid Vacation & Holidays • Advancement Opportunities
shared with Associated But to consumers whose
Press, that a forensic investi-
gation found criminals ac-
information was exposed, it
may feel like yet another slap
• Exceptional Benefits Package

Career Fairs Get Hired on the Spot

cessed other information in the face. Equifax waited
from company records. That months to disclose the hack.
included tax identification After it did, anxious con-
numbers, email addresses sumers experienced
and phone numbers. De- jammed phone lines and un- Monrovia Glendora Torrance Costa Mesa
tails, such as the expiration
dates for credit cards or issu-
informed company repre-
sentatives. An Equifax web-
Monday, Feb.12 Tuesday, Feb. 13 Thursday, Feb. 15 Friday, Feb. 16
ing states for driver’s li- site set up to help people de- 10am–3pm 2pm–6pm 2pm–6pm 10am–3pm
censes, were also included in termine their exposure was 635 West 2200 E. Route 66 25225 Crenshaw 2123 Newport Blvd.
the list. described as sketchy by se-
The additional insight curity experts and provided Huntington Dr. Suite 200 Blvd., Torrance, CA Costa Mesa, CA
into the massive breach was inconsistent and unhelpful Monrovia, CA Glendora, CA
first reported by the Wall information to many.
Street Journal. Equifax has tried to make
Equifax’s disclosure, changes, replacing its chief
Armstrong Garden Centers
which it has not made di- executive, as well as spend- has served California
rectly to consumers, under- ing millions to research and residents for over 125
scores the granular detail rectify the breach. And it
the company keeps on indi- continues to deal with multi- years. As an employee-
viduals that it may have put ple regulatory investiga- owned company, our
at risk. And it adds to the tions into the matter, as well Associates take pride in
string of missteps the com- as hundreds of consumer
pany has made in recovering lawsuits. Sen. Elizabeth providing our customers
from the security debacle. Warren (D-Mass.) released a with superior customer Visit
Equifax spokeswoman report on the hack Wednes-
service and are committed www.armstronggarden.com
Meredith Griffanti said that day that described it as “one
“in no way did we intend to of the largest and most sig- to the success and growth for employment opportunities
mislead consumers.” The nificant data security lapses of the company.
company last year disclosed in history.”
C8 S U N DAY , FE B RUARY 11, 2 018 S L AT I M E S. C O M /B U S I NE S S

Shizuo Kambayashi Associated Press

SHARES in Asia tumbled after the Dow Jones industrial average plunged a record 1,175 points on Monday. Above, a Tokyo securities firm’s electronic stock indicator.


[Market, from C1] firm Robert W. Baird & Co. said in a especially pronounced among the better now than it has at any time corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%
Primarily that investors finally note to clients. highflying tech stocks such as Ap- in the past decade.” and lowering personal rates.
decided that stock prices had risen Indeed, some of the biggest ple Inc., Google parent Alphabet “This is just some healthy, and But higher costs for credit
too far too fast even though corpo- losses last week were suffered by Inc. and Amazon.com, because so overdue, volatility to wring out any “could be a byproduct of that suc-
rate earnings, one of the main driv- investors who had poured money much of the valuations of tech com- excess” in the market, he said. cess,” he said.
ers of share prices, also have been into exchange-traded products, panies rest on their prospects Still, the yield on the 10-year Regardless, some see the mar-
rising. Also, that years of excep- which track sections of the market rather than prior results. Any dis- Treasury note has climbed to a ket’s pullback as a perfect buying
tionally low interest rates might be and are essentially a bet on contin- ruption to their growth forecasts four-year high of about 2.84%, and opportunity, especially in sectors
coming to an end. ued low volatility. can rattle investors. the Federal Reserve — now under a such as technology, financials, re-
After all, the Dow had surged But the market on average has “Most of their value is based on new board chairman, Jerome Pow- tail, energy and aerospace and de-
25.1% last year and then jumped an abruptly pulled back between 5% what they will become in the fu- ell — has said the central bank fense, which also is expected to
additional 5.8% in January alone. and 10% at least once a year going ture,” said Lawrence Harris, a fi- plans three more small increases in benefit from the Trump adminis-
Even after last week’s drop, the back to World War II, so the latest nance professor at USC’s Marshall its benchmark short-term interest tration’s push for higher military
Dow is still up 32% since President decline “would be completely nor- School of Business. rate, currently at 1.25% to 1.5%. spending.
Trump was elected Nov. 8, 2016, and mal,” said Steve Nielander, a fi- The market’s latest sell-off was Some analysts fear the Fed Before last week’s declines, the
the S&P 500 is up 22%. nance lecturer at San Diego State sparked by a strong U.S. jobs re- might raise rates more often than price-to-earnings ratio of the S&P
The losses last week might have University and a partner at the port Feb. 2 that included news that that as the economy picks up 500 for the next 12 months was run-
seemed scary to the casual ob- wealth management firm HPM workers’ average wages went up in steam. Investors will watch closely ning about 18 to 20, well above the
server, and market watchers and Partners in Costa Mesa. January. Wall Street instantly in- on Wednesday, when the latest historical average of 15.5 and a sig-
the financial media trotted out in- “We went over 400 trading days terpreted the reports as evidence reading of the consumer price in- nal that prices were getting rich.
vestment strategies for “surviving” without a 5% pullback” before last that the economy is heating up. dex is released. But after the declines, that ratio
the market’s pullback. But the week’s turmoil, Nielander said. That would seem to bode well But William Dudley, president dropped back to 16.3 on Friday, ac-
downturn was not unusual in re- “There really had been no volatility for businesses and consumers. But of the Federal Reserve Bank of cording to FactSet Research Sys-
sponse to how much prices had ral- in the market.” for the stock market, it also carried New York, told Bloomberg TV last tems Inc.
lied, analysts said. Before last week, the market the prospect that interest rates week that the Fed’s current plan That’s one reason why Bel Air’s
“Market psychology was bor- last had abruptly fallen in mid- and inflation will rise as a result, “still seems like a very reasonable Morgan said he’s been generally
dering on euphoria in late January June 2016 after the surprise vote by which can hurt share prices. projection.” advising his clients to stay the
and is coming back down to earth Britain to leave the European Last week’s roller-coaster ride The question of whether higher course and why he’s been buying
now,” investment strategist Paul Union, a two-day sell-off that was the latest illustration of how, rates actually could brake the more stocks.
Eitelman of Russell Investments knocked 4.8% off the Dow. But then while the stock market can some- economy’s growth “to me is the X Prices have plummeted mainly
said in a blog post. the market quickly roared back to times be a leading indicator of the factor in all of this,” said Eric Schif- because “we were due for a correc-
In addition, the market re- erase those losses. economy, it is not the economy. fer, chief executive of the Patriarch tion,” Morgan said. Now that it’s
minded investors who had been This time, investors — knowing The market mainly reflects in- Organization, a private equity firm happened, he added, “we’re
lulled into complacency that it’s they were sitting on very healthy vestors’ collective perception in Santa Ana. putting a lot of money to work. I
not unusual for prices to swing profits from the market’s run-up — about where the economy and cor- The economy’s fundamentals think the market is going to end the
widely on occasion. wasted no time in selling to cash in porate profits are headed. “are strong and will be getting year much better.”
“This is an important reminder some of those profits, and a herd ef- “Nothing is wrong economi- stronger,” especially as the re-
to investors that 2018 is not 2017 fect took over on the days when cally,” Greg McBride, chief finan- cently enacted tax plan fully takes james.peltz@latimes.com
when it comes to the stock mar- prices fell precipitously. cial analyst at Bankrate.com, said hold, Schiffer said. The tax over- Times staff writer Tracey Lien
ket,” analysts at the investment The return of volatility has been in an email. “The economy is doing haul includes cutting the federal contributed to this report.

Amateurs burned by widely hyped VIX trades

[Investors, from C1] to the buy-the-dip mentality,”
nancial-derivative products such Golden said in an interview from
as the one Evans bet on, called the his home in Florida. “You get
XIV, the prospect of making a caught in a manner that doesn’t
quick buck lures them back. help you.”
Together with savvier investors, The stock market’s recent run
small investors have put almost of serenity may have fooled in-
$6 billion into exchange-traded vestors into thinking the waters
products tied to the VIX, with more would stay calm forever. The mar-
than 65% of that cash flowing into ket has been unaffected, so far, by
funds or notes that bet against turmoil in Washington. For in-
price fluctuations. The exchange- stance, the average volatility rate
traded notes, or ETNs, have be- for 2017 was lower than for every
come some of the most hyped in- single trading day from Dec. 22,
vestments available. 1995, to June 20, 2005. The VIX fin-
The availability of such prod- ished below a rating of 10 — super
ucts to individual investors is part quiet — on only nine days before
of a trend that has given people May 2017 and 68 days since.
more control over their finances The current version of the Cboe
and retirement. It has also exposed Volatility Index, a gauge of ex-
more of them to getting ripped off, pected price swings for the S&P
said Tyler Gellasch, executive di- 500 index, was created 15 years ago
rector of Healthy Markets Assn., a and is sometimes referred to as the
Washington investor-advocacy barometer of fear.
group. Initially, it wasn’t intended to be
“We don’t want to deny ordinary an investment product itself, just a
Americans the ability to trade in measure of what’s happening in
ways that can help them,” Gellasch the market.
said. “At the same time, these Richard Drew Associated Press “In my wildest imagination, I
things are very complicated, they MARKETS plunged Monday, causing the VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN to don’t know why these products ex-
can really blow up.” lose money. Such products have exposed more inwitting investors to losses, advocates say. ist,” said Devesh Shah, who helped
The VelocityShares Daily In- create the index when he was in his
verse VIX Short-Term ETN, or your intellect to determine happened years earlier, the Finan- really ever look at whether an ETF 20s.
XIV, that Evans bought makes whether something has value or cial Industry Regulatory Authority is a ‘good idea’ or ‘risky’ for in- That’s cold comfort for Jamie
money when markets are calm and not. It’s just betting on your intu- website shows. vestors, but rather focuses on the Evans, who had to tell his wife he’d
loses money on days like Monday. ition.” Moms and pops have direct ac- mechanics of how it operates and lost a chunk of their retirement
These products are especially risky It’s not that the regulators cess to the products via platforms the accuracy of its disclosures,” savings on an XIV wager.
for the uninformed because they haven’t tried, in their own mild way, run by companies such as E-Trade, Gellasch said. “The agency doesn’t “I actually appreciate it that
must frequently renew their fu- to crack down on sales to naive or which on Tuesday said it would no generally pass judgment on the Vanguard allowed me to buy it,” he
tures contracts at a cost that adds unknowing investors. longer allow investors to bet on vol- risks or wisdom of a product. An said. “They gave me a warning
up for investors if the fund is held Wells Fargo & Co. got a slap on atility exchange-traded funds with accurately described time bomb along the lines of ‘You’ve got to be
for more than a day or two. the wrist in October for oversight borrowed money. for an investor could be approved.” really stupid to buy this thing.’ I
“I know people who tried to do failures that enabled “unsuitable Wannabe investors typically Seth Golden, a former logistics knew it was a gamble. The way it
this themselves and didn’t know it recommendations” on volatility must acknowledge the risk of the manager at a Target store, has be- works on the back end is just way
was a daily product and they funds more than five years ago. At products before they buy. But come a guru of sorts for VIX bet- over my head and I shouldn’t have
bought it and stayed in it,” said least four individuals have been that’s usually a mere ticking of a tors through his YouTube channel. gotten into it.”
Maura Griffin, chief executive of called out for similar failures on box on a web page. “Unfortunately, people get
Blue Spark Financial, a New York VIX products over the last two Still, the Securities and Ex- wrapped up when they see markets Urban and Evans write for
wealth manager. “It’s not using years, including for lapses that change Commission “doesn’t react so quickly and they get used Bloomberg.
L AT I ME S . CO M / B U S IN E S S S S U N DAY, F E B RUARY 11, 2 018 C9

Airlines bump fewer passengers

dispute, except to cite the
After a doctor was left airline’s new luggage policy.
bloodied, new policies
Support animal
spur a major drop in rejected, flushed
involuntary removals. Another emotional sup-
port animal is making head-
By Hugo Martin
lines and causing grief for
The disturbing image of a United turned away a
bloodied passenger being woman last month who was
dragged by security officers trying to fly out of Newark
off a commercial plane last Liberty International Air-
April continues to have ram- port with a peacock, which
ifications for passengers on she claimed she brought to
all airlines in the U.S. give her comfort and sup-
The nation’s biggest air- port during the flight.
lines reported that in 2017 Spirit Airlines is now em-
they had the lowest rate of broiled in a controversy over
passengers involuntarily de- an emotional support ham-
nied boarding since the ster, which ended up being
Transportation Depart- flushed down a toilet after
ment began keeping such re- the carrier refused to let it on
cords in 1995. a plane at the Baltimore-
The rate of passengers Washington International
booted from overbooked Airport.
flights was 0.34 for every The hamster’s owner, Be-
10,000 passengers in 2017, len Aldecosea, a college stu-
down from 0.62 in 2016, data dent who was flying home to
from the federal agency Miami, said she called Spirit
show. Airlines are allowed to Airlines before her Nov. 21
sell more tickets than they flight and was assured she
have seats on a plane as long could bring along her minia-
as they compensate or re- ture hamster, Pebbles, ac-
book those passengers who cording to her attorney Ad-
are denied a seat. am Goodman.
The dramatic decline fol- When she got to the air-
lows last year’s incident, in port, a Spirit employee told
which passenger David Dao, her she could not bring the
a doctor from Kentucky, re- hamster on the plane and
fused to give up a seat on a suggested she either release
full flight operated by a re- it outside of the terminal or
gional carrier for United Air- Jerome Adamstein Los Angeles Times flush it down the toilet,
lines. Crew members told THE NATION’S biggest airlines reported that in 2017 they had the lowest rate of fliers involuntarily denied Goodman said.
him they wanted his seat for boarding since the Transportation Department began keeping records in 1995. Above, Chicago O’Hare airport. Aldecosea flushed the
another airline employee. creature because she felt she
Dao was dragged from his 0.23 per 10,000 passengers in the lithium ion power supply luggage like a scooter. devices. had no other option, accord-
seat and suffered a concus- 2017, down from 0.43 in 2016, will start a fire in the cargo Because of the risk of fire, “Over the past several ing to Goodman, who is con-
sion and other injuries in the according to the Trans- hold. the airlines require that the weeks, we have heard from sidering legal action against
incident. portation Department. At least one luggage man- battery be removed before hundreds of customers re- the carrier.
The incident, which was American Airlines reported ufacturer is already report- the luggage goes into the garding incidents where air- In a statement, Spirit ac-
caught on cellphone video, a rate of 0.38 per 10,000 pas- ing confusion with the new cargo hold, but the battery line employees have made it knowledges that it erro-
created such a backlash that sengers, down from 0.64 pas- rules. can be carried into the cabin. clear they don’t understand neously told Aldecosea that
United and several other air- sengers, and Delta reported American, Delta, United, Steph Korey, chief execu- their own airline’s policy, she could bring the hamster
lines vowed to improve pas- a rate of 0.05 per10,000 in 2017, Southwest, Alaska, Hawai- tive and co-founder of the causing unnecessary prob- but denied that anyone sug-
senger service and slash the down from 0.10 in 2016, the ian and other airlines have luggage maker Away, sent a lems for our (and their!) cus- gested she harm the animal.
number of passengers re- federal agency reported. adopted rules to address the memo to her staff last week tomers,” her memo said. “We can say confidently
moved from overbooked increasing popularity of saying owners of her luggage In an interview, Korey that at no point did any of
flights. United and others smart luggage, which comes are having trouble flying on said that her company has our agents suggest this
adopted new policies, in-
Luggage policy with built-in devices that Delta Air Lines because been talking with Delta guest (or any other for that
cluding a vow to offer pas- causes confusion can weigh the bag, track its flight attendants are refus- about clearing up the misun- matter) should flush or oth-
sengers up to $10,000 to vol- Most of the nation’s ma- location using GPS and lock ing to let the loose batteries derstanding. So far, the new erwise injure an animal,”
untarily give up their seats. jor airlines began enforcing a it remotely using a smart- be placed in the overhead airline policies have not hurt Spirit Airlines spokesman
The efforts seemed to policy last month that bans phone app. Some bags even compartments. Her bags in- sales of her luggage, she said. Derek Dombrowski said.
have worked. United re- checked luggage with built- include wheels and a motor clude a battery for recharg- A Delta representative
ported a bumping rate of in batteries out of fear that so that travelers can ride the ing smartphones and other declined to comment on the hugo.martin@latimes.com


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based on fully indexed rates for adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). The APR on your specific loan may differ from the sample used. All rates are quoted on a minimum FICO score of 740. Conventional
loans are based on loan amounts of $165,000. Jumbo loans are based on loan amounts of $453,101. Lock Days: 30-60. Points quoted include discount and/or origination. Payments do not include
amounts for taxes and insurance. The APR may increase after consummation and may vary. FHA Mortgages include both UFMIP and MIP fees based on a loan amount of $165,000 with 5% down
payment. Points quoted include discount and/or origination. Fees reflect charges relative to the APR. If your down payment is less than 20% of the home’s value, you will be subject to private mortgage
insurance, or PMI. VA Mortgages include funding fees based on a loan amount of $165,000 with 5% down payment. If your down payment is less than 20% of the home’s value, you will be subject to
private mortgage insurance, or PMI. The fees set forth for each advertisement above may be charged to open the Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential
Mortgage Lending Act, (BA) indicates Licensed Mortgage Banker, NYS Banking Dept., (BR) indicates Registered Mortgage Broker, NYS Banking Dept., (loans arranged through third parties). “Call for
Rates” means actual rates were not available at press time. To access the NMLS Consumer Access website, please visit www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. To appear in this table, call 773-320-8492.

Encino Los Angeles
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Miracle Mile Santa Monica
Open Sunday 1-4pm Open Sunday 1-5 REDUCED! MUST SEE! OPEN SUN. 1-4 Modernized Mid-Century Open Sun 1-4 Open Sunday 1-4pm Open Sunday 1-4pm
1643 Stone Canyon Road 5/8 $5,699,000 814 Majorca Place 4/3 $3749000 18084 RANCHO STREET 5/4.50 $2,195,000 100 N Woodburn 5/6 $6,888,888 750 S Spaulding Ave #321 3/2 $879000 851 & 853 Euclid Street 2/1.25 $2,995,000
Rodeo Realty / Lolita Bagramyan & Ben Bacal www. Molinari Homes @ Exclusive Realty, Inc / Chris Molinari WISH/Sotheby’s International (818) 388-3905 Virtual Real Estate Co./ Ness Krief 310-430-0667 The Agency / Sacha Radford 3106174464 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage | Steve Sawaii
benbacal.com 310-748-7717 310.800.1994 310-261-3777
Open Sunday 1-4pm
Hancock Park Open Sunday 1-4pm Out of Area OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1-4PM
By APPOINTMENT ONLY. 818 N. Curson Ave. 5/5 $4,300,000
1744 Stone Canyon Rd 6/7 $9,499,000 11755 Montana Ave. #201 3/3 $3900 846 21ST ST #5 3/3 $1979000
Open Sunday 1-4 Rodeo Realty / Ben Bacal, Ron Maman & David Ferrugio Own DREAM HOME-Maui HAWAII Jack Dunn / Jack Dunn 310-717-6356
Agency / Sacha Radford 3106174464 Coldwell Banker Santa Monica, Montana/Gary Limjap 509 N. Las Palmas 3/3.5 $2,145,000 310-600-3792 4087 N. Paua Way 5/3 $1490000
310-430-0818 MARY C. WOODWARD/KW Larchmont 323-422-0888 By Owner - Commission paid to Brokers 310-567-8019
Beverly Hills Open Sat/Sun 1-4pm
802 San Vicente Blvd 6/8 $8,500,000
Cheviot Hills Hollywood Hills West OPEN Sun 1-4 & Tues 11-2
7250 Franklin Ave Unit #7041/1.5 $575,000 Playa Vista Pacific Union International / Charles Pence + Jeff Now-
Open Sunday 1PM-4PM inski 424.744.0784
1129 Angelo Drive 3/2 $3,395,000 Gold Realtors/Roland Watkins 3238828200
OPEN Sun 1-4 & Tues 11-2 Open Sunday 1-4 Open Sunday 1-4
Coldwell Banker-BHN/Steve Frankel 310-508-5008 Open Sunday 1-4pm 7250 Franklin Ave #609 2/2 $799000
9820 Burgen Ave. 3/3 $2,049,000 12924 Discovery Creek 4/4 $1,650,000 107 Larkin Pl 5/7 $6,495,000
Gold Realtors 323 882-8200 Open Sunday 1-4 Fineman Suarez / James Suarez, Will Robertson, Chris Coldwell Banker/Ron Wynn 310-621-1772
Open Sunday 1PM-4PM Rodeo Realty / Lolita & Ben www.9280burgen.com
3017 Kelton Ave 5/5.5 $2,595,000 O’’Brien 3108621761
510 Arkell Drive 4/5
Coldwell Banker-BHN/Steve Frankel
Hollywood Coldwell Banker/ Adam Glick 310-488-4410 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4
Open Sunday 1-4 Rancho Cucamonga 428 25th STREET 5/6
310 - 567 - 5704
507 N. Maple Dr 5/5.5 $7,995,000
10580 Blythe Ave
Coldwell Banker/Ron Wynn
5/6 $2,995,000
Hollywood Dell Open Sunday 1-4P
2342 San Marco Dr 3/4 $1389000 Malibu Open Sunday 1-4
The Agency/Richard Bartholomew 424-327-8280 Open Sunday 1-4
Coldwell Banker / Michael J. Libow 310-285-7509 10567 Blythe Ave 5/6 $2,995,000 1812 Navy St 4/3 $2495000
Open Saturday & Sunday 1-4
Open Sunday 1-4 Joshua Tree 31310 Broad Beach Rd 3/3 $9,995,000 Coldwell Banker/ Ron Wynn 3109639944 Coldwell Banker/Ron Wynn 310-621-1772
1605 Carla Ridge 5/4.5
Coldwell Banker / Michael J. Libow
2946 Kelton Ave
Coldwell Banker/ Ali Fall
4/3.5 $2,150,000
WEA / Kurt Rappaport 310-860-8889
Reseda Westwood
Joshua Tree Escape
7084 Mount Lassen 4/2 $432000
Beverly Hills PO Culver City Tarbell, Realtors/ Ron Kershaw #02023946 760-880-
OPEN HOUSE 2/11, 1-4pm
28929 BISON COURT 6/4 $11,995,000 4 and 5 Bedroom new Homes
By Appointment
479 Loring Ave 4/4 $9800
1240 Chris Cortazzo/Coldwell Banker 310-702-9387 18717 Welby Way 5/2.75 $699000 Coldwell Banker | Mickey Kessler 310-367-2322
Open Sat & Sun 1-4 Brian Kluft 818 449-7039
Open Sunday 1-4 WOW!
4240 Motor Ave 4/5 $3095000 Open Sunday 1-4
1721 Monte Cielo Ct. 4/3.5
Melinda and Scott Tamkin/ COMPASS
310-493-4141 Keller Williams/Todd Miller 310-560-2999 Mar Vista Sherman Oaks 1870 Kelton Ave #303 2/2 $1259000
Open Sunday 1-4 Coldwell Banker/Ron Wynn 310-621-1772
NEW X - OPEN SUNDAY 1-4! Open Sat & Sun 1-4 6015 Arabella Street 3/2 $509,000 Open Sunday 1-4 Open Saturday & Sunday 1-4pm FABULOUS! BY APPT ONLY
1381 Summitridge Dr 3/3.5 $4,099,000 3838 Crestview Rd. 3/4 $1,289,000 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices/ Matthew Bryant 3300 Butler Ave 3/2 $1500000 4229 Hazeltine Avenue 5/5.5 $2875000 10800 Wilshire Blvd Unit 6012/2.5 $2,775,000
Coldwell Banker / Michael J. Libow 310-285-7509 Keller Williams/Todd Miller 310-923-5353 626-695-7807 Coldwell Banker/Ron Wynn 310-621-1772 Chernov Team 818-432-154 Coldwell Banker / Michael J. Libow 310-285-7509

Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County

Alhambra La Mirada Anaheim
>> Midwick Collection >> OLIVE WALK >> TAPESTRY WALK
Pearl Models Now Selling! Olson Homes Olson Homes
New condominiums from the mid $600s and Now Selling Spanish Style 2-Story Single-Family Spacious Three-Story Townhomes. Up to 3 Bed,
Paired Homes, Up to 4 Bed, 3 Bath, 2,200 Sq. Ft.
single-family homes from the high $800s. From the low $600’s. 3.5 Bath, 1,741 Sq. Ft. From the high $400’s.
DRHorton.com/Alhambra www.olivewalk.com TapestryWalk.com
626.888.2936 562-370-9514 562-370-9543
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County
Alhambra Long Beach Eastside Costa Mesa
>> Midwick Collection >> Riverdale >> CostaBella
Now Selling! Brandywine Homes Melia Homes
New condominiums from the mid $600s and Now Selling Detached new homes in Long Beach. JUST 1 HOME REMAINS! Luxury home w/ 4bdrms
3-5 bedrooms. Private gated community with pool & 3,536 SF. Large yard, no Mello-Roos. Priced
single-family homes from the high $800s. and clubhouse. From the mid $600,000s. from the mid $1 millions.
DRHorton.com/Alhambra NewHomesLongBeach.com CostaBellaNewHomes.com
626.888.2936 866-378-5126 (949)548-4541
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County
Alhambra Los Angeles Irvine
>> Sapphire >> RiverPark >> C2E Irvine
Now Selling! LA Urban Homes Intracorp Homes
New luxury single-family homes up to 3,597 sf, 5 Models open—Phase 1 90% sold! New Single- Contemporary 3-story townhomes, 2 to 4
Family Homes 3 and 4 Bedrooms, up to 2,000 sf.
bd & 4.5 ba. Call for pricing. From the low $700,000’s bedrooms, 2-car garages. From mid $600,000s.
EmeraldHomes.com/Sapphire www.liveriverpark.com C2Eirvine.com
626.888.2936 323-222-0501 (949) 402-3302
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County
AZUSA Pasadena Lake Forest
>> Metro Walk >> Canopy Lane >> IronRidge
Olson Homes Luxury Homes Now Selling! Landsea Homes
New single-family homes up to 3,798 sf, 5 bd & Gated hillside community of 4 new neighborhoods,
Brand New Three-Story Townhomes. Up to 4 Bed, 4.5 ba. From the high $1 millions. 3-5 bedrooms, up to 3 car garages. From mid
3 Bath, 1,825 Sq. Ft. Starting in the $400’s. EmeraldHomes.com/ $800s to lo $1M.
MetroWalkHomes.com CanopyLane LiveIronRidge.com
714-642-8055 213.369.6646 949-272-9819
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County
DOWNEY Rancho Palos Verdes ORANGE
>> Village Walk >> Crest >> Orchard Walk
Olson Homes Luxury Homes Now Selling! Olson Homes
Three-Story Townhomes. Up to 4 Bed, 4 Bath, New 3,255 sf single-story homes with 4 bd & 4.5 Single-Story Villas. Up to 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1,566 Sq.
1,911 Sq. Ft. From the mid $500’s. ba. From the high $1 millions. Ft. From the high $500’s.
VillageWalkDowney.com EmeraldHomes.com/Crest OrchardWalkHomes.com
562-370-9542 818.858.5149 562-370-9544
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County
El Monte Santa Fe Springs Rancho Mission Viejo
>> El Monte-Solstice 70 >> Villages 14 >> Esencia at Rancho M.V
City Ventures WestCal Property Group Rancho Mission Viejo
OPEN HOUSE Daily. Solar Powered Homes–LOW Selling 14 new, detached 2 & 3 stry hms (3 Find a diversity of homes, unique amenities &
HOA. Large 2BDs, 2.5BA, 2car gar, up to 1,514 SF. to 5 bdrms) 1,786 sf to 3,004 sf. Priced from outstanding schools at Esencia on The Ranch in
Starting at mid $400’s. $560,000. Home Tours by Appt only. South OC. Prices from high $400s to over $1M.
www.solstice70.com www.VILLAGES14.com RanchoMissionViejo.com
(949) 330-3774 562-321-2375 949-768-1882
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Orange County
El Monte Simi Valley Yorba Linda
>> UNION WALK >> Walnut Glen >> Newbury
Olson Homes Now Selling by Appt. Only! Brandywine Homes
Three-Story Townhomes. Up to 4 Bed, 3.5 Bath, New 1- and 2-story single-family homes with up to Now Selling! Luxury estate residences in Yorba
Linda, 5-6 bedrooms. Approx. 4,593 to 5,175
2,291 Sq. Ft. From the low $400’s. 3,144 sf, 4 bd & 3.5 ba. From the low $800s. sq.ft. From the high $1 millions.
UnionWalkHomes.com DRHorton.com/WalnutGlen www.LiveNewbury.com
562-370-9515 805.328.5203 866-212-7293
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County San Bernardino County
Glendora West Hills Chino Hills
>> Motif >> Bristol at Northpointe >> Hillcrest - Carbon Cyn.
Quick Move-In Homes Now Pre-Selling! Woodbridge Pacific Group
New townhomes with up to 2,072 sf, 4 bd, New single-family homes with up to 1,515 sf, 4 bd, Gated enclave of Estate Homes up to 5342 s.f.
Stunning views. Generous homesites. From the
3.5 ba & 2-car garages. From the mid $400s. 2.5 ba & 2-car garages. From the mid $600s. low $1 millions. 3% Broker Referral.
DRHorton.com/Motif DRHorton.com/Bristol www.HillcrestChinoHills.com
626.691.5893 747.263.0023 714.524.2900
Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Ventura County
HIGHLAND PARK West Hills Oxnard
>> Fig & Fifty Walk >> Fallbrook Place >> Gallery at River Ridge
Olson Homes 2 Model Homes Remain! Ravello Holdings, Inc.
Three-Story Townhomes. Up to 3 Bed, 3 Bath, New single-family homes with up to 2,551 sf, 4 Now Open! Brand new SF and cluster style
homes from 1,922-3,036 s.f. Gated, pool & near
2,111 Sq.Ft. From the low $700’s. bd, 3.5 ba & 2-car garages. From the mid $800s. Collection Shopping Cntr. Grand Opening 12/9/17!
FigandFiftyWalk.com DRHorton.com/FallbrookPlace www.galleryriverridge.com
562.370.9502 818.672.5075 805-365-0100

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