8.3.1 2-POINT D-CAL (Cont.)

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Chapter 8.

Making Custom Corrosion Measurements

8.3.1 2-POINT D-CAL (cont.)

4. Press RECORD twice.
5. Couple to the D-REF2 standard, and adjust the gain so that all beams break threshold but are not saturated
(approximately 80% amplitude). Each beam must record a signal above gate threshold and not saturated for each
point. If any beam does not record valid amplitude, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen. To achieve
successful recording of the entire peak envelope on the display, raise the GAIN so that the PEAK goes above full
screen height, then lower the gain until all beams are back on screen in the peak envelope. This procedure ensures
that the first positive half wave amplitude is the one recorded for the calibration.

Figure 76: Adjusting the Gain for D-REF2 Standard

6. Press RECORD twice. The D-CAL icon (Figure 77 below) will appear when the procedure is successfully completed.

Figure 77: Selecting the D-CAL Icon

Phasor XS User’s Manual 167

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