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Eliot Cohen; Lieutenant Colonel Conrad Crane, U.S.

Army, Retired;
Lieutenant Colonel Jan Horvath, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel John Nagl, U.S. Army

A merica began the 20th century with

military forces engaged in counterinsurgency
(COIN) operations in the Philippines. Today, it is
helps illuminate the extraordinary challenges inher­
ent in defeating an insurgency.
Legitimacy as the main objective. A legitimate
conducting similar operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, government derives its just powers from the gov­
and a number of other countries around the globe. erned and competently manages collective security
During the past century, Soldiers and Marines and political, economic, and social development.
gained considerable experience fighting insurgents Legitimate governments are inherently stable. They
in Southeast Asia, Latin America, Africa, and now engender the popular support required to manage
in Southwest Asia and the Middle East. internal problems, change, and conflict. Illegitimate
Conducting a successful counterinsurgency governments are inherently unstable. Misguided,
requires an adaptive force led by agile leaders. corrupt, and incompetent governance inevitably
While every insurgency is different because of fosters instability. Thus, illegitimate governance is
distinct environments, root causes, and cultures, all the root cause of and the central strategic problem
successful COIN campaigns are based on common in today’s unstable global-security environment.
principles. All insurgencies use variations of stand­ Five actions that are indicators of legitimacy and
ard frameworks and doctrine and generally adhere that any political actor facing threats to stability
to elements of a definable revolutionary campaign should implement are—
plan. In the Information Age, insurgencies have ● Free, fair, and frequent selection of leaders.
become especially dynamic. Their leaders study ● A high level of popular participation in and
and learn, exchange information, employ seemingly support for the political process.
leaderless networks, and establish relationships ● A low level of corruption.
of convenience with criminal gangs. Insurgencies ● A culturally acceptable level or rate of political,
present a more complex problem than conventional economic, and social development.
operations, and the new variants have a velocity that ● A high level of regime support from major
previous historical insurgencies never possessed. social institutions.
Governments that attain these goals usually
Principles of Counterinsurgency garner the support of enough of the population
The principles and imperatives of modern coun­ to create stability. The primary objective of any
terinsurgency provide guideposts for forces engaged counterinsurgent is to establish such a government.
in COIN campaigns. However, counterinsurgency While military action can deal with the symptoms of
is a strange and complicated beast. Following the loss of legitimacy, restoring it can only be accom­
principles and imperatives does not guarantee suc­ plished using all elements of national power. Unless
cess, which is just one of the several paradoxes of the government achieves legitimacy, counterinsur­
counterinsurgency. Understanding such paradoxes gency efforts cannot succeed.

Military Review  March-April 2006 49

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APR 2006 00-03-2006 to 00-04-2006
Principles, Imperatives, and Paradoxes of Counterinsurgency 5b. GRANT NUMBER






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Unity of effort. Ideally, a counterinsurgent would in the conflict. The interconnected politico-military
have unity of command over all elements of national nature of insurgency requires the counterinsurgent
power involved in COIN operations. However, the to immerse himself in the lives of the people in
best that military commanders can generally hope order to achieve victory. Successful U.S. COIN
for is unity of effort through communication and operations require Soldiers and Marines to pos­
liaison with those responsible for the nonmilitary sess a clear, nuanced, empathetic appreciation of
elements of power. The ambassador and country the essential nature of the conflict, particularly the
team must be key players in higher level plan­ motivation, strengths, and weaknesses of insurgents
ning, while similar connections are achieved down and indigenous actors.
the chain of command. Even nongovernmental Intelligence as the driver for operations.
organizations (NGOs) can play important roles in Without understanding the environment, one cannot
improving lives. Many such players will resist being understand and properly apply intelligence. With­
overtly involved with military units, but they must out good intelligence, a counterinsurgent is like a
make an effort to establish some kind of liaison. blind boxer wasting energy flailing at an unseen
Connecting with joint, interagency, coalition, opponent. With good intelligence, a counterinsur­
and indigenous organizations is important to ensur­ gent is like a surgeon cutting out the cancers while
ing that objectives are shared and that actions and keeping the vital organs intact. All operations must
messages are synchronized. The resulting synergy be shaped by carefully considered actionable intel­
is essential for effective counterinsurgency. Unity ligence gathered and analyzed at the lowest possible
of effort must pervade every level of activity, from levels and disseminated and distributed throughout
national to neighborhood. Otherwise, well-inten­ the force.
tioned but uncoordinated actions can cancel each Isolating insurgents from their cause and sup-
other out or provide a competent insurgent with port. Cutting an insurgency off to die on the vine
many vulnerabilities to exploit. is easier than it is to kill every insurgent. Dynamic
Political primacy. While all the elements of insurgencies regenerate quickly, so a skillful
national power have a role in successful counter­ counterinsurgent must cut off the sources of that
insurgency, political objectives must retain pri­ recuperative power. Ideological support can be
macy. All actions, kinetic or nonkinetic, must be sundered by redressing the grievances that fuel the
planned and executed with insurgency. Physical support
consideration of their con­ can be cut off by population
tribution toward strengthen­
Without good intelligence, a control or border security.
ing the host government’s counterinsurgent is like a blind In the 20th century, popu­
legitimacy and achieving the boxer wasting energy flailing at lation control often meant
U.S. Government’s political an unseen opponent. resettling people; in the 21st
goals. The political and mili­ century, biometric identifi­
tary aspects of an insurgency cation cards will accomplish
are usually so bound together as to be inseparable, the same objectives with much less disruption to
and most insurgents recognize this fact. In coun­ people’s lives. International or local legal action
terinsurgencies, military actions conducted without might be required to limit foreign financial support
proper analysis of their political effects will at best to insurgents.
be ineffective and at worst aid the enemy. As the host government increases its own legiti­
Understanding the environment. A key aspect macy, the people will more actively help achieve
in an insurgency is the population. Analyzing this principle. Victory will be gained when this
the effect of any operation is impossible without isolation is permanently maintained by the people’s
understanding the society and culture within which active support.
the COIN operation occurs. Soldiers and Marines Security under the rule of law. The cornerstone
must understand demographics, history, and the of any COIN effort is security for the populace.
causes, ideologies, aims, organizations, capabilities, Without security, no permanent reforms can be
approaches, and supporting entities for every player implemented, and disorder will spread. To establish

50 March-April 2006  Military Review


The insurgent wins if he does not lose. moon cannot restore electricity. American agen­
The counterinsurgent loses if he does cies trying to fan enthusiasm for their efforts must
avoid making exorbitant promises. In some cultures,
not win. failing to deliver promised results is interpreted as
deliberate deception, not simply good intentions
legitimacy, security activities must move from the
gone awry.
realm of major combat operations into the realm of
Managing expectations also involves showing
law enforcement. Insurgents seen as criminals will
economic and political progress as part of the cam­
lose public support. If they are dealt with by an paign to show the populace how life is improving. In
established legal system in line with local culture the end, the people must be convinced that their lives
and practices, the legitimacy of the host govern­ will be better with the counterinsurgent in control
ment will be enhanced. This process will take time, rather than with the insurgent in control. Both the
but Soldiers must be aware of the legal procedures counterinsurgent and the host nation must ensure
applicable to their conduct and support them. They that their deeds match their words. Any action has an
must also help establish indigenous institutions information reaction, so they must carefully consider
(police forces, court systems, and penal facilities) its effect on the many audiences involved and work
that will sustain that legal regime. to shape responses that further desired ends.
Long-term commitment. Insurgencies tend to Use measured force. Any use of force gener­
be protracted conflicts. Counterinsurgency always ates a series of reactions, so, it is best to use the
demands considerable expenditures of time and minimum possible force in resolving any situation.
resources. The insurgent wins if he does not lose. At times, an overwhelming effort is necessary to
The counterinsurgent loses if he does not win. intimidate an opponent or reassure the populace,
Insurgents are strengthened by the belief that a few but the amount of force and who wields it should
casualties or a few years will cause adversaries to be carefully calculated. Mounting an operation that
abandon the conflict. Only constant reaffirmations kills 5 insurgents is futile if collateral damage leads
of commitment backed by deeds will bolster public to the recruitment of 50 more. Often it is better that
faith in government survivability. People will not police handle urban raids, even if they are not as
support a government until they are convinced the well-armed or as capable as military units, because
counterinsurgent has the means, ability, stamina, the populace is likely to view that application of
and will to win. force as more legitimate. Also, a local police force
reinforces the rule of law.
Contemporary Imperatives of Learn and adapt. A COIN force must be a
Counterinsurgency learning organization. Insurgents shift between
Recent experiences with counterinsurgency high­ military and political phases and approaches. In
light the following additional imperatives that we addition, networked insurgents constantly exchange
must keep in mind for success. information about enemy vulnerabilities. A skillful
Manage information and expectations. Infor­ counterinsurgent must be able to adapt at least as
mation and expectations are related, and a skillful fast as the opponent. Every unit must be able to
counterinsurgent must carefully manage both. To make observations, draw lessons, apply them, and
limit discontent and build support, a counterinsur­ assess results. Higher headquarters must develop
gent and host government must create and maintain an effective system to circulate lessons learned
realistic expectations among the populace, friendly throughout the organization. Insurgents shift their
military forces, and even the international commu­ areas of operations looking for weak links, so
nity. Information operations will be a key tool to widespread competence is required throughout the
accomplish this. counterinsurgent force.
Americans have a disadvantage because of our Empower the lowest levels. The learning pro­
reputation for accomplishment, resulting in what cess must go on at every level of the COIN effort.
has been termed the Man on the Moon syndrome. The mosaic nature of an insurgency means that
To people in Afghanistan and Iraq, it seems unbe­ local commanders have the best grasp of their own
lievable that a nation that can put a man on the situations. They must have the assets to produce

Military Review  March-April 2006 51

actionable intelligence and manage information
Dollars and ballots will have a more
operations. Also, COIN operations must be decen­
tralized, and higher commanders owe it to their important effect than bombs and
subordinates to push as many capabilities as possible bullets.
down to lower levels. Lower level initiative has to be
supported and encouraged in order to create a COIN exploit. If a careful analysis of the effects of a response
force that can adapt as quickly as insurgents. reveals that more negatives than positives might
Support the host nation. American forces must result, Soldiers should consider an alternative.
remember that they are conducting COIN operations The best weapons for counterinsurgency do
to help a host government. The long-term goal is for not fire bullets. Counterinsurgents achieve the
that government to stand on its own. In the end, the most meaningful success by gaining popular sup­
host nation must win its own war. While U.S. forces port and legitimacy for the host government, not by
and agencies can provide invaluable assistance, killing insurgents. Security is important in setting
they must be able to hand off responsibilities to the stage for other kinds of progress, but lasting
indigenous elements. And, while it might be easier victory will come from a vibrant economy, political
for U.S. military units to conduct operations them­ participation, and restored hope. Dollars and ballots
selves, it is far better for them to help strengthen will have a more important effect than bombs and
local forces. In successful COIN operations, host bullets; information is even more powerful when
governments have the final responsibility to solve correctly wielded. T.E. Lawrence once observed
their own problems. that “[t]he printing press is the greatest weapon in
the armoury of the modern commander. . . .”1 This is
Paradoxes of Counterinsurgency even truer today than it was when Lawrence wrote it
COIN operations present complex, often unfa­ nearly a century ago—except that the truly effective
miliar missions and considerations. In many ways, counterinsurgent requires not just a printing press,
conducting COIN operations is counterintuitive to but radio and television programs and an Internet
the traditional American approach to war and combat presence. Soldiers and Marines must be prepared to
operations. Some representative paradoxes follow: engage in a host of traditional nonmilitary missions
The more you protect your force, the less secure to support COIN operations.
you are. The counterinsurgent gains ultimate success Them doing something poorly is sometimes
by protecting the populace, not himself. If military better than us doing it well. Who performs an
forces stay locked up in compounds, they lose touch operation is just as important as how well it is
with the people who are the ultimate arbiters of vic­ done. The United States is and will be supporting
tory and who could concede the streets and fields host nations in a counterinsurgency, and long-term
to the insurgent. Forces must conduct patrols, share success requires establishing viable institutions that
risk, and maintain contact to obtain the intelligence can continue without significant U.S. support. The
to drive operations and to reinforce the connections longer that process takes, the more popular support
with the people who establish legitimacy. in the United States will wane and the more the local
The more force you use, the less effective you populace will question the legitimacy of their own
are. Any use of force produces many effects, not all forces. Lawrence said of his experience leading the
of which can be foreseen. The more force applied, Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Turkish Empire:
the greater the chance of collateral damage and “Do not try and do too much with your own hands.
mistakes. Enemy propaganda will portray kinetic Better the Arabs do it tolerably than you do it per­
military activities as brutal. Restrained force also fectly. It is their war, and you are to help them, not
strengthens the rule of law the counterinsurgent is win it for them.”2
trying to establish. If a tactic works this week, it will not work next
Sometimes doing nothing is the best reaction. week; if it works in this province, it will not work
Often an insurgent will carry out a terrorist act or in the next. Today’s competent insurgents are adap­
guerrilla raid to entice the counterinsurgent to over­ tive and are often part of a widespread network that
react or, at least, react in a way that the insurgent can constantly and instantly communicates. Successful

52 March-April 2006  Military Review


COIN practices and appropriate countermeasures high command, a feeble domestic base of support,
pass rapidly throughout the insurgency, and insur­ a hostile press, and the sheer impossibility of the
gents can implement changes quickly. COIN leaders task. These judgments were grounded in reality, but
must avoid complacency and be at least as adaptive the Army’s institutional failures deserved no less
as the adversary. attention. Instead, although Army officers developed
Tactical success guarantees nothing. When skills and achieved successes in irregular warfare in
Colonel Harry Summers told a North Vietnamese places like El Salvador and the former Yugoslavia,
counterpart in 1975 that “[y]ou know you never the institution continued to treat irregular warfare as
defeated us on the battlefield,” the reply was: “That an exception, an additional duty, or simply as a mis­
may be so, but it is also irrelevant.”3 Military actions take. The result was an Army that was not as well-
alone cannot achieve success. Tactical actions must prepared to battle sophisticated insurgent enemies
be linked to operational and strategic military objec­ in Iraq and Afghanistan as it could have been.
tives and essential political goals. Without those We are at a turning point in the Army’s insti­
connections, we might waste lives and resources tutional history. By considering the principles,
for no real gain. imperatives, and paradoxes of counterinsurgency
presented here, we can learn the lessons from Iraq
The Future of Warfare and Afghanistan needed to prepare for the insur­
America’s extraordinary conventional military gencies and small wars we will have to fight in the
power makes it likely that many of our future oppo­ future. Our enemies are fighting us as insurgents
nents will choose irregular means, including terrorism because they think insurgency is their best chance
and insurgency, to achieve their political objectives for victory. We must prove them wrong. MR
and prevent us from achieving ours. The U.S. Army
prides itself on its system of lessons learned. We must
understand that others study us no less carefully than
we study them. We reflect on tactics, techniques, and 1. T.E. Lawrence, “The Evolution of a Revolt,” Army Quarterly and Defense Journal
procedures; our enemies consider those as well, but (October 1920). Reprinted by the Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command
and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, with permission. On-line
they also pay attention to the operational and strategic at <www-cgsc.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/Lawrence/Lawrence.asp>, accessed 2
March 2006.
levels of irregular warfare. 2. Lawrence, “The 27 Articles of T.E. Lawrence,” The Arab Bulletin (20 August 1917),
on-line at <www.d-n-i.net/fcs/lawrence_27_articles.htm>, accessed 1 March 2006.
To the extent that our reaction to new mani­ 3. COL Harry Summers, quoted in COL Robert Killebrew, “Winning Wars,”
Professional Writing Collection, Army Magazine (April 2005): on-line at <www.army.
festations of old forms of war consists chiefly of mil/professionalwriting/volumes/volume3/may_2005/5_05_2_pf.html>, accessed 1
improved ways to protect vehicles against impro­ March 2006.

vised explosive devices, or refined sniper tactics,

or more adroit cordon and search techniques, we
expose vulnerabilities that others will exploit. As Eliot A. Cohen is the Robert E. Osgood Professor at Johns
Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.
painful as it might be to admit, future opponents He received a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Harvard College.
have already drawn comfort from our missteps in His most recent book is Supreme Command: Soldiers, States­
Afghanistan and Iraq and, before that, in Somalia, men, and Leadership in Wartime (New York: The Free Press,
2002). Lieutenant Colonel Conrad Crane, U.S. Army, Retired,
Haiti, and elsewhere. They respect our immense fire­ is director of the U.S. Army Military History Institute. Lieuten-
power and logistical capabilities; they do not have ant Colonel Jan Horvath, U.S. Army, is a doctrine writer at
equal regard for our strategic acumen or operational the Combined Arms Center. Lieutenant Colonel John Nagl,
U.S. Army, is a Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of
skill in fighting such wars. Defense. He received a B.S. from the U.S. Military Academy,
After Vietnam, the U.S. Army reacted to the threat an M.M.A.S. from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff
College, and an M.Phil. and a D.Phil. from Oxford. He is the
of irregular warfare chiefly by saying “never again.” author of Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency
The study of counterguerrilla and COIN operations Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam (Chicago: University of Chi-
was leached from the various military college cur­ cago Press, 2005). The authors are participating in a revision
of Field Manual (FM) 3.24/MCRP 3-33.5, Counterinsurgency.
ricula, and the hard-won experience of a generation This article is the opinion of the authors and does not reflect
of officers was deliberately ignored. The Army the views of any of the institutions with which the authors are
affiliated. The authors would like to thank Max Manwaring for
told itself that the failure in Vietnam was the fault his contribution to their understanding of legitimacy as a main
of an overweening civilian leadership, a timorous objective of COIN campaigns.

Military Review  March-April 2006 53

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