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21612019 Occult Meaning of Mercury ~ This Planet in Ancient and Occult Writings Occult Meaning of Mercury — This Planet in Ancient and Occult Writings Febery 6,201 Simona Lestea Comment Ei) ‘Occult Meaning of Mercury & This Planet in Ancient and Oc... In this post! have gathered important occult and asteological writings about Mercury for easier personal reference and hopefully this will be useful for some of my readers as well You can read about the occult Sun ané Moon on this blog also. General occult and astrological information about Mercury Me Tau, xy was known in ancient days under the names of Hermes, Hermaon, Thoth, Stilbon, yllenis, Hermes Trismegistus and Archas, It's the closest planet tothe Sun, and it never gets away from it by more than 27 degrees, ‘When it too close tothe Sun, within the range of four degrees when the person is born, the native may experience some mental blind spots, inconsistencies in log, and similar mental dificuties. ve also found that combust Mercuy (i being too close tothe Sin and this burnt by it) may eatse poor memory. However, fit's perfectly aligned withthe Sun, this produces a powerful intellect and the person could be a genius. ‘When Mercury is retrograde when the person is born, he may be able to better develop his intellectual faculties later in life as opposed to when most people have them developed. William Lilly writes this planet to be ofa dusky silver color, and its mean motion to be 59 ‘minutes and 8 seconds. Mercury is stationary one day, and retrograde 24 days ‘Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo; Geminis ruled by Mercury in its positive aspect, whilst ‘Vingo ~ in its negative, This means that although people born under both 2odae signs are intellectual, Virgo will be more negative and materialistic, whilst Gemini ~ more positive, bopeful, and mental. hitps:iwusimonarich.comfoccult-mesning-of mercury this-planetin-anclent-and-occut-aritngs! ay OHOHE Gab ooeH Resite Now ot Yoariarmaton wllbolape pa 0 WW, rarer, Student of Things Hiden © ‘curren sing nin, ad illo ae, 30D astoDeep Mediation yA) te aaa MEDITATION ‘hs bookie writen to help you gett deep redationtreaghadiferer: metation ask ." 2162019 ‘Occult Meaning of Mercury - This Plane in Ancient and Occult Wings ‘his planet is exalted in the fifteen degrees of Virgo. Its detriment sin Sagittarius and Pisces, and its fall in Pisces, Mylo Wealth W's neither male nor female, and if’ found close to other planets ina natal chat tends totake on their qualities, thus strengthening them. When its joined with a feminine planet, Journey it becomes feminine, and vice versa Its own nature is cold and dry and tends toward Mw © sadness, With good planes i becomes good, and with evil - evil, WEALTH According co vedic astrology, however, Mercury isa benefic when not conjuncting any sid planers. Mercury rules the airy tiplicity (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) at nigh. tts colors are silver, dy foun co Wealtes bok about ow bros grey mixed with ight bse, and many colors mixed in one, as in some fabrics. In vedic out of ery consciousness ad ached the dear that wanted chere and ew grdaaly Lerbrased apes into my wealth eonept ar wel astrology it represents the color green, Ithasa seven degree: It governs the sixth month of conception, ‘Mereury’s day is Wednesday, and itrules the first and eighth astrological hours of that day. Sundin Tee each Ivis friendly with Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Its enemies ae all he other planets with the ae exception of Uranus. Uranus is its higher octave SINBEROTESN Mercury (Hermes) that is shown carrying caduceus, ~—~aior Caduceus is sometimes mixed wi the staff of Asclepius (che ancient Greek god of medicine) that has only one snake ona stick. The meaning of Hermes’ stick with two snakes intertwined was caluceus —thevattor 07iinally that of peace, as he separated two fighting snakes witha Temes(Mercr)_stickand then they wound themselves around his wand. rated he rato awakening, Beare Mercury in palmistry Getesarebr oy pita tere Mercury rules the lice finger. Whatua dieser fo Sex & Celibacy If’ erooked, a person can be ai andunisit in business dealings. The more crooked the finger is, the more dishonest the person will be, If it’s only slightly erooked, it could be that the person simply exaggerates things sometimes, or doesnt say certain things in order not to hurt Inthis book share with you my celibacy journey someone's felings, for example sesvantofothercelaer snd she eae ide ofeexandceibay, fies very low se, it could mean that the person needs to struggle in order to earn aliving; this is what palmistry books say, but I did not find this the ease sometimes cogs ‘Mercury also rules the mount under the litle finger. This mount, ifit has vertical lines on it, Asche o0) may indicat tha the person has healing ails and therefore ould become doctor ° well-developed mount of Mercary makes the person inteligent, stee-smar, and good it iii business likin sling, for example Bast inks) Ashore Mercy finger indicates hat the person lcksincelignce. this finger fee apart shen from other fingers when the hand is open, indicates that the person is independent in icant) ‘thought, and will make decisions independently of the spouse. ‘ci sh, pendently ofthe spo manos hitps:iwusimonarich.comfoccult-mesning-of mercury this-planetin-anclent-and-occut-aritngs! on 216)2019 Mental characteristics of a person born under the rule of Mercury ‘Mercusial people are very adaptable and clever, but they can either be good or bad, That's unlike, fr example, people ruled by jupiter or the Sun, who tend to be good. But when it comes to Mercury, people ruled by it can be experts in professional elds, or they ean use their intelligence for evil, an, for example, become high-class thieves almost impossible to catch Also, Mercury represents the intelligence of youth thats yet without compassion, whilst Satuza represents the wisdom of ald age, for example. So some people ruled by Mercury may lack the heart, oto speak, and can be deceptive and very street-smart. However, this planet can produce excellent writers, doctors, communicators, sales and business people in general, thus these people would benefit if they increase the vibration of Mercury in their lives. ‘Mercury produces people who are very logical. In intelligence they can be way ahead of others. Their minds are quick, and they can be excellent diplomats. they win debates and. sway the public with their reason; their speech is eloquent, and they are always involved in some sort of research, be it occult, some higher education projec, or anything else that ‘makes them smarter, In fact, the planet Mercury is highly related to divination and alchemy, and it’s the god ‘Mercury whois told to lead people aftr thei deaths into the afterlife, thus being represented as a messenger between the dead and alive, A person ruled by Mercury is sharp and fullof wit He is selaught and he usualy finds traditional learning to slow and limited ~ he is capable oflearning much faster and deeper ‘on his own than were he to attend ordinary classroom-style lessons. Whenever hes interested in something, he wil strive to become the master of that field. He loves movement, an it’s hard for him to stay in one place for along time. He may be into sports, driving, flying — using any means of transport, actually, and the faster, the better. He loves travelling. He loves mental stimulation and is great with hands ~ he can either Sx things, or he can make something beautiful with his hands, like something creative, for example, He is busy researching various aspects of life and tries to escape boredom as he cannot tolerate it. He’ always doing something. Sometimes his need of mental stimulation makes hitps lw simonarich.comfoccult-mesning-of mercury his-planet-in-ancient-and-occut-writngs! ‘Occult Meaning of Mercury - This Plane in Ancient and Occult Wings eoSeleswuining ual if) Edacaonal on) Hinduism a) ndalai os) Medion eager) Numero Desir) Pues 08 alee 00 Poshenae eaomaior slktelng 2 sella) hanes) nuepoized dzone nos

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