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Course Code: EDU 3003

Course Name: Global Educational &


Course Teacher: Khadija Aljassmi

Task Title: Journal Entry #1

Name: Marwa Mansour AlZarouni

Leadership activities of a person who have the abilities to execute a leadership to his

society of following and impacting the behavior of the people of the society and

motivate the people to work to accomplish the objective and the goal of life. The skill

of the leader is to let people or all the group work with high confidence (Burton, et

al.2019). Now days every one claims being a leader. But who ends to be an effective

one? An effective leadership is Makes an inspiring vision of things in future.

Motivates, inspire and moves people to motivate and engage with that vision. Mentors

and build a group, with the goal that it is progressively successful at accomplishing

the vision. I personally believe one of the most effective leaders witnessed is His

Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, father and maker of the United Arab


Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan was a fair man who earned across the board

regard, as he turned into an incredible pioneer, depending on his immaculate

confidence and amazing instinct. A first evaluation of his huge commitments to

Emirati, Arab, Muslim and worldwide undertakings must be represented equity,

liberality and the way of life. I had a perspective on his character. His characteristics

referenced by him were Shaikh Zayed's ability to think purposely, set goals, fulfill

targets, perceive his vision, with stand disasters and his ability to lead people. The

individual Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan is the best leader of his physical and good

courage and in this manner he can guide his supporters to accomplish their objective.

He had a very good communication with his society hearing them and he solves all

the problem which they are happy with and in this skill he had been a good leader in

UAE. He is very good in decision- making every decision he makes it agrees us all

makes us happy and everyone follows what he wants. What made happy and
impressed more that Sheikh Zayed attracts with all classes high, medium and low. He

is not racism and this characteristics made him a successful and a good leader. His

attitudes were Inspiring, Confidence, great humankind is the real demeanor of Zayed

Bin Sultan that makes him best pioneer in the country of UAE. For example, There

are numerous foundations that are finished by the to help the sheikh Zayed bin Sultan

individuals over the world and a huge number of dollars is being given to the poor

Muslim nations. His values were honesty , love and caring to his work and to his

people that he leads.

The similarities that I think I have like Sheikh Zayed is that caring, love and honesty.

I also have confidence that everyone can trust me. I always do charity for people in

many charity association which why good leader do. The difference between me and

the sheikh is that I don't know how to make decisions. I don't have one decision I let

someone to take my decisions. In my opinion, His highness sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan

has a lot of characters that recognizes a a good leader and a grateful pioneer. One can

be a character or have a character - Sheikh Zayed was the latter. The similarity He had

a one of a kind identity that made him memorable and essential to all. He was a

magnetic and charismatic leader who earned all that he had and all that he He will

always be remembered as a visionary and successful pioneer, as well as a rare and

incredible character. Most importantly, he earned our adoration, love, respect and

Reference list

Boyer, S. W. (2019). Aspects of Leadership. In Biblical Leadership Development (pp.

25-59). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Retrieved from:

Kremer, H., Villamor, I., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Innovation leadership: Best-practice

recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge

sharing. Business Horizons, 62(1), 65-74. Retrieved from:

Burton, L. J., Borland, J. F., & Kane, G. M. (2019). Sport Leadership in the 21st

Century. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Retrieved from:


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