Women Abuse in Ecuador

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Women abuse in Ecuador

Violence and abuse affect women from all kinds of backgrounds every day.
Sometimes, women are attacked by strangers, but most often they are hurt by people who
are close to them. Violence and abuse can cause terrible physical and emotional pain. The
World Health Organization reports that violence against women puts an undue burden on
health care services with women who have suffered violence being more likely to need
health services and at higher cost, compared to women who have not suffered violence.

The impact of domestic violence in the sphere of total violence against women can
be understood through the example that 40–70% of murders of women are committed by
their husband or boyfriend. Studies have shown that violence is not always perpetrated as
a form of physical violence but can also be psychological and verbal.

Teaches the women’s that, for be loved, you have to be complacent. They confuse the
fact to learn to take care of yourself and love yourself with the be selfish, women may
not like it or make your own life by themselves, not eligible, clothing, or your partner, or
what you want to do, they must have the hardships of machismo. You are culturally
encouraged the idea that man is inherently superior to women. Both insists that both
eventually end up believing it.

In my opinion the cause of violence and abuse in almost all cases defect by machismo
transmitted from generation to generation and never put a stop. Victims of domestic
violence experience many barriers when leaving abusive relationships. These include fear
of the abuser, believing the abuser will take their children, hoping the abuser will change,
embarrassment, shame and self-blame about their situation. Limited financial options,
lack of transportation, lack of knowledge the services exist, and lack of proximity to those
services are also factors. Sometimes alcohol abuse also affect women because many
drunken husbands abuse their women and then claim to have forgotten. Around the world,
at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused
during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family. Domestic
violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings,
and rapes combined.

Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence
annually. Men who as children witnessed their’ domestic violence were twice as likely
to abuse their own wives than sons of nonviolent parents. but Why women endure this
mistreatment? For violence because the victim is isolated from his family and other
friends, silent your situation however would be blackmailed with their children and they
stay with her husband for love her children

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