7 Communication Management

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Knowledge Area: Human Resource Management

Highlighted numeric after every question is the question ID linked with the answer database.

1. 34 All of the following are correct statements about a Project Manager EXCEPT?
a) He / she are assigned after the project charter is created.
b) He/ she may initiate changes to the project
c) He/ she manage changes and factors that create change.
d) He / she are held accountable for project success or failure.

2. 782 During every project team meeting, the project manager asks each team member to
describe the work he/ she is doing, and the project manager assigns new activities to all the
team members . The length of these meetings has increased because there are many
different activities to assign. This could be happening for all of the following reasons
a) Lack of WBS
b) Lack of Responsibility Assignment Matrix
c) Lack of resource leveling
d) Lack of team involvement in project planning

3. 781 What leadership style should you employ during the first two weeks of project
a) Coaching
b) Directing
c) Supporting
d) Facilitating

4. 878 Which of the following is the highest point of Maslow’s Hierarchy?

a) Self fulfillment
b) Respect
c) Affection
d) Stability

5. 798 A project organizational chart shows resources and?

a) WBS work packages
b) Activity resource estimates
c) Responsibilities
d) schedule

6. 372 your best programmer is an independent contractor. Recently you learned that she is
working on a project in the evening for one of your competitors. Your best course of action
is to?
a) Replace her
b) Get her to sign a non disclosure agreement
c) Inform her that you do not allow your contractors to work with your competition, and
ask her to choose.
d) Limit her access to sensitive data

7. 1354 Project performance appraisals are different from team performance assessment in
that Project performance appraisals focus on?
a) How an individual team member is performing on a project.
b) An evaluation of the project team’s effectiveness
c) A team building effort
d) Reducing the staff turnover rate.

8. 861 The company has just announced that there will be layoff in the next month, and there
is a good chance it will include some of the people from your project team. The team is
discussing the layoff to the exclusion of everything else. If you tell the team, “lets calm down
and get back to work, may be our performance in the next month will help keep us from
losing our jobs. Which conflict resolution techniques are you using?
a) Compromising
b) Forcing
c) Smoothing
d) Withdrawal

9. 210 Having to constantly push the team to perform is an example of a lack of?
a) Project continuity
b) Team buy in
c) Management support
d) Team accord
10. 69 While staffing a project in another country, the project leader from that country comes
to you with a suggested team consisting of members of the project leader’s family. Your first
course of action should be to?
a) Inquire if hiring only through family lines is common practice in the project leader’s
b) Review the resumes of the individuals to see if they are qualified
c) Ask the project leader to provide additional names of people unrelated to him/ her.
d) Use a different project leader to prevent problems later in the project

11. 818 The engineering resource group, a matrixes organization, of which a project manager’s
project team is a part, has a policy of no salary bonuses for project work. The project
manager’s current project has a aggressive timeline and a difficult technical obstacle to
overcome. A new product offering is dependent on this project’s success in the current
timeline. The project manager has heard grumbling from his team members about the fact
that they cannot be rewarded for their effort. What is the first thing the project manager
should do?
a) The project manager should determine whether other team members from another
department can help with the project.
b) The project manager should talk to the management to determine other rewards that
can be given.
c) The project manager should negotiate a less aggressive schedule from the client
d) The project manager should talk with the team about the importance of getting this
done on time and explain the company policy.

12. 89 Which of the following rules should apply to international dealings on your project?
a) You have your way, I have mine.
b) Do not violate any basic fundamentals human rights
c) Always apply the business practices of your own country
d) Do whatever it takes to manage the project successfully

13. 569 All of the following are outputs of Develop Human Resource Plan except?
a) Roles and responsibilities
b) Project organizational charts
c) The no. of resources needed
d) The staffing management plan
14. 146 You have just found that a major subcontractor of your project consistently provides
deliverables late. The subcontractor approaches you and asks you to continue accepting late
deliverables in exchange for a decrease in project costs. This offer is an example of?
a) Confronting
b) Compromise
c) Smoothing
d) Forcing

15. 165 For the last 3 months, a customer has been 2 to 4 days late with her approvals on
deliverables. After analyzing the situation, the project manager decides withdrawal is the
best conflict resolution technique to use. Which of the following reflects withdrawal?
a) Inform the customer that late approvals are not a problem, but ask him to get them in
on time in the future.
b) Meet with the customer to determine a new due date for the approvals
c) Postpone a decision
d) Call the customer and demand that you receive the approvals today.

16. 1353 The project has been challenging to manage. Everyone has been on the edge due to
pressure to complete the project on time. Unfortunately, the tension has grown to the point
where team meetings have become shouting matches and little work is accomplished during
the meetings. One team member asks to be excused from future team meetings, as all the
shouting upsets him. Meanwhile, the sponsor has asked to attend the team meetings in
order to better understand how the project is going and the issues involved in completing
the project and the customer starts discussion about additional scope to the project. In this
situation, it would be best for the project manager to?
a) Ask the sponsor if the information needed could be sent in a report rather than have
him attend the meeting.
b) Inform the team member who asked to be excused from the meetings of the value of
the communication in such meetings.
c) Create new ground rules for the meetings and introduce them to the team
d) Hold a team meeting exercise that involves all the team members.

17. 784 A resource assigned to your project contacts you, trying to get off the team. He knows
that an important project in his department is going to be approved and will take place at
the same time as yours. He wants to work on the other project. Under these circumstances,
what is the BEST thing to do?
a) Keep him if he is a valuable resource
b) Talk to the functional manager about releasing him from the team
c) Release him after he finds a suitable replacement
d) Wait until the last minute to see if the other project is approved

18. 568 A project manager must publish project schedule. Activities start end times and
resources are identified. What should the project manager do NEXT?
a) Distribute the project schedule according to the communications management plan
b) Confirm the availability of the resources
c) Refine the project management plan to reflect more accurate costing information
d) Publish a bar chart illustrating a timeline

19. 1188 A company asks one of the project managers to lead a project to create a substantially
improved version of one of the best selling company’s products. The project manager is
given total freedom of decision and resources including whether to utilize contractor
services and/or company’s resource pool. Under these circumstances, which of the
following is the BEST way for the project manager to build the team?
a) She should choose her team from the top developers and fabrication workers in the
b) She should create a team of company line workers and contract the development
services under a cost reimbursable contract with provisions to protect confidentiality
c) She should contract the entire team utilizing a cost plus incentive fee type of contract.
d) She should contract selected team members on an adhoc and as needed basis utilizing a
time and material contract.

20. 828 All of the following are forms of power derived from project manager’s position Except?
a) Formal
b) Reward
c) Penalty
d) Expert

21. 850 In which project management process group is the project manager likely to do more
a) Initiating
b) Planning
c) Executing
d) Monitoring and controlling
22. 564 While completing the develop Human resource plan process on your project, you visited
the functional manager of engineering many times but she refused to supply resources for
the project. First the excuse was that her department was too busy. The next time, the
department was undergoing reorganization. This is causing your project to skip the
schedule. Which of the following is the MOST probable reason of her lack of support?
a) The priority of the project has increased.
b) The project does not have a project charter and the functional manager was not
involved in improving the project management plan
c) The project schedule network diagram was not time phased.
d) The WBS did not include all the resources needed on the project.

23. 858 A project team has been arguing for days about the correct way to complete a high level
design. This argument has caused a schedule performance index (SPI) to fall to 0.89 and the
Cost Performance Index (CPI) to 0.8. if the project manager tells the team, “we will schedule
this discussion for our team meeting next week”, the project manager is?
a) Using earned value
b) Compromising
c) Increasing costs even further
d) Withdrawing

24. 817 A project manager presented premier performance certificates to project team
members who delivered above and beyond their required activities at each project
milestone. This is an example of?
a) Project performance appraisal
b) Gold plating
c) A recognition and reward system
d) Team building

25. 616 During the first half of the project, 5 team members left for other projects without
being replaced , two team members went on vacation without informing you and other
team members expressed uncertainty about the work they were to complete. In this
situation, it is BEST if you create a________ for second half of the project.
a) WBS
b) Resource Histogram
c) Staffing management plan
d) Responsibility assignment matrix
26. 863 While creating the agenda for the status meeting with the team, a project manager
receives input from one team member that an item should be added, another team
member says the team is not ready to resolve the item during the meeting. After much
discussion, the project manager decides to put the item on the agenda as an initial
discussion item only. Which conflict resolution technique is the project manager using?
a) Compromising
b) Forcing
c) Smoothing
d) Withdrawal

27. 66 You have just learned that one of your team members has not been adequately trained
to complete project activities as assigned to him. How will you handle this situation?
a) Replace this team member with someone more qualified
b) Request proper training be provided and paid for by the functional manager
c) Revise the schedule to account for the decreased effectiveness of this resource.
d) Mentor this resource during the remainder of project duration.

28. 571 A project manager is staying in touch with the work of project team members ,
managing conflicts and requesting changes to the project management plan, what process is
she involved in?
a) Report performance
b) Manage project team
c) Develop human resource plan
d) Acquire project team

29. 835 The highest point of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is called?

a) Physiological satisfaction
b) Attainment of survival
c) Need of association
d) Esteem

30. 1479 Which of the following are ALL tools and techniques of the Manage Project Team
a) Watch the team; report on team member’s performance and issue conflict resolutions.
b) Use appropriate conflict resolution techniques, do a 360 degree feedback assessment,
and update the project management plan
c) do a 360 degree feedback assessment, verify critical resource availability, and watch the
d) report on team member’s performance, Use appropriate conflict resolution techniques,
do a 360 degree feedback assessment.

31. 1468 An email is forwarded to you that involve conflict b/w 2 team members. Which conflict
resolution technique would you use?
a) Forcing
b) Compromising
c) Avoiding
d) Confronting

32. 827 “Do the work because I have been put in charge” is an example of what type of power?
a) Formal
b) Penalty
c) Effective
d) Expert

33. 779 The sponsor’s role on a project is BEST describes as?

a) Helping to plan activities
b) Helping to prevent unnecessary changes to the project objectives
c) Identify unnecessary project constraints
d) Helping to put the project management plan together.

34. 843 You are a project manager for a large electrical system implementation, one of your key
people has started to miss deadlines and work quality is beginning to suffer as well. This
person has participated in project planning, and in fine tuning the earned value estimating,
and developing the reward system for the project. You are confident that this person is well
aware of the work deadlines and required quality specifications. What action should you
a) Report the problem to the personnel or human resource department for corrective
b) Reassign some work to other team members until performance starts to improve
c) Discuss the issue with the employee at the next team meeting and try to determine the
factors impacting performance
d) Escalate the situation to the employee’s functional manager and ask for assistance
35. 795 You have just been assigned as a project manager for a large telecommunications
project. This one year project is about halfway done. The project team consists of 5 sellers
and 20 of your company’s employees. You want to understand who is responsible for doing
what on the project. Where would you find this information?
a) Responsibility Assignment Matrix
b) Resource Histogram
c) Bar chart
d) Project Organization Chart

36. 567 A project manager wants to make sure his plans to meet the training needs of resources
and plans for releasing resources are complete. All of the following are inputs to this activity
a) Enterprise environmental factors
b) Historical information
c) Project Organizational Charts
d) Activity Resource Requirements

37. 830 The project work has begun when the project manager notices how many times
meetings and discussions are disrupted by power outages and the lack of warm place to
meet. She turns her attention to influencing the organization to improve the team’s working
conditions. She is following the concepts of which motivational theorist?
a) Herzberg
b) McGregor
c) Theory Y
d) Maslow’s Hierarchy

38. 879 What conflict resolution technique is the project manager using when he says, “ I
cannot deal with this issue now?”
a) Problem Solving
b) Forcing
c) Withdrawal
d) Compromising

39. 572 What does a staffing management plan describe?

a) When and how resources will be added and taken up by the team
b) How resources will be leveled
c) What resources will be used on the project
d) The responsible organization for each work package

40. 794 A project manager is assigned to a new project and is supplied with a preselected team,
what is the first thing the project manager should find about the team?
a) Each team member’s favorite color
b) What each team member want to get out of the project
c) Each team member’s project activities
d) Each team member’s role in the project management plan

41. 876 A project manager is spending all his time watching over the team, and team members
feel he is always second guessing them. The project manager is Most Likely a:-
a) Theory X Manager
b) Hygiene Factor Expert
c) Maslow’s hierarchy expert
d) Strong self actualization manager.

42. 783 The project manager is in the process of staffing the project. Available resources are as
follows: Mary always works overtime, Whitney works very hard, Laurie meets the project
requirements; Jess is very enthusiastic about the project and will work overtime if
necessary. Who is the MOST appropriate resource for this project?
a) Mary
b) Whitney
c) Laurie
d) Jess

43. 866 To help project team function more effectively and efficiently, the project manager
decides to use a war room, what does this mean?
a) All the project records are kept in many locations
b) The tools needed to accomplish the work are kept in once place with easy access by the
team from various locations
c) The entire team is located in one area
d) The project’s entire senior management team is located in one area
44. 847 A project manager says to the team member, “if you cannot complete this activity
according to the quality standards you set in place, I’ll remove you from the team that is
going to Venezuela for a milestone party with the customer. What form of power is the
project manager using?
a) Reward power
b) Formal power
c) Penalty power
d) Referent power

45. 823 You are in the executing process group of a major project with an estimated cost of
US$22 million. Two team members are having a disagreement over the potential sellers of
project component, and the project manager has offered to help. The project manager
suggests a compromise, and the team member wants to solve the problem. Who should
decide on the BEST course of action?
a) Management
b) Team Members
c) Project manager
d) Customer

46. 606 A new testing centre is going to be constructed over the next two years. The project
sponsor and the project manager have been identified and high estimates begun, it is
expected that the project can be completed within budget and on schedule. The only
difficulty is in acquiring the no. of resources with the correct expertise to complete the
work. Under these circumstances, the project manager should spend more time in creating
a) Risk Analysis
b) Responsibility Assignment Matrix
c) Responsibility Chart
d) Resource Limited Schedule

47. 802 The project manager of a highly visible project is new to project management. He has
carefully followed the steps to create a project management plan. During a status meeting,
two of the team members argue over what needs to happen next. Whose responsibility it is
to correct the problem?
a) The Team
b) The project manager
c) The functional manager
d) The individual team members who disagree
48. 780 A new employee of the company is assigned to work on a project that is in the early
planning processes. She has to decide today if she will accept the assignment to the project
or whether she wants to be assigned to a different project. however, the project manager is
not at work and is not reachable. Where can the team member look to help her determine
what work she is given on the project?
a) Activity definitions
b) Project management plan
c) Job Descriptions
d) Responsibility Assignment Matrix

49. 811 A project manager has a large team consisting of people from many functional areas of
the company. The BEST method to get the team’s cooperation is to use ____ power.
a) Formal
b) Penalty
c) Reward
d) Referent

50. 801 A project involves arranging for the closing of the company office where the team works
and relocating everyone to a new city. The BEST thing a project manager can do is?
a) Spend time carefully creating the WBS
b) Have a strong quality control plan
c) Decrease the fringe benefits
d) Carefully consider the reward system for the project

51. 804 You are a project manager leading a cross functional project team in a weak matrix
environment. None of your project team members report to you functionally and you do
not have the ability to directly reward their performance. The project is difficult involving
high date constraints and challenging quality standards. Which of the following types of
project management power will LIKELY to be the most effective in these circumstances?
a) Referent
b) Expert
c) Penalty
d) Formal
52. 803 A project manager is working on her first project that uses people from outside her
country. Which of the following would be the MOST important thing expected to occur?
a) Added cost due to shoddy or incomplete work
b) Language or cultural differences that prelude effective team work
c) Increased Human Resource Planning and coordination activities
d) Team building activities became impractical, and the cost is prohibitive.

53. 786 You are planning a project, the functional managers will not commit any particular
people on your project. Because it will not begin for a few months. All of the following
methods could be used to handle this situation EXCEPT?
a) Use the average productivity factor for each department
b) Use the average daily rate of the resources in each department times the no. of
resources needed of each resource type.
c) Use the result of the Delphi Technique for the no. of hours
d) Use the average probability of successful completion multiplied by the no. of resources
needed each day.

54. 864 Giving a team member a corner office is different than giving him health benefits
a) Perquisite
b) Fringe benefits
c) Use of the expectancy theory
d) Example of formal power

55. 808 A project manager has been working on a project for 6 months with the same team, yet
the team still shows a lack of support for the project. The BEST thing the project manager
can do to obtain the team’s support for the project is to?
a) Reevaluate the effectiveness of the reward system in place
b) Talk to each team member’s boss with the team member present
c) Find someone else to be project manager
d) Tell the team members he needs their support , and ask the team members why they
do not support their project

56. 792 A responsibility assignment matrix shows all of the following EXCEPT?
a) Time
b) Resources
c) Names
d) Work packages

57. 785 A project team is scattered across North America, South America and Europe. There are
7 companies working on the project and 67 core team members. Which of the following
would have the GREATEST impact on making the situation easier to manage?
a) A project scope statement
b) A staffing management plan
c) A change control system
d) More time is spent in scope planning

58. 820 A project team member has just completed work on the microprocessor for the new
human system performance monitor and is now finished with the project. The project
manager should?
a) Evaluate the project’s resource requirements
b) Provide input to the team member’s performance appraisal
c) Reevaluate the activity duration estimates
d) Change the staffing management plan

59. 1258 Work on the project is ongoing when the project manager overhears two workers
arguing over what a set of instructions mean. The project manager investigates and
discovers that the instructions for the construction of the concrete footings currently being
poured were poorly translated b/w the different languages in use on the project. Which of
the following is the BEST thing for the project manager to do first?
a) Get the instructions translated by a more experienced party
b) Look for quality impacts of the poor translation of the instructions of the footings
c) Bring the issue to the attention of the team. And ask them to look for other translation
d) Inform the sponsor of the problem in the next project report

60. 854 Which of the following is the BEST way to resolve conflict?
a) Confronting
b) Withdrawal
c) Smoothing
d) Forcing
61. 815 Which of the following conflict resolution techniques will generate the MOST lasting
a) Forcing
b) Smoothing
c) Compromise
d) Problem solving

62. 1332 There have been many work packages completed successfully on the project and the
sponsor has made certain recommendations for improvements. The project is on schedule
to meet an aggressive deadline when the successor activity to a critical path activity suffers
a major setback. The activity has 14 days of float and is being completed by 4 people. There
are 2 other team members with the skill set to assist the troubled activity, if needed. The
project manager receives a call that 3 other team members are attempting to be removed
from the project because they feel the project cannot be successful. When the project
manager pursues this, he discovers that those team members have issues that have not
been addressed. Which of the following is the BEST thing to do to improve the project?
a) Have the team members immediately assist the troubled activity
b) Investigate why the project schedule is aggressive
c) See who can replace the 3 team members
d) Create an issue log

63. 114 A team member comes to you ( the project manager) privately and informs you that an
employee of your customer is making unwelcome advances. The team member has
repeatedly requested this person to stop, but the advances continue, what is the BEST
course of action?
a) Privately confront the customer employee and threaten legal action if the advances do
not stop.
b) Suggest that the team member avoid contact with the customer employee
c) Contact the employee’s manager to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter
d) Facilitate the meeting with the team member , the customer employee and yourself to
allow the two to work it out amicably

64. 825 A project manager has just found out that a major subcontractor for her project is
consistently late delivering work. The project team member responsible for this part of the
project does not get along with the subcontractor. To resolve the problem, the project
manager says, “You both will have to give up something to solve the problem”. What
conflict resolution method is she using?
a) Confrontation
b) Compromise
c) Smoothing
d) Communicating

65. 831 A project manager new to the project management is taking on a new project. What is
the BEST time to help build the people working on the project into a team?
a) During project initiating
b) Before committing to a project cost estimate
c) Throughout the project
d) During project planning

66. 824 At a critical design review meeting for a large project, several important issues surfaced.
After hearing about a major technical problem, one of the subcontractor’s engineers
mentions that he experienced a similar situation on another project. He has some ideas on
how to solve the current problem. What type of power is the engineer using?
a) Manipulative
b) Formal
c) Expert
d) Referent

67. 788 Co- location can help with?

a) Bringing customers together
b) Building the team
c) Decreasing project rental costs
d) Decreasing project time

68. 833 Theory X postulates that people?

a) Are motivated by pay
b) Have expectations
c) Need to be watched every second
d) Can direct their own efforts

69. 829 What theory proposes that efforts will lead to effective performance and will be
awarded for accomplishments?
a) Conditional reinforcement
b) Maslow’s hierarchy
c) McGregor’s
d) Expectancy

70. 875 Which motivational theory says that what motivates people is the work itself, including
such things as responsibility, self actualization and professional growth?
a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

71. 834 The most common source of conflicts on projects is?

a) Personality
b) Cost
c) Priorities
d) Schedules

72. 826 Conflict resolution techniques that may be used on a project include confronting,
smoothing, forcing and ?
a) Withdrawing
b) Directing
c) Organizing
d) Controlling

73. 837 The halo effect refers to the tendency to?

a) Promote from within
b) Hire the best
c) Move people into project management because they are good in their technical fields
d) Move people into project management because they have had project management

74. 821 A project manager is finalizing the resources for the project team. All of the following
will help the project manager complete this work except?
a) Staffing pool description
b) WBS
c) Staffing Management Plan
d) Reward and recognition systems

75. 809 Your project schedule is tight and in danger of falling behind when two team members
start disrupting status meetings by arguing with each other. As a project manager, what is
the BEST thing you can do?
a) Separate the two until the project is back on track
b) Tell each team member they will not receive a recommendation from you if they
continue arguing.
c) Discuss the problem with the two team members
d) Meet with both the team members and their managers to determine the source of

76. 1352 The installation project has a CPI of 1.03 and an SPI of 1.0. there are 14 team members
and each team member had input into the final project management plan. The customer
has accepted the 3 deliverables completed so far without complaint and the responsibility
assignment matrix has not changed since the project began. The project is being completed
in a matrix environment and there are no contracts needed for the project. Though the
sponsor is happy with the status of the project, one of the team members is always
complaining about how much time his project work is taking. Which of the following would
be the BEST thing for the project manager to do?
a) Review the reward system for the project
b) Try to improve schedule performance of the project
c) Meet with the customer to try to extend the schedule
d) Gain formal acceptance in writing from the customer

77. 836 Two team members are having a big disagreement over the type of computer hardware
to use on the project. Who should resolve the dispute?
a) 2 members and their project manager
b) Project manager
c) Management
d) System supervisor

78. 882 A project team member has just completed his work on the project. Which of the
following must the project manager do?
a) Provide the team member with copies of his work on the project
b) Update the employee’s record with the new skills acquired
c) Invite him to the project closure party
d) Check to make sure he is happy with his performance

79. 841 The new project is exciting to both the project manager and the team. This is project
manager’s first assignment as project manager. The team has the feeling that they will be
able to complete work that has never been tried before. There are 29 people contributing to
the product description and the team consists of 9 highly experienced experts in their field.
Part of the way through planning, 3 highly technical team members are disagreeing about
the scope of 2 of the deliverables. One is pointing to the draft WBS and saying that 2
additional work packages should be added. Another is saying that particular work package
should not even be done. The 3rd team member agrees with both of them. How should the
project manager BEST deal with the conflict?
a) He should listen to the differences of opinion, determine the best choice and implement
that choice
b) He should postpone further discussions, meet with each individual and determine the
BEST approach
c) He should listen to the differences of opinion, encourage logical decisions and facilitate
an agreement.
d) He should help the team focus on agreeable aspect of their opinions and build unity by
using relaxation techniques and common focus team building

80. 145 You just found out that a major subcontractor for your project continuously delivers
item late, you decide to postpone dealing with the issue until you have more time. What
conflict resolution method are you using?
a) Ignoring
b) Compromise
c) Smoothing
d) Withdrawal

81. 838 The most common cause of conflicts on a project are schedules, project priorities and:
a) Personality
b) Resources
c) Cost
d) Management
82. 845 The project is just starting out and consisting of people from 14 departments. The
project charter was signed by one person and contains over 30 major requirements that
must be met on the project. The sponsor has informed the project manager that the SPI
must be kept between 0.95 and 1.1. a few minutes of investigation resulted in the
identification of 34 stakeholders. And the schedule objectives on the project are constraints.
A project manager has just been hired. Which of the following types of project management
power will BEST help the project manager gain the cooperation of others?
a) Formal
b) Referent
c) Penalty
d) Expert

83. 840 The management theory that all people can direct their own efforts is?
a) Theory Y
b) Herzberg’s theory
c) Maslow’s hierarchy
d) Theory X

84. 869 What motivational theory uses the concept of theory Y?

a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

85. 1356 The project CPI is 1.02. the Benefit Cost ratio is 1.7 and the latest round of
performance reviews identified few needed adjustments. The project team was collocated
to a new building when the project started. Everyone commented on how excited they were
to have all new facilities. The sponsor is providing adequate support for the project and few
unidentified risks have occurred. In an attempt to improve performance, the project
manager spends part of the project budget on new chairs for the team members and adds
the term “senor” to each team member’s job title. Which of the following is the MOST
correct thing that can be said of this project or the project manager?
a) The project manager has misunderstood Herzberg’s theory
b) The project is slowly spending more money than it should, the project manager should
begin to watch the cost more carefully.
c) The performance review should be handled better to find more adjustments
d) The project manager should use good judgment to determine which variances are
86. 24 The Human Resource Department wants to hire a new project manager from within the
company, they can choose from the following candidates, candidate A has good
management knowledge, and candidate B has good project management knowledge.
Candidate C has solid technical knowledge, candidate D has general management, project
management and technical skills. Who is the BEST candidate?
a) Candidate A
b) Candidate B
c) Candidate C
d) Candidate D

87. 856 Which of the following is the worst way to resolve conflict?
a) Compromising
b) Forcing
c) Smoothing
d) Withdrawal

88. 4 The role of each stakeholder is determined by?

a) The stakeholder and the sponsor
b) The project manager and the sponsor
c) The team and the project manager
d) The project manager and the stakeholder

89. 158 You are working on a large construction project that is progressing within the baselines,
resource usage has remained steady, and your boss has just awarded you with a price for
your performance, one of your team member returns from a meeting with the customer
and tells you that the customer is not happy with the project progress, what is the first thing
you should do?
a) Tell your manager
b) Complete a team building exercise and invite the customer’s representatives
c) Change the schedule baseline
d) Meet with the customer to uncover details

90. 1469 You have just walked into your office when you receive an email from the sponsor
notifying you that the auditing team will soon be in your office to start a risk audit of your
project, the next email you receive has been forwarded to you and involves conflict
between two members. You are immediately bombarded with phone calls from both parties
to the email complaining about the other. Which conflict resolution technique would you
immediately use with the team members?
a) Forcing
b) Compromising
c) Avoiding
d) Confronting

91. 853 Conflicts on projects is usually caused by?

a) Schedules, project priorities, resources and technical opinions
b) Schedules, personalities, priorities and resources
c) Schedules, personalities, priorities, and technical opinions
d) Schedules, cost , priorities and resources.

92. 852 What is the most correct statement about conflict?

a) The primary source of conflict is personality
b) Conflict can be beneficial
c) Conflict is best resolved by smoothing
d) The best way to prevent conflict in the procurement process is to make sure the project
manager is not involved with negotiations.

93. 849 2 team members are having a big disagreement about how to accomplish an activity.
The project is low risk and is taking place in a strong matrix environment with 34 team
members. To resolve this dispute, the project manager should?
a) Make the decision
b) Send the team members to their managers for advice on resolving the dispute
c) Ask for a benchmark analysis
d) Have the team members compromise

94. 78 When checking the calendar of the team member to schedule a meeting, you see she has
scheduled a meeting with a key stakeholder that you were not informed of. The BEST
approach would be to?
a) Avoid mentoring it to the team member but continue to watch her activities
b) Notify your boss about the problem
c) Address the concern with the team member’s boss
d) Address the concern with the team member
95. 1375 Change requests are an output of which processes?
a) Manage project team and report performance
b) Manage stakeholder expectations and determine budget
c) Define scope and plan communications
d) Plan procurements and Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

96. 812 You work in a matrix organization when a team member comes to you to admit he is
having a trouble with his activity. Although not yet in serious trouble, the team member
admits he is uncertain of how to perform part of the work on the activity. He suggests a
training class available next week. What should you do?
a) Switch to a trained resource to avoid the cost
b) Determine if anyone else needs training
c) Get money from the team member’s functional departmental budget
d) Get money from the project budget

97. 846 A project manager is meeting with the team member and says , “ I know you want to be
involved in meetings with the customer. Because of your performance on the project so far,
I have rearranged things so that you can become involved with the customer. This is an
example of?
a) Team performance assessment
b) Reward power
c) Team building
d) Project performance appraisals

98. 807 Which chart allows a project manager to indicate the no. of resources used each
a) Responsibility Assignment Matrix
b) Resource histogram
c) Project organizational chart
d) Pareto chart

99. 844 A project team member has been having a big disagreement with another team
member for over 2 months when the other team members became involved. The issues are
complex, but you have specific experience in the area and know what needs to be done. The
best choice would be to?
a) Make the decision yourself
b) Strive for fair resolution of the issue
c) Ask the other team members to stay out of the issue
d) Bring the team together and workout the issue to a win win solution

100. 871 Which motivational theory uses the concept of esteem and self actualization?
a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

101. 881 The project team is working on an important and complex project that requires lot
of coordination. Under these circumstances, the best strategy is to?
a) Have a war room
b) Hire a contractor
c) Hold more meetings to get the word out
d) Gain extra assistance from management

102. 1374 If the project manager is using observation and conversation to help control the
project, she must be involved in which process?
a) Develop project team
b) Distribute information
c) Manage stakeholder expectations
d) Manage project team

103. 872 Which motivational theorist said that people cannot ascend to the next level until
the levels below are fulfilled?
a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

104. 899 You are a project manager of a construction project that is financially challenged
and behind schedule; a foreman fails to deliver a deliverable of the project on time as
promised. You need to address the issue with the foreman. How should you approach the
a) You are the project manager responsible for whole of the project, to ensure you have
control, remain firm and reprimand, the foreman and the team to ensure they do not
slow down.
b) You disregard the issue, acknowledging that what is done is done and develop a plan for
moving forward
c) You meet with the foreman enquiring about what happened and seek to understand
and solve the problem
d) You reprimand the foreman in private and ask that he keep you better informed in the

105. 857 A project manager is trying to settle a dispute b/w two team members. One says
the systems should be integrated before testing, and the other maintains each system
should be tested before integration. The project involves over 30 people, and 12 systems
need to be integrated. The sponsor is demanding that integration happens on time. What is
the best statement the project manager can make to resolve the conflict?
a) Do it my way
b) Lets calm down and get the job done
c) Lets deal with this gain next week after we all calm down
d) Let’s do limited testing before integration and final testing after integration

106. 1376 The main purpose of the Manage Project Team process is to?
a) Assess the viability of the project’s ground rules
b) Complete the project according to the project management plan
c) Acquire the best resources available
d) Make sure each team member has a clearly assigned role

107. 867 Which motivational theory defines the hierarchy of needs?

a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

108. 862 A project team is worried that the integration of the components of the project will
result in uncovering flaws. Instead of continuing their work, they are constantly looking for
flaws to try to prevent their system from being the only one found to have flaws during
integration, quality and technical experts were called in to advice and found little possibility
of errors for this project. An agreement was reached by all parties on what will be done to
prevent errors. It might be best for the project manager to?
a) Smooth the situation
b) Compromise the situation
c) Tell the team to create quality testing plans
d) Let management know of the concern

109. 797 During project planning in a matrix organization, the project manager determines
that additional human resources are needed. From whom would he request all the
a) The project manager
b) The functional manager
c) The team
d) The project sponsor

110. 813 A new project manager has just been assigned a project that is in progress, the
project is 2 weeks behind schedule. The team members are about to be distributed to
another project based on original time estimates provided by the functional manager. What
is the first step the project manager should take?
a) She should first revise the bar chart with new timelines
b) She should initially contact the sponsor and begin with the new team
c) She should first show sympathy with the current team and delay decision making for
another week
d) She should check the project management plan for contingencies concerning resources
and talk to the functional manager

111. 790 Which of the following is the BEST method to make rewards more effective?
a) Pay a large salary increase to the best workers
b) Give the team a choice of rewards
c) Make the link b/w performance and reward clear
d) Present notification of rewards within the company

112. 799 A resource histogram shows resources by?

a) Unit of time
b) Activity
c) Area of expertise
d) Phase

113. 865 Employees who believe their efforts will lead to effective performance and expect
to be rewarded for their accomplishments remain productive as rewards meet their
expectations. This is called?
a) A perquisite
b) Halo effect
c) Expectancy theory
d) Motivational theory

114. 1265 A project is in the middle of the executing process when a stakeholder suggests a
major change. This change will cause a third major overhaul of the project. At the same time
the project manager discovers that a major work package was not completed because a
team member’s boss moved him to another project that had a higher priority. Which of the
following is the BEST person for the project manager to address issues with?
a) The team
b) Senior management
c) The customer
d) The sponsor

115. 870 Which motivational theory is based on ideas about hygiene factors?
a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

116. 806 A resource histogram includes which 2 data points?

a) Resource and time estimate
b) Resource and calendar date
c) Activity and resource
d) Resource and usage

117. 793 In creating a project management plan, how should a project manager use rewards?
a) Use the reward system currently in place throughout the company
b) Ignore rewards because the functional manager will take of it.
c) Create a specific reward system for the project
d) Ignorer rewards because they are management’s responsibility

118. 787 A team member who does not have required skills or knowledge was assigned to
the team. Who is responsible for ensuring that he receives proper training?
a) The sponsor
b) The functional manager
c) The project manager
d) The training coordinator

119. 860 During a team meeting, a team has been arguing about the method of integration
for over 20 minutes without getting anywhere. The project manager reschedules the issue
for the next team meeting. This is an example of?
a) Compromising
b) Forcing
c) Smoothing
d) Withdrawal

120. 80 Your employee is 3 days late with a report. 5 minutes before the meeting where the
topic of the report is to be discussed, she hands you the report. You notice some serious
errors in it, what should you do?
a) Cancel the meeting and reschedule when the meeting is fixed
b) Go to the meeting and tell other attendees there are errors in the report
c) Force the employees to do the presentation and remain silent as the other attendees
find the errors
d) Cancel the meetings and rewrite the report yourself

121. 873 What motivational theory espouses that all workers fit into one of the two groups?
a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg
122. 877 Which of the following is the highest point in Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs?
a) Social
b) Physiological
c) Esteem
d) Safety

123. 816 Which of the following is the primary output of the develop project team process?
a) Change requests
b) Staffing management plan
c) Team performance assessment
d) Update issue logs

124. 859 A team member complains to the project manager that another team member has
once again failed to provide necessary information. The project manager meets with both
the team members to uncover the problem. This is an example of?
a) Withdrawal
b) Confronting
c) Compromising
d) Smoothing

125. 810 Team members are arguing about the location of specification limits on a control
chart. The discussion is becoming heated when the project manager walks in and says “ it
seems that the real problem here is that we do not have enough information about the
customer’s specifications. Lets…”. This is an example of?
a) Asserting the project manager’s authority
b) Problem solving
c) Compromising
d) Withdrawal

126. 819 A team member is not performing well on the project because she is inexperienced
in system development work. There is no one else available who is better qualified to do the
work. What is the BEST solution for the project manager?
a) Consult with the functional manager to determine project completion incentives for the
team member.
b) Obtain a new resource more skilled in development work
c) Arrange for the team member to get the training
d) Allocate some of the project schedule reserve.

127. 1373 Outputs of the Develop Human Resource Plan process are?
a)Roles and responsibilities, project organizational charts and staffing management plan
b)project organizational charts, project staff assignments and Roles and responsibilities.
c)Project management plan updates , staffing management plan, project organizational
d) Roles and responsibilities, staffing management plan and resource availability.

128. 874 Which motivational theory says that working conditions, salary and relationship at
work do NOT improve motivation?
a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

129. 919 All of the following are parts of effective problem solving except?
a) Waiting to take decisions
b) Reviewing the decision
c) Confirming the decision solved the problem
d) Analyzing the problem

130. 851 In which project management process group is the project manager likely to do
more coaching?
a) Initiating
b) Planning
c) Executing
d) Monitoring and controlling

131. 848 A project manager has a very large project budget, but the team lacks experience
and adequate management support. Under these circumstances, what is the most effective
way to get the work completed?
a) Provide bonuses for meeting specific quality measures
b) Inform the team members they will be fired if they do not perform
c) Spend some of the project budget taking the team member’s bosses to lunch and
discuss the benefits of the project
d) Inform the team they do not need to worry because the project manager will provide
the technical expertise.

132. 880 You have a firm fixed price (FP) contract, with a clause stating that all changes to
the contract statement of work must be written. One of your team members verbally
instructed the seller to add a change that resulted in a 100% work package overrun. In this
situation, what conflict management strategy should you use (as the project manager) along
with the team members?
a) Punishment
b) Problem solving
c) Negotiating
d) Withdrawal

133. 405 Which of the following is not a factor in the project manager’s acquiring the best
resources for the project?
a) Schedule model
b) Activity attributes
c) Quantified resource requirements by activity
d) Directive of the project manager

134. 842 A project manager works in a company that has a matrix organizational structure. A
server administrator is assigned to the project manager’s project team. The server
administrator is not taking directions from the project manager and the delay in the server
administrator’s activities is causing a negative variance to the schedule. The server
administrator works for the director of server administration. Who is primarily responsible
for solving this problem?
a) The project manager
b) The server administrator
c) The director of server administration
d) The sponsor

135. 1379 3 items from the issue log have been assigned to a team member. However, no
action has been taken by the agreed upon due date. After 3 calls to the team member , the
work is finally completed. Which of the following is the BEST preventive action to take now?
a) Remove the team member from the team if possible
b) Meet with the team member to uncover the reasons why there were problems
c) Make sure the action item list is distributed to all the right parties
d) Make sure actions assigned in the action item list are accepted by the team members
they are assigned to

136. 805 A responsibility assignment matrix includes which 2 data points?

a) Resource and time estimate
b) Activity and calendar date
c) Activity and resource
d) Resource and usage each month

137. 800 What does a resource histogram shows that a responsibility assignment matrix does
a) Time
b) Activities
c) Interrelationships
d) The person in charge of each activity

138. 1355 A project manager has a complex problem to solve and made a decision about
what needed to be done. A few months later, the problem resurfaced, what did the project
manager MOST likely not do?
a) Proper risk analysis
b) Confirm that the decision solved the problem
c) Have the project sponsor validate the decision
d) Use an Ishikawa diagram

139. 74 The project has a critical deliverable that requires certain expertise to complete. The
person who was going to complete the activity has left the company and there is no one
who can complete the work within the company , for this reason, the project manager
needs to acquire the services of consultant as soon as possible. To do this, the project
manager should?
a) Follow the requirements set up by the company for using outside services
b) By pass the company procedures as they are not relevant to the situation
c) Expedite and go directly to his / her preferred consultant
d) Ask his/her manager what to do
140. 164 Which of the following leadership traits is most important for the project manager?
a) Communication
b) Team building
c) Technical expertise
d) Project control

141. 1362 A large project is underway when one of the team members reviews the project
status report. He sees that the project currently is running late, as he looks at the report
further, he notices that the delay will cause one of his activities to be scheduled during a
time he will be out of the country and cannot work on the activity. This is of great concern
because he is very committed to the project being successful and he does not want to be
the cause of the project being further delayed. What is the BEST thing for him to do?
a) Contact the project manager immediately to provide the project manager with his
b) Include the information on his next report
c) Request that the issue be added to the project issue log
d) Recommend preventive action

142. 868 Which motivational theory uses the concept of theory X?

a) Maslow
b) Deming
c) McGregor
d) Herzberg

143. 171 A seller has withdrawn from a project midway through the project executing
process, and another seller is taking over, the project manager meets with the replacement
seller and its crew. In this meeting, what should the project manager do first?
a) Introduce the team members, and identify the roles and responsibilities
b) Communicate the objectives of the project
c) Review the schedule
d) Create a communications management plan

144. 855 Which of the following is the BEST way to resolve conflict?
a) Compromising
b) Forcing
c) Smoothing
d) Withdrawal

145. 839 An obstacle to team building in a matrix organization is that the?

a) Team organization is technically focused
b) Team members are borrowed resources and can be hard to motivate
c) Teams are too centralized
d) Teams are too large and therefore very hard to handle

146. 1477 You are working on implementing your communication management plan during
project execution. Some of the things you can do to enhance team buy in and cohesion
a) Discuss lessons learned in the project team meetings, make sure the right people get
reports and hold team members accountable for what they committed to doing?
b) Send messages in the mode best for the situation, remember to communicate both up
and down the organization, and ensure team members capture lessons learned as they
c) Use project organization charts , ensure people understand the message as you meant
it, and make sure everyone gets the same information
d) Use your soft skills to have empathy and to influence the team, co-locate the team and
develop and enforce good ground rules.

147. 832 A project has several teams. Team C has repeatedly missed deadlines in the past.
This has caused team D to have to crush the critical path several times. As the team leader
for team D, you should meet with the?
a) Manager of team D
b) Project manager alone
c) Project manager and management
d) Project manager and the leader of team C

148. 1378 The project manager is looking at the project’s resource needs and lessons learned
from past projects. This information causes the project manager to be concerned about the
ability to acquire enough resources for the project in 6 months. Which of the following
would be the LEAST effective preventive action?
a) Make sure functional managers have the copy of resource histogram
b) Show the sponsor the data, and explain the project manager’s concern
c) Determine matrix to use as an early warning sign that resources will not be available
d) Ask functional managers for their opinions

149. 814 You are managing a project with part time resources in a weak matrix organization.
Several of the team members attend team meetings and have not completed their activity
assignments as scheduled. At your next team meeting, the most important agenda item
would be?
a) To review the WBS
b) Team building
c) To review project schedule and assignments
d) To define the impact of delays

150. 1467 Which of the following BEST describes what co-location does for the project?
a) Saves cost
b) Reduces communication problems
c) Accelerates schedule
d) Improves opportunities

151. 45 Which of the following BEST describes what is included in the staffing management
a) What details about the project should go to whom and when the details need to be sent
b) How the team will implement the plans for ensuring the project will satisfy the needs for
which it was undertaken
c) When and how human resources will be brought into and taken off the project team
d) If independent estimates are needed, who will prepare them and when.

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