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The Effectiveness of Online Collaborative Writing to Improve Students’

Argumentative Writing

A. Background of The Research

Writing is one of the English skills that have to know by all the language
learners. Writing skill needed by L2 learners on the study in the school and
communication. Writing skill is necessary for the needs of the scientific
community and become a special challenge for L2 learners (Baram-Tsabari &
Rakedzon, 2016). Spoken language and written language used in different style
to express people feeling because language is unique (Connelly & Dockrell,
2015). The skill can used to help students understanding about how to develop
ideas (Sampson et al, 2013). Writing is a combination of a process and product
so it is assumed as the most difficult skill.
There four types of writing that can use to express students’ opinion,
knowledge, and feelings on the process of learn writing. They are expository,
narrative, descriptive and persuasive or argumentative writing. Expository
writing is to the point and factual. Expository writing is devoid of descriptive
detail and opinion (Ayob & Indrawati, 2018). This category of writing includes
definitions, instructions, directions, and other basic comparisons and
clarifications. Narrative writing tells a story which used for fictional stories,
plays, or even a plot summary of a story your child has read or intends to write
(Beutel & Spencer, 2012). Descriptive writing is used to explain and idea of
picture, place, or person. Descriptive writing focuses on one subject and uses
specific detail to describe it (Ginting, 2018). Persuasive or argumentative
writing contains an explanation of the other point of view and uses facts,
statistics, or both to disprove that view and support the writer's position (Barone
& Barone, 2018).
The learning of writing process will enable students to express their
opinion better especially using the argumentative writing. Argumentative
writing can develop student’s ability to draw ideas supported by the argument
and accepted by the readers (Beach & Doerr-Stevens, 2011: Hardigree &
Kibler, 2016). Students have difficulty producing academic arguments in their
required essays, because argumentative writing requires the writer take a
stance. Argumentative writing is the act of forming reasons, making inductions,
drawing conclusions, and applying them to the case in discussion (Wingate,
Writing needs much time and ideas to produce a good writing. The
elements to assess writings include content or idea, form or organization,
grammar, style, and mechanics (Sulisworo et al, 2016). One of the most
complex human activities is writing because it involves the ideas, knowledges
and experiences (Jozsef, 2001). Writing English is difficult for students. Lack
of knowledge and understanding about tenses, vocabularies and ideas can be
the causes of the difficulty of students to write (Alsubaie, 2018). Moreover,
teacher’s teaching method can be one of the students’ main reasons to have a
lack of interest in writing. Lack of teacher’s background knowledge and
teaching method error can be a difficulty on teaching and learning process (Anh
& Thao, 2017). The use of different teaching methods and varied resources can
help in mitigating the writing skills issues.
Social network is a forum for communication, where students can
interact with other people and hold real-time conversations for the purpose of
language learning. Writing skill can be practiced at any time and place in
different situations. Using social network on teaching and learning process help
students to be active on the writing learning process (Alsamadani, 2017). Social
network is frequent and habitual in students’ activities. Teaching of writing
skills with technology makes the process easier and more enjoyable for
students. Students are more enjoyable to applyed the knowledge of tenses,
vocabularies and ideas development on writing using an online discussion
(Krish, 2016).
Social network is different from more traditional forms of media,
because instead of a message broadcasted in a one to many fashion it enables
users to have peer to peer messages and engage and comment on the material
(DeAndrea et al, 2012). This peer to peer contact allows for a more engaging
experience for students to interact with information, and provides a richer
experience than traditional media. Students are able to invest more time and
energy to interacting with the material and commenting, reshaping, and sharing
the messages presented to students over social network (Kitchakarn, 2016).
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in
education, including language teaching and learning, is a positive response to
the development of the information and communication. Although the Internet
is a naturally motivating tool and many young learners are familiar with using
information technology (Mersden, 2012). An effective way of ICT in English
language teaching classrooms depends on many of factors. One of the
important factors is the teacher’s knowledge and skills in using ICT in class.
ICT is important for teachers to be active facilitators when the Internet is used
for language learning (Peterson-Karlan, 2011). ICT is now becoming an
essential part of everyday life of most people in the world. It plays an important
role in education, having a special relevance in the instructional component,
supported by Learning Management Systems (Idrus et al, 2016).
Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp are some of social network which
used by students. These application used to share and write every moment.
Moreover, teachers can use it as the tools on teaching. The role of technology
in teaching and learning process help students to be more enthusiastic in writing
(Anggraeni, 2018). Moreover, Moodle, Ning and Google Docs are e-learning
sites which used on learning process. The students can implement and use the
language learner inside the classroom in their real life using those sites and
applications. Social network can be used to increase students’ engagement in
teaching and learning process (Eaton, 2015).
Instagram can be used as a tool to enhance student engagement on
teaching and learning process. Student can adopt online role to engage in
collaborative arguments to argue on the photo posted. Instagram is the most
popular photo sharing application which found in 2010 (Choo et al, 2015).
Instagram has excelled as an effective communication and marketing tool to
display products with visual descriptions. Hence, it becomes a useful social
networking platform instantly to individuals and companies. Using instagram
enables students to more creative in thinking sand developing idea. Instagram
provides students with the opportunities to read and write through photo
descriptions, comments and direct messages (Ayuni, 2017). Instagram has a
pretty good role to improving student’s writing skill using descriptive and
argumentative writing
Facebook is one of popular social networking sites which is mostly used
by students. It allows students to share photographs and personal information
and at the same time enable them to join groups of similar interests (Ibrahim et
al, 2018). Facebook has become one of the most prominent social network
among students and has potential for teaching and learning because Facebook
facilitates community between teacher and students. Facebook is an activity in
which the students may work individually, in pairs or in groups of two or more
students (Khusnita, 2017). Many researchers believe that Facebook has good
potentiality to be utilized in a writing class. Furthermore, WhatsApp is a
proprietary, cross platform instant messaging application for smart phones
(Linda, 2018). Students are able to learn English faster, better and more fun by
joining a WhatsApp group with fellow students and teachers. Students are able
to read English and are obliged to answer in English which improves their
English language skills (Fattah, 2015). Other than that, Moodle, Ning and
Google Docs are networks are the online platforms that can be easily adapted
and used by teacher on teaching and learning process.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is
used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other e-
learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors. Moodle
has already become a software package designed to help educators create
quality online courses with opportunities for dynamic interaction (Wu, 2008).
The learning process seems to have been constructivist in nature since students
found relevant information and put it together for a presentation on their
websites (Wulandari, 2015). Then, Ning provides more tools than a blog. It is
a place where smaller groups of users can create their own profiles, upload
videos and photos, and write their own blogs (Hamzah, 2013). Ning was free
of charge, but there is a small monthly fee for a site with up to 150 members.
A free alternative to Ning is Grouply which offers social networking tools
similar to those provided by Ning (Boas, 2011). Moreover, Google Docs is one
of the features of google. Google docs is free online and offline access. Google
Docs is a web-based free word processor and the instructors decide to utilize
Google Docs as a tool of creating a web-based platform for submitting
students’ writings and peer-editing (Jeong, 2016).
Technology into normal teaching practices, especially social network,
focus on diverse issues. As Alsubaie (2018) said, the improvement in the
students’ writing skill after using the blog can extend of their vocabulary size.
Furthermore, Sulisworo et al (2016) suggested that the uses of various learning
strategies make students more creative and they can understand the new
concepts that support the writing in the aspect of idea and various choices of
words. As Sakkir et al (2016) said, students have positive perception on writing
using social network but the lack of the facilities in the area can reduce the
access of the network. As Bakeer (2018) suggested, ICTs and social media has
positive effects in developing students’ writing skill. Moreover, Cahyono et al
(2018) said that students’ ability on writing is better after the implementation
of Instagram. As, Elhawwa (2017) stated that the successful use of e-learning
platforms in the teaching and learning context critically depends on the teachers
having knowledge about the tools, being aware of how they should be used and
is capable of organizing all the communication process. Therewith, Fitrawati
and Melitia (2018) said that students can interact and write together with other
students in developing their writing by using Google Docs. They can give
comments to other students and edit other students’ drafts in same time. It will
help them to get more ideas in writing as they combine their ideas with others
The lack of writing practice makes students perform poorly in writing.
Many of them were also reluctant to write because they are bored and
uninterested with the use of conventional media in the learning process. Using
social network as the tool on teaching and learning process is one of the best
thing which is used by the teacher to improve student’s interest on the subject.
Related with the previous studies about writing skill using social network,
those studies did not examine depth about student writing skill using ICT
(Google Docs) as a media to improve students’ collaborative writing especially
using argumentative writing. Therefore, this study will investigate the
improvement of students’ argumentative writing on collaborative writing using
Google Docs.
B. Research Questions
Based on the background above, research questions can be formulated
as follows:
1. Does online collaborative writing using Google Docs affect the
students’ argumentative writing?
2. Does Google Docs provide collaboration in improving students’
argumentative writing?
C. Research Hypothesis
The previous studies has found that there were positive effect to use
social network as the media to improve students’ writing skill. Facebook,
Instagram, WhatsApp, Moodle, Ning and Google Docs are the sites which used
to see students’ wrting improvement on describing or arguing on those studies
before. Hence, this research will use Google Docs as a media to students argue.
Google Docs is more directed and provides convenience for students in
developing their ideas. Therefore, to answer the research questions determined
by the results of the data analysis then the research hypotheses are formulated
as follows:
1. Online collaborative writing using Google Docs affects the
students’ argumentative writing.
2. Google Docs provides collaboration in improving students’
argumentative writing.
D. Research Objective
Based on the research questions above, objective of the research can be
formulated as follows:
1. To find out whether online collaborative writing using Google Docs
affects the students’ argumentative writing.
2. To find out Google Docs provides collaboration in improving students’
argumentative writing.
E. Significance of the Research
The result of this research are expected to be useful in proving students’
writing skill. Theoretically, the benefits of this research become a source of
information to answering and resolving problems which related with
improvement students’ argumentative writing using social network platform.
Practically, the benefits of this research can improve the writer
knowledge about writing skill and using social network platform on teaching
and learning process itself. Social Network is a phenomenon that benefits many
parties. Google Docs as social network platform gives many benefits to the
students and teacher on the teaching and learning process. Other than that, this
research can be used as the reference in science education and to improve the
knowledge for the readers and the next writer who has similarities research
about writing skill especially for English Department.
F. Scope of the Research
This research will be focused on argumentative writing using social
network platform “Google Docs” to improve students’ collaborative writing.
Google Docs is one of the social network platform which is very good for
students’ to argue. Google Docs can provide students with the web based
platform to work together on the same writing project simultaneously. Students
can comment and edit other students work on the same time. In addition,
Google docs is one of the feature of Google that can be used as a media for
collaborative writing in which all students in one class can contribute to make
a good argumentative writing.
G. Theoretical Review
1. ICT on teaching and learning process
Typically students are often passive, spending a lot of time
listening or reading. It is well known that students are more likely to be
interested and attentive and will achieve a wider range of learning
outcomes if they can be active (Charami & Drigas, 2014). Their
engagement with the curriculum will increase as they are afforded
opportunities to create their own information and represent their own ideas
(Ntongieh, 2016). As Khakimullina et al (2013) said that expert system
can be used to provide students with learning experiences where they are
interacting directly with the computer system, and are not just passive but
active participants in the learning process, thus increasing the quality of
ICT has the potential in preparing students for life in the 21st
century. Through learning ICT skills, students are ready to face future
challenges based on proper understanding (Grimus, 2000). Students can
more readily access information sources outside the classroom and can use
tools to analyze and interpret such information. Information can be
accessed through online systems or through data logging systems. As
Mahdu and Nwigbo (2016) suggest that ICT allows students to investigate
more thoroughly the real world. ICT makes it easier for individuals to
interact and gain expert knowledge with a very short time, thus making the
acquisition of knowledge to take place easily within a very short period of
time (Amalnik et al, 2015).
ICT use can help students to develop the competencies needed for
the current globalization. ICT have the potentials not only in ensuring
effectiveness and efficiency in these two areas of teaching and learning but
also in erasing the administrative duties (Ghavifekr et al, 2014). It gives a
chance to teachers as well as students to increase the quality of education
and meet the requirements set by the coeval knowledge society (Ammani
& Aparanjani, 2016). ICT has become essential tool for educational
change and reform. The application of ICT makes learning more efficient
and productive facilitate teacher’s pedagogical activities and students’
academic performance (Onwaugboke & Ukegbu, 2010).
ICT is a valuable and an innovative teaching tool enhancing EFL
learning. The rapid growth of ICT has naturally influenced the every
aspects of language teaching process. Using technology has positive
effects on teaching and learning English. Technology can be applied to
teaching practices to enhance and facilitate foreign language learning. The
implementation of ICT will lead to variety in English content, contexts and
pedagogical methods in teaching environment (Cakici, 2016). ICT makes
English language environment interactive, flexible and innovative (Altun,
2015). Integrating technology into language instruction reduces teacher-
centered understanding and students’ language learning anxiety, but
encourages them to be risk takers to practice target language as they are
digital natives (Sharma, 2015). ICT on ELT have positive affect to
availability of materials, students’ attitudes, learner autonomy,
authenticity, helping teachers, student-centered, and self-assessment
(Jayanthi and Kumar, 2016). ICT cannot be separated from the internet.
The usage of ICT and internet on teaching and learning process called E-
2. Argumentative writing
Argumentation is an important skill used by writers to influence
the thoughts or actions of others. Argumentative writing is a type of writing
that presents arguments about an issue. Argumentation is the presentation
and elaboration of an argument (Chiu et al, 2018). Effective argumentation
provokes the audience to think or act differently. An argument must clearly
present a position, identify the issues related to that position, present support
for the position, anticipate and respond to other positions that may be
different, and use sound reasoning to convince an audience (Cuevas et al,
Good argumentative writing is critical on assertion with proof
writing. As Kaleci and Fettalioglu (2018) stated that critical thinking means
objectively, thoroughly without any improved and advanced form of
thinking. Critical thinking is built on logical thinking (Palmer, 2012). As
Liu and Stapleton (2014) said that the development of logical thinking and
creative thinking shall be strengthened. Other than that, students should be
trained to evaluate, analyze and synthesize, and to approach a matter from
multiple perspectives.
3. Collaborative and Online Collaborative Writing
Collaborative Writing is an educational method to teaching and
learning that involve groups of learners working together to solve problem,
complete a task, or create a product. It offers an authentic learning
environment where students not only develop their writing skills but also
critical thinking and decision making skills. Lee (2011) sated that
Collaborative writing is a set of writing strategies covered in a system for
the English language learners with different levels of capacities including
those who have learning disabilities. As Hawa and Gufron (2015) said that
collaborative writing technique is more effective than Direct Instruction in
teaching writing.
Collaborative writing tasks require students to work together to
produce a shared text. Collaborative writing can be explained as a form of
learning activity that is performed in group works for the aims of
accomplishing an intended educational objective (Fan & Woodrich, 2017).
In groups, students scaffold tasks for one another and achieve a more
developed product than the ones from individual work (Jeong, 2016).
Collaborative writing is based on the constructive learning theory which
proposes that learning should result from meaningful social interactions, in
which language plays a crucial role. The benefit of collaborative tasks is
particularly true for students who learn English as a second language in
academic settings (Kessler et al, 2012). The process of writing is both
complicated and enhanced by the collaboration that occurs and although this
makes for great challenges for us as teachers, it also presents many
opportunities. By complicating the act of writing, collaborative writing also
gives chance to teach students academic teamwork (Soraya, 2016).
Online collaborative writing is do collaborative writing using an
online tool. It extends the classroom beyond the physical walls to the digital
arena (Calvo et al, 2011). This means that students don’t have to be in the
same location to collaborate on a writing task. It has been said to encourage
back and forth writing, especially for shorter texts (Applebee & Langer,
2011). Suwantarathip and Wichadee (2014) reported that there are
significant differences of score between the two groups’ writing which is
using Google Docs is higher than face to face on the classroom. This means
that online collaborative writing is better than face to face collaborative
writing. As Cheung & Talib (2017) found that an online collaborative
writing can be an affective approach to improve students’ motivation toward
English Learning and writing performance. Moreover, it has positive effects
on the development of students’ awareness and critical thinking. As Farrah
(2015) Said that there is a positive correlation between reaching the goals
by students and their personal satisfaction in online collaborative.
H. Operational Definition of Key Terms
To reduce the misunderstanding of the reader, several key terms will
be explained as follow:
1. Writing Skill is one of the language skill which must have by the
language learner. Writing skill is used on academic or non-
academic area.
2. Social Network leads to the usage of internet sites which help in
improving language learning process.
3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the use
of technology and online based computers such as e-learning.
4. E-learning means the teaching and learning process which use the
internet sites as the media.
5. Google Docs is one of the features of Google that can be used as a
media to writing.
6. Collaborative Writing refers to pair or group working to produce a
good writing.
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