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Weekly Tips

Project Management –Level 1: ‘Organising a Project’

1. Teambuilding:
 Remember to delegate your tasks, accoridng to the strengths of the
individual members
 Accept different points of view to increase trust in the team
 Achieving your goals is important, but so is having fun while you do so
 Allow for flexibility in your team structure
 In the early stages, teams are not always productive. This is a normal step
in the development of a team.

2. Project Proposal Writing:

 A good project proposal is short, but includes and explains all the
important points.
 Remember to use the project proposal while working on your project.

3. Fundraising:
 Remember one-on-one marketing: one person from your team should
speak to one person from your source of funding.
 Send a thank you letter, regardless of the outcome of your negotiations.
 Have one person who is in charge and responsible for fundraising, but
many involved in the process.

4. Strategic Planning:
 Make sure your objectives are SMART: sustainable, measurable,
acheivable, relevant, time-bound.
 Prioritize your aims, time and resources.

5. Evaluation:
 Evaluate your project right after it finishes, or at predetermined intervals if
it is an ongoing project.
 Evaluation without follow-up is useless.

Project Management Level 1 – Organising a Project: Weekly Tips

IFMSA TRD Sessions at AM2003, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands
Kazuko Akagi, Ellie Sudbury, Nina Bentzer, Matthew Fenech

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