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Miguel P.

Pamplona III January 25, 2019

BA 199

What is the Role of Research in Management?

Management is the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and
effectively (Robbins & Coulter, 2006). It has four functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Each function needs data to process into information which is then analyzed to aid decision making, and
this is done through continuous research. Through research, different functions can be improved so to
achieve efficiency and effectivity of work in the organization (Hartzell, 2019).
Research has many implications towards management such as looking up into new products or market,
improving the workforce in the organization, as well as better understand the risks and rewards that come
with the business of the entity. Currently, information is free to all, but how can a manager process this
information to aid their cause is what differentiates the skilled manager from one that is not (Hartzell, 2019).
Research can be divided into two types namely basic research and applied research (Zikmund, 2009).
Basic research is involved in expanding the boundaries of knowledge. This type of research may include
asking questions like “Are members of highly cohesive work groups more satisfied than members of less
cohesive workgroups?” to “Do consumers experience cognitive dissonance in low-involvement situations?”
These types of questions would push an individual to research to achieve a new level of understanding
about a certain phenomenon the conclusion of which could be then subjected to applied research (Zikmund,
Applied research is conducted when a decision must be made about a specific real-life problem. This
research is part of the decision-making process which is the identification of problems or opportunities.
This research includes asking questions like “Should McDonald's add Italian pasta dinners to its menu?” or
“Should Procter & Gamble add a high-priced home tooth bleaching kit to its product line?” (Zikmund,
Research is essential to management because of its aide in making decisions. With more information at
hand, a manager could make a better judgment about a situation or event and act accordingly. A manager
could also decide on how he or she can improve the processes within the organization as well as better train
their workforce to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in their work. These are the roles of research to
management because information is available to every person who can have access to it, but what they do
about that information is what makes the difference.

Hartzell, S. (2019). Four Functions of Management: Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling.
Retrieved from
Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. (2006). Management 7th Edition. Prentice Halls.
Zikmund, W. G. (2009). Business Research Methods. South-Western Cengage Learning.

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