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Added mass of a disc accelerating within a pipe

J. D. Sherwood
Schlumberger Cambridge Research, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0EL, United Kingdom
H. A. Stone
Division of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
~Received 1 April 1997; accepted 7 July 1997!
The flow of inviscid fluid around a disc in a pipe is computed, and the results are used to determine
the added mass of the accelerating disc in the frame in which the mixture velocity is zero. The added
mass of an array of discs spaced at regular intervals along the pipe is then computed, and is related
to the pressure gradient along the pipe. Some flow profiles are also presented. The results show that
the added mass per particle increases as the pipe diameter is reduced relative to the particle size. The
added mass per particle decreases as the number density of particles increases, but the added mass
per unit length of the pipe nevertheless increases. Thus an increase of either the particle size or
number density leads to a tighter coupling between the liquid and the particles; this result should
hold for other particle shapes and configurations. Results are also presented for the drift, i.e., the
displacement of fluid particles caused by the motion of an isolated disc along the axis of the pipe.
If the diameter of the pipe is sufficiently small, the added mass of the disc is modified from that in
unbounded fluid, and the background drift at the walls of the pipe can no longer be estimated from
the added mass of the disc. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S1070-6631~97!02511-7#

I. INTRODUCTION Published results for the added mass coefficient C a vary

slightly, since some authors assume that all bubbles have the
Models of two-phase flow require a constitutive relation same velocity whereas others allow bubble velocities to vary.
for the forces which act between the liquid and gas. An ap- However, Sangani et al.3,7 concluded that results of their nu-
proximation sometimes employed divides the forces into a merical solutions of the full equations were closely approxi-
sum of drag and added mass terms.1–3 The added mass of a mated by the expression
single spherical bubble in unbounded irrotational flow is
well-known,4 and results are available for the added mass of 112 b
a spherical bubble in fluid which is accelerating.4–6 The ra- C a5 , ~3!
12 b
dius of the bubble need not be constant.5 However, few re-
sults are available for the added mass of non-dilute suspen- obtained by Zuber8 using a cell model. Ishii et al.9 performed
sions, and fewer still treat flow in bounded geometries. We time-dependent computations of bubbly flows assuming an
treat analytically an isolated disc accelerating in a pipe, as added mass C a 5112.78b due to Van Wijngaarden.10 Thus
well as a regular array of accelerating discs, in order to ob- there is a consensus of opinion that added mass increases as
tain more insight into this problem. the volume fraction of liquid decreases ~assuming that phase
A review of added mass in non-dilute suspensions is inversion does not occur!. This increase can be thought of in
presented by Sangani et al.,3 who are concerned with small terms of a tighter coupling between the dispersed particles
amplitude oscillatory motion of bubbles. The average hydro- and the liquid.
dynamic force ^ F& per bubble can be written in the form Many multiphase flows are confined to pipes, and only a
few analytic results are available for such flows. Smythe
^ F& 5 21 C a r v b ^ u̇m 2v̇& 1 r v b ^ u̇m & 112p m RC d ^ um 2v& , computed the streamfunctions for inviscid irrotational flow
in a pipe containing either a sphere11 or a spheroid12 ~includ-
where r and m are the density and viscosity of the liquid, R ing the limiting case of a disc!. Cai and Wallis13,14 extended
and v b are the radius and volume of the bubble, um is the this analysis to linear arrays of spheres and obtained added
mixture velocity, v is the bubble velocity, and ^ . & denotes an mass coefficients; they also reported14 the added mass of a
averaged quantity. The added mass coefficient C a , and vis- single disc accelerating broadside in a pipe. We reconsider
cous drag coefficient C d , have been normalized so that they the case of a disc, using methods based on the velocity po-
approach unity as the volume fraction of bubbles b →0. tential, and then study a linear array of discs in a pipe, work-
Equation ~1! can alternatively be written in terms of the av- ing in a frame in which the average mixture velocity of the
erage liquid velocity ^ u& using the relation fluid and particles is zero. Acceleration of the particles leads
to acceleration of the surrounding fluid, and this acceleration
^ um & 5 ~ 12 b ! ^ u& 1 b ^ v& ~2! reaction, which corresponds to the added mass, creates pres-
sure gradients. The net result is a macroscopic pressure gra-
if the volume fraction of bubbles, b , is assumed constant. dient along the pipe. We find that the added mass coefficient
From now on we neglect the viscous drag term, and set the C a ~per particle! increases as the particle size becomes closer
viscosity m 50. to that of the pipe. As the particle number density increases,

Phys. Fluids 9 (11), November 1997 1070-6631/97/9(11)/3141/8/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics 3141

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f ~ r,z ! 5 ( b n J 0 ~ l n r ! exp~ 2l n z ! , ~7!


where the l n are chosen to satisfy

J 1 ~ l n a ! 50, ~8!
FIG. 1. A single disc, of radius R, on the centreline of a pipe of radius aR. thereby ensuring that boundary condition ~6c! is satisfied.
Boundary conditions ~6a,b! lead to

the added mass per particle decreases, because of shielding, 215 (

b nl nJ 0~ l nr ! , 0<r,1, ~9a!
but the added mass per unit length of pipe always increases.
As an additional application of the analysis, we calculate `

the drift of fluid markers disturbed by a steadily translating 05 (

b nl nJ 1~ l nr ! , 1<r<a. ~9b!
disc in a pipe. We are thus able to study the influence of the
pipe walls on the typical magnitude of marker displacement. In order to treat these dual series equations, we follow the
method of Cooke and Tranter,15 as described by Sneddon.16
For completeness we present the most important intermedi-
II. ANALYSIS ate results, beginning with the identity
We first consider the velocity potential for steady invis- J n 12m112p ~ z n ! J n ~ z n r !
cid flow around a single disc of radius R moving broadside (
n51 z 12p J 2n 11 ~ z n a !
50, 1,r<a, ~10!
with velocity U along the axis of a pipe of radius Ra, as
depicted in figure 1; results, calculated using a different where 2 21 < p< 21, n . p21 and the z n are the roots of
method, have been reported by Cai and Wallis.14 In Sec. III, J n (a z n )50. The boundary condition represented by ~9b!
we show how the added mass of an accelerating disc may be may be satisfied if we take n 51 and
evaluated once the velocity potential is known, and numeri- `
J ~l !
cal results are presented in Sec. IV. In Sec. V we consider a l nb n5 (
c m 12p 2

J ~l a!
, ~11!
one-dimensional array of discs placed at regular intervals n 2 n
along the axis of the pipe. The discs have zero thickness, so i.e.,
that the volume fraction of discs within the pipe is always
zero, even though the particle number density is non-zero.
Nevertheless, a suspension of larger and more numerous b n 5 @ l 22p
n J 22 ~ l n a !# 21 (
c m J 2m122p ~ l n ! . ~12!
discs ought to correspond physically to bubbly flows with
increasing volume fraction of bubbles. Finally, fluid trans- An expression for the unknown c m is obtained by substitut-
port, studied via the concept of drift, is discussed for this ing ~11! into ~9a!:
bounded system in Sec. VI. ` `
c m J 2m122p ~ l n ! J 0 ~ l n r !
We assume an irrotational, incompressible flow, with ve- 215 ( (
n51 m50 l 12p J 22 ~ l n a !
, 0<r<1.
locity n
u5“ f , ~4!
Some relations concerning Bessel functions are now required
where the potential f satisfies Laplace’s equation, in order to enable us to eliminate the r-dependence of ~13!.
¹ 2 f 50. ~5! From Sneddon16 ~equations 2.1.19 and 2.1.20!

Lengths are non-dimensionalized by R, and velocities by U.

We use cylindrical coordinates, with r50 as the axis of the
E 0
u 12k J n 12m1k ~ u ! J n ~ ru ! du
pipe and the disc, and with the disc in the plane z50. The
boundary conditions, assuming no flow at infinity, are G ~ n 1m11 ! r n ~ 12r 2 ! k21
5 F m ~ k1 n , n 11;r 2 ! ,
]f 2 k21 G ~ n 11 ! G ~ m1k !
u z5 51, 0<r,1, z50, ~6a!
]z 0<r,1
]f 50, r>1, ~14!
u r5 50, 1<r<a, z50, ~6b!
where F m (a,b;x)5 2 F 1 (2m,a1m;b;x) is the Jacobi poly-
]f nomial.
u r5 50, r5a, all z, ~6c!
]r If we define the Hankel transform f̄ (p) of f (r) by

¹ f →0, z→6`.
We consider the region z>0, and look for a solution of the
~6d! f̄ ~ p ! 5 E 0
r f ~ r ! J n ~ pr ! dr, ~15!

form then the inverse transform is

3142 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone

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f ~ r !5 E 0
p f̄ ~ p ! J n ~ pr ! dp, ~16!
F z5 f 2 f 0 ,
where the subscript z indicates that the potential corresponds

and the Hankel inversion theorem applied to ~14! gives to motion of the disc in the z direction. Note that F z
→2 f 0 as z→`, and F z 50 over the plane external to the

u 2k J n 12m1k ~ u ! 5 E 0
1 G ~ n 1m11 ! r 11 n ~ 12r 2 ! k21

2 k21 G ~ n 11 ! G ~ m1k !
disc. It is clear, by symmetry, that F z (r,2z)52F z (r,z).


3J n ~ ru ! F m ~ k1 n , n 11;r 2 ! dr. ~17!
The added mass of an object moving in unbounded fluid
We also require the orthogonality relation for Jacobi polyno- at rest at infinity is discussed by Batchelor.4 We write the
mials ~see, e.g., Magnus et al.17!,
~dimensional! velocity potential f̃ in the form

E 0
r 2 n 11 ~ 12r 2 ! k21 F n ~ k1 n , n 11;r 2 ! dr f̃ 5RU~ t ! •F~ x2x0 ~ t !! , ~26!
where x0 (t) is the instantaneous position of the center of the
G ~ n 11 ! G ~ k ! body. In the absence of gravitational or other body forces,
5 d . ~18!
2G ~ n 1k11 ! 0n the unsteady form of Bernoulli’s equation ~equation 6.2.5 of
Batchelor4! takes the form
We now multiply both sides of ~13! by r(12r 2 ) 2p
3F j (12 p,1;r 2 ) and integrate to obtain ] f̃ ũ 2 p
1 1 5C, ~27!
G ~ 12 p ! ]t 2 r
2 d
2G ~ 22 p ! 0 j where ũ is the ~dimensional! fluid velocity, and C is a con-
` ` stant, independent of position, if the flow is irrotational.
c m J 2m122 p ~ l n ! J 2 j112 p ~ l n ! G ~ j112 p !
5 ( ( 2 p G ~ j11 ! l 222p J 22 ~ l n a !
. Let S 1 be the surface of the body, with outward facing
n51 m50 n normal n. Again following Batchelor4 ~p. 404!, the hydrody-
~19! namic force F acting on the body in an inviscid flow is

Hence the c m satisfy the linear equations

2 p21 G ~ j11 ! G ~ 12p !
F52 E S1
pn dS5 r E F ]]f̃
S1 t
ũ 2
n dS2 r E S1
Cn dS
2 d ~28a!
G ~ 22 p ! G ~ j112p ! 0 j


( c m n51
J 2m122 p ~ l n ! J 2 j112 p ~ l n !
, ~20!
5rR E S1
~ U̇–F! n dS1 r E S1
@ 21 ũ 2 2U–ũ # n dS, ~28b!
m50 l 222p J 22 ~ l n a !
since in ~28a! the integral of C over the surface of the body
i.e., is zero. The second term on the right-hand side of ~28b!
` corresponds to the force in steady motion, and F–U can be
A jm c m 5B j , j50,1,2, . . . , ~21! shown to be zero either for steady motion in unbounded
fluid, or for motion parallel to the axis of a pipe. The first
where term in ~28b! is the acceleration reaction, G. In the absence
of viscous effects G accounts for the total hydrodynamic
J 2m122p ~ l n ! J 2 j112 p ~ l n ! force acting on the body as fluid surrounding the particle is
A jm 5 (
n51 l 222p J 22 ~ l n a !
~22! accelerated. This acceleration reaction is often called the
n added mass of the particle.
and If a disc of unit radius moves broadside with velocity U
in unbounded fluid, the velocity potential is18,19
B j 522 p21 /G ~ 22 p ! , j50,
50 otherwise. ~23! f̃ ~ r,z ! 5 ~ z cot21 l2 z ! ~ 0< z <1, 0<l,` ! ,
The velocity potential f (r,z) is constant over the plane z ~29!
50, 1<r<a external to the disc. We can evaluate this con- where the oblate spheroidal coordinates l and z are defined
stant f 0 at an individual point, but it is more convenient to by
take the average value
z5l z , r 2 5 ~ 11l 2 !~ 12 z 2 ! . ~30!
f 05
p ~ a 2 21 !
Ef 1
~ r,0! 2p r dr The region l50, 0< z <1 represents the surface z50 of 1

the disc, on which f̃ 522UR(12r 2 ) 1/2 / p . The reaction on

2 b nJ 1~ l n ! a disc of radius R accelerating in the z direction is
52 ( , ~24!
a 21 n51 ln
4 r U̇R 3 1 8 r U̇R 3
G z 52 ~ 12r 2 ! 1/2 2p r dr52 , ~31!
and to work with the velocity potential p 0 3

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone 3143

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as obtained by Lamb18 ~p. 134!.
If the disc accelerates in unbounded fluid, the pressure at
infinity is uniform, but if the disc accelerates within a pipe,
the pressures far upstream and far downstream of the disc
differ. We assume that p→p 1 as z→`, and that p→p 2 as
z→2`. Evaluating Bernoulli’s equation ~27! at z56`
p1 p2
2RU̇ f 0 5 1RU̇ f 0 , ~32!
r r
and hence
p 1 2p 2
RU̇ f 0 5 . ~33!
The acceleration reaction for the disc in a pipe is FIG. 2. The non-dimensional added mass coefficient Ĝ z of a single disc in

E F( G
` a pipe of radius a. ~a! Numerical results; ~b! asymptote ~45! for a21!1,
G z 52 r U̇R 3 b n J 0 ~ l n r ! 2 f 0 2 p r dr ~c! limiting value Ĝ z 58/3 for a disc in unbounded fluid, ~d! n non-
0 n51 dimensional added mass of a single sphere in a pipe.13

54 pr U̇R 3
S D( a2
a 2 21

b nJ 1~ l n !
, ~34!
small for n large. To avoid numerical underflow these func-
and the jump in pressure between z56` is tions are set to zero by S17DEF. The G function in ~23! was
evaluated by means of the NAG routine S14AAF. All the
4 r RU̇ b nJ 1~ l n ! infinite sums are approximated by finite sums, so that ~7!
p 1 2p 2 52 r RU̇ f 0 52 (
a 21 n51
2 ln becomes
Gz f ~ r,z ! 5 ( b n J 0 ~ l n r ! exp~ 2l n z ! , ~39!
52 . ~35!
p a 2R 2 n51

Numerical results will be presented for the dimensionless where

reaction M 21

Ĝ z 52G z / r U̇R 3 . ~36!

b n 5 @ l 22p
n J 22 ~ l n a !# 21 (
c m J 2m122p ~ l n ! ,

The acceleration reaction G z is in the opposite direction to n51, . . . ,N. ~40!

the acceleration U̇: the change in sign in ~36! ensures that The c m are obtained by solving the linear equations
Ĝ z .0. M 21
Smythe12 and Sangani et al.3 discuss the relation be-
tween computations of added mass and of an analogous elec- (
A jm c m 5B j , j50, . . . ,J21, ~41!
trical conductivity problem. Suppose the pipe is filled with
conducting fluid, so that, in the absence of a disc, the elec- where
trical potential is f 5VRz. If an insulating disc of radius R is N
J 2m122p ~ l n ! J 2 j112p ~ l n !
inserted at z50, and the total current remains unchanged, the A jm 5 (
n51 l 222p J 22 ~ l n a !
. ~42!
electrical potential becomes n

f 5VRz2VRF z . ~37! Equation ~41! represents a set of J equations in M un-

knowns. In practice, if we fix N and take M 5J, ~41! may be
Hence the additional voltage drop DV between z56` due solved only for sufficiently small M : the maximum M for
to the presence of the disc is which ~41! may be solved by the NAG routine F04ATF de-
DV52VR f 0 , ~38! pends upon the dimensionless pipe radius a. For the case a
55.0, if we take p50.5 and N51000, then Ĝ z 52.79 for
which corresponds to the resistance of a fluid-filled pipe of
M 5112 and the matrix A is ill-conditioned for larger values
length 2 f 0 R.
of M . If N is increased to 2000, the corresponding values are
M 5156 and Ĝ z 52.73, whereas at N55000, M 5248 and
IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS Ĝ z 52.70. Results were similar for other values of p: p
All Bessel functions were evaluated in double precision 520.5, N55000 leads to Ĝ z 52.70 for M 5248, with A
using the NAG routines S17DEF, S17AEF and S17AFF, and ill-conditioned for M .255.
roots of ~8! were obtained using part of a package of Bessel Figure 2 shows values of Ĝ z as a function of a, which
function integration routines.20,21 Note that, for any given agree with those of Cai and Wallis.14 All results were com-
value of the argument z, the Bessel functions J n (z) become puted with N55000, p50.5 and with M equal either to 300,

3144 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone

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or to the maximum value for which equation ~41! could be
solved numerically. Ĝ z decreases to 2.7 as a increases from
1 to 6. The numerical predictions then increase slowly as a
increases further, rather than decreasing towards the value
8/3 predicted by ~31!. When a550 the matrix A is ill-posed
for M .80. Thus the numerical scheme becomes less satis-
factory as a increases.
When a21!1, the flow into the narrow slit between the
pipe and the edge of the disc may be approximated as that
due to a line sink, restricted to an angle of p /2. The total
~non-dimensional! volume flux due to the motion of the disc
at unit velocity is p , and this flows into a slit of length
p (a11), where we have taken the average of the inner and
outer radii. Hence, close to the slit, the velocity potential has
the form FIG. 3. The axial velocity profile u z in a pipe of radius a51.5 at positions
z5 ~a! 0.01, ~b! 0.1, ~c! 0.2, ~d! 0.5, ~e! 1.0.
f5 ln r s , ~43!
p ~ a11 !
where r s is a radial coordinate local to the slit. If we assume z>0.01 for the velocities presented here. Even so, results
that ~43! holds from r s ;a21 out to r s 51, we might expect were poor on r50, where we cannot rely on the decay of
J 0 (l n r) as l n →`. Figures 3 and 4 show profiles of u z (r) at
2 ln~ a21 ! various axial positions z. Near the edge of the disc the po-
f 0; , ~44!
p ~ a11 ! tential gradient ¹ f has an O(r 21/2
e ) singularity, where r e is
a local cylindrical radial coordinate.19 Hence it is not surpris-
and hence, by ~35!, the acceleration reaction should vary as
ing that the numerical scheme has difficulty in resolving the
4a 2 ln~ a21 ! velocity field in this region.
Ĝ z 52 p a f 0 ;
. ~45! If the fluid velocity around a moving body is known, the
viscous dissipation within the fluid may be computed,
This asymptote ~45! is shown in figure 2, and appears to be thereby giving an estimate of the viscous drag D on the body
satisfactory. Quantitative agreement is improved if a con- for cases in which viscous dissipation in boundary layers is
stant 1.4 is subtracted from ~45!. small ~such as clean bubbles!. For example, if separation
Also shown on figure 2 are results for the acceleration does not occur and flow is irrotational, the potential flow
reaction on a sphere in a pipe, which was shown by Cai and field may be used for such an estimate at high Reynold num-
Wallis13 to be bers. For a spherical bubble of radius R, moving at velocity
U in unbounded fluid with viscosity m , the drag is found4 to
G sphere 5 34 p R 3 r U̇ ~ C Smythe21 ! ,
z 0 be D512p m RU. However, for the case considered here the
where C Smythe
0 is a coefficient computed by Smythe.11,12 The velocity potential f̃ has an O(r 1/2
e ) singularity at the edge of
acceleration reaction on a sphere in unbounded fluid is the disc: this can most easily be seen in the case of a disc
2 p R 3 r U̇/3, and hence, with the non-dimensionalization moving in unbounded fluid ~29!. Rates of strain are
~36! adopted here, Ĝ sphere →2 p /3 as a→`. The acceleration O(r 23/2
e ), and hence the dissipation at the edge of the disc is
reaction on a sphere increases much more rapidly than that
on a disc as the diameter of the pipe approaches that of the
particle. In the case of a translating disc, rapid flow occurs
only in a singular region around the edge of the disc. In the
case of a sphere, rapid flow occurs along the entire length of
the slowly varying narrow gap between the sphere and
We may also compute the velocity field, given by

u z ~ r,z ! 52 (
b n l n J 0 ~ l n r ! exp~ 2l n z ! , ~46a!

u r ~ r,z ! 52 (
b n l n J 1 ~ l n r ! exp~ 2l n z ! . ~46b!

We might expect that ~46a,b! should converge, for reason-

able b n , when z.0. However, convergence appears to be
more problematic on z50. In practice, computations of ve- FIG. 4. The axial velocity profile u z in a pipe of radius a54.0 at positions
locity are best performed for z slightly greater than 0, and z5 ~a! 0.01, ~b! 0.1, ~c! 0.2, ~d! 0.5, ~e! 1.0.

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone 3145

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f 05
p ~ a 2 21 !
Ef a

~ r,0! 2p r dr

4 b nJ 1~ l n !
a 21 n51
2 ( ln
sinh~ l n Z ! , ~53!

and it is again convenient to work with the velocity potential

FIG. 5. An array of discs of radius R, spaced at intervals 2Z along the
centreline of a pipe of radius aR. F z5 f 2 f 0 , ~54!
with F z 50 on z50, and F z 57 f 0 on z56Z.
Note that the mean velocity over the pipe cross section is

not integrable. This serves as a reminder that in practice a
separation is likely to occur at the edge of the disc. 2 p ru z dr

4pr (
l n b n J 0 ~ l n r ! cosh@ l n ~ Z2z !# dr

Suppose we have a regular array of discs, spaced with `

~non-dimensional! separation 2Z ~figure 5!. The radial veloc-
ity will be zero at the mid-point z5Z between two such
54 p a (
b n J 1 ~ l n a ! cosh@ l n ~ Z2z !# dr50, ~55!

discs, and hence, instead of ~7!, we look for a velocity po- where we have used ~8!. Hence, as in Sec. II, we are in a
tential with the dimensionless form frame in which the mean axial velocity of the liquid is zero.
` The discs have zero volume, and hence the mean axial ve-
f ~ r,z ! 52 ( b n J 0 ~ l n r ! sinh@ l n ~ Z2z !# , 0<z<Z. locity of the mixture is also zero.
Taking p 1 as the pressure at z5Z, and p 2 as the pressure
~47! at z52Z, then evaluating Bernoulli’s equation ~27! at z
We must still satisfy the boundary conditions ~6a–c!, and 56Z, r50, gives
hence ~9a,b! are replaced by
ũ 2z p1 p2
` C2 1U ũ z 5 2RU̇ f 0 5 1RU̇ f 0 , ~56!
r r
2152 ( b n l n J 0~ l n r ! cosh~ l n Z ! ,
0<r,1, ~48a! 2
where ũ z is the ~dimensional! fluid velocity at r50,
z56Z. Hence, as in ~33!,
052 (
b n l n J 1 ~ l n r ! sinh~ l n Z ! , 1<r,a. ~48b!
p 12 p 2
RU̇ f 0 5 . ~57!
In order to ensure that ~48b! is satisfied identically, we take 2r
` If the array of discs accelerates, the reaction on each disc is
J ~l !
E F( G
2m122 p n
2l n b n sinh~ l n Z ! 5 c m 12 p 2 . ~49! `
m50 l J ~l a! 1
n 2 n
G z 52 r U̇R 3
2b n J 0 ~ l n r ! sinh~ l n Z ! 2 f 0 2 p r dr
Substituting ~49! into ~48a! we find that ~13! is replaced by 0 n51


( (
n51 m50
c m J 2m122 p ~ l n ! J 0 ~ l n r ! coth~ l n Z !
l 12
n J 2~ l na !
p 2
, 58 pr U̇R 3
S D( a2
a 2 21

b n J 1 ~ l n ! sinh~ l n Z !
, ~58!

and the jump in pressure on r50 between z56Z is

0<r<1. ~50!
Hence, following the steps outlined in ~14–19!, we obtain 8 r U̇R b n J 1 ~ l n ! sinh~ l n Z !
the linear equations
p 1 2 p 2 52 r U̇R f 0 52 (
a 21 n51
2 ln

( A jm c m 5B j ,
j50,1,2, . . . , ~51! 52 . ~59!
m50 p a 2R 2
where Figure 6 shows the dimensionless acceleration reaction
` Ĝ z 52G z / r U̇R 3 as a function of disc separation Z, for the
J 2m122p ~ l n ! J 2 j112 p ~ l n ! coth~ l n Z !
A jm 5 (
n51 l 222p J 22 ~ l n a !
, ~52! cases a51.1, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0. Note that Ĝ z decreases as Z
n decreases, because the discs shield one another. Figure 7
and the B j are given by ~23!, as before. Note that ~52! re- shows similar results for the acceleration reaction per unit
duces to ~22! in the limit Z→`. The potential f 0 over r length Ĝ z /2Z, proportional to the pressure drop per unit
.1 in the plane of the disc is evaluated, as in ~24!, by the length, which increases as Z decreases. Thus the liquid and
integral discs become more tightly coupled, per unit length of pipe,

3146 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone

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FIG. 8. Computation of drift. The disc ~a! is shown in its initial position z
5z 1 ; the broken line ~b! shows the initial position of the marked fluid
particles at z50; line ~c! shows the final position of the marked particles
after the disc has moved off the figure to the right.

Ĝ z pa2
5 2 . ~62!
2Z a 21
The full numerical results agree well with ~62! in the limit
FIG. 6. The non-dimensional added mass coefficient Ĝ z , as a function of Z→0, as indicated in figure 7.
the disc separation 2Z. Pipe radius a5 ~a! 1.1, ~b! 1.5, ~c! 2.0, ~d! 3.0.

when either the diameter of the discs increases relative to If a particle of volume V moves along a pipe of cross-
that of the pipe, or the number density of discs increases. We sectional area A filled with fluid at rest at infinity, the mean
would expect this to be a general feature of suspensions of displacement of the fluid particles will be 2V/A, as dis-
arbitrarily shaped particles. cussed by Eames et al.22 and Benjamin.23 However, the par-
When the discs are very close together, we might expect ticle in some sense carries with itself a volume of liquid
that the fluid between the discs in r,1 will, like the discs, R 3 Ĝ z corresponding to the added mass of the particle; the
have acceleration U̇, and that the fluid in the annulus r.1 background displacement of fluid, away from the wake of
will have a mean acceleration 2U̇/(a 2 21). We assume that the particle, should therefore be 2(V1R 3 Ĝ z )/A. This line
the disc has no mass, so that the force required to accelerate of argument has been used by Kowe et al.24 to discuss the
the disc is equal and opposite to the acceleration reaction motion of bubbles relative to the interstitial fluid, and we
G z . Equating the forces to mass accelerations in a unit cell examine these arguments for the case of a single disc moving
2Z<z<Z, for the central core r,1, in a tube.
We now change to coordinates fixed in space, rather than
2Z pr l U̇52G z 2 ~ p 1 2p 2 ! p , ~60!
fixed in the disc ~as previously!. A line of marked fluid par-
and for the outer annulus 1,r,a, ticles is placed at z50. The motion of the fluid particles is
followed while the disc moves from an initial position z 1
2Z pr l U̇ ,0 to a final position z 2 .0: a marked fluid particle initially
2 52 ~ p 1 2p 2 ! p . ~61!
a 2 21 at (r 8 ,0) eventually moves to (r,d) ~see figure 8!. Marked
particles which are close to the axis of the pipe spend a

FIG. 9. The final positions of marked particles z5d(r), initially on the

FIG. 7. As for figure 6, showing Ĝ z /2Z as a function of Z. Broken lines plane z50, after motion of a disc from z5z 1 52max(20,10a) to z5z 2
indicate the limit Z→0 given by ~62!. 52z 1 . The pipe radius is ~a! a54.0, ~b! 1.5, ~c! 1.1.

Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone 3147

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3148 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 1997 J. D. Sherwood and H. A. Stone

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