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One Mark

1.DefineBronsted acid and base

Bronsted acid is a substance which gives proton (or) proton generator (or) protogenic
where as Bronsted base is proton acceptor (or) takes proton(or) protophilic

2. Define Lewis Acid and Lewis Base.

Lewis acid is a substance which accepts a lone pair of electron and Lewis base is a substance which donates a lone
pair of electron.
The condition for Lewis base is it should have at least one lone pair and for the Lewis acid it should have at least
an empty orbital to accommadate the pair of electrons received

3. What is degree of dissociation ( ) ?

The fraction of number of molecules present as ions is known as degree of dissociation which is
Expressed as
number of molecules present as ions
Degree of dissociation ( ) =
Total number of molecules
4. What is dissociation constant of an acid? How it is used to know acidic nature of an acid?
The equilibrium constant of the dissociation of an acid is known as dissociation constant of
acid(Ka) If Ka has higher value(indicates more dissociation of acid) then it is strong acid where as
weak acid has lower Ka value

5. Define salt Hydrolysis ?

When salt react with water then it is known as salt hydrolysis and after the reaction acid and
base will be generally formed (or)Interaction of anion or cation or both of salt with H+ or OH-or both of water
to give basic acidic or neutral solution.

6.What are buffer solutions?

Buffers are the solutions which resists the change in the PH by the addition of small amount of
acids or bases to it.


1.Explain conjugate acid – base pair with example

Acid and base pair differ by one proton then it is known as conjugate acid – base pair
Eg: HNO3   
 H  NO3

In the above HNO3 is an acid as it gives H+ and NO3-1 is a base as it combines with H+
NO3-1 is conjugate base of acid HNO3& HNO3 is conjugate acid of base NO3-1

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2. Explain amphoteric (or) ampholyte with example

If a substance acts both acid as well as a base, then it is known as amphoteric
For eg: water gives H+ hence it is said to be acid & also accepts H+ ,itis said to be base
 H   OH 1 (acts as acid )
H 2O 
 H 3O  (acts as base)
H 2O  H  

3. Explain PH scale
PH is negative logaritham of H+ so it is expressed as
P H   log[ H  ]  log
[H  ]
If PH = 7 then it is neutral where as acidic solution has PH below 7 and basic solution has PH
above 7

4. Find the PH of 0.005M Ba(OH)2 aqueous solution(assume 100% dissociation)

[OH-1]= acidity x M= 2 x 0.005 = 0.01 = 10-2
KW 1 x1014
[H  ]   1 x1012
[OH 1 ] 1 x102
P H   log (1 x1012 ) 12

5. What is buffer capacity? How is it used to know quality of buffer solution?

Buffer capacity is defined as the number of gram equivalents of acid (or) base that is added to
one litre buffer solution in order to change the PH by one unit. This can be expressed as
number of equivalents of H  (or ) OH 1 added to1litrebuffer
Buffer capacity 
changein P H
If buffer capacity has higher value, then it good buffer where as lower value indicates weak

6. What is polyproticacid ?explain with example

If an acid gives 2 (or) more protons on dissociation, then it is known as polyprotic acid
For eg: H3PO4 is tribasic acid as it gives 3 protons on complete dissociation
 H   H 2 PO4 1 ; K eq  Ka1
H 3 PO4 
 H   HPO4 2 ; K eq  Ka2
H 2 PO4 1 
 H   PO4 3 ; K eq  Ka3
HPO4 2 
generally K a1  K a2  K a3 indicating the dissociation decreases in each step

7. What is common ion effect? How it affects the PH?

When an ion common to weak acid or weak base is added ,the dissociation of the acid or base is further
suppressed this is called common ion effect.Ex:when sodium acetate is added to acetic acid,as per the following
 CH 3COO 1  H 
CH 3COOH 
 CH 3COO 1  Na 
CH 3COONa 

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As CH3COO-1 is common ion, so the concentration of this ion increases, as per Lechatelier’s
principle, the back ward reaction (or) suppression of acetic acid dissociation takes place.
Hence the concentration H+ decreases and PH increases
8. What is solubility product of sparingly soluble salt ? How it helps in precipitation of
For sparingly soluble salt, the solubility is very less and product of concentration of the ions
furnished by the compound in saturated solution is known as solubility product(Ksp)
 Ag  ( aq )  Cl 1( aq )
AgCl( s ) 
For eg:
K SP  [ Ag  ][Cl 1 ]  s x s  s 2
The compound with lower solubility product will be precipitated first than the one with
higher value

Four Mark

1.Explain different types of Lewis acid – bases

Lewis acid is electron pair acceptor where as Lewis base is electron pair donor
Types of Lewis acids:
a.atoms which are in need of electrons to reach stable octet configuration
eg: O, S, Se, Te etc are in need of 2 more electrons to reach octet rule
b. metal ions which are having one / more vacant orbitals
eg: H+, Zn+2, Sn+2, Sn+4 etc
c. Molecules which are electron deficient are lewis acids
eg: BF3, FeCl3,AlCl3, ZnCl2,SnCl2 etc
d. non metal Oxides having multiple bonds act as lewis acids
O  S  O 
eg: CO2 (O  C  O) , SO2( (O  S  O) , SO3
 ||  etc
 
 O 
e. d – block compounds which are having one/ more empty d – orbitals,extend their octet
eg: SiCl4, FeCl3, SnCl4, PCl5 etc
f. The central metal ion of the complexes acts as lewis acid

Types of Lewis bases:

a.anions having one / more lone pair of electrons are electron donors
eg: Cl-1, Br-1. OH-1, O-2,N-3 etc
b. neutral molecules having one / more lone pair of electrons
  
eg: N H 3 , H 2 O, C2 H 5 O H etc
 
c.Neutral molecules with multiple bonds / having  bond
eg: ethylene ( H 2C  CH 2 ) ,acetylene ( HC  CH ) etc
d. All ligands of the complexes acts as Lewis bases

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2. Explain briefly Ionic product of water

Pure water is weak electrolyte and behaves both as weak acid as well as weak base. It ionises as
H 2O  H 2O  
 H3O  OH

As per law of mass action

[ H 3O  ][OH 1 ]
K eq 
[ H 2O]2
As water will not dissociate much, so the active mass of H2O is taken as constant. On rearranging
the expression
Keq [ H 2O]2  [ H3O ][OH 1 ]
As Keq& [H2 O] is constant and product is taken as ‘ KW ‘ which is known as ionic product of
water as it is the product of the ions furnished by the water
Keq [ H 2O]2  KW  [ H3O ][OH 1 ]
In case of pure water, [H3O+] = [OH-1] and at 250C , the value of KW = 1 X 10-14 So
KW  x2 1x1014
Hence [ H  ]  [OH 1 ]  1x1014 1x107 moles / lit

3. The PH of HCl solution is 5.4. what is hydrogen ion concentration ?

𝑃𝐻 = − log 𝐻 + 𝑜𝑟 𝐻 + = 10−𝑃 = 10−5.4
log 𝐻 + = 6.6
𝐻 + = 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖log 𝑜𝑓 0.6 × 10−6 = 3.98 × 10−6

4. Discuss the hydrolysis of salt of strong acid and weak base

Salt of strong acid and weak base are the following examples
NH4Cl, Mg(NO3)2, Al2(SO4)3. ZnBr2 etc
When NH4Cl reacts with water ammonium hydroxide(weak base) and HCl(strong acid) is formed
the mixture will be acidic in nature.PH of the solution is below 7
NH 4Cl  H 2O  NH 4OH  H 2O
If we consider ionic reaction NH 4   Cl 1  H 2O  NH 4OH  H  Cl
 1

As Cl-1 is common ion so NH4+ reacts with water hence it is known as cationic hydrolysis
The hydrolysis constant(equilibrium constant for hydrolysis) is represented as
[ H  ][ NH 4OH ] KW
Kh  
[ NH 4  ] Kb
The degree of hydrolysis is represented as h = K h x C
PH can be calculated by P H  [ P KW  P Kb  log C ]
5. Explain the buffer action using acid buffer as example?
The capacity of buffer to resist the change in PH by the addition of an small amount of acid (or) base is known
as buffer action. In this action strong acid is converted to weak acid (or) strong base is converted to
weak base by the buffer so that the change in the PH is negligible
Foe eg: Acid buffer is acetic acid and sodium acetate(CH3COONa)
When strong acid like’ HCl‘ is added to acetate buffer, it reacts with sodium acetate to gives
weak acid like acetic acid

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CH3COONa  HCl 
 CH3COOH  NaCl
When strong base like ‘NaOH’ is added to acetate buffer, it will react with acetic acid to give
water which is weak base
 CH3COONa  H 2O
So in acetate buffer, acetic acid will take care of base where as sodium acetate takes care of
acid so that the change in PH is negligible when both acid (or) base is added

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