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Communication Studies Department

Master of Science Program in Communication and Leadership


Instructor: Mike Beato Semester: Fall 2006

Email: Schedule: Saturday, 9:00 am - 11:45 am
Voice Mail: 688-6003 Classroom: LY312
Office: LY317 Class Web Site:
Office Hours: By appointment - call
or email to schedule


This course will examine how technology is used in organizational communications.

Although the primary emphasis will be on business communications, we will also
cover how technology has affected home and personal communications.

The main goals will be to help students make informed and justifiable technology
decisions and to communicate these decisions effectively.


The class will consist of both lectures and hands-on sessions in the computer lab. We
will concentrate on four main areas of instruction:

1. Technology Basics -- We’ll cover many aspects of hardware, software,

networking and Internet technology that will help students manage technology-
related resources in their business and personal lives.
2. Evaluation Process -- Students will learn how to evaluate technology products and
services to help make smart purchasing and usage decisions.
3. Communication Software & Services -- We’ll explore the purposes of popular
software products, as well as web-based technologies such as blogging and
4. Technology Discussion Topics:
 Technical Foundations  Information Architecture
 Selecting a Computer  Digital Photography
 Networking Systems  Presentations
 News in the Digital Era  Privacy Issues/Identity Theft
 Internet Use  Technology at Home

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Since technology changes quickly, there will be opportunities during the semester to
discuss technology topics in the news. For example, previous classes have covered the
Y2K problem, the tech-stock roller coaster, technology use in the 2000/2004
presidential elections, and post-911 security measures.


No Textbook. There are no required textbooks for COM603. Instead, research using
Internet web sites, newspapers and magazines will be assigned throughout the
semester. Students will be given written assignments based on this research and will
be expected to discuss the material during class.

Internet Access. Access to e-mail and the Web outside of class is essential. You
must check your Canisius e-mail on a regular basis since assignment changes and
class announcements will be posted regularly. Homework and research using Internet
web sites will be assigned throughout the semester.

Blackboard Access. You must be able to access the class site on the Canisius
Blackboard area located at This is where all
assignments are listed, class documents are available and grades are posted.


Students will be expected to answer questions in writing for most homework

assignments. All writing assignments will be graded based on content, spelling,
grammar and style. You are expected to write in a professional business style.

Assignments are due on the date specified by the instructor. Late assignments may be
accepted -- but lowered one letter grade for each day the assignment is late. However,
it’s always better to turn in an assignment late rather than not at all.

Assignments will be recorded on the class web site at:


There will be several tests given during the semester. A cumulative written final exam
will be given at the end of the semester.

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Each student will receive a Request For Proposal (RFP) describing the technology
needs of a fictitious company. The student will research these needs and prepare a
written recommendation report with their proposed solution. Students will describe
their solution to the class in a brief presentation.


Attendance is expected at every scheduled class. Students are also expected to arrive
on time and stay until class is dismissed. If it is impossible for you to attend a class,
you must notify me by voice-mail (688-6003) or email ( before
class. You will be responsible to find out what was covered in class and what has
been assigned for the next class.


Class discussions are extremely valuable. Each student is expected to contribute

during class by: doing the weekly homework assignments; answering questions
during class; sharing their own experiences with the class; and asking pertinent
questions for all to discuss. You will be graded on your class participation.

A grade for Attendance/Class Participation will be determined by judging your

contributions to class discussions through questions, answers and related experiences.
Attendance and Class Participation are combined into one grade because, by
definition, a student has to attend class to participate in the class.

The actual numeric grade is assigned based on how well a student does over the
course of the entire semester.

Important: Since class lectures are conducted in the computer lab, no student should
engage in instant messaging, text messaging, email, web surfing or any other
computer activity during class lectures unless specifically directed to do so.


Each student is expected to work independently and produce his or her own original
work and writing, unless the assignment is specifically described as a group project.
There is zero-tolerance for plagiarism in this class.

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Your grade is determined using a point system. Each assignment, quiz, test, written
paper, final exam, etc. is worth a certain number of points. Your final grade is
calculated by dividing your total points earned by the maximum number of points.

For example, if you earned 440 out of a possible 500 points, your calculated numeric
grade would be 88% (440 / 500 = .88) -- which would be converted to a B+ according
to the table below:

A 93-100
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D 60-69
F 0-59

Below are the types of activities that will receive grades:

• Assignments, Quizzes and Tests

• Class Participation/Attendance
• Research Project
• Presentations
• Final Exam

Late assignments may be accepted but your grade will be reduced. However, you’re
always better off turning in an assignment late rather than not turning it in at all.


September 9, 16 (no class on Sept. 23 and Sept. 30)

October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18 (no class on Nov. 25)
December 2, 9

Probable final exam date: Dec. 16

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